• Published 11th Apr 2018
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If Wishes were Ponies . . . . - tkepner

Harry Potter, after a beating by Dudley and friends — with the help of a real gang member — wishes he had somewhere safe to go, and starts crawling home. He ends up in Equestria. The CMC find him. A year later, an owl brings his Hogwarts’ letter!

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111 — Reconnecting

April 11th Extra Post — 1 Year Anniversary of First Post!

The twins had elected to remain behind instead of joining the others during Spring hols. They wanted to build up a supply of Ginger Gender Gels. Rich’s candy orders were becoming regular, and getting larger. The orders from Malfoy weren’t nearly as large, but they were becoming steady. They had even convinced a few sixth-years to help them in brewing the quantity they needed, for a reasonable inducement, naturally.

It was clear that they could earn far more from Equestria for their candies than anything they would earn back here. The twins had decided to turn over their wizarding profits to the family and keep the Equestrian profits for themselves. The license agreement with Malfoy would assure the family of a steady income for the foreseeable future, and the gems they had brought back completely solved Weasleys’ current financial problems! They used the excuse that they should ‘contribute’ to the family expenses because they did live there, after all, to get their mother to accept the arrangement.

It meant the Weasley family was going to get an upgrade in their clothes this Spring, and some much-needed items for the home itself.

And their business slightly decreased the antagonism normally felt between the two wizarding families.

Harry and the Equestrians had been disappointed when Hermione had ended their fun and explained to the twins why some couples would want to experiment with the candies. It was a revelation to the two that the candies might have a purpose beyond pranking. Which had then segued into the topics of transgenders and transsexuals. Topics they had shared with their amazed parents. Who were maybe not as amazed as they pretended to be.

Now the twins were working on developing a version of the candies that lasted days or weeks. And they felt that a week of concentrated work at the castle would be beneficial.

On the other hand, Hermione was accompanying them to Equestria. And was full of questions on what she could expect.

Ron, rather than be alone at home with his parents or stuck at the castle with his brothers, decided to join them. As did Percy. So, the entire crew of Firstie animagi were going, as well as Myrtle.

Harry and the fillies were pleasantly pleased when they were met at the train station by his mum and their sisters, and Rainbow Dash. Harry crashed into his mum and gave her a fierce hug. The Equestrians weren’t as enthusiastic with their sisters, but it was only less by a tiny bit. Myrtle watched with a somewhat sad expression until Twilight surprized her and pulled her into the hug with Harry.

Hermione was occupied with her parents.

The three Weasleys watched and smiled.

They were all amazed when Harry’s mum introduced them to the notorious Sirius Black! They all noticed that while Sirius acknowledged the others, he spent most of his time watching Harry and smiling. Which, when Harry considered it, really shouldn’t have been surprising. But it did feel creepy, at first.

The surprises kept coming when everyone floo’d from the train station to the Equestrian Embassy. It was only when they started towards the Portal that the kids realized all the adults were going with them.

His mum laughed. “Yes, Hermione, your parents are going with us through the portal. And, yes, Harry,” she smiled down at him, “Sirius will be joining us, too. He is your godfather, after all.” She smirked. “And we have a surprise for you all once we get back. I think you’re going to like this.” She glanced at the fillies. “Especially you three.”

That started a deluge of excited questioning that the Equestrians refused to answer with anything more than a laugh and a, “Just wait, you’ll see.”


Watching Hermione’s parents stumble around as pegasi after going through the Portal was humorous, and a bit startling. No one, except perhaps his mum, had thought them to be squibs. But Harry couldn’t help but remember how awkward he had felt when he first went through. So, he found himself leaning against Mr. Granger to help him keep his feet.

They didn’t believe him, at first, that walking on their hind legs would actually be easier, until they tried it.

Mr. Black was completely comfortable as a unicorn. His mum had to remind the wizard to refrain from casting any magic while they were in the portal exclusion area.

Harry was surprised at the ease with which the wizard had adapted to being on four legs. He moved with the simplicity and grace of someone who had been a quadruped for years. The colt couldn’t help but wonder if Sirius had an animagus form, and what it was.

