• Published 15th Apr 2014
  • 19,693 Views, 2,472 Comments

An Extended Holiday - Commander_Pensword

Adventure, Mayhem, Magic of unknown origins, and talking colorful Ponies. All being unrelated events have brought three friends together into the wildest holiday that anyone could imagine.

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39 - Return to Old Beginnings

Extended Holiday
Chp 39: Return to Old Beginnings
Act 5

Pensword found that while he could explore the Tardis if he wanted to, he preferred to watch Dinky run around the console as she banged something or threw a lever. At one point she actually threw a switch while flapping her wings to keep her hovering in the air. “Do you want-?” Pensword began to ask a question.

“Oh no, I can fly my Tardis on my own. How do you think I stay fit? Runing around time and space and keeping the lady running is hard work, but fun.” She smiled as she settled down for a little bit, letting the sound of the engines sing through the air. The main console looked a little more like the console from the fifth Doctor’s Tardis than what Pensword remembered seeing in two thousand twelve. He paused and frowned. As he frowned he could have sworn he saw Dinky smile as a ding came from the console. “Well now, that is good. Past Dinky shouldn’t be where we are going to land now.I would rather not meet my younger self. While Dad’s stories are fun to hear, I think I’m a little young to go meeting my younger self just yet.”

“Dinky,” Pensword started suddenly, looking like he was trying to process, putting his thoughts to words even as they came to him. “I am still trying to understand just what happened. Grif and I have both lived two lives. I was alive and lived a life before hoof and, well, now look at me. I can not speak in contractions, I have a hatred of Gryphons I did not have before, and I see my parents as Thestrals and humans both. It hurts to think about the past life and I guess I just worry I will let the human side go.” he blushed and looked to his mate. “I have gone pretty native as they might say. I got a wife for a mate and everything.” And so, at last, Pensword gave voice to one of his deepest fears in the comfort of the control room to the Tardis.

“You also found love, got rich, and did many things you’ve been told all your life you’d never survive to do,” Grif said, laughing as he approached his old friend from behind.

Pensword’s left ear rotated to Grif’s location as they heard an audible sigh. “Still, at what cost? Never to see my family again? The immigrants had time to prepare to leave home for a new world. I was ripped from my home, from my family.” He shook his head and looked to Lunar Fang. “Dear, I love you with all my heart. it pains me to know you may never meet my family, and I… I never got to say goodbye. The last words I got to say were ‘I will be right back, I just need to check out front in case the text got...’” He choked, his voice caught up as tears stood in his eyes.

“Pensword, if you say the word ‘never’ one more time, I will get dinky to turn this tardis right around right now, Grif interrupted. “What has her father, of all people, taught us? Is the future set in stone? Is time simply point A to point B?” Grif bore down on his friend, his eyes burning with passion. “Never say never. We will go back. At least for a while.”

Pensword chuckled before loosing a gruff. “I am sorry.” He sat down. Lunar Fang moved and began to rub a wing up and down along his back and feathers.

“You just have a lot of emotions from what you saw back there.” She said sagely as she kissed him on the check. “Just take a few breaths. You’ll be fine.” She chuckled as he flinching at the contradiction. “You’d better be ready. The future is full of them.”

“I know, and I use to use them as well.” He stared at the wall of the Tardis. “I just feel messed up. Maybe I am. When we get home I might schedule time for a Psych evaluation.”

“I think we may need to get Hammer Strike one too.” Grif noted. “Isn’t that right, Hammer Strike?” Grif called. He heard Hammer Strike hum in question. “You’re going to need to see a shrink when we get home, right?” Grif repeated.

“Considering I haven’t the faintest idea of ‘home,’ possibly.” Hammer Strike responded. “Really need to figure something out about that...”

“What about you, anyway?” Dinky asked Grif “You’ve been through a considerable amount in the past few months”

“you didn’t notice?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Notice what?” Dinky asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Gryphons are genetically incapable of PTSD,” he said. “When the fighting’s done we go back to living our lives. No guilt, no nightmares, and only physical scars.”

“Lucky.” Pensword muttered as he shivered. “I still can feel what they did to my town. The nightmares may have abated, but the… pain, is still there.” He looked to his friend and looked away as Shrial listened from her spot on one of the ramps leading away from the console room. “I can still feel and see what I saw that night. I doubt I could stand seeing more Gryphons together, even unarmed.” He looked to his squad strewn out sleeping. “At least I shall not be the only one out of place in time.”

“Spending thirty or so years in the past would do that.” Hammer Strike responded.

“Thirty?” Pensword muttered. “That includes the time we grew up?” He looked to Grif. “How old are you now? Going off the new birthdays?” he asked his friends. “I recall that I am now … Twenty Two, I think.”

“Before we came back I was twenty three. Now I’m twenty four, I think.” The gryphon shrugged. “My childhood was more about battling. Gryphons don’t do the whole birthday thing, it’s more, ‘first time beating up a rival’ or ‘congratulations, you killed a dangerous predator.’”

“Uhh…” Hammer Strike paused. “Tough to recall…”

“Your time must have been more confusing than the rest of us,” Grif noted.

“Well, being in a golem that does not age somewhat does that.” Hammer responded.

“So… what’s the plan for once we get back?” Grif asked. “I mean, once we get Unity set up?”

“Considering I have very little to remember, perhaps you both can help refresh some memories?” Hammer Strike suggested.

“Get a variation of Hammer Strike’s wall up around the camp against any creatures of the forest. I would like to integrate the Gryphon Slayers into teaching a cadre of the guards, and maybe finish a barracks so we can call in the rest of those guards we need to reform?” He moved a wing towards Grif’s position. “What about you, my friend? Any ideas?”

Shrial shivered at hearing those words as she sidled up beside Grif. “It still unnerves me hearing Pensword call you a friend after his actions in the war.”

“You must remember, my actions were far worse,” grif told her. “For every speck of gryphon blood on his hooves, I have claim to a river.”

She nodded her head. “Yet we two are the only ones that lived past a judgement call in person.” She recited from the rumors that had reached her ears by the end of the war. “I still see that fire in his eyes from the day he killed my father and allowed you to take me into your clan.”

“Maybe, but it was he who decided to spare you in the first place.” He paused and looked at Shrial closely. “You haven’t eaten in a bit. There is a kitchen in the back there. I’m sure dinky wouldn’t mind if you found yourself something to eat.”

She bowed her head. “I have not forgotten. And I am forever grateful for that.” She smiled shyly when he mentioned the food as her stomach growled. “I think I will take your advice.” She said as she started to move. She casually swung her tail behind her, accidentally brushing her tail beneath Grif’s beak as she walked past, nearly rubbing against him. She paused after she passed, turning around to face him again. “Would you like me to bring something back for you?”

“No, I’ll be fine. And remember, don’t bow. Remember, you're a gryphoness: part eagle, part lioness. Hold your head high and address others with direct eye contact.” he said.

She turned to look into his eyes. “I know, Grif. I’m not the same girl you knew when first we met. I have changed … in many ways.” She winked at him with a sly smile. Let me know if you change your mind. If you need me, I shall be in the kitchen preparing a meal.” She turned and started to walk away. Once she was out of sight and heairng, Dinky began to laugh.

“I think she is going to have more fun with the appliances in the Kitchen than she will eating.” She chuckled a little before looking serious. “Sorry for the wait. The T.A.R.D.I.S appears to be making her own choice of stopping at the moment.”

“She’ll get us there.” Grif smiled, patting the lit up pillar in the center of the control pannen gently. “She’s just taking her time taking us…. through time….” He scowled. “Great. Now I’m confused. And worse yet, I did it to myself. Pensword, you’re rubbing off on me. Stop it.”

