• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree (Part 4)

Twilight opened her eyes, finding herself in a void similar to the ones she gets sucked into from her nightmares upon Midnight Sparkle's return. Her friends were nowhere in sight, alone and scared as the magic power was about to take over her body. She heard her darkness's laughter echo in the void, appearing in front of Twilight as her ethereal form like a giant compared to her as she floated helplessly.

"You will never control me!" Midnight Sparkle taunted.

Twilight dug into her pockets and pulled out Ventus's Wayfinder, clinging onto it tightly, praying it would protect her. "J-Just leave me alone!" Twilight timidly exclaimed.

"You can never get rid of me, Twilight," Midnight said. "I will always be a part of you, and this time, I'm taking back MY body!"

The dark persona then turned into blue magical energy, swiftly shooting down and into Twilight, making her grunt as Midnight Sparkle's power began to consume her being. Dark wings sprouted from her back, then the ethereal mask and horn. Twilight screamed as she struggled to fight back, her grip on the charm tightening as she began to lose herself.

"Twilight!" Twilight opened her eyes, which began to glow under Midnight Sparkle's power, slowly turning to a red light shining down from the void. Inside that light was Sunset, several more colorful lights surrounding the slowly corrupted teen with the rest of their friends joining to encourage Twilight. "Listen to me! You are in charge!"

"You are a light, darling! A force for good!" Rarity said.

"Yeah! You can kick the darkness's butt!" Rainbow added.

"We're here for you, Twilight!" Pinkie said next.

"And we'll be here, no matter what!" Applejack said.

"We believe in you!" Fluttershy said.

Despite her friends being there to encourage her, Twilight felt Midnight Sparkle's power begin to take over, letting out a scream as darkness began surrounding her. The girls gasped in shock, helplessly watching Twilight losing to Midnight as she began to slowly transform. Even though she wasn't completely in control, Midnight Sparkle gained enough as she began to giggle maniacally, her purple irises appearing in the glowing blue light of her eyes.

"Uh oh! This isn't supposed to happen!" Pinkie said. "She's supposed to beat Midnight Sparkle's influence and embrace the magic of friendship, both literally and figuratively!"

"Apparently, her will wasn't strong enough, as I expected," Midnight said. "So afraid of what she had inside her, and when she tried to unleash it all, she barely tried to fight back. Such a shame." Opening her hand, she sneered at the Wayfinder, chuckling to herself as she recalled Twilight's nightmare. "If this is your last bastion of hope in thinking I won't take over, then maybe I should destroy it. With your very own hand."

Just as she was about to clench and incinerate the star charm, lightning suddenly struck her from above, making her yell out in pain. Quickly looking up with a growl, she was surprised to see Kairi diving down toward her. The other girls noticed as well as they watched Kairi get closer, flipping over onto her feet and landing midair on an invisible floor in the void.

"Midnight Sparkle...Get out of Twilight right now, or else!" Kairi warned, getting in her battle stance.

"Kairi?" Sunset uttered.

"First that runt, Ventus, Sunset Shimmer, and now you," Midnight growled. Ignoring the charm in her hand, she opened her other hand, summoning her sword/bow in a veil of darkness. "My one chance to return, and I'm not going to let you or them stop me!"

"Twilight, I know you're still in there!" Kairi called out. "I know you're afraid of your new magic, but it's your magic, not Midnight Sparkle's!"

"She's too weak to break free," Midnight said. "In a matter of moments, I'll be back in control again, and I'll take all the magic I can! Ventus won't even stop me, and neither will you!"

"Do you even know who you're up against?" Kairi questioned. "I am one of the seven Princesses of Heart back in our world; hearts of pure light that can never be tainted by darkness! And as a Keyblade wielder, my power as one of these princesses can do much more." She pointed her Keyblade at Midnight Sparkle, confusing the dark entity. "Even purge something as dark as you out of someone and give them back control of their hearts."

With the tip of her Keyblade shining with light, Kairi traced a heart in front of her, leaving a line of white light as the heart was formed. While unleashing her power, her engagement ring began to shine again like before, nearly distracting Kairi from her as it seemed to be enhancing her light. Being more concerned with Midnight Sparkle, she ignored the odd phenomenon and fired a beam of light from her Keyblade into the ethereal heart. It then fired a more powerful beam, engulfing Midnight Sparkle as she shrieked in agony, her body being forcefully peeled away from Twilight's, taking away the wings, eye mask, and horn.

"N-NO! I...WON'T...LET THIS HAPPEN!" Midnight screamed.

"You have no choice!" Kairi protested. Her ring began glowing again, confusing Kairi as her body seemed to move on its own, aiming her Keyblade at Midnight "What is going on? Why is my ring-?"

Another flash of light from Kairi's Keyblade was released, this time sending out chains of ethereal light shooting straight at the slowly ejecting darkness and latching onto her limbs. Midnight let out a startled grunt, trying to pull back on the chains forcefully pulling her out of her host. Kairi blinked in surprise, but gripped her blade tightly with both hands, then pulled back hard, sending Midnight Sparkle flying out of Twilight and toward her while the teen fell back with a gasp.

With Midnight Sparkle bound in chains of light and struggling to pull them off, Kairi kept a hold on the darkness as she looked at her ring. It apparently held more power than that of any ordinary gem, even with its magical properties to make it look transparent and change its luster depending on who holds it. What was also odd was that she didn't feel exhausted after using her darkness purging ability, either losing consciousness or barely able to stand after unleashing so much energy. She would have to ask Sora if he knew there was much more to her ring than he claimed, but for now, dealing with Midnight Sparkle came first, then Gloriosa.

"That was awesome!" Rainbow cheered. "That was just like what Sora did to Sunset when she went all demon Heartless at school!"

Kairi walked over to Twilight, keeping her Keyblade pointed at Midnight to keep the chains holding her down in place. "Twilight?" she called out. Twilight groaned and sat up, back in control of herself, taking Kairi's offered hand as she was helped back up on her feet. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah. Thank you," Twilight said. Looking down at the bound alter ego, Twilight felt miserable, unable to fend her off no matter how hard she tried. She opened her hand and looked down at the Wayfinder, thankfully unharmed thanks to Kairi's intervention, but it didn't make her feel better knowing she was stopped from almost harming everyone again. "I can't beat her...I'm useless."

