• Published 15th Apr 2016
  • 19,905 Views, 5,029 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 60: Departures

Episode 60: Departures

Built into one of the towers adjoining the Gotei 13’s central fortress, the Senkaimon, or “World Penetration Gate”, was a humbly simple affair compared to the complex machine the Crossgate had been. Near as Sunset could tell the Senkaimon was essentially just a large gatehouse built into the top of a circular, white stone platform surrounded by a series of brass colored arches. She and her friends from Canterlot City, along with Clover and Captain Celestia were walking up the curved stone stairs leading to the platform from the fortress. It was nearly noon of the day following the end of the battles, and the time had come for them to return to the living world and Canterlot City. Ditzy Doo, who Sunset hadn’t seen barley at all since the fight with Starlight Glimmer, had met with the girls at the Thirteenth Division barracks just long enough to let them know she wouldn’t be returning with them through the Senkaimon. The way Ditzy put it she had “Some stuff to check on” before she’d return to the living world on her own. What Ditzy intended to check on or why she hadn’t elaborated on and Sunset didn’t feel the need to push any questions. If anyone had earned a little trust from her, it was Ditzy Doo.

So it was they’d had a rather calm and relaxing morning to spend waiting until noon for the Senkaimon to be prepared for their departure, and then at noon after walking through the Soul Reaper’s main headquarters, which was still undergoing repairs, they arrived at the Senkaimon.

On the landing leading to the gate Sunset saw that they had quite the going away send off waiting for them. Judging by the white coats on some and the wooden badges on the arms of others it seemed every Captain and Lieutenant in Soul Society who wasn’t either still confined to the hospital or otherwise now exiled traitors was now standing in an ordered line in front of the gate. At the head of the group was a positively ancient looking man with leathery brown skin, a mostly bald head save for a circle of long brown hair peppered with gray that fell down his shoulders, and penetrating yellow eyes. She hadn’t met him, but she’d heard enough about him to recognize Captain Commander Scorpan, and even if she could tell he wasn’t trying to he still carried a heavy aura of power about him that made her glad she and her friends hadn’t had to fight him during the past few days.

Upon seeing them enter the platform, Scorpan took a deliberate step forward, and both he and the Soul Reaper officers behind him appeared to tense. Sunset cast a confused look towards Celestia, but the other woman wore a reassuring smile and walked to join her fellow Captains. As one each Captain and Lieutenant bowed respectfully to Sunset and the other girls, and as they stood there looking on bewildered at the display, Scorpan spoke.

“For all that you have done that has aided Soul Society, whether intentionally or not, please accept our gratitude. For all that we have done that may have brought harm to you and yours, please accept our humblest apologies. It is my sincerest hope that from now on you can consider the Soul Reapers of the Thirteen Court Guard Divisions as allies in your endeavors to protect both this world and our neighboring realm of Equestria against the threats we now face.”

Sunset glanced at her friends. Rainbow Dash wore a small, satisfied smirk with her arms crossed cockily, but she nodded. Applejack held a look of quiet acceptance, as if to her the water was already passed under the bridge. Fluttershy’s smile was warm and a bit embarrassed. Rarity nodded with gracious dignity. Pinkie Pie stifled a giggle and winked happily to Sunset. Clover looked taken aback slightly, probably unused to have senior Soul Reapers bowing towards her, but gulped and gave Sunset a small thumbs up.

Sunset, clearing her throat, turned and walked towards Scorpan, who was still bowed. Slowly she extended her hand towards him, smiling as he looked up at her. “Help us keep both our worlds safe and we’ll call it even.”

A light breath of a chuckle escape Scorpan as he stood upright and gripped her hand with his own mountain tough grip.

“Then it shall be done, Miss Shimmer. I believe many of my officers have individual parting words they wish to give, and Captain Starswirl has something he wishes to give to each of you as well.”

Sunset’s interest shot up a notch as she looked towards the man with the smooth white beard, who human or not she could see the clear resemblance to the commonly known depictions of Starswirl the Bearded from Equestria. She saw him carrying a small wooden case under the crook of an arm. “Oh? What’s that?”

The eight year old filly in her was a bit giddy at having even an alternate universe version of one of Equestria’s most famous, if not the most famous wizard approach her and her friends as they walked up. He held up the case in one hand, displaying it casually.

“I’ve modified some talismans I hope you ladies will find useful.” Starswirl said, opening the case to show that within was a set of six medallions shaped from what looked like dark iron. Each was in the shape of a circle with a skull pattern set into it that looked familiarly like the one Discord used for the ward pass to get into his shop.

“What do they do? And what’s with that skull shape? Discord used the same thing.” Sunset said as she and her friends gathered around to peer at them.

Starswirl frowned ever so faintly. “He does, does he? The skull-mark is literally for denoting an affiliation with Soul Society. Discord may be an exiled former Captain, but I suppose he still uses some of our symbolism, either out of habit, irony, or residual fondness. Take your pick. I’ve always found the man difficult to predict, let alone understand. In any case, these talismans can be used to open a pathway through the Senkaimon. With them you young ladies will be able to enter Soul Society at any time you wish.”

As each girl took one in turn, Applejack turned a heavy look towards Sweet Cider, who was standing nearby. “So with this I can see ya pretty much anytime, that right?”

“Anytime I ain’t neck deep n’ work, hayseed. Them shiny trinkets’re fer makin’ sure ya’ll can come n’ go as ya please, but also fer knowin’ in a’ emergency ya can call on backup.”

“Which I was about to mention as the talisman’s secondary function.” Starswirl said, “Normally you press the left eye of the skull to activate the Senkaimon gate. But if you press the right eye it will activate a distress beacon and homing signal, which will allow us to send help in the event of some manner of emergency. Granted it will only work while you’re in the human world, so if you find yourselves in Hueco Mundo or the like, then none of the talisman’s functions will work, I’m afraid.”

“That’s quite alright.” said Rarity, pocketing her talisman, “I’m certain that they will come in handy, regardless. Just how promptly will help arrive in an emergency?”

“It does take time to prepare the gate for departures, as opposed to its ability to receive arrivals at pretty much any time. I’d estimate twenty minutes at the fastest.” Starswirl said.

“Not exactly speedy,” mentioned Rainbow Dash, tossing her own talisman up and down and catching it. “But hey, better than nothing. Not that we couldn’t kick the butts of anyone who’d come to mess with us on our home turf!”

“Please, Rainbow, let us not jinx things.” Rarity said, “I’ve had quite enough surprises for one lifetime. Or two.”

By and large Sunset agreed with Rarity, but she did share some of Rainbow Dash’s brash confidence concerning their ability to handle whatever might come their way. Whether it be Hollows, Quincy, or something else entirely they wouldn’t find Canterlot City to be an easy target with Sunset and her friends around.

