• Published 15th Apr 2014
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An Extended Holiday - Commander_Pensword

Adventure, Mayhem, Magic of unknown origins, and talking colorful Ponies. All being unrelated events have brought three friends together into the wildest holiday that anyone could imagine.

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52 - Keep Calm and Dang It Discord, NOT AGAIN!

Extended Holiday
Ch 52: Keep Calm and Dang It Discord, NOT AGAIN!
Act 6

A week later Pensword was finally able to walk without having to use a wheelchair, or ride around on Lunar Fang’s back. He looked to Shawn and Grif with a smile of contentment. While Rainbow Dash lounged in the grass, Rarity was busy putting on some perfume. Twilight was walking around in circles as Pinkie Pie hopped up to the group.

“I love it when Princess Celestia comes to Visit Ponyville! I even shined my hooves like Rarity for the occasion.” She held out a hoof for Rarity’s inspection.

“I certainly do approve,” Rarity replied, admiring herself in the reflection in Pinkie Pie’s hoof.

“Just waiting for whatever is going to go wrong.” Grif yawned. “Let’s get the mayhem over with A.S.A.P.”

“Agreed. But at least if something goes wrong I get to test my armor and equipment to the fullest,” Shawn replied, wearing his newly forged set of steel armor. His recently field tested sword hammer and a shield were both mounted on his back, making for a formidable appearance..

“I’m just surprised she’s not here by now,” Twilight said with a worried look. “And where are Applejack and Fluttershy?”

“Fluttershy is at Sweet Apple Acres helping Applejack with something. They’ll be along soon,” Rarity casually replied, still admiring herself in Pinkie’s hoof.

Spike looked around as well. “But I still don't get why the Princess would be so late.” He looked to Twilight who paused in her own worried pacing to look down at him with a reassuring smile.

“She's bringing an important visitor. That could be part of it,” She replied, turning around and looking up as Rainbow Dash raced around to hover in front of her, sitting in the air.

“A visitor who’s important and slow,” the pegasus huffed.

Pensword paused and shuddered in revlusion. “Faust please let it not be Blueblood. I really, really hope it is not Blueblood.”

“I sense a disturbance in the force.” Grif lifted an eyebrow.

Pensword just froze as he looked toward Canterlot with Spike. The young dragon gasped loudly, then yanked on Twilight’s Tail. “Maybe the visitor has a deer antler, a goat leg, a bat wing, and a snake tail!”

“Yeah, Right. That’s Discord,” Twilight responded without turning around.

“Why in the whole, wide world of Equestria would Princess Celestia bring along someone like that?” Rarity Responded with a baffled look.

“M-m-maybe you should ask... her!” Spike stuttered as he pointed to the air. No sooner were the words out of Spike’s mouth that Princess Celestia landed in her chariot with Solar Guards landing on the ground. Moments later a second chariot landed carrying the Petrified statue of Discord. The same statue that the three remembered landing in front of almost a year ago in the Equestrian time frame.

Pensword stood with fear in his eyes as he stepped back. Just seeing this statue for the first time since, well for the first time as a pony anyways, and he felt like something bad was going to happen.

“I’m getting paid extra for this right?” Grif said staring at the statue.

Twilight ignored Grif’s comment as she walked up to Princess Celestia, an expression of worry on her muzzle. “With all due respect,” she began humbly and calmly. “HOW COULD YOU BRING DISCORD HERE?” She shouted, then cleared her throat. “Your majesty,” she finished calmly as she bowed.

“Well, that was just a subtle hint of passive aggression,” Shawn said.

Princess Celestia looked at the gathered party. “I'm fully aware that the last time Discord was here he created serious havoc.” While she spoke, Pegasi from her solar guard roped themselves to the statue, pulled it off the chariot, and landed it on the grass.

Rainbow Dash hovered in the air looking irritated with one hoof on her hip while the other moved about as she spoke. “If by ‘serious havoc’ you mean turning Ponyville into the chaos capital of the world?"

Rarity Chimed in next. “...and tricking us all into being the opposite of our true selves…”

Pinkie Pie chimed in last. “And making yummy delicious chocolate milk rain all over the place without a single dollop of whipped cream to go with it anywhere in sight! Not a single dollop!”

“Seriously, Celestia, chaos spirit is going to cost extra,” Grif said.

Celestia looked to Grif with an expression that spoke far louder than words before turning to the others. “Yes, I understand. But I have use for Discord's magic if it can be reformed to serve good instead of evil. This is why I've brought Discord here, because I believe that you are the ponies who can help him do just that.” She stared challengingly at the three who had first appeared at Discord’s statue.

Spike began to panic as he moved his clawed hands over his head. “This will never work! This is a disaster! How will we ever control him? We're doomed!”

Celestia smiled at the element holders. “Need I remind you that you are the ponies who turned him back into stone like this in the first place?” she asked, looking at Discord.

Twilight smiled as she looked more confident. “I suppose we can just use the Elements of Harmony against him again if it gets out of hand.”

“And then you have us in the background in case things go worse,” Shawn said aloud.

“I like that plan,” Pensword replied with a laugh. “We will make sure that if it does go south we can and will hold him off for a regroup.”

“Veni veni venias ne me mori facias,” Grif sung under his breath.

Spike’s eyes shrank as he stammered. “Uh, w-w-we probably need a volunteer to run away from here right away to get them. I'll do it!”

Princess Celestia spoke loudly. “No need, Spike. I have them right here. And I've cast a spell so Discord can't take them and hide them again.” As she spoke two guards dropped an ornate chest supported by ornate wooden poles held in their teeth on either side gently to the ground. Celestia opened the chest with her magic, revealing the elements in a velvet lined cushion. “Now where is Fluttershy? I believe she may know best how to begin reforming Discord.”

Rainbow Dash’s jaw dropped. She flew up to Princess Celestia. “Fluttershy? Really?”

“Well,” Twilight Began. “She’s at Sweet Apple Acres helping with a problem.”

“We will wait for Fluttershy,” Celestia finished before looking to Pensword. “Yes, you can keep the chest. If Twilight does not need it.” Pensword blushed violently, scuffing a hoof in the dirt.

“We can discuss that later,” Twilight said as Rainbow Dash followed her namesake towards Sweet Apple Acres.

“So … anypony got a few jokes?” Pensword asked with a nervous smile.

Fifteen minutes later Fluttershy stood before Princess Celestia as she put a hoof under the pegasus’ chin. “I realize that this is a tall order, but I wouldn't ask if I weren't confident you could get him to use magic obediently of his own free will.”

“And... you really think I'll know best how to do that?” Fluttershy asked with a blush.

“I do,” Celestia replied while flying up and landing in her Chariot. “Now, I must return to Canterlot for Equestria's royal summit. You may release Discord when ready.” With that said, Celestia’s Solar Guard took to the air, leaving the group to wave goodbye below.

Once she had gone the party turned to approach the petrified Discord. Twilight levitated the chest to hover in front of her. “Okay, ponies. Guess it's time to get started. Let's just hope this releasing spell works.”

Spike poked his head from behind Twilight. “Or... let's not.”

Twilight levitated the elements of Harmony to their respective bearers, attaching them with a satisfying click. “We'd best keep our elements on at all times till further notice.”

The others nodded their heads. “Check.”

When all was ready Twilight Sparkle focused her magic into her tiara. A violet glow began to surround her as she and the others slowly rose into the air while magical cutouts began flying from the elements to strike the statue.

“Does this remind you of a Cartoon?” Pensword whispered to Grif. As he spoke the entire element holders smiled serenely in the air.

“Not like we're from an alternate universe where this is a cartoon or something,” Grif returned as he held his flintlock at the ready.

A Rainbow ribbon began to form, springing from Pinkie Pie’s and flowing into each of the other elements before wrapping around Twilight’s body and entering her tiara. When the rainbow had gathered its strength Twilight opened her eyes, sending a blast of rainbow magic to strike the statue. Cracks ran up and down the chaos lord’s body as the stone shell began to break apart until Discord burst free. He began to scream, finishing the cry that had been silenced when last he had been released before stretching and groaning.

