• Published 11th Apr 2018
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If Wishes were Ponies . . . . - tkepner

Harry Potter, after a beating by Dudley and friends — with the help of a real gang member — wishes he had somewhere safe to go, and starts crawling home. He ends up in Equestria. The CMC find him. A year later, an owl brings his Hogwarts’ letter!

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120 — Assessments

Twilight’s knowledge of book-walking, as applied to paintings, was shared with the professors and Guard. As a result, Wednesday night, paintings were quickly re-arranged to allow direct transfer between the four dormitories’ common rooms and the Great Hall.

“Ah, darnit!” said Apple Bloom. “Now everybody knows about our secret.” She shook her head wryly. They watched as the painting in the common room were being rearranged and labelled as to their new, linked destinations.

“Well, we knew the secret would get out sooner or later,” said Sweetie Belle, helpfully.

“Ah know, but I’d hoped we’d make it till summer!”

Sweetie Belle sighed. “Yeah, I know. And next year they’ll probably figure out a way to block that except in emergencies.”

“It was fun, though, wasn’t it?” said Scootaloo. They all had to agree with that sentiment.

As soon as the Professors were finished in the dorms, they left to organize paintings all across Hogwarts to go between the Great Hall and the classes. And then the library and owlery were added. The Great Hall was now Grand Central Station for the students. Every student leaving or entering a dorm went through there, first and last.

The corridors were almost empty, except for patrolling prefects and their Guard ponies, as a result. And with Guards at all the House entrances, sneaking out that way for privacy or a rendezvous was impossible.


Despite the advantages the paintings provided in moving around the castle quickly and safely, it was still very awkward being restricted to only moving as a group, the Gryffindor’s quickly discovered. It was one thing to wait for your friends before leaving for the Great Hall, and quite another to have to wait for the slowest member of your class to get ready before anyone could move on. Getting up in the mornings turned into a group effort at efficiency.

Thursday morning breakfast was a bit of a surprise when they entered the Great Hall saw the House Points’ Tubes. The school discovered that Gryffindor had somehow acquired one hundred and twenty points and Slytherin had gained twenty. Which, of course, led to much speculation and gossip.

Hedwyg delivered a message from Harry’s mum, during the parliament of owls, that the points taken from Ron and Harry three weeks before had been done in error, and were now adjusted to something a bit more proper.

Harry and Ron had not been trying to prank Malfoy and Parkinson, the letter pointed out. Their remaining point loss was to reflect that they had been out after curfew, nothing more, nothing less. That they should have told their Head of House about the dragon wasn’t punished, as Hagrid should have told the Headmaster, himself! And Hagrid’s transgression, him being a “responsible” adult, clearly out-weighed theirs. They had been, after all, following an adult’s lead.

Harry snickered. It was obvious his mum had been more than a little disturbed at Professor McGonagall’s excessive reaction last month. Too bad she couldn’t have stayed an extra day. But she was busy. Equestria and the Portal were apparently creating a lot of work for her.

No doubt the Heads of House would inform everyone else later about the adjustments. In the meantime, Harry and Ron were glad to read that they were no longer being held responsible for putting Slytherin ahead in House points. Now it was once more Gryffindor first and Slytherin second.

The Slytherins were clearly not as pleased as the rest of the school.

And Professor McGonagall, he was sure, had to be conflicted. True, she had been taken to task by his mum and her decision modified, but now her House was the point leader. It was impossible to tell if Professor Snape was upset or not. He always seemed to sport a sneer when he looked at the Gryffindor table, anyway. Maybe it was a bit more sneery-er?

A big surprise was to see Sirius Black, escorted by three ponies, storm into the Great Hall at lunch, clearly upset. He hurried straight over to where Harry was seated. “Harry!” he cried. He snatched the boy into a hug, and then held him at arms-length. He looked the boy up and down critically. “You’re not hurt, are you?” he said with narrowed eyes. He cast a furious look at the Head Table, singling out the Headmaster first, then looked over to Professor McGonagall.