Scorpan stood back and allowed others to come forward to speak to them. Some, like the towering form of a hulking man Sunset learned was Captain Thunderhooves of the Seventh Division, offered more personal apologies for not doing more to stand against Central 46’s execution orders. Others seemed more carefully observant, though not precisely standoffish, like the mustard skinned woman with the dark hair, another Captain by the white overcoat she wore although Sunset never caught her name.

Captain Amore wasn’t present, the only Captain hospitalized from the battles.

“Her injury remains grave, even with all the healing efforts I gave.” explained Captain Zecora, who still looked a little pale and waxen faced herself, but she spoke with a strong and determined voice. “Whether she shall walk again is unknown, a fate even my keen foresight has not shown.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Sunset said, “I wish I could have done something to help her. It all happened too fast.”

Beside Zecora another Soul Reaper, the Lieutenant with flowing blue hair and the light purple skin, bowed her head with a crestfallen cast to her features. “Captain Amore was conscious long enough this morning to ask me to thank all of you personally for fighting so hard to save Captains Celestia and Luna. She truly cares for Soul Society, and wishes she could have fought better to protect it.”

“From what I saw she did what she could. It's not her fault she got taken by surprise. We all were.” Sunset said.

“I just hope we can prevent any more damage being caused by those... people.” the Soul Reaper replied, then blinked and gave a small start. “I know it must be strange to introduce myself just as you’re leaving, but I’m Lieutenant Radiant Hope, Fifth Division. I look forward to doing all I can to support your efforts in the fights to come. Oh, and Lieutenant Meadowbrook asked me to ask you to please look after Third Seat Clover.”

“I’ll try.” Sunset said with a bemused look.

Nearby Cheese Sandwich was handing Pinkie Pie several mysterious bags. “One of these is for you Pinks, just to help you get through any rough days that might be coming up.” Cheese Sandwich said with a wink, “And the other one is for your, uh, more violently inclined other half. Tell her next time she enters the Colosseum to look me up so I can make even better profits off of betting on her.”

Pinkie Pie bounced the one bag, which jingled like it was full of coins of some sort. “I bet Mena’ll like that. She seemed to have a good time. Hmm, what could be in this other bag? Its so nicely tied up and I think I’m smelling something cheesy.”

“Let’s just say I’m giving you one of my own recipes. Not sure it will translate well to living world ingredients, but give it a go and see how it turns out.”

Across from that scene Rainbow Dash was approached by a man Sunset recognized from his well groomed blue moustache and proud bearing, even while using wooden crutches to walk. Fancy Pants had a ashen cast to his face, but despite what had to be a deep blow in discovering his Captain had been a traitor to Soul Society he seemed to be holding together. He offered Rainbow Dash a respectful nod as he hobbled up to her.

“Miss Dash, I am to understand you are friends with Miss Fluttershy, yes?”

“Uh, yeah, what’s it to you, dude? How you holding up?”

A stiff grimace hit his features, “As well as can be expected for a man who has failed so completely in his duties as I have. I’m uncertain how much longer I’ll be wearing my Lieutenant badge, but while I still have the strength and time to do so I wished to say something to both you and Miss Fluttershy, if you’d be so kind as to introduce us.”

Fluttershy was staying the middle of the group, seemingly avoiding looking towards either Lieutenant Posey or Captain Hurricane, both of whom were standing off to the side. Hurricane appeared to be very intentionally imitating a statue, having bowed along with the rest of the officers earlier, but now just seeming to want nothing more than for this brief set of farewells to be over with. Posey tried to remain at her father’s side with equal impassiveness, but she kept sending looks towards Fluttershy and it was clear to see the unrestrained love in that gaze. Sunset didn’t envy Fluttershy’s position.

Dash frowned, but nodded and led Fancy Pants over to Fluttershy, who looked over at the man with open curiosity as he tried to manage a bow, even with crutches.

“P-please, you don’t have to do that.” Fluttershy said, “What did you want to say?”

Fancy Pants’ eyes flickered between both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, and he took a deep breath. “I wanted to thank both of you on a more personal level. While the pursuit of my duties put us in conflict with one another, and led me to be blind to my former Captain’s... treachery, all of that is irrelevant to the fact that I owe you both a debt of honor for the role you played in aiding my comrade, Lieutenant Posey. Without you, Miss Dash, showing such dedication in defeating us I don’t know if Posey would have been pushed to pursue you, and face Miss Fluttershy. And without Miss Fluttershy’s kindness, Posey would still be at odds with her own Zanpaktou, perhaps even losing herself to it in time. So thank you. I swear I will one day repay this debt.”

“Whoa dude, who said anything about debt? We’re all more or less playing on the same team now. Let’s not make it weird with honor debts and stuff.” Dash said, holding up her hands.

“Besides, we only did what felt right.” said Fluttershy.

“While I understand what you are saying, it remains a point of honor I cannot readily ignore.” Fancy Pants said, only to have Rainbow Dash come up to him and give a light punch to his shoulder, which caused him to wince.

Rainbow had the presence of mind to look a bit embarrassed as she said, “Look man, its like this. If us and you Soul Reaper types are going to be buddy-buddy from now on, its best not to build that on stuff like ‘owing’ debts. Its awesome you care enough about your comrades to get all honorbound when someone helps them, but you and me, the next time we’re in a scuffle side by side... it’s best if you’re there because we’re comrades too, and not just because you felt you had some honor to satisfy.”

That got Fancy Pants looking contemplative, one hand stroking his moustache. “An interesting thought. I’ll think on those words, Miss Dash. I believe I’ll have a great deal of time to do so, for the immediate future.”

“Aww chillax, buddy. They can’t come down on you too hard for working for that crazy icebox.” Rainbow said, “Heck, maybe they’ll make you Captain instead?”

“I lack the qualifications for such a lofty position, but I suppose if recent events have taught me and every other Soul Reaper in the Seireitei anything, it's that we cannot so easily predict what will happen next.” Fancy Pants replied humbly.

Meanwhile Blueblood had approached Rarity, who gave him a coyly questioning look as he offered her a formal bow and presented her a small object carefully wrapped in white and gold filigree silk cloth.

“A token, my lady Rarity.” Blueblood said, confidence in his smile but a wisp of nervousness in his eyes. “Something to demonstrate I shall not soon forget our meeting.”

One delicate purple eyebrow crawled up Rarity’s brow, but she took the offered item, daintily unwrapping the silk to reveal what lay within. Blinking, she held it up between thumb and forefinger. It was a rose, but made from a familiar crimson crystal, carved with surprising detail and care, all the way down to the thorns.

“Is this...?” Rarity began to ask, and Blueblood nodded.

“Carved from the very crystals you used in our battle. I carved it to remind myself that a rose is not to be underestimated, and that no matter my talents, a careless man like me can easily prick himself on that rose’s thorns. It is a lesson I promise you I won’t forget, and this is the symbol of that promise. Keep it or discard it as you will, but I swear to you I will be a new man the next time we meet.”

