• Published 15th Apr 2016
  • 19,907 Views, 5,031 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 66: What's In a Friend?

Episode 66: What’s In a Friend?

Contemplation was not Ember’s element. When it came time to take action, she usually did so without hesitation, following her gut when it told her what to do. Only the problem now was that her gut was being irritatingly silent and uncertain, leaving Ember with no recourse but to... think things through. Work out her “feelings”, which just made her stomach ache and her face to scrunch up in general confusion.

What was she supposed to do about Adagio? The more she thought about the power of song that Adagio had displayed and the way it had controlled the minds of those Adjuchas Hollows, the more it became obvious that Adagio had used the same power on Ember. But what should she do about this revelation? Her brain was a tangled snarl of conflict. One part of her wanted to tear Adagio a new one. How dare she play with Ember’s mind like that! Worse, Ember wasn’t sure exactly why Adagio had done it. The only reason that fit was that Adagio had been trying to protect the Quincy, but that didn’t make any sense. Why would Adagio do that?

Despite the vicious boil of anger in her gut, Ember only had to glance up at the tower looming above her to feel an equal swelling of respect for Adagio. The woman was scrapping and struggling for power like a proper Hollow should, and by all accounts was succeeding. It continued to floor Ember that Adagio had evolved into a Vasto Lorde, and how could she not respect such a quick and potent rise in power? But more than that, the fact that Adagio was up there in that tower, facing the Fourth Espada at the risk of her own life in order to try to help those that had helped her was strangely not typical of Hollowkind... and earned even more respect from Ember.

After all, her father would’ve done the same for her, or anyone else of his horde. Ember took a lot of pride in the tight knit, family-like nature of Torch’s horde, no matter how violent or competitive they got with each other sometimes. It seemed like Adagio at least understood the importance of that kind of loyalty.

So why the manipulation with that song power? Why violate the trust Ember put in her by doing such a thing!?

Being honest with her own emotions wasn’t easy for Ember. It would be even harder to be honest with Adagio about them. Mostly because Ember was afraid of what would happen when that confrontation occurred, and she knew it had to happen soon otherwise these feelings would drive her nuts to keep them bottled up inside.

“Yeash,” Di-Roy’s voice echoed from up where he lay stretched on Gaw’s back. “Why is it we’re the one knocking on the door of our second death, but you look like the one with a hole in their gut?”

Ember crossed her arms hard over her chest and shot a venomous glare up at him, “Zip it! Save your breath for staying alive. Not that I’d care if you croaked up there before Adagio saves your butt.”

Di-Roy let out a weak laugh, “Okay, okay, message received. I’ll stop trying to be social while bleeding out. Still, if you ever want to talk about it-”

“I don’t.”

“Aaaaand back to quietly dying...”

The blessed silence didn’t last long, however, as the giant’s yawn of the iron doors to the tower opening drew Ember’s attention from the stewing mire of her thoughts. Emerging from within was Adagio’s pale form and alongside her walked an Arrancar woman in thick white robes, with the hood drawn back. Ember didn’t recognize the woman’s simple features or the thick half-skull mask across the right side of her face, but she had to assume this was one of the Fourth’s Fraccion. The woman took one look at Gaw and Di-Roy and without a word immediately started a fast walk towards them.

Ember’s instincts were to go on the defensive, but a glance from Adagio settled her down as the Vasto Lorde approached.

“It’s alright Ember. This is Roka, one of Lament’s children. She’ll be tending to Gaw and Di-Roy’s injuries.”

“That right? Guess things went well with the Fourth.” Ember said, doing her level best to keep the mad swirl of emotions off her face. She was glad that Adagio was safe. More than she imagined she’d be, but at the same time the confusion and sense of betrayal was back as well. She really did need to talk to Adagio, and soon.

Meanwhile Adagio gave her a flicker of an understanding glance, as if she was sensing Ember’s thoughts, and spoke in a soft but nonchalant tone. “You were right to warn me about his mood swings. He’s reasonable enough on the surface, but the man’s got issues, no denying that.” For some reason Adagio rubbed at her neck, which made Ember raise an eyebrow, to which Adagio just muttered, “Just trust me, when the Fourth hands you an apple, don’t stop until you’ve finished eating it.”

Well that certainly was an odd statement to make, and Ember could only imagine how the conversation between Adagio and the Fourth must have gone down, but at least everything seemed to have worked out. Only...

“So you got him to help us out, but what was the price? There must have been one.” By Ember’s reckoning even if the Fourth Espada was a total nutjob he still wouldn’t be the sort to give away help for free. Adagio’s Hollow mask obscured most of her smile, but it was a crooked and wry one from what Ember could make out of it.

“Oh, there was. It seems our esteemed Fourth Espada wants me to make friends with his eldest daughters.”

“...Huh?” was all Ember could say in response to that as her face screwed up in even more confusion. However before she could try pursuing more questions Roka had approached Gaw and Di-Roy, drawing Ember and Adagio’s attention away from their conversation. Roka observed the wounds on both the massive Adjuchas Hollow and the battered half-Arrrancar on Gaw’s back, and her one visible eye swam with sympathy.

“The two of you must be in a great deal of pain. If you remain still I shall do Father's bidding and do my best to heal these wounds. I ask that you bear with me and try to move as little as possible.” Roka said, and held her right arm out to her side. From within the confines of her robe’s heavy sleeves Ember saw a glitter of needle and shimmering thread appear. She felt Roka’s reiatsu quiver and rise, filling the air with a placid and soothing resonance.

Both Ember and Adagio watched as Roka gestured with sharp yet easy motions. The needles and thread started to twitch through the air in a pale ballet, and Ember realized that both needles and thread were of a sapped ivory pigment like old bones. Roka was likely producing them with her own body, or at least that’s what Ember guessed. Gaw stiffened as the needles approached her, but Adagio was quick to bark out, “She’s going to heal you, so do as she says and remain still, both of you!”

Gaw snorted, but settled down, and Di-Roy mumbled something weakly along the lines of, “Ain’t going anywhere...”

Then Roka went to work in earnest. Ember watched with rapt, fascinated attention. More and more needles and thread spread out of Roka’s robed sleeve until it looked like a gleaming spider-web pattern of writhing threads were cocooning both Gaw and Di-Roy. Ember could feel that Roka was sending carefully concentrated portions of her spiritual energy through the threads and needles as they stitched and patched up wounds with amazingly fast efficiency.

