• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Equestria Girls (Part 4)

Once lunch period had ended, Twilight and her entourage assisting her in winning Princess of the Fall Formal stood out in the halls, surely winning the student body's vote. While the girls all talked excitedly about how well the dance will go tomorrow, Sora put his jacket back on after taking off his C.H.S. sweater. As much as he wanted to help show more of this school's spirit, he wasn't going to take a chance without a piece of his clothing in case Heartless attack, unsure if one article held an important Drive Form he needed. If he ever met the three good fairies that gave him this power in the Enchanted Tower, he was going to ask them some questions, and possibly take notes.

The girls walked ahead of him as they wandered the halls, Spike climbing up Sora's clothes and resting over his shoulder. "So far, so good. Everyone's sure to vote for Twilight now. Sunset doesn't stand a chance when friendship wins over her cruelty."

"We're not in the clear until Twilight gets the crown at the dance tomorrow night," Sora whispered to Spike. "Sunset Shimmer might still be up to something, and if she's as smart as Twilight, along with having more knowledge of this world than either of us, then she might have backup plans that will-" Sora stopped as he noticed something down the hall by one of the doors leading into the cafeteria. He looked in that direction, noticing that the lockers near the second entrance had bent dented. "Whoa..."

Sora approached the destroyed lockers, Spike whimpering in fright at the damage done to them. He reached a hand out and touched it, inspecting the small hole left in the center of the impact, which was slightly smaller than his fist.

"W-What did this?" Spike asked.

"I don't know. There haven't been any Heartless here yet, and humans can't exactly punch through solid metal like it was paper." Sora stared at the damage as he began to think. Celestia in this world might have a field day, trying to explain to the school board how a set of lockers in her school were punched through when it was impossible for one of her students to destroy school property of this magnitude. "I just hope this wasn't made by who I think it was, otherwise we're in a lot more trouble."

"You don't think Sunset could do something like this, could she?" Before Sora could answer, Spike's sensitive ears picked up footsteps coming from down the hall. "Uh oh."

He quickly hid inside Sora's jacket, flipping the hood on his clothing over him to conceal his head. "What? What is it, Spike?"

"You!" Sora flinched and turned to face the voice calling him out. Approaching him with a serious gaze on her face was the human Luna, C.H.S.'s Vice-Principal. Her hair was different compared to the princess of the night's starry mane, striped a dark blue and light, pale lavender. She wore a purple shirt, the collar of the neck sporting a black crescent moon, and a pair of dark blue dress pants, formal attire fit for a faculty member of the school, especially second in command of the campus. As soon as she saw the lockers, she was completely shocked. "What in the world...?"

"Ok, I know this looks bad, but I swear I didn't do this," Sora said. "I mean, it's kind of impossible."

Luna looked at the lockers, grumbling to herself as she inspected the unbelievable damage done to them. "Celestia is not going to be happy to see this. This is going to come out of the school budget..." She focused her attention back on Sora, the teen sweating as he sensed he was going to be blamed for this. "I'm going to look past this because I don't think one teen could cause this kind of destruction without a heavy industrial drill."

"Oh. Phew. Thank goodness." Sora sighed in relief. "Well, I better find my friends."

Before he could walk off, the vice-principal placed her hand on his shoulder. "Not so fast. Follow me to my office, young man. You're not exactly off the hook."

Not wanting to fight back against Luna, even though he could easily flee from her, he obeyed and followed her to the main office. Sora couldn't risk breaking the world order and had to keep up his facade as a normal teenager, so escaping from an adult figure who's the vice-principal would not make his reputation look good. Once they reached the woman's office, which was pretty dark inside with the blinds shut in front of the windows and the lights off. He took a seat in front of her desk as she grabbed a folder from one of her small tables.

"Umm, what did I do wrong, ma'am?" Sora asked. "Was it because my friends and I pulled off a musical number in the middle of lunch period, disrupting everyone's meal time?"

"No, you are-Wait, what?" Luna balked after hearing there was a musical performance made in the cafeteria. She shook her head, ignoring the odd event, unsure if it was an exaggeration or it was really big. "Never mind. You are in a lot of trouble for something else you have done. And because of your destructive behavior, you're looking at suspension. Before you're even enrolled."

"Wait, what destruction?" The woman laid down the folder in front of him, opening it up and shocking the teen at what he saw. There were pictures of him that looked printed from a computer, shooting him kicking and flipping around like he was back out in the field. The only problem was the setting; he was seen "destroying" the gymnasium, wrecking all of the decorations and making a complete mess. "What the heck is this!?"

"You, Sora, I believe Sunset said your name was, destroyed the gym meant to hold the Fall Formal Dance tomorrow," Luna explained, baffling Sora while also aggravating him as Sunset had planned to try to keep him off the campus to prevent him from protecting Twilight. Spike was also surprised, peeking his head out a little to hear what happened. "She had watched you wreck the room and left the gym a complete mess, printing out the evidence she had captured on her phone from the library's printer. What on earth do you have to say for yourself?"

"I didn't do this," Sora calmly said. "I'm being framed by Sunset. I was with my sister and friends all day today, and we were nowhere near the gymnasium."

"Yet I saw you by yourself near those lockers. Do you know where they are at the moment?" He actually had no idea where they are now. Sora got so distracted by the destructive power left in those lockers that he and Spike got separated from the girls. "I thought so. You have no proof you weren't in the gym upon its destruction, no alibi to prove you really weren't there during the day. Unless you want to spout anymore lies about this, holding the dance off until Saturday, you are suspended from-"

"Wait! Vice-Principal Luna!" Flash Sentry barged into the room, along with Snips and Snails. "Sora didn't wreck the gym. He's innocent."

"Yeah! It was our fault!" Snips admitted, Snails nodding his head. "We were told to do it!"

"And his pictures were photo-shopped from when we took pictures of him out on the soccer field earlier this morning!" Snails said.

"What is the meaning of this?" Luna questioned as the two preteens placed their phones on the desk, showing her the same poses Sora was in compared to the forged photos in the folder.

"Sunset wanted to try to kick Sora out of the school, and she made that horrible video of his sister, Twilight, to make her look bad for the ballot and easily win as Princess of the Fall Formal unfairly." The vice-principal looked at the pictures closely as Flash defended the Keyblade wielder. "Snips and Snails were the ones who destroyed the decorations, and while they wrecked the gym, I can vouch for Sora. I saw him down at Sugarcube Corner and the cafeteria, so he couldn't have ruined the dance during that time."