Rarity turned the crystal rose over in her hand, a thoughtful gleam in her eyes, her voice giving away nothing of what she was thinking. “We’ll have to see what happens, won’t we? I warn you, Captain Blueblood, I am not an easy girl to impress, but I’ll admit this is a start.”

He took her hand gently and gave it a light, gentlemanly kiss, to which Rarity smiled but revealed nothing else. Once Blueblood moved away, Sunset slid up to Rarity and with a small smirk whispered, “Really? He’s your type?”

Rarity carefully tucked the crystal rose into the breast pocket of her dress, “Perhaps, perhaps not. But a girl can appreciate some honest effort, if nothing else. There is something both oddly and terribly romantic in nearly killing each other.” She frowned, “What a morbid thought. Sunset, do promise to give me a well earned slap if I start to develop a complex for men whom I end up fighting duels with, will you?”

Sunset gave her friend a heartfelt pat on the shoulder, nodding. “Of course. What else are friends for?”

Nearer to the gate, Applejack stood beside Sweet Cider, the two sharing a few quiet words.

“When’re ya thinkin’ ye’ll be comin’ by?” Applejack asked with a shaky tone.

“Soon as I got everythin’ in order ‘round here.” Sweet Cider said, “Give it a’ couple o’ days. An’... just don’t say nothin’ yet ta Granny. I gotta work out in my head how I’m gonna deal with this. Ain’t somethin’ I wanna rush. But I’ll be seein’ ya again soon, Applejack, don’t ya fret.”

There was a ironic, bittersweet note in Applejack's laugh. “Guess I can live with that.”

An awkward silence fell between the two, but it was soon crushed by the strong, lung bursting hug Sweet Cider swept her daughter into, no more words really needed between the pair of Apples.

Celestia and Luna were facing each other with both of them wearing bittersweet looks.

“It looks as if we may not see one another for a time, sister.” Luna said, a touch of shadow in her eyes. “I have a sinking feeling that the war with the Hollows and Quincy is going to escalate, and my duties will likely only multiply, preventing any return to the school in the near future... if ever.”

Only kind understanding shone in Celestia’s eyes as she embraced Luna tightly. “Don’t doubt we’ll see each other again, Lulu. We’ve been apart on separate assignments before. This time will be no different, you’ll see. I know you’ll excel at any task you and the Second Division are sent on. You bring your courage and determination to anything you do, and those you command emulate those qualities. Just promise me that you’ll not be too hard on yourself either, please? All work and no play makes Lulu a dull, girl, remember?”

Luna hugged Celestia back, while making a small snort even as she smiled. “You’re the perfectionist, sister. I worry more about you. What will you do without me to keep you grounded, I wonder? More plans like your ‘panty escape’ no doubt.”

Celestia gulped, letting out a forced laugh as she looked around for any eavesdroppers. “Hahah! Such a kidder, Luna! Shhhh, not so loud about that. I still have an image to maintain with the impressionable youth.”

“That is exactly what I fear.” Luna said with a smirk, breaking out of the hug with a playful jab at her sister, “All those vulnerable young men and women at the school, with no Vice Principal Luna to hold you back. What kind of trouble will you get up to?”

“Nothing at all! I am the soul of professionalism.”

“Is that why there’s a stack of reverse harem manga inside your desk drawer at the office?”

“...I have no idea what you’re talking about and I deny everything. Note to self; clean out desk first thing on returning to the school.”

The two shared a brief laugh, but it soon petered out as it became clear they soon really did have to part. The length of the Senkaimon gate was starting to light up with a wave of incandescent brightness. The light spilled out over the gathered crowd, and from the interior of the light a flutter of dark butterflies wafted out, the Hell Butterflies that would guide the travels through the gateway and across the Precipice World beyond to their destination.

Luna sighed, turning one last time to her sister. Her eyes were shadowed by a touch of doubt. “Tia, about what... she said. You know I’ve put it all behind me, right? I don’t feel that way anymore.”

Celestia’s hand came up and patted Luna on the head, much as any big sister might do with their younger sibling. A simple, warm, affectionate gesture, devoid of pretense or judgment.

“You don’t have to tell me, Luna. I trust you. I’ll always trust you. Nothing will ever change that.”

Luna looked away, mostly to hide the bit of wetness appearing in her eyes. “You’d best get going. Farewell, sister.”

“Take care, Luna.” Celestia said, and joined Sunset and the others as they gathered in front of the brilliantly shining Senkaimon. Behind them the Soul Reapers all formed back into a line to watch them depart, Scorpan leading his officers in one final, parting bow to the ones who had helped bring the chaos infecting their home to an end.

“I guess things could’ve gone worse, huh?” said Rainbow Dash, elbowing Sunset.

“Given’ we weren’t even sure we was gonna walk outta this place when we first decided ta come chargin’ here, yeah I’d say yer right on the money there, Rainbow.” said Applejack.

“There’s still quite the conundrum left to resolve, but it doesn’t hurt that we have some potential allies now.” said Rarity, glancing to Celestia and Clover.

“It always feels nice to make new friends.” agreed Fluttershy, eyes giving Posey a final, warm look, “Especially in places we don’t expect.”

“I know right!?” shouted Pinkie Pie, “Who knew that intense fight scenes were the best place to make friends!? It must be a shounen trope.”

“Show what?” asked Clover, blinking.

Sunset patted her shoulder with a knowing smile, “Its best not to question the Pinkie Pie.” She then turned to the portal, facing its threshold with a renewed sense of strength and resolve that was mirrored across the faces of her friends as they all stepped through.

Sunset wasn’t certain what was coming next. The challenges ahead only seemed to grow ever larger. However she knew without a doubt that she and her friends were up to those challenges. It wasn’t simply because they were friends, or because they worked so well together. That helped, and was probably one of the key reasons they were all still alive despite facing some of the afterlife’s most deadly warriors. No, after all she’d experienced, facing Captains like Hurricane and Platinum, and going head to head with her own Zanpaktou to obtain Bankai, while both seeing and hearing of her own friends accomplishments, Sunset felt surer than ever that what strengthened them all was even more elemental than friendship.

She didn’t have a word for it, but she saw it clearly regardless; she and her friends left impressions on everyone they met, like... ripples swaying across still water. And those ripples seemed to return to them, forming bonds that strengthened both them and the people they touched. Sunset didn’t think this was some supernatural power, or mysterious energy, but rather a simple elemental force that just happened to be amplified by the fact that Sunset and her friends were touched by the magic of friendship from Equestria. The bonds they shared translated into an impact they had on others, and through that they could leave impressions that would turn enemies into potential allies.

And Sunset wasn’t naive enough to think they could end the war between the spirit realm factions or stop Starlight Glimmer without allies. Now more than ever she felt determined that it would be the connections they made here and elsewhere that would decide things, come the end, whenever and wherever that end would be.

With that thought in mind, Sunset couldn’t help but wonder...

What had become of the human world’s Twilight Sparkle, and Adagio Dazzle?


