• Published 15th Apr 2016
  • 19,907 Views, 5,031 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 52: Clash of Captains

Episode 52: Clash of Captains

Platinum strode out upon the platform that extended from the fortress to act as a hub to the series of bridges that connected to the adjoining towers of the Repentance Cells, her expression hard and grim. A full squad of ten guards from her own Division waited for her, along with a similarly sized squad from Hurricane’s Division. Aside from their Zanpaktou, four guards apiece were armed with tall polearms from which red cords dangled, which would connect to the prisoner’s collars to maintain the spirit energy suppression that would prevent them from using their powers.

“Captain, ma’am.” The guards rose and bowed to her as she arrived, a nervous air hanging about them.

She took a deep breath, steadying her hand on the hilt of Fuyukogo. The Zanpaktou felt especially chilled in her hand today, as if it knew that the time for battle was soon going to be upon them. She could feel her Zanpaktou’s eagerness, and knew the reason why. Fuyukogo knew that somewhere out there was that girl, Sunset Shimmer, and with her that fiery blade, Hokori.

“Soon enough my friend...” she whispered to the sword.

“Ma’am?” the guard looked at her oddly, and she provided a thin smile.

“Dawn’s light has graced us this day, and the time has come for the traitors to be marched to Sokyoku Hill and face their punishment, as by the decree of Central 46.” Platinum declared, holding up the parchment containing the orders for the guard to examine. The shock in his eyes was evident, but he nodded, face pale.

“You wish us to get the prisoners from their cells?”

With an impatient snort she nodded, “Yes, that would be a necessary step in this process. I trust they have given you no trouble?” She started to walk down one of the bridges, the one that would lead to Celestia’s cell. The guards followed her, while the other squad headed down the bridge leading to Luna’s prison. Platinum was rather irked that none of the other Captains could come with her for extra security measures. She knew Celestia well enough to know the woman would try something, some final gambit, which was why she was going to her cell personally, but having Hurricane or even Blueblood present would have been reassuring.

But they had gone to that meeting Amore had called. Platinum had barely escaped being pulled in herself only on the technicality that an execution order required at least one Captain to preside over it, and by the letter of the law the execution was to proceed at dawn.

If Amore wanted to stop it she’d have to argue quickly in that meeting.

The two groups of guards reached the cells doors at roughly the same time. The doors themselves were huge slabs of stone set within a slight depression carved in the wall of the giant white tower. Stairs led up and down the side of the tower in corkscrew patterns, leading to other cells, but Platinum’s attention was rooted to the door before her.

With little preamble but clear unease the head guard fished out a wooden token, a ward pass to open the Kido barriers around the door. Flaring kanji symbols appeared in yellow script up and down the door as the token was pressed to a receptacle beside it. Then the stone slab split in two, opening down the middle with a grating sound.

Platinum went in first, hand on the hilt of her blade.

“Bringing me breakfast yourself Platinum? You shouldn’t have.”

Celestia was standing by the cell’s only narrow slit of a window, gazing out contemplatively. She looked as calm and collected as ever. It made Platinum’s blood heat up with a simmering anger, but she kept her voice frostily controlled.

“By the command of Central 46, Celestia, you are to be taken to Sokyoku Hill immediately, where you will face execution for the crime of treason against Soul Society.”

Celestia turned to face her, still looking serene, even cracking a small smile. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, Platinum. And I’m sorry.”

Platinum’s teeth clenched together tightly, ice and fire battling inside her gut. “Apologizing for your treason?”

“For whatever pushed you this far. Whether I had any part of it or not, I don’t know, but I’m sorry all the same. You could have come to me, you know? I would’ve helped.”

Platinum closed her eyes, knuckles white around the hilt of her Zanpaktou, her voice a sharp whisper. “It wouldn’t have made a difference.” she said, letting the mask slip. It didn’t matter much anymore, anyway. “You couldn’t have changed anything, even if I had wanted your help. Which I didn’t.”

“What happened to Magnus-”

”Is in the past.” Platinum hissed. “This isn’t about him, Celestia, or you, however much you might assume. Now enough talking. This will all be over soon.”

She gestured for the guards, who looked perplexed, to attach the cords of their control poles to Celestia. They did so after a moment’s hesitance, perhaps confused by the exchange between the two Captains, but obeying their own Captain’s orders. Soon four red cords were attached to Celestia’s collar and they started to lead her out of the cell, one guard carefully binding Celestia’s arms behind her with yet more cord.

Celestia remained seemingly unconcerned, her eyes looking to left towards Luna’s cell. Her smile deepened.

“You are right about one thing, Platinum, this will be over soon.”

This was followed by an explosion of noise and several cries of pain from across the way. Platinum’s eyes shot wide and she tore Fuyukogo from its sheath as she rushed out onto the bridge and looked over towards Luna’s cell tower. She saw several guards lying in heaps on the bridge over there, with perhaps four remaining standing in confusion as a dark blue form flew amongst them with dazzling speed.

Luna, unbound and free, fully in use of her spiritual powers, used blindingly quick kicks and palm strikes to hammer the remaining guards into unconscious piles in about the time it took Platinum to fully register what was happening.

Fury engulfed Platinum and her own reiatsu rose like a torrent, crushing over the entire area as she leaped across the span between the two bridges, pushing herself with her fastest Flash Step. She blurred from one point to another, Zanpaktou already cutting through the air at Luna’s back before she even finished landing behind the other woman.

Luna moved like a piece of liquid night, bending away from Platinum’s seeking blade, but lost a chunk of her midnight blue hair in the process. Platinum followed through with a straight thrust that pushed Luna to spin away with a dodge that still left a grazing mark across her mid-riff, but then Luna retaliated with a snapping elbow strike that Platinum had to step back from. This gave Luna enough room to Flash Step as well, flickering in a similar leap to Platinum's own, landing on the bridge beside Celestia and the other guards.

Luna’s lightning fast kicks took down two guards before Platinum caught up, jumping high above the bridge and raising her Zanpaktou up high.

”Plummet, Fuyukogo!”

The air instantly grew dozens of degrees cooler as parts of the bridge started to become coated in frost, even before the Zanpaktou transformed from a katana into its wide, crystaline blue tulwar Shikai form. Platinum slashed with the blade before even landing on the bridge, sending a cascade of ice down upon Luna’s position.

Luna went into a smooth series of swift backflips, barely escaping the torrent of ice that not only froze the bridge through entirely, but shattered that portion of it as well, sending the frozen bits tumbling down.

The guards and Celestia were still on one side of the broken bridge, while Luna and Platinum both ended up on the other, facing each other.

“Luna, just go!” shouted Celestia, “Now! I’ll be alright!”

A look of hesitance and anguish crossed Luna’s face as she eyed Platinum, then Celestia, clearly mentally calculating the odds of rescuing her sister while still dealing with Platinum while being armed only with her fists and Kido. Platinum knew Luna was skilled in the art of unarmed combat, but without a Zanpaktou Luna must have known she stood no chance against a released Fuyukogo.

“I’ll be back for my sister.” Luna promised with a harsh, steel clad tone, then Flash Stepped away in a blue blur. Platinum considered following, but knew if Luna was seeking only to run, there was little Platinum could do to catch her. So she let the woman go, and watched only long enough to be certain Luna had vanished amid the buildings of the deeper fortress before turning to Celestia and the guards.

She jumped over to them, face cold, and leaving Fuyukogo in its Shikai form.

Her voice was barely above a controlled growl. “Go and sound the alarms immediately.” she said, stabbing a finger at one guard. “And you! Report this to the other Captains immediately. The rest of you inform the rest of the Division and begin scouring the fortress! She’s likely going for the armory to retrieve her Zanpaktou.”

“Y-yes Captain, but what about-” the head guard started to turn towards Celestia, but Platinum just raised Fuyukogo. In an instant ice encircled the four pole arms connecting to the cords around Celestia’s neck, creating four pillars of floating ice under Platinum’s control as the guards instinctively backed up.

“I will take her to Sokyoku Hill myself.” she said bluntly.

“But Captain-”

“You have your orders! Now carry them out.” she commanded, eyes fiercely piercing each of the guards. Whatever doubts they may have harbored melted under that hard glare and their own ingrained training, and they all quickly jumped across the gap in the bridge and started to head off with flickering Flash Steps of their own to obey her orders.

Alone with Celestia now, Platinum gestured and the four ice shards surrounding the polearms controlling the cords around Celestia's neck rose to follow her own movements as she grabbed Celestia’s bound form and slung her with one hand over her shoulder.

“This is insanity, you know that right?” Celestia said.