“Hmph, I’m almost glad I didn’t fight her instead,” said Adagio under her breath. Ember gave her a sidelong glance, wondering just what had happened inside that tower, but she could guess well enough by the context of what Adagio had said. She also couldn’t disagree with the assessment. Roka’s ability might have currently been used to repair the injuries of their comrades but Ember could easily imagine how that same ability could be used offensively. Those needles and threads, both of which were likely reinforced by Hierro, could be deadly if employed to tear things apart rather than sew them back together. Roka certainly moved them with calm, unerringly swift precision as she relentlessly sewed up Gaw’s many wounds, and all but plunged them into Di-Roy’s gut to stitch up internal injuries before closing the wound’s exterior.

All told the process too maybe fifteen minutes, Ember and Adagio remaining quiet the rest of the time as they watched Roka work. By the end of it Di-Roy and Gaw might have had enough stitch marks to make good on a Frankenstein cosplay, but both were looking remarkably better off than they had before Roka’s tender care. Roka herself simply held her arm up and let the multitude of glinting bone needles and thread retracting back into the depths of her sleeve and proceeded to levy a soft smile at the pair she’d just treated.

“I have done the most I can, but the rest will require you two to get as much rest as possible and plenty of food to eat. Especially you.” she nodded at Di-Roy, “The wound in your stomach is not going to heal fully for some time. I’d suggest taking it easy for at least one week.”

“Hey, I was born to take it easy.” Di-Roy said, lazing on his back and making it clear he was perfectly comfortable with not moving any time soon.

“Good,” Roka said with a firm note of approval before turning her attention to Adagio. “I recommend leaving them here in my care for a few days anyway, just so they recover enough that I can feel comfortable letting them walk on their own. I’ll ensure they have plenty to eat in the meantime, and when they’re ready I’ll have Fenice escort them to you. Are you currently residing with Lord Torch’s forces?”

“No, as a matter of fact.” Adagio said, “I’ve acquired accommodations of my own in the south wall, west of the main gate and about four floors up. I’ve been told the rooms used to belong to someone called the Queen of Thorns.”

Roka’s eye twitched for a moment. “Oh. I see. An interesting choice, but one I cannot fault you for. Very well, I shall send them there once I’m confident its safe for them to move on their own. Will that be acceptable?”

“It is, and thank you for your assistance Roka. I know you do it only on your father’s orders but it's appreciated nonetheless.”

To this Roka merely offered a short, courteous bow and said, “Then I’ll take my leave. The children are likely already driving Fenice up the proverbial wall. If you’ll excuse me.”

As Roka returned to the tower, Adagio flew up so she was level with Gaw’s head and looking at both her and Di-Roy. “Alright you two, you heard the lady. I expect you both to be on good behavior while you’re recovering here, and I that you’ll return in one functional piece.”

Di-Roy’s voice was lightly marinated with sarcasm. “But I thought I’d challenge the Fourth Espada’s daughters to some friendly strip poker. You don’t think he’d mind, do you boss?”

Gaw responded before Adagio could by huffing out an irritated bark and rolling her shoulders to knock Di-Roy off her. He gave a warbling cry before hitting the ground, groaning in pain. “Heeeey, I’m recovering from serious injury here, Gaw! What are you trying to do, kill me!?”

One of Gaw’s heavy talons lifted casually and then landed on top of Di-Roy, pinning the irksome half-Arrancar down to flail his arms uselessly. As Di-Roy continued to utter various protests Gaw looked at Adagio with a clear expression in the saurian Hollow’s eyes that perfectly communicated; ‘Don’t worry, I’ll keep the idiot from doing anything too stupid.’

Adagio patted Gaw’s snout in acknowledgment, “Good to know I can count on at least one of you. Recover, and then return to me, both of you. I should have our new home sorted out by then.”


Sombra loomed over the proceedings like a storm cloud. Around his throne the Sternritter sat along the ends of the five sided table of the Silburn’s grand meeting hall, all silent as Sombra’s voice echoed heavily.

“So we have nothing?”

Prim Hemline kept her posture steady and her voice professionally neutral as she spoke, “After interrogating every soldat of the First Rank and all Sternritter we’ve established that every one of them has an alibi for their location during the attempted assassination. We also have not discovered any materials that could be used to create a Seele Schneider, nor the weapon in question in our investigations.”

“Destroying the weapon itself to remove it as evidence would have been easy enough.” said Night Light, his eyes glittering like gold daggers as he looked upon the numerous other Sternritter seated around the table. “We also know that establishing an alibi could be quite simple if the assassin was not working alone and had accomplices who could corroborate a false narrative. I think there’s little point in continuing a normal investigation when this matter could be solved quickly with more extreme measures.”

From across the table a woman with bright blue skin and a radiant head of long orange and yellow striped hair quirked an eyebrow at Night Light and spoke in a cultured voice, “Are you suggesting we start torturing our own now? At random?”

A low snarling sound pulled itself from Twilight Velvet as she shot a look at the woman, “If it was your daughter who was threatened, Sassy, would you stop at anything to find the one tho tried to murder her?”

A flinch crossed Sassy Saddle’s elegant features. The woman was among the older of the Sternritter, but still held the figure and looks of a model who’d appear in magazines, even with some of the hints of crow’s feet around the edges of her eyes. “If it was my Sunny Flare I’d be as upset as you Velvet, but I’d like to know exactly what your husband means by ‘extreme measures’.”

Sombra’s voice cut across the room, sharp and solid as a thrown spear. “Night Light, if you have an idea, I shall hear it. Time is short, let us not waste it.”

Night Light gave a firm nod and said, “As you say, Your Majesty. I wish for permission for Cadence to use her Lust on all potential suspects in order to establish whether they were truly involved in the attempted assassination of my daughter.”

This was met with several raised voices among too many Sternritter to even suspect whether one of them was making an outcry out of outrage or legitimate worry.

“Preposterous!” Spoke a gray skinned man with curly dark hair and spectacles perched on his nose, “I’ll not have my or my wife’s minds violated just to prove that we are loyal Quincy!”

Seated next to him a much younger looking woman with pale yellow skin and a elegant sweep of light purple and white streaked hair spoke with a nervous but cultured tone, “But if His Majesty insists, Jet Set, shouldn’t we be willing to go to any extreme to prove our innocence?”

On another branch of the five-pointed table a tall man with light brown skin, an unbelievably well groomed head of shining gold hair, and thick white glasses flipped his hair with a slight ‘humph’ and spoke in a loud, nasal voice. “I for one must point out that while Cadence’s power is truly potent it is not without failings. It can be resisted by a strong enough mind or reiatsu, which many of us Sternritter possess, and in the event she could break through those defenses the devotion the Lust creates would mean she could convince anyone go confess to the crime whether they were guilty or not.”

“Exactly,” said Filthy Rich with a heavy sigh, eyes grim as he looked at Night Light and Twilight Velvet with sympathy, “I understand how you feel. If it were my little Diamond who’d been attacked I’d be outraged beyond belief. But Trender Hoof brings up a good point that Cadence’s power could be resisted, or worse, abused. Indeed the only thing we know for certain is that the attacker was a woman, so wouldn’t Cadence be on the list of suspects?”