For all that the range of the leash Grogar kept around her neck, metaphorically speaking, he still delighted in reminding Adagio of the hold he still had on her. Every now and again, in the midst of her ever increasingly savage battles in the Forest of Menos, pain would rack her body in hot, tearing waves. It was Grogar’s way of telling her to return to the laboratory for further experimentation.

Di Roy and Gaw would remain in the Forest of Menos on those days, the cocky shark reassuring Adagio that he and his massive saurian counterpart were adept at surviving and wouldn’t let the local Adjuchas tribes find and kill them so easily. That particular campaign of antagonizing the Adjuchas Hollows who called the Forest of Menos home was progressing as well as could be expected. It had started with ambushing a few loners out hunting Gillians, but had quickly escalated to the kind of full blown battles like the one the other day, where several Adjuchas had brought a small army of tamed lesser Hollows and even a few Gillians to come after Adagio and her little crew.

It had ended poorly for the tribal Adjuchas.

She’d been learning more and more of Hollow culture from Ember, giving the situation more context. It wasn’t unusual for Hollows of any class outside of the relatively mindless Gillians to band together into tribes, whether it be hordes of lesser Hollows acting like herds of wild animals with a few more intelligent and willful types like the late Grand Fisher and his cronies leading the pack, or smaller but far more powerful tribes of Adjuchas-class Hollows carving out entire territories across Hueco Mundo’s endless sands to rule over like self-styled barons of old nobility.

Then there was the exceedingly rare Vasto Lordes, practically legends among Hollow-kind, who could claim rule over the Adjuchas “baronies” in the manner of kings or queens, subservient to none... save the Espada of Las Noches.

Arrancar occupied a unique position in Hollow society, practically a different nation and species, viewed with distrust and jealous anger by most the rest of Hollow-kind. Some Adjuchas actually disdained the human-like forms Arrancar possessed, seeing them as a perversion of Hollow nature to take on human form again, despite the power an Arrancar obtained with their Zanpaktou. The few Vasto Lordes who ruled their own domains apparently did so distantly from Las Noches, far enough as to ensure they essentially stayed out of the Espada’s hair and vice versa.

Ember had spoken of far off parts of Hueco Mundo where Vasto Lordes influenced the land to form their own realms, such as the dark valleys of “Gehenna” ruled over by the Vasto Lorde Shadowlock, or the mountainous territory of “Naraka” controlled by another Vasto Lorde who called herself Sable Spirit. Within their own territories such Hollows commanded vast power, but it was only the distance of their realms that protected them from Las Noches’ influence. According to Ember none of those Vasto Lordes, for all of their great power, could match the might of the top Espada. Perhaps some of the lower ranked Espada would have trouble facing such ancient and well established Vasto Lordes, but surely Ember’s father or those ranked above him would have little trouble subduing even those lord’s among Hollow-kind. Or at least that's how Ember put it.

Besides the Vasto Lordes who ruled their own territories, there were also a number of Arrancar who similarly took territory out in the endlessly vast deserts of Hueco Mundo. Some were rogues who for reasons of their own preferred to avoid Lord Tirek's rule, but in other cases some were former Espada who had lost their positions to stronger or more crafty Arrancar that had taken their place. These "Privaron Espada" number less than half a dozen, according to Ember, and were of little consequence.

Adagio didn’t feel any need to gainsay Ember on that point, and most of this information mattered to her only in that it might prove useful for her own future plans. Whether to claw to the top of Las Noches, or to strike out on her own one day to carve a realm of her own from this desolate world, Adagio intended to use every scrap of power she could find; including knowledge. If she ever did have to break away from Las Noches, it was interesting to know she might find allies among the independent Vasto Lordes, or even these Privaron Espada. However, right now the most important thing she’d learned was the feudal nature of the Hollow tribes. Whether lesser Hollows, Adjuchas, or Vasto Lorde, the fact remained that no one who claimed a territory for themselves could ignore a challenge or threat to that domain.

Adagio had made herself a threat to the Adjuchas tribes of the Forest of Menos, and did so with the full intent of taking them on with the ultimate goal of forcing her own evolution through the resulting battles. Thus far such evolution hadn’t occurred, but she did feel a growing power inside her that only became more pronounced with every battle... or more specifically with every gorging feast she enacted upon her slain foes.

It was chilling, to a degree, how used to feeding on other Hollows she’d become. She’d always fed on others in a sense, with the dark magic of her siren gem, yet that had never felt nearly so personal as physically consuming another in a bloody, brutal fashion. She thought back to the day Grogar had fed her that one woman’s soul, and she wondered if she’d have found the act so repulsive now? It wasn’t a pleasant thought. Even at her worst, she wanted to maintain some semblance of control. She wasn’t a beast. She was herself, in full control of her actions. Even if those actions became more.... messy as time went on.

But perhaps that was simply part of existence as Hollow, and she would need to continue to adapt if she was to not just merely survive, but thrive in Hueco Mundo.

“You look like you’re doing some heavy thinking there.” Ember commented with a wry note of amusement. The pair of them were treading across the pale sands within the shadow of Las Noches’ walls, near where Adagio would usually part ways with Ember to proceed to Grogar’s labs while Ember returned to her father’s camp. Now, Adagio slowed her floating pace, casting a musing glance at Ember.

“Just considering the future. Contemplating that if becoming an Arrancar does not pan out, that won’t stop me from carving out a place for myself, or eventually serving Grogar a cold plate of vengeance. Or hot. I’d settle for burning, rage fueled vengeance too. I might even prefer it.”

“Damned straight. I never got the whole ‘best served cold’ thing. Like if I was gonna pay some asshole back for experimenting on me and keeping me like a lab pet, ooooh man would I go for the most brutal, savage way of killing them I could! They’d be finding pieces of the jerk scattered around Las Noches for months.” Despite her hearty laugh Ember’s eyes held a hint of concern. “But hey, don’t get too frustrated. If it was easy to become an Arrancar, every Hollow would do it.”

“Oh, but you said some Hollows, especially some of those far flung Vasto Lordes, actually look down on Arrancar for being ‘too human’.”

“Pfft, well what do they know? They live so far away from Las Noches because they’re afraid of us! That goes to show how powerful we are! My dad would wipe the floor with any of those punk ass, wannabe ‘Kings’ and ‘Queens’ of Hueco Mundo. And Lord Tirek? Pffftt, forget about it. Nobody can go one on one with him!”

Adagio looked thoughtfully at the black sky, eyeing the milk white crescent moon hanging there like an ever present scythe of bone. “Not even the King of the Quincy?”

Ember hesitated, then looked away with a huff. “Meh, I'll believe it when I see it.”

“Hmm...” Adagio wondered about that. She’d only felt a hint of the Quincy King’s power during the retreat from the attack on the Quincy training grounds. It had been imposing, even from a distance. She had yet to see this Lord Tirek or what he could do. Her curiosity was keen, however, for he represented the highest tier of power among Hollows, a benchmark to aim for and a threat to be wary of. Thinking of such things was getting ahead of herself. Adagio understood she had to focus on dealing with the immediate concern of surpassing Grogar, before she got any lofty ambitions about the Primera Espada.