It made for an unusual looking group moved on to Sweet Apple Acres, especially with the Grangers walking upright. Rainbow and Scootaloo spent most of the time flying beside and talking to the Grangers, and, among other things, promising to help them learn to fly.

As soon they left the Portal Building, his mum stopped. The four adult Equestrians faced them. “Now for the surprise,” the alicorn said with a twinkle in her eye. “This year, I’m in charge of the Grand Galloping Gala, and we’re taking you all there!” She grinned at them happily.

For a moment, there was stunned silence from the fillies. Then Sweetie Belle said, “The Grand Galloping Gala? We’re going to the Grand Galloping Gala? We’re going to the Grand Galloping Gala?” Apple Bloom eyes shot wide open and she slowly repeated, “We’re going to the Grand Galloping Gala?” Both began hopping up and down, like Pinkie Pie, singing, “We’re going to the Gala!” After a moment, Scootaloo joined in, wheeling in tight circles and loops over their heads. Harry merely stared with widened eyes. *

The wizards, witches, and squibs stared at the fillies, puzzled and curious.

While his mum watched him and the fillies with a smirk, Rarity walked over to the former people. “It’s the event of the year!” she said, with a hint of excitement of her own. “A Grand Ball in Canterlot where only the most important ponies are in attendance. The princesses themselves are there!” She sighed dramatically. “The music! The dances! The ponies!” She smiled dreamily at them, “You simply must get a ticket if you are anypony!”

They made their way to the Apple farmhouse. The fillies were bouncing around like rabbits, with occasional respites as their sister’s would calm them down, only to start back up a moment later. It didn’t take long for Ginny, Hermione, and Myrtle to get almost as excited, although Hermione began to worry that she didn’t know any of the pony dances. Meanwhile, Rarity was regaling them with stories about previous Galas and the ponies she had met at the last two balls.

Harry plodded along with Ron. He remembered what the previous ball was like, and feared that this one would be the same — boring. The two colts rightly feared that the only activities would be dancing and talking.

Well, at least the appetizers would be interesting. Which cheered up Ron when he heard there would be plenty of food.

And they overheard Harry’s mum reassuring the others that she and the other mares would be happy to teach them the basics of pony dancing.

Granny Smith was more than pleased to show them the spread she had prepared for them. She had insisted that the former people eat seconds and thirds, as they all looked like they hadn’t had a proper meal in weeks!

After stuffing themselves until they could barely walk, they headed on to Ponyville. Once they left the farmhouse, Myrtle took great delight in saying, “Oh, look, what a wonderful moon tonight!”

The brilliant full moon left the newcomers gobsmacked. Back home it was not yet full, and only the bright stars could be seen. Here, the stars were brilliant, and not completely eclipsed by the moon. They were also in patterns that were entirely foreign to their experience — especially Hermione who had acquired a night-sky atlas to accompany her Astronomy text. The moon itself, however, completely flummoxed them. The features on it were nothing like what they used to seeing. That, more than anything else, convinced them they were nowhere near home.

Harry and the others spent the rest of the walk into town giggling, along with the fillies — who went into an occasional exuberant “We’re going to the Gala!” dance — as the Grangers and Sirius spent more time looking up than where they were going.

Scootaloo and Rainbow left for their homes once they were in town. Rarity’s and Sweetie Belle’s home in the Carousel Boutique was another surprize to the newcomers. As were some of the other building they saw. The architecture on display, under the brilliant full moon, left them agog.

After a promise that she would show them the Castle tomorrow, the guests were led to their rooms. Harry spent the night in his mum’s room. It felt wonderful to cuddle, once more.


Albus watched the train disappear into the distance from his window in the castle. He gave a relieved sigh. One set of problems gone for a week. This coming week was going to be full of work at the Ministry.

After the scare . . . meeting . . . with the Prime Minister and Ambassador, Cornelius and Dolores had settled down. He had shared with both Princess Luna’s battle with the basilisk as it left its chamber and was captured in the forest. He had impressed on them that they needed to be cautious with the Equestrians. While Dolores still considered them as non-humans, even she had to admit that antagonizing a creature capable of restraining a twenty-yard long basilisk without significant strain was not a smart manoeuvre.