“Ahh, what a relief. It's about time someone got me out of that prison block,” Discord said, snapping his fingers as he stretched. On a nearby tree a sweet little squirrel grew into a hulking beast with a tattoo. It idly ripped a branch from the tree and started chewing on it, eliciting gasps from the mane six.

Pensword jumped in shock as he looked around at the Squirrel’s problem. “Can, can we please stop with the hulkifying of creatures?”

“Turn it back,” Grif said, holding the flintlock out threateningly.

“You really think you can injure me?” Discord asked, breaking into laughter.

“You probably already know who I am. You know I'd enjoy finding out.” Grif smiled threateningly.

“Well, I would like to see how many different ways his body can twist if the stories are true. I can perform very close combat if needed,” Pensword growled.

“Ah, the illustrious Commander Pensword.” Discord smiled, snapping his fingers as a book and pen appeared in front of him. “Can I have your autograph?”

Pensword looked at the page, then to Discord. “There is a signature from every Commander of Equestria on this page.” He growled. “However, I guess you want mine to make it complete?” He signed his name under one Commander Storm Cloud. “Happy? Also, would you please turn the Squirrel back? It is upsetting Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.” His tone was crisp, but restrained towards the Chaos being.

“Well, since you're using the magic words ...” Discord sighed as he snapped his fingers and the animals turned back to normal. Unseen, his tail made a second snap as miles away in sweet apple acres the eyes of a family of beavers went red. “Whoopsie,” he said to no one in particular and winked. Somehow everyone managed to miss it.

Discord’s eyes widened as he set eyes on the human. “Well that’s not right. You aren't supposed to be here. Let me fix that,” he said, snapping his fingers again.

“What?” Was all Shawn could get out before his feet were pulled out from under him. A rift in the air had opened behind him as a strong wind began pulling him in. He slammed his hand into the ground, his fingers digging into the earth, attempting to stop himself. “What in the world are you-?” The earth gave, cutting him off as the rift swallowed him up, closing with a loud burp.

Pensword charged at the rift only to stand on the receiving end of the belch. He turned around and his eyes burned in anger. “What, did, you, do?” He hissed each word in a frighteningly calm tone.

The loud crack of gunpowder filled the air as something hit Discord. The small lead ball only caused a ripple in the chaos spirit’s body. Then throwing blades began raining out at him falling off like his skin was made of rubber. The wind picked up as Grif drew his blades. First a breeze, then a gale. But even as Applejack and Rainbow Dash slammed into the Gryphon, holding him back, the tempest had already begun. “Let go, let go! I’M GOING TO FEED HIM HIS OWN FAUST DAMNED SPINE!”

Shawn landed on his back with a thud. He felt disoriented for a moment before pain flared up in his arm. He sat up abruptly, grabbing his right arm as blue flame leaked from the gaps in his armor. He groaned aloud as he tried to control whatever was happening. The only thing he could do was lessen the flow of power. It seemed to work as the flame diminished slightly and the pain became less in the process.

“Good grief. What did you do to me?” Shawn muttered as he looked up at a nonexistent group of individuals. “Uh…” He looked around confused at the sudden lack of ponies and one gryphon. The landscape was covered in pink and blue checkers as rolling hills jumped and jiggled like jello. A swarm of winged lollipops flew by, followed by flying fish as Fluffy pink clouds rained a sticky brown substance in the distance. A distant rumble and dust cloud heralded the stampede of bow-legged rabbits as they dashed through the rain and into another forest with horseshoes, galoshes, hockey skates, skis, and all manner of hoof wear growing from the trees and bushes.

“I’ve died and gone to Looneyville,” Shawn commented as he looked around. “Where are the white coats…?” He muttered to himself as he stood up, groaning in the process.

The steady beat of clanking metal upon metal echoed behind him as hoofsteps squeaked on the ground. Shawn could hear a faint whispering but couldn’t make out the details of the conversation. Still, whatever was coming, he needed to make a decision and fast.

“And here we go, interrogation time,” he muttered as he turned around.

A small herd of ten ponies, the majority being Pegasi clopped into place, forming a small perimeter around the the stranger. The lead pony, a Pegasus, had the helmet and armor that denoted a Commander in the Equestrian Military. However, his appearance was ragged and his cap and armor appeared to have been stained by popcorn, butter, and a combination of Chocolate and Vanilla Pudding. “Hold!” the Commander called out as he stepped into the circle. “Greetings, strange Creature. Have you encountered a being calling themselves a Lord of Chaos?” He paused for a moment, taking in the strangeness that stood before him as he eyed the blue flames running along Shawn’s right arm. “I take it you were once a Dragon?”

Shawn raised his visor to reveal his face. “Pretty much how I got here,” Shawn replied, rolling his shoulder. “Where am I?”

“The border that once was Equestria. You are close to the usurped city of Unity. Does an exchange of names agree with you? I assure you we shall return all to their previous state assuming everything goes according to plan,” The Pegasus said as his ears twitched, turning at every single sound.

“Viginti,” Shawn replied.

“Emergency Commander of Equestrian Armed Forces, Storm Cloud.” The Pegasus responded with a curt nod of his head. He spun around, eyes wide as a familiar laughter echoed from the trees, bushes, and rocks. Literally, as they all had the eyes and mouth of Discord.

“Oh ho ho ho.” A moment later a flash of light blinded everyone and Discord stood in the meadow as he held a life sized peppermint candy cane complete with monocle, which he proceeded to take off and eat. “Well, well, well, what do we have here? Little Celly and Lulu finally find some sort of champion to challenge me?” Discord said in mock interest, eyeing the armor and specifically the dark and light gauntlets.

Shawn lowered his visor and muttered something, the helmet muffling his voice to the point of Discord being unable to hear him.

“What was that? So sorry, I couldn’t hear you,” Discord said while making an entirely over dramatic lean in. As soon as Discord was within reach Shawn’s right arm shot up, slamming his dark gauntleted fist into Discord's jaw.

“That worked,” Shawn replied monotonically.

“Okay, I see that you’re more skilled than most ponies are. Such a naughty trick,” he said, rubbing his jaw as he shook a lion finger. “Very clever. But lets see what happens when you face one of your own kind,” Discord said, laughing as he snapped his fingers. Storm Cloud shouted before disappearing with a loud pop. Meanwhile, a gaping portal with black and white swirls tinged in golden sparks now stood next to the master of chaos.

Omni sighed as he finished disassembling his instrument and putting it away. He draped the red velvet covering onto the violin’s strings as he eyed the humidity counter. It seemed stable enough for now. Closing the case with a mechanical click he turned to face the large black stage where he had just been performing. The blonde haired conductor was speaking to the first chair as men and women came up to congratulate Omni on his safe return. He sighed again as he looked up to the sconces where the ceiling met the walls. A variety of busts and other stone fixtures stared down at him, the great judges of the arts. Slinging the case over his shoulder he grabbed his music and slowly made his way up one of the four main aisles as he looked up to the balcony, taking in the familiar scenery. Two onlookers slowly stood up, making their way for the doors.

It had been over two years since Omni had been able to play in the county orchestra again. It felt good to be amongst old friends, but he couldn’t help but feel a little hollow as the thought of his missing friends intruded on his mind again. What had that stranger meant when he or she had said he’d hear from them soon? He smiled at his father as the pair made their way to the lobby.

“You sounded great tonight, Conor,” the balding man said, patting the young man on his shoulder.

“Thanks dad. It feels good to be back with the orchestra again.” The two walked out side by side as they opened the twin doors leading to the lobby. Slowly they drifted towards the ticket booth as they approached the doors to the parking lot.

“Mister Vulpes!” A deep baritone voice called out, drawing the pair’s attention to the stairs. Two men wearing identical suit and tie walked down, pale wires trailing behind their ears. “Excuse us, sir. Do you have a minute?” Father and son looked on, confused as they crossed the booth, making their way toward the stairwell.

“Yes, I’m Mister Vulpes. What do you gentlemen want?” the older of the pair asked.

“Agent Simmons, F.B.I.” the lead said, holding out a badge. “We’re here on an important matter we hoped your son might be able to help us w-Holy Sardines!” he said, his face a mirror of shock. The agent next to him stared in disbelief at the words he had just heard his partner use.