Reaching the ever static copse of dead trees that marked their usual meeting point, Adagio turned to Ember and said, “Assuming Grogar doesn’t do anything to leave me indisposed, shall we meet here the same time as usual tomorrow?”

Instead of answering, Ember instead looked off in the direction of Grogar’s underground labs, her eyes slightly narrowing. After a second Adagio gave her a questioning look.


“Weird. I sense my dad’s reiatsu... coming from Grogar’s place.”

“Really?” Adagio turned her attention inward, activating her own Pesquisa and then reaching out with her Hollow senses. She’d grown more and more attuned the Hollow energies. Where once all of Hueco Mundo echoed with a indistinct buzz of Hollow reishi, now Adagio could differentiate with fairly accurate skill between distinct reiatsu. She could even pick out the flickers of very minor Hollows amid the background hum of Hueco Mundo. However she couldn’t sense either Grogar, or Torch for that matter. With a frustrated growl she said, “I’m not sensing anything.”

Ember blinked, then gave her a brief, apologetic look, “Don’t worry about it, it’s not something you could sense. Uh, because I’m his daughter there’s a connection between us that resonates pretty strong. I can sense my dad more clearly than anyone else could. I don’t know why, but he’s in Grogar’s lab.”

“Are they fighting?”

“Nah, I’d sense that right off the bat.” Ember said, frowning thoughtfully, “He must be there to talk about you. I mean, one of the reasons he’s letting me train you to be an Arrancar was because you’re supposed to be joining our horde, right? Guess he decided not to wait until your training was done. Which doesn’t surprise me. Dad can get pretty impatient.”

A moment of nervousness passed through Adagio. If Torch was here to collect her, how would Grogar react to that? He wanted her to infiltrate Torch’s horde to provide information on the other Espada’s actions, but Grogar might react negatively to having his space violated and have Torch make demands of him. He might choose to abandon the plan altogether and kill her out of spite for Torch.

“I’d best return swiftly then, and find out what’s happening.”

“Want me to come with you?” Ember asked, but Adagio shook her head.

“I imagine enough egos will be in the room with Grogar and Torch alone. I’d rather you not be in the crossfire. If I survive, I’ll be seeing you soon enough.” Adagio said, to which Ember shot her an uneasy nod.

“True. Here’s hoping I see you at camp, then.” Ember said, and proceeded to head off towards Las Noches after giving Adagio a final wave of encouragement. That done, Adagio took a deep breath and with a determined look floated off rapidly towards Grogar’s laboratory lair.


The chamber had five sides, each corresponding to one point of the Quincy cross engraved into the floor in pure silver, a symbol encompassing nearly all of the chamber’s ten meter diameter. At the very center of the cross Twilight Sparkle stood, dressed in her full Quincy uniform despite the stifling warmth of the chamber and the sweat dripping down her face from the extent of her supreme concentration.

Not far away Cadence stood patiently by the room’s only entrance, a towering stone door that ran up towards the roof of the tall chamber. Her arms were crossed sternly but the woman’s expression was kind and encouraging as she spoke, “You need to completely visualize every particle of reishi as it takes the shape you want, Twilight. Visualization leads to actualization, but only if you can first conceptualize what you desire.”

Next to Cadence, Shining Armor scratched the back of his head. “Honey, you might want to pull back on the ‘izations’ there. Twily seems to learn better when she can work it out with trial and error.”

Cadence let out a tiny sigh and turned a warm but pointed look towards her fiance. The marriage between the two had only just been publicly announced the other day, and while Twilight had more than a little expected it she still sort of mentally reeled at the idea of her brother and his longtime crush finally officially deciding to tie the knot. It also meant they kept using little pet names for each other.

“Shining, sweetie, its my day to help train her, so I’d appreciate it if you kept the backseat teaching to a minimum? We’re lucky Spitfire is even letting us have a few hours with her each day, so let’s not spoil it with arguing over methodology, shall we?”

Shining Armor held up his hands in surrender, “Okay, okay. Just saying, she got the basics down pretty much with just me needing to give her a little push.”

“Well this is more advanced than the basics. Crafting one’s personalized bow is not something to take lightly.” Cadence replied, then returned her attention to Twilight.

In Twilight's hand was her bow, the long, straight beam of slightly curved blue energy that she’d been summoning since first picking up her mother’s old Quincy cross. That cross was still around her wrist, acting as her focus. She’d been told that such foci were not strictly necessary for many advanced Quincy, and she wasn’t certain she actually needed it anymore either, but she took a certain comfort in its presence around her wrist. Her mental focus was not just on her bow, but on the constantly flowing river of reishi around her.

The giant cross symbol in the floor was an collection seal, designed to draw in ambient reishi to make it easier for a Quincy to access. This room was designed to hone or develop Quincy techniques, whether it be alchemy or spiritual weapon based. In this instance it was helping her by providing all the reishi she needed to train in constructing her own personalized bow.

However she was having trouble with it. Fundamentally she had more than enough power to do what needed doing, but Cadence’s words were essentially correct. Twilight wasn’t having an easy time conceptualizing and visualizing what she wanted for her bow. From what she heard from her fellow cadets, the process shouldn’t be this hard. Indigo Zapp had pulled it off on her first try, and most the others on their second or third. Today was Twilight’s third attempt, and it wasn’t going any smoother than the previous two.

What was the problem? Indigo Zapp had said all she needed was to think hard about wanting to blast her enemies with lightning, and her bow had flowed into its unique shape with ease. Even Lemon Zest, who’d needed three tries, had said she just let her mind ‘go with the flow’ and she’d gotten her admittedly unusual bow to take shape.

So far all Twilight could do was form this basic bow of energy. When she tried to think about visualizing what she wanted, however, her mind couldn’t seem to focus. Was it because she didn’t know what she wanted? That wasn’t entirely untrue. The bow was a weapon, and Twilight was not particularly keen on fighting. She recognized the necessity, but her true goals were those of peace and understanding, not of participating in the war any more than she had to. That made it very hard to focus on the qualities of a weapon meant to destroy her enemies. Twilight didn’t even want any enemies to begin with!

But she had to push forward! Sunset and the girls were counting on her to bridge the gap between the Quincy and other factions. She couldn’t do that if she stayed as nothing more than a failed cadet! To rise in the ranks she needed a bow that would help her defend herself, the lives of her fellow cadets, and ensure she could continue to do her duty to the Quincy while not crossing any moral lines.

Yet how was she supposed to visualize that? It was a contradictory concept; fighting to bring peace.

Frustration crept up into her mind, melting her already limited focus, and her pale blue blow faded away.

“I...I don’t know how I’m supposed to do this.” she admitted miserably.

“Let’s not give up just yet.” said Cadence, stepping forward and coming around behind Twilight. Cadence’s arms wrapped around her and gently gripped Twilight’s hands and brought them up. “Form your bow.”