"Twilight, don't say that," Kairi said. "You are much stronger than Midnight Sparkle. You just can't show her you're that afraid of her."

"How am I stronger than that!?" Twilight exclaimed, pointing at Midnight, still trying to pull off the chains, but Kairi's light held strong. "I used too much of this new magic, and she began to take control!"

"That's only happening because you keep thinking it's Midnight's magic," Kairi stated. "Her magic was more destructive than just accidentally levitating a few things around you. This magic is YOURS, Twilight, not hers. And you can use it whenever you desire, because if the others have their own magic they're used to, and it's not dangerous-" Kairi winced, looking over at Pinkie, knowing her magic control still needed work with her personality. "-...for the most part, then yours isn't dangerous as well."

Twilight mulled over Kairi's words, but didn't have much time to think when Midnight started to break free. Her struggling made Kairi nearly get pulled away from her Keyblade, focusing her attention back on Twilight's Heartless and keep her contained. Midnight let out a yell, unleashing a blast of darkness that shattered the chains, sending both girls sliding back from the shockwave. Midnight panted heavily, exerting herself, but still stood, picking up her weapon as she turned to leer at Kairi.

"It's MY power!" Midnight stated. "She's NOTHING without me! And none of you will stand in my way, especially a goody-goody princess like you!" With a powerful flap of her wings, Midnight flew toward Kairi. "As soon as I destroy you, I'll destroy everyone else who dares to stop Midnight Sparkle!"

Kairi held her Keyblade up, ready to block Midnight's blade and protect Twilight. Twilight looked down at the Wayfinder, dreading to have Midnight Sparkle harm her friends. She had to face her darkness, but seeing all her friends around her, being there for her in this time of crisis, she needed to make it up to them after feeling like such a burden with her brooding. Staring down her fears, Twilight held an arm out, using her telekinetic magic and grabbed Midnight's weapon, stopping her from hitting Kairi's Keyblade by mere inches.

"No. You will not harm my friends," Twilight said. Kairi looked back at her, then stepped aside, seeing much more confidence in her now. Twilight stepped forward, watching Midnight struggle to pull her blade back, but Twilight's magic was stronger. "This magic is mine, Midnight. I am not you; I'm Twilight Sparkle! And the magic I carry inside of me is the Magic of Friendship!"

In a flash of light, Twilight began to transform: her hair grew out and formed a tail, purple wings sprouted from her back, and an ethereal purple horn grew from her forehead. She then grabbed Midnight's sword, thrusting her other hand at her darkness, pushing her back with a pulse of magic while stealing away her weapon. Midnight grunted in confusion, then watched in shock as her dark weapon began to transform into one of light.

"N-No!" Midnight shouted.

"Alright, she did it!" Applejack said as the other girls cheered.

Taking the multi-weapon by the hilt, she flicked it in her wrist, turning it into a bow and aimed it at Midnight. "You're never going to haunt me in my dreams again," Twilight said, pulling back on the string as a magical purple arrow appeared in the ranged weapon.

"You're going to kill me?" Midnight asked with a laugh. "You do that, you'll kill both of us!"

"Actually, I had something else in mind." As she aimed, she took in Applejack's advice from the Friendship Games during archery section of the relay race. Focusing on Midnight, she took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "You're in need of a timeout."

Letting go, she fired the lavender arrow, releasing a stream of similar light in its wake. Midnight Sparkle flinched as it came after her, only for its trajectory to rise up above the Heartless, then explode and sent thousands of smaller arrows raining down on her. Midnight yelled out in pain as she was struck, the arrows making her feel heavy as her body began to sink further down into the endless void below. She then fell, her wings unable to save her as she screamed furiously, fading deep into the depths until she couldn't be seen. Twilight dropped the bow, watching it fade in a flash of light.

"Nice job, Twilight," Kairi said. "Now, let's get those gems from Gloriosa."

Twilight nodded her head, her body glowing as the duo exited Twilight's heart.

As Twilight came back to reality, she found herself surrounded by the girls, all of them really with her while lost in her heart with Midnight Sparkle. Even her pony form was more like her own from when she transformed in her heart, no longer bearing Midnight's dark wings and ethereal horn and mask. Hearing the thorns around them begin to break through Rarity's shield, Twilight unleashed her magic power, flying up and bursting through the vines, destroying them in her wake. Sora and Ventus looked back after distancing themselves from the Behemoth Flytrap, surprised to see Twilight ponied up and flying up to Gloriosa.

"So, I guess Twilight does have magic after all," Ventus said. "It would make sense seeing how she's a double of the princess we know back home."

"And she's going for Gloriosa!?" Sora exclaimed.

Finding an opening, Twilight spotted Gloriosa, then used her magic to forcefully pry the gems away from her neck. "No! Stop!" Gloriosa cried out, unable to do anything with her arms locked inside her tree-like throne and her magic thorns unable to reach Twilight.

Green electricity sparked around Gloriosa's neck until, finally, Twilight pulled the seven gems off the vine keeping them close to her. Once they were off, the gems acted on their own and flew off toward the girls. Each colored gem hovered in the hands of their respective owners, then spun and shrouded each of them in a colorful light matching the gem they were given. In bright flashes, each of the girls' outfits transformed by the gems' magical power, fitting their personalities, their respective elements when they pony up, even keeping their Equestrian appendages, changing Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's pegasus wings into crystal ones. Twilight was the last as she hovered in front of her friends, her crystal doing the same transformation for her as the others did for them, making them look like a superhero group ready to face a dastardly villain wanting to destroy the world. The gems now transformed into pendants, hanging around all the girls' necks

"...Well, I guess that worked," Sora said, completely dumbfounded by their new looks.

"Wow. I guess it made sense that those gems belonged to them," Kairi said to herself. Her ring began to shine again, surprising her with yet another power that began to flow through her. "Now what?"

