• Published 11th Apr 2018
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If Wishes were Ponies . . . . - tkepner

Harry Potter, after a beating by Dudley and friends — with the help of a real gang member — wishes he had somewhere safe to go, and starts crawling home. He ends up in Equestria. The CMC find him. A year later, an owl brings his Hogwarts’ letter!

  • ...

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Interlude — Dalton Barracks, Abingdon in Oxfordshire

by Rainbow Sparkles

Barry Dawber leaned back in his chair and looked at the small festive tree his family had placed in a corner of the room. He couldn’t help but grin as he looked at his wand, his parents watching a show on the telly.

He had never dreamed he would be in the position as he was. Officially able to use magic even though he wasn’t in the wizarding world.

And it had come out of nowhere — an opportunity to be a wizard after he’d had to walk away from the wizarding world. A chance to use magic once more, and in service to the Queen to boot! He was still trying to process the fact that the government knew about magic now. But that wasn’t at the top of his thoughts. Finally getting to use the talents that only a few ever possessed took that spot.

He couldn’t help but smile as he remembered.

It had started with everyone on the base being ordered out into the base’s assembly field in September. Waiting for them was Brigadier Archibald, base commander, and four staff officers. With them were two civilians. One was a nondescript man of about thirty. The other was an attractive, young, college-age woman with long two-tone purple hair that stopped at her waist. When she came closer he saw she had, rather curiously, purple, yes, purple, eyes.

She’d been wearing a casual business dress that fit to her figure a bit too well, though if she noted the stares she was getting she gave no sign of being bothered.

The base commander explained that civilians were here to search for candidates for a special project. It wouldn’t take long, so they didn’t need to worry about being gone too long from their duties. Some had been happy to hear this, others tried hard not to groan. Barry hadn’t really cared either way — something about the woman (besides her exotic beauty) had drawn his attention.

She had started walking down the lines. Sometimes, she had stopped in front of a soldier and looked them over from top to bottom. Most had managed to stand still and keep a neutral expression but a few squirmed a bit ever so slightly, he saw in the front ranks. It had been only when she reached him sometime much later that he had realized there was so much more to this woman than anyone there could imagine.

He’d felt her magic flow over him, and he saw the soft glimmer of magic just above her head, the same hue as her eyes. He’d felt his eyes go wide in surprise. It had been a long time since he’d seen magic performed. Except what he did at home when he was positive no one would see him. And even that hadn’t been that frequent, becoming less so as more time passed.

Everyone else she inspected had earned a simple headshake. He, however, had earned a smile and a nod. The Colonel accompanying them had instructed Barry to fall out and wait for further instructions by the viewing stand.

It took only another ten minutes before she had finished. But not before she’d found an NCO officer from the base’s infirmary. The officer, a woman, gave Barry a nervous smile as she joined him off to the side. He had a feeling he knew why she was standing beside him as well.

Then had come the interview in Base headquarters. They were done separately, of course. He’d almost wanted to call it an interrogation, but the innocence of the smiling witch made it hard to see it as such. The man with her turned out to be from M.I. 5 and impressed upon him that anything that was said or done in that interview room was under the auspices to Secrecy Act. He wasn’t to talk of it to anyone.

The base commander, himself, had assured Barry that he wasn’t in trouble.

After giving quite a few vague answers to their questions, the two revealed to him that they knew that his post-primary education had been at a school called Hogwarts. And that the full name of the school was Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

He had, naturally, denied that until the man had pulled a picture from his pocket of several students, in robes, standing in front of Hogwarts’ main gates, waving. Three witches in it had rather unusual hair colours. And yes, it was a wizarding picture. The students were moving.

That was when he capitulated. “But I’m a loyal British soldier!” he had been sure to say.

Then they’d revealed to him that the woman across the table from him was not, in fact, just a witch. He had been rather startled by her sudden transformation into a unicorn pony with a pink coat and two-toned purple mane and tail. And a tattoo on her flank of three diamonds, or at least gemstones.

The man, a squib, had provided extra assurances that Barry had nothing to worry about in regards to the Statute of Secrecy. There were no muggles in the room.

With that out of the way, Barry had told them about his experiences in the wizarding world. He had told them about how he’d gotten a letter from Hogwarts, his time spent there, and his first two years in the wizarding world after graduating. That had been just around the end of the Seventies and into the early Eighties, when a fair bit of trouble had been going on in the wizarding world.

And despite his above-average scores on the NEWTs, he hadn’t been able to find anyone who would employ him for long. The two, combined, had made him grow more than a bit dissatisfied with things. If he’d had a good job he might have stuck it out. But with only a menial job and the threat of attack hovering in the background, he’d headed back to the muggle world. Lacking a Secondary Degree, he had decided to pursue his first dream — to follow in his granddad’s steps and become a soldier. He’d barely interacted with the wizarding world since, only staying in contact with an old friend of his from school.

The two civilians had explained that real aliens . . .

“Wait, you’re not an animagi?” he’d asked, startled into leaning forward.

She had smiled, which had been a decidedly weird, and cute, look on a pony, and replied. “No, this is my normal form.”

That had been shocking news, and he almost thought they were pranking him — but the scene on the parade ground and the picture argued against that.

They had explained what was going on. And how, with the help of the Equestrians, they were looking for people like him to help them figure out how best to make use of this new “Energy” and the “Special Technology” that was built around it.

That, and that he could be one of the first to take a job in this new group as a transfer to a new division in the Army.

He’d said yes, without a moment’s hesitation. They’d handed him his new orders on the spot. He would be the new third member of their team.

And then he had returned to his flat, and dug out his wand. He’d put it away in a cabinet and tried to forget about it. He hadn’t done more than play with it in years, and had felt discouraged that all his training with it was going to waste. His hands had shaken with excitement as he thought about all the good he could do now with his abilities . . . especially his understanding of runes.

He had laughed a bit to himself at what the two had called it — new “Energy” and the “Special Technology,” indeed. That was certainly one way to think of it, a very muggle way, too, as a few of his teachers would have suggested.

Even amidst all the excitement he had felt, there still had been some worry, some fears and doubts. They’d told him to retrieve his wand and bring it with him the following morning when they came by to pick him up. He had hoped, at the time, that wherever they were going was safe from the detection spells of the Ministry — he hadn’t any desire to lose his wand, or end up in Azkaban. He certainly didn’t want to be obliviated either, especially as he’d be losing a great many happy memories that he cherished.

He needn’t have worried.

And he had had so many questions about these Equestrians. He had wondered why they were working with the Muggles and not the Wizards. And why what the two governments were doing hadn’t been picked up yet by anyone in the wizarding world. He hadn’t believed that the Ministry was really so incompetent after so many years. Or were they just so focused inward that something like this, even in the most remote sense, just didn’t occur to them?

He hadn’t been sure how the Magical world would react when it became obvious what was going on. From what Miss Star had mentioned, it had sounded only like a matter of time until the Wizards and Witches found out. And by then, it’d probably be too late.

Right then, though . . . none of that had mattered to Barry. His face had broken into a wide smile as he had closed his eyes and pushed his magic through the wand. He had let out a happy shout as his alarm clock turned into a rabbit.

He had still had it in him!

And over the last four months he had certainly put his talents and wand to use. He had to admit, as turned his wand over and over in his hands, that this was shaping up to be the best Christmas in over a decade.


Author's Note:

Special thanks to

Rainbow Sparkle

for this gem. I made a few changes to flesh out the scenes (like making it Dalton Barracks, identifying Miss Star, and changed the tenses for the place in the story, etc.), so any errors are mine.

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