• Published 15th Apr 2014
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An Extended Holiday - Commander_Pensword

Adventure, Mayhem, Magic of unknown origins, and talking colorful Ponies. All being unrelated events have brought three friends together into the wildest holiday that anyone could imagine.

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32 - Hitting the Trail

Extended Holiday
Chp 32: Hitting the Trail
Act 4

“Okay colts, listen up.” Taze said as he stood before his men eyeing them carefully. “Today we head out on what will be a journey just over a week. Behind us are other guards, equipment, and most importantly, civilian ponies. We are going ahead cause I have done my best to ready you colts for combat first and with this knowledge we shall be the advanced guard. Our job is to keep ahead and keep alert. If something looks like it’s gonna go after the group and you spot it, I want it dead and I want it done without slowing us down. Am I clear?” He looked at the assembled ponies. They were far from Shining Armor’s elite guard but they had cleaned up considerably since their first meeting.

“Sir.” They echoed in unison. Their formation had its flaws, but it was a heartfelt attempt and their forms were good.

“This is real combat, gentlemen. You will fight. You can get hurt. You can get killed. But if you let anything get by, then you can be damn sure the next colt isn’t going to be half as ready for it as you are. You are the guard, gentlecolts. You have put your lives forward should the common pony need it. And should it be asked of you, know that you will be honored. I’m damn proud of each and every one of you. So come on, the next round on me for anypony standing before me in a week.” He shouted as he placed his closed fist to his shoulder. “TOGETHER!” he shouted.

The guards mimicked the gesture and the shout.

“Half an hour, gentlecolts. Be back here and ready to go in thirty minutes.” He ordered before turning away from the group. “Dismissed.” He said as they started to break.

Pensword stared out over his own group. It was January second; a new Year. And while it was cold, and they were up before Luna went to bed and Celestia rose to bring the sun, he smiled. “Men.” his voice carried over the grounds. “Guards, you are to protect the civilians. I want a cordon around them as we move. I also want you to help clear the road as well. The advance guard is going to clear what has not been removed already. Yes, we have been chopping to the castle since we started the lumber company, but this time we need to move fast. I want those with magic to rip stumps out of the ground, roll trees out of the way, and help create a wall with the fallen lumber. Behind us shall be Lord Hammer Strike who will be leading the supply train and carts for building up the castle and establishing the new camp. Fort Necessity shall remain in our control till Fort Everfree is constructed. Any injured shall be teleported back here. Also, Civilians shall remain in their groups. DO NOT,” he emphasized the two words. “LET them out of the ring. Also, the Cutie Mark Crusaders shall be with Hammer Strike’s group. IF you see them in our area, escort them to one of our supply carts and inform Hammer Strike by dragon fire. Spike shall be with him mostly, along with Twilight Sparkle. I do not need the Element Holders racing around the forest looking for them.”

Pensword paused a moment, then nodded his head. “Fall Out. We leave at Dawn. So eat chow NOW!” He turned around and walked off the platform towards Moon Shade. They both blushed as they made eye contact, looking quickly away while nodding their heads in respect. Still, try though he might, Pensword couldn’t keep a smile from his muzzle at the memory of their kiss.

“Moving day.” Moonshade sighed as she observed the groups breaking.

Pensword nodded. “Yeah, it feels strange, sad even, that we have to leave this fort. We did so much to practice and build. I am just… We have been sharing the same room for protection. And after the black tips, I don’t blame anypony. Still, I’m looking forward to the castle. We can set up the rooms and a proper bunking situation.” He smiled a little sheepishly. “I’d kind of like to have a space that I can call my own.”

“It’s going to be a long trip.” She noted. “You ready for it?”

Pensword nodded his head softly. “So we have enough tents for the move?” he asked as he looked around the grounds. “Please tell me we have enough tents to all have one.” he shook his head. “Still, this is going to be in Matthew’s element. The forest, nature on its own, weather on its own. All of it out of our control. I like it.”

In yet another part of the grounds another meeting was taking place. “Alright, listen up.” Hammer Strike called out to his group. “We are within the inner circle, while that means you may think there will not be much action, don’t plan on it being easy. Should anything go wrong, this is it. That means I do not want to see those who are guarding slacking off on defense. Most of you here will be helping either with moving the supplies, or keeping an eye out.” He said, looking over all before him. “Most of you know your job, I will not repeat it to you. You are all ready, this I know. We leave tomorrow at Dawn.” He said with a small smirk as he looked over everyone. “You are dismissed.”

Thirty two minutes later Taze stood before his men, who had shifted into a large rectangle formation with Black Rook standing at the head. Sylvio sat happily beside Taze as he looked at the men who waited anxiously to get started. “Weapons at the ready.” He said.

Short swords, spears, daggers, and at least one bow were all drawn and held ready. “Remember to pace yourselves, boys, we don’t stop till the messenger comes to tell us a halt has been called.” Ge drew his blade and turned. “Forward, brothers.” He ordered. And the column moved forward.

An hour later, the pace had slowed slightly as the guards marched on, not yet tired but most looking rather bored from the long periods of silence. A bush rustled briefly and the bowman reacted instinctively. When Taze checked he found a brown parasprite pinned to a tree. Shaking his head he ordered the men forward.

They had yet to reach the end of the trail, which surprised a few ponies. Unbeknownst to them, a platoon of guards from the lumber company had gone off the night before, working themselves to the bone as they struggled to clear the path, felling trees without rest while leaving the stumps behind for magical clearing. The march continued and a half hour later they heard the sound of trees falling, the pony team’s bucks and axe strokes echoing through the silent forest, each tree’s crack and creak as it fell a death cry.

The sun slowly peaked over the horizon as Pensword looked at his formation. The path clearers were stationed at the front of the box. Behind them more troops stood at the ready, weapons drawn as they surrounded the ponies that would help grade and set up the fort to be built. These civilians had brought a few blades with them as well, just in case. The last couple of days Pensword had been training them in simple self defense. They wouldn’t be prepared to hold their own in a real battle, but against the creatures of the forest they’d at least stand a chance of surviving.. Signaling the troops with a nod of his head the unicorns in the middle began using their magic their magic to beat at the ceremonial drums they wore about their necks. The formation jerked to the beet and began to march out of the fort, swiftly falling into the rhythm as they turned their backs on their temporary home for the last time, Marching to a new base camp and their next step in training.

Pensword stood, or rather hovered, in the air, scanning the road ahead of them. He knew the dirt trail would eventually become cobblestoned, but that would be years in the future. He focused on the here and now, continuing the march. It was a slow pace, slower than Taze’s unit. Still, they worked hard, pressing forward. Progress was slow, steady, and uneventful for which Pensword was grateful. At midday, he called a forced break due to the civilians’ request to stop for lunch. What followed was a half hour of cold food, which still irked Pensword. He should have had his men on the road in fifteen minutes. Still, he pushed back his annoyance and allowed the thirty minute break for the civilians from Canterlot. It was mid-afternoon, about three thirty judging by the sun and his own reckoning, when they met the first stump in the road. Without a word his troops reformed ranks and began to tear out the stumps while shifting tree trunks to the side to begin forming the one base of the wall they had planned against the forest to protect travelers from attack. It would be finished later. At the moment, priorities were set on making room for the caravan of supplies. They had to get them to the castle as soon as possible. They worked hard and at a good pace while the civilians watched. They did not stop at night fall. Princess Luna had provided a large full moon for them to work with and its light allowed them to keep working well into the night.