Particularly when Princess Luna, in the memory, had declared “We haven’t had such fun in ages!” and then added, “Perchance, dost thou have any other monsters with which We might joust?” And then looked so downcast at Dumbledore’s negative reply.

It was amazing to see, especially when everyone knew it would have taken a large team of Aurors to do the same thing, with the high possibility of numerous casualties and deaths.

And she had regarded it as fun!

Not to mention, she obviously had experience in battle that none of the current Aurors could match. Moreover, with their population, they would be able to field far more Aurors than the English could hope to marshal.

He had convinced Cornelius and Dolores that taking on the Equestrians as one magical nation against another would not be a move they could hope to win. Especially if the Equestrians could set up a portal anywhere they wanted. Portals that they knew were undetectable because their original portal had been undetected until they had announced it! A few portals in strategic places, and the Equestrians could move thousands of fighters into position before the Ministry of Magic even knew they were there.

The two had agreed, reluctantly, that the Ministry interfering with the Equestrians’ close relationship with the muggles would not be to their advantage. And that they might not be able to do anything about it anyway. And he reminded them of the Ministry adage, “Never give an order you can’t enforce.”

In addition, as the Ambassador had pointed out — which Albus had stressed, repeatedly — they could actually benefit from the Equestrians working with the muggles. It would serve to distract muggles from looking for wizards and witches when they could blame the Equestrians instead. All the Ministry had to do was make sure the wizards and witches didn’t start taking advantage of that attitude to do harm. And unintentionally reveal wizardkind.

Which had translated into more cooperation from Cornelius in tempering the disadvantageous laws regarding both non-humans and muggles. Plus, his help in upgrading Ministry rules and laws restricting unauthorized muggle contacts. Not to mention increasing the penalties to discourage ignoring the changes.

After all, if they weren’t careful, then the muggle government might ask for help from the Equestrians. And then where would the Ministry be? Whether they liked it or not, the conservatives would have to modify their behaviour or find themselves at the pointy end of many unfriendly wands.

The Senior Undersecretary contributed to the effort by not complaining too loudly.

There was, of course, an increase in the Auror budget to provide quicker responses for the inevitable incidents that would require fixing.

Rita’s articles had also had a marked impact. Her “in-depth analysis” articles had helped swing public opinion in favour of the Equestrians while vilifying the Ministry for dragging their feet. The fact that the Equestrians were not shy about spending their galleons had been another point to their benefit.

And the Equestrians were beginning to employ quite a few wizards and witches as teachers in the wizarding portion of their Embassy. They were quickly rising to second place as an employer, with only the Ministry, itself, being bigger. Their political clout, indirectly, was increasing dramatically.

Sirius’ votes, now that he had retaken the Black Family Seat on the Wizengamot, had also had an impact. Many of the “swing” votes had moved firmly into line behind Dumbledore as the newly-freed “Grey” wizard voted with Dumbledore’s suggestions on the items up before the Wizengamot. Many of the old families, formerly staunch supporters of the pure-blood-favouring laws and regulations championed by Lucius, had moved to become swing votes, most followed the lead given by Sirius.

The so-called Dark voting-block was definitely in a minority. Dumbledore could tell that Lucius, behind his façade of calm disdain, was livid at his new political impotence. Not even his “donations” to “worthy” causes had made much of a difference in the votes. Sirius just made larger donations to the same causes. And bribed the same individuals, when unavoidable.

And his weekly meetings Cornelius helped keep things focused where Albus felt they needed to be focused — bring the laws into accord with the muggle laws.

For the first time in years Dumbledore felt the Wizengamot was moving in the right direction. He could show the muggle government that the wizards were moderating their laws. And that he was succeeding in bringing them into compliance with what the muggles considered the “law of the land.”

And, as time passed, the wizards would become more comfortable with the Equestrians keeping wizardkind’s secrets while still dealing with the muggles on a large scale that benefited everyone — muggle and wizard.

