• Published 7th May 2012
  • 8,401 Views, 385 Comments

Eternal - Path_of_cloud

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Night blanketed the upstairs bedroom of the local librarian, a lilac Unicorn. And in her bed she tossed and turned, attempting to find some peace so that sleep could take her in its gentle embrace. However, reality was cruel, and neither peace, nor sleep was to be found here. Deciding that a cup of tea might soothe her restless mind and anxiety, she got out of her bed. With a soft glow of her horn, she cast a small light across the room, and headed to the door.

In her descent to the lower floor, where the kitchen lay, she noticed a warm emerald glow coming from an adjacent room. The room had once been a spare wing of the library where uncirculated books were stored and a small reading area and fireplace could be found, but now, it housed her assistant and younger brother who had grown too old to share a room with her. She admitted to herself in that moment, that she missed the soft purrs of his snoring lulling her to sleep. Still, the fact remained that she wasn’t the only one who the dark void had refused to take tonight. Forsaking her tea, she headed towards the small room and gently opened the door.

Inside on the floor, facing a fire made of his own flames, laid a purple dragon with green spikes. Without turning around, he addressed his intruder, “Hello, Twilight. Couldn’t sleep either, huh?”

“No,” she admitted, walking towards the fireplace. “It’s funny, I’m utterly exhausted, and yet, I just can’t fall asleep. Mind if I lay with you?”

“You know you don’t have to ask,” he said, allowing her to place herself on the floor beside him.

They stayed together quietly watching the flames dance as if alive.

“So, Spike-”

“I’m afraid, Twilight,” he interrupted, keeping his eyes on the fire.

“… So am I. How could I not be? My brother and his fiancé, my best friend, have to go on this dangerous journey to some far off land, and for what? To prove to some group of dragons, who have never met them, that their love is genuine. And the worst part is, that there is nothing I can do to help them,” Twilight’s frustration shone through in her words as she tried not to scream them out. The day’s disappointment rang true within her. She had used her time with the Princess, as they prepared for the farewells tomorrow would bring, to question them up and down on these trials. However, the information she gleamed was little and most of it useless to helping those closest to her. The Princesses either didn’t know or were sworn to secrecy on every matter she asked it seemed. She had steeled herself to the resignation that she couldn’t go with them, but she intended to help through her secret weapon, research. And all it had achieved was to drive the stake of uselessness further into her, and as it buried itself in her, she felt more and more worthless. It just wasn’t fair.

“What if I fail her? Is it even right to risk her life, our lives, on something like marriage? We could spend our days together as if we were married, even if we weren’t. I love her, and isn’t that enough? But if I really love her, is it so wrong to want it to be official?”

“I don’t know,” she said, depressed and lowering her head into her front legs.

“It’s fine.”

“No, Spike. I mean, I don’t know what it’s like to… love someone. Not like you and Rarity do.”

Spike was gentle with his voice, “Twilight-”

“Spike, do you remember when we first moved to Ponyville?”

“Of course.”

“You took one look Rarity and you were in love just like that. I can’t even imagine knowing from a mere glance that you love someone. I don’t even know what love is, at least not romantically.”

Spike broke out laughing.

Twilight had expected sympathy, encouragement, even pity, but this was… cruel. Here she had laid her heart out in the open, and Spike had just laughed at her.

Spike’s laughter died down as he used a claw to wipe away a tear from his eye. “I didn’t love Rarity as first sight. I obsessed over her, crushed on her. She was so beautiful and perfect like some kind of goddess. I was instantly taken from my senses, but that isn’t love. It wasn’t until you and her became friends that I started spending time with her. I saw her generosity, her creativity, her passion, and her resolve. I saw her obsessing, her dramatizing, her vanity, and her flaws. Rarity is no goddess, she’s just Rarity. And while I might not always agree with her, I love her for everything she is, for who she it. That’s what love is Twilight. It’s not some perfect dream; it’s better, because it’s real. A great catch like you will find that flawed somebody, who you love anyways, one day. And if they don’t treat you right, I’ll barbeque them.”

Twilight smiled coyly before starting, “It seems to me you had your answers all along.”

