• Published 7th May 2012
  • 8,401 Views, 385 Comments

Eternal - Path_of_cloud

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A white hoof reached out in its owner’s sleep, searching for the scaled purple pillow she had fallen asleep with. When it failed to find its target, the sleeping Unicorn began to rouse from her slumber. Her eyes still filled with sleep, she looked for her dragon love without getting up, turning her head this way and that, rolling over here and there. The sound of metal clashing finally entered her mind as she shook the tiredness away and stood up.

Rarity headed towards the sound, drawn on by curiosity, as she headed out the door of their room. Rounding the corner into the large space area the made up the council room, she found the source of the noise.

Spike and Fulcio, who had clearly reduced his size to keep it fair, were in an epic duel as blade met claw with the resounding clash reverberating through the halls. Sparks flew from the contact as the two twisted and swiped at each other. An elegant and beautifully haunting dance as the two warriors ebbed and flowed. Rarity watched in awe as Fulcio’s wings spread open and he ascended to the platforms in one mighty flap. Without missing a beat, Spike sprang forward, his own wings unfurling and throwing him at his opponent. The green dragon’s maw opened spewing yellow flame at the oncoming drake. Spike’s wings shot out in front of him like a makeshift shield, but his forward momentum kept him moving forward. Jumping up, Fulcio dodged the smaller dragon, who nailed the wall instead, hard. Before Spike could even shake his daze, Fulcio’s tail wrapped around his sparing partner’s leg, whipping it out from under him and sending Spike to his back. In an instant, Fulcio’s claws pinned each of the younger dragon’s limbs and his fangs surrounded his victim’s neck, claiming his victory.

Getting off of Spike, he offered his hand to help him up. “You do show potential, young one. It seems that haven been raised by ponies you don’t quite consider your fangs, tail, or fire breath as much as most dragons.”

“I guess not,” Spike sounded downtrodden.

“Don’t feel bad. I’m the Elder of the Clan of Strength; did you really expect to win?”

“I had hoped to…”

“Good, never go down without a fight and always aim for victory. With a little more draconic training and your refined skills from the ponies, you could beat me… in say, five-thousand years… maybe.”

Laughter filled the arena as Spike took the elder’s hand. “Give me a hundred years and I’ll win for sure.”

“We’ll see, whelp, I don’t forget so easily.” His voice rose considerably, “And as for the young maiden you put the extra bit of show on for, why don’t you join me and the boy here in an hour for breakfast. I’d love the chance to get to talk to both of you. Who knows, maybe you two can help me with a certain, playful dragoness.” He sent a wink Rarity’s way.

She was not surprised to have been found out, over the years she had come to realize just how good a dragon’s senses were. “I would be honored to join you two. As for your lady problems, nothing like some good gossip and setting ponies- err, dragons up. Ta-ta! Moi, has to get ready.”

Hanging his head, Spike whispered, “I can’t believe I lost in front of her.”

Fulcio put his hand on the drake’s shoulder. “She doesn’t seem to think any less of you. You choose a good one, bit of a firecracker too, it seems.”

Spike retrieved his swords and took his stance. “You have no idea. Now, en garde!

It only took almost the entire hour to bathe, style her hair, and do her make up, but to Rarity it was always worth it. She took a look in the mirror; the mare staring back at her seemed older than she remembered. The stress this was putting on her was killing her complexion, and the first test had not helped at all. It was a miracle her coat had not gotten burned and singed with all that fire, but if that was what it took to be with Spike, so be it! She would sacrifice her mane and coat forever to be with him; though, she really hoped that would not be necessary.

She got up and headed out to meet Spike and Fulcio. At some point, Spike must have stopped by for she found a note with instructions on where to meet them. Interestingly enough, she found her way further into the cave system. The halls often had gem clusters here and there reflecting light and crafting a strangely mesmerizing show with the refraction. As she rounded the bend, she gasped. The tunnel opened up into a giant, beautiful, underground city. Her eyes roamed all over the marvelous stone pillars and shops that seemed to fill the enormous cavern. Dragon architect was so elegant and incredible, obviously a reflection of their fine taste in treasures. The most amazing thing was a diamond cluster the size of a full-grown dragon that hung from the ceiling. Beams of light came off of it creating an artificial day, but she had no idea where the source of light itself was.