Pensword had not issued a single order the entire time. He would fly to one part or another, give words of encouragement, or walk with a few soldiers to boost their spirits, and even got into a small competition to show he could also pull a stump. He managed to pull one, but the other troops beat him with three. While it showed he was willing to do the work of others, the Sergeant Major asked him to keep an eye on the civilians. Still, he and Moonshade were both busy towards the end in just keeping things moving.

When the call came to bunk down it took another thirty minutes to set up camp. They were soon going to bed. However, a collective groan was uttered by the civilians as they were shocked to hear they would be rising at dawn to start the day all over again.

Taze’s group bunked down a little ways from Pensword’s so that half his men could watch over Pensword’s ponies, who had been hard at work for most of the day. They ate sparingly from their supplies and slept in shifts of five.

Taze spent the night leaning on a tree staring down the way ahead. Sylvio was at his feet. something seemed off. It had been quiet the whole day. That parasprite was the only thing that had crossed their path that could even be considered an annoyance. He couldn’t help but feel there had to be something on the horizon with the way things had been going.

As the morning dew began to collect on the grass Taze rose to his feet. Shaking Rook awake, he spoke the order. “Come on I want to be ready to go by first light.”

Rook gave a yawning confirmation as he got to his hooves before heading to wake the men.

The morning was just as unnerving as the previous day. The whole time they found no signs of predatory animals nearby. Taze ordered an early lunch break in order to find Pensword. Now was the time for things to get tricky.

They stood on the brink of manticore territory.

The morning frustrated Pensword as he could not get the civilians on schedule. They took their sweet time eating their breakfast. It was an hour past dawn when they finally started to move out. Thankfully, those that were in charge of clearing the land had started before dawn and things moved forward quickly. A few of his scouts made contact with Taze’s men about mid morning. By lunch they had moved forward a good mile. Pensword grinned. He was excited at how powerful Unicorn Magic could be when used as a team. He was also pleased to know that he had not yet caught up with Taze. He did not know how far back Shawn’s group was, but for now, Feathersword was trying his best to keep moving forward, maintaining their pace by having everypony eat on the move.

Pensword looked to Moonshade. “Remind me to reward the men for keeping to the timetable. Also, let them enjoy a hot meal when we reach the castle. They have grown by leaps and bounds since they first arrived in Ponyville.”

Moonshade only nodded as she kept looking forward. The two were keeping close but also trying their best not to acknowledge the kiss on New Years Eve. Still, she had to say something. “Agreed. The princesses are actually thinking of keeping them stationed in the Everfree for the moment. I feel that the two are planning something, I do not know why, but they are not giving any indication of when they might want to call their retraining finished.”

It was here that a guard flew down from above. “Sir Taze requests your presence for something up ahead, sir.”

Pensword only nodded in acknowledgment. “Moonshade, please stay here and keep watch over the men. Make sure that we keep moving forward. Other than that, I shall be back shortly once this meeting finishes.” He watched as the guard took off again, flying further back along the caravan. Most likely he’d be getting Hammer Strike next.

“Remind me again why you four are currently on my back?” Hammer Strike said, taking a small glance behind him.

“Because we are naturally drawn to trouble?” Dinky offered with a smile that had caused many a heart attack.

“Sounds about right.” Hammer Strike replied after turning forward again. The crusaders had taken the idea of using him as a ride, one of them even had a telescope and was using his head as a high point. He was currently wearing a cape made by the crusaders, both by request, and because he figured they would probably like standing on it rather than his armor. Glancing partially up he was able to see some of the telescope over his head. “How is that working out for you?”

“Well,” Sweetie Belle replied with a small grin that Hammer Strike could hear. “I can see trees, some more trees, and a trail ahead. Though we are moving at a good clip.” She paused and he felt her body shift from on top of his head. “Applebloom am I doing this correctly?”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo replied as Applebloom worked on a sketch, distracted for the moment. “Just remember I get a try in an hour.”

“Wonderful.” Hammer replied in his typical monotone tone. “Any news?” He called out.

“Taze has requested you and Sir Pensword join him to discuss something ahead.” A guard called back after a few moments.

“Alright.” He replied turning a little towards the crusaders. “You know what that means.”

“We get to go with you?” Applebloom asked with hope and excitement.

“As long as you stay on my back, perhaps…” He thought on it for a moment. “How far are they from us, front line or closer to the middle or inner circle?” He questioned the guard.

“Sir Pensword has just rendezvoused with Taze near the middle line.” The guard answered after confirming.

“That means we’re mostly fine.” He muttered, mostly to himself. “Alright. I guess you can come. But you know what the rules are.”

Dinky only smiled. “Remind us again, please?” her voice Hammer Strike could not yet tell if she was asking in a real question or being a little like her father in just asking questions. He could feel movement but the four fillies had yet to fall off his back.

“I will keep it nice and short. One: stay on my back. Two: if I say to do something, it usually means I say it for a big reason so if I tell you to do something, do it alright? And three: I did not think of a three because one and two cover the basics.”

“That’s fair.” Dinky shrugged.

“I did not hear an agreement from all.” He said.

The three other CMC chimed in. “We promise not to break the rules.” They sang before Scootaloo chimed in for herself. “Can I have the look out spot?”

“Sure, you might see something more exciting then I have.” Sweetie Belle responded as she and Scootaloo swapped.

“Off we go.” Hammer Strike mumbled, again mainly to himself as he started towards the meeting with Taze and Pensword.

“So,” Applebloom asked with interest around her. “What happens at these meetings you hero types have all the time?” She blinked. “It must be important. Whenever my sister meets with her friends on important stuff it’s always about saving the world.”

“I am pretty sure we aren’t going to be saving the world any time soon.” Hammer Strike chuckled.

“Famous last words.” Dinky said looking at him.

“Do not remind me.” Hammer Strike noted as he looked back to the group with a small smile. “Plenty to do.”

“Plenty to do what?” Scootaloo asked in confusion. “What are you going to do?”

“Well the castle has a lot of work that needs to be done to it.” He replied.

Applebloom only blinked. “Oh, that sounds like fun. Do you think we can help?” she asked with a curious tilt of her head, he could feel that tilt even. “Because we are good at some stuff.”

“As much as I would love that-” He chuckled. “I do not think your families would enjoy you being out here for so long.”

“But Applejack is going to be out here, at least,” Applebloom began to whine, “At least for the weekend. Please?”

Sweetie Belle, Hammer Strike could feel, just moved a little. “I can hear my sister already.” What followed was a rather impressive mimic of her sister’s voice. “Oh my, just what did you do to my sweet Sweetie Belle? Covered in filth and tree sap. Do you know how long it will take to clean her fur now?” This only brought laughter from the small group on Hammer Strike’s back.

“I’m positive I would not hear the end of it.” Hammer chuckled along.

“Hear the end of what?” A new voice asked as Hammer Strike looked up to Pensword hovering in the air as he smiled. “I see you are keeping the CMC Safe. Good.” He stated rather bluntly.

“Are we sure we’re not wasting resources having them with you? They could probably do more to the forest then Pensword’s group ever could.” Grif chuckled as he approached. The gryphon’s face became somewhat more serious. “So as I told you guys earlier were about to enter the territory of the forest’s resident manticore.”