"Yeah. Sunset told us to do it so she could win," Snips said.

"We deserve to be punished," Snails added as both boys lowered their heads in shame.

After getting a closer look at the pictures and hearing the two young boys admitting to their destruction, Luna sighed, grabbing the folder with the forged evidence and tossing it in the trash. "Well, you were telling the truth all this time, Sora. In those faked pictures, I was able to catch small blades of grass that were picked up from those...incredible stunts you must have performed on the soccer field in both Snips's and Snails's phones as well. You are not in any trouble, and I apologize for the assumption." Hearing the good news, Sora slumped back in his seat as he sighed in relief, being careful not to crush Spike still hiding in his back. "As for the two of you, I'm going to have to call your parents about this, and you are not allowed to take part in the Fall Formal Dance."

With Sora free to go, he and Flash Sentry exited the office while Snips and Snails stayed to face the music. As soon as they walked out of the main offices, Spike poked his head out and crawled out of Sora's jacket, clambering up on top of his head.

"Thanks for backing me up," Sora said. "I knew Sunset was up to something. Now the dance is cancelled until the weekend because she's so desperate to win."

"Yeah, well, I couldn't let a fellow Wondercolt go down for something he didn't do," Flash said. "Besides, I think your sister needs your protection if Sunset decides to go after her if she loses."

"And they need to know the bad news too." They rounded about the hall where the cafeteria was, Flash stopping as he spotted the lockers. Sora noticed the musician falling behind, seeing him staring at the destroyed lockers in both fright and sorrow. "Flash? You alright, man?"

"...I-I don't know..." Flash lifted a hand up to his head, unable to believe what he saw earlier in this hall had actually happened. He sighed, looking away from the destruction Sunset had made with some unknown mystical strength not known to human-kind. "...Has anyone told you...Sunset and I used to...date each other?"

"Yeah. Rarity mentioned that little fact earlier today," Sora said, both he and Spike still finding it hard to understand what Flash saw in her. "I'm kind of curious why you thought it was a good idea to go out with a crazy, power hungry girl who hurt others to get her own way."

"I know it's hard to believe...but Sunset wasn't actually like that when I first met her." Spike grumbled in confusion as he and Sora looked at each other, voicing the teen's own thoughts. That only made Sora curious, wondering what had happened to Sunset Shimmer when she arrived in this world after running away from Celestia like a bad-tempered, spoiled brat not getting what she wanted. "A few years back, when she came here, she wasn't as mean as she was back then. Quite the opposite actually. She was lost, confused, and had no place to go.

"I see her hanging around the school most of the time, standing in front of the statue out front. She didn't have any friends, and no one seemed to know her at all aside from being the new girl in school. I didn't know if she had any parents who picked her up, or if she really was an orphan. So, I decided to become friends with her. She was really scared of me when I approached her like that, thinking I was going to hurt her. It took a while for her to get used to me, but she was still pretty timid back then." Flash sighed in nostalgia at the memory, digging into his pockets and pulling out his wallet. "I found it pretty funny that she was so nervous that she had no clue how to use her hands, or even walk.

"I knew I had a bit of a crush on her, but that happened as we got older, and we became good friends." He pulled out a couple pictures he kept in his wallet, showing them to Spike and Sora. One of them had a shot of Flash and Sunset as little kids, probably around ten years old, Flash smiling with a toothy grin while Sunset seemed a little shy. There was another with them grown up a few years, the two having their picture taken at what looks like a school dance. Flash wore a black tuxedo while Sunset wore the same dress like she did in the first picture of her in Celestia's office when she won for Fall Formal Princess. He was hugging her tightly, the two of them with a light blush on their cheeks as they smiled. "The years had passed, and I summed up the courage to ask Sunset to the Fall Formal during our freshman year. She was smart, pretty, a surprisingly quick learner, and I thought our relationship would have only gotten better...

"But...I was wrong..." Flash put the pictures away, sadly looking down as he put his wallet back in his pocket. "A few months after the dance, I began noticing her...changing. I was a pretty popular kid, and everyone knew her when we were little because of me. The popularity began going through her head, actually believing she was the princess of the school and began to act cruel to everyone. I thought that maybe she was going through some troubles from before I met her and lashed out from repressed memories, but I didn't ask. Anytime I asked her where she came from, she couldn't tell me, like I wouldn't understand where she used to live.

"And it got worse and worse, all the way up until today..." The musician began to tear up, looking back at the destroyed lockers, trying not to break down in front of Sora. "The next couple years, it got horrible, and it was like our romance meant nothing to her. Then, that's when I had enough during last school year's Spring Fling Dance, having tossed out all the second chances I gave her. There was a new girl that came to C.H.S., and thought it was a good idea to run against Sunset." He looked away from Sunset's destructive remnants of the lockers, leaning against the wall as he turned away from Sora, his body trembling. "Sunset...she humiliated her everywhere she went, posted a video that went viral, where she became the victim of cyber bullying over the lies Sunset made about her, and when the dance came around, we all heard she dropped out of school, none of us hearing a word of her after all that.

"I broke up with her after she won...and she said she didn't care." Even though Sora and Spike couldn't see his face, they knew Flash was devastatingly heartbroken after going through all that. "I don't know what happened to her...One moment, she was the sweetest and smartest girl I ever met, and then she turns into a heartless monster by the next. I'm still hurt from breaking up with her, but she only used me just to be the popular girl who gets whatever she wants at the snap of her fingers...I don't even know who she is anymore..."

Sunset had gone from a genial prodigy taken under Princess Celestia's wing, ran away after acting out for her spoiled behavior, wound up in the human world of Equestria where she was lost and afraid, meeting Flash and actually being his friend and girlfriend, then turning right back around to her dark path by turning into the school's royal bully. It was obvious to Sora and Spike that Flash still loved her, despite everything she had done. At least Sunset had the right of mind to keep her home world a secret from everyone back then, but if she gets the crown, she won't hide it for long.

Sora felt sorry for Flash, walking up to him and gently placed his hand on his shoulder. "You still love her, don't you?"

"Of course I do," Flash said, drying his tears with the sleeve of his jacket before he turned back to the Keyblade wielder. "But I don't know if I should anymore. Not after seeing her punch those lockers like that."

Sora knew Sunset had to have made that large dent in those lockers, which could only mean her darkness is getting more powerful by the minute. Not only that, but he was on a very strict time limit, and they needed the crown before tomorrow night at midnight.

