• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Equestria Girls (Part 5)

Sunset cackled as she admired her new form, Sora standing in front of the others to defend them with his Keyblade gripped tightly. The darkness radiating from her, along with the Element of Magic's powerful magical attributes, had just transformed her into a Heartless demon. She got her wish to be all powerful, but she's oblivious to the dangerous cost that would end her life.

"Sunset, you have to take off that crown!" he pleaded. "You're going to completely turn into a Heartless if you keep using both it and the darkness's power!"

"Why should I listen to you?" Sunset asked, holding out her now clawed hands. "I'm practically a God!"

"If you aren't going to listen to me, then I'll have to take it by force!" Sora rushed forward, prepared to defend himself from any attacks she might throw at him.

"I would love to see you try." As he got closer, Sunset held out her hand and snapped her fingers. In an instant, Sora froze in time, unable to move and completely defenseless. She hummed a dark tune as she waved her hands around, her horn also glowing the same ominous dark aura as her hands were as she walked around him. Her magic created several arrows around the frozen Keyblade wielder, each one surging with dark elemental energy as they were aimed directly at him, waiting on her command to fire. "But first, I need to speak to my public."

As she walked away from him, she snapped her fingers, unfreezing Sora as the arrows flew into him. Unable to move away from the magical arrows aimed at him from the sides and above him, the attack's impact exploding, everyone hearing Sora cry out in pain as he and his Keyblade were flung in different directions through the smoke.

"Sora!" Twilight cried out, everyone wincing as they watched him hit the ground hard and tumbled to a stop as he slammed into the wall of the school. She held out her hand, focusing hard to try and call her Keyblade back like she'd seen Sora, Riku, and Kairi do, feeling the new magical power flow into her hands, calling it back successfully as it reappeared in her hands from the ground far away from her. Knowing it was a dangerous thing to do, she couldn't just stand there and watch as she ran in front of Sunset, stopping her from continuing her slow walk to the school entrance. "Don't get any closer!"

"Out of my way, princess," she said, waving her hand to the side, a powerful wind pushing Twilight back to her friends, sending her falling on her back. "I need to tell my subjects how much I've loathed them through all these years." Seeing Sunset getting closer, Celestia and Luna quickly filed the teens back inside the school for safety, though running from her won't be an easy possibility with her power. With a manic giggle, she held her hand up as she formed a ball of dark energy over her head, but before she threw it, Flash ran up the stairs and stood before the doorway inside, the sphere disappearing as she looked down at the frightened teen she dated. "Oh, Flash Sentry. Don't tell me you're going to try to stop me too."

"S-Sunset, what happened to you?" he asked, trying to stay brave while he questioned what was happening. "W-Why are you doing this!?"

She giggled evilly, drawing a clawed finger against his cheek as he winced in fright. "You are such a naive human, Flash. You do realize that all this time, you were talking to, hung out with, and even went out with a unicorn turned into a human who came from another world, right?" Sunset laughed harder as she saw the shock on the teen's face, honestly having no clue she wasn't human. "I do have to thank you for teaching me how things work around here. I didn't think you humans were just as gullible as every other pony back in Equestria."

Flash backed away, not caring if she was from another world, but he didn't want to be anywhere near the monster his ex had transformed into. Lifting her hand up again, Sunset reformed the dark energy ball, giggling maniacally as it grew bigger. He quickly ducked as she threw it, sending the sphere hurling into the front entrance of the school, everyone inside screaming as it collided and exploded, taking out a large chunk of the building. Sunset began laughing as she hovered up in the air with her new wings, Flash slowly getting up as he looked back at the damage she caused.

"This is bad," Twilight said. "She's gotten too powerful."

"Listen up, you pathetic humans!" Sunset announced. "I am now the ruler of your world! For so long, I've had to live among you weak, useless creatures, planning and plotting to get to where I am now! There is nothing in this world, nor Equestria, that can stop me! And the only one who has any chance to beat me is no match for my strength!"

"Sunset...what have you turned into?" Flash asked as he looked up at the soon-to-be Heartless hovering above them. "You're nothing but a monster..."

"I may as well be. The Sunset you knew is already gone." Lifting up her hand, Sunset's aura formed around it, growing darker and wild as the energy flailed as if it was in a harsh storm. "Both this world and Equestria will be mine, and to start things off, I will destroy this accursed school, and all of you with it!"

Just as she was about to thrust her hand forward into the school, a bright flash lit up the area where Sora was flung, the sound of glass breaking echoing around them. Suddenly appearing beside her, Sora, in his Harmony Form, grabbed Sunset's arm and lifted it over her head, her beam of magic shooting up into the sky, unable to react as a swift kick sent her falling to the ground. She quickly landed on her feet, rubbing the sore spot on her face as she looked up at the hovering teen, his body lightly bruised and scorched, but relatively fine with his clothing now shifting to a rainbow of colors like an aurora.

Along with his new style change, even his body had slight changes to fit with the Drive Form acquired from Equestria: his human ears were gone and were now on top of his head as equine ears, some of his hair extended down his back and creating a spiky tail, and a pair of tan wings spread out behind his back. Everyone watching stared in awe at Sora's new change as he stood defiantly, staring Sunset Shimmer down while the darkness wielding human unicorn growled, her attack not killing him when it should have.

"You're not going to do anything, Sunset," Sora said. "I won't let you destroy this world, or Equestria. You're not you anymore, your darkness taking complete control over you."

"Controlling me!? That's a laugh!" She unleashed more darkness, the red and yellow of her clothing, hair, and shoes beginning to turn black, the reds of her irises slowly taken over by the yellow. "I was able to master this power within one night! I am in complete control!"