“Wonderful.” Hammer Strike said sarcastically.

“Did you send Fluttershy in front to calm him down and maybe lead him in another direction for a time?” Pensword asked with a raised wing. “Because I think Fluttershy could help deal with the Manticore without problem.”

“I didn’t.” Grif admitted. “But we should be alright as long as we keep close together. We should travel in more compact units though with torches. Don’t give it a reason to try anything and don’t give it a weakness to exploit either.”

“No, I hereby deny you even access to the forest, I shall not be chasing you into the forest while you try some Manticore taming cutie mark.” Pensword muttered as he looked at the four Crusaders.

Scootaloo only yawned. “Why bother? We tried it once already last year.” She turned her head. “Though Timberwolf tamers sounds fun.”

“No,” Sweetie Belle cried out. “No more tree sap, just, just no.”

Dinky only nodded her head. “I would agree that at the moment with the amount of trees around I would rather not tempt the halls of fate any more with our chance of getting Tree Sap into our fur.” She smiled at her friends. “I agree with Sweetie Belle.” She ended while the others nodded their heads.

Pensword just looked at the four, then to Grif. “I do not know what to feel at hearing they already tried that before, or the fact that Dinky just, well…” he looked to Grif. “Reminds me of someone we both ran into.”

“No risk no reward?” Grif shrugged. “Anyway we should be minimizing our rest stops and the times, the sooner we’re out of this area the better.” Grif noted.

“Name the time and we shall get a move on.” Hammer Strike replied.

“Let them finish this early lunch and then we’ll start. From here on out this is a military convoy. The civies will have to suck it up.” Grif noted. “Time is too valuable to waste.”

Pensword only nodded. “Will do my best.” He grimaced. “Even prodding this morning military voices did not make them move any faster.” He sighed. “Still I will do my best.” He did not look happy behind him. “Don’t let this out but I have been giving them the same rations as my men and they still finish last.” He snorted in annoyance. “Look Grif I shall move as quickly as I can but I do not know if some of those city planners could actually keep up the march. Do we have any wagons that they could ride in if needed?”

“How much spare wood do we have?” Grif asked.

Pensword blinked . “We have felled trees, we have lumber in three of the ten carts being pulled. Why do you ask?” He paused. “You got something planned for the civilians don’t you?” A small smirk forming on Pensword muzzle that looked just a tad unnerving.

“How long would it take to round out the bottoms of several logs and make them into a platform? We could tow them along.”

“It would take some time, if you want a stable one that is.” Hammer Strike noted. “Though with the carpenters in my group, perhaps less time. Couple hours possibly.”

“It would be faster than having them stop every few minutes and if we delegate the pulling to shifts it shouldn’t exceed too much of what our men are used to.”

Pensword only nodded. “Start work then.” he paused and looked to the four on Hammer Strike’s back. “You four stay here, and maybe build your own little sled to ride in?” he asked. He smirked. “Let’s see how fast you can make one compared to the others… a little race I think.” he grinned as he looked to Grif. “What do you say?” he hoped he caught in that this would hopefully keep the CMC out of trouble.

“I might know of the location of some candy for the winner.” Grif gave Pensword a wink.

Hammer Strike didn’t get a chance to respond as the Crusaders cut him off. “Cutie Mark Crusader Sled Builders, Yay!!”

The two could only watch as Hammer Strikes expression didn’t change, but his ear seemed to twitch slightly at the noise.

Pensword could only smile at the excitement. “Well then, I shall leave you be, and I shall have my men pause to build the sleds. That might take a little time but rather spend a half day for building an easier time travel means. Still, we camp for the rest of the day for a dawn travel? Also we will need to travel slower, we are still building a cheap road and chopping down trees.”

“Alright then. We should head back now and get building.” Hammer Strike said.

“I’ll send some men over to assist. The rest of us are going to form a perimeter.” Grif said.

Pensword looked out over the small camp, They had pulled down the tents and moved forward towards Taze’s camp while the ponies who were in charge of debris disposal, were still clearing the trail. He looked out over how the sleds were coming and the snow log canoe the CMC had created. He smiled and chuckled a little as, at the moment, they were conspiring about something. He had a gut feeling who they were going to try and get to pull their snow canoe. He paused and looked back at Moonshade who had come up from behind him. His hearing must be improving. Still, he surprised her when he turned as she had been trying to sneak up on him.

“How are the civilians?” He asked before turning back to the other sleds being constructed. “Did they get told that they will have a platform from which they could sleep on if they wanted?” he shook his head. “I am shocked at what the men drew up in the given time… it will be crude, but should last till we reach the chasm.”

“They are beginning to complain about the wait.” Moonshade sighed. “Not happy with anything it seems.”

Pensword nodded as he rustled his flight feathers. “I think because they are the ones used to being in charge.” he sighed. “Still, as they were sent by her royal highness Princess Celestia, most likely they are the best in their fields. We will have to deal with their complaints. I just hope they get to be happy once they are in charge of their departments moving stone and wood around.” He stepped into the snow. Snow that had started to be tramped down from the day’s activities. “Still. Keep my appraised over their attitude, and if needed, place them on the sleds when they are sleeping so we can just keep moving.” he paused and blinked. Matthew was never this impatient. He paused, reflecting. It must be the Pegasus side of him that was feeling the irritation of the moment.

“I just hope Grifs plans work. It would be nice not to have so much lost time.” She noted.

Pensword only nodded. “Same here. Also, I am happy that it is keeping the CMC Busy…” he paused and blinked. “Please tell me that I did not see Applebloom with a lasso heading towards Lord Hammer Strikes tent… and the other three pushing their completed log sled.” He paused and looked to the others. “Lt. Colonel, The CMC finished first. Is this the magic of markless ponies in search of a cutie mark?”

“I wish I knew sir.” Moonshade sighed. “I wish I knew.”

Pensword only nodded his head. “That appears to be a question not only we have been asking. Still, should we keep an eye on those four?” he finished as he looked to where they had turned around a corner and out of sight.

“To be fair sir, it was you who proposed we bring them along for the trip.” Moonshade pointed out.

Pensword paused and stared flatley out into the tents. “I know Moonshade, and I worry if it was the right thing to do, either bring them along with full permission or risk having them sneak along with us. Secondly, I felt it might be nice to give the town a break from their antics. I have heard about quite a few of them.”

The next thing they saw Hammer Strike walked out with a lasso around his torso a flat expression marked his face, this time though, it seemed marred by a slight frown. Applebloom sat on his back holding the other end of the lasso, an exultant smile on her face.

Password looked on in total shock. “How did they manage to get a lasso around his torso?” he asked to no one around but Moonshade heard him still. “Uh, you okay? You want any help there, Milord?” he called out taking a step forward toward the scene.

“No, no. This will… help keep them out of trouble.” Hammer Strike replied, giving a small sigh afterwards.

“Well this is certainly something for the history books.” Moonshade smirked as she looked at him. “Lord Hammer Strike pulling a sled full of foals.”

“Still waiting to read my history.” Hammer Strike replied, heading towards the rest of the Crusaders.

“Do you wish to have me fetch one of the history books for you to read?” Pensword asked while Hammer Strike continued his slow walk towards the other three Cutie Mark Crusaders and their sled. However he paused to speak to Pensword, as he leaned in a little.