“Wha-Woah!” Conor cried, his music fluttering to the ground as he felt something grab him from behind, yanking him off his feet. The last thing he heard before getting lost in a kaleidoscope of swirling spirals and golden sparks was his father calling his name. As the portal closed the last sound they heard was a cartoon sounding “YOINK!” It reopened briefly as a lion paw extended a finger and shook back and forth in a chiding gesture at the agent who had tried to swear. Then it dashed back inside as it zipped the hole shut before any sign of the disturbance disappeared entirely with a cartoonish “Pop!”

“And here he is now,” Discord said, smiling as something slammed into the ground in a flash of green lighting that smelled suspiciously like jello. He picked the creature up and blew the dust away, revealing something vaguely humanoid covered in a wide variety of armor pieces ranging in style of size shape and colour. A highly muffled voice could be heard from inside the onion shaped helm. Discord rolled his eyes “Oh. Figures the one I bring here is a total diva. It`s all ‘I need air!’ with him. Very well.” He flicked the helmet and the entire armor set crumbled to a swarm of paper cranes which promptly flew away. The human swayed unsteadily on his feet as he struggled for breath. His shadowy blue eyes blinked behind their glass lenses in the sudden sunlight.

“How dare you…” Shawn said, anger in his tone, as his eyes shifted between the human and Discord. “How dare you!” he roared as his other arm burst into flames. The twin fires writhed like snakes as he leveled a hate filled gaze at the lord of chaos.

“Oh what is it with you? Are you strong on the outside but total drama queens inside?” Discord snapped his fingers and both humans found themselves in some kind of stone circle both holding a sword made of wood as Discord sat on a rock with a bag of seeds, munching them like popcorn. Shawn noticed that the nine guards that had surrounded them before were nowhere to be seen.

“I swear to you, you will pay, Discord…”

“Yes, yes. I`ll pay, she'll pay, he'll pay, there’s going to be a lot of debts collected. But for now….” Discord was cut off as his body pulled suddenly straight in a spasm before returning to its usual relaxed and fluid self. “Well,” he said casually. “It seems I have a sudden appointment elsewhere.” The draconequus teleported next to Conor and raised his sword arm up. “Best get to it you two,” he said. Then he disappeared in an apple pie scented puff of smoke.

Conor stared at the imposing figure in armor. With his or her visor down he couldn’t even hope to make out a face. He pointed, almost laughed, then started to fall forward as darkness claimed him, the sword clattering to the earth. A large black case hung on his back from a shoulder strap which now lay limp on the ground.

“What have you done…?” Shawn asked hollowly as he looked at Conor. “Another person, dragged into this mess.”

Looking to his arms he took a few breaths, trying to calm his anger and extinguish the flame. After a few moments he achieved his goal. Surprisingly, the armor was still cool to the touch. “Need to move somewhere… less hectic.”

The first thing Conor was aware of was his aching side. He groaned in frustration as he shifted to his back, trying to get comfortable on his board of a bed. But wait a minute … he didn’t have a board of a bed. A strangely garbled voice spoke in a combination of makeshift whinnies, nickers, snorts, and neighs. Was he dreaming? He slowly cracked his eyes open, the world a blur. He could hear the crackling of a fire and smell its smoke as it wrapped around him, making his eyes water. He bolted upright, propping himself up with an arm as black spots danced before his vision like lense flares from a camera.

“Woah …” he said, reaching up with his other hand to grab his head. “Ouch.” As the spots cleared he looked first to his right, then to his left where he came face to arm with an armored man. The fire played across his well defined face, which had a thick five o'clock shadow. Not quite a full beard, but close enough. Conor squinted, trying to make out more features. Then he noticed the extended arm with an open hand. His glasses rested in the palm of the gauntlet, glinting in what seemed to be purple light from the flames. He grabbed the glasses and slid them slowly onto his face, carefully adjusting them to make sure they were on straight. Then he looked once more upon the man. A battle worn face locked eyes with him, dotted with the occasional scar. A large white patch glinted on his right ear. The man’s dark blue eyes peered intently at Conor as he once again reiterated those strange sounds. What was he saying? A large hammer with a sword for a shaft lay gleaming next to the fire, an old fashioned flintlock pistol resting on top of it.

After a pause the man tried again. “Better?” He questioned in a thick Russian accent. It took Conor a few seconds to get it through.

“Um … yes. Where are we?” He asked, looking around the clearing and up at the pink clouds.

“Not in Kansas,” the man replied.

“Clearly,” Conor said as he shifted his aching hips to a sitting position, his legs folded up. “Either this is one of the most vivid dreams I’ve ever had in my life, or this is real.”

“Nyet, not a dream. It is real,” he said before reaching into a pouch at his side. “Here,” he said, pulling out what appeared to be a sandwich. “Probably hungry, yes?” he asked, holding the food towards him.

“Um … yes. Thank you,” he said, hesitantly taking the item in question and nibbling it. The salty tang of bacon filled his mouth along with a flood of saliva as his stomach started to rumble. “How long have I been out?” he asked.

“Hours. Didn’t count. Clock under armor,” the man replied as he knocked on the chestplate.

“Oh, okay. So what’s a Russian like you doing in a place like this?”

“Russian?” He questioned. “Nyet, is... Nevermind.” He said after a moment. “Haven’t spoken English in years.”

“How come?” Conor asked, continuing to eat his sandwich as he watched the shadows play across the human’s face. It looked familiar somehow.

“Hardly anyone speaks it here, is dragon tongue.”

“Is what now?”

“Is dragon.” He paused. “Big thing, wings, scales....” He lifted his left hand, said hand igniting in blue fire. “Breathe fire?” He shrugged, his hand extinguishing itself.

“Okay, now I know I’m definitely dreaming.” He was abruptly flicked in the forehead, the metal plating adding to it with a soft clink.

“Is, not, dream.”

“Ow,” Conor said, rubbing his forehead. “Okay, no dream. You still didn’t answer my question though. Where are we?”


“Never heard of it.”

“What is name?” He asked after a moment.

“Conor. And yours?”

“Viginti,” He replied.

“That sounds Italian. Is that where you’re from?”


“So you’re not from Russia, but you keep saying ‘Nyet.’”

“...I like word.”

Conor laughed. “Viginti, you’re one funny guy.”

“Many disagree with that,” He replied. “Is late. Get rest for tomorrow. We move then.”

Conor woke, groaning as he got up to move to the smoldering embers of the fire. The man who had saved him sat brooding next to his hammer. Looking up, he noticed the sky was clear, the clouds were white, and there was no sign of strangeness anymore.

“Morning,” he said by way of greeting.



“No.” He gave a small grin.

Conor chuckled as he looked into the last sparks of the dying fire. “Good one.” He stared for a while longer before turning hesitantly to face the warrior. “Um … thanks for helping me. Last thing I remember I was getting ready to go home. Next thing I know, I’m awake here with you.”

“Discord brought you here,” ‘Viginti’ responded. After a moment he continued. “Unsure if we can get you home.”

The pieces slowly fit together in his mind. The clouds, the noises, the purple flames, and that laughter. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” he muttered under his breath.

“No joke. Unsure on return.”

“Equestria?” He asked, his face flat.

“...Yes. How you know?”

“Don’t know anywhere else with a villain named Discord, pink clouds, and other abnormalities. Only time I’ve seen something like that has been on My Little Pony when he tried to take over Ponyville.”

“Not right time. Is before that.”

“What do you mean not the right time?”

“Time is… Wibbly Wobbly.” He said after a pause.

“... Timey Wimey?”

“No, you crazy.”

“Says the man in the armor toting a massive hammer who can conjure fire out of thin air.”

“Is mostly normal.”

“I guess for Equestria, that would be. You wouldn’t happen to -” Conor was cut off suddenly by a loud whirring sound fading in and out coming from nearby. “I know that sound.”

“Come. We go.” Viginti said as he stood up, grabbing his equipment. Conor picked up his violin case, slung the strap over his shoulder, and followed as they made their way towards the sound.

After a brief walk the two found themselves in a clearing, a tall blue police box sitting atop a small hill. Viginti kept walking towards the box, the doors opening on their own as he walked in. “Took you awhile, Doctor,” He said, his accent now gone.