“Only because you have no idea what this is truly all about. But it makes no difference. Your sister can’t stop this. Those children from the living world can’t stop this. Even... even I can’t stop this. Now silence, Celestia. For once in your life, just... be silent.”

“I make no promises.”

Platinum just groaned under her breath as she made a mighty jump, landing atop the nearest fortress roof, carrying Celestia along towards Sokyoku Hill.


Ten minutes earlier...

Amore had difficulty containing the pensive and displeased look on her face as she watched Captain Sweet Cider approach at the head of what looked like a large contingent of the Tenth Division, marching into the courtyard leading to the Gotei 13’ main headquarters as if prepared to storm the place.

Sweet Cider’s stance mirrored that of her troops, bold and clearly ready for a fight, her eyes roving over Amore and the other Captains that had gathered to enter the fortress. Amore could see the flash of anger writhing in Sweet Cider’s eyes, but her tone was almost conversational as she said, “Fancy meeting’ ya’ll here this fine mornin’.”

“You got our message, but still came out on the full march, eh?” said Cheese Sandwich, sporting a small half-grin, “Can’t say I’m surprised.”

Sweet Cider’s lips curled into something that wasn’t quite a smile, “Ain’t gonna pretend like this’ll go any other way but south, an’ my guys n’ gals would be downright insulted if I told ‘em ta sit ‘round with their thumbs twiddlin’ away. Ya’ll can leave yer people at the homesteads, but Tenth Division ain’t missin’ this shindig.”

Amore’s own voice cut in sharply, “If this ‘goes south’ as you say, then I want the fighting to be kept to an absolute minimum! That was the point of not mobilizing our Divisions as if we’re about to lay siege to headquarters!” Indeed the only other Soul Reaper that had accompanied them was her own Lieutenant, Radiant Hope. Cheese had left Sugar Belle to guard the hospital with Redheart. Amore could see Sweet Cider had brought her own Lieutenant, Silverstar keeping a respectful distance as he stood among the rest of the Tenth Division Soul Reapers.

A short look entered Sweet’ Cider’s eyes, “All it takes is one fella blindly followin’ orders ta carry out the execution. With their spirit energy suppressed Celestia an’ Luna couldn’t even fight back against a’ rookie. Not takin’ any chances here Amore, an’ I ain’t sending my people back. Now are we goin’ in or do ya wanna waste all mornin’ arguin’?”

With a soft chuckle Daring Do said, “I’m all for getting down to business. Come on Amore, if things are going to blow up, best get it over with fast.”

“...So be it.” Amore said with a heavy weight of responsibility pressing on her as she turned and led her fellow Captains to the wide stone stairs carving a path up in the fortress plateau. The Soul Reapers of both Hurricane’s Eleventh Division and Thunderhoove’s Seventh Division guarded the area, but made no moves to stop the Captains. They knew of the meeting taking place and were under orders to let the approaching Captains pass, and moved aside with swift if tense bows before they resumed their posts... carefully eyeing the members of Tenth Division who’d taken up position across the courtyard.

The stairs led up to a smaller square courtyard nestled between the massive fortress buildings, rising many stories above the Captains’ heads. Other Soul Reapers had been stationed here as guards, all on high alert with tensions pouring from every one of them as Amore and her fellow Captains walked by. With glowingly heavy yet resolved steps Amore entered the large, heavy wood and iron bound gates across the courtyard into the central building of the the headquarters. She’d walked the route to the Gotei 13’s grand meeting hall hundreds of times, so she could walk the path in her sleep. Yet never before had she made this walk with such nervous energy brimming in every step. Her own footfalls and those of her fellow Captains sounded like thunderous drums in the quiet of the mostly empty halls.

She nearly jumped when Cheese Sandwich put a hand on her shoulder.

“Hey, relax before you bust a spleen. If you hold that spine any more rigid you’ll end up snapping in half.”

“How can you be so calm?” she asked, genuinely curious. Looking Cheese Sandwich he seemed steady as a rock beneath a raging waterfall. He just winked at her.

“Old man Scorpan used to tell me that if you’re already falling off a cliff it can’t hurt to flap your arms. We’re already off the cliff, Amore.” He tucked his arms into mimic wings and started flapping thm. “I’m not calm, I’m scared as all get-out, but I’m going to flap hard as I can. Might as well do the same, eh?”

His disarming smile was enough to earn a small laugh from her, and she looked at her hands. “Not certain I can. I’ve helped guard and build Soul Society with these hands, and I just can’t help but imagine that today it may be these same hands that irreparably damage it. If it comes to a fight, or if we can’t stop the execution...”

“We flap, Amore. Until we fly ourselves out of this mess like crazy chickens.”

“Is it weird that this is just making me hungry?” asked Daring Do.

“Please don’t talk about food. I’m nervous enough to lose what little I ate this morning.” gulped Radiant Hope, pale as a washed out dishrag.

“Hey, speakin’ o’ the ol’ man, any chance we’re gettin’ Scorpan in on this hootenanny?” said Sweet Cider.

“If all is going according to plan then Starswirl should be entering Central 46 as we speak.” said Amore, pausing now that they’d reached the tall doors that would lead into the meeting chamber at the heart of the fortress. She looked up at the doors with a grave shadow, wondering if upon opening them what future laid beyond them?


The ward pass in the shape of a intricately carved staff of wood worked like a charm upon the standard wards of Central 46. A shimmer of pale orange light opened up like a sliding screen door, and the interlocking gate of crossed blades removed themselves from the physical door to the building. Starswirl kept a firm hold on the staff as he entered, then set it beside the door so he could grab it on the way out.

Assuming there would be a way out. He was far from certain that something unpleasant wasn’t waiting for him, and he kept his hand near the hilt of his Zanpaktou as he descended the long spiral staircase heading to the Central 46 meeting chambers.

Almost to his surprise he hard raised voices before he reached the bottom. One he clearly recognized as Captain Commander Scorpan’s, not only raised but filled with equal amounts of exhaustion, exasperation, and furious frustration.

“I cannot comprehend why you persist in arguing against what is only rational and right. If you are so convinced of their guilt then what harm is there in delaying their punishment until a proper and full investigation is complete? That is all I ask!”

“And what you ask seems to us to be a pointless and wasteful venture when Soul Society itself is under attack by the very humans that the condemned protected. As inconvenient and difficult to believe as it is, the fact remains that Captain Zecora’s Zanpaktou confirms the identities of the guilty. What purpose is there in delaying punishment? It only provides the invading Ryoka further chance to succeed in their aims.”

As Starswirl descended into the large, circular meeting chamber he saw that Scorpan stood upon the central podium, where Celestia herself had stood during the hearing not so long ago. The elderly Soul Reaper had a look of barely restrained fury in his eyes as he gazed upon the many hidden faces of the forty six who sat in raised sections surrounding him. One of the members of Central 46 seated on the lowest tier in front of Scorpan continued to speak in a controlled tone.

“Were we not under attack, we might have considered a longer investigation, but if anything this assault upon the Seireitei is only further proof of guilt, is it not?”

The sigh that came from Scorpan was like a hot bellows, ripe with irate fumes. “Proof!? All those young girls know is that two women they’ve grown to trust and respect were taken and then learned they were to be executed. They have no concept of our laws and customs, not enough to understand the gravity of attempting to rescue Luna or Celestia. Their attack is the action of young, provoked adolescents, not some part of a grander scheme!”

“You do not know that, Captain Commander, and you dismiss the possibility of their involvement in Celestia and Luna’s treachery too easily. Was it not Discord who has been training them? The same Discord who has exiled himself from our company, consorted with other tainted exiles, and may well hold a grudge against us for halting his research? What if he is the originator of the plots against us? Celestia and Luna both occupied the same city he has, and they may have hatched this plot together.”

Starswirl reached the bottom of the stairs just as Scorpan clenched his eyes shut, muttering, “Madness. I’m speaking against a tide of madness.”

“Control your tongue, Captain Commander,” said the Central 46 representative, “You will maintain proper decorum while in this hall.”

Starswirl cleared his throat loudly, causing a weight of attention to shift to him and Scorpan’s eyes to open with bleary surprise.

“Captain Starswirl, how did you get inside here?” said one of the members of Central 46, one seated higher than the previous speaker. “The wards were active to keep out interruptions to our debate.”

“I bypassed the wards.” Starswirl said bluntly, offering a rather unapologetic shrug, “They were in the way, and I needed to speak with the Captain Commander about a immediately urgent matter.”

“No matter is so urgent that it warrants breaking into our chambers and interrupting our discussion-”

“On the contrary, I believe the bylaws grant any Captain a right to act under their own best judgment during emergency situations.” cut in Starswirl, “And recent events more than qualify, and you can have your ‘debate’ about that any other time, but for now I have words for the Captain Commander, not you.”