"I'll try to bring the Sunset you knew back, Flash," Sora promised. "But for now, I need to find Twilight and the others. They need to know what happened at the gym. I'll see ya later."

Sora ran down the hall with Spike holding onto his hair, leaving Flash to himself as he sadly wandered off the other way, believing he can help his ex-girlfriend and bring the real Sunset Shimmer back.

Sora searched around the school to find the girls, though with how big the building was, it would take forever for him to look through every hall and room. He asked some of the students, many of them still wearing their Canterlot Wondercolts accessories, telling him and Spike they saw them head out of the school to the nearby boutique. If it was anything like Rarity's Carousel Boutique, which would be highly doubtful to find a building with a fake carousel on the roof, he could easily find it. Luckily, the clothing establishment wasn't all that far from the school like Sugarcube Corner, the building designed similarly to the store in Ponyville, but without the odd merry-go-round on top.

As he stepped inside, Sora and Spike saw the girls going through the clothes they looked through to wear for the dance tomorrow. "Hey, Sora! Where'd you run off to!?"

"Did you get lost in the school?" Fluttershy asked. "That happens to me whenever I'm in a new place."

"Uhh...I was more than lost." Spike leapt down off Sora's head, both teen and canine grabbing Twilight's hand and pulling her to a dressing room. "I need to have a little private conversation with my sis."

"Wait, what is it?" Twilight asked, not given a response until they were fully alone.

As soon as he closed the door, he took in a deep breath and grabbed her shoulders. "Look, I don't want you to freak out, because I know you will after what I'm about to tell you. First, Sunset is getting a lot worse. Her darkness is about to consume her, and she used it, punching a hole through a set of lockers in the hall when I split up with you to investigate."

"Oh no...Were there any Heartless?" she asked.

"Thankfully, no. But they might appear. But that's not the worst news. I got caught up with Luna, the vice-principal, and she thought I ransacked the gym and destroyed all the party decorations." Twilight gasped in shock, but Sora tried to keep her from going into a full blown panic. "Sunset tried to frame me and get me kicked out of the school, and she made this world's Snips and Snails trash it. Because of that, Celestia and Luna are going to cancel the dance until Saturday, the day before the portal closes and we'd be stuck here for a whole month."

Twilight was speechless, but didn't scream out in a panic. She slumped against the wall next to the full-body mirror in the small dressing room, completely mortified at their situation. They had no idea where the crown is hidden, they can't snoop around and cause a mess trying to find it, and their only hope of winning that crown was diminished until the day after tomorrow. The human alicorn couldn't think of anything they could do now, this world eventually going to wind up in chaos if Sunset manages to get her hands on the Element of Magic, and Equestria could suffer from a villainous attack, completely defenseless without it to activate the other Elements of Harmony.

"What are we going to do?" Spike asked for Twilight, the girl curling up in a ball as she leaned against the wall, feeling hopeless.

As much as he hated to offer this idea, Sora saw that there was no choice at this moment, and time was running out. "...We have to tell them who we are."

Twilight lifted her head up, surprised at the ridiculous idea. "Are you insane? What about keeping the world order? What about keeping our identities and the world we came from a secret?"

"I tried to do that when I arrived here, but then you and Rainbow Dash had grown suspicious of me when we were in the middle of a crisis. Rainbow tried to get me thrown in prison for trying to save her, and you nearly killed me after you saw me defend Ponyville from the Heartless. Didn't have much of a choice when I wanted to save Luna, didn't I?" She lowered her head, having nearly forgotten about that day. She got on her knees as she turned around to get up, seeing her reflection in the mirror. Instead of seeing herself as she is, she stared at her original self, alicorn Twilight. Sora kneeled down next to her a wrapped his arm around her shoulder, his reflection still human to her as he hugged her. "Right now, we need to do the same thing I had done. We need all the help we can get, and our friends out there can give us that help, even if they aren't really the ones we know back in Equestria."

"He's right, Twilight," Spike said, climbing into Twilight's lap. "I think we can trust them. They won't think any differently of us by who we are from the outside. I mean, they are our friends, but they're humans, and they have the same personalities our real friends have."

She looked down at Spike, then back to Sora, both of them confident enough to tell the girls out there the truth about who they were and the world they came from. She was reluctant at first, but Twilight nodded, finding no other option at this point.

"Hey, you two ok in there?" Applejack asked.

"You sure you guys are actually siblings or is there something you're not telling us!?" They soon heard Rainbow grunt as someone elbowed her in the side for that dumb question.

Sora and Twilight ignored the assumption, the Keyblade wielder helping her back up on her feet. It was now or never, and now was the better answer. They both exited the dressing room, the five girls awaiting what they were about to say. He looked at Twilight, nodding her head to him, prepared to await the disbelief that their human friends would have.

"Ok, girls, we have some bad news," Sora said to them. "When I split up from you earlier in the school, I apparently got into trouble with the vice-principal, but I was proven innocent."

"What happened?" Rarity asked.

"The Fall Formal isn't going to happen tomorrow night," he said.

"What!?" Pinkie exclaimed.

"The reason why is because Sunset Shimmer made Snips and Snails trash all the decorations in the gym," Sora continued.

"WHAT!?" Pinkie shrieked, all of her hard work ruined in the span of a day.

"But that dance needs to happen tomorrow!" Before the poofy haired girl tried to exclaim again, Sora quickly ran up to her and slapping his hand against her mouth. "Please stop doing that."

"The Fall Formal Dance is cancelled!?" Rarity asked, completely horrified.

"Why would Sunset do something like that if she wants to win!?" Rainbow questioned. "That's totally insane!"

"Well, there's a reason why she wants to do that." Sora removed his hand from Pinkie's mouth, seeing she wasn't going to scream randomly again. "It's a pretty long story."

"Wait!...I think I know what's going on here..." Pinkie glared at the two teens, deep in thought, until she dropped her menacing gaze as she spoke. "You two are actually from another world kind of like ours, Twilight's actually a pony princess who came through here to get back her crown that is actually a magical artifact meant to defend the world you're from and can't be used unless all of them are together, Spike is actually a dragon who assists Twilight, and Sora is actually a human like us but came from another world outside of her world who actually has a giant key-shaped sword that can use magic and do all sorts of epic stunts like he did back on the soccer field, protecting all the worlds from evil black monsters with beady yellow eyes that glow in the dark, and if you guys don't get the crown, then you'll end up being stuck here in our world for about another month until the gateway you three went through opens up again!"