A taller Unicorn stallion with a brown mess of mane and an hourglass cutie mark came to the door. He wore an absurdly long, but colourful scarf that had to be wrapped around his neck three times simply to keep the ends from tripping him as he walked. “Excuse me. Who are you then? And why in the devil did she open for you?”

“Sensors identify humans,” a familiar robotic canine said as he rolled over to them.

“Oh my goodness. Oh. My. Goodness. That’s K-9! C’mere, boy. Let me get a better look at you,” Conor said, excited beyond all belief as he walked to the robotic canine.

“I’m an old friend, Doc. But one you haven’t met yet, it seems. Though perhaps you know me by my other name. Hammer Strike?”

“Hammer Strike? Hmm… I seem to recall an incident involving weeping pegasi. I believe I gave you a lift?” he asked.

“Yeah, Third Gryphon War, or forty years before it really. Need a trip back to my time. He’s coming with.”

“What in the devil has Discord gotten up to now?” the time pony sighed as he started flicking switches and pressing buttons.

“Let’s just say he’s pulling people through the wall between universes without spreading cracks. By the way, the name’s Conor. It’s an honor to make your acquaintance,” he said, extending a hand to the pony.

“Oh, I know you. Years ago… something about Zebrica. Fascinating people, the zebras. You know, sadly, I've never had the chance to be one.” The Doctor shrugged as he worked. There was a shudder as a white light flashed. “And here we are.”

“Aww, so soon? And I was hoping to get to know you better.” Conor sighed.

“You will, my boy. You will.” He flipped a switch and the door opened. “Don`t worry about that.”

“Now, if you would excuse me, I have something I need to do. Conor, you wait here,” Shawn said as he moved towards the exit. Opening it, he saw Grif being held back by Applejack and Rainbow Dash. All the three stared, gawking at the T.A.R.D.I.S. Pensword was hovering off the ground, his eyes focused on the blue box. In fact, all eyes were on it.

Shawn stepped out of the threshold, snapping his fingers as the doors slammed shut behind him. After viewing the group his eyes settled on Discord. Within seconds fire began to seep once again from the gaps in his armor. He continued forward, giving a piercing glare at the chaos entity. Grabbing the helmet on his hip, he unclipped it and threw it to the ground off to the side. Next came the flintlock holster as he unbuckled it and let it drop. Finally, the straps holding his weapon and shield followed. As each piece of equipment fell off of him the flames grew in intensity.

“Well, I see you made it back,” Discord said. He opened his mouth to speak again only for Shawn's fist to collide with his jaw, slamming him onto the floor. Before he could do anything else a boot was slammed into his chest and then placed on his throat.

Pensword smiled wide with unrestrained malice. “Oh, Discord’s in trouble,” he sing-songed.

Twilight, her heart filled with fear and worry for Discord, as well as what the Princesses might do should he be harmed so soon after his release, quickly enveloped Shawn in her aura of purple magic to pull him back as she gasped in pain. Her horn glowed white from heat. “I ... I can’t touch him,” she gasped in fear and confusion.

“Discord,” Shawn said, his voice flat and deadly. “You heed my warning or I will ensure you will not exist on this plane of existence any longer,” Shawn started, putting more pressure on the draconequus’ neck, his hands clenched into fists of rage. “If you ever pull some stunt like that again, both sending me away, and what you did in the past…” He opened his left hand to reveal a blackened crystal. “You see this? I’m sure you know what it is.”

Discord’s eyes widened. His mouth dropped open. “That’s not possible.”

“It is. And should you ever do something like this again I will drain enough chaotic energy out of you to cease your existence on this planet,” Shawn said as he placed even more weight on Discord’s neck. “Am, I, Understood?” He growled.

Discord stared into those burning eyes. Rage smoldered undisguised, completely unhindered by any sort of moral restraint. This was not the softness of Celestia’s eyes, nor the controlled chaos of Luna’s. These eyes made it perfectly clear that this creature would do whatever he felt was necessary, no matter what it entailed. The draconequus just nodded. For the first time in a long time, true fear had shaken the heart of the lord of chaos.

“You’d better,” Shawn finished as he removed his boot from Discord’s neck. “For your sake.” He turned and walked towards the Tardis once more, his flames reducing to dim wicks of their former selves through sheer effort of will as he picked up his implements of war. “Pensword, Grif, you are to remain here and make sure he doesn’t try anything even close to what he did with me. If he does, you send word to me and this place will be lacking another creature of chaos.”

Pensword nodded his head and saluted from the air. “Understood, Lord Shawn.” He glared at Discord. “I have my eyes on you.”

“Oh, but you wouldn’t want to impose on poor Fluttershy, would you? I don’t think she’d be able to handle a full house,” Discord replied as he picked the pegasus up and gave her a noogie.

Fluttershy looked nervous. “Oh dear,” she whispered.

“I’ll be fine sleeping in a cloud above the house,” Grif said

“Make that two clouds above the cottage. Discord, you just got two watchers,” Pensword growled as he landed. “Lord Shawn, please inform Lunar Fang that I will not be able to eat dinner with her tonight. I apologize for that,” he said, his eyes still on his target.

“Planned on it,” Shawn replied as he continued back towards the T.A.R.D.I.S., all of his equipment back on him again.

“Now, I know why I’m angry,” Grif said. “I know why he`s angry,” He gestured to Pensword. “But you were royally livid considering the time travel was a minor inconvenience at best. What did he do?”

“He did enough,” Shawn replied as he walked into the T.A.R.D.I.S. “I’ll tell you more when I’m not clouded by anger.” The doors closed silently behind him as the familiar whirring filled the clearing.

“Fair enough,” Grif said as the T.A.R.D.I.S. faded out of sight.

Shawn led the way on the road towards New Unity. He didn’t say much to Conor as he wasn’t feeling up to starting conversation. If Conor wanted to talk, he would talk. The Doctor had dropped them off just half a mile away, though Conor had had difficulty leaving the ship at first, he followed “Viginti” without complaint. After seeing how angry he was, he knew now was not the time for conversation, and followed meekly behind. The fire around his arms had died down five minutes ago.

“Quiet, aren’t you?” Shawn questioned aloud, the silence finally getting to him.

“I didn’t want to make you more upset. I figured silence was best,” Conor responded.

“You aren’t the cause of my anger. Well, you are, but not for something you did.”

“You realize that makes little to no sense, right?”

“Discord brought you here, that is why I am upset.”

“So what? If this really is Equestria, then the princesses will likely know a spell to get us back home eventually, right? It’s kind of how the natural laws work here from what I’ve seen. Though I’m not exactly an expert on the subject. That’s more my friends,” he said, frowning.

“I doubt they will figure out a spell to send us back, but then again they could prove me wrong, which would be wonderful,” Shawn said before pausing. “We’re here.”

Conor looked up at the formidable castle walls, whistling at the bridge where the pony guards lay in wait before the great portcullis and mighty oak doors. “Wow.” he glimpsed back at the gnarled purple trees as something clicked in his mind. “Wait a minute … this isn’t the Princesses’ old castle is it?”

“New Unity. The name of the place is now New Unity. Once the capital of Equestria, but it fell apart. We are rebuilding at this time, and soon we will rebuild it to the city it once was.”

“What made it fall?”

After a pause Shawn continued. “Troubled times. But those times have passed.”

“Fair enough. But I still don’t see where you figure in all this, Viginti. Why are all the guards saluting you?”

“The name is Shawn. Sorry for the lie, but I had to ensure that my name wasn’t put into the history books,” Shawn told him as he gestured to the castle’s innards. “I am the Lord of New Unity.”

Conor’s eyes widened as he eyed the troops both airborne and ground as they went through training exercises. Larger Earth Ponies were hard at work bracing support beams while the gryphons worked to add proper foundations to the walls. Others were sparring one another, honing their skills as shouts filled the air. A silver unicorn watched on with a nod of approval beside a deep blue thestral. “... Woah.”

“Come. I will show you to where you will be staying and where you can find me should you need my attention for something.”

“Thanks,” Conor said as they walked into the keep. “You know, I have a friend named Shawn back home. He was a pretty serious guy. A lot like you, actually,” he said casually as he looked at the old tapestries. “How long have you been here anyways?” he asked curiously.