“Why you insolent little-”

“Please, I’m older than the lot of you.” Starswirl muttered, ignoring the Central 46 member’s protests as he approached Socrpan, offering a somewhat apologetic smile. “Captain Commander, I don’t have a lot of time so I’ll cut right to the chase. No one outside knows you’re exercising your right to contest Central 46’s orders right now.”

Scorpan’s expression darkened, “But I gave Smart Cookie specific instructions to inform the other Captains and continue the investigation.”

“I know. She came to me first, sir. After going over our findings we decided it was best to seek you out, but the wards prevented my entry until I was able to construct a ward pass. However Smart Cookie was supposed to return to headquarters and inform the other Captains... however she has gone missing.”

“Missing!?” alarm was clear on Scorpan’s aged features, but he controlled himself swiftly, his eyes hard. “Do we know what has happened to her?”

“I’m afraid not, but I also learned from Captain Daring Do that two other Lieutenants who were investigating the Daireishokairo have also gone missing. We also have confirmed reports from Lieutenant Strongheart that there is another group moving against us, and that this group has kidnapped Lord Pipsqueak.”

Some of the blood drained from Scorpan’s face. “Spirit Queen protect us... it's all been a ruse. A distraction to make us lower our guard. Even...” his eyes turned sharply against the seats of Central 46. “Even my being here is only meant to cripple us. Who!? Who among you gave the order to move the execution to today!?”

As Scorpan’s voice exploded across the room, Starswirl found himself noticing something odd, his eye drawn to the chairs the Captains had used during the hearing. Specifically Zecora’s chair. It was barely noticeable. He doubted anyone casually walking by would even realize it was there.

A rod. Small, almost fully buried into the side of the chair’s seat, nearly invisible. The same teleporter rods that Firefly had been spreading all over Soul Society. And Starswirl knew Firefly could give those rods to others to plant and activate. While the Central 46’s building was warded against forms of teleportation Soul Society was more intimately familiar with such as the Hollow Gargantas, and furthermore could detect and react to similar reiatsu... he knew that the portals Firefly’s Fullbring used happend to be a blind spot in those wards.

Anyone could have used those rods to get inside Central 46, completely bypassing the wards.

“Oh... oh shit.” Starswirl said, just as four members of Central 46 rose from their seats. The members of Central 46 all wore similar white robes, and their seats had paper shields usually meant to block their faces so no one besides the Central 46 knew who was behind each seat. Now that they rose, Starswirl could see the four who stood had glazed eyes, flashing with green light.

“Sir!” Starswirl called in warning as he drew his own Zanpaktou. Scorpan’s blade cleared his own sheath with a rasping noise, but the four Central 46 members who rose didn’t attack the Captains.... they attacked the rest of Central 46.

Emerald fire erupted around the four individuals as they leaped upon the next nearest member’s of Central 46. Starswirl felt their spiritual pressure... shift and change as their bodies morphed. Soul Reaper reiatsu fell away to reveal Hollow reiatsu, and the four shape-shifters revealed horrific, twisted new forms.

Their bodies were sickly white, pale with a tint of green. Limbs were twisted and bent with odd joints, ending in scything claws. Their bodies were oddly tall and lanky, effeminate yet not quite male or female in shape. Their faces were covered in identical Hollow masks that resembled a fanged insectoid, and each of them let out unearthly, hissing howls as they tore into the helpless, shocked Central 46 members around them.

Before any could react half a dozen of the chamber of Central 46 were cut down in bloody ribbons, staining the area in splatters of gore. Screams echoed as the rest fled, the twisted, shape-shifting Hollows poised to pursue their fleeing prey. Starswirl was poised to intercept... but it was unnecessary.

A titanic mountain of spiritual pressure consisting of pure, ancient rage slammed the entire chamber with such force that even Starswirl, one of the oldest of the Captains, had to struggle just to keep his feet.

The Hollows, despite their feral instincts, paused at that wave of reiatsu, fear piercing their minds even as they froze in place.

Scorpan didn’t speak. He didn’t have to. His Zanpaktou spoke for him.

It was just a single strike, a wave of his old, dull gray curved katana wrapped in a hilt of faded black leather. The air rippled, once. Then the Hollows simply disintegrated, their bodies ripped to shredded piles of drifting ash in th span of a mere second. A good quarter portion of the chamber followed them, in one giant cut that tore through the chamber with an explosion of air pressure.

Starswirl knew that wasn’t even a technique of Scorpan’s Zanpaktou. That had simply been him extending his reiatsu alone in a single, focused strike.

“Starswirl,” Scorpan’s voice was an earthquake in progress, “Remain here and guard the survivors of Central 46. I am putting an end to this.”

Although he felt it was potentially bad for his health to gainsay the Captain Commander in his present mood, Starswirl had some logic to point out. “Sir, with all due respect, having detected Hollow energy inside or near the vicinity of Central 46, that would mean-”

A heavy hum of energy suddenly filled the building, and Starswirl sighed.

“-the emergency wards have activated.”

Scorpan’s face sported a volcanic scowl. “They cannot hold me.”

“Well, no, no they can’t. However the emergency wards are significantly stronger than the standard ones. They were designed to hold off assaults from the Espada themselves. It will take even you time to break through them to the outside. And I, uh, suggest not using your full power, sir, otherwise you’d destroy the building, and us along with it.”

“They planned this...” Scorpan muttered darkly, eyeing the torn up section of the chamber and the dust piles that were once the Hollows. “All of it. I should have kept one alive to question.”

“I doubt they would have spoken. Those weren’t normal Hollows.” Starswirl said, frowning, “If anything I think they would have killed themselves if captured. They didn’t feel quite right. They were pawns, nothing more, set here to confuse and damage Central 46. What I’m trying to figure out is how they hid their Hollow reiatsu. They seemed to have replaced the members of Central 46, but mimicked their spirit energy signature perfectly to keep from tripping the emergency wards until they wanted to reveal themselves.”

He turned to the surviving members of Central 46, who all stood with mute shock at that the situation. “The orders to move up the execution, was it one of those four who proposed the notion?”

One of the members, an elderly woman, nodded with wide eyes. “Yes, but... they only brought it up. They didn’t force the issue.”

Scorpan snorted, “They wouldn’t have to. Merely setting the seed would’ve been enough to get the rest of you to seize upon it. Fools. We’ve all been such fools. How did they get in? Where did they come from!?”

Starswirl reluctantly pointed out the teleportation rod hidden inside Zecora’s seat and explained its purpose. Scorpan looked utterly baffled.

“Zecora a traitor? That... I cannot believe that.”

“Nor do I, but I don’t think she betrayed us on purpose. Sir, I suspect she was compromised in a similar manner to the four of Central 46 who were replaced. Her disappearance from the Fourth Division may have been faked. Regardless of the truth, you are right that we must escape here. I would suggest starting to work upon shattering the emergency wards. I the meantime I will explore the rest of Central 46.”

“To what purpose?” asked Scorpan.

“I don’t believe infiltrating Central 46’s ranks was their only purpose here.” Starswirl replied, turning and pointing at one of the sets of doors leading deeper into the large underground complex that housed the Soul Society’s governing body. “I have to investigate to confirm what I fear I already know, which is that they not only are seeking to damage Soul Society, but to target the Treasury. To steal the Queen’s Key.”

“How do you know it’s there? Only I should know its location.” Scorpan said, eyes boring into Starswirl.

“Logical deduction, sir. And educated guess, and one I think the enemy could have made as well. Assuming they didn’t have another means to find out, like say using Zecora’s Zanpaktou to seek it out. While its Shikai reveals truths, you are aware its Bankai does... much more.”

A stormy grimace clouded Scorpan's expression. “Go. Find out if the Treasury has been compromised. I shall free us from this makeshift prison.”

His voice dropped to a whisper, “I only hope we are not too late.”


With Radiant Hope left outside the chambers to keep watch on the corridor and ensure the meeting wasn’t disturbed, Captain Amore, Cheese Sandwich, Daring Do, and Sweet Cider all entered the Gotei 13’s central chamber. The room was a tall ceilinged, solem hall, with red paneled wood walls and varnished wood floors. No chairs or furniture of any kind were to be seen save for a single, simple, high backed wooden chair that sat at the very far end of the hall. Behind the chair a long paper lantern was mounted along a jade tapestry, providing pale light to the entire hall.

Amore had been here so many times, for countless discussions, announcements, and debates with her fellow Captains. The Captain Commander would always calmly be seated upon the head chair, as was his right, to preside over whatever needed to be talked with among the other twelve Captains, who would stand in two rows of six at either side of the Captain Commander down the length of the hall.