The CHS girls' pendants began glowing, then shot a colored beam at Kairi, aiming for her specially enchanted engagement ring and made it glimmer in a rainbow of colors. A bright light shrouded Kairi, blinding everyone, including Gloriosa and the Behemoth Flytrap. Inside the light, Kairi's clothes began to change similarly to the other girls, though it kept to a closer design to that of her Keyblade armor. Kairi now wore a longer combat skirt, her boots turned into white crystal ones that were almost up to her knees, white, fingerless gloves with a pink heart matching the ones Emblem Heartless release upon being slain on the back appeared on her hands, her shirt was now white, hearts of all sizes etched around it glimmering as they faded and reappeared elsewhere like an aurora, and the crystal heart of her ring was now hanging around her neck like the girls' pendants. She also gained pony appendages like the rest of the group: the back of her short hair growing to form a tail where a clear white, heart-shaped tie separated her hair from her tail, pink pony ears sticking out from the top of her head, a long, pink ethereal horn growing from her forehead, and even a pair of pink wings sprouted from her back.

The light faded as her transformation was complete, and when everyone got a look at the new Kairi, they all gaped in awe, especially Sora when he saw the wings no one expected her to get in her new state. "...Ok. Seems like everyone's getting a transformation today," Ventus uttered to himself.

Kairi looked at herself, shocked to feel the wings on her back, and the heart-shaped diamond was now a necklace around her neck. "Ok, there is definitely a lot more to this diamond now than it appears..." Looking up after examining her new form, she saw the look of awe on Sora as he stared at her, jaw dropped, wings completely flared out, and even the six Keyblade floating around him were frozen stiff, clearly showing her he liked what he saw. Behind him and Ventus, however, the Behemoth Flytrap didn't like what it saw, letting out a roar and sent a huge wave of sharp thorns rolling toward them all. "Sora, look out!"

Swinging her arm to her side to summon her Keyblade, Destiny's Embrace also made a huge change as well. The heart shaped guard now shimmered, making the ocean wave and sandy curved halves seem real like they literally from the ocean shore, the blade was a few inches longer, the flowers making up the teeth were now white roses in the shape of hearts, and the paopu fruit at the end of the chain had a diamond heart similar to her engagement ring in the middle. Aiming her newly transformed Keyblade, she cast a Firaga spell to burn away the incoming thorns, which were now white, adding an element of light to the burning hot flames that incinerated the wave of dangerous, enchanted plant life in seconds.

Jaws dropped from the explosion of white embers flickering out of existence, even the monster was shocked and grew terrified. "...Sweet," Rainbow said, voicing everyone's comments from the spectacular, enhanced Fire spell.

Sora turned back to Kairi, stunned, yet more infatuated with her than their first meeting as kids. "...Will you marry me?" he asked.

"You already proposed to her, you idiot," Ventus drolly responded, smacking Sora in the back of the head to snap him out of his stupor.

Kairi shook her head in amusement, then focused her attention on the Behemoth Flytrap, slowly walking toward it as she brushed past Sora and Ventus. "Stand back, boys. I've got a score to settle with this overgrown weed for biting my foot." The beast let out a startled yelp, quickly shaking its head in fear. It tried to bargain with her, sprouting a vine with several varieties of rare flowers in a beautiful bouquet. "Well, isn't that sweet?" she said, giving some hope for the floral beast. To its misfortune, she swiftly sliced the magically crafted bouquet, sending petals in a flurry around her. "But like I told Sora; if I'm given flowers, I'm gonna destroy them." She then aimed her Keyblade at the Behemoth Flytrap, which began to let out pleading whimpers, unable to move, or even attack the dangerously powerful wielder with ungodly powers of light. "Holy Flare."

A small beam of light came down from the sky, striking the flytrap, then erupted into a pillar of white flames, engulfing the structure as they heard the plant creature shriek in agony until it faded away. Once the flames disappeared, only the beast was destroyed, leaving Gloriosa's tree-like throne still intact, including her untouched by the holy fire.

"I think now's a good time for us to get rid of the rest of Gloriosa's magic," Sunset said, the other girls nodding silently as they joined together to get rid of all the wild enchanted plants trapping everyone in the campgrounds.

The lights from their pendants glowed, shining beams of color up to the top of the vine dome. The magical beams phased through the thick vine barrier, undoing all the magic Gloriosa unleashed, destroying every single vine, thorn, and root and fading away into light, freeing Camp Everfree from the corrupted camp director's desperation to keep it from getting taken by Filthy Rich. Now freed, everyone trapped inside the mess hall or anywhere on the grounds rejoiced as they were once again saved, watching the remnants of Gloriosa's magical influence turn into green orbs of light as they floated down around the forest. Timber Spruce groaned as he sat up, thankful to see no more of his sister's magic anymore. Looking around for her, he found her laying on the ground, back to normal.

"Gloriosa!" Timber called out, worrying about her mental state as he ran over to her.

One of the lights floated down into Gloriosa's head, stirring her awake as she seemed more calm than she used to be. "What...What happened?"

"It's ok." Timber hugged his sister, glad to have her back to normal. "It's gonna be ok."

He looked up, finding Twilight and the rest of her friends hovering over the camp as they destroyed the magic plant life. They floated down to join Sora, Kairi, and Ventus, looking over the remains of the magical vines scattered all over the ground. Spike barked and ran up to them, leaping into Twilight's arms.

"You guys did it!" he cheered, then looked at his owner's new pendant. "Whoa. Nice bling."

"What are these?" Applejack asked as she and the others looked at their magical pendants.

"I'm not sure," Sunset said. "But clearly we have some kind of connection to them."

"I almost don't care what they are. They're gorgeous!" Rarity said. "And they would totally go well with the other collection I was working on for the camp fashion show!"

"Enough with the fashion show," Ventus groaned. "It's not gonna happen after all this."

While Rarity was disappointed, Kairi touched her pendant, then looked at Sora. "I kind of care about how my ring was able to do all this," she said. "Sora, did you know this would happen?"

"Not really," Sora said, scratching his head as he looked over Kairi's transformed state. "All that old stallion told me was that it was specially enchanted to show who was selfish or greed when someone holds it. I'm just as surprised as you are." He stared mostly at her wings and horn, her form making her seem like an alicorn princess, which fits her seeing as she is a Princess of Heart. "I think you would have been better as an alicorn than a unicorn in Equestria, Kairi."

