• Published 1st Sep 2014
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The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Tools: Fastoon

Due to the ramshackle construction of the pod, conversation while inside it was impossible, since all three passengers had to be strapped in so tight for safety that they could feel every shake of the pod. On top of that, there were only two sets of safety harnesses, so Clank had to stay strapped to Ratchet's back or bounce around the cockpit randomly. As a result, he was unable to tell either of them what he had learned about Planet Fastoon until after they'd landed rather heavily.

As they stepped out of the pod, they stared around in dismay. "Mommy," Twilight whimpered, "I thought you said this was a Lombax planet..."

"Yes," Clank replied sadly. "Was. The records show that it was deserted ages ago. No explanation was given."

"But...it looks like this place was attacked from space," Ratchet moaned, staring about at the devastation. "I was...hoping I could...I could..."

Twilight sorrowfully walked over to Ratchet, nuzzling him. She knew exactly what he had been hoping. He'd promised her long ago to help her find her homeworld, her people. He had been hoping he would find his here.

Mustering his sorrow and stroking Twilight's neck comfortingly, Ratchet did his best to observe his surroundings objectively, trying to find something useful. His eyes fell on an old red ship, looking not much larger than their own back in Solana, but much more advanced, if derelict. "Clank, Twilight, look! It's an old ship!"

Twilight immediately rushed to the ship, using her magic to lift the entire thing out of the ground it was partially embedded in, extending the landing gear and setting it down gently. "It's a bit damaged...but I think we can fix it up if we can find the right components!" She examined the sides. "It looks like there's writing here, but...I can't read it!"

Twilight and Clank both approached. "It...it looks familiar..." Ratchet murmured.

"According to my database, it is Lombax writing," Clank informed them. "However, I do not have a translation index for that language-"

"I do!" Twilight called out happily. "It's one of the things I downloaded for later perusal back in the Hall of Knowledge!" Tapping away at her console controls on one foreleg, she called up the program in question. "Hmm...over here it says 'Aphelion'..." She wandered over to the other side. "This one says Angel..." She climbed into the cockpit after forcing it open. "There's a serial number here...and some papers in the glove compartment, but it's locked...was locked." There was a click as she popped the lock. "Let's see what this says...Experimental Ship Project Angel Seed?"

"What's that?" Ratchet asked, climbing up after her, Clank right behind him.

"Apparently this ship was a prototype built by a Lombax scientist, given a ship not just an Artificial Intelligence, but an Artificial Soul...capable of all the thoughts and feelings of a living thing, and the instincts of one as well. To the point where the auto-pilot could react at computer speeds, but with the gut reactions of an organic pilot. It was supposed to be the first step in breaching the life boundary between organic and technological!"

Clank and Ratchet's jaws dropped in awe at the sheer scope of such an undertaking...Clank's jaw more literally than Ratchet's. He promptly bent over to pick it up and reattach it.

"Does it say anything about who built it?" Ratchet asked.

Twilight quickly scanned the papers. "The head of the project, and the owner of this ship, was...Kaden Gyro. It lists his family here, too. Wife, Vashiir Gyro, son..." Twilight stared at the name, and the translation. "Daddy...this was your Father's ship..."

"My...Dad's?" Ratchet asked, stunned.

Clank did a quick scan of the ship. "Ratchet, Twilight, there appear to be six components missing for interstellar flight. I have uploaded the data on the missing components to your nav-unit, Ratchet. You should check to see if it can pick up the components - or viable substitutes - in our area. Either way, we should be quick to collect them. Tachyon will have the pod's flight codes before too long."

Nodding, Ratchet checked the scans. "...yes, they're all in the area," he confirmed. "If we can get them all, I can fix her."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Twilight demanded. "Let's go!"

Five of the six flight components were relatively easy for the group to find, scattered around the ruins for the taking. Amidst the journey, however, they received a somewhat confusing message.

"Congratulations!" the Nav-Unit chimed out. "You have received an Interstellar Holo-Vite from-"

"Sergeant Sparkle!" Qwark's voice rang out, leading Twilight to face hoof.

Once all five readily available components were acquired, however, a conundrum arose. According to scans, the sixth was within the Raritanium mine, which - due to a collapse - did not have an entrance large enough for Ratchet. However, it was large enough for Twilight to squeeze through.

"You get to work on the ship, Daddy," Twilight instructed. "Mommy and I can find the last component between us."

"Okay," Ratchet agreed. "Be careful."

As he turned back to the ship, however, he worried. Ever since they'd arrived in Polaris, Twilight had changed. While she had readily embraced Clank as 'Mommy' back when she first determined the little robot filled that role, she had started calling him by name again six months before Tachyon's invasion of Metropolis. Now, however, she was calling Clank 'Mommy' at every opportunity. Ratchet worried it might be because, at some level, she was feeling insecure.

He tried to push those thoughts aside as he got to work on the ship.