“Yea, I guess, I did.”

“Thanks for believing in me, Spike.”

“Thanks for listening… But I’m still scared.”

“I know. You should talk about it with Rarity. I’m sure she has her own fears and concerns as well. You two need to lean on each other to get through this.”

“Still as smart as ever. I’m going to miss you."

“Me too.”

Spike looked down, a look of uncertainty gracing his face. “Do you think we could stay like this tonight?”

Twilight snuggled against her brother before responding, “Love to.”

Spike draped his wing over his sister and blew the fire out. Much like when they were kids, the two found comfort in having the other close. In moments their insomnia lifted, and they feel into a deep comfortable sleep on the floor in front of the fireplace.

Across town, in a certain boutique, a similar scene played out. Two white mares, one with purple mane, the other with pink and lavender, laid in an oversized bed. The purple maned one held her younger sister against her, as the younger’s back nuzzled into her.

“Goodnight, Sweetie Belle. I love you,” the eldest sister whispered.

“Love you too, Rarity,” Sweetie Belle murmured as sleep took her, thankful that she asked to spend the night.

The world turned around them as they all slept in what would inevitably be Spike and Rarity’s last night in Ponyville for a while. And it was with some resentment, that Celestia and Luna continued their eternal cycle. Day enveloped night, as light chased darkness from the land, in the never ending flow of time.

Inside the library Spike, Rarity, Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Celestia, Luna, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo stood huddled around one another.

Sweetie Belle wrapped her forelegs around her sister and spoke gently into her ear, “Be safe, okay?”

“I promise,” Rarity replied, hugging her back.

Sweetie Belle reluctantly let go and stepped away. She looked at Spike. “Take care of her.”

“I intend to.”

“And take care of yourself. She loves you, and as far as I’m concerned, that already makes you family.”

Spike grabbed the young mare and gave her a hug. “That means a lot, Sweetie. It really does.”

Managing to escape the admittedly impressive arms of her hopefully soon to be brother-in-law, she headed back to her friends consoling in them.

“Reckon it’s my turn,” Applejack announced, stepping forward into the circle. She gave new meaning to the term bear hug as she grabbed two of her closest friends and squeezed the life out of them. “I’m gonna miss you two round here. And as a temporary parting gift, take my favorite lasso. It’s been enchanted by Twilight herself so it won’t ever break. Now remember, it’s only a temporary gift, and I want it back soon as you two come back ready to be hitched.” She released her friends allowing them to breathe for the first time since she started, and she pulled out the lasso, holding it in her mouth.

“We’ll return it as soon as we get back. I promise, darling.”

Spike gratefully accepted the gift and stored it in his courier’s sack, a backpack like sling that looped around his body from his right shoulder to his left hip. Similar to the saddle bags the ponies used but more balanced when taking to two legs. As an added bonus the sack could be shifted to his stomach allowing him to use his back to carry things, mainly Rarity. It had been a hoofmade gift from Rarity a few years back, and had proven its worth in many of their missions.

“I’ll be back to help on the farm before you know it A.J.”

A.J. took her place back within the circle allowing the next friend to take their turn. And Dash gladly stepped forward to fill the void.

“Can’t believe you two get to go on an epic adventure, and I’m stuck here,” Rainbow Dash pouted.

The sound of A.J. facehoofing could be heard throughout the library.

“But since I can’t come with you, I got you something to help out instead.” She pulled three vials filled with liquid rainbow from under her wings. “It’s hard to come by liquid rainbow with all its powerful magical qualities and what not, but being a Wonderbolt I managed to snag a few bottles from the factory,” Dash bragged, happily admitting to exploiting her freshly gained position. However, circumstances as they were no one reprimanded her not even the Princesses. “This stuff is really potent so be careful.” She handed the vials to Spike, who had them quickly levitated away by Rarity. Who then gave him a, not on your life look.

Spike, more than a little embarrassed about not being trusted to hold the supposedly volatile concoction in front of his closest friends and family, asked, “So, what does it do?”