"No you're not," Sora said as he shook his head. "You screamed out in fear when you transformed. The real Sunset's inside, trapped inside her heart while you are her anger and hatred. But I won't let you take over her heart, or her body!" He swung his left hand down to his side, summoning three of the Keyblades of Harmony on one side, doing the same to his right as the remaining three appeared in their positions. Releasing the Keyblades of Laughter and Honesty, letting them hover by his arms, he held his right arm out, summoning the Ultima Keyblade in his hand. "You may have power, but it's nothing compared to what you've never experienced before! I won't hesitate to fight back, but I will save you from the fate you're trying to bring yourself to!"

"Did you forget how easy it was for me to take you down!?" Sunset shouted. "Having more of those stupid Keyblades and that wardrobe change won't do anything to stop me!"

She held out her hand to snap her fingers and freeze Sora in time again, but the Keyblade wielder teleported in front of her, grabbing her fingers before she could cast the spell. He pulled her arm down and kneed her in the chest, knocking the wind out of her lungs and flinging her into the air. Leaping after her, the Keyblades of Harmony spun around him, flying forward as they struck the demonic teen. As he got closer, the Keyblades flying back into position around him, Sunset flipped back up and dove down into Sora, quickly blocking the dark swords she materialized as she thrust them forward.

Both fighters pushed off each other, hovering in the air as they prepared for another rush. Sunset created more swords to match his seven Keyblade fighting style in his Harmony Form, the six hovering blades of light and harmony along with six dark swords splitting off as they aimed for each other. Both sides flew forward and clashed, sparks flying in all directions from the air as white and dark lights flashed with each blade's collision with the other. Sora and Sunset flew around, his one weapon matching her two as he has more experience in swordplay than she had. Not only was Sora able to have an advantage, the Keyblades were able to be controlled easily, unlike Sunset where she's concentrating on both killing Sora while distracting his other weapons.

She was unable to overpower him, her dual wielding blades parried as he slashed her repeatedly, then slammed the pommel down hard over her head. She fell to the ground in a daze, Sora flying down and landing on her back, grabbing the crown to take it off and rid her of her form. The moment he touched it, the corrupted gem sparked a dark aura and shocked him, momentarily stunning him in surprise. Deciding to ignore the pain, he grabbed it again and tried to pull it off, but it was like it was physically attached to her head as he was continuously shocked.

"GRRRRRGH! Come on!" Sora kept pulling, but it just wouldn't come off.

Sunset snapped out of her daze, increasing the voltage in the defensive shocks, knocking Sora away as he skid back near the Mane Six. "Sora, are you ok!?"

"Yeah, but I can't get the crown off her!" Sora shook his jolted hand, his body slightly weakened, but he remained standing. "I need to find some way to get her darkness out of her without killing her or breaking the Element of Magic!"

"We need Kairi's help! She helped purify me with her light as a Princess of Heart!" Twilight suggested. "She might save Sunset!"

"It's worth a shot!" Sora ran off and headed straight for the statue, his abilities as a pegasus carried over as his speed increased far faster than normal.

"Oh no you don't!" Sunset thrust her arm forward, causing a wall of dark chains to appear in front of the portal. Sora stopped as she blocked their only way of getting back or even bringing Kairi with him to help. "Don't start what you can't finish!"

She flew back up into the air, hovering over the building as her hands surged with powerful dark magic. She began firing large fireballs at him, Sora quickly flipping and rolling out of the way as he ran back, no choice but to stop her before her darkness takes over completely. Everyone else safe inside the school watched Sora as he barely avoided the dark balls of fire, deflecting some of them back at her or away from where it could hurt someone nearby or toward town. Once he reached the building, he began to run up the wall, shooting a barrage of Blizzard, Thunder, and Fire spells simultaneously, momentarily halting her own barrage as he reached the roof. He shot off the edge and flew toward her, ramming his shoulder into her gut and knocking the wind out of her again.

Sora quickly flipped behind her and grabbed the crown again, shocking him even more as he tried desperately to yank it off of her again. He flapped his wings to help him pull harder, dragging Sunset with him as he began to make them free fall back down to the front yard of the school. She caught her breath again, growling angrily as he tried to pull the crown off her again. Flexing her fingers, she created more dark swords, aiming directly at Sora's back. They flew down toward him, but the Keyblades of Harmony returned to him in a flash of colored lights, blocking the sneak attack as they slashed and destroyed them.

Unable to pull any further from the electricity coursing through his body, Sora let go as his body was weakened further. Sunset turned around and grabbed Sora's jacket, her hands sparking as she formed a large sphere around him, the electricity far more intense than the defenses for her crown as she began electrocuting him. Sora screamed out in pain, unable to move or escape, the Keyblades of Harmony shaking too as they felt his pain and couldn't save him.

"Oh no...We need to help him!" Rainbow shouted.

"Rainbow, what can we do!?" Rarity asked. "He's fighting a she-demon! How can we even help him!?"

Twilight's mind began to race as she tried to think of a plan. She remembered just moments ago that Sora's summoned allies helped Pinkie fly. She looked at her, hoping the magic the little fairy gave her still worked.

"Pinkie, can you fly still!?" Pinkie looked at Twilight in confusion, then tried to think of her happy thoughts. She began floating off the ground, still able to fly. "Perfect. We're going to help Sora!"

"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie flew over Twilight, wrapped her arms around her waist, and lifted them both up in the air. "Here we come to save the day!"

They flew off, Sunset thankfully distracted as she watched Sora writhe in agony inside of the dark sphere of crackling electricity. Pinkie sped up as Twilight readied her Keyblade. As they closed in, the human alicorn swung, smacking Sunset Shimmer upside the head, making her lose her concentration and drop the sphere. Sora weakly hovered, reminding himself to thank Twilight for the save then scold her for getting into trouble after this was over, tackling the dazed girl down to the ground.