Sweetie Belle, understanding the wizard’s anxiety, scooted over to make room for him at the table. They spent most of the rest of lunch time explaining what had happened. And why. Most of the Gryffindors at this end of table listened in, as did some of the Hufflepuffs who were close enough to eavesdrop.

Harry couldn’t find it in himself to worry about what they learned. The gossips would make up gossip, regardless of the truth.

“Hagrid got a dragon’s egg to hatch!” he said admiringly. He shook his head.

And continued to shake his head in disbelief a moment later. “You smuggled a dragon out of Hogwarts in the middle of the night? And no one knew?” He chuckled. “Merlin! Your father would be beside himself if he could have pulled that off himself! He’d be so proud of you if he were here.”

Then they explained what had happened in detention, Tuesday night.

That got Harry a steady look, and then Sirius took a look around the Hall at the Guards.

He wiped an imaginary tear from his eye and smirked. “No prank the Marauders ever pulled off can compare to getting Hogwarts invaded by hundreds of well-armed ponies! And you didn’t even get in trouble for it! Marvellous!” He grinned at Harry.

“We usually got detention for our pranks.”

He leaned close to Harry and whispered, “Do you think the Princesses are going to annex Hogwarts? Wouldn’t that be a stick up the old families’ arses!”

Harry blushed bright red. “No!” he exclaimed loudly, surprised. Realizing how he had the undivided attention of a score or two of students, he slumped down. “Mum already told me this is just until we go home,” he half-whispered back. “She’s worried the non-magicals will get upset if she did that.”

“But, still, you shouldn’t have been forced into the forest at night,” Sirius said angrily, and scowled. His mercurial emotions were evident as he turned and darkly glared up at a certain wizard and witch at the Head Table.

It made him warm inside to see Sirius reacting so strongly. And over him! He had learned to expect that from his mum and the fillies, but that there were others who felt that way was almost unbelievable to him. He cherished every second that the wizard was with them.

He had to smirk, seeing the look in Sirius’ eyes when lunch was over and he saw the Headmaster start to stand. From his expression, Harry knew that both the Headmaster and Professor McGonagall would have been in for some serious (!) pranking if the wizard had still been a student. As it was, he was sure the wizard was going to be tearing a strip off both of them and nailing it to his wall at home as a trophy.

He certainly felt like doing the same when he thought about the chain of events and how badly the professors had handled everything. But, then again, what could you expect from wizards? Common sense? If only he could remember those spells, he’d make sure they never did anything so stupid, again. If they recovered enough return to the school, that is.

He wondered, if he dared to ask, would Sirius let him see the memories of his conversations with the two in his pensieve?

He was very disappointed with his father’s other friend, Professor Lupin, however. The wizard hadn’t been nearly as upset, or demonstrative, as Sirius. He hadn’t even come to visit Harry in the Hospital Wing on Wednesday. He just frowned unhappily and looked sad.

Thursday and Friday after the ponies arrived were a bit tense for the wizards and witches, Harry noticed, especially after the demonstration on the lawn. Still, this was a school, and the students’ priorities quickly shifted back to oncoming exams. The Fifth and Seventh years were soon too wrapped up in their studies to notice the ponies that were guiding them, and they absentmindedly followed their escorts.

The restoration of Gryffindor’s lead in House Points should have restored most of the school’s good nature towards Harry. Unfortunately, everyone knew he was responsible for the presence of the pony Guards. And their restriction to being escorted everywhere. If he had not panicked, none of this would have happened.

The wizards and witches who were dating were especially put out and unhappy with the situation. Naturally, and not consciously, they took out their frustrations on their friends. Who, in turn, tended to view Harry with severe disapproval. The dating couples did blame Harry, directly, for their now chronic lack of privacy. Most were not shy, nor quiet, about publicly denouncing him, at first. It wasn’t as bad as it had been, but it was still quite evident.

So, for Harry, things didn’t really improve very much. Other students still resented his very presence.

“Relax, Harry,” Scootaloo said, dropping beside him in the library.

They were both ponies. In fact, as usual, all the animagi Firsties were. The petting, stroking, and ear scritching kept him calm, but only his fellow Gryffindor Firsties were inclined to do so. Everyone else gravitated to the other ponies in the room. He was definitely feeling shunned. Which only made him appreciate his friends more.