“Depends how you use it. You’ll find a note attached to one of the vials with the seven possible uses. The most common and well known is spreading it in the air to create a rainbow. Another use is lighting it on fire, it explodes in a giant flash of rainbow light. It’s not very powerful explosive wise, but it will daze or stun anyone who has the displeasure of seeing it,” Rainbow Dash announced with an evil maniacal smile. Obviously, one of her pranks had tested this particular use.

“So be careful, got it,” Spike replied.

Pinkie chimed in, “Don’t drink it though! It tastes horrible.” She gave a quick disgusted look, complete with a gag reflex interpretation.

“Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight,” Dash commented.

Rainbow Dash gave Rarity a quick hug and offered Spike a hoofbump before flying back to her spot.

Pinkie Pie hoped up this round, her normal giant smile adorning her face. “So many gifts, it’s like a birthday party! Except it’s not a birthday party it’s a going away for a little while but we’ll be back as soon as the dragon council says we can get married party! And then we can have a, Spike and Rarity got permission and came back home party! And then a bachelorette party, a bachelor party, a wedding party, all these parties! I can’t wait! I have to start planning right away!”

Spike was having a hard time not laughing; Rarity on the other hand, seemed a little bemused with Pinkie’s antics.

Pinkie appeared between them, and even with a circle full of people watching her, no one had any idea how. She brought her hoof in front of her and motioned across the horizon. “Parties everywhere,” she said sagely. “And of course when you guys get the okay to get married you can use these new handheld party cannons I created to party with them!” Pinkie produced, from not even Celestia knew where, two devices that could only be described as a hand cannon mixed with a party popper.

“Darling, I don’t think these dragons will-”

Spike interrupted, “Thanks Pinkie. I bet the dragons will be thrilled to get a chance to party,” he sounded very truthful, to everyone’s surprise.

“You know me, always bringing the smiles!” She hoped back into her spot and waved her goodbye.

Spike knew he’d find the party cannons in his bag. How they got there, well, he’d probably never really know.

Fluttershy floated softly into the center, awkward silence followed.

Rarity feeling as uncomfortable as everyone else, except Fluttershy, broke the silence, “Thank you for taking care of Opal while we’re away.”

“And Peewee,” Spike added, the phoenix popping out of the back of Fluttershy’s mane at the mention of his name. He had made something of a nest in her long hair and was enjoying the comforts.

“Oh, it’s nothing. I’m just happy I could help. Speaking of helping.” As if on Fluttershy’s cue, Peewee brought forth a medium sized medical kit from her mane. “Along with your normal bandages, sterilizer, and gauss wraps, there are a number of healing herbs along with a pestle and mortar for grinding them if you need to. I placed instruction on identifying the herbs, what to use them for, and how to administer them in the case.”

Spike immediately understood how irreplaceable such a medical kit was on a journey such as this. He knew from his injuries years before that the right tools and medicine made all the difference. Without a moment’s hesitation he placed it in Rarity’s saddle bag. If the need arose or they were separated, it would be better for her to have it.

Fluttershy gave them both a small hug and floated back to her spot in the group.

Twilight, Celestia, and Luna entered together into the middle.

Twilight started, “I’m going to miss you two so much.”

She was quickly sandwiched in a hug between Spike and Rarity.

“We’re going to miss you too, darling.”

“I’ll make sure to write every day,” Spike added.

After few seconds, the three separated. Celestia put a reassuring hoof on Twilight's shoulder to help ease her number one student's sorrow.

“I made these for you both.” She levitated two small glowing diamond necklaces. “These necklaces are enchanted to protect you from harm, but be careful. They don’t work against minor injury, and once the magic is used up they’re useless. Also, they only work for a week before the magic flows out of them.”

“I know this spell!” Rarity exclaimed. “It takes almost a month of pouring your magic into to work. That’s why it’s so uncommon, a month of magic for a week of protections is usually a bad trade. How did you manage to make two? You only found out two days ago.”

“I made them yesterday with Celestia and Luna helping me. Being the Element of Magic has it’s perks, and having two all-powerful Princesses around doesn’t hurt either.”

Rarity looked over the three. For the first time realizing that they all looked very exhausted. She opened her mouth to thank them.