Pinkie gave a big grin after her incredibly long, one-breath assumption. Sora's brain officially broke as he, Twilight, and Spike stared at the random human variant of their earth pony friend, jaws dropped in shock as she guessed everything they were about to say and on the first guess. Slowly, Sora's hands raised up, shakily aimed at the grinning girl, questioning himself if this was actually their Pinkie Pie that snuck in after them or the human version was truly able to break the fourth wall like her.

"Yeah, Pinkie, that's exactly what Sora was about to say," Rainbow said sarcastically.

"No," Spike said. "She's pretty much right about everything."

The girls all gasped, but Fluttershy gasped in excitement, hearing the purple and green puppy speaking. "IT CAN TALK!?"

"Yup. I can talk. And Pinkie was about about who I am." Spike stood up on his hind legs. "I'm not a dog; I'm a ferocious, fire-breathing dragon!"

He sat back down with a smug smirk after announcing himself, immediately disappearing as Fluttershy nearly dove tackled the dog. "This is so amazing! I've always wanted this to happen! What are you thinking right now!?"

Spike ignored the overly excited face Fluttershy was making, walking up to Rarity. "I could use a scratch behind the ears." His request only left the fashionista speechless, still trying to recover mentally as a talking dog was right at her feet. "Uhh, or maybe later."

"Pinkie, how did you guess all that?" Twilight asked, still baffled by how Pinkie could have known all that about them.

"Just a hunch," she simply said, making Sora groan in exasperation and fall over backwards.

"Of course," Sora said. "Why the heck not!? She guessed all that by a hunch! Who's to say she actually knew about us and pretended to be oblivious because she's never easy to read!?"

"So, let me get this straight," Applejack said, trying to piece together Pinkie's long summary of Twilight's, Sora's, and Spike's origins. "Twilight, y'all are some kind of pony princess, from a parallel world of ours?"

"Yes," Twilight said, giggling nervously as she began rubbing the back of her head. "And, there are pony versions of you back home, of everyone here."

"...Ok, maybe I can believe that," Rainbow said. "Maybe I can believe that dog of yours might actually be a dragon. But...Sora isn't a pony like you too? And he has a...giant sword that looks like a key? That's the one that I find hard to believe."

"Yeah. It's called a Keyblade." Sora stood back up and held out his hand. He summoned his Keyblade in a flash of light, surprising the girls as it appeared out of nowhere. They stared at the oddly shaped sword, Rainbow eating her own words of doubt. "The dark creatures are called Heartless, and we're lucky none of them have showed up, yes I can perform magic, and I can do a whole lot more than what I pulled off out on the soccer field." Seeing it was only them inside the boutique, Sora leapt up to the ceiling, higher than any normal human could jump on their own. What shocked them, even Twilight and Spike, was the fact that he was hovering very slowly back to the ground, somehow able to float without wings or any magic spell. "And I do mean a lot."

He floated back down to the ground after showing off his hovering Glide ability. They were quite amazed and fully believed them, Rainbow slowly walking up to Sora, grabbing his shoulders tightly.

"...That was awesome..." she uttered. "Teach me how to do that, and what you did in the soccer field!"

"Sadly, I can't," Sora said.

"And...you and Twilight aren't really siblings, right?" Rainbow asked, the teen shaking his head no in response. "And we're going to have to keep all this secret, right?"

"Bingo." Sora grabbed Rainbow's hands and lowered them back down to her sides, backing away from the excited athlete desperate to attempt pulling off what he could do. "Now, hidden truths revealed and introductions to who we really are aside...We need to fix the major problem we've got on our hands."

Back inside the school, the gang found the gym, and it was just as trashed as Sora had seen them in the pictures behind his photoshopped body. Balloons were popped, streamers were strewn about, the table and chairs set for those who wanted to take a breather or get some nourishment for the dance were flipped over. Pinkie fell on her knees, seeing the state of her party planning ruined.

"You maniacs! You ruined everything!" she shouted. "Darn you! Darn you all to heck!" Pinkie sighed and stood back up, the others ignoring her as it was just Pinkie being herself. "If only I had some kind of party cannon that could instantly set up decorations at the press of a button! That would make any party planning quick and easy...Hey, does pony me have one of those?"

"I'm going to refrain from answering that," Twilight said, hinting to the party loving teen that the answer was yes. "We could try and work together to clean this up, but if we work together, we just might have a chance to get the dance scheduled for tomorrow night again."

"Now that's the kinda can-do spirit Ah'm lookin' for in a Fall Formal Princess!" Applejack said, placing her hand out in front of her. "Ah'm up to gettin' this dance back on! Who's with me!?"

"Count me in!" Rainbow said, placing her hand over Applejack's.

"Absolutely!" Rarity joined in, along with Pinkie and Fluttershy.

"We'll get all this done before the day ends." Sora and Twilight placed their hands into the pile as well. "Let's get this dance back up and running!"

The girls cheered as they all lifted their hands up, ready to clean up the gym. Sora ran to the utility closet nearby, finding several sweeping brooms and plenty of cleaning supplies. Grabbing what they needed, he ran past the others with a broom, already beginning sweeping the floor of the ruined decorations as he passed a broom to them. In no time at all, they were able to sweep the mess into several piles, shoving them into trash bags. Once there was barely an inch of confetti or streamers anywhere on the gym floor, Sora carried all the bags over his shoulder and headed out to the back, tossing the garbage into the dumpsters nearby.

He walked back inside to help pick up the tables and chairs, surprised to see some of the students helping out as well. Two males started helping moving a table Twilight tried to pull, though Sora laughed as he saw Applejack walk past them, carrying another under her arm without feeling any strain. Some of the female students helped Rarity and Fluttershy redecorate the gym, and before he knew it, most of the student body came in and helped out. Seeing Twilight and the others working hard to clean up the mess inspired them to help too, wanting the dance to go on just as much as they did.

The stage started to get set up now, some of the tech teens working on the spotlights on the rafters, and Flash and his band helped test the audio for the music and microphones. At least he seemed ok now compared to earlier in the afternoon, content to distracting himself with his bandmates over losing Sunset Shimmer as she turned into someone he doesn't recognize anymore. While the gym was busy getting prepared, Sora had asked around if any of them saw Sunset, though none of them had seen her today.

Within only a couple of hours, the gym looked far better than Pinkie had decorated it earlier, everyone making sure this dance was going to be a memorable one. "This place looks perfect!" Pinkie squealed, bouncing up and down. "Better than I made it...Oh no! I'm losing my touch!"