Once inside, Clank and Twilight were immediately confronted by several of the 'tiny magic time bots', as Ratchet had dubbed them. "Do not be afraid," they all said together to Clank. "We are here to help you destroy it."

"That's hardly comforting," Twilight commented dryly. "What is 'it', and how do we know we even want to destroy it?"

"I second those questions," Clank agreed.

"We have a lot to show you," the bots chorused as though neither of them had spoken.

Twilight glowered. "Answer our questions already! What are you?"

"We are Zoni," they chorused. "Keepers of Time."

Twilight blinked. "Alright. And what about our other questions?"

"You are not ready for those answers," the Zoni chorused. "You will discover the answers in time, and through discovery understand them much better. Worry not. Discovery will come in plenty of time to act on knowledge."

Twilight didn't like being stonewalled like that, but Clank was nodding along in agreement, so she was forced to accept it.

Early on in the journey through the mines, the Zoni unlocked an ability in Clank he hadn't even been aware of: the ability to slow down time. Much to the Zoni's surprise, if Twilight focused her magic when Clank activated this ability, she was able to move through the slowed time as readily as he was, though she wasn't able to cast any other spells or even use her telekinesis, relying on armor mounted weaponry for defense. Between that, her flying, and the other things the Zoni could do to the environment on a command from Clank, they were able to get through the Raritanium Mine without much trouble.

However, towards the end, the Zoni poured much of their energy into Clank, proclaiming, "They will return!" before vanishing, leaving the final Flight component behind.

"Mommy?' Twilight asked worriedly as Clank collected the component. "Who is they?"

"I do not know," Clank replied. "However, I fear we will know all too soon. For now, let's get back to Ratchet."

They found Ratchet working on the ship when they returned. "Found the last part?" he asked.

"Yup!" Twilight replied as Clank handed it over.

"Alright!" Ratchet cheered. "Just one last connection here, and..." As he installed the part, the ship came to life. "Yes! It's working!"

The ship lifted itself into the air. "Miserable little Drophyds!" the ship snapped angrily in a distinctly feminine voice. "I can't believe they used Seeker Ammo! Oh what a bunch of cheats!"

"Aphelion?" Ratchet called out. "Do you function?"

The ship paused, spinning to face Ratchet. "Daddy?" the ship asked. "Is that...no, you aren't Daddy. You're too young...who are you?"

"I'm Ratchet," he replied. "Kaden was my Father..."

"Was?" Aphelion asked. "Oh, then...he had to use that plan..." The ship seemed to sag in the air before brightening up. "Thanks for repairing me, Ratchet! It looks like you grew up to be every bit the tech and hero Daddy hoped you'd be."

"Can...can you tell me about him?" Ratchet asked hopefully. "I...I never got the chance to know him..."

"I'm sorry," Aphelion apologized. "My scanners indicate that Tachyon is still at large, and I've been hardcoded not to discuss certain things as long as he's a threat. I can't tell you about him just now." Seeing Ratchet hanging his head, the ship floated closer to him. "Though I can tell you one thing that will help you know him."

"You can?" Ratchet asked hopefully.

"Yes. Look in the mirror. You're every inch his son."

As Ratchet marveled at that thought and Twilight smiled proudly up at him, Clank quizzed Aphelion regarding Emperor Tachyon, the Drophyds, and the Lombaxes. Unfortunately, the more useful information Aphelion contained was under the hardcoded seal to not discuss. In fact, had Ratchet been unable to confirm that he was Kaden's son, she would have claimed to not even possess the information.

"Can you play this Holo-vite we just received?" Clank asked at last.

"Of course!" Aphelion replied. "I am equipped with an HD-47 Optical Holo-screen. A bit beyond the tech of that message, but I can adapt. Hop in."

With the cockpit opened once more, the trio eagerly hopped in. The Holo-vite proved to be Captain Qwark doing a voice over invitation/advertisement for Tachyon's preferred Arena, the Imperial Fight Festival on Planet Mukow.

"Planet Moo Cow?" Twilight asked in disbelief.

"Actually, it's Mukow," Aphelion corrected. "Though I do understand the phonetic frustration. I have the coordinates in my database."

The end of the message played. "Offer only valid for fuzzy, long eared orphans, their tiny robot companions, and fluffy pony super geniuses. And yes, you're fluffy, I've seen what you look like after drying off but before combing your fur."

Pouting, Twilight blew a raspberry at the screen, which caused Ratchet, Clank, and Aphelion to all laugh. "That was Captain Qwark," Clank pointed out.

"Which means it's probably a warning about a trap," Ratchet indicated.

"So we should go spring it, then?" Twilight asked. "From the sound of that, BBBFF's doing some undercover work, ingratiating himself with Tachyon so he can feed us information, and this is the only way he could manage to get in contact with us."

"I'll set a course then, shall I?" Aphelion offered, plotting the course.

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