"It's only temporary like your Drive Forms," Kairi said.

After everyone had calmed down after yet another Equestrian magical disaster, they began to clean up the camp and get everything back together. Gloriosa stood before Celestia, Luna, Sora, Ventus, and Kairi, feeling ashamed as she began her apology for her stress-induced madness.

"I am so sorry," Gloriosa said. "I only wanted this to be the best week Camp Everfree has ever had, and instead I've made it the worst." She then looked at the Keyblade wielders, still in their forms. "And I'm sorry for attacking you. Especially Kairi...Is your foot ok?"

"A bit sore, but I've taken harder hits from my fiance when he was under the control of a love poison." Sora cringed at that reminder, rubbing his neck nervously as he recalled how stupid he and Twilight were when they drank that poison after sparing Big Mac and Cheerilee from its spell.

"I'm not gonna live that down, huh?" Sora asked with a small chuckle.

"Maybe it's for the best that I'm losing the camp to Filthy Rich," Gloriosa muttered miserably.

"No," Celestia defiantly responded. "It's not. This camp has meant so much to so many people, my sister and me included."

"Why do you think we wanted our students to come here?" Luna said.

"As much as I like the Filthy Rich in Equestria, I don't trust this world's Filthy Rich with how sleazy he is," Sora said. "This place is great, and we can't let him take it and turn it into a strip mall."

"And if this camp meant a lot to Celestia and Luna, maybe it means a lot to the other campers who came before," Ventus said.

"And we can get them to help save it," Sunset finished as she and the other girls were listening in.

"Like a fundraiser!" Applejack suggested.

"Or a ball!?" Rarity added.

"Our band could play to entertain everyone!" Rainbow said.

"And I could help write a new song just for the occasion," Fluttershy said.

The other students like the idea, not wanting to lose this camp as well, even after the terrifying destructive magic they've been used to for the last couple years. "Those are all good ideas," Gloriosa agreed, but still felt glum. "But where would we hold it?"

"We could hold it in the crystal cave," Sunset suggested, making Rarity gasp at the brilliant idea.

"A Crystal Ball!?" Rarity squealed in delight. "I love it!"

"I admire everyone's enthusiasm," Gloriosa uttered. "But I don't know how we're going to plan a ball by tomorrow and invite everyone."

The group looked at each other, Sora sighing, knowing what they were all going to say since Gloriosa coined it as her own catchphrase while trying to please everyone. "We've got this!" they said together, grouping in a circle and put their hands together.

Within just a whole day of planning, and with everyone's help, they were able to hold the titled Crystal Ball the next evening and invited all the previous campers of Camp Everfree to the fundraising event. It was a lot of work that was easily done thanks to the girls' new magic power aiding them. Twilight used her magic to quickly place the invites in the envelopes as she looked up the addresses of the older campers before them, Timber assisting her, though not able to do much with her powerful telekinetic magic. Sunset organized the setup in the cave after the guys moved the boulders away from the entrance, Applejack lowering the young men's self-esteem as she showed off her super strength lifting the heaviest of boulders with ease. Pinkie baked the sweets, but Sora had to keep her from using sprinkles to decorate them, or else they would explode. Fluttershy asked her forest friends to help set up the decorations, Rarity created several small diamond pillars to make a fancy chandelier to light up the cavern, and all the while, once the invites were finished, Rainbow sped off into town and delivered the invites to their guests.

After everything was set up in record time, they all finally had a normal, relaxing day of camp activities: no magic, no monsters, no worrying about a greedy businessman about to take control of the land to earn more money to fill his pockets. There were even photos of everyone that were taken to commemorate their best week at Camp Everfree, even including Sora, Kairi, and Ventus. Some of the pictures had them out on the lake either canoeing or windsurfing, some in poses where they either acted silly or genuinely smiled for the camera, and even sitting around the campfire roasting marshmallows, followed by the girls ganging up on Sora and Ventus in a random pillow fight near the tents.

By the next evening, guests began pouring in, surprising Gloriosa and Timber with just how many former campers to their family's livelihood came to this fundraiser created by the CHS crew. And with the theme being a ball, everyone was wearing formal clothing; men in dress suits and women in different designed dresses, the students wearing outfits Rarity had made for her cancelled fashion show, and even made suits for the male students, Sora, and Ventus in record time the previous day. The Rainbooms entertained the guests with music, singing a new song Fluttershy wrote for the occasion, and everyone enjoyed it as they danced, the song fitting for Camp Everfree.

Filthy Rich had arrived during the middle of the party, wondering where Gloriosa was at the campground, then followed a sign where the party was held. He was a bit surprised at how many people were here, and all of them having fun at a place that wasn't picking up much business in the last year. It didn't help that he saw the fundraising box filled with money, and with how full it seemed, it looked like there was enough to pay off her fees she owed, to his dismay. Even though he comes off as a sleazy businessman, Filthy's not one to get himself into any legal trouble if he tried to stop the ball, especially when he saw two specific, spiky-haired boys his daughter, Diamond Tiara, told him about, wielding incredible strength, mysterious swords he would expect in certain cartoon shows from another country, and had saved the school from several magical takeovers, sounding implausible at first, but believed it when Diamond showed him a recording of Ventus and Sunset stopping Midnight Sparkle on her phone.

After the song's end, with an explosive finish with Pinkie's magic sprinkles on her drum set, the crowd applauding as confetti rained down from the stage from her "pyrotechnics". Gloriosa walked up onstage to announce to everyone incredible news.

"Thank you all so much for coming!" she said. "And for helping us raise enough money to...save Camp Everfree!" Another roar of cheers echoed the cavern, the news making Filthy Rich grumble and leave, either needing to wait longer until Gloriosa fell behind on her payments again or search elsewhere. The party continued, Vinyl setting up her tracks for everyone to dance to while the Rainbooms took a break from performing, Gloriosa taking the time to thank the all girls band for their help. "Thank you for everything. If I had just asked for help in the first place, I wouldn't have...well, you know."

"Don't sweat it," Rainbow said. "It's what we do."