Everyone soon heard clapping, Celestia and Luna having walked into the gym and surprised to see the decorations remade and the room ready to hold its dance. "Well done, everyone! Thanks to all the hard work you've done, the Fall Formal is back on for tomorrow night!" The students cheered, Twilight and Sora both relieved to have it back to get the crown before the portal closes. "Now, everybody, I suggest you all head back home and pick your best outfits for tomorrow evening. And don't forget to cast your votes for the Fall Formal Princess before you go."

As the students filed out, Luna held the ballot box out as they had their votes cast and placed their slips into the box. With the school day ending, the students left the campus to begin preparing themselves for tomorrow night. Sora and Twilight followed the girls into town, heading off to Pinkie Pie's for a sleepover, having no place to stay unless they wanted to sneak into the school's library and sleep there.

Sunset, however, was still at the school, wandering about in the fields as she began to grow more frustrated. "Unbelievable. I can't believe this. Sora's still off the hook, those two idiots confessing to destroying the gym, and now everyone fixed everything and the dance is back on for tomorrow night! They are ruining everything! That crown is supposed to be MINE!"

She screamed in rage, falling to her knees and slamming her fists into the grassy field outside of the track and field area. The dark aura appeared again around her hands, the contact with the ground causing the grass around her to burn in dark flames in a five yard radius from her. Shocked, Sunset stood up and watched the dark fire around her burn the area into nothing but a smoldering black circle. She looked down at her hands, seeing the aura again. Confused, but curious, she held her hand out and tried to use this strange power flowing through her, shooting out a small burst of flame out of her hand.

It was very powerful, the same kind of strength she had when she punched those lockers and bent them, leaving a hole through solid steel. She felt far more powerful than she ever had as a unicorn, even more so than the magically useless human form she takes while in this world. Sunset stared at the darkness billowing in her hand, her lips curling into a sadistic grin as she accepted its power, wanting to practice using it and see what else it can do.

"Maybe I won't need the Element of Magic after all," she chuckled, her eyes glowing red as the aura around her grew more wild. "Or...what if I use it to strengthen whatever this...dark power is?...Yes. I can just imagine it. No one can stop me with this power. Not even Sora."

Today was the day of the Fall Formal Dance. The girls were wide awake, greatly excited for the evening yet to come, Sora and Spike following them down the sidewalk until they reached the boutique. As soon as they entered the clothing store, they began looking around at different clothes, Rarity helping pick out which ones would be best suited for everyone, including herself. As much as the fashion designer wanted to pick something for Sora, the Keyblade wielder had to decline dressing up for the dance. He needed to be careful, and after they all got to know more about him and Twilight last night, where he gave them a brief description of his magic and his enchanted clothing, he had to make sure no sign of darkness will harm anyone in this world.

Sora waited for the next few hours in anticipation as the girls got ready, knowing the female can be very stubborn when it comes to looking good for an important event like a dance or ball. "Ok! We are fully ready for the dance!"

He turned away from the window as he watched the sun begin to set, seeing Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie in their dresses. Applejack wore a blue dress, red apples circling around the skirt, a white ascot around her neck, formal cowgirl boots, and a red rose pinned to her stetson. Rarity wore a shimmering blue dress and a pair of white boots with a blue diamond clipped at the front near the top of the footwear. Rainbow Dash wore a simple dress, the upper half rainbow striped while the skirt was blue with a red trim, a purple sash that had a gold cloud and lightning bolt set on the sash, and a pair of red boots with wings on the sides. Fluttershy wore a light blue and yellow dress and a pair of light blue boots with a set of butterflies attached to the laces. And Pinkie Pie wore a purple and light purple dress, the upper half of her outfit light blue with a yellow bow around her waist, a group of three balloons on the side of the skirt, a pair of dark purple boots, and a small light blue hat resting on her head.

"Wow," Sora said in awe. "Looking good, girls." He looked around the boutique, only seeing the five girls, and no sign of Twilight. "Where'd Twilight go to?"

Spike cleared his throat, catching their attention, wearing a black bowtie as his formal attire. "Ladies and gentleman, may I present to you the Fall Formal Princess, Twilight Sparkle!"

Pulling back the curtains of the dressing room, Twilight walked out in her dress. She wore a magenta colored dress, a couple bright white stars on the left hip of her skirt, and a pair of purple laced boots. Out of all of the girls, Twilight was quite stunning and sure to catch the eyes of the other students.

"Well? How do I look?" Twilight asked.

"If Riku were here, I bet he would have been stunned speechless seeing you in that dress. We might have to bring that with us and show him." Twilight blushed as she imagined the scenario. "Ok. You girls look ready."

"Are you sure you don't want to dress for the dance, Sora?" Rarity asked. "I'm sure there's something here in the boutique that suits your character."

"I am absolutely sure," Sora said. "I can't exactly be too relaxed. Not while Sunset might have a backup plan to try to steal the crown as soon as Twilight wins. You never know what might happen."

"Oh, very well. Best to be safe than sorry." Now with the girls fully prepared, the group exited the fashion store and began heading down to the school.

As they got closer to Canterlot High, they could see several of their peers had already arrived, dressed at their best to enjoy one of the best nights of their lives. Though this was going to be a fun night, they couldn't lower their guard. Sunset had yet to appear around the rest of the student body yesterday, and she wasn't around today when the announcement to see who won as Princess of the Fall Formal will happen tonight. Waiting at the front of the school was Flash Sentry, dressed in a black tuxedo with a blue undershirt beneath the jacket.

"Hey, you girls go on in," Sora said. "I'll catch up with you in a bit."

"Ok. Don't be gone for too long." The girls headed inside with Spike at their heels, leaving Sora alone with Flash.

"Hey, Flash Sentry." The musician lifted turned his head to Sora, surprised to see him still in his clothes and not in a tux. "Waiting for your date for the dance?"

"Why aren't you dressed up?" he asked. "I thought you would have wanted to see your sister win tonight."

"Well...There's a lot of excuses I can think of as to why I'm not formally dressed, and you don't want to know the real reason." Sora grinned and brought his arms behind his head. "Our folks couldn't afford to rent me a tux since we had just moved here a few days ago, so this is as close to a black outfit as I can get!"

"Try telling that to Principal Celestia," Flash said with a light chuckle. "And for your information, I'm going to the dance solo. Couldn't find the right girl to go with."

"Unless that girl is Sunset Shimmer." Flash grimaced, but nodded his head. He still had feelings for her, yet his heart won't let her go and move on. "Speaking of, you know where she might be?"