Gulping, Twilight did as she was told and reformed her plain blue bow of energy. Cadence’s touch was as gentle as a brush of summer wind, her voice a drop of soothing honey. “I know it isn’t easy for you to think like a soldier. It isn’t your nature. It wasn’t mine either. In your heart, you don’t want to wield a weapon. But you must. You must see it, to survive. I can’t bear you getting hurt any more than Shining Armor. So please, Twilight, try to visualize it. Form it in your heart, what kind of weapon you need to survive.”

The older woman’s warm hands slipped down Twilight’s wrist and encompassed the girl’s own hands. A flash of heat bloomed there and Twilight felt a strange moment if dizziness. Before she could question it, however, she felt a sudden sharpening in her mind, accompanied by a sudden mental narrowing of focus... almost like her brain had gained tunnel vision. Abruptly extraneous thoughts like morality and the possible toll killing might have on her psyche were pushed aside and it seemed only logical that she should focus on creating a weapon to promote survival. After all she’d seen the devastating results of a Hollow attack already, and she knew that in a scant few days she and her fellow cadets would be participating in a significantly larger battle.

She needed a bow that would ensure maximum chances of survival by both eliminating threats quickly, and being able to detect those threats before they got too close to effectively counter.

With that mental block temporarily removed, the floodgates of her mind opened, and suddenly the reishi was dancing to her will. It was so easy now! Why had it been hard before? No point in thinking, no need to think at all, just make a bow to ensure maximum chances of survival! She didn’t notice the strangely cold smile creeping across her lips as she used one hand almost like a conductor at an orchestra, direction the flows of reishi into her bow. The spirit particles wove in a physical symphony, starting to create a hardened, physical shape in place of the translucent blue energy. Dark purple metal, striped with flickers of flickering lines of teal, started to form into six distinct spars, slowly forming towards each other.

Twilight’s mind, in its narrow tunnel of absolute focus, didn’t notice the way her eyes changed to a more luminous solid purple, or that Shining Armor was saying something in sudden alarm, or that Cadence was looking at her with sudden worry. Didn’t matter, she had to form her perfect bow!

Speed, precision, power, lethality, and the capacity to detect incoming dangers to better eliminate them before they could strike. The four smaller spars, two coming off either side, would act as both a detection and guidance system, utilizing resonance with surrounding reishi to find threats and then mark them for elimination. The two primary spars of the bow would form her arrows in a central channel to accelerate the condensed reishi like the electromagnetic shot from a rail gun. She estimated at least being able to fire at two hundred and thirty percent past the speed of sound while maintaining the auto tracking-

“Twilight!” Shining Armor was right there in front of her, shaking her with both arms. Cadence had let go of her and was now standing beside Shining Armor with wide eyes.

As if rising up from a dazed dream, Twilight blinked several times and that odd narrowness in her mind faded like a popping bubble. She saw a half formed bow dissipating from her hands. She saw it was large, elegantly curved, formed of dark violet metal with teal stripes, with the main curve of the bow forming two large spurs, but with four shorter spurs arcing from a central circular point with a handle she’d been holding that had two sharp, blade-like fins aimed outward from it like the open beak of a... raven?

But the bow faded into base reishi particles in moments and she couldn’t even properly remember how she’d formed it so suddenly. Looking at her brother and sister-in-law to be, she could only offer a bewildered, “I don’t know what just happened. What did I do?”

“You were forming a bow, but...” Shining Armor traded a look with Cadence, who in turn met Twilight’s questioning look.

“You weren’t acting like yourself, and what I can only assume was magic poured out of you and into the bow along with the reishi. We tried just calling your name, but you didn’t respond, so Shining gave you a shake, which seemed to snap you out of it.” Cadence said, but there was a hesitance to her tone that Twilight picked up on. She looked as confused as Twilight felt, however, and asked, “Do you remember how you formed the bow?”

“I... maybe?” Twilight rubbed her forehead, feeling a chill run across her back as she faintly recalled her sudden focus, a narrowing of thought and desire that pushed aside rational or moral thinking. She’d felt that way before, when Midnight Sparkle had manifested. “I'm not sure why the magic inside me responded that way, but I need to figure it out.”

“You don’t have to do it at all, Twily.” Shining Armor said, his eyes still lingering on Cadence, “At least let’s wait until tomorrow.”

Twilight shook her head, “I want to try again today, but I need to prepare some analysis equipment to better monitor my mental condition and scan the magical patterns inside me. I told Sombra I’d figure this magic out, and I will. I just wasn’t expecting it to crop up so fast on its own. I need more data. Can you two meet me back here in an hour? That should give me time to whip something up to monitor myself with.”

Shining Armor got that stubborn, protective big brother look as he crossed his arms and looked down at her. “I don’t think it's a good idea to push this too fast. Besides, Spitfire is going to want you back at the Academy sometime today.”

“Brother, please, this is important. Can’t you talk to her? What’s the point of me continuing to train with the other cadets if I can’t even form my own bow like they can? I have days before the attack on Las Noches. I have to do this now, because there may not be a later...”

It hurt to see his face grow so sullen, and she just wanted to go up and give her brother a huge hug, especially as he said in a pained tone, “Don’t talk like that Twily. Nothing is going to happen to you or the other cadets. I’ll make sure of it. I’ll be there, this time, and nothing is breaking through my Bastion to get at you, I promise.”

“You’re both right.” Cadence said, a note of guilt in her voice that Twilight couldn’t place. “Shining Armor, of course you’ll do all you can to protect her, just like I will. But Twilight is also right that she both needs to advance her skills by forming her own bow, and pursue understanding the magic inside her as His Majesty has ordered.”

Twilight couldn’t be sure, but she thought she heard a heated undertone of anger somewhere in Cadence’s voice too, which was something she’d never heard from the almost always kind and loving woman. Had she just imagined it?

Shining Armor, looking less than pleased, clenched his jaw tightly but gave a shallow nod. “Fine. I’ll speak with Spitfire and see if she’ll give you the rest of the day to work with us here. Just promise me you’ll be careful about this Twilight.”

“I will. I promise.” Twilight said with a cautious but energetic nod. She was certainly frightened of what the magic inside her could do, especially the way it could alter the way her mind worked so readily and quickly. Yet in some ways she saw how it could be used as a tool if a method of control could be found. What little she remembered of the bow that had been forming hadn’t been a poor design. Far from it in fact, her mind was keenly interested in how it was using a combination of both magic and reishi to generate advanced detect systems built into the bow that would allow her to predict and counter incoming attacks or accurately gauge an opponent’s location. Granted the cold lethality the bow’s arrows would have when fired at such speeds was less than ideal, she couldn’t fault the practicality of it.

If she could reform that bow under her own, conscious will, with a few tweaks to suit her own needs, then she’d be that much closer to achieving her goals.