As bare and simple as the room was, it was the beating heart of all Seireitei to her, even more so than the chambers of Central 46. She’d always felt a sense of purpose and comfort when entering it.

Now, the purpose was there, but the comfort was long gone.

Waiting for them were Captains Blueblood, Thunderhooves, and Hurricane. Hurricane stood beside the Captain Commander’s chair, looking impatient and imperious. Blueblood stood a bit to Hurricane’s right and looked to have been in the middle of haphazardly pacing when he paused, giving a nervous look as Amore and the others entered. Thunderhooves stood at his customary place down the hall, stiff backed, glowering, and with eyes that betrayed a deep conflict taking place behind his otherwise hardened features.

“Captain Amore, you rarely call meetings yourself.” said Hurricane in a boisterous baritone, stepping forward with his arms crossing over his barreled chest. “I imagine it’s for a good reason?”

Amore opened her mouth to speak but Sweet Cider beat her to it, voice sharp as a butcher’s knife. “Can the horseapples Hurricane! Where’s Platinum gone off to?”

“She’s performing her duty under the legal orders of Central 46, last I checked.” Hurricane said, “It is morning, after all, and we have documented orders to begin the execution.”

“Sweet Queen above, you all knew I called this meeting to talk about those very orders and why we shouldn’t be following them without the Captain Commander present!” Amore nearly shouted, marching forward towards Hurricane. Thunderhooves stood in her way.

“Thunderhooves, you... you can’t seriously be going along with this?”

His eyes flicked away for a second, then met hers with uncertainty. “I read the orders myself. They are authentic. Central 46 has ordered their execution now, Captain Amore. I cannot deny the law.”

“Come on Thunderhooves,” said Cheese Sandwich, sliding up along the right side of the room, plainly moving in a way that’d give him a clear line to anyone else present, “You know something's wrong here. You heard your granddaughter’s testimony with your own ears. That Ryoka girl saved her life and a bunch of your people besides, while someone from another group has taken Platinum’s son.” Cheese Sandwich’s eyes sharply turned to Hurricane. “Has she been informed about that?”

Hurricane shrugged, “I’m not in charge of the Sixth Division’s intel or lack thereof. If a message has been sent to her about her son, it wasn’t my job to send it. As for Lord Pipsqueak’s kidnapping, what proof do we have the Ryoka responsible isn’t working with the ones attacking Seireitei?”

“Try common freakin’ sense!” shot Daring Do, mirror Cheese Sandwich’s movements, only covering the left side of the room, and being less subtle as she placed a hand on the hilt of her blade. “Lieutenant Strongheart’s report clearly indicated that Pipsqueak’s kidnapper was at odds with those other girls. More than that, that Firefly chick has powers to teleport people all over the damned place. If she was in league with the girls from Canterlot City why wouldn’t they be using those teleporters instead of running around at random? Use your heads and think it through! Celestia and Luna’s execution is a set-up and I’d bet my Zanpaktou that Platinum’s in on the whole damn thing, which is why she’s not here right now!”

Hurricane scoffed, “Or its just as likely that Celestia and Luna are completely guilty and have orchestrated this attack to weaken Soul Society because neither of them have ever approved of our war efforts against the Hollows and Quincy. Why do you think they were assigned to the human world to guard that worthless portal in the first place!? Even Captain Commander Scorpan knew they needed to be kept out of the way, and didn’t trust them. We’re under siege by the very humans who attended their school! Isn’t it obvious that they’re traitors!?”

“Enough of this arguin’!” roared Sweet Cider, turning a fierce gaze upon Amore. “This ain’t gettin’ us anywhere! Celestia an’ Luna could be gettin’ tossed up on the damn scaffold as we speak! Amore, they won’t listen. It’s time ta do this the hard way!”

“But... but we can’t just... not here...” Amore’s hands were trembling, she couldn’t control them. “If we fight here, in the very heart of all that Soul Society stands for... then we are lost.”

“Then get ta findin’ somethin’ else ta believe in, ‘cause if ya don’t stand up fer what’s right here and now then there ain’t no Soul Society at all!” Sweet Cider said, and backed up the words with the loud ring of steel as she drew her Zanpaktou.

“Hooo, boy, guess we’re doing this.” Daring Do said, drawing her own blade.

“HA!” Hurricane let out an ecstatic whoop as he tore his own Zanpaktou free of its sheath, “So you’ll all label yourselves traitors willingly? Fine by me! I’ve wanted to see just how a pup like you even got the title ‘Kenpachi’, Sweet Cider! Perhaps when I’m done with you I’ll let you keep it, as a consolation prize for being second-best.”

Cheese Sandwich hadn’t drawn his own sword yet, carefully shifting his gaze between Thunderhooves and Blueblood, “Do either of you really want to go through with this? Thunderhooves, you know the Captain Commander would never approve of this. Smart Cookie is missing. This is all wrong, and you know it.”

Thunderhooves’ jaw tightened, “The law... must be protected. Soul Society must be protected.” The humongous Captain slowly drew his Zanpaktou, the thick blade seeming small in his hands. “Without the law, there is no Soul Society. Please, stand down, and don’t force me to do what I will likely... come to regret.”

Cheese Sandwich turned a saddened look towards Blueblood. “And you? Has Platinum given you enough reason to trust her over your own common sense?”

“I... I...” Blueblood gulped, visibly shaken, looking at the unfolding scene with troubled eyes, hand hovering near his Zanpaktou shakily. “I’m not certain this is the best idea. Perhaps we should all remain calm, find Captain Platinum and discuss this rationally?”

“Boy, if you don’t have the balls to fight, then stand aside for those who do.” said Hurricane, “Or did that Ryoka bitch cut the spine out of you along with whatever pride you had?”

The wounded pride on Blueblood’s face was horrific to see, the way it twisted his features, but it was hard to tell who it was directed at, Hurricane, or himself. His own Zanpaktou came out with a dry hiss. “I am more than capable of fighting, Hurricane! If you want it to be on your side you should consider whom you insult more carefully.”

“You’re really going to fight us, Blueblood, after Hurricane insults you like that?” Daring Do asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I’m am quite tired of everyone questioning my competence, my honor, and my pride. Hurricane may be a bore and a smug ass-”

Hurricane growled but Blueblood ignored him and continued.

“-but he’s still acting within the law. Now I’d rather we go find Captain Platinum and talk this out, perhaps even find the Captain Commander, but if you insist upon using force against your fellow Soul Reapers I am bound by honor to stop you, even if I may have doubts.”

His voice had become resolute, and the tension in the room rose alongside the heightening spiritual pressures from all present, save for Amore who had yet to draw her own Zanpaktou as she looked at the scene with anguish. Cheese Sandwich, Hone Nashi already in his hand, placed his other free hand on Amore’s shoulder.

“Platinum has to be stopped. She’s got to be heading for Sokyoku Hill by now.”

As if his words were prophetic, an alarm sounded through the room, echoing from the halls beyond. All the Captains tensed further, and Cheese Sandwich’s hand tightened on Amore’s shoulder.

“Go, fast! Stop Platinum. We’ll deal with matters here.”

“Not going to happen!” shouted Hurricane, and he moved, blade poised, rushing for Amore.

Sweet Cider intercepted him, their Zanpaktou’s clashing in a resounding crash.

Thunderhooves, face a sour grimace, charged in as well, Cheese Sandwich spinning to face him while shoving Amore towards the door.

“Go!” Cheese said, barely getting his own sword up in time to block Thunderhooves titanic overhand slash that forced Cheese Sandwich’s feet to crack the floorboards.

Amore backed away, feeling cold.

Blueblood and Daring Do faced off, and then both moved with dizzying Flash Steps, blades sparking off one another in blurring motions.

Comrades she’d known for years, in some cases centuries, were fighting each other in front of her eyes. It tore her apart to see, but she knew Cheese Sandwich was right. With everyone else engaged, she was the only one free to go pursue Platinum and stop the execution.

She turned and Flash Stepped out of the room, not daring to look back as the sound of the massive clash only intensified behind her.

“Captain!” Radiant Hope said, eyes wide.

“Follow me, Lieutenant! We’re going after Platinum.” Amore said and didn’t look to see if Radiant Hope obeyed as she rushed down the corridor, heading for the fastest route she knew to get to Sokyoku Hill.


The resounding alarm gongs reached all the way down to the courtyard entrance to the headquarters fortress, and Silverstar sucked in a deep breath and blew it out forcefully past his moustache. Even without the alarm, there was no way any Soul Reaper present could mistake the massive crashing sounds coming from the large central block of the fortress, nor the massive spike of multiple spiritual pressures that could only be the Captains beginning to engage in all out battle.