"I don't know," he said. "The last I saw her was yesterday in the hall after she punched those lockers...I don't know how she could have done something like that. It's physically impossible."

"Yeah. Weird." Sora looked around the campus, finding no sign of Sunset coming up around the town. "Well, let's not get all mopey about the worst moments. There's a new princess ready to receive her coronation. Might as well celebrate this time."

"...You're right. I'm up for a bit of a change this year." The two teens headed up the stairs and into the school, Flash ready to have a good time. "Say, you think your sister won't mind if I share a dance with her?"

"Don't even think about it, Flash," Sora warned. "She's already got herself a boyfriend, and even though he's back where we're from, he's very overprotective and could fly down here and kick your butt if he finds out."

"Hey, it's just a friendly dance." The Keyblade wielder rolled his eyes, both of them entering the gym and seeing how lively the place was.

Music was playing, DJ'd by human Vinyl Scratch behind the mixer, bobbing her head to the beat while the other students danced. Flash split up from Sora to join up with his band to play a few songs when they fill in for the DJ when she needed a break. Sora wandered about the gym, avoiding dancing teens as the lights changed every so often to make the party more upbeat. He found the girls not too far from the buffet table, spotting Pinkie carrying a large variety of sweets on a small paper plate.

"There you are!" Rainbow shouted over the music. "Scoping the perimeter for those Heart-Beast things!?"

"They're called Heartless, and I didn't see any yet! Or Sunset!" Sora responded.

"Maybe she felt intimidated and ran off!" Sora and Twilight doubted that Sunset would have ran off to get something as powerful as the Element of Magic.

After a while of music, dancing, and hanging out with friends, the lights slowly came back as Celestia and Luna walked up onto the stage, ready to announce what the school's been waiting for for the past couple days. "Hello, Canterlot High students. I hope you're all having a wonderful time in this year's Fall Formal." The students all cheered, showing their principal they were indeed having fun after the hard work they all did fixing the gym yesterday. "First, I have to say just how wonderful everything looks here tonight. After hearing of the unfortunate event that had befallen the gymnasium, and the fact someone insane enough would bust those lockers, you've all done a magnificent job working together to get the dance back on track.

"Now, I would like to announce what you've all been waiting for: the winner of this year's Fall Formal crown!" Celestia grabbed an envelope and opened it up, holding the name of the winner. "The Princess of this year's Fall Formal is...Twilight Sparkle!"

Everyone applauded and cheered for their new princess, Twilight making her way up to the stage to receive her crown. Luna opened a small chest she carried as she walked up with Celestia earlier, opening it to reveal the Element of Magic resting inside. The principal took the crown out and began to place it atop Twilight's head. While everyone was distracted by the coronation of their new Fall Formal Princess, Sunset stood outside of the gym, watching everything from in the halls.

"Smile while you can, Twilight Sparkle." She held up her hand, billowing with dark aura as her fingertips began to spark dark electricity. "That crown won't be yours for long."

She slammed her hand into the wall near the light switches, sending electricity surging through the circuits until it reached the lights to the inside of the gym. Sora looked up, hearing electrical sounds suddenly sparking above them, gasping as he saw dark sparks flowing through the ceiling. Suddenly, all the power inside of the gym shut off, leaving everyone in a blind panic as they were left blind in the dark. He looked over at the entrance, spotting Sunset flee down the halls in the still lit hallways.

"There she is." In the darkness, being hard to see with his dark clothing, Sora leapt up and glided over to the entrance, the girls quickly following him as he barged through the doors and began the chase. "Sunset! Stop!" She ignored him, using her dark power to move the lockers in the hallway to trip him up or crush him. Sora was able to avoid the falling lockers, summoning his Keyblade as he made it through the deadly obstacle course as he worried about how strong her darkness was at this point. "This is bad. She's actually using the power of darkness!"

Sunset ran out the front doors, leaving a wall of dark flames in Sora's path as she ran toward the statue. He aimed his Keyblade out in front of him and cast Blizzaga, dousing the black fire and barging through the doors. He used Strike Raid, throwing his weapon at her, only for a wall of black ice to stop it as it shattered behind her. Calling his weapon back, he quickly skidded to a halt as Sunset now held a sledgehammer in her hands, ready to swing it right at the statue.

"Not another step!" she commanded, her eyes glowing red. "Come any closer, and you and Twilight can kiss your little portal back home goodbye!" The Mane Six ran out of the school and down to Sora, the Keyblade wielder holding his hand out to them, keeping them far enough away. "Ah. And the gang's all here. Perfect."

"Sunset, put that sledgehammer down," Sora said, hoping to calmly rationalize with her and not fight her. "You have no idea what you're doing with the power you're using. It's dangerous, and it can kill you."

"Don't try to bargain with me, Sora," Sunset said, ignoring him as the darkness inside her grew. "This power is incredible, and I never knew I had it in me. It's far more powerful than my own unicorn magic, and I was sick and tired of feeling like a useless human being with no magical power. But with this-" She held out her hand, darkness flowing out of her palm, shifting the power from burning flames, to crackling lightning, and finally misty ice, all of the magical power as black as the aura around them. "-I feel like I'm in my element."

"Sunset, darkness is not meant to be abused, or even gained at all!" Sora shouted. "You have to stop using it! If you don't, you'll end up being the target of Heartless, or worse, become one!"

"I think I can control it. I'm doing fine so far, and I'm only getting stronger the more I use it." Sora couldn't believe his ears. Sunset had no idea what she was getting into, even after knowing everything about him, and she's ignoring the fact that her life is in danger if she keeps using the power of darkness. "Now, unless you want to stay here forever, hand over the crown. Now."

"Uhh, question!?" Pinkie asked with her hand raised. "If that statue is supposed to be the portal Sora, Twilight, and Spike came from, which is kind of ironic because the statue has a horse on it and they came from a pony world, wouldn't that hammer just go through the portal?"

"I'm not stupid," Sunset said with an irritated groan. "I'm not going to slam this INTO the portal, you frizzy haired dimwit." Her hands flared with darkness, coating the sledgehammer into a bigger, heavier hammer. The weight of the transformed tool/weapon didn't strain her in the slightest as she aimed her swing on the statue. "I'm going to destroy the statue, the source of the portal's gateway between here and Equestria! So, make your choice. Give me the crown, or else you'll never see anyone from home ever again!"