Pensword couldn’t help but laugh. “Welcome to my world. Just don’t hurt yourself in your confusion.”

For the last hour the gallery had been empty. After the gryphon doctor had left with Hammer Strike and lunar fang the pony doctor had taken his leave, reappearing in the outer camp to pick up the CMC and take them back to ponyville. Celestia and Luna had returned to Canterlot to continue governing Equestria as they normally did. The sound of the T.A.R.D.I.S appearing in the gallery went totally unnoticed by anypony save the people inside it.

For Grif, the sensation of leaving the tardis was bittersweet. The air seemed both new and stale. The room held a strange sense of familiarity. And yet it seemed totally alien as he looked around, his wings on edge.

Pensword and Lunar Fang worked together to pull out the carts with the sleeping Gryphon Slayers and their War Trophies from the past. Shrial strode out behind the cart holding the sleeping ponies, assisting by helping to push it along. She paused as she caught sight of the painting in front of her and the old, worn steps that led to a platform designed to view the painting. Lunar Fang and Pensword looked to Grif. “Is this what you wanted to show us?” Lunar Fang asked as she gazed at the painting again.

The painting stood boldly, its colored dashes and strokes combining to form a perfect replica of the two’s wedding. Armed Thestrals and ponies gathered around, congratulating the happy couple. A depiction of grif stood smiling beside Pensword as the best man while Luna presided over the ceremony. Even Hammer Strike was in there, standing off to the side in the shadows. The main focus of the painting, however, drew all eyes to the beautiful couple in the center. The light of the colors seemed to surround them in a halo, emphasizing the depth of their love for one another as they stared into each other’s eyes.

Pensword blushed as he looked to his mate. “They caught our good sides, it would appear.” He chuckled, giving the side of her muzzle a nuzzle.

Lunar Fang blushed and stared. “So that was what the T.A.R.D.I.S was hiding. I can see now that if we saw it, a lot of the stress would have disappeared.” She turned and smiled. “If I had seen this before, I might have done this much sooner.” She brought Pensword into a deep kiss, muzzle to muzzle.

“They foresaw your good side, more like. Take a look at the plaque on the corner when you finally manage to disengage.” Grif said, teasing as he pointed to a small tarnished plaque at the bottom right corner of the painting.

The two slowly broke the kiss with longing in their eyes. But further acts of affection would have to wait. They approached the painting, following Grif. The closer they drew, the larger the painting seemed to lomb. By the time they reached it, it was as big as Big Mac. They leaned in to the read who the mysterious artist was. ‘The Odd Party’ … Moonbeam of the Dream Clan.

Pensword moved a hoof out and touched the name. “Oh, mom.” he whispered. “Faust was kind in showing thee the sights that would be taken from thee. Though I feel thou dost see them still as a ghost. I miss thee.” He muttered as he sniffed back some tears.

“See? That’s why i couldn’t say anything,” grif said as he pulled his cart out of the tardis. During the time they had spent admiring the artistry, he had slipped away to continue the unloading. “Now, Celestia and Luna’s old rooms are down that hall. Hammer Strike will probably want Luna’s, so you take celestia’s, Pensword. I’ve got the tower.”

In Ponyville, the six element holders sat in Twilight’s library, chatting when Applejack paused and looked over at Pinkie with a cocked eyebrow. “Uh, Sugarcube, did you drink too much Hot Chocolate again?”

Pinkie Pie was vibrating, quite literally, across the floor. “Sssoooo mmmaaannnyyy mmmiiiissseeeddd ppppaaaarrrrrtttiiiieeess.”

All save Twilight promptly vanished as she stared at Pinkie Pie. Her left eye twitched. “What? How? Who?” She paused before shaking her head. “Nevermind who. Why?” She sighed. “Can it at least wait till we finish loading up the first supply shipment? I rather like the idea of being ahead of schedule for once.”

“Something big happened,” Pinkie said “Something big happened to Pensword and Grif and Hammer Strike and Lunar Fang and…” pinkies eye’s widened. “NEW PONIES!” And just like that,Pinkie Pie was gone, leaving only Pinkie shaped pink dust cloud in her wake.

“After her!” Twilight yelled, more out of habit than anything else since she was the only one in the room. “Spike, send a letter that something is happening and Pinkie knows about it.” She paused and groaned. “Tell them I’ll back it up with concrete evidence later.” Her horn glowed and the rest of her friends suddenly poofed back into the room in purple clouds of magic. “Come on, guys. We need to find out what’s going on. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but … Follow that Pinkie Pie!” With the danger of a Pinkie explosion averted, the other four nodded, running after Twilight as they followed the trail of Party Favors Pinkie had left behind.

Hammer Strike was heading up the group, which consisted of pretty much everyone from those that started the adventure to Tall Oak, Little Willow, The Gryphon Slayers and Shiral. All of which were steadily marching towards the gate and out to the troops under their command. To the onlookers, It looked almost like a small herd of figures walking out from the very mists of time. The moment they reached the gate however, Hammer Strike paused and looked to the bits of metal and slag laying about near the gate, which had a decent sized hole in it. After a moment, a look of recognition came to Hammer Strike. “Oh ... Right…”

Pensword turned and smiled as he looked on his squad. “Okay, I am, if I vanish, you tell him by letter, understand?” he replied with a worried look as his eyes. He knew the signs of Hammer Strikes rage when he saw them. The Gryphons slayers were quiet, still confused over just where they were, having only recently awoken in these ruins.

Finally, Fox Feather spoke. “Uh, are we in Unity? And more importantly, is this in the future?” She looked to the ground, confusion clear on her muzzle. “What happened?”

“Do you want the rather unpleasant truth, or a pleasant lie?” grif asked.

The Gryphons Slayer stared at him blankly, their faces implacable. They were not in the mood for jests. Compass Rose spoke. “We fought a war against Gryphons. I think we can handle whatever it is you have to say.”

“A thousand years happened.” Hammer Strike said aloud, still walking.

“You all vanished from history after an ill fated excursion to the north to hunt down reported leftover gryphon bands from the war. You all froze to death or where torn apart by changelings,” grif said. “You all passed out, so we figured, why not save a few dozen lives?”

There were a few unsteady looks. “Well, I guess since no bodies were found, this counts as ... I don’t know, interesting?” Animal Control paused. “Uh, Sir, we would not be mobbed by historians … would we?”

Pensword’s expression changed. “I would stand in their way and let them bother me first, so you can have time to gather your wits.” He looked at the ruined gate. “Slayers, out there is a group of almost washout Guards. I am going to have you train them to be soldiers. We are going to build our own school. One which I hope Commandante Supreme Sunrise would approve of.”

“Pensword!” an all too familiar voice spoke behind him, squealing with delight. “You brought ... new … ponies!” Pinkie Pie in all her pink glory popped up, sending a shower of confetti and party favors into the air.

“GAH!” Pensword cried out in surprise as he spun and held a wing out, thankfully devoid of blade, but still showing that his intent was to defend himself and attack the source. He slowly dropped his guard as he realized who it was and just what he was doing. “Pinkie, from now on, do not sneak up on me. I would rather not say why. And yes, these are my personal body guards and friends. They need to settle in, and before you say anything, please, please, for the love of Faust, spread out the parties.” He said, shaking his head. He could only guess how many ideas she had up her sleeve with her Pinkie sense. “Think like this. Instead of one giant party, imagine getting to hold and celebrate a party a day, or something…” He stopped and looked to Lunar Fang. Pinkie was gone. “How long was I talking to thin air?” He asked, ignoring the confused looks from the Gryphon Slayers.