As they hit the grass, Sunset kicked Sora off of him, quickly getting back up and summoning thousands of dark swords around him. Feeling more deja vu, Sora prepared himself as the Keyblades of Harmony fanned out to protect him from the onslaught of raining swords. Twilight and Pinkie made it back to the others safely, only to watch in horror as Sunset sent the swords down on Sora, the teen inside avoiding each blade while spinning his Keyblade to deflect them, the six floating Keyblades flying around and giving him more cover.

"You can't survive in there forever!" Sunset shouted, the darkness crawling more over her clothing and her eyes slowly turning more yellow. "You can't keep up if each one that strikes you can sap away your energy!"

Sora continued dodging and deflecting, the swords now crackling with elemental energy as they grew more dangerous. There were those that flew down faster with the power of Aero, painful burns inflicted if struck from one with Fire, slowing him down with Blizzard, or stunning him and draining more of his health with Thunder. The dark Aero blades made him slip up and get hit by the others more as they flew by too quick for him or the Keyblades of Harmony to deflect. Through the sound of blades slicing into the ground and striking the blades, everyone heard Sora grunt every time he was hit, the Keyblade wielder unable to keep up with his health slowly draining.

Dust began to pick up as the blades moved faster, until finally, they stopped. As the dust faded away, they saw Sora on his knees, panting heavily as his clothing was torn, parts of his body and clothes were scorched, and deep cuts on his arms, legs, and face. He shakily began to stand up, but as he looked up, Sunset ran up and kicked him hard in the face, sending him tumbling back until he stopped a few yards away from the front steps of the school.

"Sora!" The girls tried to run up to him, but Sunset placed a wall of dark flames around the beaten Keyblade wielder.

The corrupted girl giggled as she began to hover in the air. "He's been beaten. Not even that little rainbow form can stop me. He's about as useless as Celestia with what I have now! I'm unstoppable!"

"No you're not!" Twilight exclaimed, making Sunset look down at her. "You still haven't won yet!"

That made Sunset laugh uproariously at the ridiculous claim. "What good can you do, Sparkle!? I have the Element of Magic! I have the power of darkness! All you have is a Keyblade you don't know how to use, and no other magic! YOU HAVE NOTHING!"

"She has us!" Rainbow Dash proclaimed as she and the rest of the girls stood by Twilight.

"Oh, that's so cliche," Sunset droned. "You five are just as useless as any other human! But, seeing how sentimental it is to band together like this-" She held out her hands, forming a mass of dark and red energy, growing bigger and bigger as her eyes glowed. "-I might as well let you all die together!"

She threw her hands out, unleashing a massive torrent of black and red flames, aimed straight for them, the demonic girl not realizing the Element of Magic was glowing brightly on her head. The girls all huddled against each other, unable to escape in time as it struck them, the students and two women inside gasping in horror as the flames exploded on impact. Sora had woken up from unconsciousness and watched through the dark flames concealing him, his heart stopping as he watched the girls get blown up.

"No." He held his Ultima Keyblade, casting a Blizzard barrier to douse out the flames, hearing Sunset cackling maniacally as he tried to stand back on his feet. Sora had to use his Keyblade as a crutch to keep himself up, lowering his head as he failed to save them. His sorrow turned to confusion, finding no sign of the Keyblades of Harmony around him, or even on the ground near him. "Wait...Where are...?"

He looked back up, staring in shock as the dust had cleared, relieved to see the girls were still ok. The Keyblades of Harmony floated over them, the Keyblade of Magic glowing as it hovered above Twilight in the center of their human friends, all six of the protected by a lavender barrier. Sunset had ceased her laughing, noticing as well that they had miraculously survived.

"N-No. No!" Sunset screamed. "That's impossible!"

Twilight was the first to open her eyes, seeing them still alive. She looked up at the Keyblade that held her Element of Harmony, the others above her friends that fit their true element. She could feel Equestrian magic flowing into her, looking up at the shocked Sunset Shimmer to see her crown glowing brightly.

"Of course..." The other girls opened their eyes, glad to still be breathing but confused as to what was happening. Twilight stepped forward and pointed at Sunset. "The magic contained in the Element of Magic helped unite those that helped create it, and protected its true bearer and their friends!"

"What?" Sunset looked up, feeling the light coming from the crown as it started to burn her. "Ahh! No!"

"These five elements come together in order to form the gem resting upon that crown, and they come from the spirits that the other five represent!" The Keyblades of Harmony, acting as substitutes for the actual artifacts back in Equestria, shined a colored light down on them, striking them and transforming them the same way Sora's Harmony Form had for him.

In order, Twilight announced her friends' element as they transformed: Applejack as the Element of Honesty, growing pony ears from the top of her head as her hair grew out, braided and tied into a tail, the same with Pinkie Pie as she grew her ears and her hair lengthened out, the pseudo tail just as poofy as her own hair. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy went through the same phase as the Elements of Loyalty and Kindness, but along with their pony ears and makeshift tails from their hair, they grew a pair of wings like Sora. Rarity's ears appeared under her curly hair, her tail holding the same curls, but a white aura appeared on her forehead, shaping itself to look like a unicorn horn as the Element of Generosity. Twilight was the last to transform, her hair growing into a tail, growing her equine ears, a lavender horn made of aura, and a pair of lavender wings, far bigger than Sora's, Rainbow's, and Fluttershy's, the Element of Magic her element to bear.

"NO! This can't be happening!" Sunset shouted as she groaned in pain, feeling the Element of Magic fighting against her and disobeying her commands. "I'm wearing the crown! How are you controlling it!?"