Velvet’s eyes widened, then narrowed to slits, “How dare you even suggest Cadence has anything to do with this!? She would never harm Twilight!”

“Are you so sure of that?” asked Fleur De Lis, leaning on one elbow, chin propped against the back of her hand as she looked sidelong at Twilight Velvet. “You’ve always been so trusting of Cadence. Has it never occurred to you that her trying so hard to get into your son’s pants could just be a calculated move to gain control of your household? And wouldn’t getting rid of your daughter nicely remove any question of who’d inherit the family holdings after Cadence pops out a child with Shining Armor?”

Velvet slowly stood from her seat, hands twitching, “You go too far, Fleur. Perhaps you found a way to strike at Twilight after you got embarrassed by her and her friends in the human world. How’s that scar, by the way?”

Fleur’s eyes flashed. The burn marks from her encounter with Sunset were long since healed and all but invisible against her pale cheek, but the fury in Fleur’s eyes were pure as she glared back at Velvet. “My scar’s are none of your concern, and it was that young Soul Reaper stand in that has earned my ire. Your daughter did next to nothing in that battle, and barley earned my notice.”


Sombra’s one word, spoken with the weight of a breaking tidal wave, was enough to make all fall silent as the man drummed his fingers on the arm of his throne, his eyes making a slow pan across those seated around him. “If one sought to sow rifts among us they have already clearly succeeded. I shall tolerate no more bickering on the approaching dawn of battle. Night Light, Trender Hoof’s points concerning the nature of Cadence’s power are legitimate. The Lust can force anyone to obey her will, but to such a degree that one would willingly confess to crimes they did not commit just to please her. It cannot be relied upon in this case. No, this assassin, whether they worked alone or as part of a group with a larger agenda, has hidden themselves well. I’ll not distract us from our present goals by tearing our ranks apart in search of these cowards. Instead I shall ensure the safety of Twilight Sparkle by placing those I trust to guard her. If the assassins wish to try again to take her life, they will find it more difficult the second time around.”

He turned his gaze to Twilight Velvet, “You will accept this as sufficient for now and I will hear no more outbursts.”

Velvet sat back down, looking haggard but still giving an accepting nod. “As you will, Your Majesty.”

“Good, now to the matter of our assault upon Las Noches...” Sombra gestured at Night Light, “As the commander of our forces already present in Hueco Mundo I am placing Night Light in command of overall operations under myself. We shall be deploying in three divisions, and Night Light shall assume direct command of the first, which will consist of our six lead soldat battalions, his expeditionary battalions, and our air forces. The second division will be under Filthy Rich’s command and serve as our primary reserve force, with five battalions held to reinforce the front line where necessary. Our cadets will be placed with this second division in an observation role, guarded by Fleet Foot, Soarin, and Fleur De Lis.”

The woman in question looked like she wanted to jump out of her seat, opening her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Sombra looked at Fleur and said, “A question?”

Fleur grit her teeth and let out a small hiss, “No, Your Majesty. I'm merely... surprised I’m being held in reserve. Am I not one of those bested suited to front-line battle?”

“Indeed, your power as the Tempest is extraordinary. That is why I wish to keep you in reserve and to guard the cadets. Consider this an honor, for it shows I trust you to protect our most valued young Quincy and that I believe you are not possibly involved with our shadowy assassins.” Sombra said, and Fleur took that with a less than pleased but acknowledging nod.

“Not to question your decisions, Your Majesty, but I’m also surprise you’re sticking Fleet Foot in the back,” spoke up Spitfire with a considering frown, “She’s also a major front-line hitter that I’d think we’d need for when those Espada crash into us.”

“A fair point, but considering our opponents will have both home ground advantage, along with the ability to rapidly form Garganta portals to hit our flanks or rear, I believe keeping a strong force in reserve will be needed to counter the Arrancar’s mobility,” Sombra said plainly, “We are not going there to crush their hordes, only occupy them long enough for Cadence’s search and destroy team to find and eliminate the Espada capable of creating such powerful Garganta portals.”

“Speaking of which, has she told you what her team is going to be, Your Majesty?” asked an older woman with sharp cheekbones, sallow gray skin, and swept back, short white hair.

“She has, Zesty Gourmand. However I do not intend to reveal that information at this time. Given the possibility remains that the assassin is among the Sternritter I consider it advantageous that Cadence’s team remain unknown until the moment of deployment. She will inform her selected members at the time we depart the Silburn.”

“I see,” Zesty Gourmand leaned back in her seat, lacing her fingers together, “Prudent, if a bit cloak and dagger if I may say so, Your Majesty. How are we to plan our tactics if we don’t know fully who will be facing the Hollows openly and who will be following Cadence on her hunt?”

“I trust my Sternritter to be able to adapt,” said Sombra simply, “Now, for the leader of the third division...”


Adagio felt the presence of hostile reiatsu clearly, even though she could tell that the ones stalking her and Ember were trying to hide themselves. The strength of her Pesquisa had simply grown leaps and bounds sharper since her evolution, but more than that she sense her more potent connection to the element of water was making it much easier to feel where others were located simply due to the water contained in their blood. Or rather whatever stood in for water amid the spirit particles of the afterlife.

“Do you feel them?” she asked Ember in a quiet tone, and Ember nodded with an annoyed look on her face.

“Yeah. They’re not doing a very good job of masking their reiatsu. How do you want to play this?”

Adagio had been considering that very question for the duration of their walk away from Lament’s tower, making their way back south towards the dividing wall between the quarters of Las Noches’ interior landscape. They were nearly in the shadow of that wall now, its white stone length stretching to the right all the way to the fortress’s exterior wall and to the left all the way to the massive central tower that shot up to Las Noches’ roof. Adagio considered the gatehouse situated in the middle of the wall, with a rooftop several dozen meters higher than the rest of the wall and broad as half a football field.

“If they’re going to try anything I don’t feel like waiting for them to decide when it suits them. Let’s get this over with,” she said and took to the air, easily leaping skyward and having little trouble reaching the top of the gatehouse. Its roof was as flat and shining white as the rest of the wall, and Adagio landed in the center of it. Ember appeared a moment later, zipping up to Adagio’s side with the speed of Sonido.

“Let’s see if they take the invitation,” Adagio said, idly cradling her trident and waiting to see if the Hollow reiatsu that she’d sensed following her and Ember would make a move. They did.