Once the girls set down their equipment, they stepped off the stage to mingle with their friends, hear stories from the adults' times here at Camp Everfree, dance to the music, or partake in the food and drinks at the buffet table. Kairi was too busy staring at her ring to enjoy the party, not admiring its translucent glimmer under the diamond chandelier as everyone else might think. She had no idea what kind of diamond this was, but this couldn't have been pure chance that Sora would pick out an engagement ring that would take her breath away. Her gaze on her ring was soon obstructed by a cup of punch, looking up to find Sora holding it in front of her.

"Thirsty?" he asked.

"Oh. Thanks." She accepted the drink and took a sip.

"Not interested in the party?" Sora asked, growing concerned from his fiancee distracted by her much-more-enchanted-than-he-expected ring.

"Sorry. I'm just a little curious about what kind of magic was in this gem," Kairi said. "I've tried to practice using my heart's light, but it always left me exhausted and open if Heartless were around...But, with this ring, I felt...stronger. Are you sure you didn't know about its power?"

"One hundred percent positively sure," Sora said. He gently grabbed her hand, lifting it up and giving it a light kiss. "But if it enhanced your power as a Princess of Light, I'm not gonna complain."

"...I guess, but there's no way this ring should have come from Equestria," Kairi said, gently pulling her hand out of Sora's, pointing at the magical ring. "I want to know where the stallion who sold you this found it if you said he cut it into a heart."

"Hmm...I think we'll take a trip to Las Pegasus when we get back and ask him. I'm a bit curious myself. But, for now, let's just continue what little of our vacation we're actually enjoying before losing our minds again with our big day." Kairi rolled her eyes at Sora's last statement, but they were on a break from their wedding plans and she was going to enjoy it as much as possible.

Twilight wandered around, still getting used to social gatherings now that she wasn't sitting by herself in a classroom constantly studying every day. She noticed one of the strings of lights had gotten loose, using her magic to hang it back up and make sure it stayed on tightly until it needed to be taken down. Timber Spruce walked up behind her, no longer needing to worry about any crazy, uncontrollable magic and losing his family's camp as he got back to flirting with Twilight.

"Not to brag or anything, but it's pretty cool how I saved all those campers from those Rubus fruticosis," Timber gloated, pausing to see if Twilight got the species of plant he mentioned, though she stared at him skeptically with a smirk. "Blackberry brambles."

"I'm familiar with the genus. It's just a little weird you say you saved the campers. I thought I saved them," she said snidely, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yeah, but I saved you from falling on the docks so that you could save the campers," Timber countered. "So, technically, it was all me."

Twilight laughed at his nonsensical counter-statement, his humor still corny, but she found it amusing. "I'm really glad I met you," she said. Instead of another random quip to make her laugh more, Timber looked a little dejected from her response. "What?"

"That sounds like a goodbye," Timber said. "And here I was hoping we'd still be able to hang out. Maybe...get dinner and catch a movie?"

His cheeks began to turn red as he asked Twilight out on a date, which made her blush, taking a moment to process his question before giving her response. "Y-Yeah. I'd really like that."

"Oh, good!" Timber said, cheering on the inside while he breathed a sigh of relief on the outside. "I was hoping that's what this meant."

Even though their first date wasn't exactly set, tonight had that atmosphere to be one. Twilight took Timber's hand, surprising him as he looked around the cavern to calm his nerves, but with the two inching closer to each other, both of their nerves skyrocketed. They blushed heavily as their faces began to lean closer, both newcomers to romance about to kiss, but luckily, Gloriosa noticed them getting closer, rushing over to them and stepping between them, Twilight and Timber flinching and stepping away when Gloriosa approached them.

"Sorry, I need to borrow Timber," Gloriosa said. "There are some donors I really want him to meet. They were good friends with mom and dad."

"Uhh, ok," Timber said, his sister dragging him off to a group of people conversing with each other. "Save me a dance, ok, Twilight?"

Twilight nodded as she watched him and Gloriosa speak to the donors, but as she turned around, she didn't know some of her friends had watched the interrupted romantic moment. "Adorable," Rarity commented.

"Going a bit too fast kissing BEFORE the first date, huh?" Ventus questioned.

"W-Well...I got distracted by the moment!" Twilight tried to reason, making Ventus shake his head.

"At least he's a pretty cool guy, so I approve," Sunset said.

"And you know what else is cool? Our awesome new superpowers!" Rainbow emphasized how incredible their new magic is, speeding off to a part of the cavern first. "I handed out, like, four hundred fliers,-" She then ran up to the stage where their instruments rested. "-set up the stage,-" Then she finished her summary appearing next to her friends with a pizza box in her hand. "-AND still had time to pick up a pizza! I love my super-speed!"

"Maybe you might have a chance beating me in another soccer match," Sora taunted with a cheeky grin, irritating Rainbow at the reminder of his superior athletic skills.

"Actually, about these gems," Sunset interjected before Sora wound up Rainbow Dash to have a rematch with her new enhanced speed. "I think these were the source of our superpowers."

The girls looked down at their pendants, things making sense when they began discovering their magical powers the other day. "You're not gonna ask us to give them up, are you?" Fluttershy asked.

"No," Sunset said. "In fact, I think maybe we were meant to have them all along."

"Me, too," Twilight agreed, followed by the rest of the girls.

Kairi looked down at her ring, wanting to figure out more about its power once they get back to Equestria. The party continued on, and Twilight gave Timber that dance she promised. With a drink in hand after separating from Timber to take a little breather, she walked outside, meeting with Sunset and Kairi as they too got some fresh air. Both girls silently teased her, Sunset earning a punch in the arm from Twilight as the girls laughed.

"...You know, there is one thing I'm still wondering about," Sunset said after a moment of silence.

"What's that?" Twilight asked.

"Where did the magic that hit this cave come from?" Sunset asked.

"It obviously Equestrian magic, but the question as to where is a curious one," Kairi uttered to herself. "So far, the only way through both worlds is the portal at the school...But are there other portals out there connecting Equestria?"