"Because the Element of Magic is my element!" Twilight explained as she and her human friends floated up into the air. "You may wear my crown on your head, but you can't use its full potential because of the darkness you wield and it chose me as its bearer! You lack the power to control it, and it's the most powerful magic of them all: the magic of friendship!"

The girls held each others hands as they formed a giant heart. The Keyblades of Harmony flew back to Sora, having fulfilled their part to assist the bearers of their element, a light shining around them that fully healed Sora of his injuries.

"No! No no no!" Sunset ignored the burning light coming from her head, her darkness beginning to weaken as she tried to charge her last attack again, but there wasn't enough power to make it big enough to obliterate them.

"In this world, Equestria, every world beyond ours, it's the only magic that unites us all and can overpower anything!" The six girls began glowing, unleashing the light of their Elements of Harmony into a rainbow aura.

Sora flew up over Sunset, stunning her with a smack of his Keyblade to keep her from trying to escape. After gaining a bit of height, he brought the Keyblades of Harmony into position to give her a double dose of the Elements of Harmony's power, along with an added spark of Keyblade light added to the mix. He only hoped that this would work in destroying her darkness before she's completely consumed by it, and from her eyes, skin, and clothing, she was close to turning into a Heartless.

The girls down below fire the rainbow of light at Sunset, catching her in its whirlwind, unable to escape from the harmonic light it unleashed. The Keyblades of Harmony began to shine bright lights at their tips, his Ultima Keyblade joining along with them. The six powerful blades fired first, aiming in the center, forming a rainbow sphere that grew more and more every second. He shot a beam of light into the sphere, unleashing a rainbow beam straight down on top of Sunset, the girl looking up in fright as it struck her.

Her screams pierced the heavens as the two powerful lights sent her down into the ground, the beam drilling a large hole in front of the school. Through the rainbow light, Sora could see Sunset writhing as the powerful light began stripping her darkness out of her, the Element of Magic knocked aside just as the magic struck her. He could see the enraged Heartless desperately fighting back, trying to stay back in its host to kill her and turn her into a Heartless.

"Oh, you are not staying in there for long," he said as he dove into the beam, remaining unharmed by the harmonic light as he gripped the Ultima Keyblade tightly in his hand.

Down in the crater, Sunset panicked as her body was wracked with pain, watching the monster that was inside of her, the monster she became, being pulled out from her. She stared at its yellow eyes, the pupil red like her own while in that horrible form, glaring menacingly at her, its claws trying to pull itself back inside her. Sunset immediately felt regretful for being as selfish as she was back then, watching everything from inside of herself as she saw how dangerous she was. The power she thought was exhilarating had turned into fear, the darkness almost killing her as she felt her vision grow dark. She would have lived a better life in Equestria if she didn't yell at Princess Celestia, having discovered that the Elements of Harmony really had existed and believing she was chosen by the alicorn to find them because of her intellect and magical prowess. She didn't deserve it after all, or even living in the human world where she almost hurt everyone, all because she wanted to prove she was stronger and show her mentor she was wrong and wasn't fit to rule the kingdom.

The Heartless screeched as it still struggled, but it stopped as she saw a blue and white key-shaped blade stab through its chest. It turned its head to look at Sora, the teen shaking his head as he began pulling, tearing it out of Sunset. It wailed in agony as it tried to cling onto its owner, but it was completely powerless as it was finally pulled out. Sora leapt up with the Heartless still impaled by his Keyblade, carrying it to where the whirlwind of rainbow from the girls' power still remained, flinging it inside it as it screeched even louder. After enough waiting, letting the light burn its body in excruciating agony, he leapt back and flew forward at blinding speed, slicing through it and the power of the Elements of Harmony, the lights fading away as everyone watched Sora appear and Sunset's Heartless hovering in midair. A moment later, the dark image of Sunset disappeared, fading away into nothingness, the dangerous monster now long gone. Sighing in relief, Sora reverted back to normal, losing his ears and extended hair-like tail as he fell back to the ground, falling to his knees.

"It's over," he said."

Out in the town, in a small eatery, where it was supposed to be an evening to hang out and have a good time, many of the patrons were actually arguing with each other. With all the negative emotions in the air, a green mist seeped out from the yelling and shouting customers, slowly flowing to a trio of girls at a booth, wearing hoodies and jeans as they sang in harmony. The mist flowed up to them, entering the red rubies attached to their necklaces that they wore. As the last of the mist was absorbed, they stopped their singing.

One of them groaned and lowered her hood, revealing her long purple and blue-streaked pigtails tied up with star hairbands, somehow able to hold that much hair in there. "That was barely worth the effort Adagio. I am getting so sick of fast food. I need a real meal."

The girl named Adagio took off her hood, letting down her orange and yellow-streaked perm, a spiky looking hairband holding her hair behind her, leering at the moody girl with annoyance. "Quit complaining, Aria. We've been stuck in this world for over a millennium, and we can gain so much from these humans as it is."

"Urgh!" the girl named Aria groaned, the girl next to her letting her hood down and revealing her light and dark blue ponytail. "I hate being banished to this place! Wish we weren't banished here!"

"Oh really? I love it here," Adagio said sarcastically, her fake grin melting to a frown.

"For realisies?" the third girl asked, highly confused with their banter. "I think this place is awful...Except for their food."

"You are such an idiot, Sonata," Aria muttered.

"I am not!" Sonata exclaimed. "You're the big, dumb-"

"Will you two shut up!?" Adagio shouted. "I can't stand this world either, but having you two around only makes it worse. By the second."