“I’m apparently still waiting until I turn them back in.” He whispered to Pensword.

Pensword blinked and turned his head. “Well there's one chapter in my history book about the first meeting between Hammer Strike and Pensword you can read if you want.” he whispered back.

“I’ll take a look at that later, possibly tonight.” Hammer Strike replied.

“Please do. The book is in my chest, and Moonshade has been guarding it.” he smiled. “I think you will find it informative.”

“Hopefully so.” Hammer chuckled before finally turning and heading towards the sled made by the Crusaders. They stood, patiently waiting for his approach.

“Well we lost some time building that sled, but if I’m right the palace should only be about a days march ahead.” Grif noted “If we keep going straight we could be camping at the bridge’s edge by sunrise.” Grif, Pensword, and Hammer Strike were again meeting at the center of the march. “You think the guards would be up for an all night march?” Grif looked to Pensword.

“I would say yes they are. I think we can all be happy to finally reach our destination at dawn. Let the smiths and those that are going to build the bridge extension rest tonight in the wagon sleds. They can start work at dawn.” he looked to Hammer Strike. “If that is well for you that is, milord.” he finished with a bow before turning to Grif. “Still, we will need to keep chopping and clearing the road. We have a rude road built at the moment, come spring with the melting snow, we shall work to improve it.” he paused. “I spoke of the future plans, short answer, yes we all can do an all night march if needed. Just keep at the pace we are going.” he looked around. “The men and I are still unnerved we have faced nothing during this trip, not a single beast.”

“You’re unnerved?” Grif raised an eyebrow, “I killed six timberwolves last time I made my way through here and we had a open fire right there, for being desperate you’d think they’d have attempted to at least hunt us, but nothing.”

“Right. So we stay on guard and hope that something does not happen and we can just stay on this. Well I am unnerved now, so shall we get to moving? Also, do you want me to make the announcement to my troops?”

“Announce what, that we are suspicious of the silence? They all are too and admitting it out loud just makes us sound paranoid.” Grif said. “The sooner we’re out of the woods, the better.”

“NO.” Pensword muttered a little louder then he had wanted. “That we are doing an all night march.” he sighed and looked at the other three. “They should know we are going to do that.”

“Oh yeah, that, of course.” Grif said. “Taze has gone on ahead so I’ll be taking command of the front line for now.” The gryphon winked at them.

“Then let’s get to it.” Hammer Strike said.

Pensword nodded. “Right, fall out and let’s get moving. Forward March.” he spoke with a grin before turning around and trotting over to his men his men where they could already hear him giving orders. They did catch one sentence. “You can all sleep on your sleds if you want, maybe it will help you sleep better, with it reminding you of the cradle of your mothers.” he shouted before his voice dropped to indistinct verbal noises.

Grif nodded to Hammer Strike before taking to the air. Within a few flaps of his wings the gryphon made his way back to the front. He looked at Rook and nodded.

“Well colts, it looks like the night march got approved.” Rook turned to the guard. “There’s no stopping till we reach the palace.” The guards murmured happily at the prospect. Like Grif, they too found something to be off about the entire situation and didn’t want to spend a night longer than necessary within the confines of the forest.

Grif spent the next few minutes checking his bandoliers and weapon harness,making sure everything was well within a claws reach at all times. He took a moment to clean and check over his flintlock until he heard Renati let out a shriek, signaling the move. With a smile he gestured forward to Rook who ordered the line to advance. Taking to wing the gryphon flew above them at a relaxed pace just under the high branches, keeping an eye on the path in front of them.

Hammer Strike, on that note, was on his way back towards his group, his eyes still wandering the forest around him as he walked. He could see the CMC already waiting with their sled, all bundled up and it seemed one of the cooks had mugs of warm drink for them. His nose told him hot chocolate mostly. He only blinked, knowing what he was going to do next.

Pensword smiled as they marched and sure enough, while the snoring was audible from the civilians sleeping on the sled, they were making progress again. He looked to the night sky that Luna would paint every night and paused, blinking in shock. “Woah, the Aurora.” he muttered before realizing something. “I guess the Crystal Heart was activated or something.” he chuckled to himself as he was just happy they could be moving.

Grif smiled as he saw Pensword’s men starting to arrive out of the Everfree. He had his small group of guards cross the normal rope bridge to allow more room for the camp. He waved as the commander appeared from the trees.

Pensword only smiled as he took to the air and landed next to Grif. A second later Moonshade landed as well. “Well we made it and the civilians are still asleep. Thank goodness. We can start building the walls and defenses after a short rest. As well as crossing the chasm.”

“And getting the gate open.” Grif noted the currently crumpled portcullis.

“I am sure Hammer Strike can kick it down.” Pensword muttered.

“You told the men to set up tents and get some sleep?” Grif asked. “We shouldn’t need a guard. The animals seem to fear the palace.”

“We could leave Rook in charge and the three of us could go in and take a look around.” Grif said.

“I am going with you this time.” Moonshade replied with a glare at Grif. “I am not losing any of you,” Grif could see she was glaring at Pensword as she made that comment. Still, she eyed the walls carefully. “I think the three of us can carry Hammer Strike over the wall and into the castle.” She paused and smiled. “Or use that natural breach in the wall over there.” She pointed to the hole in the wall.

Pensword only smiled. “I like that idea. Scout out the area for when we move in and the like. I think we can use a little exploration anyway. That way the others won’t be so scared of this place.” He smiled a little. “It is just a ruin after all.”

Grif smiled, raising his wings. “Lieutenant.” He called to rook. “You are in charge until either we return or Lord Hammer Strike arrives.” He ordered. “We are going to do a quick forward scout.”

Rook nodded. “Yes sir.” He responded.

Grif looked to Pensword. “Shall we?” He asked.

Pensword paused. “Shouldn't we wait for Lord Hammer Strike?” he asked the two airborne ponies before he took to the air to keep talking to them. “Or do we want to make him worry about us, again.” he deadpanned.

“Rook will let him know where we are. Everything will be fine, I’ve been here before. It’s not like there‘s anything dangerous waiting for us.” The gryphon laughed as they crossed the walls and landed in the courtyard.

Pensword paused and flew to a tree in the courtyard, knocking on it. “Please don’t say that.” he asked, glaring at Grif. “You did not just say that.” he muttered darkly as he looked around the courtyard. “Since you were here before, where do you wish to start, leader?” Pensword asked with a sigh. “Still, we should try to stay together.”

“Let’s head for the first staircase and then down to the lower level, there are things you have to see.” Grif smiled.

Moonshade paused as she landed next to Pensword. “Really? I guess we should be on our way?” She asked as she looked to Pensword. “Also, don’t worry too much, you are a general. And yet to go back in time. I think you will live to see tomorrow.” She smiled as she started to trot after Grif. Pensword paused for a second before racing after her. She smiled as she heard his hoof steps. “At least here we can have that talk about parting ways.” She muttered to herself.

Pensword looked around and nodded. He was thinking of the same thing, of saying that he was going to see if she was okay to be transferred. That kiss had caused something to change, and he was not sure if he could face seeing her after marrying Lunar Fang.

“Now when we get to the next level I should let you know there are traps down here but none of them are fatal, if anything they seem to be something Celestia or Luna made up to prank the other.“ Grif explained. After a few minutes he stopped to take a torch off the wall and light it. Leading them carefully, he stopped to face Clover the Clever’s statue and her entourage of weeping pegasi “I think it would be appropriate to pay some respects here.” He said stopping for a moment.