“Around forty years or so.” Shawn replied.

“Dang. You look good for … I hate to be impolite, but just how old are you?” he asked timidly.

“Old enough, but I still have plenty of years to go before it is my time.”

“Hey, I just noticed. Your accent’s gone. Guess it just took you a while to get fluent again.”

“Takes time to readjust to a language again, yes,” He replied. “I still have to figure something out to help you understand the others…”

“I’m sure you’ll think of something. This is Equestria after all.”

“Perhaps a spell or…” Shawn paused as something clicked. “Or… an artifact that I may still have…”

Pensword flew next to Grif as he looked back towards Ponyville. “That has to have been the strangest day of my life. From the Tea Party to what had to be some of the most engineer savvy Beavers in all Equis.”

“That’s beavers for you. They can do big things in such a short time. I feel sorry for them, though,” Grif said. “As if Discord didn't give me enough to be angry with”

“Yeah, but what worries me is what got Shawn so angry.” He shook his head. “Why do you feel sorry for them?” He smiled a little. “ I can see your compound coming along nicely from up here.”

“Beavers are the symbol of Canada,” Grif reminded Pensword. “Or one of them anyway.”

“Ah, that makes sense. I was not sure, so I wanted to make sure.” He looked down and smiled. “Well, Shawn’s waiting for us on the ramparts. We should bank and land. I think he has something to tell us. At least he is not the human torch at the moment.”

“After you, commander.” Grif laughed, gesturing.

With that, Pensword banked and alighted with a perfect grace as he waited for Grif to land beside him. That done, the two turned to face the human lord’s grave expression.

“So, you feel like talking to us now? Or should we wait a little longer to let you cool down?” Grif asked.

“It’s been several hours. Has Discord been dealt with, or am I needed?”

Pensword looked to Grif. “Discord has promised to use his powers for Good. We left when they started to discuss where he would be staying. However, I think he has a friend now.”

“Good. Should he do anything though, I will find out and deal with him,” Shawn finished. “Come, I have something to show you both.”

“Yeah. Kinda figured you did,” Grif said. “Lead the way.” Pensword nodded in agreement and began to follow, remaining silent as he looked around, most likely for Lunar Fang.

A few minutes later they stood before Shawn’s study. “This,” Shawn said emphatically, “Is why Discord earned my fury.” He placed his hand on the door. “Conor, got friends for you to meet,” he called as he pushed it open.

Pensword looked to Grif as he mouthed the name, his muzzle an “O” of confusion. “Why does that sound familiar?” he asked in Equestrian.

“Why does that raise the feathers on the back of my neck?” Grif asked.

A rather shy and somewhat tubby individual stepped out from behind the door, his face cloaked in shadow until he stepped into the torch light. “Um … hi,” he said nervously as the gold flecks in his eyes danced in the torchlight, his head hung low. His thinning dirty blonde hair and glasses completed his ensemble with a simple pair of bluejeans and a red polo while a familiar looking amulet hung around his neck.

The Navy Blue Pegasus with white mane and tail just stared at the individual. “Another Human!” he spoke in shock. “Discord…. brought a human into Equestria? Is he trying to get us killed?”

“Pensword, look who the human is! Don’t you recognise him?” Grif reached for his bracer switching back to Taze in a flash of light. “And here I thought I’d never see any of the guys again,” he said, smiling.

Pensword looked put out at seeing Grif become Taze. “I recognize the face… I just do not believe it… of all the humans, why-?” He cut himself off before his ears swiveled as he remained on his guard.

“... I know that face,” Conor said, walking up to the former gryphon. “... Taze? Taze, is that you?”

Taze embraced Conor, fully forgetting that in the month he had been here he had put on a good few pounds of muscle. He squeezed with everything he had. “Good to see you, Omni.”

Conor gasped out a laugh. “Too … tight,” he said, letting out a wheezy chuckle.

“Sorry,” Taze said, letting go. “I've been working out. Sometimes I forget my own strength.”

“So if you’re here does that mean Vulpix is too?”

“You want to hide something, hide it in plain sight.” Taze grinned.

“You don’t mean …” Conor said, eying the pegasus as he put two and two together. The Pegasus just returned the stare waiting for Conor to finish what he started.

Taze tapped the tip of his nose and smiled mischievously.

“Vulpix? Is that you?” Conor asked, walking up to the Pegasus.

Before the Pegasus could respond a Thestral that with light bluish grey fur and full armor covering her barrel walked in. The guards at her flans hid her cutie mark from sight. Her mane and tail were visible which was a golden stray coloration. Her build was lean and fit. Her large emerald eyes and black slitted pupils caught the human by surprise as she walked up and smiled, kissing the pegasus on the cheek before pulling a double take. “Another Human?” she asked. “Dear, what’s going on? You, you don’t have to go do you?”

“No,” The Pegasus responded. “This is Discord’s doing.” He gave Lunar Fang an ‘I will tell you later,’ look before the turned back to Conor, smiling weakly. “Omni, It is good to see you. I, I go by Pensword now. And, well,” he moved a wing, wrapping it over the back of the Thestral. “Omni, meet Lunar Fang. Lunar Fang, meet another of my friends.” He turned and kissed her on the muzzle. “This is my Wife, or by Thestral standards, my Life Mate.” He smiled a little. “How’s Moon River?” He asked Lunar Fang.

“She’s napping,” Lunar Fang replied, unsure of what her Life Mate was getting at.

“O-kayyyyy then, can somebody please explain what’s going on here?” Conor asked, looking to Shawn. “You too, Shawn. I don’t like when my friends deceive me.”

“He married and had a child,” Shawn replied as he moved to sit at his desk.

“We've been here a long time, Omni. You might say we've had the option of not going native removed from us a while back… a lot has happened in the past.” Grif said as he looked to Shawn. “Four months?”

“Speaking of back, why hasn’t Vulpix turned human again?” Conor asked.

Pensword looked to the ground and scuffed a hoof, tracing a pattern only he could see. Grif looked to Shawn, as if expecting him to answer for the group.

“... After the transformation to turn him into who he is now, the valves in his heart were turned to flesh and blood. The transformation back, however, the princesses had no idea of how to recreate such things and thus his heart gave out.” Shawn told Conor.

“He died?”

“Essentially, but we were able to switch his form back to his Pegasus side, which in turn kickstarted his heart again.”

“I am half Thestral, you know,” Pensword replied with a huff, showing his ear tufts and fangs.

“Not at the time, you weren’t.”

“Touche,” Pensword muttered while Lunar Fang giggled into a hoof.

“Alright, species swap and shipping aside, you said you’ve only been gone for four months?” Conor said skeptically. “It’s been almost two years since you guys disappeared.”

“One month is thirty five days. We arrived on the equivalent of November first. Then there were a few events, and… okay. Omni I will need more than just ten minutes to tell you everything that has happened. Do you mind if I go get one of the conference rooms ready, with snacks? What do you want to drink? I think we can provide a Guard Cookie for you if you’re hungry.” He shook his head before looking to Lunar Fang. “Dear, could you get my journals, maps, and the tools for me? Also, the Sugar Cane. Lots and lots of sugarcane.”

“Should I get your usual pot of tea?” She asked.

“Yes, please.” Pensword replied. “Just hold your questions till the very end.”

“So let me get this straight,” Conor said as he took a long sip from his glass of water. “For the last two years approximately my time, you guys have met The Doctor thrice, time traveled with his daughter, faced off toe to toe against Sombra, Massacred the Eques-” he paused, eying the glare from Pensword. “Sorry, the Equis equivalent of our Third Reich, made friends with a centuries old dragon-”

“Don't forget the wizard,” Grif chimed in, having returned to his gryphon form.

“And had dealings with Starswirl the Bearded. Not to mention you becoming commander of all Equestria’s forces and having a foal, you becoming a leader of Gryphon kind and a beacon of hope to the wrongfully oppressed while almost singlehandedly getting the girl, and you, wound up almost dying on multiple occasions, getting the power of the sun, and being officially dubbed a lord in Equestria. Anything I missed?” Conor asked, pointing to each of his friends respectively.

“A few things, but we can cover that later,” Shawn commented.