Aria pouted while Sonata stuck her tongue out at her. Their fighting ended as they heard and felt an explosion come not too far from where they were. Curious, the three mysteriously magical girls ran out of the restaurant and looked in the direction of Canterlot High School. They gasped as they saw a large rainbow beam shoot down from the sky. Adagio felt a strange, familiar power come from the energy of the rainbow beam, her hand touching the gem around her neck.

"That was...Equestrian magic..." Her shock turned to glee as she gave a sinister grin, turning to her two companions. "You two felt that? Actual Equestrian magic!"

"But there ISN'T any Equestrian magic in this world," Aria said.

"Yet there is," Adagio chuckled.

"Wait, I feel something else too," Sonata said as she squinted her eyes and stuck her tongue out, deep in thought as Aria and Adagio felt that same extra power as well. "It feels...warm. Kinda tickly too."

"Who cares about what else that is? It doesn't matter." Adagio looked back at the school, the energy disappearing. "We'll need to figure out a way to get the Equestrian magic. Until we get it, we will make this world adore us."

The trio grinned as their gems flashed briefly.

"Wait, are we gonna leave now?" Sonata asked. "I kinda wanna buy me a milkshake. This time, chocolate!"

Adagio and Aria facepalmed at their dimwitted friend, unable to stay focused for even a few seconds.

Once Sora caught his breath, he stood up and looked at the school. With Sunset Shimmer saved and stopped, the only damage done to the campus was the front entrance destroyed by her power to scare the students, Celestia, and Luna inside, and the massive crater made by the Elements of Harmony's power to free Sunset from her darkness, the ex-villainous teen still down in the massive hole. Twilight and the others had fallen unconscious after using the Elements' power without the mystical artifacts in their possession, slowly waking up a moment later, still bearing the pony ears and ligaments.

He soon noticed something shimmer in his peripheral vision, which happened to be Twilight's crown. Sora approached it and picked the headpiece up, inspecting the still pure gem resting on top. He looked back at the school and walked up to Twilight, the rest of the teens and two older women stepping out cautiously now that it was over. Before he could give the crown to the human alicorn, Celestia approached Sora, being the first to voice everyone from this world's questions.

"What exactly just happened?" she asked. "Who are you?"

"Uhh...long story, ma'am," Sora simply stated. "Even if I tried to explain it to all of you...it would just be a confusing mess that will only raise more questions and answers I don't know if I should actually say. The point is Twilight, Sunset, and I aren't exactly from this world, and hopefully, after witnessing all of this, you and the students here at Canterlot High won't tell anyone about what happened tonight."

The Principal stared at Sora with an unsure expression. After seeing what had happened moments ago, and taking a guess in figuring out what, or who, destroyed those lockers, she was able to believe anything. Some questions always ask for answers, but most of the answers they seek are either unable to be discovered, too quick to find, or should be left alone in fear of harm or cause a panic.

"...Well...That might not be a simple task," Celestia finally spoke. "But, I doubt many people will believe what they see if some of my students actually recorded all of that and uploaded it for the world to see online." Sora looked over Celestia's shoulder, finding a few teens had their phones out and either recorded everything or took pictures of the terrifying spectacle. "Though, I have to ask this: if you knew how dangerous that crown was and Luna and I hid it, why didn't you tell us about it in the first place?"

"Would you believe a teenager who wears clothes like these and have a hairstyle like this asking you to return something that has magic in it that could destroy the world?" Sora answered with his own question.

"...That is a good point," she said.

"Exactly." Twilight approached them, taking back her crown and placing it on her head. "We're going to need to have a long discussion about your Keyblade with Riku and Kairi."

"Yeah, I know." Twilight looked down at her Keyblade, curious to find out how one came to her and why she had it. "It just came to me...I have no idea how it happened."

"I'm kind of glad it did," Sora said. "But that means a lot more studying, and more in the physical sense than books, because using a Keyblade revolves around combat knowledge. Thankfully, you got three Keyblade Masters to help you!...Well, two Keyblade Masters and one advanced student who's saved the worlds several times. Me being that student, still."

"We could both be study partners?" Twilight suggested, though Sora shook his head as he sighed.

They both looked at the large crater, everyone else walking up to the edge to look down at the bottom. Sora, Twilight, Spike, and their friends looked down as well, finding Sunset Shimmer on her hands and knees, back to normal and no longer veiled with darkness. Sora slid down and stopped before her, hearing her sniffle.

"Sunset?" She flinched as he called out to her, looking up at him with tears running down her face.

"I-I'm sorry," she apologized, lowering her head and sobbed. "I'm so sorry...I-I didn't...Was that really me?"

"In a way, it kind of was," Sora said. "I've seen this happen before. With Twilight." Sunset looked up at him in surprise mentioning Twilight had gone through the same experience with darkness. "Hers was a bit different, though. Being a mostly reclusive mare all her life, she's never experienced what friendship was like, or even romance. Twilight...had a crush on me, hid it from us after knowing my own heart was for someone else, and it took an evil witch's mind control to help satisfy her desires and grow envious of my girlfriend, Kairi. She let the darkness take over after not getting her way, making the choice for her and try to kill me and Kairi if she didn't get what she wanted.

"You, on the other hand, Sunset, gave into your darkness through anger. You hated Princess Celestia for not giving you what you wanted, ran away into this world, used Flash Sentry just to get to know what it's like to be human and be the popular girl in school, and abused your power to force others to vote for you in the past, neglecting what you do to anyone who actually did care about you." Watching the two talk, Flash lowered his head, still a bit hurt from being used by Sunset for her own personal gain. "You showed all of us who you were on the inside when you were the big, bad bully, the spoiled little girl who wanted everything she desired, the monster willing to abuse the power they should never have to hurt others and strike fear into everyone's hearts.