“You know that if any of us had been there, we would have done the exact same thing.”

“Only with more screamin’,” put in Apple Bloom. She was laying on her stomach almost at a right angle to him, Lavender’s hand stroking her neck absentmindedly while she revised her notes. The filly nuzzled his muzzle before turning back to her own notes.

He sighed dejectedly. He found himself using the book-walking spell more now. Mostly to escape the accusatory stares and not that he needed to check his notes against the original material.

Not even the Quidditch team was on his side.

Only the animagi were truly supporting him. They were shunning Harry’s more vocal critics. Given a choice between petting soft, furry, friendly ponies and upbraiding Harry over a loss of privacy, most students kept their mouths shut and merely glared at Harry. The other Gryffindor Firsties had been a bit standoffish, but after an explanation of what had happened with Tirek, they had quickly come to understand the situation. And they didn’t have any dating couples anyway, so they didn’t have a dog in that fight.

Disappearing every evening and staying all night for their meetings with the Unspeakables at the Weasleys’ didn’t help his case, either. Despite the fact that all the animagi went as a group, others still claimed he was getting special treatment. And held that up as one more reason to be unpleasant to Harry.

He felt really guilty about staying at the Weasleys’ home while everyone not an animagi had to stay here. It didn’t help that they could actually play outside in the sun without being watched by dozens of Guards. Or see that the lawns had been turned into a potential battle zone and military encampment.

On the other hand, he got to sleep in a pony pile, once again. He was surprised to note how much he had missed that. Even Ron mentioned how nice it was.

Harry wasn’t sure that trading the obvious presence of the Guards for the sneaky and creepy Unspeakables was an improvement. And spending an hour every evening answering questions such as, “Are your feelings towards Scootaloo different when you’re a wizard than when you’re a pony?” and “When you were a pegasus last summer, how different did that feel from what you feel now?” were tedious in the extreme. Especially because they kept repeating the questions! As if they were going to get different answers depending on if he was a unicorn or a wizard at the time.

But the Weasleys had been delighted that they could go home in the evenings, and thanked him profusely. They especially liked seeing how their extra income to the family had improved The Burrow. New furniture, new paint, and expanded rooms were only a few of the changes they could see.

The three older Weasleys children seemed to view the Unspeakables a bit differently, and had started asking them questions related to their classes. That the answers were extremely insightful had surprised them almost as much as the fact that the Unspeakables had answered at all.

Still, he could hardly wait for the exams to be over.

Oliver Wood was approaching.

Harry looked up.

“Are you gonna make practice,” Oliver said sourly, looking at the animagi. He didn’t care, personally, about the ponies on the lawns or the strict group-only restrictions. No, instead he was getting paranoid about the ponies watching the team practice. All of his top-secret plays were being studied, dissected, and criticized by the pegasi. He just knew they were sharing what they saw with the Slytherins, as he had repeatedly told the team.

Harry’s reassurances that the Guards would never do that were met with stony silence and disapproval. His opinions were suspect, now, it seemed. But at least Wood’s fears could be viewed as reasonable — if you were a paranoid Quidditch team captain and a true game fanatic. It had nothing to do with the Guards now at Hogwarts.

Truthfully, Harry felt that was an improvement over the jealous and offended attitudes shared by the rest of the school.

Harry wished he could convince his mum, and the Headmaster, to let him bring the whole team to the Burrow on Saturday and Sunday for practice. It might make things easier for him, get the team more on his side. But she had already turned it down. And with her firm, ‘No,’ he knew it wasn’t practical to go to the Headmaster.

“As far as we know, just say when.”

“Sunrise on Saturday and noon on Sunday.”

Harry stifled his groan. That was five in the morning! Meaning, he had to get up at four. He reluctantly nodded.

On the other hoof, he got to fly for at least five hours, assuming Professor McGonagall let them practice until noon. She was constantly riding Wood on preparing for his OWLS, and rarely allowed them to go beyond two days a week plus either Saturday or Sunday. And then they had to schedule around the other teams.