“Don’t even think about thanking us. Just come home safe.” Twilight gave them both one final hug before returning to her spot, leaving the Sun and Moon behind.

“Guess it’s our turn now, sister,” Luna started.

“It appears so.”

“I’ll be going first then. Rarity, I would like to present to you, from the royal vault of magical artifacts secretly hidden under the castle, The Cloak of the Night!” Luna announced proudly, as Celestia face hoofed at her sister’s faux pas on the vault. Luna’s eyes glowed as a bright light summoned a long pure black cloak with silver trim.

“It’s beautiful!” Rarity exclaimed.

“This cloak gives you laser vision!” Luna declared.

“Really!” Rainbow Dash chimed in.

“Pfft, no,” Luna grinned at her small prank. “It does however shroud the wearer in the darkness of the night allowing them to move unnoticed at night, in the shadows, or the dark in general. I made it many centuries ago to pull pranks on the royal flank here. Remember that time I put your hoof in the water while you were asleep.” Luna’s eyes lit up in happy memory. Everyone else was starting to see why Celestia might have been so quick to banish her to the moon.

Celestia’s face was almost entirely red instead of its usual white. “You’re such a kidder Luna, telling them made up stories,” Celestia said, chuckling nervously and in such a way that it was abruptly apparent to all gathered the story was not made up.

“Your turn, Tia,” Luna announced, gently placing the cloak over Rarity and resetting her saddle bag.

“Spike, it is my honor to present to you a symbol of dragon tradition.”

Celestia summoned a long thin box in front of them. She lifted the lid revealing a gold and black scabbard. She proceeded to lift out of the box with her magic and drew the sword. Two emerald green Dao Swords were held flat in front of Spike. Adorning each of the two hilts were four gems, each in the shape and color of cutie marks. One hilt held the gems for Celestia, Twilight, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie. The other had Luna’s, Rarity’s, Fluttershy’s, and Rainbow Dash’s on it. Spike took the sword from Celestia’s magic in awe at the beauty and craftsmanship of the fine weaponry; he also took note of the weight.

“The swords are rarely used for fighting, most dragons preferring their claws and fangs, and are instead more often held as the beginning of one’s true hoard. Often given as proof of overcoming their Greed growth, they are decorated with the symbol of their clan. I waited to give you yours as I felt that you would be more likely to use them as intended then as symbol of your pride, and as such I wanted to see what type of sword would fit you best. These Dao Swords are not two separate swords, but are in fact two halves of the same sword. They are an excellent representation of harmony, and while you carry them you represent the pride and honor of Equestria and the Elements of Harmony. I know you will do us proud.”

The weight the sword carried now seemed much heavier to Spike. Spike knew Celestia’s decision in the dual blade was most likely made in heed of Spike’s ambidextrous skills, something Twilight had trained him in to prevent claw cramps ironically. Still, Spike felt the responsibility such a gift held.

“I cannot thank you enough Celestia,” Spike claimed, awe struck still by the blades and what they represented.

“The dragons use their unique magic to enchant the blades. You will have to have them finished there. Worry not though, I have already informed them of the need, and they will do it as soon as you arrive.”

Celestia gently nuzzled Spike and gave Rarity a hug. Luna, being the incorrigible prankster she was, nuzzled Rarity and hugged Spike. She gently laughed at Rarity’s embarrassed face as she and her sister took their places next to Twilight.

“You will need to be going soon if you are to make it to Draconia in only two days.” Celestia levitated a map over with their route traced out before continuing, “I look forward to your return.”

Rarity placed the map in her saddle bag.

Spike bent down and allowing her to climb on and lay down against his scales. He prepared to take off.

“Spike, remember what we talked about last night,” Twilight reminded him in a, don’t you dare forget voice.

“What’s she talking about, darling?” Rarity asked, clearly confused by the serious tone Twilight had taken.

“I’ll tell you tonight, Rarity. And Twilight, I wouldn’t dream of it.”

“Good to hear! Hurry back so we can have a wedding.”

Spike took off toward the Everfree Forest, but not before turning back so Rarity and he could wave farewell to their friends and family, who all waved back.