"How you feel satisfied with what you have is by what you choose: hurting others, or making friends." Sora grabbed Sunset's arm and lifted her up on her feet, helping her as they climbed up out of the crater. "I'm lucky to have a lot of friends. In this world, Equestria, where I'm from, and every other world I've seen. If I wasn't open and reached out to those who needed my help, I would have never made as many friends as I have in the past couple years, or even in a decade. My friends give me the strength I need to win the hardest of battles, and that's how we stopped you AND saved you from the darkness of your anger that was created by selfish desires." As they made it back to ground level, Sora turned to Sunset and surprised her, not even the least bit mad at her for what she had done earlier. "Since you seemed to have learned that lesson the hard way, it's only fair if I'm willing to give those who understood what they did was wrong a second chance."

"...W-Why?" Sunset asked, highly confused. "I almost destroyed the school. I almost killed you and your friends. I turned into a monster and terrorized everyone here for the last couple years. All I ever did was tear everyone apart from each other and didn't care about who I end up hurting. Why would you want to forgive me when I know absolutely nothing about friendship?"

"Because a friend of mine lost his way once, and I helped him find his way back. You also needed some help, and as much as we should have stayed enemies, a certain alicorn was hoping you would find your way back home and be willing to change." Hearing this made Sunset sob, never knowing that Princess Celestia forgave her as well and was willing to have her back if she ever came back home to Equestria. More tears flowed down her cheeks as she tried to wipe them away with her jacket sleeve. She looked up at Sora as she felt his hand touch her shoulder. "Besides, if you want to learn about friendship, then I think those five girls over there will be willing to teach you."

He pointed at Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie, all of them able to look past Sunset's previous actions and the Heartless transformation. She looked at the five girls whose friendships she's torn apart, then back at Sora, the teen smiling at her. Sunset was still clueless, having no idea how someone like Sora could be so forgiving, but went along with it, finding this situation more safer than being forced back to Equestria or sent to prison.

"Boy, that was a bit close, Sora," Spike said as he ran up to the Keyblade wielder and climbed up his shoulder. "Good thing Twilight and the others were able to use the Elements of Harmony, though I'm still wondering how they were able to pull that off."

"Whoa, did that dog just talk?" one of the students asked. "So weird."

Sora fell over in exasperation, Spike yipping as he hovered in the air for a moment, only to be quickly grabbed by the teen as he vaulted back up on his feet. "Seriously!? A talking dog is the weirdest thing out of everything that just happened!? Not that fact that six girls and myself grew pony ears, grew wings and/or a horn, and fired a powerful magical rainbow spell that stopped a darkness threat that could have killed all of us, including Sunset!?" As he received no answer from any of the teens, he sighed and ignored their stares. "Forget it. Watching all that's probably been the most exciting thing all of you will see in a lifetime..."

Seeing there was still plenty of time before midnight, some of the teens asked Sora, Twilight, and Spike if they could stay for a while longer and continue with the dance. It was only around nine after Sunset's defeat, and they had some time to celebrate their victory, and for Twilight earning a Keyblade in Pinkie's case. But, while the victors hung out and partied, the girls livening things up with their new pony attributes, Sunset remained outside of the school, sitting on the front steps outside of the crumbled entrance she made. She stayed away knowing everyone wouldn't really accept her that easily unlike Sora, Twilight, and their friends.

After all she'd done, either world she wanted to stay in wouldn't accept her. In the human version of her home Equestria, she forced the students in C.H.S. to vote for her after learning about this world, hurt Flash Sentry and used his kindness and love toward her to get what she wanted, breaking his heart by turning into the monster he saw her as, and turning into said monster to almost destroy the campus and everyone in it. Back in Equestria, she snuck into the Crystal Palace through the portal and stole a princess's crown. And with her identity known by others who had chased after her, she was bound to be on wanted posters and arrested by the Royal Guard for stealing royal jewelry that was also an important artifact that was made to protect the kingdom from dangerous threats. At this point, she was thinking imprisonment might not be a bad idea as a suitable punishment than being let off.

"Sunset?" Sunset looked behind her, surprised to see Flash standing there.

"...Hi, Flash..." The two fell into an awkward silence, the musician looking down at his feet while the ex-villainess avoided looking at him. "...Too much fun at the Fall Formal this year?"

"I was having a good time before you crashed it." Sunset winced and looked down at her own feet. She heard him walk down and sit on the other side of the steps. More silence between them until Flash spoke up again after what felt like hours. "...So, you're actually from this Equestria like Twilight and Sora, right?"

"...Sora's human like you," Sunset said. "He's from...a different world..."

"I could actually tell when they were dancing. Twilight was dancing on all fours...and quite badly, too." As hilarious as the thought was, Sunset couldn't laugh. She had no idea why he wanted to make small talk with her, especially when she intimidated him with her evil side out in the open. "...Was everything we did back then nothing but lies? My feelings for you and our friendship before were something for you to toy with?"

"...It was...and I'm sorry." She looked down at her hands, the memory of feeling the power of darkness lingering terrifyingly in her mind. "I know apologizing won't be enough, and I understand if you and everyone else ignore me...or hate me. I deserve to be punished."

"Well, lucky for you, we have just the solution to that predicament." Sunset cringed as she slowly turned around, finding Luna and Celestia standing inside the school carrying a broom, a mop, cleaning supplies, and trash bags. "You can start by cleaning up the mess you made when you destroyed the wall. We're going to call a contractor to fix the entrance and fill in that giant crater. After tonight, you will be on cleanup duty for any future events here at the school while also cleaning the halls every day after school for the next few months."

"...Yes, ma'am," Sunset said, agreeing without any complaints.

