• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,158 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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4-gotten: The Interview

Orvus leaned back with a smile as he settled into his favorite easy chair, turning on the galactic viewer to actual HV for the first time in ages. He'd finally caught up on everything he'd missed in the two years he hadn't been in the normal space time continuum for, and things in the Great Clock had finally quieted down enough that he could watch some holo-vision uninterrupted. Sigmund was skilled enough to handle the Clock without Orvus looking over his shoulder 24/7, Kaden, Vashiir, and Alister proved to be competent help in their own right - as long as Vashiir or Alister kept an eye on Kaden - and most of the other guests had left for one reason or another.

As the screen turned on, the channel logo zoomed in. "Good evening," a voice greeted from the television. "I'm Kip Darling, and you're watching continued coverage of...the search for a supervillain!"

As this was followed by an artistic representation of Dr. Nefarious, Orvus decided to stay tuned in, just to see what was on. As the screen shifted to show two figures he knew quite well, he chuckled. "This will be fun to watch."

"Joining us via satellite," Kip Darling continued, "are Ratchet and Clank, two of the heroes who defeated Dr. Nefarious over two years ago. Ratchet, Clank, thank you for coming."

"Thank you for having us, Kip," Clank replied, settling easily into his chair as Ratchet flopped into his own, his whole frame projecting exhaustion.

"First he was dead," Kip began. "Then he was status unknown. Now authorities have upgraded Dr. Nefarious to Alive and At Large. Will Ratchet and Clank join the search team?"

"I'm afraid I'm not available for any heroing anytime soon," Ratchet mumbled, rubbing his forehead and yawning.

"We've, uh, noticed you seem unusually tired," Kip Darling spoke up. "Are you unwell?"

"Oh, I'm fine," Ratchet replied. "I've just...well, I have three beautiful ladies in my life, all of whom I care deeply about and who care deeply about me...and each other."

"I believe I speak for the entirety of our male viewership when I call you a lucky dog-er, cat," Kip replied. "But how does this explain your exhaustion?"

"All three of them are...exceptionally eager to give my recently ressurected parents the extra grandkids they desperately want," Ratchet explained.


"Twilight did it, do not ask," Clank explained.

"Right," Kip agreed. "Still, I'm not sure-"

"All three of them want to be first to grant my parents' wishes," Ratchet explained wearily. "...got any painkillers and energy drinks?"

"I...take it your lady friends are...exceptionally energetic?" Kip Darling asked worriedly.

"Any further details and you could not broadcast for general audiences," Clank translated.

"Right!" Kip agreed. "I can fully understand why this has left you with no energy for saving the universe, and I'm sure we'll all be better off one day from your efforts to restore the Lombax race."

"No need to make it sound so noble," Ratchet grunted, a smile on his face. "It's not like I'm not enjoying it..."

"Moving right along!" Kip continued on screen as Orvus howled with laughter from watching. "I take it you will be counting on your adopted son, President of the Universe Qwark to handle the hunt for Nefarious?"

"Between him and his sister, Nefarious is as good as found," Ratchet mumbled.

"We have utmost confidence in the President and Vice President," Clank confirmed. "We believe it is time and past that they step out from under our shadow as heroes in their own right."

"Yeah..." Ratchet agreed. "They won't rest until Nefarious is captured, knowing Twilight."

"Which reminds me," Clank added. "I'll need to arrange for someone to make certain Twilight doesn't overdo it...again."

"Speaking of which, let's check in with President Qwark and Vice President Twilight...at the presidential compound in Meridian City!"

As the camera view shifted, President Qwark could be seen...slumped over his desk and snoring away, with Twilight curled up on his back adding her own cute snores to the cacophony.

"Hmm...maybe we shouldn't disturb them..." Kip Darling began.

At the sound of that voice, Twilight raised her head. "Oh...right...Search for Supervillain interview..." She hopped down from Qwark's back onto the desk, brushing off her tiny business skirt-suit before nudging Qwark. "BBBFF, interview time."

"But you said we could take a nap since we got ahead in the paperwork..." Qwark grumbled. "We pulled an all-nighter balancing the inter-galactic budget to cover all new programs and clear out half the standing deficit..."

"And now we get to tell people what a good job we're doing," Twilight explained, rubbing her eyes.

"Oh! Right!" Qwark sat up, quickly clearing the sand from his eyes and smoothing his own business suit. "Is there something we can do for you?"

"The Polaris Defense Force claims that Lawrence escaped with Nefarious before the destruction of his space station," Kip Darling began.

"This is true," Qwark confirmed. "Nefarious did indeed escape from the station alive. We're aware of this, and have plans for handling him if and when he strikes again."

"If and when he strikes again?" Kip Darling asked, surprised. "What about measures to track him down?"

"None whatsoever," Qwark affirmed.

"...don't you think that's highly irresponsible?"

"Let me handle this one," Twilight began. "This policy was my idea, after all."

"So you do have a plan then, Vice President Twilight?" Kip inquired.

"Of course!" Twilight replied. "After careful analysis of Nefarious and Lawrence' psychological profiles, I've come to the conclusion that neither will do anything to damage the infrastructure of any galaxy unless they can do so in a spectacular manner, drawing attention to the fact that it's Nefarious behind it. As such, the priority is the construction of emergency instantaneous transmission ports at all population centers to allow for heroes or troops to be deployed immediately to any world the moment it comes under attack by Nefarious." She glanced away. "While the theory is sound and practical applications of such methods have been proven to work...stabilizing the devices for such long range transportation is proving a bit more difficult."

"Well...it certainly seems like you know what you're doing," Kip Darling replied. "Can we count on you to be on the scene should Nefarious once more engage his hostile endeavors?"

Twilight rubbed her chin. "Well, I'm not sure. Someone has to mind the store after all..." She shrugged. "However, I guarantee, should Nefarious rise again, he will be dealt with in the most effective and efficient manner available."

"Thank you, Vice President Twilight," Kip replied as the screen went dark. "Coming up...ten million ways your loofa sponge...can kill you!"

Chuckling, Orvus turned off the viewer. "500 bolts says Nefarious makes a move before the month is out," he joked.

"Sucker bet," Vashiir replied from nearby, smirking.

Author's Note:

There will be a blog regarding this story posted as soon as this chapter is published.

Please vote on the blog before Friday.

Edit: The Votes have been tallied.

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