She left Cadence and Shining Armor waiting in the training room while she went to go acquire some supplies to mock up some data collection devices. King Sombra had essentially given her free reign of the quartermaster’s office, and the Quincy had ludicrously deep pockets, with the Silburn itself incredibly well furnished with nearly anything the Quincy might need in its seemingly infinite storerooms. With a few expertly filled out requisition forms and the looming orders of His Majesty kicking the logistics people into high gear, Twilight knew she could get what she needed in no time.

She knew this because aside from her training she had one other project she was already working on. Something more personal, but perhaps even more important than furthering her Quincy training. She just hoped she could finish it for Sugarcoat in time before the assault on the Hollows...


After Twilight had left, Shining Armor turned towards Cadence with a heated look in his eyes that matched the bubbling ire rising within. He’d occasionally had his spats with her, but this was one of the few times he could say he felt truly mad at the woman he loved.

“Cadence, what were you thinking!? You used the Lust on her!?”

She looked hurt, her serene, angelic features creasing in a pained wince as if his voice was scalding her. He didn’t let the stab of guilt in him force him to soften his expression or his tone, however as he went on, “You had no idea how she’d react to having a Schrifft used on her, let alone one that alters her brain chemistry! Secondly, after all that’s happened do you think its right to go behind her back with something like that!? She doesn't need us lying to her anymore!”

“I know Shining... I... I know, but I had to do something!” Cadence shot back, her voice strained, her expression heavy with a mix of both guilt and, surprisingly, anger. “His Majesty has ordered her and those poor cadets into the middle of what’s going to be an all out battle! I can’t let her go into that unprepared! I just thought if I used a sliver of the Lust to help her along, help her focus, that’s all she’d need. I didn’t think it’d trigger the magic inside her like that...”

Shining Armor closed his eyes, issuing out a rough sigh laden with his own fear and frustrated, impotent anger. “You think I don’t feel the same way? The idea of Twily being sent into the kind of battle His Majesty is planning, it makes my blood cold, Cadence. I don’t know what the King is thinking. Why does he even want the cadets there? Its too much for them, even if they’re just meant to be on the sidelines.”

“And yet its not like we can countermand His Majesty’s orders.” Cadence said, walking up to Shining Armor and placing her arms around his waist, looking at him with a deeply worried pout. “I love Twilight as much as I love you. The thought of losing her... I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have used the Lust without telling her and asking permission first. I’m just used to being subtle with it. Can you forgive me?”

“It’s not me you need to ask that to.” Shining Armor said, stubbornly glancing away from her. “Tell Twilight what you did, and why you did it, then apologize. Then we’ll see.”

Cadence made a small, frustrated noise. “Okay, but she’s not going to be happy.”

“We’re done with lies and half-truths with her. If we’re going to be a family, then there’s no more secrets between us.” Shining Armor was firm, but not unkind, or without a loving hint in his voice. After all it was difficult to stay mad at Cadence with her so close, pressed up against him like that. He knew she could be subtly manipulative at times, and maybe was very intentionally playing up her vulnerable, alluring side to earn some forgiveness points, but he didn’t mind that. As long as she fessed up and apologized to Twilight.

“I said I’d do it, Shining, you don’t have to twist my arm. But I shouldn’t do it today. She needs all of her focus for manifesting her bow. I’ll tell her tomorrow morning.”

He eyed her, and Cadence pulled him closer to her. Shining Armor let out a final sigh and nodded. “Fine, but make it the first thing in the morning. I’ll be there for moral support.”

She gave him a kiss on the lips, quick and tender as a brush with a moth’s wings. “Thank you, sweetie. I really am sorry. I’m just worried about her. She’s having to deal with so much, so fast. I want to do everything I can to help her.”

“I understand. Believe me, I do.” Giving her a last, tight squeeze, he let go with a grave shadow on his face. “I’ve been thinking of asking His Majesty to reconsider his plan to take the cadets with us into battle.”

“He won’t, Shining. His Majesty never changes his mind once its made up. You think I wouldn’t have already tried to convince him if I thought there was a chance it’d work?” Cadence asked. At Shining Armor’s silence, she went on to say, “Our only choice is to do what we can to protect her and the other cadets.”

“Assuming we’ll even have the opportunity.” Shining Armor said with a hint of bitterness. “His Majesty’s plan keeps me busy maintaining the Bastion over a wide area, and you’ll be with the team tracking down the Espada that bypassed our wards.”

“You’ll be in a position to watch out for the cadets,” she said, “And the Bastion is quite flexible. I trust you can think of something if it comes to that. As for myself, my hope is that we can find and finish off the target fast enough to ensure the cadets never face serious danger.”

He wished he could feel more confident, or at least as optimistic as Cadence sounded, but it wasn’t easy. He knew how strong even the lower ranked Espada were, and it would be foolish to underestimate the numerous other Arrancar and lesser Hollows that would no doubt be waiting in ambush for the Quincy army. In truth Shining Armor questioned the wisdom of the entire attack plan. Certainly he wanted to enact some proper vengeance on the Hollows for the deaths of the cadets who’d perished in the attack on the Academy, but he wanted to go about avenging them in a way that was smart and risked the least number of Quincy lives. Stepping into an obvious trap, attacking the Hollows at the heart of their realm, seemed a foolhardy move. Even more so to bring the remaining cadets who’s training was yet to finish...

But what choice did he have save to trust and obey His Majesty?

“There’s a lot that can go wrong out there, Cadence.” he said grimly. “Whatever happens, however bad things might go, I swear I’ll make sure you both make it out of there safely.”

“How about instead you swear you’ll make sure we all make it back, instead? I don’t plan to become a widow before we even finish tying the knot, Shining.”

He managed a razor thin smile, “Such a demanding woman...”

She replied with a wry smile of her own. “You knew that when you proposed. No backing out now.”

“Never.” he said, and while he found himself relaxing slightly as he and Cadence slipped into a comfortable silence as they waited for Twilight to return, he couldn’t help but dwell on the dangerous road ahead and the unmistakable premonition of dread that just wouldn’t leave him.


Adagio entered the laboratory to find Grogar leaning casually against one of his lab desks with a look of dry and faintly irritated detachment as he stared at Torch, who was doing his best to loom over the other Espada with a towering flex of muscles and a ever thick blanket of reiatsu that she was embarrassed she hadn’t been able to feel until she got close to the lab.

With a twinkle in his eyes that sent shivers of disgust and unease down Adagio’s spine, Grogar turned upon seeing her and gave a paper thin nod. “Ah, arriving just at the proper time. Your punctual nature impresses, as always.”

Torch’s own broadly muscled form turned to her, massive arms crossing over his chest like a pair of pythons coiling around an ancient redwood pine. “Hey, if you got any things to grab, grab ‘em! You’re coming with me and getting out of this ugly, dingy dump!”