The next morning, before the CHS students left to head back home, Sora, Ventus, Kairi, and the girls stood before the re-re-newly built dock, admiring their handiwork as nothing could possibly break it now. "Third time's the charm," Rainbow said. "Or...fifth? I lost track."

"Definitely, and hopefully, third," Ventus said.

"All that matters is that the runway is finished," Rarity said.

"Ah think ya mean the dock," Applejack said.

"Oh, tomato, to-mah-to," Rarity shrugged off.

"Let's celebrate!" Pinkie cheered, tossing confetti and some candy she had in her pockets onto the dock.

Sora noticed the pieces of candy that fell with the colorful bits of paper and streamer, letting out a yell when he saw them glowing and summoned his Keyblade. "Stopga!" he shouted, freezing the area around the dock just before the candy exploded. The others had noticed the glowing candy and Sora's shock, turning to leer at Pinkie as she blinked absentmindedly. "Aero!" Sora summoned a small tornado, blowing the confetti and candy away from the dock and out over the water. Once time resumed, the candy finally blew up safely over the lake, keeping their camp gift from getting destroyed again. He then turned and leered at Pinkie, walking over to her and held out his hand. "Empty your pockets, Miss Pie."

Pinkie giggled nervously, lowering her outstretched arms and dug into her pockets. She pulled out more confetti, along with what appeared to be pounds upon pounds of candy she managed to somehow stash in her short jean shorts, but since it was Pinkie, they expected nothing less. After digging out every single thing she stashed, Sora now held a massive pile of sweets in both his arms.

"Heheh...ammunition for the future if we get attacked again?" Pinkie reasoned timidly.

"You're keeping any candy you have on you in a bag so you don't set them off like grenades," Sora scolded.

Pinkie nodded in understanding, eventually getting all her candy back once it was all stored in several plastic bags after asking Gloriosa and Timber for any they had. Once everyone was on the bus, the CHS crew and the accompanied Keyblade wielders headed back to town, chatting about what fun they had while ignoring the scary threat that was Gloriosa's stress-induced madness with Equestrian magic. Back at the school, Sora, Ventus, and Kairi bid their farewells to everyone as they headed toward the portal, Sora making sure Pinkie makes a Pinkie Promise not to throw candy everywhere until she gets the hang of controlling her explosive candy magic.

Sora and Ventus went through first while Kairi stuck around to help Sci-Twi with some dating advice, the wielders back in the castle's library where Princess Twilight and Aqua were reading. "Hey, guys," Aqua greeted. "So, how was camp?"

"It was...a little too exciting for the first couple days," Ventus admitted.

"Maybe next time, we take a vacation anywhere but in the other Equestria," Sora said. "Anytime we go there, some kind of magical disaster goes down."

"More magic? And outside of the town near the school?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Ven can explain everything," Sora said. Kairi soon came walking through the portal, but the moment she showed up, she winced as she suddenly felt uncomfortable. "What took you so long, Kairi?"

"Ugh. What's going on with my sides?" Kairi questioned, the others noticing both sides of her shirt were bulging slightly from the inside. "My clothes...got tighter, for some reason."

"Too many leftover s'mores?" Aqua asked.

"N-No. Urgh! I gotta get this off me!" Kairi struggled to pull her shirt off, but the odd bulges inside made it difficult for her to squeeze out of it. "Oh, wait, magic. Duh!" Enveloping her aura around her outfit, she teleported it off of her, letting out a sigh as she felt free from her constrictive clothes, but what came out stunned the four ponies in the room. "Much better."

"Uhhh...Kairi?" Twilight said, finally finding her voice. "You...left as a unicorn, right?"

"Yes...Why?" Kairi asked nervously. Aqua and Twilight pointed at her sides while Sora and Ventus were stunned speechless, Sora especially. Slowly, she turned her head down to her sides, letting out a startled gasp when she saw an outstretched pink wing. Kairi quickly turned her head to her other side, hoping she was just imagining things, but there was another wing equally stretched out on her other side. "I-I-I have...wings!?"

"You're an alicorn now!?" Ventus exclaimed. "Ok, I thought your alicorn look was only a temporary thing when we stopped Gloriosa, but...How is that possible!?"

Kairi brought a hoof to touch her new appendages, the feathers one hundred percent real, even shivering from the softness they had compared to Sora's. "Is this...from my ring's latent power?" Kairi questioned.

"Latent power?" Aqua asked. "What are you talking about?"

"I'll let Ventus explain. I need Sora to take me to the pony who sold him my engagement ring." Kairi flexed her new wings, trying to fold them back to her sides as she was going to have to go through the same change Twilight had for her ascension. When she looked at Sora, his jaw still hung low as he continued staring at her. "Sora?" He didn't respond, making her huff. She marched up to him, then clonked him on the head with her hoof. "Sora, quit staring!"

"Ow!" Sora rubbed his head, feeling a bump start to form. "You didn't have to hit me that hard."

"Take me to the stallion in Las Pegasus who sold you my ring! Now!" Kairi demanded.

"Ok, ok, I'm moving! Don't blast me with holy fire!" Sora quickly scurried out of the room, Kairi racing after her while struggling to keep her wings down at her sides from her panic and agitation.

Twilight and Aqua blinked in confusion, then looked at Ventus. "'Holy fire'?" they both asked.

Ventus sighed, running a hoof over his face. "I don't even know how to start this story..."

After an anxious train ride and a lift up via hot air balloon, the engaged couple reached Las Pegasus, where it was just as busy as it was their first time here. Thankfully, Sora took a quick detour to his room when Kairi was rushing him to the train station, giving her his black stetson hat to wear to hide her horn so others didn't see another new alicorn princess walking among them. Kairi grunted in frustration, fumbling around with her wings to keep them down. She had even tried to transform herself back into a unicorn, but her Keyblade and Equestrian magic kept failing to change her back, which meant she was now a permanent alicorn.

"Stupid wings," she grumbled. "Stay down."

"Just relax, Kairi," Sora gently advised. "Your wing muscles react to your body language and attitude."

"Easy for you to say," Kairi growled. "You try staying calm when you suddenly sprout wings thanks to a magical ring that not only looks very pretty, but also enhances my power of light. I bet you had no control of your wings when you first arrived here."