With a soft buzz of noise two Arrancar women appeared on either side of Ember and Adagio. One was a tall girl of an exceedingly athletic build, with golden brown skin. She wore a baggy set of white pants and didn’t bother with any shoes, while her toned torso was clad only in a short sleeved, button up shirt that was only buttoned across the chest, leaving an ab laden stomach bare and putting her well muscled arms on full display. Her hair was stark white and cut short with a long front bob, the tips of her locks tinted a deep purple shade. Gold, hawkish eyes fixed on Adagio with brazen aggression mixed with hungry curiosity.

The other Arrancar girl could have been the other girl’s sister, sharing very similar facial looks and build, although she was shorter by a good few inches and had hair with green tinted tips rather than purple. The green also extended to a pair of unusual circles around her eyes, and Adagio wasn’t sure if that was paint or just some natural trick of skin tone, the rest of which was more a reddish brown hue as opposed to the taller girl’s golden brown. She wore a longer sleeved white shirt that was fully buttoned up, and slimmer pants over a pair of dark black shoes, showing off none of her figure.

Both already had drawn Zanpaktou in their hands, the purple fringed girl’s blade bearing a steeper curve towards the tip that gave it a talon-like appearance, while the green eyed girl’s was straight and short, like a ninjato, which she held in an inverted grip.

“Evening ladies,” said the girl with the purple tinted hair, licking her lips, “Enjoying a nice, quiet stroll?”

“What do you want, Gilda?” asked Ember flatly, “Unless Lord Guto has some business with my father, I can’t imagine you have a reason to be bothering me.”

“Maybe it's not you I’m interesting in,” Gilda said, taking a looming step forward, twirling her curved blade in her hands. “Maybe it’s the newbie that’s been tagging along with you all over the place that’s got our eye. Right Greta?”

The other girl, Greta, maintained a more passive stance, although Adagio could tell it was a deceptively passive one as she said, “She’s an interesting one alright. Lord Guto’s been paying attention to her ever since she kicked those three dogs around and sent them scurrying all over the fortress.”

“By those ‘three dogs’ I assume you’re talking about Hoops, Score, and Dumbbell, yes?” Adagio said with a heavy sigh, “Is this about something those three did while running errands for me?”

Gilda burst out a snort and pointed a finger at her, “It's about there only being so much territory around here and you starting to snap up a bit too many scraps to be ignored. The second you waltzed in here as a shiny new Vasto Lorde he felt it best to make it clear to you what your place is in the pecking order, especially if the rumor that you’re shaking up where the old Queen of Thorns used to be is true.”

She’d already suspected that she’d get a response like this from one or more of the Espada, but she hadn’t expected it to be quite so open and blatant. Adagio didn’t feel like beating around the bush, not after that rather harrowing conversation with Lament and already dealing with proving her strength to Fenice. She took a step towards Gilda, holding her trident out to the side in one hand as she met the Arrancar’s gaze with a hard one of her own.

“You can inform your Lord Guto that I have gotten his message and that if he wishes to discuss ‘territory’ he can feel free to visit me personally for such a conversation. However as of now I am claiming the Queen of Thorns’ former accommodations for myself, and won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. Also, those three boys are my vassals and I’ll look upon any harm done to them in the least favorable of lights, so do consider leaving them to their own devices whenever you see them, as they’ll likely be doing further errands for me.”

For a moment a disbelieving blink crossed Gilda’s eyes, then very quickly turned a sharpened anger matched by a thin, predator's smile. “Ballsy. I bet you’re feeling pretty much like a top dog with being a Vasto Lorde, but you’re still no Arrancar, and Las Noches is for Arrancars. Just because Torch is playing nice with you doesn’t mean you should get too comfortable.”

“Be careful Gilda,” Ember said, resting her hand on her own Zanpaktou, “My father is still stronger than Guto, and right now Adagio is our ally. Don’t start a fight you or your Espada can’t finish.”

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t your father also the Fourth Espada not so long ago, and before that he was the Second?” pointed out Greta, “And now he’s the Fifth. Who’s to say he can’t fall even further? Espada numbers can change. Maybe you should be careful about what fights you take on. Right now we don’t have a direct beef with you or Lord Torch, so you could just walk away and leave us to finish our chat with your friend here. I promise we’ll leave her alive-”

“Greta...” Gilda said in a warning tone, and Greta rolled her eyes.

“- we’ll leave her mostly alive. Guto just wants us to make sure your pal has got the message that she needs to know her place and not get a big head. Leaving the Queen of Thorns’ old quarters would be a nice symbol of that. All she has to do is agree. And why not? She can bunk with you and your dad’s horde. Why take digs that nobody wants anyway. Seriously if it wasn’t us doing this, you can bet that Chrysalis would be sending some of her drones to ask a lot less politely.”

Adagio was getting tired of this. The last thing she needed was to back down from what little scraps of power she was gaining. If she balked now it’d just be showing the kind of weakness that’d jeopardize her alliance with Torch, Lament, and leave her at the mercy of going back to Grogar’s dubious service.

It was time to make a statement.

Power rushed out of her in a torrent of reiatsu. Both Gilda and Greta winced at the spiritual pressure bursting out of Adagio as her body became rimed in a sea blue aura of flickering power. Adagio’s voice was clear and resonant.

“Since neither of you are listening very well let me make this abundantly clear. I am not bending to any demands, from you, or your Espada. If Chrysalis wishes to discuss my choice of claimed territory, she can come do so herself, the same as Guto. Now if you’re going to press this issue physically feel free to do so. I’ll gladly educate you both on your place in the pecking order.”

Both Gilda and Greta shared looks from either side of where Adagio and Ember stood, their gazes measuring. Adagio knew that both of them were waiting to see Ember’s response. If Ember stood to fight beside Adagio, the odds would be even. If Ember decided to leave Adagio, then likely the two other Arrancar could overpower even her evolved Vasto Lorde form if they went all out. Just a day ago Adagio wouldn’t have worried about whether Ember would stay. Now, however, having seen the power of Adagio’s song and likely connected the dots about what that meant... would Ember really stick by her?

She needn’t have worried. Ember’s reiatsu rose to meet Adagio’s, the pair of powers forming a united front to press down on Gilda and Greta. Ember’s own body gleamed with a deeper blue aura than Adagio’s as she drew her Zanpaktou and went back to back with the Vasto Lorde.

“That goes double for me. If you two want to fight, bring it on. Adagio is with me, and an ally of my father. Getting at her will mean getting by me first.”

Adagio was more surprised by the warm feeling that struck her on hearing those words than by the decision itself. And there was a moment of shame that came with it, because now she knew she had to talk things out with Ember as soon as possible to clear the air between them. She owed Ember that much, especially now. Perhaps the word ‘friend’ wasn’t something she had to be so nervous about after all.

