• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,108 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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4-gotten: Victims

The four eagerly followed Susie's balloon, hoping to make it to the village soon. Twilight couldn't help but notice how...dilapidated everything appeared as they continued.

"It's not much to look at," Susie admitted, apparently anticipating Twilight's thought process. "Our last village was a lot nicer, but you know what ran us out of the woods."

"Umm...?" Twilight began, not entirely sure she was following what Susie was saying.

"I gotta go land my balloon," Susie replied, not noticing Twilight's confusion. "I'll be right back." With that, she took off ahead of the group.

The four moved onward along the only path in silence. Even the prospect of a new weapon available from Grummel-net - a Dopple-banger, an upgraded version of the Decoy Glove - didn't raise any spirits. The village itself was...a wreck. What huts were there were on the verge of falling apart, and the few civilians were struggling to keep life together. Three were trying to roast a creature over a spit, hoping it would cook well...and hoping it would agree with their digestive tracts.

"Is it done yet?" one asked worriedly.

"No idea," another replied. "I've never seen anything like it, so I have no idea how to cook it."

"Can...can we even eat it?" a third asked hopefully.

"If we can't, we starve anyway," the first grumbled. "I'll see what I can do to make it taste good."

"At least it'll taste better than the old shoe we split last week..." the youngest murmured hopefully.

Twilight simply stared at them for a long time, barely able to wrap her mind around the very idea of such desperation. Focusing her magic, she scanned the civilians and their catch. She then did a quick sweep of the area, and walked over to a nearby tree, ripping the bark off of it. She then quickly wrapped it around the catch. "The bark will leech the toxic elements from the meat," she explained. "When it falls off in ashes into the fire, the toxins will be gone and you can eat-" She paused in her speech as she saw Nefarious at the other end, stuffing some local grasses and mushrooms into the creatures maw.

"These should add some flavor," he explained. "I've made sure they won't cause any digestive issues with you, though I'd recommend not eating the grasses, and only the white mushrooms once it's cooked."

Alister, meanwhile, had knelt down near the youngest, pointing out various plant life. "Coloration plays a big part in identification of toxic plant life," he explained. "Avoid bright colors. The muted colors might not taste very good, but they'll be safe to digest."

Qwark had approached the oldest civilian, pulling out what looked like strangely configured binoculars. "Here," he said softly, handing them over. "Gadgetron scrounger goggles. Load up a sample of your DNA, and look through them at anything. It'll tell you if you can eat it without getting sick or poisoned. Use the button to snap a picture, and it'll print out how to prepare it."

As the four received their thanks and progressed on, all was silence. After a time, Nefarious noticed a few odd looks he was getting. "There's a difference between evil and heartless," he grumbled out.

"You've conquered before," Twilight pointed out. "The Fongoids of Zanifar?"

"Other than being locked up, did they look like they were under any hardship?" Nefarious countered. "Uncomfortable? Malnourished? Sleep deprived?"

Twilight thought back to Zanifar. "Hmm...now that you mention it...no."

"Still, I'm surprised their situation brought empathy out of you so quickly," Alister pointed out, jerking a thumb back towards the civilians they'd helped.

"I was a college student once," Nefarious replied readily. "Too well off for hardship scholarship, not high enough grades due to Qwark for a scholastic one, not physically fit enough for a sports scholarship."

"Ah," Alister replied understandingly, and said no more on the subject.

The group continued through the cobbled together village, hearing the complaints of the civilians, of the homes and memories lost, of the lives destroyed. All four grew more and more tense as they continued.

Before long, they heard Susie's voice again. "Initiating landing protocol! All cadets, clear the runway!"

All four paused, looking up to see the balloon coming in for a landing...only for a large Gravoid to grab hold of it and start carrying her off. Twilight spread her wings to race to her rescue, but warper minion bots appeared in the path, forcing the group to take the long way there...however short it was with Nefarious charging forward with his laser chainsaw extended, splitting any bot he came across down the middle. Twilight stayed close over his head, fully intent on obliterating anything that got in the way of her saving Susie.

Alister and Qwark raced along behind. "You get the feeling they don't really need us here?" Alister asked softly.

"I've felt like a fourth wheel on a tricycle ever since Twilight first started trying to include me in the heroics," Qwark replied easily. "Ratchet, Clank, Twilight...between the three of them, there is nothing in the universe that can stand against them."

"Then...how come you're always so eager to go along?" Alister asked curiously.

"Who wouldn't want to be along on one of those adventures?" Qwark countered logically.

Alister glanced around at the world around him. "I...guess I can't argue with that." He glanced back towards the civilians they'd helped. "...not at all..."

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