Pensword only paused and bowed his own head in respect to the magic unicorn. Momentarily closing his eyes as well as part of it.

None of the three sets of eye’s present took notice that under the two foremost pegasi hooves the stone was chipped and broken as though the statues had been removed and replaced.

Pensword raised first and smiled a little. He looked forward to finding a way to revert Clover to flesh again. Still he turned to his friends. “I see that glint Griff, you have a place you want to show us. Well, lead on.” he paused and turned back to the stone statues. “Before I get any more paranoid about these things.” he shook his head turning towards one of the back stairwells. “Well come on, or I might fly down this shaft to start exploring.” He muttered looking over the edge. As a human he would have been scared of the black void, as a winged creature he knew he could just open his wings and using a little bit of Pegasus Magic he would be fine if he fell over.

“Yeah, it’s this way.” Grif signaled as he headed down the southern corridor, as they turned and left none of them noticed the two front statues now posed with their hooves down.

Pensword only nodded as he turned to follow Grif, shaking his head. “Well, any hints? You kept saying you wanted to show us something the entire march here, can you give us one hint to what you found down here?”

Moonshade only snickered a little, before blinking at the sound. “Well,” She began. “It might be something about the history that is have to see it to believe it type thing?”

Grif just smiled knowingly as he led them down the corridor, he turned to the right and entered the first room and his face dropped. “Why of all the times now?” He said. As they approached they noticed a finely decorated room with many pieces of art lining it. At the end of the room there was some sort of platform leading to a picture, however said picture was currently obscured by a large blue box claiming to be a police box.

Moonshade blinked and paused. “You wished to show us a small blue rectangular box that says something about the police? What an odd thing to find in an old castle.” She blinked as she looked over to Pensword who just froze. He slowly looked behind him. “What is wrong Commander?” her voice showing a bit of fear she did not realize creeping into it.

Pensword looked at the way they came and the calm silence. “Grif…. what usually happens when others see a blue box like this? I mean the Doc wants us to see it, so it means something, just, is it good or bad?”

“It means I can’t show you guys the picture behind it until we help him destroy whatever it is thats here.” Grif face taloned. “Well lets see, no screaming, no laughing, no allonsy, no running, means he’s not actually in this area… I guess we try to find him?”

Meanwhile with Hammer Strike, who has yet to arrive due to some problems. “Remind me how they couldn’t see that tree root?” Hammer Strike muttered to himself. The groups were chatting about many things, and he would tune into the background noise for the sake of some audio.

“Well, come on then. Allons-Y!”

Hammer Strike had a slight pause as he turned his head and scanned the crowd. His eyes squinted slightly as he tried to find the voice that had talked, but he couldn’t hone in on the one responsible for it.

With a sigh he shook his head and continued on. They were almost there.

“Really?” Pensword asked as he shifted a little bit. “Because I would rather stay close to the Tardis, it isn’t,” He turned from talking to Grif and back to the entrance they had come from, and promptly Froze. “Grif... “ His voice was now tinted with fear. “Tell me what you see in the shadows please.”

“Well if this is most types of the doctors enemies he’s facing, what would you do if it was angels Pensword? This is the first place they’re going to go for, limitless time energy remember?”

“I was afraid of that. I see two shadows now out there… they might be coming closer.” He whispered. “I’ll hold out here, you two get back up above ground and get a hammer.” He muttered as he spread his wings. Which to Moonshade, made her heart flutter a little at the almost heroic pose he gave while facing the hallway. “Go, Go, I can hold them off for at least a minute or two.”

“Buddy calm down deep breaths, I didn’t say they were here I just said it’s a possibility. we don’t know the story yet. You stay here with the Tardis if you want. I’m going to see if I can find the Doctor, or Derpy, or whoever might be with him this time. Okay?” Grif attempted to calm the pegasus.

“Okay, just go, I’ll see you later.” Pensword smiled never leaving his eyesight from the hallway. He thought he had seen something out there and with the Tardis right there, he was going to err on the side of caution.

Grif nodded taking a bronze shield off the wall and polished it with his sleeve and handed it to Pensword. “Quantum locked, remember?”

Pensword smiled never fully taking off the eyes and took the shield and held it up as he slowly began to back up with the shield pointed to the entrance. “So,” Pensword whispered. “You believe me then?”

“What’s the first rule of any universe containing a Doctor?” Grif asked.

“Run?” he asked with a smirk. “Or was that that always the Doctor’s line?” Pensword smiled, while Moonshade kept looking back and forth between the two.

“Anything is possible.” Grif rolled his eyes. He looked to Moonshade. “Get outside and send a message to Hammer Strike. Fly no matter how low or cramped the path is. You’ll be safer.” He nodded.

Moonshade blinked and looked like she was going to argue the order only to feel a whack of metal on metal. She turned to Pensword who had just used his wing armor to hit her own wing armor. “That is a direct order. We will be behind you covering your escape, now don’t question. Hammer Strike will explain… Mother Faust I wish I was not right in my gut about those statues.” For he had turned back and there in the shadows and light border were two statues not there before. “I hate being right.” Pensword snarked to the air.

“Okay, I’m going.” Grif said as he left the room, taking the second corridor and heading as fast as he could. He could already feel Moonshade darting above him and down corridors always heading up and following the same air current as before.

Several moments later and many twists and turns Grif made his way cautiously down the hallways “Doctor?” Grif called as he looked around. “Companion maybe?” he said further. Their calling was interrupted as Grif noticed something moving in front of him causing the gryphon to jump with a start. His tallon was already heading to his sword when he noticed whatever it was was moving in a similar manner. The gryphon squinted in the dark as the feline light receptors adjusted to the darkness. The gryphon chuckled as he realised before him was simply a dusty mirror, an idea coming to mind. Chuckling he walked up and polished the surface with his arm. Something brushed casually against his shoulder.

The gryphon vanished from the touch of the weeping pegasus hoof, a loud clatter as the gryphons weapons, armor, and clothing fell to the floor. Three things hit the alien at once, the first was that behind the gryphon, a recently dusted mirror stood reflecting the creatures stone features back at it. The second, was that rather than taking in a mass of potential time energy a large chunk had seemed to be pulled out of it and possibly the most disturbing to the quantum locked being, the energy it had absorbed had the familiar taste all weeping pegasi feared, paradox energy flowed into it's body as the hoof that had touched the gryphon slowly began to crack, little pieces of stone dust falling away as it was forced to observe it's own disintegration.

Pensword could not hear the flapping of any wings, feathered or leather. He sighed but did not take his guard down. He stepped back, one step, two steps, three steps, four…

The room rang as the bronze shield clattered to the ground, along with all the armor that Pensword had been wearing at the moment of his touching the wing tip of a Weeping Pegasus. The Statue hiding it’s face with its wings remained still, unmoving as the clanging of armor hitting stone faded. What remained was the sounds of something. Dust falling? The faint sound of stones cracking, the tip of a feather becoming powdery as the statue remained still.

Hammer Strike gave a happy sigh as he finally entered the camp, the group seemed to be happy as well as they finally arrived. With a quick pull he disconnected himself from the makeshift harness the Crusaders had made to pull their own sled.