As for Gilda and Greta, the two’s shared look lasted a moment longer, then Gilda’s smile turned fierce and Adagio could feel the woman’s power surge upward as well. Adagio would have been lying if she said she wasn’t surprised at how much reiatsu started to pour off of Gilda and Greta. Of the two she sensed that Gilda was the stronger one, but not by a wide margin. Adagio had become gradually better at estimating the strength of spiritual pressures, especially compared to her own power, and she gauged she held the edge over either Gilda or Greta alone. Together they might prove a challenge, but fortunately with Ember here that evened things out, since she also estimated Ember as an even match for Gilda. If these two wanted to test her, she’d make a point of holding nothing back. She had to make it clear to the denizens of Las Noches that Adagio Dazzle was quite done with being pushed around.

Her tail raised behind her, its scythe shaped fin poised to strike, and she raised her trident, where condensed spheres of water formed around each prong’s tip. In response Gilda’s eyes narrowed to golden knife-edges and braced her legs to pounce while Ember and Greta also tensed to burst into motion...

“Now what do we have here?”

Adagio blinked, as did Gilda, Greata, and Ember as a smooth male voice spoke off to their right. Adagio turned to see a man casually sitting on the edge of the roof, his legs dangling off as he leaned back to crane his head to look at them curiously, as if he’d been sitting there lounging the entire time. Yet Adagio hadn’t felt his presence at all. In fact she couldn’t quite read his spiritual energy even as she was looking right at him. He was clearly an Arrancar, from the large helmet of bone on his head with two long horns like the mandibles of some large beetle. His effeminate form with pitch black skin was striking, and he moved with a sinuous grace as he rolled and back flipped to his feet, turning around with an extravagant pose and bow to them.

“Oh, deepest apologies for interrupting what I imagine was going to be quite the fierce and engrossing bit of blood sport, but I just couldn’t help myself. As an ambassador of love I just die a little inside whenever I see my fellow Arrancar about to engage in such meaningless trivalites when there are so many more interesting ways to work out our differences.”

Adagio had no idea who this was, but Gilda’s reaction was an immediate twisting of her features into a sour and disgusted look as she hunched her shoulders and seemed to bristle and deflate all at once. “Thorax...”

That one name seemed to carry an eternity’s weight of history behind it as Gilda looked around as if trying to decide the fastest route of egress while looking as if she’d just caught the scent of a midden pile.

Meanwhile Greta’s response couldn't have been more opposite, the woman quickly sheathing her Zanpaktou with a faint tint of red on her cheeks as she said, “H-Hello Thorax! Um, what brings you all the way out here?”

As for Ember, she just looked somewhat confused and flabbergasted, and Adatio leaned over and whispered, “Who is this?”

Ember’s return whisper was guarded and uneasy. “Thorax. One of the Fraccion of Chrysalis herself, and her most trusted servant.”

Thorax turned a pleasant smile towards them, his whole face lighting up with a child’s delight. “Oh are people whispering about me over there? Come now Ember, no need to be impolite. I’m an open book and keep no secrets! Oh, and hello to you too, Greta. Radiant as ever I see. And of course I haven’t forgotten you Gilda, I see you’ve kept yourself in such good shape. Trying to impress Lord Guto still, or has that flame died off?”

“Die in a fire.” Gilda said simply, and Thorax laughed like a chocolate bell.

“Charming as usual.” Thorax sauntered over to the group, and Adagio could tell his motions were well practiced to the point of being all but natural. Every move of his slim figure was an invitation to look, to draw closer to possibly touch. She knew the motions herself, and had used similar tactics plenty of times to entice others into a state of mind that made them easier to influence. For just a moment Thorax’s eyes met hers and she saw the flash of understanding there. He knew she understood his motions for what they were and his eyes shined approval and his head made a near imperceptible nod of acknowledgement.

“What do you want, dweeb?” Gilda asked in a heavy tone, her own Zanpaktou still barred. He held up his hands in a placating gesture, his smile flashing white teeth.

“Only to head off an explosive and no doubt fatal confrontation before it could have truly unfortunate consequences. You see since the Quincy will be trying so hard to send all of us to oblivion soon enough I just can’t imagine the value in making their jobs easier.”

“Isn’t any of your business to stick your nose between us and whatever prey we choose. Right Greta?” Gilda said, only to blanch at Greta’s less than enthusiastic look as she kept giving Thorax half-lidded glances.

“Well, sure Lord Guto wanted us to deliver a message to the new Vasto Lorde, but we technically already did that,” Greta said, licking her lips, “And if Thorax thinks we shouldn’t fight right now we can always do this another day.”

Gilda ran a hand over her face, which was a picture of pure irritation. “I can’t believe this lameness. Thorax don’t you have anything better to do than screw around!?”

“Not really, no,” Thorax said with a wink and turned to Adagio and Ember. “Ember, a pleasure as always. How’s your father?”

“...Fine,” Ember said in a cool tone, not sheathing her Zanpaktou either. Thorax closed his eyes with a sheepish grin.

“Still haven’t forgiven me for that incident with my brother?”

“Pharynx and me are cool, no thanks to your meddling.” Ember said with a deep frown, “Next time you feel like playing pranks like that, me and him have agreed to how we’ll get back at you.”

“Oh, scary. Gives me chills to think about.” Thorax shuddered, but was smiling as he did it, “I’m glad to hear you two are still getting along. Poor Pharynx just doesn’t get out enough. Nooooow...”

He turned his gleaming eyes onto Adagio, “We haven’t gotten a chance at proper introductions, although my name has been getting ping ponged around enough already. I am Thorax, Fraccion to Queen Chrysalis, the Second Espada, consort to our ever tall and imposing Lord Tirek, and it is my distinct pleasure to meet you Adagio Dazzle. Believe it or not your name has been making its way across several lips in Las Noches’ halls, and today in particular the gossip has spread like blood soaking into hungry sands. After all it's not everyday a Hollow walks out of Las Noches as an Adjuchas, then walks back in the very same day as a Vasto Lorde. I confess I’m dying of curiosity to know how you achieved that particular feat.”

“I’m afraid a lady doesn’t just share her secrets,” Adagio replied while offering her own thin smile, making a slow show of relaxing her stance as she lowered the points of her trident and allowed her tail to hang at a more lazy posture by her side. She kept her smile up, an entirely different kind of weapon readied and at guard. “Not without ensuring she’ll be getting something out of it. A pleasure to meet you, Thorax. I suppose I shall thank you for sparing me the trouble of educating others on the drawbacks of overestimating themselves. It would have been tedious.”

Gilda’s growl echoed loudly over the rooftop, but Thorax ignored it with a hearty laugh. “Indeed I sense you’re more than capable of handling yourself, Miss Dazzle, but it’s good to know there’s at least one more Hollow within these walls who understands not every disagreement has to be settled with blades and fists. I take it Lord Guto was making an issue of your choice of territories?”