“Welp, that’s about as clear a signal as we’re gonna get.” he said, drawing his own blade and turning to the rest of Tenth Division. “The Captain has started the party! Time we go n’ join the square dance!”

A multitude of rasping steel clarion calls rang out as hundreds of Zanpaktou were unsheathed together. The guards around the stairwell, consisting of members of both the Ninth and Eleventh Division, responded in kind. Silver Star could see a fair amount of hesitance on both sides. He understood, and even shared the hesitance, but he knew why the Captain wanted them there and why’d she’d ordered them to go in and take the fortress.

As much as mitigating the damage was a priority, and the last thing Silverstar wanted to do was harm his fellow Soul Reapers, by now it was likely that Inkwell and Nocturn were making their own move to secure the fortress from the inside, and there were still lots of members from the other Divisions present who might overwhelm them if the Thirteenth and Second Division weren’t given support.

The idea was to end the fighting swiftly and decisively, which wouldn’t happen if the battle was allowed to be turned into a dragged out battle. So Tenth Division’s orders were to rush the entrance and secure the fortress as fast as possible, subduing resistance with the absolutely minimum force needed to get the job done.

He didn’t like it and he knew it wouldn’t be easy. Even under the best of circumstances the risk of casualties, including deaths, were high. But he trusted Captain Sweet Cider and his comrades in Tenth Division. They’d get the job done, and make sure this fight didn’t last long, or cost more than was necessary to see it end.

“Remember fellas, knock ‘em out when you can, wound ‘em when you can’t, and keep together! We’re securin’ the main courtyard first! Charge!”

The Tenth Division moved as one, a solid wave of black robes that rushed the defenders at the stairs like a freight train. The defending Soul Reapers held steady, meeting the charge with blades at the ready and Kido already being chanted.

And in a explosion of blade on blade and lightning crack of unleashing Kido spells the battle for the fortress began in earnest.


“What in flaming hells is going on!?”

“I don’t know, there’s explosions at the entrance and near the grand hall!”

“The alarm at the Repentance Cells was ringing, have the prisoners escaped!?”

“The main courtyard is under attack! Get reinforcements down there, now!”

Chaos reigned inside the Gotei 13’s fortress as the lesser seated officers and standard rank and file members from the squads of Soul Reapers from the Ninth, Eleventh, and Sixth Divisions stationed there all rushed to mobilize and organize against the attack. With Fancy Pants and Strongheart in the hospital, the only Lieutenant present was Posey, who was left utterly out of her element in the grander confusion of the situation.

Carrying out her father’s orders was simple enough, but issuing her own was still difficult for her when she didn’t know what to do. Yet after her encounter with Fluttershy... with her mother, she felt all the more resolved to become strong enough to be a worthy daughter. Even Kyoki seemed calmer than he ever had before, and the Zanpaktou almost felt comfortable in her hands as she directed the Soul Reapers around her.

“S-send five squads to hold the gates at the main courtyard, and three more to investigate the Repentance Cells. I’ll lead the rest to the grand hall and help my father with subduing the rebel Captains. Hurry now!”

Third Seat Blaze and Fourth Seat High Winds of the Eleventh Division both saluted her and rushed off to execute her orders. They’d all been moving along one of the higher hallways near the top of the central fortress block, where the First Division barracks were.

“Lieutenant Posey, what is going on here?” asked another Soul Reaper who quickly appeared from a side door. She was a middle-aged woman with brown skin and curly gray hair, and she looked exasperated. “Why is your Division rushing off to fight?”

“Because we are under attack, Third Seat Ivory Scroll.” Posey said, addressing the woman with a note of respect. Though just a Third Seat Ivory Scroll was of the First Division, and as such held esteem higher than her seat rank. “What else am I to do?”

“Enforce the peace! We must calm this madness at once. Even if the Captain Commander and Lieutenant Smart Cookie are not here, we must not allow this violence to escalate further!”

“I’m afraid it’s too late for that.”

Posey and Ivory Scroll both turned to the new voice.

Inkwell had emerged from a literal opening in the wall, and several more such openings appeared from both floors and other parts of the wall as dozens of Soul Reapers form the Thirteenth Division poured out, weapons already drawn. Inkwell’s expression was hard and determined.

“This ends when our Captains are free and this farce of an execution halted!”

Ivory Scroll grit her teeth, “This is insanity. Stand down, all of you!”

Posey shook her head, bringing Kyoki to bear, “No, she’s right, there’s only one way this ends. Come on, Kyoki, it's time to put down some traitors!”

Inkwell nodded in agreement, “I’ll not take you lightly. Breathe, Kuroi Kagami.” (Black Mirror)

Inkwell’s katana flowed in a wash of dripping black ink into the shape of a thin bladed, eastern styled longsword with a long white tassel at its pommel. She immediately began to draw an image in the air with the tip of her blade, the dark ink flowing off it to take the shape of a large, roaring griffin. The ink drawing sprang to life with a screech and dove towards Posey.


Elsewhere in the fortress other Soul Reapers were moving to guard more secure areas, including the armory. Members from both the Sixth and Eleventh Divisions rushed down hallways leading deep into the bowels of the fortress’ plateau, and as they ran they noticed that the lamps along the walls suddenly going from being well lit, to being blown out, casting the hall into shadow.

“Wait, something's fishy here-” began one of them, only to be cut off by a shadow detaching from the wall and smacking him across the back of the head, dropping him into an unconscious pile.

“Shit, we’re under attack!” another started to shout, drawing her Zanpaktou, only to take a kick to the chin from another shadow that dropped from above, having been clinging to the ceiling.

Shouts of alarm arose, but more and more swiftly moving shadows appeared and slipped in among the confused Soul Reapers with the speed and precision of striking sharks. In moments a dozen Soul Reapers were knocked out cold on the floor and six shadows convened.

Nocturn, fully dressed now in the Stealth Corps dark jumpsuits and hood, nodded at his comrade’s handiwork. “Good job. Let us move swiftly to the armory. We must secure our Captain and her sister’s Zanpaktou.”

“Sir,” said Fourth Seat Echo, her yellow eyes glittering in the dark, “Do you think Inkwell can secure the Repentance Cells without help?”

“No worries, Echo. I have it on good authority the Tenth Division will be aiding us. And soon enough those fine young human ladies shall be joining the fun. Now, we move, swift and silent.”

His fellow Second Division and Stealth Corps members all gave quiet nods and like a pack of wolves they went down the hall, quickly and without making a sound. Nocturn had ordered the other remaining squads to set up their own ambushes and choke points across the fortress to disrupt and slow the response of the Divisions that’d be trying to move against Inkwell and Silverstar. While the Second Division wasn’t nearly large enough to handle a stand up fight, they could greatly slow the other Divisions’ response. And as for him, he wanted nothing more than to get Captain Luna and Celestia armed once more.

They went deeper into the fortress, crossing several guarded checkpoints... only to find the Soul Reapers guarding those checkpoints were already unconscious.

“Hah,” Echo laughed, “I bet you drinks at the finest sake house in Seireitei who is responsible for this, and our heroics are already too late, little brother.”

“Echo, I have told you time and again, stop calling me ‘brother’ while we’re in uniform!”

“Oh, why, because you don’t like being reminded you’re the younger of us?”

“No, it’s just... unprofessional. Besides, I don’t take losing bets.”

Echo laughed again as they crossed a final checkpoint at the front of several thick and heavy stone doors, covered in wards. The doors had been opened, courtesy of a ward pass that lay clattered next to the unconscious form of one of the many guards set around the doors themselves. Heading inside, Nocturn, Echo, and their fellow Second Division members looked around the vast armory chamber.

Rows and rows of Asauchi were placed upon the walls and weapons racks, but at the far end were several locked iron chests, one of which was torn open by force. Standing above it was Captain Luna, having just sheathed her own Zanpaktou at her side while having slung her sister’s pair of katana across her back.

She looked up sharply at their entrance, but was smiling like the cat that ate the proverbial canary.

“You are slipping, Third Seat Nocturn, Fourth Seat Echo. I thought I taught you how to hide your reiatsu better than that, but I felt you coming past the third checkpoint. I’ll have to ensure you all undergo more intensive training once this is over.”

Nocturn couldn’t help himself, grinning with a wide, beaming expression as he pulled down his face mask for a moment as he kneeled. Echo and the others mirrored his actions, bowing deeply as the knelt.

“Captain Luna, I should have known you’d escape without our help. Still I hope you accept what humble assistance we can provide. It’s good to see you, ma’am.”

“And I, you. Time is short, so listen well my shadows. Battle grips the fortress. Subdue it, and lend aid to your fellow Soul Reapers. Send one of you to contact Fourth Division and ensure healers come swiftly to tend the wounded on all sides. I will not allow this conspiracy to take even a single life among us if it can be avoided. I go now to save my sister before Platinum finishes this madness.”