“Lord Hammer Strike” black rook approached him with a salute. “It’s good to see you made it safely”

“Hello Rook, yeah, we had some problems with one of the sleds and had to fix it, though I still can’t see how they did not see a tree root two feet off the ground.” Hammer Strike muttered the last part. “So, where are Pensword and Grif? I have been meaning to talk to them about something.”

“They’re… Well you know how impatient Sir Grif can be at times.” He chuckled nervously. “They have been gone for the better part of an hour.” He said.

“They entered the castle I take it.” Hammer Strike replied.

“Yes sir, I was ordered….” Rook was cut off as somepony came shooting over the wall and towards them. Somewhat panting, Moonshade stopped in front of the two of them.

“Lord Hammer Strike.” She huffed.

“What happened?” Hammer Strike said, his tone turning serious in a flash.

“Grif lead us down into the castle, he said there was something he wanted to show us. We stopped before a statue of Clover the Clever and there was some statues of pegasi weeping, they gave off a type of a dread and then we entered this room and there was a blue box there. Pensword mentioned something about statues and Grif said something about angels and said he was going to search for someone named the Doctor and they ordered me to come find you.” She said her thoughts degrading into worried confusion.

Hammer Strike was utterly silent as he listened. His expression didn’t change, but there was something different about him that she was able to notice. He had a slight twitch every now and then. The air was getting hotter by the second, the source soon discovered as embers began to slowly rise off Hammer Strike, gaining intensity over time until small flames licked off his mane and coat.

After a moment of silence, Hammer Strike finally spoke with a tone as cold as ice, contradicting the heat. “What?

“They said to bring you right away.” She added.

Doctor! Get over here!” Hammer Strike shouted towards his group.

The familiar light brown stallion with a deep brown tail and mane ran up. “Oh, Lord Hammer Strike so nice to see you again, I haven’t seen you since, now when was the last time...the wedding! Oh what a day that was hey? you are looking excellent for being over a thousand years old…” the doctor was cut off.

Doctor. Weeping Pegasi. Your Tardis. Pensword and Grif.” Hammer Strike said in one go.

“Weeping Pegasi? Here? There is no way I would have sensed them.” At that moment something beeped as he withdrew his screwdriver. “Oh there they are, well then we should probably get down there as soon as possible!”

“Rook, keep being in charge until we return.” Hammer Strike said, immediately heading towards the castle, Moonshade and the Doctor in tow. Moonshade looked at the two others. “Just what is going on here?” She asked being utterly confused as to what was happening with these strange ponies.

“And how are we going to get past the gate?” The Doctor asked. Quickly approaching it and giving it a push. “And yes it is locked, I checked this time.” He said stepping away.

Hammer Strike didn’t slow in the slightest, his eyes staring forward. As soon as he got close enough the metal of the portcullis began to glow red. With a quick leap and pivot on his forehooves, he bucked at the gate. The portcullis, worn by the passing years, gave way near instantly, breaking away as his hooves made impact and clattering to the ground, giving enough room for the three ponies to enter. Hammer Strike stood, a silent tower of burning fury as he continued into the castle.

“Well, that was certainly effective.” The Doctor said staring at the gate. Quickly moving forward trying to avoid the pile of slag the gate had become.

Moonshade gulped from her place in the air. “I can see why so many feared you from the Gryphon wars.” She muttered as she tried to pick her jaw back up. “I, I can see your Earth Pony magic is showing.” She forced a smile as she worried over what fate her friends might have faced, particularly Pensword

Moonshade landed and found Hammer Strike just staring right at her, with a glare that caused her fur to bristle. She glared right back.

“Don’t you glare at me. I want to get back at whatever monster is in there.” She turned and stepped forward with a stomp. “Just to tell you, they were scared, whatever is in there scared your two warriors.” She pursed her lips to keep from trembling. Hammer Strike heard her whispered words under her breath. “Please let him be okay.”

“They were right to be scared.” The Doctor’s demeanor had melted into a much darker tone. “There are few creatures in the universe you should be more scared of.” He noted.

Moonshade paused and looked at the Stallion. “And you are?” her tone a little harsh. “I keep hearing your title, but who are you? To have the respect of these three.” She kept walking or trotting forward into the castle. “No funny business either.”

“I’m the Doctor” he answered as they moved forward.

“Yes, but Doctor of what?” She asked with a glare, before they got distracted by something on the side. They all turned to the glint from the hole in the roof. A moment later the two ponies were forced to step towards the armor and away from Hammer Strike, only to reverse the move as Hammer Strike stepped towards the items that caught their eyes.

Grifs equipment.” His head lowered for a second, scanning the ground before realising it was all of Grifs equipment, it was something he would never do, he would never take off everything. To all those present, the small flames around Hammer Strike seemed to become more dense, even shrinking slightly, but their heat only grew more intense.

The Doctor stood a good distance away as he noticed the equipment and then for some reason he soniced a pile of dust quickly melting under Hammer Strike. “Hmm… Somehow he managed to kill it with free roaming paradox energy even as it killed him, you’d have to be double disconnected from time to do that.”

“Double disconnect?” She paused and froze. “Wait, did you say killed him? But doing that would - the timeline will fall apart if Grif died NOW!” She didn’t know much about time mechanics but having a hero die now was not good in her mind.

One of the Solar Guard looked to his companion on the other side of the double doors. They both looked back at their Princess as she stood rooted to the floor, eyes closed. What startled them more was a pop and Luna was in the room looking around in a worried manner.

“Sister, tell us, what troubles thee? We…” She paused and looked around again. “Sister, what is this we feel? Thy Magic is growing, and yet, thou art not in flames.”

The guards to Luna’s ears seemed to step back causing their spears to tap against the floor as if scared of what they just heard.

“It’s not me, it’s him.” Celestia said, her tone sounding slightly amused, but Luna could see through her facade and heard another tone, one of fear.

“Sister is there something you haven’t told me? Who is he?” She looked at her sister confused.

“Hammer Strike…” Celestia said after a moment.

“Mother help whoever could have made him so angry…” Luna stared ahead.

The three ponies stood in silence, the light glow from the Tardis’ lamp shining and creating a simple light, in fact the entire Tardis was glowing a little, giving the entire room a bluish tint. A pile of armor lay before the doors, exactly like Grif’s. Moonshade lunged for it, tearing it apart in a desperate search. One could almost hear her pleading no over and over again. Suddenly she went rigid as she slowly lifted a hoof from the wreckage. It was holding a pouch. Embroidered on it was the same crest that had been on Matthew’s first set of armor, the great seal of the united States. She blinked, stepping aside in a daze. “He.” She hiccuped. “He never goes anywhere without these. His ... His Challenge Coins.” Moonshade sat down hard and began to blink tears away when the light from the Tardis flickered.

The gentle light was driven away by the bright lights now orbiting Hammer Strike. The flames feeding into them and solidifying into spheres of sheer flame. He twitched slightly,his anger continuing to build at what happened, towering in rage. He knew what had happened. And he knew they were lost to time.

Moonshade gulped in fear. “Uh, Doc? Can… are they really dead? I mean… say something to keep us from going up in cinders.” She cried out only to hear a beeping coming from that strange metal wand that the earth pony had been waving all over the place.