The official Equestrian Embassy office in Hogsmeade, opening on Monday, would be of help bringing the Equestrians directly into the wizarding public’s limelight. That it would be a boost to the local economy by drawing more traffic to the locale was merely coincidental.

But there was still much to do. Too many important people felt ignored by the Ministry and the Equestrians. That was going to be his objective — cajoling more people in the public eye to support the direction the Wizengamot was turning. Maybe a suggestion to the Equestrians that they consider attending a Ball this Spring? If he could secure their attendance, it would be easy to get a friend to host a Spring Ball. Give everyone a chance to meet one of the elusive Equestrian Princesses. And Ambassador Blueblood.

And now would be the time to plant the seeds with the Equestrians about Harry spending the summer with the Weasleys. He just hoped Sirius would be subtle.


Breakfast and after was entertaining for everyone.

Sirius immediately noticed Harry as soon as he entered the dining room. After they helped themselves to the buffet, and were eating, he spent most of his time staring at the colt as he ate and talked with his family and friends, smiling. Harry started to get uncomfortable at the constant attention and slowly shifted closer to his mum.

Sirius didn’t seem to notice, but then he said, “Did I tell you your father and I met on the Hogwarts Express that very first day? That’s where we met your mother for the first time, too. We were all in the same compartment, by some coincidence.” He shook his head and smirked. “James fell for her instantly.”

Harry almost forgot to chew as he listened to the stories Sirius began to spin. The wizard told hilarious stories of those first days and some of the pranks he and James had played on each other, as well as Remus.

Part way through breakfast, the fillies arrived. They, too, were enthralled, and listened intently.

When Harry told Sirius that Remus had told him some of those stories, he was, at first, quite pleased, and smiled broadly. This started a whole chain of stories that started, “Did he tell about the time we . . . .” After a dozen stories, and a dozen, “Noes,” he began to get upset.

“Just how much has he told you?” he asked, his voice a bit tense, scowling.

“Well,” Harry looked as his friends a bit guiltily, “Every few weeks? Maybe four or five times total? About an hour or so each?”

“What!” Sirius stood up, angry. “That’s all?” He stared at the colt with wide eyes, “He should have been meeting with you every weekend! At least!” He glowered at the colt.

Harry shrank back.

“Why didn’t he see you more often?” the wizard angrily demanded.

“He didn’t want anyone to think he was playing favourites?” Harry explained defensively. “That he had a lot of work to do grading papers and planning lessons? That’s what he said.”

Sirius started pacing, “That’s ridiculous! He’s telling you stories about your parents, not giving you special lessons or up-grading your papers!” He spun to face Harry. “It’s his duty as fellow Marauder to ensure you know as much about your parents as he can!”

“Sirius,” his mum said sternly, and glared at him. As were the fillies, Hermione, and Ginny. Myrtle and Ron were frowning. Hermione’s parents were puzzled at his rather extreme reaction.

The wizard startled, and looked at her. After a moment, he sighed. “Sorry, my emotions are still touchy. But, still, Remus and I will be having words when we get back!” He snorted loudly. “Ignoring the son of his best friend like that. Ha! He will be getting so pranked for that!”

He returned to his place at the table, took a breath, and looked at Harry. “I’m sorry, Harry. It just caught me by surprise. I’m not mad or upset with you. Just Remus.”

Harry relaxed a bit. He didn’t like being the focus of such anger.

Sirius took another breath. “Give me a moment.” He closed his eyes and didn’t seem to be doing anything for several minutes.

Harry looked at Sirius and then at the fillies and his friends. The fillies just shrugged. Sweetie Belle, the closest, leaned against him. His mum had draped a wing over them both.

Sirius opened his eyes and gave everypony a relaxed smile. “Now then, we were talking about your parents, weren’t we?”

Harry greatly appreciated the stories about his father, especially the many about how his mother had rejected the wizard as a suitor. And it had gone on for years. That there weren’t that many about his mother, Sirius explained, was because the two started dating very late at Hogwarts, when they were in their seventh year, and he wasn’t around the girl as much. Sirius did have some wonderful and touching stories about Harry’s parents once his mother announced the pregnancy.