Giddy as a school filly, she rushed to meet the two dragons, admiring the strange city as she strode down its streets. She passed a number of dragons, occasionally receiving a curious glance before it was shrugged off and they returned to their business. Here she was an oddity… like Spike had been his entire life among ponies. There had been ponies that ran from Spike upon seeing him, until his situation was explained and his friendliness guaranteed. The dragons only saw her as a pony, considering the Kirin Clan, only a little uncommon and in no way concerning. Spike had been seen as a threat… a monster… he had always shrugged it off but she had seen the hurt in his eyes it caused. Maybe she was an outsider here, but she was shown as much respect as any of the dragons showed each other, even receiving the occasional hello or good morning. The dragons were surprisingly considerate and welcoming of her presence… something she feared the ponies would never fully be of Spike. Before she could dwell further on her thoughts, she noticed Spike waving her over to what appeared to be a café, Fulcio next to him.

“Good morning, beautiful.”

She blushed slightly as she trotted up to the table. “Such a charmer.”

There were tables of many sizes, obviously for dragons in different stages of their growths, and each appeared to be made out of solid, black granite. Theirs was the smallest sized but each one was a masterpiece. Her attention turned to the other dragon. “This city is simply marvelous. It’s like a giant work of art from the design to the execution.”

Fulcio smiled. “It pleases me to hear that. You see, many members of the Council of Elders actually took part in building the city. Niveus was one of the main architects. The Gifted Breath Clan is known for their creativity, and Niveus especially has an eye for the grand and breathtaking, ironically. That diamond above was all his idea, and he’ll never let us forget it. Aduro was one of the stone cutters; his team would use precise, superheated fire to carve the raw blocks of stone out of the mountains.”

Before he could finish a light blue dragoness walked up, about Spike’s size. “Welcome, here are your menus, two dragon and one pony. Feel free to take your time and just motion or call for me.”

“Thanks, Sapph. Tell Garble I said hi.”

“Of course, Uncle.” She hurried off to help other customers as the two gawked at Fulcio.

“They’re a cute pair. Continuing with my story-”

“Wait! Is that the dragoness Garble talked about at the migration?”

“Probably, now if we can get back to-”

This time Rarity interrupted. “She’s so beautiful. I bet her scales shine in the sunlight.”

“Yes, yes they do. Now if you’re done-

“Wow. Garble doesn’t fail to impress. She seems nice… I bet that’s why he’s mellowed out!”

“Indeed, Darling.”

“CAN I FINISH THE DAMN STORY?” All eyes were on the green dragon. “Sorry, everyone.” He looked at the two sharing a table with him. “Apparently, patience does not come with age, my apologies.”

Rarity was the first to recover, a shamed expression on her face. “No apologies needed, we were being rude interrupting like that. It was most unladylike and ungentledrakely. Please, continue.”

“Where was I…? Oh, yes! The city project was where I first met Arcanea. She was part of the teleportation chain for the minerals and I was digging out the cavern with the rest of my crew. She could make a full grown dragon cry; I was stricken instantly.” He stopped his story and waved his niece over, letting everyone order. “When we started building the structures I saw her more and more… Occasionally making up excuses just to visit her, they were good times. I watched her and her mystics use a protection spell on the diamond above us as the Fire Clan melted holes through the mountain to let the light in. Rarely have so many dragons come together for a single goal. Even though we tend to be a secluded race, this city stands as a symbol of our unity. There are relatively few dragons that live here, but there are quite a few who come to shop and visit. Not like the migration but still more than you can find anywhere else usually.” He finished his reminiscing full of pride at the great feat.

The food had come just as the story completed.

Rarity was quite pleased when the salad she ordered arrived, partly expecting it to be filled with gems but finding none, along with a glass of lemonade. “How long ago was that?”

The green dragon placed his claw on his chin in deep thought. “I think… five thousand years, maybe.”

Her hoof pounded against her chest as she tried to stop from choking. “Five thousand years!?!”

Nonchalantly sipping his own drink, a ruby ice tea, Fulcio waved it off dismissively. “It’s not like we can all do it in a few years. Us older dragons prefer it slower.”

Spike was quick with a quip, “Can’t get her to give you the time of day.”

“Not for the life of me.”

“Yeah, I know how that is. I mean, try to save her from diamond dogs, help out all the time at her store, give her a gem the size of your head, and nothing works till you rampage around town destroy it.”

For his behavior Spike received, the look.

“I’m just playing.” He chuckled nervously.

Rarity shook her head with mock disappointment. “Well, perhaps she is just waiting for you to ask her out seriously. You two are quite the… rambunctious pair, and a little seriousness could be just what she needs to see that you’re genuinely interested in being her drake.”