“That’s not the issue my dear.” The Doctor said. “Weeping Pegasi don’t kill you, they send you back in time and space and then feast on the potential of the life you would have lived now, they are or at least were alive in the past. As to the questions of where and when, those are harder to answer, and even if we did know…” The Doctor sighed. “There is no way to know if the Tardis can go to that time. Pegasi create fixed time and I can’t move through that.”

The Sonic beeped again, a little sharper this time, and the lights from the Tardis dimmed yet again. Moonshade only looked to the Doctor. “So? You just land outside of that fixed point and get them.” She was trying hard not to break down and did sniffed and shivered. “Where’s the heat?” She looked to Hammer Strike and blinked, he was still burning hot and yet she felt cold.

“That’s not entirely true my dear…” He turned to the blue box. “Yes I know there’s one coming. Settle down, girl, I’m trying to talk here.” He said before turning back to Moonshade, ”Fixed time is fixed, it’s not malleable in anyway, you’d have to have some future existence in the exact time there, in order for any of us to get to them.

Moonshade blinked and stared right at the Doctor. “Well, He,” She tilted her head to Hammer Strike. “Fights in the Third Gryphon War, and he is not back there. So he had to go back as well. Second they all vanish and reappear in the Crystal Empire, and vanish again before being broken from stone statues. There are enough holes for this fixed time problem to fit that box through.”

“Even so I can’t arrived at said timeline in the Tardis, I’d have to park at an adjacent time and location and drop you off.” He tried to explain. “I can’t just enter the third gryphon war I was alre… Oh time your bloody beautiful you are!”

It was this moment that the lights vanished, and the fires flickered for a second but when they came on, there at the entrance was a fearful sight. A weepening Pegasus only it was not covering its face with either hooves or wings and had fang muzzle bared with an angry look as the lights were trying to not fade again from the Tardis. Also Hammer Strikes own natural fire was glowing even hotter now.

“Luna, stay here, you are in charge of Equestria until I get back, don’t start any wars.” Celestia yelped and she was gone in a burst of what could only be described as diffused Sunlight.

Luna glowered at the ceiling. “No you don’t Sister, Thou shalt notme to take your meeting with the Council of new construction so easily.” She shouted. No response was forthcoming but even the guards could tell that Luna’s wings were twitching from some unseen emotion. She turned and glared at the two guards. “Cancel all meetings, tell them, tell them we had a threat on the old castle from changelings. My sister and I went to tackle the problem before it grew.” With that she was gone in a burst of moonlight.

“Did you?” One guard began.

“No, and neither did you.” The other guard finished the first guards question and the two returned to staring at the now empty throne hoping no one was going to barge into the room, and for once, no one did barge into the room while the Princesses were out of the castle.

Hammer Strikes eyes seemed to regain their focus as he stared the Weeping Pegasi down, his anger drowning out sense.

“Don’t look away but don’t look in it’s eye’s!” The doctor called to Hammer Strike. Though he couldn’t tell if Hammer Strike even heard him, as he was still staring and walking forward towards the Weeping Pegasus.

“Milord, Milord did you not hear the warning? Don’t engage the Statues!” She turned to look at the Doctor. “Don’t stand there, do something!” She shouted.

“What can I do?” The doctor asked. “We can’t even get near him, his armor is even starting to glow from the amount of heat he’s putting off!”

Moonshade shivered and paused as one logic item cause her to pause. “Doctor, the cape is not burning… and is it flapping a little?” She looked around. “What is up with you ponies?” She yelled exasperated. “Do the rules of magic not even apply anymore?”

“I’m afraid you’re the only pony here my dear.” The doctor said as he began tapping at the sonic. “I assumed you knew he wasn’t a pony by now.”

“Gah!” She growled baring her fangs at him before she turned around at the look of shock and then she saw it as well. “Is, is that statue actually cracking from the heat?” She asked in fear as she slowly backed toward the Tardis.

You’re the cause of this, you and the others…” Hammer Strike said, his tone burned with anger, the very air wavered with each syllable. “You… Damned… Weeping Pegasi…

The statute did not even move as Lord Hammer Strike was now inches from the statue and doing something the Doctor had never seen before, a full on glare that seemed to be doing nothing with turning Hammer Strike into another Weeping Pegasus. Still it was a moment later that the statue crumbled into heaps of dust that grew finer and finer and glowing from the heat of Hammer Strike.

A second later the heat in the room shifted and Princess Celestia was standing there drawing the heat into her body as well as the flames. HOwever a moment later as Luna teleported in, Princess Celestia and Lord Hammer Strike teleported away.

Luna looked around and stomped a hoof. “Sister, stop running…” She trailed off as she looked around. She frowned at her surroundings. “Doctor, just what have you done?” She stopped still as she saw the pile of armor and did not move. “I take it time is flowing in the past now?” it seemed she had directed that comment to the Doctor.

A moment later in a courtyard that was unused, with weeds barely surviving, there was a popping sound and they all wilted from the sudden heat that had come into their presence. Celestia looked to Hammer Strike, her aged eyes expressing an unspoken “let it go.”

Within a second the fires around Hammer Strike seemed to grow to the point that they nearly engulfed him, his form, a mere silhouette in the fire didn’t seem to change as it slowly sat down. The fires began to shrink and soon reduced to embers surrounding him. His eyes stared forward, anger still inside, but contained. His breathing was quiet as he looked down at the ground beneath him.

Damn it.” He muttered to himself, his eyes looking at the scorched earth beneath his hooves.

Celestia only blinked. “I dare not to even think of what will happen to those that even attempt to kill your friends.”

The two that did it are already gone.” He replied softly. “The third one…” He paused as he took a breath. “Dead now, I suppose.

“It burns you doesn’t it?” She asked. “Knowing they were hurt and for all your power you couldn’t stop it. You couldn’t save them. it doesn’t sit well does it?” She asked.

Not at all, but there was nothing I could have done.” He said softly.

“You know what this place is called?” She asked. motioning with her wings to the surrounding area. They were in the courtyard of some kind of ruin though it was blackened and burnt far beyond recognition. Only melted stone and scorched earth remained. Most of the damage was far older than what Hammer Strike had done, his more recent work evident in the slightly red stones nearby.. The only reason why it even remotely resembled a fort was because parts of the stonework had melted into the shapes they held when they had been individual stones bound together with mortar. Still, the overall impression the place gave was like a wax sculpture that had been placed in the sun a little too long.

Hammer Strike slowly shook his head.

Celestia’s Vengeance.” The princess sighed. “This was a gryphon fort during the Third Gryphon war before I let the sun loose on it. The first and only time I let the sun loose on anything.”

What did they do?” He questioned.

“That’s the thing. It was a war, they fought in it. They were simply doing what happens in war. They killed my ponies, and my ponies fought back. But on that day I had finally seen the casualty reports for the entire war. Oh, I had fought in battles before, led armies, but casualty reports were for generals, losses were a label; a note of less assets than normal. Never had I applied the term to meaning actual lives.” Celestia explained. “I was barely a teen by the standard my sister and I have come to understand for our way of aging. I was erratic, and quickly controlled by my emotions. When I saw the names of how many of my ponies wouldn’t be returning home I wanted the gryphons to pay. I wanted to make them feel the pain I felt. So I walked up to this base that my ponies had laid siege to for weeks,moved the atmosphere out of the way, and let the sun land unhindered on this fort. Within moments everything that was not stone was ash, everything that was stone was lava, in over a thousand years nothing has ever grown here. No life has ever lived here since.” She said. “And do you know what it got me?”