They thought Harry’s mother running her husband ragged with outlandish food demands was too funny for words.

The stories took most of the morning and left everypony in a wonderful mood.

He had even told them that he had been “adopted” by the Potters and had lived in their home for several years after running away from his ancestral home. He refused to elaborate why he had left home, though. He did promise Harry that he had many more stories he was willing to share about his grandparents, as well.

Harry didn’t understand it though. The stories Sirius was telling were funny. Unlike the newspaper articles he had read, these pranks didn’t really hurt anyone, nor humiliate them. The pranks might embarrass somepony, but afterwards, the ones being pranked, laughed at the joke that had been played on them. The pranks were more like inside jokes shared with friends, not the vicious pranks that left somepony physically injured and in need of hospital, like the ones Dudley would pull on Harry. Or the ones mentioned in the articles.

After a small lunch, they decided to show the newcomers around Ponyville. And tell some stories of their own as they saw things that reminded them of their past Cutie Mark Crusades. All of which greatly amused Sirius and the others.

Rainbow Dash took the time to encourage Hermione’s parents into flying, even going so far as to show them crashes weren’t a problem.

“See,” Rainbow said, climbing out of the small crater in the road, “No harm done! Pegasi are really durable! And AWESOME!” She rocketed up into the sky and looped around, leaving a small contrail of rainbow behind her. She landed lightly beside them and leaned closer. “Really, you can’t get hurt unless you try,” she said conspiratorially.

Soon, the Grangers were slowly flapping beside the group as they meandered around. Just that little practice gave them confidence. Their skill at manoeuvring rose dramatically as the afternoon passed. And they discovered that crashing at that low of an altitude was no more damaging than stubbing one’s toe as a human. It was far more embarrassing than hurting.

The evening meal was a big affair as Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow stopped by to hear what had happened at Hogwarts since Hearth’s Warming Eve. So, The Firsties spent the evening sharing stories about Hogwarts.

Sirius already knew that Professor Snape — Snivellus, as he called him — was the potions professor. So he was in tears from laughter as they explained how Sweetie Belle somehow made almost every potions class a disaster zone of one kind or another. So far this year, they summarized, she had created a potion that made her repeatedly sneeze like a dragon (setting Professor Snape’s robes and then his hair on fire). Each sneeze had a different coloured flame and the potion lasted until just after dinner. Another had her speak only in rhyme for the rest of the day. The next week, drinks had started to complain when she tried to drink them. And the next week, she had started hiccupping, which changed everyone’s hair colour to something new each time, or at least those within ten yards.

Harry had explained how hard it had been to keep a straight face when Professor Snape’s hair was a sickly-green plaid when his robes suddenly turned yellow and blue striped. Then, of course, had been Valentine’s Day and the little hearts flying around everyone’s head. Professor Snape, they told Sirius, had been especially upset that he, himself, had apparently triggered the effect when he vanished her apparently harmless, and useless, potion.

Hearing how he had been turned into a woman, and some of Sweetie Belle’s other accomplishments, were just too much. Sirius ended up lying on the floor snorting and laughing.

For a few moments, Harry wondered if the wizard was going to pass out from lack of oxygen when he heard how they were pranking the Professor’s clothes.

Finally, later, when he could talk without bursting into giggles, he said, “Pensieve. I want copies of those memories!” He had looked at the alicorn princess, hopefully.

She frowned. “We really don’t have anything like that,” she said quietly.

“Pensieve?” questioned the Mr. Granger, glancing at his wife.

After the explanation, they were all thinking how useful such an item would be.

“I could relive my best moves!” cried Rainbow as she streaked around the room.

Sirius stood. “I’ll be back in a little while,” he said. “I’ll get the Black pensieve.” He didn’t quite run out of the room, but it was close.

Twilight sighed. “Well, it’s getting late, we should pick this up tomorrow,”

“And don’t forget, tomorrow you all need to come to the Carousel Boutique so I can get your measurements for dresses,” said Rarity, looking at all the fillies, and Mrs. Granger.