Sora didn't dare move, both him and Twilight stuck between a rock and a hard place. If he tried to run at Sunset, she could destroy the statue and the portal, leaving them trapped in this alternate world without any way back. Everyone back in Equestria will panic, no idea if there was any spell to create portals to another dimension. He wasn't even sure if Merlin knew anything, only giving him, Donald, and Goofy a doorway portal back to Disney Castle's past to save the Cornerstone of Light.

While Sora began trying to formulate a plan in his head, Twilight took the Element of Magic off her head. She looked at the star-shaped gem, knowing how important it was for this crown to return home. She walked up next to Sora, Sunset grinning as she was going to give her what she wanted. Twilight frowned and looked at the hammer-wielding girl with a stern gaze.

"No. I'm not giving you the crown," Twilight said defiantly, making Sunset balk and nearly drop her hammer.

"W-What!? Are you insane!?" she exclaimed in confusion. "I'm about to destroy your only way back! Your friends! Your family! Forever! Are you even using that brain you claim you have!?"

"I know the risks I'm willing to take, Sunset Shimmer," Twilight said, placing the crown back on her head. "Here in this world, I've seen what you've done here without magic, and now that you're using the power of darkness, you're more of a threat than ever before. Equestria can manage without us, but this world can't with you here." She looked at Sora, the teen nodding as he widened his stance. "So go ahead and destroy the portal! No matter what you do, you are NOT getting this crown!"

The aura around Sunset began to flare wildly as she grew angry, growling menacingly as she glared at the defiant human alicorn. A few seconds later, the aura froze and dissipated, sighing in annoyance as she closed her eyes.

"Fine. You win..." She lowered her stance and was about to drop the hammer, the girls behind them running up to Twilight and congratulating her. Sora felt something was off, still seeing the sledgehammer in its transformed state. Sunset opened her eyes and thrust her hand out, the aura returning, and as she clenched her fist, a powerful gale hit Sora and sent him flying far away from the others, making him tumble until he righted himself on his feet. "But I'm getting that crown, even if I have to kill you for it!"

With a heavy grunt, Sunset threw the hammer straight at Twilight, sending it spinning like a saw blade hurled at an incredible speed for its heavy weight. The others gasped in shock, even Twilight, Sora running as fast as he can to make it and block it, but he was too far away and would be too late.

"Twilight! No!" He screamed out.

Twilight flinched and held out her hands, time slowing around them as the inevitable end would come. Suddenly, appearing in a bright flash of lavender light, a Keyblade appeared right in her hands. Sora stared in shock as he ran, surprised to see Twilight actually holding a Keyblade. It was similarly colored like the Keyblade of Magic, but its design was far different: the blade had spirals around it, almost like it was a perfectly cylindrical unicorn horn, the end pointed like one as the teeth had the outline of a star on the outside and a crown inside it, the guard of the hilt shaped like pegasus wings, the feathers matching her hair colors, and the chain hanging off the end of the pommel were the same symbols that the Elements of Harmony had, the Element of Magic at the end as a bigger fuchsia star.

Her instinct to use magic to save herself kicked in, a large lavender barrier appearing around her in a sheen of light, stopping the dark hammer dead in its collision as it hit the magical barrier. It flashed for a second, a reflective force knocking the heavy hammer away from her, sending it flying back to Sunset as it landed into the ground a few meters away from her feet. Sora skidded to a halt, completely baffled, having no idea how Twilight got herself a Keyblade.

Twilight opened her eyes after feeling nothing smash her skull in, gasping as she saw a Keyblade held in her hand. "W-What?" She held the blade up, examining the newly appeared Keyblade both in awe in confusion. "A-A Keyblade?...I have a Keyblade?"

"Whoa!" Rainbow exclaimed as the others surrounded Twilight, surprised to see the new Keyblade. "You didn't tell us you had a Keyblade too! That's so freakin' awesome!"

"B-But I don't," Twilight admitted. "Sora, Riku, and Kairi were the only ones to have one. I don't even know how this one came to me!"

"Well, however you got it, you must be pretty special as a pony princess, Twilight!" Pinkie said excitedly.

Sunset's eye twitched, growling angrily as the word Pinkie called Twilight aggravated her to no end, making her darkness spiral out of control. "Oh yeah! She's VERY special, isn't she!?"

Sunset held out her hands at her sides, darkness spiraling around them and extending out from her palms. The aura began to solidify, turning into swords similar to the design they were when she made them out of her unicorn magic back in the Crystal Palace. With her eyes glowing brighter, she yelled and rushed forward, heading straight for Twilight. Sora snapped out of his shock and continued running forward, thrusting his Keyblade forward as he gained a bit of extra distance, making it in time as he blocked the downward slash Sunset made.

"No you don't!" After parrying her attack, Sora stepped forward and spread his arms out, using his Counterguard ability to unleash a shockwave, sending Sunset flying back across the yard. "Girls, stay inside! I'll take care of Sunset!"

"None of you are going anywhere!" Sunset was already back on her feet, thrusting her hands forward to unleash another powerful gust of wind between all of them.

Blown away by the dark winds, everyone got split up as they were sent everywhere across the front yard of the school. Twilight's crown was knocked off from the whirlwind as well, landing right by Fluttershy as she shakily got back on her feet. She picked up the crown, then looked up as she heard Sunset running toward her, screaming in fright as she fell backward, crawling away for her life. Sora quickly reached into his red pouch and pulled out one of his summon charms, holding the red feather on it.

"Please let these work in alternate worlds," Sora prayed as he called forth his two friends from Never Land. "Peter! Tinkerbell! Help me out here!"

The summoning worked as everyone heard a crowing sound come from above them. Swooping down from the skies, a young boy wearing a green tunic and tights and a cap with a red feather in it flew down, snatching Fluttershy in his arms before Sunset slashed her blades down on her. When Fluttershy opened her eyes, she panicked and held onto whoever saved her as she was now flying in the air.

"Phew! That was a close one, huh!?" He flew them both back down to the ground, letting Fluttershy down as he took the crown from her. "Wow. This thing is a lot more shiny than ol' Hookie's treasure hoard."

"W-Who are you?" the timid girl asked.

"I'm Peter Pan!" he introduced, a yellow glowing light floating down next to him and landing on his shoulder. "And this is Tinkerbell!"

As she got a closer look at the glowing light, it was actually a fairy, her wings clear and shaped like a butterfly's, wearing a green dress. "Oh my...She's a fairy."

"Give me that crown!" Sunset screamed as she began running toward them.

"Keep away!" Peter shouted, throwing the crown over the angry girl's head, Rainbow Dash catching it as he and Tinkerbell split up.