The pink blur was making her way all over the group, popping up in all manner of spaces as she systematically got into the face of practically every pony present. “Hi! I’m pinkie pie! You must be new here cause i know everypony and i mean EVERYPONY in ponyville. Oh wow. You’re big, strong ponies. Are you from the guard? How did you get here? I didn’t see any new ponies coming through town. Did you take the train? But there is no train into the everfree forest. Oh, oh, oh!” and before anyone could answer she was back over to lunar fang, poking her belly. “You're having a new foal! Oh, when did this happen? You weren’t pregnant three days ago when I saw you last. How far along are you? Is it a colt or a filly? Is pensword the father?” Once again the pink pony was gone in a puff of smoke before anypony could answer.

“Grif, you look different. Are you older? But that's crazy, It’s been three days. But you feel different, like I missed a lot of parties for you. What's that scar on your back? Did you fall or something? Oh, I got so many parties to throw now! I’m so excited. Are you excited? Look!” And suddenly she was on Hammer Strike’s back. “I’ve never seen Hammer Strike so excited!” She said, pointing to his blank expression.

Pensword held up a wing. “Stand down. This is… It would be akin to catching the fog on a hot summer day.” he muttered. “She is not…” Pensword paused. As Honey Dew stared at Pinkie Pie. “What is it?” Pensword asked her.

“You never served with Supreme Sunrise on the front. I did for a month. She ... acted like this, only with keeping the troops in line, and giving orders to keep the lines in tact. The White Ghost, the Gryphons called her.” She replied, looking shaken. “She, I am ... she stayed long enough to have a family?” She finally asked aloud.

“If you’d believe it, she technically has two bloodlines alive today,” grif noted. “There is a mare in the wonderbolts. That’s an elite pegasus flight team, by the way, who is also from her line. A mare named Surprise”

“There is another one?” Twenty voices called out in shock.

“She can’t teleport. At least from what I’ve heard.” Grif shrugged. “So, pinkie, where is the rest of the squad?” he asked.

“Oh, they should be here right about…” and with a pop the rest of the mane 6 materialized in the courtyard “then” she nodded.

“Uh…” Pensword started. “Can, we discuss this at the Library? Because this might take a while.” He looked to Grif. “Take Lunar Fang and find Me-Me and Mutatio.”

Lunar Fang paused and shook her head. “Maybe one surprise at a time?” She asked her mate. “All around I would think. Maybe later today or tomorrow?”

An hour later the group sat at the large wooden table in the Ponyville library. Grif had sylvio laying on the ground beside his chair. He found the scattered looks the group were giving the timber wolf pup gave him no end of entertainment.

Pensword sighed and looked to Twilight. “As this is your home and place of work, I shall leave the order and questions in your control.” He was sitting near Lunar Fang, and compared to three days ago, was far more intimate than before with the way their wings touched or they would sneak looks at each other. Rainbow Dash made gagging motions before finally snapping to attention, her look serious.

“Okay,” Rainbow Dash started. “What gives? Three days ago, Pensword here was all decorum and regulations and now? He acts like he has his first Mare. What gives?”

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight Sparkle shouted in shock and horror. “Be kind. I think half of these ponies could do some things that we’d rather not know about.”

“Phfshaw.” Rainbow Dash replied. “I could out fly them all. I could handle it.”

“For once, Rainbow, shut up.” grif said “There is a large difference between stunt flying and flying in a combat situation. When you can stick a landing with three arrows through your left wing, then you can brag. But please, the big ponies are talking” ...harsh, taze noted mentally.

Rainbow Dash broke off from her angry retort suddenly. “Wait, did you say Combat?” She looked to the others. “Just who are you new guys?” she asked,her voice a whispered mix of terror and excitement.

“We are the Gryphon Slayers.” Pensword responded as he moved to his hooves. “I am Commander Pensword Hurricane, appointed by joint order of Celestia and Luna upon the day I married Lunar Fang and took command of all Forces in Equestria. They were my bodyguards during many battles.” His expression showed pride in the ponies that he lead.

“Wait. So you went back to the third gryphon war?” Rarity asked, her tone filled with shock and concern. “Oh, darlings, that must have been simply awful.” She brushed a hoof lightly down Hammer Strike’s back. “Oh, you poor dear,” she said, examining hammer strike’s torn ear.

“How did I not notice that?” Pinkie shouted into said ear as she stood on his back, looking down at the damage.

“Technically, that is not the only problem.” Hammer Strike said, looking toward Pinkie with a raised brow.

“I think we need to hear this here tale from the beginning,” Applejack noted, getting several nods of agreement.

“Considering I can not even remember the beginning, that might be a bit difficult,” Hammer Strike said. “You will have to figure out what you can from Grif and Pensword.”

“Before we get started: Pinkie, you may want to get something for everybody to snack on. This is not going to be a short story.”

“Sure thing.” Pinkie saluted and she was gone.

Grif turned to twilight. “Time turner may need to be here, too. Just for the start to help explain a few things.”

When sufficient snackage and the good doctor had been procured, the three began their stories, stopping to explain what a weeping pegasi was and for lunar fang to fill in where Hammer Strike forgot at the beginning and what she could remember of her various wakings. Each of the gryphon slayers offered up their story in turn. Even shrial explained her past. True to Grif’s words, the tale went long into the night and even a little after dawn. They had each left out certain smaller secrets, such as the extermination of the noble house of flame.

“And thats when pinkie pie showed up,” Grif said, shrugging.

“And I almost attacked her on instinct,” Pensword added hesitantly. “Sorry about that, Pinkie. Now we are here, we have demolished a good amount of food, and I could use a good cup of tea … and a sugar cane,” he muttered.

“Sleep would also be a reasonable thought,” grif noted. “Perhaps we can continue this in a few hours?”

Twilight Sparkle nodded her head even as Pinkie Pie suddenly dropped to the floor, fast asleep. Twilight looked around as most of the guests dropped with Pinkie, following her example. She sighed. “I’ll go place a closed sign on the Library door. And as for you two ...” She looked at Lunar Fang and Pensword. “Please, just snuggles and nothing more, okay?”

“Of course,” Pensword muttered. “I would like to know how far along my mate is later if that is okay to ask.”

“Pre-natal spells are better left to wait till everyone’s had a good rest,” fluttershy spoke for the first time since they’d all gathered. “Oh. That is, if thats okay with you,” she said before giving a yawn that very nearly killed quite a few ponies present out of sheer cuteness.

“Agreed.” Lunar Fang replied. “Sleep now, find out health later. Oh, and a dental trip for all involved too. Dental hygiene was not the best back then.” She slowly dozed off in the forelegs and hooves of her husband.

“Yeah, yeah,” Grif yawned. “An hour of colgate tearing into each of us for our horrible teeth. Really looking forward to that one. Then again, I don’t have to worry too much about that, now do I?” Grif said as he headed for a door, his eyes twinkling mischievously. “I’ll catch a nearby cloud to sleep on. See you all later.” He walked out the door and leapt for the skies, Shrial trailing closely behind him. The rest of the ponies dispersed to sleep, or in the case of Fluttershy and Applejack, to see to the important things, then rest.

Hammer Strike found himself looking around at those asleep, not feeling too tired himself based off a ruined sleep schedule, which he never had. Looking to Twilight, he shrugged lightly. “Do you have parchment, quill, and inkwell that I could use?”

Half asleep already, Twilight levitated the previously requested items over to Hammer Strike. “There are more in the cabinet if you need them,” she said, moving to her room and her nice, cosy bed. “Wake me if you need help, okay?” Hammer Strike grunted, already scribbling furiously as he was absorbed in his work. If one were to look carefully enough, you could just make out the base figure of a pony being formed, a mane flowing in a poof with a curl toward the end.