“There are others coming. Human girls you know well.” said Nocturn, “By now they must already be inside the fortress.”

Luna nodded, “I suspected as much. You have your task, my shadows. May we all meet again, when it is over.”


Cheese Sandwich had lost track of where Daring Do and Sweet Cider had gone, mostly because Thunderhooves had literally body rammed him through a wall.

Cheese felt the breath get knocked out of him as the impact cartwheeled him through not just the one wall, but the next wall behind it which sent him flying between two different sections of the inner fortress where he pancaked up against the stone wall of the far side.

“Ugh, gee, I think he’s angry with me.” Cheese muttered as Thunderhooves stepped out of the rubble of the hole in the wall across the way and pushed aside some fallen debris.

“It did not have to be this way!” Thunderhooves bellowed, “You could have waited! You could have remained in your own Division headquarters until the Captain Commander and Central 46, the lawful bodies of Soul Society, worked this matter through.”

Cheese Sandwich tapped the side of his head, knocking out some dust from one ear. “Yeah, and while that happened, Platinum would be killing two of our comrades. Our friends. But nah, let’s just follow the law because it's the law. Brilliant Thunderhooves.”

“A joker who takes nothing seriously would never understand the importance, or burden of upholding the law.” Thunderhooves snorted loudly, raising his Zanpaktou. “But I see talk is meaningless. Deliver justice; Ho Ken!” (Law Fist)

Blue energy rose from the katana, lengthening it and widening it, then warping the metal in upon itself until it reshaped into the form of a large and long shafted iron club. It was studded up and down its length, the round cylinder of the club itself near a foot thick and five feet tall, not including the extra three feet of dark, mahogany handle that Thunderhooves held. Cheese Sandwich felt the spiritual pressure inside both the other Captain and Ho Ken condense like the drawing in of a massive breath.

“Time to move.” Cheese said as he threw himself to the side, just before Thunderhooves leaped at him full force, swinging Ho Ken. The iron club had a literal shockwave forming around it from the force of its blow, which shattered a large portion of the wall it struck.

“Yikes, you’re going to ruin half the fortress if you keep swinging that thing around.” Cheese Sandwich said.

Thunderhooves could also ruin him if Cheese let himself get struck. He knew Ho Ken’s power quite well, having fought beside Thunderhooves plenty of times. The huge club built extra momentum with each strike. The first blow was impressive, but each successive blow would only get stronger, and stronger, and stronger. But also more unwieldy. The Zanpaktou had incredibly destructive power, but it was inflexible. The more Thunderhooves used it, the less he could control the direction of his swings.

A blunt instrument versus a fine tool of finesse... do I dare use Hone Nashi here? I can’t down Thunderhooves fast, and Hone is gonna get dang hard to control against an opponent like Thunder here. Damn, I really did draw the worst opponent for me, didn’t I? Must’ve hacked off Lady Luck recently.

He quickly jumped between the inner walls of the fortress, hopping from one spot to another as Thunderhooves gave chase. Cheese Sandwich didn’t have to beat Thunderhooves, just keep him busy for awhile. Thunderhooves swung Ho Ken with each leap, always missing Cheese by a few feet, but with each strike the portion of the fortress that go wreaked only increased, and the shockwave bigger.

“Okay, need you to simmer down.” Cheese Sandwich said, feet springing off the roof of a wooden walkway and sending himself leaping straight up towards the top of the nearest fortress building.

Landing there, he spun around and thrust out a palm.

“Bakudo Number Fifty Five: Maita Hebi!” (Coiling Serpents)

As Thunderhooves leaped up to the same roof Cheese Sandwich was on the air around him became surrounded by five green spheres of light that then became linked by coils of emerald lighting. Abruptly Thunderhooves found the airspace between the five spheres that he occupied had hardened to a consistency like cement. It halted him in mid-air for a few seconds, but he glared at Cheese Sandwich and gave a dour laugh.

“You cannot bind me for long.” Thunderhooves said as he flexed his muscles and spirit energy, his body emanating smokey blue light. “I shall be free in seconds.”

“Yup, but I can chant another binding spell in seconds. We can keep this up all day if you want, Thunder. Or you could try listening to reason for a change!”

“There is no reason while you rebel against the law!”

“Even when the law is in error?”

“Even in error without the law we lose the identity that makes Soul Society function!” Thunderhooves spirit energy exploded outward, making the green spheres of Kido energy around him waver, then crack. “I will not let it fall!”

Cheese Sandwich swore under his breath and began to chant another Kido, but Thunderhooves surprised him by using one of the spheres of breaking Kido energy from the binding spell like a baseball, hitting it with his iron club and scattering now unrestrained Kido energy spraying around like shards of glass.

By the time Cheese managed to evade them and regain his balance Thunderhooves was already falling towards him, smashing Ho Ken down with both hands. Cheese Sandwich barely Flash Stepped away in time, and saw a third of the roof collapse under the colossal blow.

“Great. Well, nothing for it then. Knock ‘em dead, Hone Nashi.

He really hoped the others were having better luck than he was right now.


The hallway beyond the central meeting chamber was torn asunder by a torrent of howling wind. Hurricane laughed heartily as he watched Sweet Cider get battered by the blast, the huge woman sliding along the hall with her blade pressing against the scything wind force that pushed her back up against the railing of an exterior walkway after she was bodily slammed through the doors leading to them.

Twirling the already released Tetsukaze around in his hands, Hurricane walked towards her casually. “Come now ‘Kenpachi’, you seemed so eager a moment ago, why are you holding back? Release your Zanpaktou already and let us face each other as equals!”

Sweet Cider turned her head and spat, cracking her neck as she brushed dust off herself and pushed off the railing. “Yer equal? Gimme a’ sec ta go find a cockroach fer ya ta fight then. Nah, that’d be too much fer the likes o’ you. How ‘bot a’ flea?”

“You’re attempts at banter are as banal as your sword technique. Spare me the false bravado. We both know as long as you keep your blade in check you can’t defeat me.” Hurricane chided as he flickered in and out of view, Flash Stepping above Sweet Cider and smashing his halberd shaped Zanpaktou down upon her.

She raised her thick, machete like blade in response, catching the haft of Tetsukaze solidly. Hurricane drove his Zanpaktou down harder, testing his muscles against hers. They were of a similar size, Sweet Cider the taller of the two, but Hurricane the broader, both with muscles bulging and with potent spirit auras flaring up between them. The wood and stone of the fortress walls and walkway around them could barely take the stress of the clash, buckling and cracking as the two struggled against each other.

Hurricane broke the clash first, stepping back and then lunging back in with a low, spinning slash that feinted with the blade at first seeming to sweep high before dipping low. Sweet Cider twisted her hips, pivoting away, lowering her on blade. The two edges skipped off each other, but Hurricane simply took his momentum and sent him whole body into a spin that brought Tetsukaze right back around in an uppercut swing, this one enhanced by a wave of shredding wind force.

Sweet Cider got her blade in the way in time to block, but the sheer force juggled her up into the air, crashing right through the roof of the exterior walkway. She ignored the minor blow and twisted in mid air, regaining control just in to intercept Hurricane’s next attack as he Flash Stepped beside her and hammered her with a overhead swing.

She was knocked down through the window of the level two stories up from the grand hall, crashing into what was an administrative room, her body scattering tables and scrolls all over the place. She kept her feet, her expression focused.

She hadn’t released Kizuna for a very simple reason; if she did there wouldn’t be a headquarters left by the time she and Hurricane were done. Despite her taunts she didn’t underestimate his strength, and for all his bravado he wasn’t underestimating hers, which was why he’d released Tetsukaze the first opening he’d gotten to do so. He knew without his Shikai he’d have been at a disadvantage going blade to blade with her.

The reason he was taunting her, trying to get her to release Kizuna, was to give him an excuse to use his Bankai. He knew if he used Bankai within headquarters, the destruction would be difficult to justify. But if she used Kizuna first, he’d have an excuse to say he had to use Bankai in order to put her down swiftly before too much damage was inflicted on the fortress.

Thus she refused to go Shikai to keep him form having an excuse to go Bankai.

The only problem was that this did give him a slight edge and forced her to fight defensively.

Hurricane came smashing through the same opening she’d made a moment earlier, leading with a powerful thrust from the spear tip of his halberd. Gritting her teeth, Sweet Cider charged to meet it, smashing the thrust aside with her own sword and delivering a punch straight towards Hurricane’s face.

He let go of Tetsukaze with one hand to raise it to intercept her fist with with his own, the two sets of knuckles colliding with a blast of force that further wreaked the office room, scattering furniture to shatter against the wall. Hurricane had a look of utter contentment on his face.