“You’re well informed. I’m starting to wonder if every Espada is sending eyes to keep watch on me,” Adagio said, baiting a response, but Thorax merely turned his smile into something altogether too amused.

“It's best to assume nothing you do goes unnoticed in Las Noches, Miss Dazzle. Part of the price of boredom around here, I’m afraid. We have precious so little to gossip about it's practically an art form to keep tabs on one another. In fact you’ve already started doing the same yourself, have you not, sending your faithful errand boys around to gather information for you?”

“You’ve got me there. I do hope I’ll not have to have a repeat of this conversation concerning my choice of home with Queen Chrysalis? I understand the previous owner gained the wrath of the Second Espada, but I’d like to think that ire doesn’t extend to mere rooms, nor whoever decides to make use of them.” Adagio imagined that this issue with the Queen of Thorns had just been a pretext for Guto to try to send his thugs to strong arm Adagio into giving up any territory at all, and was willing to bet Chrysalis couldn’t have cared less about a bunch of dusty, empty chambers.

“While I can hardly speak for all of my Queen’s thoughts and whims, her old grudge with the former Second Espada is long since become dust in the wind. I think I can give you some level of assurance you won’t be bothered on the matter as long as you can secure your place from less... reasonable rivals,” Thorax said, and Gilda’s glowering face broke into a thunderhead as she stormed a step forward.

“And you shouldn’t assume we’re done here just because you show up, Thorax! You may be Chrysalis’ favorite, but you’re still weak in a fight and me and Greta could kick your ass right alongside these two.”

“Gilda, c’mon, let’s just drop it,” said Greta, “Even Lord Guto wouldn’t want us pissing off the Queen.”

“Arrgh, you’re just saying that because you’re sweet on his ass!”

“N-no I’m not! I just don’t think it's worth it to tick off Lord Tirek’s Queen just because you’re hot for a fight. Seriously if you want to blow off steam that bad there’s plenty of guys back in the aerie. We can deal with this chick,” Greta jerked a thumb at Adagio, “Any other time we feel like.”

“Do try, whenever you feel like,” Adagio said with steel in her tone.

With a hissing breath Gilda finally rammed her Zanpaktou back into its sheath, “Fine! Another day, dweebs, when you don’t got an irritatingly sexy bug-boy looking over your shoulders.”

“Hey, before you leave, ladies,” said Thorax as Gilda turned to depart, “I want to invite all of you to a little get together I’m hosting. You see with the Quincy coming to knock on our door any day now I just can’t stand the thought of not having a night of feasting and revelry to ease the tension and boost morale. Why for some of us it might be our last hurrah before meeting oblivion, so as they said in the living world ‘eat, drink, and be merry’. Tomorrow night, at our Queen’s hall. You’re all invited.”

“Really!?” Greta perked up, then at Gilda’s glare she composed herself, “I mean, if Lord Guto allows it, we might attend.”

“Pass,” said Gilda flatly, “Like, triple freakin’ pass.”

“The party just won’t be the same without you’re glowing presence,” Thorax said with a tone pricked with needles of sarcasm. He turned his attention back to Adagio and Ember. “And what of you two lovelies? We’ll have music, fine foods taken from all over the living world, and more than a few of the Fraccion of other Espada will be there. Quite a chance for an up and comer like you to rub elbows with your soon to be peers.”

Adagio didn’t think for a second that Thorax didn’t have an ulterior motive, likely multiple ulterior motives for inviting her and Ember to this ‘party’, but much as she’d advised Lament not to ignore the games and politics of Las Noches, she wasn’t about to ignore her own advice. Besides, Lament wanted her to show Fenice and Roka a good time. This sounded like a good opportunity to test those waters.

“I can’t speak for Ember, but I for one would be delighted to attend,” Adagio said with her own graceful bow, “In fact would it be alright if I brought some guests with me?”

“Oh?" Thorax raised and intrigued eyebrow, “By all means, I’d love to meet whoever you brought. And what of you Ember? Shall we expect your shining presence to bring some much needed spunk to the proceedings?”

Ember looked not too far off of Gilda’s general disinterest in the idea, but she gave Adagio a quick glance before nodding. “Yeah, sure, I’ll be there. Just to make sure nobody tries anything funny with my friend here.”

Thorax placed a hand on his chest in mock pain, “I assure you the only funny business at the party will likely be watching my brother try to dance. I’ll look forward to seeing all of you tomorrow then, sans our grumpy Gilda, although I do hope she reconsiders and attends.”

“Fat chance of that happening. Let’s go Greta, I’m getting a headache from all this talking.”

With that Gilda hopped off the roof, and after a second longer where Greta gave Thorax a shy smile, she followed her compatriot. Thorax watched them go with his smile transmuting into a slight smirk before he wiped it off his face and gave Adagio and Ember a final bow, “Until tomorrow evening then, ladies, farewell.”

After he was gone Ember let out a long held breath and grunted, “I don’t like that guy.”

Adagio quirked an eyebrow at her, “I sensed a bit of history there.”

“Ugh... just, yeah... back when I was younger he set me up with his brother. Without his brother being aware of it. Thorax thought it was funny as hell to watch us awkwardly butt heads, and when we found out it was a prank neither of us was exactly happy about it. Pharynx is a solid dude, but his brother doesn’t have a serious bone in his body and is always playing games. You can’t trust anything he says or does.”

Ember rubbed the back of her head, “This party is just going to be him screwing around with you, you know. He probably just sees you as a new toy to play with.”

“Which is exactly why I’m going,” Adagio said with a confident smirk, “I don’t mind showing him he’s not the only one who can play. Besides, if there are other Fraccion there it will give me a chance to gain and even better understanding of my potential allies and rivals. Hmph, that Gilda is certainly a piece of work. Is she always that direct?”

“Usually she’s less subtle. Be careful of her, Adagio. On a good day I could probably take her, but she’s Guto’s top Fraccion, and there’s rumors she’s getting strong enough to challenge for the rank of Espada, if one of the lower rankers got axed or showed enough weakness to warrant a challenge.”

“Does that mean you’re strong enough to challenge for the Espada rank as well? I know you’re at least as strong as her,” Adagio said and Ember flinched for a moment.

“I am. And maybe I will challenge, one day. Right now my dad needs me more. Besides there’s no openings in the ranks anyway, and I’m not sure either I or Gilda could actually take Squirk or Smooze. Especially not Smooze. That guy kind of creeps me out.”

Adagio took all that in with an accepting nod, then said, “Well, let’s get moving. It’s been a long day and all I want is to see if those three have found me a bed in the living world.”