Hiding a deep breath, Adagio quickly assessed the body language of the pair. Torch was irritated, practically all of his muscles bristling with unreleased tension, hiding a current of murderous rage. Grogar on the other hand was largely relaxed, only sporting a fraction of the irritation Torch was radiating. The old bastard looked like a man in control of the situation, and whether that was what was annoying Torch or not, Grogar seemed to be reveling in the fact.

Despite her uncertainty, Adagio decided to play this smoothly and with confidence.

“So, ‘master’ Grogar, it seems our time together is coming to a close then? Lord Torch has informed you of my acceptance into his horde?”

Grogar didn’t nod, but his eyes seemed to flick downward in the briefest indicator of one. While Adagio’s tone had been borderline flippant, like a testing jab of a foil at the start of a fencing match, Grogar’s own tone wasn’t defensive of offensive, but horrifically vague, presenting no clues as to what was going on behind his withered features. “He has indeed. Given he is the Fifth Espada, and I only the Eight, he has the power and right to offer you his protection. Of course the thought occurred to me to just eliminate you, since I do so love to spite Torch here...”

Torch’s rumbling growl actually shook the ceiling as he leaned over Grogar like a volcano. “If you did I’d string you up by your own guts.”

“If you did that, without me directly provoking you, then Lord Tirek would consume your flesh by the day’s end.” Grogar said back pointedly. “Adagio remains my property. She’s essentially ‘on loan’ to you, even if you’ve taken her into your little band of barbaric, half-brained, inbred idiots. I won’t disparage your right to stomp in here, beat your chest, and declare her under your ‘protection’. Why, I’ll even be generous and remove the pain inducers I’ve implanted in her. But do spare me the banal threats, Torch. Unless I attack you first, you can’t attack me. And if I really want to, I can kill Adagio at a whim without suffering any consequence, so her continued existence is solely because I still find her amusing and fascinating to watch, which I can do regardless of whether she resides in my lab or among your collection of clowns.”

Adagio listened with a growing arctic chill blooming in her blood. While Grogar’s words if taken at face value made sense, he’d never struck her as a particularly reasonable person. He was making it plain he’d have killed her already if he didn’t still have a use for her. On the surface that use might sound like just what he said; amusement. But no, she knew him well enough by now to know that wouldn’t be enough. She’d be dead already if he didn’t have a specific plan in mind, something he intended to use her for that went beyond just observing her among Torch’s horde for personal amusement. Sure, there was the fabrication of the plan to spy on Torch for him, but he must have guessed by now that she’d made that up to try to get out from under his thumb?

So what else was Grogar up to?

Grogar gave her a flicker of a look, a momentary flash of true, genuinely dark amusement and she realized he knew what she was thinking and was reveling in the fact that she couldn’t do anything about it. She had to go with Torch, because to do otherwise would risk the Fifth Espada’s wrath. Even if she could somehow convince Torch that she wanted to remain under Grogar’s control, which she damned well didn’t, all that would accomplish was leave her stuck right where she’d started. Adagio had to move forward and try to anticipate what Grogar might try to pull. She wasn’t sure what advantage he expected to have by turning her loose in Torch’s camp, but clearly he had something in mind beyond the supposed “spying”.

For his part, Torch snorted, trails of smoke and flame curling from his mouth and nostrils as he glared down at Grogar. “You’ve always had a large mouth, Grogar. Larger than that brain you’re so proud of. One of these days you’ll slip on all that crap you spew out of your withered face hole, and when that happens I’m really hoping I’m there to see it. Mostly so I can make sure you land face first on my axe.”

“My, how frightening. Are you quite done? If you are then do leave my lab. As I said, I will remove the pain inducers from Adagio and have a few last words with her before sending her your way. Rest assured I won’t try anything at the last minute. I’m mostly done with her, so you can make what use of her you feel you can.” Grogar said while making a dismissive wave with his hand at Torch.

Torch snorted again, and then with lumbering, ground shaking steps the giant Espada made his way out of the lab, passing by Adagio with only a brief glance before departing. Once he was gone Grogar, casual as could be, made for one of the sizable lab’s large operating tables. “Come my dear, let us prepare you for service to ‘Lord’ Torch.”

She floated towards the table apprehensively, her eyes locked on Grogar. Her mind turned over possibilities as she said, “I didn’t imagine you’d let me go so easily.”

“Hardly easy, but Torch, moronic as he is, understands the basic politics of Las Noches well enough.” Grogar said as he started to strap her onto the table. She didn’t bother to resist, knowing there was no point, but she still felt a slimy coldness whenever she was on one of these tables. “His higher rank means he can take what he wills from the lower ranked. As the Eight, my only recourse would be to either challenge Torch directly and be able to best him, hence proving he is undeserving of his rank. Or to destroy what he wants before he can take it.”

The last was spoken with a pointed look right at her, and Adagio didn’t flinch from that look, instead meeting it with her own challenging gaze. “Then why haven't you destroyed me?”

“You already know the answer to that.” he said with a heavy eye roll, “Don’t insult both of us by pretending you don’t.”

“Then what are you planning you geriatric goat? You intend to use me, of course, but in what manner I can’t tell.” Yet, she added silently. She didn’t expect him to explain anything, but perhaps if he imagined she wasn’t able to pierce the veil of his machinations he’d become overconfident enough to let something slip.

“What manner indeed?” he grinned at her, giving away nothing. “I’ve told you so many times already, Adagio Dazzle, you will always belong to me. Even in ‘freedom’ you will remain my creature, whether you intend it or not. Your actions will further my goals, no matter what you ‘choose’ to do. That is why I can give you to Torch without concern. Now...”

He went to the computer attached to the operating table and used it to activate the dizzying and twisted array of devices that descended from the ceiling on spindly arms to surround Adagio like the legs of a metal spider.

“Let’s begin. You might experience some slight...discomfort.”

Adagio was not surprised by the irony that the removal of the pain inducers did, in fact, involve a rather ludicrous amount of pain. But she endured it, just as she endured everything else she had thus far. No matter what Grogar said, no matter what he planed, she resolved to tear his plans to shredded pieces. She’d make him regret choosing her as his tool, and when he finally learned the extent of his error, when his ambitions were reduced to ashes fed by his own tears and blood... only then would she grant him the release of oblivion.

Author's Note:

And with this chapter the Soul Society arc has officially ended, and we begin our next arc, giving Adagio and Sci-Twi some much needed screentime. Poor girls have been waiting in the wings for their time to come for months and months now. That doesn't mean we won't take peeks at Sunset and the girls, or events in Equestria as well, but we're talking a good 80% Adagio/Sci-Twi for the next... eh, I'm not going to guesstimate the number of chapters this next arc will take (because whenever I do I'm always totally off), but it'll be awhile. Maybe not as long as the Soul Society arc was, but still sizable.

And because I get a kick out of digging up these old videos and sharing them, here's something more on Privaron Espada:

This may or may not be on the test later.

Anyways hope you folks enjoyed and thanks for reading. As always comment away, ask questions, lambaste me with critique, whatever you fancy I appreciate it all. 'Till next time!

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