Ron and Harry were startled, then relieved at being left out.

Rarity looked at them. “And you, too, need to look your best.”

The colts were dismayed at the prospect.

She looked at Mr. Granger. “And I’ll make sure your outfit matches your wife and daughter’s.”

He nodded in acceptance.


Harry cuddled with his mum until Sirius returned with his family pensieve. Twilight, after making sure Harry was still asleep, had quickly disappeared into her laboratory with Sirius and the artefact.

The next morning, Harry had awoken to discover Twilight had never returned to bed. Not surprising, considering she was getting to examine a rare artefact, in detail. And while Sirius might not know the details of why and how it worked, he was intimately familiar with operating it.

Harry and Spike took breakfast into the lab when it became apparent neither individual was making it to breakfast. Twilight was so deep into making her own version of the stone bowl that she didn’t even notice them entering the lab until Spike placed the plate he was carrying directly on top of her research notes.

Sirius was passed out on a couch in one corner of the room, drooling. However, the smell of an omelette and coffee was more than sufficient to wake him. And, as soon as he had devoured everything on the plate, he demanded that Harry immediately begin delivering memories.

When Harry didn’t return to the dining room, the fillies sought out the laboratory. They were quickly drafted into giving their own memories for inclusion.

Twilight maintained she would look at the memories later, once she had finished her pensieve. In the meantime, Sirius made a point of duplicating the memories twice, putting them into vials, labelled for each person, and returning the originals. Then he dropped half the duplicates into his pensieve. Twilight, when she was finished, would have a ready supply of her own copies to test her pensieve with the rest.

Myrtle, Percy, and the Grangers followed a bit later when the fillies didn’t return. Being able to relive their memories, and see the same event from multiple perspectives was extremely enlightening. Not to mention hilarious when seen in its totality, after some of the views were merged.

It also gave the Grangers a good look into life at Hogwarts, and what it was like for magic to be a common occurrence. And just how awful a teacher Professor Snape was.

“They would boot him immediately,” Mrs. Granger said, “from any school, just for his attitude, never mind his deplorable teaching style.”

“The government would revoke his teaching license so fast it would make your head spin,” added Mr. Granger.

Unfortunately, Twilight was not in the memory to see the classes or hear the Grangers comments, Harry reflected. He looked over to Spike, who was watching everything intently. He wanted to know what the magical school was like, too. Maybe she didn’t have to be here right now, he decided.

Sweetie Belle’s memories of a few of the disasters had let them see just how it was that her potions went off course so frequently. The usual cause was a desire to “improve” the potion, her magic deciding to take a hand/hoof in the process.

It was only when Rarity showed up at lunch that the group of six fillies realized what they had forgotten.

To Harry and Ron’s relief, Rarity took their measurements first, allowing them to escape from the Carousel Boutique while the others were occupied. Unfortunately, Twilight did say they had to stay in the castle.

Ron thoroughly enjoyed the drop chute to the pool. As did the others when they finally made their way back. The unicorns got a really good workout transporting the others back up to the thrones room.

They were pretty tired when dinner-time rolled around.

And no matter how much Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione protested, yawning widely in the middle knocked out their arguments that they weren’t that tired. Plus, after quick baths, they were barely able to keep their eyes open. Which led to early bedtimes.


Author's Note:

* There is confusion on when the Grand Galloping Gala takes place. The official MLP website says it is on New Years Eve. However, in Season One when Spike is reading the invitation in The Ticket Master, he says it’s on the 21st. In The Best Night Ever, also Season One, Fluttershy says it’s the night a rare flower blooms. Plus, there is no snow on the grounds. So this has to take place after Winter Wrapup in the Spring. Then, in Hearts and Hooves Day, the grass is green and there are flowers in bloom. So, it should take place between late December and late February. (Which makes for a rather mild winter by northern Earth temperate zone standards).

Which, if it is on February 21st, places the gala on Friday, in 1992, in our world, and smack in Spring half-term Break for U.K. schools! What a wonderful co-incidence!

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