"Got it!" Growling, Sunset grabbed her swords and stabbed them into the ground, sending a wave of dark ice headed straight for the athletic teen. Rainbow tried to flee from it, but the wave curved as it homed in on her, trapping her lower body in a block of ice as it caught her. "Gah! AJ!"

As she tossed the crown to Applejack, Tinkerbell flew over to Sora, giving him the ability to temporarily regenerate his health. He didn't want the others to try and distract Sunset and further aggravate her, but if she could tire out, then he might be able to help her before she winds up fully giving in to the darkness. He whispered something the the fairy, Tinkerbell nodding her head and flying off toward Pinkie Pie. The party girl noticed the small fairy as she began flying around her, staring in awe as she sprinkled sparkling gold dust all over her.

"Oooooh. Pretty," Pinkie said.

"Pinkie, think of a happy thought and you can fly!" Sora called out as he ran for Sunset to help Applejack.

"I can?" She heard Applejack grunt as she avoided a lightning bolt that tried to strike her, dropping the crown as she hit the ground. Taking Sora's advice, Pinkie began thinking of happy thoughts, though with the amount she's had over the years, it was easy for her to fly with the help of Tinkerbell's pixie dust. She flew forward, quickly getting used to flying, snatching the crown away from Sunset before she could grab it. "Wheeeeeeeeee! This is fun!"

Sunset growled, the darkness growing bigger as she slashed her swords at Pinkie's direction, sending dark air slices flying straight for her. Pinkie shrieked and flew away, narrowly avoiding getting hacked by the powerful wind slashes. Too focused on getting the Element of Magic back, Twilight ran up to Sunset and tried to slash at her with her new Keyblade, but since she had no experience with physical combat, or using a weapon, her strike came up weak, quickly blocked by one of the dark blades.

"You're absolutely pathetic," Sunset growled, turning her head to look at Twilight. "You have one of those Keyblades, and you have no clue how to hold it right." She twisted her own blade swiftly, parrying the Keyblade out of the inexperienced girl's hands, pointing the dark blade at her neck. "I took a fencing class while I was living here, and I've even read up on medieval combat since it reminded me so much of the Royal Guard back in Canterlot...Some genius you turned out to be when you're not smart enough to properly defend yourself, princess."

Before she thrust her blade into Twilight's neck, a sphere of gravity formed above Sunset, growing bigger as it fell over her. The gravity around her slammed her hard into the ground, making her drop her dark blades. Sora quickly ran up to Twilight, carried her off her feet and ran her back near the building.

"Twilight, you leave the fighting to me," he scolded, dropping her off near the steps. "Now stay like a good pony and don't do anything reckless that would cause Riku to skin me alive, ok?"

"I thought I could help," Twilight said sheepishly, Sora quickly running back to Sunset before she stood up.

"Pinkie! Throw me the crown!" Pinkie, still flying around, dropped the crown where Sora was running to.

Sunset Shimmer got up on her knees, her blood boiling as she had enough of chasing around and killing the others. "I've had ENOUGH OF THIS!!!!!!"

Gathering a large amount of darkness in her hands, she slammed them down to the ground, unleashing a powerful dark shockwave. Sora was struck by the powerful blast, sending him flying back to Twilight, even sending Pinkie spiraling out of control as she made a rough landing in one of the nearby bushes in front of the school. Peter Pan and Tinkerbell were unfortunately caught in the shockwave as well, disappearing in a flash of light as their summon limit was instantly stopped. The others still standing were knocked back and fell to the ground.

Panting in exhaustion, Sunset stood up on her feet, clutching her head as the amount of power she unleashed drained her. She looked at the ground and saw the Element of Magic laying in the grass, tiredly smirking as she stumbled over to it. Sora stood back up, gripping his Keyblade tightly, but when he faced Sunset, he gasped as she now held the crown. With the darkness around her and her wearing the Element of Magic could lead to a deadly combination with the uncontrollable power she had.

"Sunset, don't do it!" he shouted as he ran to her.

"Finally. It's mine." She began to laugh, hovering the crown over her head. "Now, my power will continue to grow, and I will be unstoppable!" The aura flowing from her began to merge with the crown as she put it on, causing a powerful magical surge that nearly knocked Sora off his feet as he got closer. The darkness fused with the light blue aura that began to surround her, Sunset gasping in fright as she felt her chest burning, nothing she expected from her new power. "W-What's going on!? Urgh! I-It hurts! AHHHH!"

"No!" Sora tried to reach out to her, but a powerful shockwave shoved him back, his feet skidding across the ground as he stayed standing, shielding his eyes as the lights brightened.

From the school, Celestia and Luna escorted the students out of the gym after finally figuring out where the doors were from the sudden blackout. They exited the front door, only to pause their evacuation as they stared in shock at what was happening outside.

"What is happening!?" Celestia asked.

Inside the pillar of light, they heard Sunset scream in terror and agony, the darkness from inside her pouring out and surrounding her along with the Element of Magic's power. Inside of the darkening light, as she continued screaming, her body began to transform: her body began to grow darker, her clothes were now a mix of red, yellow and black, a large heart symbol appearing around her abdomen, her boots turning black and red like a dark flame, her hair stood up as streaks of black appeared in her red and yellow hair, some of it growing longer to make it seem like she had an equine tail, fangs grew in her teeth, a pair of demonic black wings sprouted from her back, and a sharp horn grew from her forehead. As soon as the light disappeared after her transformation was complete, her body floated down to the ground as she fell on her hands and knees, everyone staring at her new form in fear.

Flash pushed through the crowd of shocked students, having heard Sunset crying out for help. He ran up next to the Mane Six, the girls regrouping with Twilight as they too watched in horror. The air grew silent, no one making a sound or able to move, the students and older women having no clue what was happening, while the others feared the worst.

"Sunset?" Flash called out, seeing her stir as she began to stand up on her feet, grabbing her head as she kept her balance.

"...Heh...Heheheheheh..." Sunset's dark chuckling sent a chill down everyone's spine. "This power...I...I feel...I feel..." She lifted her head up, showing everyone her darkened face, Sora gasping as they all saw her eyes: her irises a swirl of red and yellow, the latter swirls glowing ominously in the night light. Her menacing laughter grew louder, the power inside of her far more incredible than she had ever felt, the power of darkness along with the Element of Magic transforming her into what her heart showed out in the open: a heartless monster, only caring about herself and the power she wanted and had finally gained. "I feel...SO ALIVE!"

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