“Yer enjoying this, ain't’ ya, ya daft bastard?”

“Of course I am. Do you have any idea how I’ve longed for a chance to fight you?” He suddenly slammed his foot up, kicking her in the stomach. The blow was a glancing one but it was enough to push her back up against the room’s far wall. Hurricane hefted Tetsukaze, swirling rivers of wind coiling around it. “To be honest I don’t really care who is or isn’t right about the execution. This has been the perfect excuse to see just what my fellow Captains are made of, and perhaps this will convince the Captain Commander we need to take a more offensive stance in this war. We’ve been on the defensive for far too long, and it's made us stagnate. Whoever plotted this attack, I almost wish I could thank them for giving Soul Society a much needed kick to its teeth.”

His smile sharpened, “And if I get to see how good the one who took the title of Kenpachi truly is, then that is delicious icing atop the cake.”

Sweet Cider had taken advantage of the way Hurricane liked to listen to himself talk to catch her breath and gather her strength. Even without releasing Kizuna she could still focus her spirit energies around her blade and empower her strikes to a degree. Holding her blade behind her in a heavy striking stance she rushed forward. As Hurricane moved to block, she dipped her blade down, its edge cutting into the floor with the ease of a skinning knife through fat.

She then ripped her blade upward in a powerful swing that tore apart a huge chunk of the room’s floor and sent a shotgun-like spray of debris at Hurricane. He instinctively pushed the debris aside with a blast of wind, but as he extended Tetsukaze to do so Sweet Cider Flash Stepped past his extended guard and slashed down hard at his arms.

He responded fast, faster than Sweet Cider could of have suspected, his own form vanishing away in a blinding Flash Step. Still, she felt her blade hit something and heard him grunt in pain. She also heard blood drip to the ground and looked to her right to see Hurricane was now the one near the door out of the room, where she’d been just seconds ago. His right arm was bleeding profusely from a deep gash below the elbow. If he’d been a split second later in evading he’d have lost his arm, and the look on his face showed he knew it.

“You don’t play games.” he commented dryly.

Sweet Cider’s eyes blazed like emerald fire as her voice dropped a dangerous octave, her own spirit energy rising with old familiar rage.

“If ya ever thought fer a’ second I’m playin’, then yer in fer the worst surprise o’ yer life.”


The distant sounds of fighting still reached into the central meeting chamber, tremors occasionally shaking the floor as Daring Do and Blueblood squared off. They’d already traded a few blows, but Daring Do could tell Blueblood was being cautious, only probing with his swings rather than going all out. She wasn’t certain if his caution was due to him being aware of the gap of power and experience between them, his heart not truly being in the fight, or if it was just his nature.

She’d never held a high estimation of Blueblood. To her he’d seemed lazy and irresponsible even at the best of times. Sure he had talent and potential, but it was wasted on a personality that cared more about keeping his hair well groomed than in perfecting his skills.

Strangely, however, she noticed a more serious cast to his expression than she’d have expected to see. In the few times she’d seen him in battle against Hollows in the past he’d always been flippant, or bored, or utterly dismissive. Here, however, his eyes were sharp and his stance surprisingly unsloppy. Was it because he realized the seriousness of the situation, or something else?

“Hey, Blueblood, it's just you and me here, so let’s hear it straight; do you really think this is what you should be doing?” she asked.

His eyes narrowed slightly, his voice strained. “I don’t need lectures, Captain Do.”

“I’m not lecturing, I’m just asking you why you’re siding with Hurricane. Dude’s obviously rocking a few loose screws.”

“Did I not just explain that I’m honor bound to-”

“Don’t give me that crap. Since when did you ever care about honor? I’ve seen you log more time in front of your mirror than you’ve ever spent training in the dojo, and you spend just as much time cruising the night scene to hit any woman dumb enough to fall for your looks before seeing what’s underneath. So what the hell does a guy like you know about following duty or honor, let alone be willing to put his ass on the line for it?”

She knew she was being harsh, but she was taunting him, jabbing at him, to get a more real and honest response. She’s learned when people got mad, they tended to speak their mind more clearly than when they had time to think of a polite response. Besides, whether he told her anything or not, if she got him mad, he’d fight stupid, and she always prefered stupid opponents to ones who were using their brains.

Her plan seemed to work as a dark glower rolled over his features.

“Do you think I don’t know my own faults!? I’m well aware I have a... slight vanity issue. And a weakness for beautiful women.” he coughed, “One more than some at the moment.”

“What was that?” Daring Do asked, confused.

“Nevermind! As I was saying, I know I have weaknesses that should have barred me from making the rank of Captain. Yet I made it. I’m here, wearing these silly, unflattering robes, and this clashing, drab Captain’s coat, because I must! Because I have a duty to my house to serve its interests and do what is best for it. And my house has been allied with Platinum’s house for countless centuries! If I turn on her, I break an alliance that has endured for generations. I sever bonds that have stood since Soul Society was born! What else am I to do but support her?”

“Even if she’s the one who’s the traitor?”

“Of course not! But you have no proof of that! All you have is happenstance and circumstance to point towards any of your suspicions being true. Am I to betray my house’s loyalties over your suspicions!?”

“C’mon Blueblood, you can’t be that much of an idiot. Everything is pointing towards her at this point. If she was behaving legit, she would’ve waited for Scorpan before trying to pull this execution off, orders from Central 46 or not! You got to see that, right?”

The hesitation was clearly there. She could see the doubt pulsing in his eyes, but it wasn’t enough. His eyes narrowed even further, to blue slits of ice.

“All I see is that you’re still talking when you should be surrendering. I’m not as weak as you think I am.”

She saw him toss his blade into the air at the same time he thrust a palm towards her and chanted, “Hado Number Sixty Three: Raikoho!”

That was a surprisingly high level Kido to do without a full chant, and Daring Do was surprised Blueblood could pull it off. A massive flash of golden lightning sprang from his palm and tore apart a path straight towards her. She leaped up and away from the blast, flipping in mid-air and returning fire with a Kido of her own.

“Hado Number Forty One: Fukyowaon!” (Dissonant Roar)

Though a much lower level Kido than what Blueblood had used, the spell was still made potent by her own Captain level reiryoku, the spirit energy taking the shape of a swirling, pulsating orb of air that flew down towards Blueblood and exploding with a gust of harmonic force that could break eardrums. Blueblood weathered the blast, and Daring Do saw him concentrating for a second before shining light filled the chamber.

All Captains were familiar with each others Zanpaktou, so she knew the light that shone when Blueblood’s Mezurashi Kokei activated. He hadn’t spoken the release phrase or his Zanpaktou’s name, but that didn’t surprise her. Any Soul Reaper who’d achieved Bankai could release their blade to the Shikai state without the release phrase or name. Most the time they didn’t do so out of respect for their Zanpaktou, as releasing them too often without the phrase or name could cause a disruptive disharmony between Soul Reaper and Zanpaktou. But sometimes in the right situation it was beneficial to release the blade anyway, and Blueblood was clearly trying to catch her off guard.

However she wasn’t second fastest among the Captains for no reason. And while Luna was faster than her, Daring Do had the sharper spiritual senses. Even with Blueblood’s Mezurashi Kokei scattering invisible glass daggers all over the chamber she could feel the minuscule traces of their presence in a way that many others, even her fellow Captains, probably couldn’t.

She Flash Stepped one way then another as nearly untraceable daggers of glass sought her flesh. She landed on one wall only to flip towards another as she dodged Blueblood’s assault. His attacks were remarkably more coordinated than she’d seen from him in the past as well, with the daggers moving in tight clusters only to rapidly expand their formations in strange and unexpected patterns to try and box her in.

“I’ve faced defeat once already. It’s been an enlightening experience.” Blueblood said tersely, “Allow me to show you the same enlightenment, Captain Do.”

“You know, I’m fine with Daring.” she said with a smirk. “Captain Do reminds me too much of my crazy cousin.”

Barely avoiding a half dozen daggers that came at her in a star-shaped pattern, she landed across the room and placed a hand on the pommel of her Zanpaktou and held it horizontally in front of her in an inverted grip.

“And I’m enlightened enough, thanks. Discover the path, Toi Tankyu-sha!” (Far Seeker)

A misty purple light flowed over the blade as it extended, then became segmented in a series of metallic rings. The hilt grew into a basket style, covering Daring Do’s hand, while the blade itself finished transforming into a long, loosely held sword-whip.

Blueblood’s expression hardened as he sent sent over a dozen of his daggers flying in at her. Daring Do flicked her wrist and her Zanpaktou leapt to life like a snake, coiling and snapping out with dizzying speed to snap the daggers away. She then threw her arm out and sent the segmented sword whip flying towards Blueblood. As it went the individual blade segments started to emit a billowing purple haze that started to rapidly expand.