It was near evening by the time everyone reconvened in the library. Having slept, eaten, done their chores in applejack and fluttershy’s case, and accomplished their other daily tasks, everyone stood gathered around the table again. The mane six had taken the time to fully process the information given, resulting in more than a few different reactions along with several difficult questions. By the time the chaos had settled down, it was already getting dark again.

“Ok, lets make this simple,” Grif said. “Each element gets a single question and we keep going until everybody is out of questions. Fair?” He looked around as the mane six nodded. “Good. We start with honesty.”

“Any particular reason?” Rainbow Dash asked. “And who put you in charge anyway?”

“Because applejack is going to know if we’re lying or not and there will be a few cases where, for our own sakes, we may need to lie. So if she goes first, then maybe she won’t feel so eager to call us out.” He looked to applejack. The mare nodded her agreement, although she was still somewhat confused. “And as for why I’m making the call, technically hammer strike is still the highest ranking person in this room and as he isn’t up to presiding over this inquiry. As his proxy, it’s my job to fill in for him. Unless you’d rather I don’t, Hammer?” Grif asked.

Hammer Strike simply shrugged in response.

“Good enough for me. Go ahead, Applejack.” Grif nodded, giving permission.

AJ took off her hat as she turned to pensword and the gryphon slayers. “shoot i feel mighty silly wasting mah first question on this but, what was apple core like?”

“A strong headed Stallion that got into more fights protecting Blue Vase, and Blue Vase watching his back. As for when those two were together, I saw them tear through six Gryphons while protecting an injured mare in the mountains. I have to admit that by the end I just put AV for them, where one went the other went.” he chuckled a little. “Going off topic, sorry. Still, I can say that after meeting him, I see where the Apple Stubbornness came from. The competitiveness of a Pegasus like Blue Vase, and those two would not budge. I had to order them to speak to each other after they didn’t wish to speak until the other apologies over something.” He blinked back tears. “A good stallion that I wish I could have a duplicate of with how willingly he put his life in front of others.” He paused. “Don’t you dare do that, you are too important.” He sighed. “I hope that answers a question, if I have not, please tell me and I shall do better.”

“no thats plenty” she nodded. “goldie delicious always said we came from a proud line, but we had so little about him we never knew what he was like” she put her hat back on. “thank you kindly pensword” she said.

“Your are very welcomed, Wait a year and I shall have a full bio ready for you to read to add to your family history.” Pensword replied with a chuckle.

“Uh,” Spike spoke up. “Well,” he looked rather nervous. “None of you will kill me will you?” He asked with worry.

“Spike!” Twilight yelped. “What brought that about?” She turned and looked at the others.

“It is just… I smell Dragon’s blood and it makes me uneasy. It is, difficult to spill a dragon’s blood unless another dragon.” He looked at Twilight. “I learned some things in the Dragon Migration.” He looked to the others. “Please don’t hurt me.”

Pensword looked to Grif before looking back at Spike. “I think that will not count as your question Spike, as it is more of a fear you wish to be alleviated. I assure you that I shall not harm you in any form, unless you become a threat to the town.” He grimaced as Spike looked worried. “Don’t worry I doubt anypony will trigger anything anytime soon.”

“so then whats the story with those guys?” rainbow pointed to the gryphon slayers. “what are you going to do with them?”

Pensword looked right at Rainbow Dash. “They are to become citizens of our camps, and teach those in the camps to be warriors, soldiers and maybe even teach you a trick or two if you are willing to go through some of the training.” He looked at the Slayers. “No way I would just abandon them in the past. I, I need something tethering me to sanity.”

“Uh, if you don’t mind, I would like to ask a question.” Fluttershy spoke quietly from her seat. “Why do Thestrals hunt animals?” She was looking at Lunar Fang. “I mean, if you don’t mind to answer.”

“because our culture is primarily nocturnal and there isn’t a lot of plant life that can be farmed well in the dark” lunar fang pointed out. “we learned to hunt to replace the needed nutrients in our diet and it came to a point where we can’t really change our diet to be totally meatless”

“Oh,” Fluttershy replied. “Well, thank you.” She had a few more questions but she was not going to ask any more. “Can we talk later?”

“of course” lunar fang nodded.

“oh oh oh me! what was your wedding cake like?” pinkie asked.

“I shall answer and let my wife answer. Very tasty.” Pensword laughed at the question.

“uh… large?” lunar fang raised an eyebrow. “honestly so much happened afterwards i was hardly concentrating on the cake” The two giggled a little at the comment.

“you forgot your cake?” pinkie seemed shocked then she put a hoof to her mouth. “never mind I already asked my question” she said.

“what was it like to be on the front lines of one of the bloodiest wars in equestrian history?” twilight asked.

“Bloody, brutal.” His expression hardened and softened for a moment. “I cleaned up, and saw a lot. The front lines were not the best conditions, and I was only on them for a few battles, after the wedding, I lead the troops from Fortress Triumph.” He looked to the others. “I ordered what I did to show that Equestria would not stand by and be destroyed.” he looked to Twilight. “When the others finish, I have a question for you, what does history say of the war now?”

“bloody really doesn’t do it enough credit” grif said “pretty sure we ended a couple fights covered in more than just their blood, the guts made themselves known as well”

“did you really have to say that?” rainbow dash asked as the others looked kinda green.

“hey she asked the question” grif shrugged.

“It is interesting when you have to fight assassins on the front line.” Hammer Strike shrugged.

“Assassins? Oh my!” Rarity said in shock.

“Yeah,” Pensword muttered. “Assassin's, we made it through, no worries.”

“well about your question pensword” twilight said “in all honesty time being what it is until the sumemr sun celebration last year only princess celestia could ever offer any true insights during the war and she always considered the subject uncomfortable, so in all honesty the information we have is random legends and stories and a few historical markers as well as the artifacts in the war museum”

“Well, I will answer more questions later.” Here all eyes turned to spike for his question.

“what happened to him? the dragon i mean, is he...you know? dead?” spike asked.

“No, he is very much alive. In fact that is something I should be doing, reconnecting and seeing how he is doing. Always good to have a Dragon on your side. Just in case things go pear shape. I wonder if he has kept to the agreement, and how his wealth has grown.”

spike nodded looking visibly relieved.

“What was the nobility like back then?” Rarity questioned.

“Cowards, except for a few. The most notable of those who fought rather than hide was House Hurricane.” Hammer Strike responded.

“some more so than others...” grif growled

“Shut it.” Hammer Strike said, his expression shifting.

grif just sat back without a response, the mane 6 shared a confused glance but dropped it for the time being.

it went on like this for a few more hours each of the mane 6 asking questions from what they had endured, too visible scars and how they acquired them. the group answered their questions in the manner they felt comfortable in but refused to offer anymore information.

it was getting late when grif noted they should be heading back as unity still needed to be fully established and they couldn’t afford another delay when rarity’s eye’s widened like she remembered something.

“please hold on a minute darling” she told pensword before taking off, she returned ten minutes later with a magazine in her magic and offered it too him. “you might want to talk with the magazine's editor when you have a chance”

Pensword raised and eyebrow and looked at the magazine, not even opening it, just looking at the cover of the magazine, before looking back up at Rarity. “is this a joke?” He finally stated in a flat tone of voice.

Lunar Fang saw the magazine and ground covering her muzzle with a wing. “Oh not that rubbish.”

the cover held a picture pensword was quite certain he hadn’t posed for and the script commander pensword back from the dead, equestrias number 1 most eligible bachelor!