"Good. You can get started right away, or procrastinate until later and do even more work," Luna suggested, the human unicorn standing up and taking the broom she held.

The principal and vice-principal left to check on the dance, leaving Sunset to her punishment. "Well, at least it's not prison." She sighed and began to sweep up the small bits of debris from the destroyed wall. It didn't help that one of the loose bricks fell and shattered to pieces on the floor, making her groan as there was more work added to her punishment. "What I wouldn't give to have magic again..."

"Not that creepy magic you were using before, right?" Flash asked as he stepped inside, not wanting to get clonked in the head by another loose bit of the wall.

"Never again," Sunset said, shuddering from feeling the overwhelming power she had, and never wanted to experience it again for as long as she lived. "It's not as good as I said it was. You feel so powerful using it, but when I put that crown on...it swallowed me up and trapped me inside...That monster in me finally came out...and I regret ever turning into it."

"You sure?" he asked, earning a nod from her. "You're not going to go back to your old ways?"

"I swear," she promised. "There's no way in Tarterus I would ever go back after going through that." Flash gave Sunset a confused look, the girl rolling her eyes in annoyance. "Tarterus is another name for the underworld."

"Oh." Sunset shook her head, wearing an amused grin.

"Well, I got a lot of cleaning to do," Sunset said as she continued sweeping up the debris. "I'm going to be pretty busy the next few months. And I know I'm going to be cleaning up after the dance is over."

"Yeah...I'll leave you to it." Flash slowly backed away, making his way over to the hall leading to the gym. "So, I'll...see ya Monday."

He turned and began walking down the hall, leaving Sunset to do her cleaning. While she did her punishment, she spotted Sora, Twilight, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack out near the statue, having left the party to see the former trio off.

"So, you guys will make sure Sunset doesn't cause any trouble, right?" Sora asked.

"As long as that darkness doesn't come back, I think we can handle her," Rainbow said, hovering in the air with her new wings.

"That won't be a problem anymore." They all looked over at the entrance, watching Sunset Shimmer cleaning up the bits of broken wall and glass. "But remember that the portal opens up every month like Sunset said to us the other day. So, if there's any trouble, or if you see any Heartless, send out a little message through the statue, and we'll try to make it through before it's too late."

"Ya got it, sugarcube," Applejack said, the girls all surrounding Sora and Twilight into a group hug.

"Don't forget to come back and visit when you're not busy saving the worlds on your end!" Pinkie said as they let go.

"We'll try." Sora, Twilight, and Spike walked up to the statue, ready to head back home and see their pony friends. "Alright. Spent our entire three day limit to get that crown back, but it's about an hour before midnight, and we had a little fun with our new C.H.S. friends. Gotta get the princess back home to her knight before he worries up a storm."

"I'm sure Riku's doing fine," Twilight said, reaching a hand up to her crown. "And I think I'll get used to being a princess now."

"What about your wings and Keyblade?" Spike asked.

"I have been walking on two legs for the past three days and got used to having fingers." Twilight held out her hands and wriggled her fingers, still finding it odd to have them, but she got used to it. "I'm actually worried about dealing with what the others will say after we tell them what happened."

Twilight and Spike walked through the portal first, Sora waving to the girls before he stepped through this time, not leaping in like the last time.

Inside the room where the magical mirror was placed in the Crystal Palace, Riku paced around the room, muttering with worry as the princesses and six mares watched him. The stallion had been wide awake for the past couple days, barely eating or sleeping, worrying about Twilight's safety and also threatening to beat the living daylights out of Sora if she gets hurt.

"Riku, calm down," Kairi assured. "I'm sure they're fine."

"How can I calm down!?" Riku shouted. "We have no idea what's beyond that mirror! What if it's a world filled with giants that could step on them!? What if it's an underwater world, and they wound up drowning to death!? I have every right to panic!"

"Wow. He even has meltdowns like Twilight," Rainbow whispered to Pinkie Pie. "Those two really do belong together."

"I heard that, Rainbow Dash!" Before he tried to pounce the cyan pegasus for her remark, the mirror began to shine as someone came through.

Stepping out on the other side, Twilight made it through without passing out this time, standing on her hind legs out of her temporary human instinct. Now that she was a pony again, she wobbled a bit before landing on all fours.

"Hey, guys," she said. "Got my crown ba-"

Riku snatched Twilight and hugged her tightly. "Thank goodness you're ok! Are you hurt!? Are there any injuries, cuts, or bruises you were given!?"

The alicorn giggled as Riku inspected every inch of her with his overprotectiveness. "Riku, I'm fine. Sora didn't let anything bad happen to me."

"Are you sure?" he questioned, the mare noticing his tired, exhausted eyes. "He didn't do anything stupid, did he?"

She silenced his questioning with a kiss, calming him down before he lost his temper. "Did you not get any sleep while I was gone?" Riku shook his head. "You're a lot worse than me when I have my study binges."

They soon heard Spike fly out, having leapt in as a dog, smacking the ground as he slid across the smooth surface, bumping into Rarity's forelegs. "Heheh. Bumpy ride."

"Spikey-wikey!" The unicorn grabbed the baby dragon and hugged him tightly, hearts flying out of his eyes as his crush held him. "Ohhhhh, we were so worried about you! Don't ever go off and do something so dangerous like that again!"

"Yes, ma'am," Spike said dreamily.

Sora soon came out a moment later, the others gasping in shock at the state his clothes were in. "Hooray for walking on all fours!...And I already miss wearing pants. Can I go back through?"

"Sora!" Kairi ran up to him and hugged him, pulling back to look at his slashed clothing. "What the heck happened to you?"

"We'll tell you everything," he said. "Not exactly all that dangerous over there."