“We probably missed a few things but we have a wedding happening here in less than a week so things are a bit muddled right now,” Grif noted.

“And you didn’t invite me? I’m hurt,” Conor said, chuckling.

“Actually, there is a place for you.” Grif chuckled. “Just so happens I was still short a groomsman.”

“Why do I get the feeling I’m going to meet Rarity?”

“Do you want to trust any other pony to make you clothing that fits a human?” Pensword asked with a tilt of the head. “I think she is the only seamstress that knows anything about pants in Ponyville.”

“Also the only seamstress who can hold her own in a swordfight,” Grif said proudly.

“I take it you’ve been training her?” Conor asked, smiling warmly. It was good to be amongst friends again, even if he was ripped away from his home for the time being.

“Lets do this the right way,” Grif said. Pulling out a stiletto, he spun it in his talons before offering the handle. “Omni, I offer you my trust and my knife. Your enemies are mine, my family yours. Will you stand for the Bladefeathers at my wedding?” he asked.

Conor held both hands around the gryphon’s own taloned one as he gently took the knife. “It would be my honor,” he said smiling. “I just have one question. When do I get to meet the bride to be?”

“Shrial should be around. I could call her if you want,” Grif said.

“It would be nice to meet her, but first I’d like to make one more request.”

“What’s that?” Grif asked.

“Can I pet you?”

“... Ah, why not? Pride isn't exactly what I’m known for anyway.” Grif shrugged.

Pensword held a bundle wrapped in cloth as he had knocked on the door to his friend’s temporary quarters.

“Yes? Come in,” Conor called. Pensword looked around the hallway, took a deep breath and walked into the room. It was fairly sparse as far as rooms went. A human sized bed, a desk where his black violin case lay, and an empty shelf over to the side against the wall. “Omni. I thought ... Well, here is something for you to read,” Pensword said, placing the bundle on the desk before turning to leave.

“Thanks, Vulpix-”

“Pensword, please. Just Pensword,” the Pony replied, stopping in the door frame. “It has been ages since I last heard that name. It feels ... wrong using it.”

“... I can’t promise to change overnight. You’ve always been Vulpix to me,” Conor said, his voice unusually quiet. “But if that’s what you want, I’ll do my best to remember.”

“Thank you.” Pensword responded, then suddenly turned around. “Well, can I watch you open the gift? I-I haven’t- You would get more out of it then I would.” He frowned. “I’ve seen too much, lived too much, for it to be much use to me now. I just, I am sorry. It hurts to talk about what,” he swallowed, a visible lump going down his throat. “What caused my fire inside me during the Third Gryphon War.”

Conor stood up from his bed, walked over to the pony, knelt down, and embraced his neck. “I know how hard it is to let go of hurt. If you ever need someone, you know where to find me.”

Pensword smiled. “Thank you. Enjoy the reading… Sorry the first page is torn out. I, I couldn’t turn the pages as a Pegasus,” he admitted. “Still, enjoy it.” He sighed. “It will be good to talk to someone who shared the same belief.” He moved to go, but stopped again. “When, when I was in the past, I did not know who I was, nor what I was. I am as much LDS as I am a believer of Faust…. I feel, calm about this. I do not know why, but I am.” He stood up, looking like a small burden was lighter. “Good night Conor.”

“Considering the things we believe, I wouldn’t be surprised if both turned out to be true,” Conor said, smiling. “I do hope we can have a study session from time to time though. I miss having a companion to boss around,” he said teasingly.

“Careful. I am the Commander here,” Pensword responded with a slight smirk showing one fang. Conor just laughed.

“Goodnight, Vul- Pensword,” Conor said as he made his way towards the bed. For now he would have to sleep in the clothes on his back until Rarity could get his measurements. He’d offered to work to earn them, but Shawn insisted on paying for them himself.

“In private you can use Vulpix,” Pensword said half in and out of the door. “Just not in public.” With those words he was gone, closing the door behind him with the skillful manipulation of a wing. Conor was not quite sure how, but he had the distinct impression that Pensword was smiling.

“Rise and shine, buddy!” Grif said with a playful tone as he shook the human’s shoulder. “The sun’ll be up in half an hour,” he said, shaking Conor again. “We got to get you in shape if you're going to last around here.”

Conor opened his eyes blearily, blinking to clear his vision before he slowly sat up and rubbed said eyes to dislodge any sleepers. “In shape?” he asked, still a little slow as he wrestled with his subconscious for control.

“Yeah.” Grif nodded. “Don't worry, I don't expect you to make half of what me and the troops do every morning. But if we start now you might be able to keep up by the running of the leaves.”

“Running of the leaves? Is that some sort of autumn sport?” Conor asked as he shifted his legs over the side of the bed.

“Equestria doesn't do the whole ‘natural weather’ thing. Unfortunately it means that the leaves need to be knocked off artificially. But that's a ways off yet. Don't worry about it. Now come on. The troops should already be nearly done with their morning stretch routine.”

Conor did his best to straighten out the wrinkles in his shirt and pants before pulling his shoes on and tying them up. Not the best for terrain work, but they’d do well enough on a level road. Doing a few brief stretches, he looked up to see Grif had already left the room and immediately raced out the door after him, huffing as he strove to catch up.

Rarity looked up as she hummed to herself, her ear flicking in annoyance as the bell rang. Why did her customers always have to come when she was in the middle of a big project? She sighed, snapping the thread of the needle with her magic after knitting the stitch into place. Then she turned. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique: where everything is Chic and magnif-eek! Why, Lord Hammer Strike, what brings you to my store?” she asked, flustered. Do you need something to annoy Blueblood?” She asked, teasing him as her magic threw a cloth over the mannequin. “Or have you come to try some of my new noble armor designs, perhaps?”

“Not quite. I have something else I require. Due to an event caused by Discord, I would like to request a set of clothing for another human,” he replied. “He will be here some time soon.”

“Another human? I certainly hope he’s not in any trouble,” Rarity said, concern showing on her face. “But yes, yes I can block out the late morning for a fitting. I take it you are going to pay for it?” She asked, smiling at the coming challenge. The battle of generosity had begun.

“Of course.”

“Of course. But I think I would like to at least see how my next stage of development is going. The tests on my newest model show that it can protect you from a few rapier blows, and the cloth won’t even tear this time around.”

“I would enjoy helping you test that.”

“Excellent. Now about this human. Is he another friend of yours?”

“Yes, though I haven’t been able to remember much, considering the last time I saw him was forty years ago.”

Rarity’s eyes gleamed in triumph. “Excellent. Then I get to make this a special gift from me to him. No charge required.”

“You know that isn’t going to work on me, right?”

“And you know that this filly always gets what she wants in the end,” she said, hitting him with the devastating effect of her eyelashes.

“We’ll see how that goes.” Hammer smirked.

“Indeed we will, Lord Hammer Strike. Indeed we will. Shall we dance, milord?” She asked, cocking an eyebrow. Just then, Grif slammed the door open, jogging in with a broad smile on his beak.

“Well, workout’s done,” he said. “He was a few seconds behind me… oh, here he comes!” Grif said holding the door open. “He`s going to need a suit as well, Rarity.”

“For the wedding, I pre-Oh my sweet Celestia!” She cried as Conor came puffing and coughing through the door, his breathing heavily labored.

“That’s … the most … I’ve run … in ages,” he finished with a violent bout of coughing as Rarity levitated a stool for him to sit on and catch his breath. Sweat dripped down his face and had dampened several large patches on his polo.

“What did you do the poor dear?”

“A mile run, ten reps with squats and sit ups, and a few push ups.” Grif shrugged. “Less than a quarter of what the rest of us do.”

“... And it still nearly killed me,” Conor said, chuckling before breaking off into another bout. “Man, do I wish I had my inhaler.” Rarity put a cold compress to the human’s head and about five minutes later he’d simmered down enough to be able to go through a fitting.

“Oh, by the way, the name’s Conor. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Rarity,” the Human said, extending a hand. Rarity looked up.

“How does he do that?” She asked. “He can leave without the bell ringing.” The earth pony that had been there was now gone.

“Who was he?” Conor asked.

“Lord Hammer Strike.” Grif shrugged. “My boss.”