“I am married. I married Lunar Fang.” He sighed and looked to the Gryphon Slayers. “It mentions Ponyville, so we are going to have nobles visiting.” he sighed and looked a little grummpy. “Rarity. You have contact with Fancy Pants… get him to meet with me, I will want a retraction of this article.” He moved a hoof over his uniform. “How could they do that? I do not even look like that stallion on the cover.”

grif chuckled as he and shrial walked past, sylvio sleeping soundly on the gryphons back. “honestly it kinda does” grif shrugged before taking too the air.

“Wha?” Pensword asked looking at Rarity and his wife. “I what?” he repeated. “How does it kind of does?”

“missing scares aside the fur and mane are a pretty close match” rarity told him “it’s obviously a glamour charm, don’t worry dear i’m sure princess luna well take care of this for you, she did marry you two after all”

“Very well, but I am still writing to her as Commander of whatever forces we have left.” He replied with a snort. “Something like this would have been a scandal back in the Third Gryphon War… one does not talk about the Generals like this, after the war, maybe but not du.” He paused and sighed. “The war is over, a thousand years…” He looked to Lunar Fang. “I am also going to talk to Luna about handling the world changing in a blink of an eye. Even though I feel familiar with it.”

“get some rest darling, i’m sure things will be better tomorrow” rarity offered before turning to leave for carousel boutique.

“Perhaps I could accompany you on your way home?” Hammer Strike asked.

“oh” rarity turned and smiled at him “of course darling” she said “well we walk perhaps we can talk about fixing your coat properly, what did the tailor use to repair those tears, twine?”

Pensword sighed and looked at the group. “Fall back to the castle, we look like a bunch of cadets for review, come on, let’s get back and set up some tents to get some sleep.” He turned around and they began to move back. Little Willow and Tall Oak following as well.

Grif stretched his wings fully as he awoke with a yawn. He looked around the tower room as his brain slowly worked on getting re-activated. Remembering where he was, the gryphon scanned the large, currently barren room for shrial.

Finally, his sluggish brain picked up on the wam pressure and the soft sensation of feathers against his back. There, laying against his side, the still form of Shrial waited to wake from slumber. A light smile played across her face as she dreamed. The rays from the rising sun played across her plumage, making it appear almost as though she radiated light and beauty. The locket lay clutched in her talons, held close to her side.

Grif looked to the sky, his cheeks burning under his dark coloring. “I’m not sure exactly who is up there for this world, but please stop doing this to me.” Shrial was still a mystery to him. She was totally oblivious to any advances he attempted to make. Or at least thats how she acted. Yet sometimes, she seemed to be making advances of her own while at other times she didn’t seem to know what she was doing. Leaning his head down, he sounded a quiet robin-like cheeping in her ear.

Shrial sighed, exhaled dreamily, then stirred, the twin pools that were her eyes slowly opened, adjusting immediately to the light. She yawned and turned her head to face Grif. “Good morning, Grif.” She said, smiling. “I just had the most wonderful dream.”

“Well I wouldn’t say I’m that fantastic,” he teased. “Sorry to wake you up, but there is something I should do before I go on my morning exercises.”

Shrial gave him a playful punch. “You big ham,” She said as her face began to flush beneath the plumage. She really had been dreaming about him. But she wasn’t about to tell him that. Not just yet anyways. She still had a few more tests before she was willing to try taking that kind of step. The embarrassment was cut suddenly as her curiosity stirred, the dream forgotten for now. “And what is it that needs doing? And why do you need me for it?”

“You remember when i told you everything?” Grif asked as he got up, retrieving a gold bracer which he strapped to his left wrist. “You said you wouldn’t believe about the other me until you saw him, right?”

“Yes, that’s right.” Hanging around Grif as much as she did, Shrial had finally started to pick up the habit of using contractions.

“Well then, allow me to introduce you,” grif said as he rotated the gem. “Henshin a go go, baby!” The phrase seemed double layered as Grif was swallowed in a bright white light. The light enveloped figure changed position, becoming larger and standing upright on two legs. Shrial watched in awe as the beak retreated, the tail retracted, and the figure became slimmer, the paws and talons replaced with some other shape she could not make out. Soon after, the light dissipated, revealing Taze.

The human looked around, confused. “Weird. I feel taller then I remember being.” He looked down at shrial. “Well, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you face to face ... technically,” taze said, looking down at shrial. “I’d shake hands, but you’d probably turn mine into a hamburger”

Shrial gawked at the strange looking creature before her. His body looked so fragile, but the wiry muscles bespoke a trained discipline and a quiet inner strength. His dirty blond hair waved as he shook his head. Then he ran a hand through it, trying to adjust to the feeling of having hair again rather than plumage to preen. It looked so different, so alien. This could not possibly be her Grif. And yet … those eyes. She stared. Then, with the lightning speed of a trained warrior, she pounced and grabbed the human, careful not to let her talons harm him as she took a closer look. Feline slit stared into feline slit as she scrutinized every facet. She could see the whirlpool from during the war, but now it was more like a gentle eddy in a stream. The division was there, but harmonic, no longer clashing. And deeper still she could just make out the spark of emotion she had seen in those hard blue eyes so many, many times before. “It really is you … isn’t it?” She asked, cocking her head.

“We’re both still here,” he told her reassuringly. “It’s just we’ve had a few damaging experiences and it’s taking a while to piece things back together. Grif knows and feels and remembers everything thats happening now. I’m just more in control.” Taze smiled “This is going to sound weird, but could I possibly pet you? I’ve always wondered what it would feel like to pet a gryphon.”

“One question before I answer that. Are you two the same or two different people in one body?”

“Thats a complicated question with a complicated answer.” Taze sighed. “Grif told you about being turned into a child again before Graf found him, right?”


“He grew up in a world of violence and necessity. His environment was hostile. And so as we grew up, part of me changed,” Taze said, trying his best to explain. “I grew up in a close knit family and community. I had food available when I needed it and I was taught that violence is never the first solution to a problem. we didn’t have warriors in every village. There were only soldiers for the country’s needs and then a police force for smaller things. Death was less a commonplace thing in that environment. In a way, grif is the same person as me. He just grew up in a more hostile world. But at the same time, right now, he is a separate part of me that we are trying hard to reconcile. Grif is the warrior. I’m more of the thinker if i have a choice. But at some point in the future we will eventually become one person again fully.” His tone took on one of anxiety as he spoke next. “Please, believe me when I say that there isn’t a feeling Grif has that I do not have. I just have different ways of saying it.”

Shrial stood there a moment, taking in what Taze had to say. “So to put it simply, you represent the cunning that I saw in Grif during the war and he represents the fighter and the warrior?” She looked as though she wanted to say more, but she cut herself off there.

“I am also the compassion sometimes. The mercy. Did you get a look at Grif’s face when he asked to spare you?” He asked. “That straining? I fought to save you because I saw some good in you that he refused to believe was there.”

“Then I have you to thank for my life. And for who I have become.” She bowed her head. “I thank you.”

“Don’t.” He hooked her beak with a finger and brought her head up. “You thank me every time you look grif in the eye and talk to him like he isn’t better than you are.” Taze smiled. “We both need that. Arrogance comes too easily to us and we need that center to keep us grounded. A lot is going to happen soon. Things will change drastically. We need you around, shrial. More than you could ever begin to guess.”

“So then … Taze. You think that I can help you and Grif to become whole?”

“It’s about finding the right emotional point to come together on,” Taze said. “You saw what happened with anger.”

Shrial put a talon to her beak a moment, deep in thought. “You said that you saw and felt everything Grif has done, correct? Do you remember what happened that day at the fortress the first day after you were able to fly again?”