"What about Sunset Shimmer?" Celestia asked. "Is she alright?"

Sora and Twilight looked at each other, knowing she would be taken care of by their human friends back through the mirror. "You don't have to worry about her, Celestia. She's in good 'hands'."

"'Hands'? Doesn't she mean hooves?" Fluttershy asked.

"We'll tell you all about what happened," Twilight said. "But first...a little bit of a surprise I want to show you all."

After stepping away from Riku's protective hug, Twilight held out her hoof and summoned her Keyblade, surprising her friends, coltfriend, and the princesses. "A Keyblade!?"

"Twilight, when did you get a Keyblade!?" Riku asked as he took the weapon out of her hoof. "HOW did you get it!?"

"I actually don't know," the alicorn said, her Keyblade returning to her hoof, switching it over to her telekinetic hold. "It happened a few hours ago. It just came to me, and it helped protect me when I was attacked." The white stallion was about to explode with rage at the information, only for his lips to be sealed by Twilight's lip-seal spell. "Riku, stop. We are going to sleep after Sora, Spike, and I tell you everything, so relax."

"Yeah, that surprised me too," Sora said. "Even I'm stumped to know how she got it. Do you know anything about this, Kairi?"

The pink unicorn was deep in thought as she tried to figure out how Twilight got her Keyblade. "I think I remember a book back in Master Yen Sid's study with some details about Keyblade wielders. The Keyblade chooses their wielders, but it happens through two different methods: one of them is the Keyblade choosing a worthy wielder, entrusting its power with its master, or through a Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony, where a Keyblade Master chooses someone to inherit the power to wield a Keyblade."

"Well, that first one happened to me," Sora said.

"That ceremony..." Riku thought back to his earlier childhood, remembering meeting someone who had a Keyblade back on Destiny Island and let him touch it. "I think that happened to me. There was a guy who wasn't from the island, and he let me touch the grip of his Keyblade, reciting something like it came from a ritual. That explains how I got my Keyblade."

"But, I got mine..." Kairi gasped, remembering a long forgotten memory from her home world of Radiant Garden. She remembered being in danger, surrounded by strange creatures that seemed to be like Heartless, and scared out of her mind. From out of nowhere, saving her from the blue beings, a young woman with blue hair, wearing a blue and black halter top, black shorts, a piece of silver armor over her white bell-sleeves, two strips of blue cloth tied to the sides of her hips and a white one in the back, and silver pointed boots. Seeking protection from her savior, she reached her hand out to grab hers, touching her Keyblade's hilt as well. "Wait. I don't think I received the inheritance ceremony, but I did touch someone's Keyblade. A girl who was probably in her late teens."

"It happened back when you were younger?" Riku asked.

"Yeah...It was a memory I had forgotten about. I have my Keyblade, but she didn't give me any recited speech to perform that ritual." Kairi paced around, summoning her own Keyblade as she examined it. "The Keyblade had given me the right to inherit one, and no ceremony was performed for me. But Riku said he was given one and he got his years later."

"...So, does that mean anyone can get a Keyblade just from touching one?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Because I kinda want one."

"No. The book stated that only a Keyblade Master can give the inheritance ceremony," Kairi continued. "But, this also means that...a Keyblade Master could accidentally give someone the Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony if the one who touches it has a heart strong enough to wield it."

Riku's eyes widened as he thought back to what had happened between him and Twilight before she recited Star Swirl's spell that caused the others' cutie marks to switch around. They were enjoying an evening together, Twilight got the old stallion wizard's book, she took his Keyblade when he called it, distracted her with a kiss and took it back, their hooves touching each other's and his weapon. Both of their hooves were touching his Keyblade, and he was a Keyblade Master, which meant he accidentally gave the Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony to Twilight that evening. The lavender alicorn looked at him, just as surprised as he was, everyone else staring at them as if he was the culprit of a homicide and caught red hooved.

"...Riku...I was touching your Keyblade when you took it back that night...Before I became an alicorn..." The whole room was silent, Riku completely shocked as he made his girlfriend a Keyblade wielder.

"...I-I didn't know I could do that...I...gave Twilight...a Keyblade........." Riku wound up passing out, whether from the shock of what he did or finally giving in to his exhaustion was beyond them.

"...I have never thought Riku could faint after something so surprising...I think we should tell everyone what happened tomorrow." Twilight nodded her head, levitated Riku with her magic after dismissing her Keyblade, and carried him off to her room. The others soon split up and headed off to bed, unable to wait to hear what adventures they had missed out on in the alternate world where there were humans who looked and acted like them. As soon as Sora rounded the corner of the hall, he wound up bumping into Flash Sentry, the pegasus guard as he was making his rounds. "Ok, this is getting old."

"Sorry," Flash apologized, helping Sora up on his hooves. "We need to quit bumping into each other like this."

"Tell me about it," he said. He watched the guard walk down the hall and turn down another corridor before walking off to his room. "Huh...That's actually strange. Two worlds that are roughly similar, two beings with the same name, voice, and somewhat similar appearances...If there were two of our friends...where was Twilight's human self? Or even Sunset's?" Sora yawned, too tired and exhausted to think any further as he entered his room. "Maybe I'll ask her when the portal opens up again."

He took off his clothing, needing to be repaired by Rarity once they make it back to Ponyville, and headed straight for bed. Now knowing he, Riku, and Kairi need to be careful with their Keyblades whenever they become Keyblade Masters, they would have to think carefully over who deserves to wield the Keyblade and is trustworthy enough to use it for the side of light. They'll have to come up with a training schedule for Twilight so she can learn how to defend herself from Heartless, enhance her magic training, all while she still has a lot to learn in order to be a princess too.

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