“I didn’t know Equestria had Earth Pony Nobles.”

“They don't have a lot of them, but lord Hammer Strike isn't your average Earth Pony. Some might say he broke the mold, but I find it more likely he blew the mold up,” Grif said, whistling innocently.

Conor laughed. “Oh I missed you, Taze.” Rarity cleared her throat in an imperial manner.

“I believe you are here for a fitting? I only have so much time to work on you and your clothes today if I’m to have the order ready by nightfall.”

“Also, watch it with the names there, Omni. Not everyone’s in on the secret and I'd prefer if it stayed that way,” Grif said before turning to face the filly. “Rarity, you are over the moon about designing for a another human and you know it. You're going to swap the sign the second we`re out the door and be up all night again. So just take some deep breaths and be patient.”

Rarity humphed in a very ladylike manner before she began taking out her measuring implements. “Hmm. He does seem to be a bit on the heavier side. I’ll have to try making a larger size than I did for the rest of you. This will be interesting.”

“Just don’t keep these dimensions on file. You'll be needing new ones soon,” Grif said.

“Like next month probably,” Conor said. Oh, and can I get a belt for my pants too? Just in case? I feel kinda naked without one anyways.”

“I’ll send for some boar leather,” Grif assured Rarity after a moment.

About an hour later Conor stepped down from the pedestal, dry and fully cooled down. He smiled and shook the pony’s hoof. “Thank you so much for everything, Rarity.”

“It’s my pleasure, darling. Anything for a friend of Hammer Strike’s,” she said with a blushing smile. As the three made their way to the door an unusual lump jumped out in Conor’s line of sight as they passed the cash register. “Say, Rarity, what’s that?”

“What’s what, darling?” She asked as the tiny purse caught her eye. “Oh, dear. I hope that isn’t what I think it is.” She dashed over to the drawer and tugged the sack open to reveal a cornucopia of bits staring up at her.

Grif hooked Conor’s sleeve with a talon and yanked him out the door. “Love to stay and chat, Rarity, but we have someone new in town. And I should probably at least try to get him out before Pinky senses him. Surprised she hasn't already, actually. Okay, see you at our next lesson, bye!” he said, slamming the door behind him and pulling Conor away from the building like there was a bomb inside. A few seconds later a loud cry echoed along the winds. “Hammer Strike!” Far away in the forges of New Unity, Hammer Strike smiled.

Pensword opened the door and saw Shawn and Taze sitting in the human sized chairs. He walked towards a cushion that was for him and sat down. “You asked for us, Shawn?” The Pegasus asked as Taze shut the door before surprising him by locking it.

“Where is Conor at the moment?” Shawn asked.

“He is currently eating in the mess hall,” Pensword replied. “Do not worry, I got Fox Feather watching over him. Along with Moon Biter.”

“Alright. So, we need to figure some things out, one being what we are going to do with him in the sense of teaching him how things are and basic information on allies, enemies, and others.”

“We can't leave him defenseless. That much is sure,” Taze said. “I’ve already started working on getting him in shape. You know, in case he needs to run. Which, given our lives, is pretty likely.”

“Right,” Pensword replied with a nod of his head. “I was thinking about lending out the old Changeling Crossbow for target practice. At least till we have our smith here,” He nodded his head towards Shawn. “Make him a custom flintlock. Or his own crossbow. That means time on the range.”

“First we need to figure out preference of weaponry for him,” Shawn replied. “I’ll also have to figure out some defense for him. Something towards what he wants or prefers. Heavy, light, or something else.”

“Right,” Pensword started before looking at Taze, and then Shawn. “What skills should we teach him? I do not know about you two, but I think we need a diplomat for New Unity. Someone that we can send to the Nobles. Because I really do not want to keep meeting with nobles all the time. As well as to have a kind face if any Nobles decide to come here. You remember how Conor was always diplomatic in our conversations back home.”

“Seeing as diplomacy isn't exactly a skill any of us shine at, I don't think we can really teach him. We should start with things he may end up needing in Equestria. I can teach him survival skills and probably some martial defense,” Taze offered.

“I’ll most likely teach him some weapon proficiency with whatever he wants to learn,” Shawn replied. “Possibly some tricks with dealing with nobles as well.”

“I can teach Equestrian History and Equestrian Culture,” Pensword volunteered. “So he doesn’t put his hoof into his muzzle.” He paused and fluffed his wings a little with pride. “After all, I think Celestia can only handle one Grif,” he said with a chuckle.

“Yeah, probably better he learns from you rather than me,” Shawn replied.

“Let’s just hope he never gets forced to go through what we did,” Taze said.

“If he goes through even a fraction of what we have I don’t know what I would do, honestly,” Shawn commented. “It’s bad enough Discord brought him here, but if another thing happens…”

“I guess the best we can do for now is try and prepare him as best we can,” Taze said.

“Yes, and Let’s try to avoid that topic. I do not want to jinx anything. I want one of us to go home normal, happy, and hopefully with letters, journals, and boxes of photos so our families do not worry about us,” Pensword responded with a serious expression.

“On to other matters. It seems, gentlemen, we may have a window back home,” Taze said.

Pensword smiled. “That we do. The question is how do we proceed? I doubt Discord would send us home just like that thanks to how Shawn treated him yesterday.” He hummed a little. “Well, still, I should go grab that list that Twilight is always making around us so we know what to bring back to show our parents… and so we have a list of what we want to bring back with us when we come back to Equestria.”

“We should also look through our collected gemstones and pick some of the finer ones to take with us. You know, for money and stuff. Not a big bag of them, but four or five of the really good ones,” Taze suggested.

“Oh, I plan on that,” Pensword replied. “Plus some coins for my family to keep.” He paused. “Well, I think we will confuse the world.” He started suddenly. “Oh dear,” His eyes widened. “Oh dear, dear, not good.” he looked worried. “We have been gone two years. We are actively missing. We won’t be declared dead for at least seven years from the date of our disappearance. That means that the F.B.I. will be involved. That means that Shawn and I will have to face the feds!” He looked to Taze. “Does that mean You get to deal with Canada’s Federal Government? Or is it Imperial Government?”

“That’ll be an interesting conversation.” Shawn chuckled. “I can see it now, asking where we have been only to hear that we’ve been on another world.”

“That ... we better have proof with us,” Pensword responded cheekily.

“Considering I can spontaneously combust, I’m sure we’ll have proof.”

“I think I'll be fine. I mean I'm Canadian and our feds are notoriously incompetent,” Taze said.

“So. Should we get Omni and talk to him about what he wants to learn?” Pensword asked. “Plus, he still needs to meet more of our troops and our friends.”

“We also need info about home and the condition when he left,” Taze said.

“Agreed,” Pensword replied with a nod of his head.

“A catch up on both ends, catching him up to pace, and catching up on what happened back home,” Shawn replied.

“Then i guess there’s not a lot more to say,” Taze said. “So who will go and talk with Omni? I still have to meet with Shrial and see how everything is going.”

Shawn sat in his study leafing through more paperwork as he scrawled yet another signature. He sighed heavily, shaking his head as the whole problem with Conor came to the forefront. A bright flash of sunlight filled the room suddenly as the radiant form of Celestia with her rainbow mane gently touched down on the floor.

“Hammer Strike, we need to talk.”

“And what is the problem?”

“We are trying to reform discord, not scare him into doing something worse. What were you thinking?”

“What was I thinking? Lets see…” Shawn started, raising his hand and lifting his first finger into the air. “One, he sent me through a rift in time back to the era of his control.” The second followed. “Two, he threatened my life. Three, he did something I would count as nearly unforgivable.” He looked towards her again. “Do you want to know what he did?” He questioned as he stood up from his chair.

“There are few things that ever get you this upset. Did he try to hurt Pensword or Grif?”

“He did worse,” Shawn responded as he turned towards the door. “Enter,” He called out before turning towards Celestia once again. “Say hello to our new guest...”

Pensword opened the door and walked into the room holding it open, giving Princess Celestia a bow before turning to give space for those who were to follow. Grif stormed proudly in, smiling cockilly with a casual wave. Soon after a tall, stout looking figure stepped into the light. Celestia’s eyes widened.