“You remember that, huh?” taze smiled.

“Does this answer your question?” She grabbed his shirt, and pulled him in, returning the kiss she had first received such a short and yet so very long time ago.

Unseen by either of them the warring colors within his eye’s seemed to alter, the light blue becoming darker, the dark blue becoming lighter. The change was not so drastic as to cause the two to find an agreement between their war of light and dark, yet it seemed that much closer to the ultimate goal. Taze put his mind off the akwardness of the feeling of her beak on his mouth as he enjoyed the emotions behind the action before gently pulling away.

“Well ... that definitely helps.” He smiled roguishly at her. “So does this mean what the two of us severely hope it means?” Taze asked.

“Maybe.” Shrial said, winking mischievously as she donned the locket. “But you’ll have to catch me first.” Then she took off, rocketing into the sky.

Taze sighed, a little disappointed. He hadn’t gotten to explain the locket to her. And yet … he now had an excuse for another conversation. Retrieving his watch, he checked it, quickly confirming he still had 20 minutes before the troops would be waiting for him. He flipped the gem back into place and a moment later, Grif took to the air after the gryphoness.

Taze smiled as he walked into the yard. He casually stretched his fingers one by one. Four fingers and a thumb. All right where he remembered them. He smiled as rook and the other guards appeared at the usual spot to run. At least, until he noticed their stares.

“Uh, guys ... what's up with the looks?” Taze asked, lifting an eyebrow.

“Have you looked at yourself yet, sir?” Black Rook asked.

“Haven't had time to find a reflective surface my size yet. Why? Whats up?”

“Well, for starters, you're half a hoof taller than last time we saw you. Your features are also off. Your nose is kinda sharp looking, your skin is much more tan, and your eyes seem kinda … well, slitted,” rook listed off one at a time. “Also, I know you’ve been working out, but your muscle mass has expanded significantly since last we saw you.”

Taze raised an eyebrow before looking closely at his hand. Rook was right. His skin was darker than before. He trailed down his arm, a little shocked to see how the muscle had developed. “I guess I’m going to have some explaining to do…” he said, looking at rook. “But lets do it as we run. I really need to get back to normal.

The jog was unnervingly easy for taze and yet it seemed clumsy. He felt like the possibility of falling on his face was always there, just waiting for him. Trying his best to keep his mind off how the two-legged movement was messing with him, he began to explain to rook and his other troops what had happened to him in as little detail as possible.

“Wait. So that hour you were gone, you lived a whole other life and fought in a brutal, bloody war?” Rook raised an eyebrow. “Do I even want to know how you're not a total mess right now?”

“Gryphons can’t suffer PTSD,” Taze said as he started the same story.

“Yeah… right.” Black Rook stopped the troops to look him in the eye. “Nice try, sir, but you and I both know thats not true.”

Taze sighed. “Look. A lot of bad things happened back then, but right now Pensword, Hammer Strike, and Shawn need at least someone who is still seeing the facts. I’ve found other ways to deal with the problems that will keep me from having to worry. I have… help.” He shrugged. “And the details are on a need to know basis, lieutenant. Double time. Come on!” he ordered, picking up the pace. Taze focused on his jog. Freaking out could wait till others had their turn.

Hammer Strike found himself looking over his blueprints in a room he knew was an old study. He had used it specifically for writing and drawing ideas that he wanted to keep in check. He had been holed up in the room for hours now, working and drawing like a mad man possessed. Soon enough he found his concentration broken by a knocking at the door.

“Come in,” He called out.

“Lord Hammer Strike?” Rarity asked as she entered the room, his coat draped over her back. “I finished the repairs we discussed.”

“You did not have to travel all the way out here for that. I would have come back to town.” He said, surprised. “But, thank you.”

“I’d like to think I could make a special delivery for you.” She smiled at him. “What with our past exchanges.”

Hammer Strikes grin shifted to a small frown. “There is a… problem with that...”

“Oh?” Rarity asked “And what might that be, darling?” she asked, casually looking over some of the pieces he had brought with him from the past. “My, thats quite the weapon.” she noted to a rapier with a rather intricate floral patterned handle.

“I made it … Years ago. As a reminder.” He sighed. “I still can not remember why…” He shook his head. “I went back, I know that, I went back to help Pensword and Grif, but... “ He blinked a couple of times as he tried to remember. “With the years, my memory has faded.”

Rarity looked at him. Her eye’s widened as the realization dawned. “How … how much of your memory have you lost?” she asked.

Hammer Strike was still thinking. “Given that I was there for… Thirty... something years in a golem, too much. I did not recognise any of your… our friends.”

“And...us?” rarity asked

“By the end of the war I could only remember faint voices and your silhouette...” He replied sadly, leaning on the hoof he put to his head.

“And now?” she asked.

“That is now.” He replied. “For me, the war ended only a month ago.”

The unicorn did her best to hold back tears. “They can be recovered, right?” she asked. “Perhaps Twilight and Celestia will know a way.”

“It is possible,” He replied, looking to the rapier again. His eyes ran over it a few times before he looked to Rarity again, a terrible longing burning in his eyes as he struggled for even a scrap of his former memories. Something came to the surface, but it was foggy, unclear. “I think I made that for you, actually…” He said in a low voice as he tried to think, to grasp that one bubble, but it burst even as he grabbed for it. And then it was gone.

“For me?” Rarity asked, lifting the weapon in her magic. “It’s beautiful.” She examined it more closely. “Here. There seems to be an ‘R’ and my cutie mark on the underside of the… hoof guard, was it?”

“Yes. I did make it for you, then.” He gave a small smile. “Every time I slept I could still faintly hear your voice, now that I think about it.” It soon grew to a full smile. “You certainly left a mark on my mind. Let us hope we can fix my memories so I can remember the good times.”

“I would like that.” Rarity smiled as she picked up the scabbard lying nearby and gently placed the sword inside it. “I hope we will be able to have more of them in the future,” she noted as she slipped the strap over her head.

“Given the lasting effects of the previous ones…” His upper lip twitched, occasionally showing teeth as the smile jumped between close lipped and open mouthed. “I am sure we will have them. I just hope you do not mind how changed I may be. Over thirty years in a different era, and in a golem’s body to boot; it might have changed me slightly.” He chuckled.

“No one changes completely, darling.” Rarity smiled in her charming way, a little flirtatious lilt lay in her voice. “You're still you where it counts. Remember that.” The clock in the town square went off, echoing across the reaches of the forests and through the open window into the study. “Oh dear. Is that the time? I must return to my store.”

“Shall I accompany you on your way back through the forest?” Hammer Strike asked as he stood up.

“I’d like that.” Rarity said, smiling as she waited at the door.

“What?” Pensword stated matter of factly. “Mutatio, report to me again what happened. It has been only days since we left you alone. What happened?” He looked at the subject of his disbelief. “How… often will this happen?”

“We have expanded as much as we can running off of the love you freely give us,” Mutatio reported, a nymph sitting comically on his head.

“But ... a week. Barely a week and you have… offspring!” Pensword shot back in shock. “How, often will this be occurring? How big is this first brood?” He asked as an image of zerglings flashed into his mind, rampaging about and sucking love out of ponies. A mix of the old world of Starcraft with this new world of Equestria.

“50 nymphs,” Mutatio said. “Including this one.”

“Fifty…” He paused. “How long till they are akin to the changelings that attacked Canterlot? What do you plan on doing with the Fifty? … And do I need to worry about when the next brood is laid or hatches?” Pensword put a hoof to his head and shook it as he tried to process what was going on.