“Alright,” Ember said, and Adagio sensed that she wanted to say more, but wasn’t sure how to to say it. Adagio was willing to give Ember some time if she needed to sort out her thoughts. Today Ember had proved where she stood, and now all Adagio wanted to do was clear the air between them and make it clear that she considered Ember a friend, and wanted to make up for what she’d done. But that conversation might take a bit of time before Ember worked out when and how to have it. Adagio resolved to be patient and look for the right opportunity as soon as possible.

After all, they were running out of time before the Quincy arrived, then there might not be any more opportunities...


“Hope you know what you’re doing, because you’re playing with fire.” said Sugarcoat with her usual plain and pointed manner. “Magical fire that ripped holes in reality the last time it was released fully.”

Twilight Sparkle’s eyes didn’t so much as blink, a bead of sweat crawling along down her nose as she focused on the monitor in front of her, which was filled with an symphony of activity as her hands worked a plastic electronic pen on a flat drawing pad hooked up to the computer. The designs came together in her mind less like puzzle pieces being fitted together and more like the strokes of paint on a master’s canvas. She wasn’t sure why, but after her conversation with Midnight Sparkle her mind had a sharper focus than before. Twilight had always had little trouble designing new devices as is, but this was coming together almost too fast, to the point she was worried she was forgetting key safety features.

At Sugarcoat’s words her hand hesitated on the electronic pen, halting the dancing flow of design diagrams on the screen. Twilight turned to look back at Sugarcoat with an earnest but frazzled expression.

“Nobody knows that more than me. I’m not taking Midnight lightly, but she... she made some convincing arguments as to benefits of cooperation at this juncture. One of the reasons I’m designing this glove is to ensure I have a method of releasing magic in a controlled manner, and if needed have an emergency valve to cut off the power if Midnight doesn’t keep to her word about not taking over my body. In fact...”

She turned back to the screen and pointed to a particular part of the object that was coming together on the monitor, a node along the side of the mechanical glove that looked somewhat like a small metal spindle. “If things truly get out of hand I’ll have a means to shut off the magic entirely.”

“Yes, along with all your Quincy powers as well.” Sugarcoat said, “Using that in the middle of a fight will get you killed, you know.”

“Sure, but isn’t that better than her going all Dark Phoenix on us?” said Lemon Zest, who was sprawled out on Twilight’s bed, laying on her back with a handheld game system beeping away in her hands. The three girls were alone in the room, which had been repaired and redressed with a new bed. The window was gone, replaced by reinforced wall. Apparently King Sombra wanted her room secure, if Soarin standing guard outside wasn’t enough. The other girls from the Academy had visited over the course of the morning, but only Lemon Zest and Sugarcoat had stayed, although Sunny Flare had left a plate of freshly baked bran muffins before she left, which Soarin had tested first for poison, just in case. Twilight still shuddered a bit inside that now she had to have her meals tested like that.

“It is preferable.” Twilight said, interjection before Sugarcoat could respond. “Even if I have to sacrifice my abilities, I won’t be taken over again. I think perhaps the presence of that option alone might act as a deterrent, in any case. Still, so far I think she’s being cooperative.”

To emphasis this she raised her hand and concentrated upon her fingers. She could definitely feel a resistance inside her as she tried to bring out the tingling sensation of magic inside her, but she could feel gaps in that resistance open up and allow some of the magic to flow out. She could only imagine Midnight was helping the magic move past the reiatsu that interfered with it. She could feel some intermixing of those energies as well, like the way water might pick up a color pigment from certain minerals in it. She wished she had more time to examine and experiment with these two energies to better understand how they interacted, at least before the upcoming battle. She’d have to settle for those studies until after she survived the next few days and could form her research team.

A teal tongue of magic coiled up from her fingers and flickered about in flame-like life for a few seconds before Twilight dismissed it. Sugarcoat’s eyes may have been obscured by her visor, but there was an uneasy purse to her lips. Lemon Zest looked up from her game, shrugged, and resumed playing.

“Has it occured to you that she’s just letting you have a taste of the magic so you’ll let your guard down?” Sugarcoat asked flatly.

Twilight held back a sigh and said, “I have, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take. I won’t make any progress by second guessing myself, and if Midnight does try anything I’ll have fail safes in place.”

“And if those ‘fail safes’ fail?” Sugarcoat pressed, to which Twilight gave her an earnest look tinted with a grave shadow.

“Then you and the other girls will have to stop me. Stop her. She can’t be allowed to run rampant, not with the kind of damage she can do with so much magic at her command. So if things do go wrong and it turns out Midnight can’t be trusted, then I’m instead going to have to trust that you can make sure she can’t do any more harm. No matter what that might take.”

Sugarcoat raised a hand to her visor and adjusted it in much the same way she often did with her glasses. “Are you suggesting if there’s no other way and Midnight has completely taken you over that we... kill you?”

It was one of the only times Twilight had ever heard hesitance creep into Sugarcoat’s voice. Normally the girl never had much hesitation in anything she said, but this tripped her up a bit. Twilight gulped and glanced away. “That’s something you’d have to decide yourself, if it ever came to that. I don’t want to put that kind of burden on you. I also know Midnight has the potential to be dangerous. I’m trusting her for now, because I want to believe she can be. Cooperating with her is my best chance to study and understand the magic inside me right now.”

“Ain’t that magic supposed to be, like, the magic of ‘friendship’ or whatever?” asked Lemon Zest, not looking up from her game. “Figured you’d be all about doing friend-type stuff to learn about that. So maybe getting buddy-buddy with your hot evil twin is a good thing? That’s a friendship type deal, right?”

Sugarcoat crossed her arms and said, “I don’t think it’s that simple.”

Twilight blinked, “Hot evil twin? Uh, well, whatever the case may be, you do have a point, Lemon Zest. Sunset showed me that her bonds with her friends was the crux of the magic that helped subdue Midnight before, and I’d already been theorizing that very same magic was enhancing the girls’ developing spiritual powers. I wish I’d been able to stay with them long enough to test those theories out more.”

“Hey, why not do that with us?” Lemon Zest said, rolling onto her stomach to get into a more comfortable position while still keeping her eyes glued to her game. “We’re, like, kinda friends right? You can do friendship magic study stuff on us.”

“Again, not sure it's that simple,” Sugarcoat said, holding up one finger after another, “For one, we haven’t known Twilight like that for very long. For two, we were never exposed to that other world’s magic the same way those Canterlot girls were. For three, there’s been zero indication we can do anything like the ‘pony up’ transformation they’ve done. And finally, for four, we’re engaged in a war; not ideal for friendship studies.”

“Man, just harsh my buzz why don’t you?” Lemon Zest said with a pout, “I was just trying to say, we’re like, starting to become pals with Twilight here. I mean, I kind of think she’s neat, and you seem to dig hanging out with her. Haven’t heard the other girls throw her any shade since we fought together at the Academy ambush. Figure we’re as close to friends to her as those other girls could be. Not like they knew her for super long either, right?”