This coming weekend, however, was the last before a game. And they only had to share the pitch with the Slytherins. So, on Saturday, Wood had the morning and Flint, the Slytherin team captain, had the afternoon. They switched on Sunday.

“Make sure you’re on time!” Wood growled before stalking off.

Harry sighed. With the exception of Hermione, everyone at the Weasleys was on the team. So, there was no danger of them being late. They’d probably have to drag Ron from his bed, but his brothers could handle that. And they would. Happily.

He did notice, however, the oddity that was one Hufflepuff witch, de Rippe, if he remembered correctly. He’d seen her around previously, but never really paid attention. Now, however, with such open dislike and hostility around him, he could see that she acted . . . different. And that had finally caught his attention after three weeks. Probably because the incident in the forest had made him a bit paranoid.

While the other non-Gryffindors ignored him or scowled when they saw him in the last three-some weeks, she was usually neutral. That is, her expression was never one of disapproval or scorn. She smiled when others were laughing or enjoying themselves, but when they were hostile towards him she was blank-faced. And she was always to the side and in the animagi’s line-of-sight, despite being in a group, where she could watch what was happening without blocking anyone, or being blocked. She seemed especially interested in him and the fillies, and not so much the others.

And when he looked at her, she looked away and never tried to catch his eye. She did the same with his herd-mates, except Hermione and Ginny. He had caught her out of the corner of his eye watching them, frequently with a puzzled expression. And she swallowed a lot when they were hugging, or just lying beside each other, cuddling.

She gave him something to think about other than his studies and ostracization.

In the classes they had with the Hufflepuffs, she frequently was the closest of her class to him. As she had been all year, he realized, on reflection.

And she was not upset at the rings he had given his herd-mates.

He was beginning to think that there was a bit more to gift giving than he had anticipated. It’s not like he had much experience. But some of the witches in the castle seemed to attach a greater significance to those rings his herd-mates wore than the mere protection they afforded.

They had certainly changed the way they acted toward the Gryffindor Firstie animagi witches. Especially the witches and wizards from old wizard families. It was primarily from the Slytherins, as that House had more families with a traditional attitude. Even Neville had subtly changed how he acted around the five witches, being just a tad bit more formal to them when they were in public.

But de Rippe didn’t seem to care. She didn’t even seem to notice the rings. No more than any of the muggle-born or half-blood wizards did, that is.

However, she had never actually come close enough to touch or pet one of the animagi. Not in the entire year. She always hovered by the study room door, either inside or just outside in the main library.

All-in-all, considering things, she wasn’t acting like the others were. Did she want to meet him and was too shy? She wouldn’t be the first, he knew. His “boy-who-lived” reputation had generated a lot of those. But most had overcome their shyness, by now.

He would discuss things with the others and see if they knew anything he didn’t. In the meantime, he would keep an eye out for her.

She seemed to be the only student in the school who didn’t subscribe to the sudden and swift changes of opinion that swept through Hogwarts, which were always based solely on scandalous and suspect rumours.


The weekend shot by him, the Quidditch practices being a wonderful opportunity to ignore the rest of the world and just fly. Then they were in exams.

The exams, as predicted by the older students, were gruelling — long and detailed. They had to use special anti-cheating quills on their papers, and a strict time limit was imposed. Still, Harry found that all the book-walking had made remembering facts and charts rather easier. The worst parts were the hand cramps from all the writing. And the sore muscles from sitting hunched over his desk hours on end.

The exams were worse this year, was the common consensus, after the lower years compared their exams with the older years. The book-walking spell was both a blessing and a curse. It made things much easier to understand, and so the course material covered had been increased. And the exams focused more on understanding the theory behind the spells rather than in simply being able to recite the things learned by rote.

All four houses took each exam at the same time, to prevent anyone from warning their friends or siblings in other Houses and letting them get an advantage. Then they had to do practicals in Charms, Transfigurations, Herbology, Potions, and Defence Against the Dark Arts. Usually on that same day. By the time dinner rolled around, they were mentally exhausted.