“Grif already outlined a basic idea. We aren't allowing massive expansion as of yet. These fifty are being bred to be gatherers.”

“Gatherers? Of love? From where? How?” Pensword replied. “Actually, do not tell me. Not yet. I would rather have at least one of us be able to say we knew nothing about these plans.”

“Very well,” mutatio said. “Me-Me has taken many things into consideration. Don’t worry. There will be no danger from us.”

“Good. Because I would stand and raise the gates of Tartarus before I let any Ponies destroy your hive.” He snorted. “I, I remember, yet it feels so strange.” He looked to the wall. “Back in the past, you were feral beasts that were in small hives of a hundred or so…” He shook his head. “I’ll ask what changed at a later date.” He moved to a paper as he continued to write copious notes for this meeting. “Anything else you wish to report?”

“Me-Me was worried about you three when she felt Hammer Strike’s fear and rage. We are all glad nothing happened to you”

“Yeah, about that… Have Me-Me meet us later tonight. There is something we need to tell the Everfree Hive Queen and Drone.” He moved to gather up his papers. “I think that there will be a most interesting conversation.”

“Me-Me says that we will be there.” Mutatio nodded. Rather unexpectedly, he moved forward and wrapped his forelegs around pensword. “Once again, we are happy you are safe.”

“Thank you,” Pensword replied as he returned Mutatio’s hug. “Also… I will say that we both share something in common,” he said with a mischievous wink in his eye. “We both are fathers.”

Mutatio paused as he processed this information, not sure quite how to respond. At last, he spoke. “Congratulations. We were wondering when you two would get together.” Then he smiled as he released the embrace and backed away. “Until tonight, then.”

“Until Tonight.” Pensword replied as Mutatio left his office. He morphed into a Pegasus with a picnic basket to hold the baby Changeling and keep it hidden from the other troops as he made his return trip to the hive. A sigh escaped Pensword’s lips as a new problem occurred to him. He spoke his concern aloud. “Now… how to tell the troops?” His Office lay in a secluded section of the ruins in Unity, so it was a simple thing to keep the meeting secret. But that secret would have to be revealed at some point, and soon, before a misunderstanding could break out. He shook his head in frustration as his mind reeled over what to do. Finally, out of desperation more than anything else, he switched to a different train of thought, wondering when Hammer Strike would officially name the town.

He snapped to attention as his ears picked up some commotion from outside. So he got up and walked to the courtyard of the old barracks where he looked in on confusion. The Gryphon Slayers were unfurling and uncasing the captured colors from the war. Then there was his Command flag, a large blue flag with a field of stars arranged in five columns: three stars dotted down the first column, two stars in the next sitting by the spaces between the three stars and so on and so forth, repeating the sequence of three and two until it reached the fifth column. He had taken the inspiration from Washington’s flag it was true, but it felt like a good representation of who he was and what he stood for.

“Sir?” one of the guards asked. “Are those what i think they are?”

“What do you think they are?” Pensword replied. He looked a little comical compared to the Gryphon Slayers. The armor was sparse and the eyes still had that rebelious youthful look to them, albeit balanced out by a heavy amount of respect. “I would like to hear your ideas before I answer.”

“They … well they look like the ancient captured enemy standards from the third Gryphon war I saw at the museum once. But … they look brand new. It can’t be. Can it?” the guard asked.

“They are indeed the standards from the Gryphon Units we fought, including the first colors we captured.” Pensword pointed to one that was set next to his Commander’s flag. “The one hundred First battalion of the Gryphon Emperor's beak.” He pointed to another one. “The Iron Beak Regiment.” Then the next one: a pure black flag. “That was the standard of the military chapter of Black Tips.” Pensword reported with pride. “I can name each flag and where we captured them.” He smiled. “Work hard and your men might find themselves fighting under one of those banners one day. As Commander, I feel that I can use those emblems and standards for my own troops. Which you are a part of for the moment.”

The guards nodded, a bit taken aback by their commander’s speech. “What? Don’t tell me you lot are the fair weather soldier?” A confused look covered his face. “What is with your surprise?”

“Sir ... it’s just that some of these standards would be sought after by museums all over Equis” another trainee noted.

“Really? You think I would let them fly? Without making preparations to have these standards be placed in a war museum? They will head there. AFTER,” his voice rang emphatically “We have the colors that will take their place.”

“Sir!” the guard saluted, then looked quizically at the Gryphon Slayers. “Who are the new ponies?”

Pensword smiled proudly. “Present your colors, Men!” Pensword’s voice echoed over the courtyard, drawing Lunar Fang and Taze to watch as the fourteen ponies unfurled a flag and turned around standing at attention. The main background stood out a dark brown with a large red circle with the middle. Inside the circle a Gryphon Feather, a Gryphon Talon, and a Gryphon Beak sat one on top of the other, all in white.

A few gasps and some murmurs rippled the guard as they recognised the standard. “That’s…. That’s the gryphon slayer’s standard.”

“Gryphon Slayers: sound off!” Pensword bellowed with a grin. He turned around. “Men, you heard rumors that I saw the fall of the Crystal Empire. As of this day, I admit that I too, fought in the Third Gryphon War. These Gryphon Slayers are my bodyguard unit as well as the oldest friends I have from that time.” He glared at the group of trainees. “That also means they have seniority over the lot of you and shall be the new Cadre instructors. We shall train thee till thou shalt command fear just by the speaking of any unit you are a member of. Thou art the next generation of Gryphon Slayer Doctrine.”

The mixed expressions ranged from anticipation to fear at the new announcement. Pensword nodded his head as he noted the various reactions. “Good. Now, Cadet Silver Spear, step forward.” The young noble stepped forward as commanded, disciplined, but a little intimidated by such legends. “Silver Spear, due to the magnitude of how you have performed and handled the men under your command, I am hereby promoting you to Class Leader.” He announced. “It is an office from when I was trained. As a Class Leader, you shall help train and keep a pulse of how the cadets under your leadership are performing. That means you shall have say in the course work.”

Silver Spear saluted, stunned at this sudden turn of events. Pensword smiled as he remembered the unsure Unicorn that had almost left. Now, here he was, being given a means to prove himself. And he had every confidence that Silver Spear would do just that. “All of you, I want this baracks restored and inhabitable by the end of the month. We have reinforcements arriving with a whole new batch of recruits. I want all of you working to get living space prepared for your new brothers in arms. If you have a project, talk to either Silver Spear or any that he appoints as his direct subordinates. A Chain of Command will be implemented, and restructuring will be beginning now and continue till the end of the week. That is, if nothing happens that pulls me too far away.” He knocked a piece of wood with a hoof.

Hammer Strike sighed as he finished yet another sketch. At the moment he was thinking to himself, trying to figure out some setup for rebuilding and just what to name the new city. A knock on the door to his study caused him to refocus on his surroundings.

“Come in.” He called out.

“So why did you wait for me to knock?” Grif asked as he entered, dressed in full battle armor. “We both know you heard me coming.”

Hammer Strike shrugged. “I did not expect you to knock in the first place. I heard your talons and thought you would just come in. After all, you do not really need to knock.”

“It’s one of those ceremonial day things.” Grif shrugged. “Figured I’d do the whole formal thing.”

“Just naming the place.” Hammer Strike chuckled. “Afterwards we just get back to work doing whatever it is we do.”

“You know how it is, big naming ceremony, next year it’s the anniversary, 50 years the bi-centennial, 100 years the centennial, some historian’s going to expect us to do all the fancy stuff and whatnot.” Grif shrugged. “Considering we could be here to see each of those things, I’d rather at least have some kind of story to tell for today”

“We shall see how things go.” Hammer chuckled. “It still feels odd, having traveled through the city enough times to memorize where things were, and now I see this.” He shrugged. “Bringing an old castle back to life.”