Sugarcoat looked ready to argue the point, but Twilight perked up and said, “You know, you may have something there.”

“Uh, duh.” Lemon Zest said, then blinked, “What do I have again?”

“The conditions are not exactly identical, but in many ways my situation here mirrors certain elements of the friendships I was forming with the girls from Canterlot High.” Twilight said, reaching over to a notebook and grabbing up a regular pen to star scribbling notes. “Joining a new center of learning where I had to make quick bonds among a group that had only recently gotten to know me, like I have at the Academy, mirrors parts of what I went through when I transfered to Canterlot High. Then there’s the shared bonds through mutual exposure to danger, both of which has happened here and back in Canterlot due to the Hollows. On top of that, and uh, not to sound weird here but you girls also share a lot of similarities to my friends from Canterlot.”

“Oh?” Sugarcoat said, raising one of her eyebrows in an almost identical manner to the way Twilight had seen Applejack do so.

“W-Well not to say you’re copies of each other or anything, just that there are a few shared personality traits. Uh, Indigo Zap’s competitiveness matching Rainbow Dash’s for example. Or, um Sunny Flare’s cultured mannerisms in comparison to Rarity’s. You know, things that on the surface make you similar to my other friend’s, but not identical. I merely bring it up because the parallels could be a factor to consider in any study of the magic of friendship. It's possible certain people with specific traits resonate more strongly with said magic than others.”

Sugarcoat looked at her for a second, then nodded, “Right, I seem to recall Sunset rattling off a list of virtues before she transformed that day. Is that what you’re talking about?”

“Yes, although I don’t know if any of us really exhibit any of those traits, at least not to strong enough degree to affect the magic. Still, it's worth noting for later study.” Twilight’s eyes turned towards the computer screen where the half finished design of a new glove still floated in digital conception. “Of course right now what I need to do is finish my work on this.”

“You gonna be able to build that in just a couple of days?” Lemon Zest sounded dubious even as she asked the question.

“Less than that at this point,” Sugarcoat said, “We should be leaving by tomorrow morning.”

“I don’t know,” Twilight admitted, feeling the weight of the time crunch on her shoulders, “I don’t think so. Even if I finish the design process by this afternoon, I doubt I can manage a functional prototype by tomorrow.”

“Why not let us help?” asked Sugarcoat, “Me and the other girls could get a lot of the basic work done while you’re still finishing the details.”

Twilight glanced at her with a surprised look, “Could you do that? I mean, this may look fairly straightforward at first glance but this glove is going to be one of the most complex gadgets I’ve ever made. There’s a lot of delicate engineering involved, not to mention some pretty theoretical science.”

“Twilight we all were selected to participate in the Friendship Games. Just because you were the honor student doesn’t mean the rest of us were slouches,” Sugarcoat said with a hint of sass in her usually bland tone, “I got top marks in both robotics and physics. Sour Sweet was literally right behind your marks in the engineering classes. Sunny Flare knows things about chemistry that sort of frighten me. Indigo Zap... can carry things for us.”

“And I can offer moral support,” Lemon Zest said proudly, to which Sugarcoat gained a deadpan look as she turned to the girl on the bed.

“Zest, you programmed that game you’re playing.”

“Uh, yeah, so what? What do you want me to do, program Twilight a video game?”

Twilight gave Lemon Zest a curious and appraising look, “If you could, there’s actually some code that I’ll need to operate the glove’s power regulation system that I’d appreciate help with.”

“Sounds kinda boring... buuuuuut I guess I’d like to not get another hole shot in me, so better help you get a handle on your powers.”

A warm sense of relief passed through Twilight and she felt like the weight pushing down on her got just a little lighter as she smiled, “This really helps. Thank you, both of you.”

“Let’s not get premature with the thanks just yet,” said Sugarcoat, leaning over where Twilight sat to get a look at the computer screen, “There’s still a lot of work to do on this, and don’t you have some time you need to spend with your family tonight too?”

“Oh, right...” Twilight had almost forgotten about that, what with the attempted assassination, her confrontation with Midnight Sparkle, and the overriding desire to get this modified Sanrei Glove made. She was supposed to be spending tonight dining with her family. She hadn’t even seen Shining Armor or Cadence in days, and wasn’t sure they’d even heard about the attack on her. Both her father and mother had visited earlier in the morning, but that had just been to check on her before duty had pulled them away...

Although her mother had seemed strangely quiet. It worried Twilight, now that she thought of it. There had been something reserved and harried about her mother’s manner that morning that set Twilight on edge. Her father had been kind but stoic, but her mother had looked like she’d had something to say but not the time to say it.

“I guess I can’t miss that. It might be the last time we get a chance to sit down together like a family,” Twilight said with a heavy heart, and Sugarcoat grasped her shoulder in a tight but comforting grip.

“Even if you can’t finish the glove, Twilight, we’ll be there to back you up in the field. Spend tonight with your family.”

“Yes,” Twilight said, casting one more furtive look at the design suspended on the computer screen, “You’re right. I’ll try to finish this, but if I can’t, I can’t. Even then I’ll be with you and the others, and we’ll pull through together. Like friends.”

To this Sugarcoat and Lemon Zest both gave affirming nods, and Twilight felt herself relax the tension that’d been winding up inside her even more. Everything was in flux. It was uncertain if she’d even live to see next week, let alone ever see her friends back in Canterlot City again. She had an alter ego inside her mind that controlled a powerful force she had yet to truly understand, and it might try to take her over at any time. On top of that there was at least one person out there, waiting in the shadows, that wanted her dead, and for all Twilight knew that assassin was just the first of many.

Yet despite all that she felt calm, and warm, just sitting there in her room with two newfound friends. Maybe that was part of the magic of it all, although a part of her found that sappy notion silly compared to the overriding need to scientifically break it all down and study it. Still, she cherished the thought. No matter how dangerous or mad her life got, Sunset and the girls had taught her how to make friends, so as long as she could do that she could face whatever was about to come.

Author's Note:

Kind of a slow chapter, but lots of little character building stuff here that needs to happen before things start exploding again. On a side note I notice I tend to be doing these Fraccion in pairs; Thorax/Pharynx, Roka/Fenice, Gilda/Greta, heck even Ember/Garble were basically a Fraccion pair before Adagio came into the mix. I suppose Grogar breaks that mold, not really having Fraccion per se (unless one counts his experiments).

At any rate I hope you folks are having fun reading along, and thank you all for continuing to check out my story, even when it gets a tad delayed. As always I highly appreciate any comments, questions, or critiques you'd like to leave for me. 'Till next time!

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