Making a pineapple dance had been easy, as had the mouse-into-a-snuffbox. Demonstrating the proper techniques for repotting a Devil’s Snare was a bit more difficult, what with the plant continuously trying to make a break for the outdoors. The ones handled by the animagi were especially robust. Ron’s managed to make it to the door before Professor Sprout could catch it.

Professor Snape’s class had been a bit simpler, they had all done it together. Each student had to brew the Forgetfulness potion while Snape stalked around, grading them on every step. He didn’t offer any comments during the exam, but his sneers were more than enough to get across his feelings of each student he loomed over.

Naturally, they had to do the potion entirely from memory.

In a surprise move, Neville finished his potion without melting his cauldron or ruining the potion! Even Sweetie Belle seemed to have succeeded in brewing the potion correctly. They were all congratulating the two when the changes started. In short order they had an entire First-year class of bipedal ponies in a variety of coat, mane, and tail colours not found in nature — at least nature on Earth. They had the hooves, legs, and tails of ponies with the bodies, hands, and arms of people. They had slight muzzles and large eyes, with unicorn horns just inside their hairline. With very prominent and sensitive pony ears.

The Slytherins were not pleased — well, Draco and his entourage were not pleased. “This is disgusting!” he loudly complained. He was horrified at being a “. . . lesser beast,” as he put it.

And Professor Snape was the scariest anthro-pony any of them could imagine, regardless of his soft-pink and blue colour combination. The blinding sparks bursting from his horn as he raged around the classroom were amazing to see.

He confiscated Sweetie Belle’s cauldron instead of simply vanishing the contents.

Some of the other students seemed a bit intrigued by their new forehead appendage and were attempting to cast lumos with it.

The rest were of mixed thoughts on the matter. The colourful tails and ears on both the girls and boys attracted more than a bit of attention from the upper-year students as the afternoon wore on. There seemed to be a lot of ear-scritching going on by the upper-years.

The animagi discovered that transforming into ponies and back did not change their new look.

The Unspeakables at the Weasleys were quite impressed, and several set off for Hogwarts. The changes finally wore off not too much before nine that evening.

Defence Against the Dark Arts was different from the rest. Professor Quirrell had broken out in green spots, then started violently sneezing during the written part of the exam. Quirrell had complained of hot and cold flashes as Madam Pomfrey had led him off to the Hospital Wing, leaving a Seventh-year Prefect in charge.

If not for the book-walking spell, Harry was sure he would have failed the exam. Most of the spells and techniques mentioned in it were never mentioned in class. Later, as they were finishing up, the Head Boy told them Professor Quirrell had contracted Malignalitaloptereosis while in Hogsmeade the day before. As such, he, Dexter Twycross, would be giving them the practicals immediately after the written portion.

Like the Charms’ and Transfigurations’ practicals, each student would perform the spells in a designated classroom. They would enter through one door, then leave through the other. Those who had completed the exam would not be able to pass on what they knew.

However, unlike their other classes, the students were called up in random order. “An additional step to prevent friends from warning friends,” said the Head Boy. Harry was the second called.

Dexter nodded at him as he came in. “Potter, right? The Body-Binding Curse on that dummy.” He pointed at the manikin at one end of the room.

Harry cast quickly, whipping his wand through the motions as he had so carefully practiced many times.

Dexter walked over and inspected the ropes, tested their tightness, then barely whispered a finite. Nothing happened. He nodded, and did it again, slightly louder. His eyebrows went up and he looked at Harry before turning back to the dummy and repeating himself at a normal tone. It took him five tries, each greater than the one before.

“Excellent, Mr. Potter!” He came back the desk. “Now the Severing Charm on that wooden pole.”
Harry took a deep breath and again cast quickly.

The top of the pole fell to the ground.

The Head Boy looked at the measuring stick in his hand. “Well. I don’t think we need this,” he said. “Finally, the Smokescreen Spell.”

Swathed in the smoke around him, Harry heard Dexter say. “Excellent! I believe I can safely say that your practicals are deserving of an Outstanding!”

Harry was grinning as he finited the smoke screen.

He was totally unprepared for the stupefy that hit him as the smoke cleared.


Author's Note:

This chapter’s Sweetie Belle potions accident brought to you by Twilight_Shimmer.

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