“Doesn’t help that there is a massive gorge where… well, the city pretty much used to be.” Grif shrugged, a slight wince in his voice.

“So, I guess with you being here it means it is time?” Hammer Strike asked.

“Well, I figured if I came and got you, you might not end up breaking the mind of another rookie. You seriously need to stop answering them with questions.”

“That is the fun part of things.” Hammer chuckled.

“So shall we get this circus started?” Grif asked.

“We shall.” Hammer Strike stood up from his desk and strode out the door, his friend at his side.

Pensword stood in his dress armor as he inspected the Guards’ work on their own armor. It would be satisfactory for now. Scanning over the rest of the parade ground, Pensword laid eyes on the honor guard. The Gryphon Slayers stood decked out in full battle armor, ready and at attention. A wooden stage had been constructed and behind the podium the flags of Equestria, the Personal Crests of Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Queen Cadence, the Nation of Equestria, the Current Commander’s flag, and finally, Hammer Strike’s colors all flew in the wind. The Soldiers were silent while the civilians that had arrived and some, like the Mane Six, were idly watching to see what would happen. Others were speaking in a subdued manner. A moment after Grif and Hammer Strike appeared, Celestia and Luna teleported into the courtyard to witness the event as well and stamp their seal of approval on it.

Grif smiled down at Black Rook, his own troops assembled in order, but with none of the polish pensword had expected of his men. His new standard stood over the ponies, showing first the crest of the blade feathers on the very top and under it the great horse sleipnir charging into some unseen battle. Shrial stood in the front next to Black Rook in her valkyrie-like armor, a winged flame amongst the ponies.

Hammer Strike found himself standing near Celestia and Luna, though they had yet to see him as he walked up behind them. “You are both good actors,” He said as he got close enough to them.

“To be fair, somepony told Starswirl we had to forget about you three for a thousand years or so,” Celestia pointed out.

“The fact of myself popping up with no memories of anything I had done would lead to confusion.” He sighed. “I barely remember anything from before that damned war. But it certainly explains some of your actions toward me.”

“We will need to look into that when this is done.”Lluna noted.

“We have plenty of things to look into when this is done.,” Hammer Strike said. “Luna, when you moved from Unity to... “ He paused thinking. “Canterlot, did you both take my equipment with you?”

“It’s in the armory.” Luna nodded.

“Good. You both did great in the years I was gone. At least, from what little I can remember.”

“I just wish some pieces were better looked after during my absence,” Luna noted with a sideways glance to Celestia.

Princess Celestia made a point to look right at the flags from the past. “We can talk about that later, sister.” She looked to Hammer Strike. “I am looking forward to my ghost giving a speech and a new name for this place.” She smiled lovingly at him.

“You both know I am not one for speeches.” Hammer Strike responded.

Seeing the expectation and noting no one seemed willing to be the first on the pyre, Grif took the spot at the front of all present. “Today, we stand at the precipice of greatness,” Grif began, looking out at the crowd. “The hot coals!” he called out as stomps erupted from Hammer Strike’s guards. “The Gryphon Slayers!” Pensword’s troops erupted in cheers. “The Rohirrim!” Grif said as his own guards stomped their hooves and answered with a loud “Ha!”

“Today, we reestablish a greatness that has been lost for more than a millennium. The original seat of power in equestria! Today, we take this land as our responsibility, to mold it into something that will be recalled by our grandkids grandkids as they tell the stories…. to their grandkids!” The stomping reply echoed around them, accompanied by a general roar from all present. “I believe that in taking on this burden, there could be no one better to name this place and reclaim it’s glory than our own Lord Hammer Strike!” he shouted. “If you would come up here and tell the fillies out there what to call their current station, milord.” Grif gestured for Hammer Strike to come up.

Hammer Strike walked over with the gesture before stopping in front of all. Giving a nod to Grif, he looked out to every pony and gryphon in the audience. “With history, plenty of things fade and fall between the cracks. Locations, structures, kingdoms, and even names. This year, plenty of old myths and legends have come into existence once again. So I find it fair for one more to come back. An old city shall be returning from the grave. It shall be remembered. And so I do remember it, and name it. From this point onward, now and forever, this castle and its province shall be known as New Unity!”

The crowed stomped happily in response as cheers erupted through the castle, shaking the very canopies of the Everfree. Celestia and Luna, however, seemed more than a little surprised by the name.

The Gryphon Slayers used that moment to reveal something else lost to time. The old town crest that they had squirreled away at one point. It was another relic from the house Flame that they kept. The crest of the city, with one thing added by Rarity at the last minute. A rainbow over the entire thing to represent the return of the Elements of Harmony. The Crest itself was a simple five sided shield with the point down. Two Chevrons stood imprinted in the middle. One Gold, the other Midnight Blue. Above the point stood the symbol of two Crowns to represent the rule of the diarchy. Below the Chevrons lay a rolled scroll with a red ribbon and a sun sealing it shut. A single word was inscribed on the the scroll: “Knowledge.” The other side held a blade with the hilt in the shape of the crescent moon. Engraved on this blade in bold letters lay the word “Justice.” Pensword only smiled with pride at what he was witnessing. He was a part of history now. And he now had the opportunity to shape it not once, not twice, but thrice. What a blessing.

Grif looked toward the Rohirrim with a grin “Ok, boys, you're dismissed for the afternoon. Those with night watch, be there on time. As for everypony else, be back to work tomorrow.” Grif saluted a wing at his guard, who responded in kind, placing a hoof to their shoulders. Then they returned to at ease and began to disperse.

Pensword moved to face the Gryphon Slayers. “We have kitchen duties tonight. I want you all to fall out and do what you do best: divide up the tasks and clean the place up. Also, tonight is a night that I think you all will enjoy. We have been asked to tell a few bedtime stories to the recruits. Meet at the sleep tents NLT Lunar’s first hour.”

Hammer Strike stood before his guard. He has smirked at the iony when Grif referred to them as the ‘Hot Coal’’. He never was much a one for names, so he went along with it. “Come on now, we have work to do clearing rubble for the rest.” He called out.

Pensword paused to look to at the sky from what once had been Celestia’s room. He looked behind him at Lunar Fang and smiled. For the first time in their present day they were sharing a bed. No separate mattresses or the like. They were genuinely sharing a bed. His expression looked almost pained. “Lunar Fang, my dear, would you consider me mad if I pursued the dream of trying to at least leave a message to my human family?”

“I think that they’re likely worried and you should keep trying.” Lunar Fang placed a hoof on his back.

“Thank you. I ... I do not know how it will turn out. And I wanted to ask before I devoted any resources of my mind to this project, or the bits we have accumulated.” He looked back to the sky. “I know the sky now, but I miss our home constellations. Orion, The North Star, Little Dipper and the Big Dipper, Ursa Minor and Major, Canis Major and Minor. Scorpio...” He sighed and looked to the trees as the chill wind of January seeped through the cracks of the castle. He shivered a little.

Lunar Fang smiled as she drew her husband and mate to her side. “Come away from the door, dear. Time for bed. And I think a little cuddling will do you well tonight.” She smiled as she gently led Pensword away. In a way, the two were still on their honeymoon, sharing feelings that might be considered over a thousand years old. It’s true what they say. Love endures. And these ponies were living proof of it.“Tomorrow, you and I are going to make sure that magazine retracts that article.”

“Yes, dear.” Pensword replied with a grin and a kiss on her forehead that quickly turned to a passionate kiss, muzzle to muzzle.

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