"...Well...actually, I-" Sora looked at Kairi, earning a death glare before he explained how it was natural for him and he immediately understood his pegasus anatomy. Feeling sweat dripping down his head as he feared getting blasted by his fiancee, he giggled nervously and looked around the busy street. "W-We must be getting close to the shop! In fact, I think we're already-" Recognizing the building, Sora's glee turned to shock as they got closer, but the state of it was far different than the last time he was there. "-...here???"

The jewelry store was nothing but an empty building: no jewelry of all kinds to be seen through the window, dust piling up around the empty counters, shelves, and floor, and there was no sign of anyone inside. Sora searched through each window, swearing this was the right building, but he couldn't possibly believe it went out of business right after he left.

"Sora, please don't tell me this is the right place," Kairi begged nervously.

"This was the store! I swear, but-" Sora stammered, unable to find an explanation for Kairi. "Did this place get robbed, or did he go on vacation after we left!?" Looking around, he flew over to one of the local food vendors nearby on the other side of the road, hovering over a big crowd while avoiding some of the mares who recognized him as they swooned in his presence. "Excuse me, ma'am!?"

"If you want to order something, you'll have to wait in line like everypony else," the mare working her cart said sternly while dealing with other customers. "I don't care how famous you are. VIP status doesn't concern me when it's first come, first serve."

"I just have a question, and it'll be really quick, I swear," Sora said. "What happened to that jewelry store across the street? I could have sworn it was open a few months ago when I came here with my friends and bought a ring there for the girl of my dreams."

"Jewelry store?" Looking over the hungry crowd, she saw the building Sora was pointing at, raising a brow in confusion. "...Hon, that building's been closed for the last couple years. No one's even wanted to buy out that place, and they could make good money if it was a jewelry store."

"W-What? Closed!? YEARS!?!?!?!?" Sora exclaimed. His head could have snapped off his neck with how quickly he looked at the building and the vendor in his disbelief. "T-That's impossible! I was literally here a few months ago solving a friendship problem with Applejack, Fluttershy, and Kairi, and in the middle of the night when I took a walk, there were lights on, tons of accessories with the rarest of gems, and I really did buy my girlfriend an engagement ring that was perfect for her!"

"Well, you must have been hitting the wrong kind of cider on you 'midnight stroll', sweetheart," the mare said. "I know Las Pegasus is all about fun, but too much of that kind of fun can get you in a lot of trouble. Order up!" She continued working, handing out food, taking orders, and paying out finished orders, feeling sympathetic for the duped young stallion, even though Sora knew he wasn't hallucinating, intoxicated, or delirious that night. "Hopefully, you didn't get ripped off for a fake diamond ring. That can happen in a big city like this. Almost like those deals those FlimFlam Brothers make at the resort after Gladmane was kicked out from his shady, underhooved tactic with his entertainers, but they can at least make a profit."

"Please don't remind me of them," Sora grumbled, despising the two unicorn twins for their despicable plots toward the Apples. "I have a bad history with those two-timing scammers...Thanks, anyway."

"No problem, hon," the mare said, then got back to work dealing with the hungry customers.

Sora hovered back over to Kairi dejectedly, staring at the closed business in a shocked stupor. "...I don't like that look," Kairi said. "Please tell me you've got some good news."

"...No," Sora uttered, shaking his head. "Apparently...this store was closed for years, and she thinks I got wasted, thought it was open, and got ripped off." Kairi blinked, finding that hard to believe, but from the state of the building and how real her ring was, neither story from Sora's and a local's perspective made any sense. "I wasn't making it up. This was really open that night. There was someone here, and there were a lot of pieces of jewelry inside...You believe me, right?"

"I know you're being honest, and the ring is definitely real," Kairi said. "But...this makes no sense. Who was the pony who sold you the ring?"

"I don't know, and I doubt anyone would know him if this place had been closed for so long." The couple sighed, their answers to Kairi's ring's magic power and her transformation into an alicorn lost with no sign of this stallion. They both looked at her new wings, something they were all going to have to get used to now while also hoping the other ponies in Equestria didn't freak out knowing another alicorn princess was among them. "Well, I guess this means I'll have to give you flying lessons. It can't be all that bad, can it?"

"Just another thing I'll have to get used to, like learning I was an important princess to keeping the worlds safe from darkness, and becoming a Keyblade wielder." Sora draped a wing over Kairi's barrel, pulling her closer with a chuckle.

"Now I'm actually going to marry an alicorn princess, huh?" Sora asked cheekily, earning a light nudge in the chest from his beloved.

"I do not want a huge ascension ceremony when I just want us to get through our wedding, when we're done with planning it all out," Kairi said, nuzzling her fiance. "Let's head back to Ponyville. Rarity's gonna have a field day when she finds out. I need her to fix up my clothes so my wings can fit through."

"And now I finally get my revenge from all the times you teased my wings." Sora brushed his hoof against the feathers on Kairi's wing, making her shudder and wince at the sudden pleasurable sensation from his touch, which made her wings pop out from her sides. She leered at him, giving her a cheeky grin, which earned him a light slap in the face with the same wing he touched. "Heheheh! That, and I'll teach you how to preen your wings. Highly important when flying, and it can be quite...sensational."

Leaning his lips over to her wing, Sora gently nipped at a feather, making Kairi gasp, her legs almost buckling and her wings stiffening. She regretted learning about the erogenous zones of a pegasus's wings since she'll now be on the receiving end of the pleasurable assault.

"N-No!" Kairi whined, finally given some relief as Sora pulled away, gently plucking one of her feathers while wiggling it in his mouth teasingly. "I hate you."

"Love you too, Kairi," Sora said, tickling Kairi's snout with her own feather.

Kairi growled, puffing her cheeks in mock anger before turning with a huff and making her toward the balloon station. Sora spat out the feather with a smirk and followed her, but he stopped for a moment and looked back at the abandoned store. If only he met this stallion again to ask about Kairi's ring, but it seemed like that might never happen again.

"Just who was that pony?" he asked himself before turning away, running after Kairi before he lost sight of her.

Months Earlier...