“I suppose… Enough about my relationship issues; is there anything I can help you two with?”

Finishing his meal, Spike turned to Fulcio. “Could you tell me more about the clans?”

“And how whelps are raised?” Rarity added.

“Excellent questions! And they even meet up nicely. You see, once a whelp is around six they’re taught about the world around them, general knowledge. Some are taught by their reclusive parents and others are brought to this city or one of few others to learn from a teacher. I believe this would be comprisable to school in pony society. Once a drake or dragoness is in their teenage years, decided by when they have their greed growth, they are tested in the ways of the four clans by us elders. Depending how they score, they are moved into the clan that fits them best. They are taught by some of the clans greatest members to master their skills. Often, an adolescent dragon will come to live within something of a clan group during this time of their lives, returning to their parents from time to time.”

“Like Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns during the high school years, it becomes a boarding school.”

“I’ll take your word on it. Once a dragon is considered skilled enough, they become a full member of the clan. This can take ten to a hundred years. At this point, if one shows enough talent, they can seek admittance into another clan and repeat the process. It is quite rare for a dragon to be of one clan, even among the elders. Niveus is of the Gifted Breath first and the Fire Clan second. I am of the Fire Clan myself as well as the Strength. Arcanea is a master of the mystic arts and the Gifted Breath styles. Only Aduro is of a single clan among the elders, and the old drake could easily gain admittance into any of the four clans. According to him, by staying of one clan he feels obligated only to them, dragonkind as a whole, and his majesties. Hogwash if you ask me. And finally, Adamo is obviously in the… unique, Kirin Clan, but before that he was a Fire Clan drake and a brother of mine in the Clan of Strength. Eventually, most dragons move away, start their own horde, and come around rarely, but some stay and live here. You’d be wise to remember that all dragons are connected in here,” he placed his hand on his chest, “by our eternal flame.”

Spike placed a claw over his own fire and solemnly whispered, “I see.”

Getting up suddenly, Fulcio began walking away. “I’ve taken enough of your time with an old dragons rambling and nostalgia; go enjoy the city before the next challenge. Do yourselves a favor and take in as much as you can; after all, your next trial was created by the drake who lead the design for it. Any insight is useful. Oh, and as thank for hearing me out and talking romance with me I’ll let your questions be a freebie, you can ask another for your reward.” And with that, he was gone.

It hit Spike, “Wait, did he just walk off without paying?”

Thankfully, Sapph, as Fulcio had called her, was standing behind the old dragon’s seat. “The Elders have their own tabs and agreements with most of the owners around here. Rest assured, your meal has been taken care of.”

Slowly and with a sly smile on his face, Spike started, “So you’re the one Garble has a thing for.”

The dragoness’s face lit up, becoming a dark almost purple blue. “I-I have to go deal with other customers thanks-for-coming!” Quick as a whip, she was gone.

Rarity had to hide her laugh behind her hoof. “That wasn’t very nice, Spike.”

He got up and offered her his claw. “Maybe not, but it was funny.”

She took it, appreciating the gentledragon gesture, and started leading the way down the street, Spike close beside her. “Okay, I’ll give you that, but try to behave. We are guests in this amazing city, after all.”


“And stop impersonating Big Mac.”

“I just miss them… I guess this is what being away from your family feels like.”

Rarity looked around, feeling butterflies in her stomach. Her loving drakefriend had never really known any family outside their friends. Yet, here they were, in a city of dragons that were all connected to on another in some way. “Say, Spike, what would you think of vacationing here sometimes?”

She saw him grin that big, goofy grin of his. “I think I’d like that… Once we get past the whole deadly trials traumatization thing, of course. Twilight would love this place, Dash would challenge the Strength Clan’s flyers to races, Pinkie would be thrilled to meet so many new dragon’s, Applejack… she’d find something to do I’m sure, and Fluttershy- She would probably have a heart attack being surrounded by this many dragons.”

She could not help but giggle softly. “Well I meant just the two of us, but I think you’re right, we should bring the other girls along next time.”

“Right! And of course after this we’re honeymooning somewhere with a nice beach and a lot of sun! Oh, and delicious-tasting, fruity drinks.”

She snuggled up to him and sensually whispered into his ear. “As long as you don’t plan on leaving the room much.”

“Have I told you how much I love you yet?”

It was corny and in response to a sexual comment, but it still made her heart race and her body warm up. “Yes, but don’t ever stop.”

And the betrothed couple started their exploration of the magnificent city of dragons.