“Uh, hi, your highness. I wasn’t expecting to be meeting you so soon,” Conor said shyly.

This is what he did, Celestia,” Shawn said, gesturing at Conor. “Someone else taken from their home and brought here against their will.”

Celestia blinked in surprise, then put a hoof to her head and shook it. “Oh, Discord.”

“You really didn't have some sort of plan for him besides the elements?” Grif raised an eyebrow.

“No other contingency or power can influence him. Believe me, we tried.”

“Well I ended up making a backup plan. As I’m sure you heard,” Shawn said, sitting down again.

“Yes. Twilight tells me you held up a stone and Discord was frightened. What did you do?”

“I siphoned some of the chaotic energy from him and I warned him that if he ever tries something like this-” He gestured Conor. “-again, I would kill him.”

“Shawn!” Conor exclaimed.

“To be fair, Conor, I tried to kill him too,” Grif said.

“Same here. After seeing him, well, rift our friend,” Pensword began. “I was ready to cut him into a thousand pieces. It did not help that he could dodge most of the attacks.”

“You two too?” Conor sighed. “Considering all that’s happened I guess I shouldn’t be so surprised.

“Regardless, Discord does seem to be fairly well in hoof now. Fluttershy will be working with him to help adjust to Pony society and the concepts of friendship. All that I ask in the meantime is that you be patient with him and help keep things in order should they get out of hoof. As for your friend,” She said, looking to Conor. “Welcome to Equestria, Conor. Any friend of Hammer Strike’s is a friend of mine.”

“Uh … why does she keep calling you Hammer Strike?” Conor asked.

Shawn reached up and turned the gem on his bracelet. With a flash of light an earth pony now sat where Shawn once had been. His coloration was a tan coat and a brown mane parted down the middle and styled accordingly. His face carried the scars, but with some differences, one major one being that the white patch on his ear was now missing entirely, obviously swiped off. Still wearing his blue and gold overcoat with his dress shirt and vest underneath, the once human, now pony cleared his throat. “This is the reason.”

“... Oh,” Conor said, not exactly sure what else to say.

“Yeah, this is where all the damages happened,” he said before turning towards Celestia. “If you swear Discord is under check and in fine hooves, I’ll trust you on it.” He sighed.

“We are going to have to figure out what to do with your friend here, though. If your enemies should learn of his existence they may seek to use him as leverage. No offense to you, Conor,” she said, smiling weakly. “It’s an unfortunate part of politics.”

“I’ve read enough medieval literature to guess. Grif is working on training me so I can be more fit. Not sure if there are any other plans aside from that yet. I’m still kind of trying to figure out my place in all this.”

“Honestly, we’re all figuring that out,” Hammer replied.

“At least you didn’t show up on Halloween,” Pensword muttered, just loud enough for all to hear. “That was a mess.”

“But a fun game for Luna and I,” Celestia said, chuckling.

“As I recall, Sunbutt, your fun game nearly led to your student going through severe depression and your captain of the guard getting married to a giant love stealing cockroach,” Grif said, annoyed. “And the near death of all of us five times.”

“Those had absolutely nothing to do with it, Grif and you know it. The invasion was an unfortunate event, but it had nothing to do with your charade. You know full well the reasons why we did what we did. So let’s not bring up an old argument, shall we?”

Pensword sighed. “Yes, still, we can have this argument some other time.” He looked to Conor. “I do not know how, but Taze is the only one who can call her that. NEVER call her that. EVER!” He sat down, smiling. “Or I will have to put you in for questioning.”

“Is that a challenge?” Hammer questioned.

“It is not a challenge. You, I don’t know,” he paused and put a hoof to his head. “I just do not know how you two can treat the two like you do.” He sighed. “Then again, who am I to speak?”

“I took care of Celestia and Luna both. It’s my job to embarrass them,” Hammer replied.

“I honestly just don't care enough to be intimidated by them.” Grif shrugged.

“Hammer Strike, you never did that before,” Celestia said, confused.

“I can start if you want.”

Celestia’s eyes widened ever so slightly and her usually calm voice seemed to jump just a little higher than normal. “No, thank you. That’s quite alright,” she said, chuckling nervously.

“I thought so,” Hammer said with a smirk.

“Anyway. So Conor, while she's here do you have any questions the princess can answer for you?” Grif asked.

“Um … am I going to need a disguise like they do?” He asked nervously. “And what exactly is my status right now. I’m technically what would be considered an illegal immigrant, aren’t I?”

“NO!” the three chorused instantly to the idea of conor getting a disguise. Conor recoiled.

“... O-kay then. What about my second question?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. You’re perfectly legal here, even if you aren’t a citizen. After all, my sister and I would never turn out a friend to our ‘father,’” she said, smiling benevolently.

“I wouldn’t bring that up. Where we’re from that would mean I would be king, and that is a terrible idea.” Hammer shuddered.

“If we’ve been able to keep it a secret this long, we’ll be able to keep it longer, Hammer Strike. Don’t worry. Was there anything else you were wondering, Conor?”

“Not really that I can think of right now. I think I’ll ask most of them to Pensword. He’s the history and law buff here, so he’ll probably take care of my basic education,” he said, fingering the amulet. “Oh! Just remembered. Um … is it even possible for a human to learn Equestrian? From what I heard earlier it sounds kind of difficult.”

“We learned it before we had these forms” Grif pointed out.

“I was learning that before, well at least the basics before we had the disguise… I am not going to have you use that amulet as a crutch,” Pensword said in his drill sergeant's voice.

“... I was afraid you were going to say that,” Conor said, sighing heavily.

“Okay, so I know this is kinda stretching it considering it`s less than a week until the wedding,” Grif said to Shrial. “But it`s time for you to meet my final groomsman.” The two were currently in the tower, armor and weapons laid out ready to be polished.

“And you decided to tell me this just as we were about to perform our weapons maintenance?” She asked, confused as she cocked her eyebrow.

“It’s been a very stressful day and a lot has happened. Amongst other things, Discord did something… unpleasant regarding a friend of mine and we have been spending a good portion of today trying to figure out what to do.” He looked into her eyes. “I am deeply sorry I didn’t talk with you about it before.”

“Grif, I’m pretty used to this sort of thing by now. When it comes to you and your friends it seems that it’s only a matter of time before something strange happens. I’m not angry. But I am curious about this new groomsman. Is it another pony?”

“No, it’s another human, like my other form. Just hold on. I’ll call him in.” Opening the door, Grif gestured for someone to enter.

“Hello,” Conor said nervously as he walked in. “I’m Conor. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said, extending a hand. Shrial took it carefully in her own taloned one.

“Likewise. You speak very good Equestrian,” she said, complimenting him.

Conor chuckled nervously. “I kind of had some help,” he said as he pulled his amulet out from under his polo. “I will be learning soon though. Pensword is going to teach me.”

“Conor, this is Shrial. She saved my soul during the war,” Grif said, smiling. “Shrial, this is Conor, or Omni as I sometimes call him. He’s a good friend from back home.”

“Thanks for the introduction, Ta … sorry, Grif. But I think it was just a little redundant on my end,” Conor said, chuckling. “You know, you really are beautiful,” he said, turning back to Shrial. Thanks for taking care of him. I’m sure you found out just how much of a handful he can be sometimes,” he said, winking teasingly at Grif.

“Oh, I don’t know. I kind of like him that way. It makes it more fun when we fight. And if he does get out of line, I get the chance to clobber him,” she said, following Conor’s example. “I think I like this human already.”

“It’s hard not to.” Grif laughed. “He is one of the best friends I've known for a long time. And while I wish no one else had to be pulled from their home, I'm kinda glad it was him.” Grif looked at Conor with a smile. “What with my first wedding coming up so soon.”

“And it will be my honor to be a part of it. I may even have a surprise or two in store for you,” Conor said mischievously.

“Well we got alot of polishing and sharpening to do,” Grif said looking back at the table. “You’re welcome to watch, but it’s not a very exciting process.”

“I understand. I think I’ll leave you two lovebirds to your fun. I have some exploring to do anyways. Catch you later,” he said, smiling as he closed the door behind him. The pair looked at one another and smirked as they drew together for a passionate kiss.

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