Sora stared at the small black box in his hoof, caring not how much Kairi's engagement ring cost. "This is gonna be perfect for her."

"I don't doubt it, you lucky stud," the jewelry store owner said. "When exactly are you gonna propose?"

"Heh...I have no idea...but I'll find out when the time is right," Sora promised. "Thanks again for the help, mister."

"Ah, don't thank me, kid," the stallion said. "Happy to help young ones like you live for a brighter future."

Sora placed the box in his pouch and left the shop with a skip in his step. The stallion watched the excited Keyblade wielder through the window, chuckling in amusement. Once he was out of sight, the owner looked around the shop, then waved his hoof, a flash of light calling forth a Keyblade to appear in his grasp. The Keyblade was just like Xehanort's No Name: black and gray from blade to guard, a blue eye at the tip of the blade that felt like it was able to see everything, the demon wings and face that made up the guard, even the chain at the end had the same exact eye. A small flash of light glimmered from the tip of the Keyblade, shifting the room and the entire store as he dismissed an illusion he created, turning the building back into the abandoned state he found it in. Then, waving the Keyblade in front of him, he dismissed the illusion over himself, his true self hidden under a black coat that veiled his real identity.

He let out a cough as he picked up dust from his movements. "So much for trying to keep this musty place from being tidy," he said to himself. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a slip of paper, clicking his tongue as he went down the list while he made his leave, twirling his blade before firing a beam of light into the lock, locking the building so no one tried to enter what was supposed to be empty. "Giving him the 'special' wedding ring of his heart's desire? Check. Leaving behind the time traveling spell in the Royal Archives of the castle of one Princess Sunbutt years ago? Checkarino. Turning the one stallion a thousand years ago in the frozen north into a dark overlord who will be destroyed and revived as a Dream Eater..." The mysterious figure hissed, clutching his heart as he grunted. "Oh...how I hated to do that to anyone in love...but, it had to be done. Check-a-roo...

"Yup, looks like I got just about everything to keep things in motion." He looked over to the hotel Sora was staying with Kairi, Applejack, and Fluttershy. He grinned underneath his hood, twirling No Name around before pointing it to the sky. "Reverse," he then said, transporting himself back through time using the same spell Sora had used a few times. When he arrived back in the several centuries to his own time, no ground beneath him as he began to freefall. Aiming down at the ground, he fired another beam of light forward, creating a portal he dove straight through like it was a pool of water, then re-emerged from the other side in a human form, letting out a whoop as he returned to his home. Falling back down with a few flips, he landed on a grassy hill, then posed as if he was impressing a judge, only to comically lose his balance after straightening himself. "Ahh, points are gonna be taken off of that landing. Curse you, yak judge."

He chuckled to himself as he walked to the top of the hill, overlooking the grand city where he, his disciples, and other future Keyblade wielders reside, the smaller buildings towered by what seemed like a palace that is known as the Clock Tower. He took in a deep breath and let out a soft sigh, watching the young wielders down below, even though he dreaded the day that would soon come. From inside his coat, he pulled out a book with a pale blue tome, the silver etchings in the center creating a heart-shaped sigil with wings at its sides, which contained everything he foresaw for the upcoming Keyblade War that would happen soon.

"There may be a darkness that will come to bring grief that I know I can't stop," he uttered to himself. "But, there is going to be a light at the end of this long, dark, miserable tunnel. And you, Sora, are that light..."

"Master, there you are!" Quickly stashing the book away, he casually turned around. The one searching for him was one of his apprentices, Ira. His body was mostly concealed in a pale blue and white cloak with gold trimmings, leaving only his hands and part of his face revealed. The hood was shaped like a unicorn that concealed the upper part of his face, the eyes of the hood red, the horn a similar gold to his cloak's trimmings, and even had a blue mane running down to fit his outfit's look. "You disappeared without informing any of us where you were going. You had us worried half to death."

"Aww, come on, Ira, can't I go for a stroll on my own without all of you concerned about me falling down like the frail old man I am?" he asked jokingly. Ira winced, lowering his head as if he was being scolded. "I mean, I can't hold all your hands all the time. You're a young Keyblade Master, as well as the others, and you'll have to make your own choices one day."

"Y-Yes, Master," Ira said. "I understand."

"I know you have the right qualities of being a leader, but you gotta cut loose and not worry about every single little thing that might possibly happen," he said. Ira didn't respond as the figure approached him, casually draping an arm over his shoulder. "Alright, 'mom', let's go back and tell everyone I'm fine and didn't break my leg while I went for a walk. Will that make you feel a little better?"

Ira sighed, still surprised by how his master could be so laid back, yet always taught him and his fellow Keyblade Masters with the wisdom of a highly experienced teacher. "Next time, leave us some kind of message before you go anywhere. We all rely on your guidance."

The cloaked master sighed and hung his head, patting his pupil's shoulder. "Even still, now that you're all worthy of being Keyblade Masters...Alright. I Pinkie Promise to leave you with a note before I wander off in my senile ways. Cross my heart, hope to fly, and stick a cupcake in my eye." Ira stared quizzically at his master at the odd motions he made with his even odder promise. Not wanting to question his master's childish antics, the two began to head back into town to join back with the others. "So, ever wonder what it's like to be a pony, Ira?"

"Uhh, not really?" Ira answered, still highly confused. "Why?"

"Well, it's just that your heart depicts you as a unicorn: wise and intellectual, steadfast, and graceful in its movements," the master explained. "You know, there's a world out there I'm sure Ava would just adore since she's still a young girl, filled with talking ponies in a colorful, vibrant world. Pegasi, unicorns, even normal ponies, and some that can be all three that are seen as royalty. You'd definitely fit in quite well, I'm sure."

"...I...don't think that's why," Ira said. "And I've never heard of a world like that."

"Oh, it's awesome! And they've got the best songs you can't help but sing along to!" Ira grimaced as he continued listening to his master talk about this pony world he's never heard of, doubting it existed and he was only being teased, though it was hard to tell after being taught under the black coated wielder for so long.

"Aced, next time, you're finding the Master," Ira grumbled to himself, thankfully having his face hidden as they past the younger Keyblade wielders in town while his teacher continued rambling.

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