Knowing the danger he was in Blueblood immediately dodged to the side, an instant before Toi Tankyu-sha would’ve struck, and even then a segment of his coat was caught by the swift blade. Fast as a serpent Daring Do flicked her wrist again, the sword whip extended well beyond what should’ve been physically possible as it bunched together then flew after Blueblood, homing in on him. He began to Flash Step with rapid dodges, the tip of the sword whip following him this way and that as he ran. At the same time he tried to keep his own offensive up, sending more daggers at Daring Do, which forced her to start dodging as well.

So it was that within seconds the battle became a lightning fast and deadly game of evasion and counter evasion. Both Captains were moving at full speed to avoid each other’s Zanpaktou as glass daggers flew after Daring Do in a lethal cloud, while Blueblood had to keep throwing himself at full speed around the room to avoid a homing blade whip that extended seemingly without limit to chase him. At the same time more and more of the room became engulfed in the hazy purple fog that Toi Tankyu-sha created. In the span of a few eyeblinks both him and Daring Do had near misses, small cuts and grazes bloodying their bodies and faces.

Daring Do was impressed with how well Blueblood was keeping his concentration, managing to focus his daggers on her enough to force her to continue evading even as her Zanpaktou kept trying to chase him down. She’d never imagined he had it in him to keep up with her this long or force her to exert this much focus.

Yet she felt confident the battle was going in her favor. By now her Zanpaktou’s mist obscured much of the room, and its effect was becoming apparent as she herself started to become translucent and turn into mist. Now as the daggers struck at her, she didn’t bother to dodge, the blades passing through her body as if it too were made of fog. In a way it was. The mist from her Zanpaktou allowed her to turn into mist herself and quickly transmit herself to any other place where the mist reached. For reconnaissance or evasion it was a supremely useful power.

It wasn’t too shabby for attack either, as she could still control the sword whip her Zanpaktou became at will as long as she kept it inside the mist.

She wasn’t invincible, however. Blueblood’s daggers, still filled with spirit energy, could damage even her mist form, but the effect was incredibly mitigated... and he knew it. As she directed her Zanpaktou to continue to chase him like a flying snake across the room she heard Blueblood’s frustrated growl.

“I know this power makes you difficult to hurt, Captain Do, but don’t underestimate me!”

She could feel anything that moved within her mist, and sensed him throwing his arms out towards her while he summoned his daggers around himself to form a thick barrier of blades that deflected away her own sword whips attacks. Even if he couldn’t see her, she knew he could sense her spiritual pressure, even with her body merged with the mist.

“It doesn’t matter if your body is part of this tacky fog if I use Kido upon you! Bakudo Number Sixty Eight: Kaiyo Shinso Keimusho!” (Ocean Depths Prison)

Streams of high pressure water erupted from the ground around him and flew towards Daring Do’s position. Before she had a chance to flow away in her mist form the high speed water surrounded her in ropes of binding, extremely pressurized water that was spiritually charged, allowing it to hold her even in her gaseous state.

“Got you!” Blueblood grinned, sending a cloud of his daggers towards her.

However Daring Do pulled her Zanpaktou back and spun it before her with such speed that it nearly looked like a buzz saw as it deflected the daggers, and she instantly had it flicker about her, severing the cords of binding water around her like they were little more than mere rope. Thus free she sent her spearing sword whip flying back towards him, putting Blueblood back on the defensive as he worked to direct his daggers to parry her blade.

“You’re still too cocky, Blue. This fight isn’t anywhere close to over.”

Despite her words Daring Do could tell this fight was swiftly becoming a battle of mental attrition. She and Blueblood were more evenly matched than she thought, and this fight would go on only as long as it took for one of them to slip up and make a serious mistake.

And she wasn’t entirely certain it wouldn’t be her.


Sokyoku Hill was in many ways poorly named. It was certainly no hill, but rather a flat, rocky top to the largest extending portion of the plateau the Gotei 13’s fortress was build upon. It jutted out for a span several hundred meters long and easily half that width. Its fortress side portion was covered in a forest of dead trees, which was normally only reachable by a narrow staircase carved into the side of the plateau facing the fortress, guarded by several thick gates.

Platinum bypassed all that by leaping across roofs and landing atop the dry, dead trees. All the while Celestia was slung over her shoulder, the ropes of her collar held tight by the pillars of ice that floated alongside them as Platinum moved. Much as Celestia had said, she had made no promise to keep quiet.

“One thing I can’t figure out about all of this is why Luna and I were targeted specifically. I keep coming back to the Equestrian portal-”

“I could cover your mouth up with ice, you know.”

“-but if that was the target then there were so many easier ways to get us away from Canterlot City, so that can’t be the only objective. I mean, I suppose killing me could be considered icing on the cake, but I can’t help but feel there’s more to this-”

“A gag. Of ice. A ball gag.”

“Oh, kinky. But as I was saying, I keep trying to figure out why the execution matters. If you wanted me dead, or Luna, or both, couldn’t you or your shadowy fellow conspirators arranged it while we were helpless in our cells?”

Platinum issued forth a rattling growl of annoyance, “What good would it do you to know!? For Queen’s sake shut up! You were never this irritating back at the Academy!”

“You weren’t nearly this tight lipped back in those days either. What is this about Platinum? If it was just for revenge you could have killed me already. You don’t need the Sokyoku for that. Just slit my throat and leave me for dead. Why risk it all dragging me out here? You must know you’re on borrowed time.”

“You’ll find out soon enough. We’re here.” Platinum said, the forest of dead trees finally ending in a wide, football field long expanse of flat rock that led to the tapering point of Sokyoku Hill.

There were only two things breaking up the otherwise empty and flat top of the plateau. One was a good sixty foot tall scaffold consisting of two thick wood pillars crossed by a wooden beam, at the foot of which was a stone stand. That was the execution cross, upon which prisoners met their fates. The other object present was the instrument of those fates, the Sokyoku itself.

It was a gigantic spear, standing nearly as tall as the execution stand. Its thick wooden haft was bound to the ground by large coils of rope, nailed into the stone ground. The blade itself was a large, curved affair, with a long trail of white cloth tied to the base of the blade that flapped in the breeze. Silence reigned for a moment, broken only by the distant crashes and explosions of battle taking place in the fortress behind them as Platinum and Celestia both looked upon the Sokyoku.

Celestia sighed, “I always thought this thing was overkill. A weapon forged with the power of a million Zanpaktou? Why do we even need something that elaborate for executions?”

“I don’t know, and it hardly matters now.” Platinum said with a ever more tired voice, “Let us be done with this.”

She started to cross the distance to the execution stand, carrying Celestia along. With an impatient Flash Step she reached the Sokyoku itself, and took a few steps beyond it towards the awaiting execution stand...

Only to stop in her tracks as several forms came flying up from the edge of the plateau.

One flew on wings of lightning and carried a giggling pink menace.

Another rocketed upwards on boots shooting golden flames, carrying an elegant crimson clad beauty.

A fifth flew on her own gentle wings, not as fast as the others but no less resolved.

Three others arrived with the unmistakable whoosh of air that accompanies a Flash Step, three clad as Soul Reapers arriving one after another.

Platinum’s face turned into a scowl of rage as she looked upon those before her, each of them now standing between her and the execution stand.

Rainbow Dash cracked electrically charged knuckles, flashing a wide grin.

Pinkie Pie waved mischievously, sticking her tongue out.

Fluttershy stood calmly, staring with unmistakable determination.

Rarity flourished her rapier, which shone with crimson brilliance in the morning light.

Applejack’s fierce visage was matched only by the powerful, combat ready stance she took.

Clover stood with grim resolute eyes, Zanpaktou held before her.

Ditzy Doo stood with a relaxed, laid back stance, hands resting behind her head as she winked.

And finally Sunset Shimmer stood a step out ahead of the group, slowly and purposefully drawing her own Zanpaktou as she met Platinum’s eyes with a challenge lifting up her fiery eyes.

“Executions canceled, Platinum. Now give us back our principal.”

Author's Note:

I wonder if there's even going to be anything left of that fortress by the time this is all said and done? So the fight is joined, chaos is running rampant everywhere, we've got plenty of Captain on Captain action, and Sunset and the girls are finally face to face with Platinum. The last time they faced a Captain they got tossed around like literal leaves in the wind, but will they fare better against Soul Society's reigning ice queen?

We're entering endgame for the arc folks, hope you're all enjoying. As always please feel free to leave any comments, critiques, or questions you may have, and thanks for reading. 'Till next time!

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