Fear?” Hammer said, still looking around with a blank stare.

“Celestia the Terrible, Celestia the Destroyer, Celestia, she who brings immolation and vengeance to all who oppose.” The solar princess sighed. “And not a single pony lost came back to show for it.” She sighed. “It is a burden to have the fire and know that it could harm everything you care about as well as everything you hate. To have to turn the righteous to ash with the wicked. Sometimes I return to this place to remind myself what fire is.” She said. “Do you understand what fire is?”

More than just destruction and death as some would believe, for it is also a source of life, controlled of course.” He sighed.

The Solar Princess nodded. “The same sun that caused all this, raises the crops that feed my ponies every day, it tends to the trees warms the ground, brings life to my ponies and to everything under it. But if I were simply to move the atmosphered a tiny bit.” She waved her hoof around them. “All gone for a whole three centimeters wide.”

Hammer Strike reached over and gave the gem on his bracelet a small turn, reverting back to his human form as he sat there as himself, as Shawn.

It…” His fists clenched lightly before releasing as he placed one hand on his head. “They were…

“They are.” Celestia noted. “And you have much to do and not much to do it with.” She noted. “I can’t say my younger self will be entirely easy to deal with but with a note she will honor what I ask of her. You’ll need access to the Black Vault.”

What for?” He softly questioned.

“By the time Grif comes to your home, House Strike has been operating for close to 36 years, and it was you who Grif pledged himself too, this means you must set up your house for a thirty-six year span while not aging. The doctor could do it,. You, unfortunately, will not have the option. I kept something in that vault that should make things easier.” She explained “It’s funny, try telling the gryphon emperor the long game works both ways and he’ll have you hospitalized.” She laughed. “Is there anything you’ll need before you leave?” she asked “I am afraid you’ll need to leave behind Grif and Pensword’s armor, but you should take their weapons. Oh, and Shawn, when you get back, sorry about hitting you in the face.”

I’m sure it didn’t hurt that bad…” He shook his head with a small smile as he stood. “What am I saying?” He chuckled softly, his tone gaining strength again. “I’ll be sure to brace for it.” He said before shifting the gem again, standing before Celestia as Hammer Strike.

In a flash the two of them were once again in the palace of the two pony sisters, only this room was different. For one thing there was no visible door to enter or leave from. Secondly it appeared entirely untouched by the centuries that had passed. “Welcome to the Eclipsed Sanctum.” Celestia said. “This was my private room back when we lived here, a place I could get away from the nobles, other ponies, the annoying little sister trying to steal the last slice of cake,” She sighed. “and the location of two very important things. First, my personal parchment paper specially made just for me from a tree most consider to be extinct. If I write the note in this, even I can’t doubt it’s authenticity.”

“Helps that you already know it works doesn’t it?” Hammer Strike questioned with a small smile.

“Yes I suppose so.” She laughed as she got a quill and ink. “The Doctor once used this amazing metaphor for the complexities of time, if only I could remember it, timey wimey wibbly wobbly, something of time stuff.” She said as she dipped the pen in the ink. As she wrote the ink appeared to actually be made of light before sinking into a black that made it seem as though the letters were burnt onto the page. With a quick sign Celestia applied a hoof print to the bottom. She sealed it and handed it to Hammer Strike.

“Close enough.” Hammer Strike commented before taking the scroll and putting it into his bags, noting that his armor seemed to still be very hot with a shrug.

“Follow.” Celestia said as she turned to one of the walls. She pressed her hoof against it and pulled down. Stone grated on stone as a panel under her hoof sunk in and the one her hoof reseted on moved downward. “This panel will only move if the one touching it posses a solar fire.” She explained as a door slid open. She led him carefully down a stone corridor. “Now I am showing you this because I trust you Shawn. Understand, half the things in this vault could render Equestria to ash in a matter of seconds. The Doctor allows me to keep them here knowing they’ll never be used. But what I am giving you is far from dangerous in the right hooves.” They came to the end of the corridor. “You cannot tell anypony about this, not even Pensword or Grif, understand?” She asked.

“I understood how secret as soon as you said ash.” He replied.

In front of them was a door with a hole for a horn. However unlike the other door for the elements vault this door was white hot and pulsing with heat that by all means should have rendered the door slag.

“Now looking at this door how would you assume it would be opened?” Celestia asked.

“Differently than I would expect because of you saying that.” He replied.

Celestia raised a hoof to a metal plate on the corridor wall. As she concentrated the door began to fade as the heat began to eb. “If a unicorn where to place their horn on that door, they would be reduced to ash rather suddenly.” She explained as more heat drained from the door and the panel began to glow. “The heat of this door matches the heat of Equis’s inner molten core.” Celestia explained. “And to open it the heat must be entirely drained into this metal plate with a hoof.”

“And to do so?” Hammer questioned.

“Place your hoof here.” She instructed.

“Just put my hoof there? Nothing else?” He questioned with a raised brow.

“And yet it has kept out the cleverest of bandits and safe crackers for centuries.” Celestia smiled. “An Immortal princess must have some incredibly complicated system for her valuables, She wouldn’t possibly use the simple approach.”

“I saw it as a near first option.” He replied with a flat expression. “I won’t question it anymore, I’d rather not bother. Onward we go.”

The panel clicked inwards and the vault door slid open. “And so, the Black Vault.” She said, gesturing for him to enter.

After a moment he stepped in, taking the details of the room around him. The vault was a mess of armor racks, weapon racks, and podiums for certain other items. Shelves lined the walls with parts and pieces. Some he recognized as the pony equivalents of things the doctor would have fought. The eye of a Dalek, the head of a Cyberman...Cyberpony. Something that seemed to resemble a Sontaran weapon for hooves. Other items he didn’t recognise, some as mundane as an old dusty oil lamp.

On what Hammer Strike could only assume was a horse shaped stand stood a set of massive plated armor that seemed to have been made to cover everything but a small vizor for the eye’s. The plates had been carefully articulated by the smith and it looked like whoever forged it was trying to make an armor that restricted no movement while providing impossible levels of protection.

“Impressive. Who made this set?” Hammer questioned.

“That is your Juggernaut armor.” Celestia said. “At least, I think thats what you called it. The word is strange in Equish, but you said a pony wearing this armor could walk through a battlefield and survive anything short of a direct catapult boulder.” She said. “The price was sadly incredibly uneconomical, this suit alone cost nearly one million bits.”

“So then I paid for that with my own currency I take it?” He questioned.

“Actually thats the approximate estimate, at this point you had a full steel mine working for you and so you paid nothing for metal and the work was your own hoof.” She noted.

On a stand not far away a gladius shortsword and a small mace lay across each other. the gladius was wrapped in a white sheath with a well polished bronze handle sticking out of it. The mace was a deep blue metal with a black leather wrapped handle. The head was round and filled with creators. “These are Sunburn and Crater Face.” Celestia said catching his gaze. “The first weapons Luna and I ever used. I cannot remember who their maker was or who taught us to wield them, but they saved our lives many times until we outgrew their size.”

“They were made well it seems.” He commented, taking in certain details on the swords. It even had the smiths mark, but it was faded too much for him to capture the image.

Celestia floated a small glass orb towards him. “This will allow you to place yourself within a moment in time inside a painting. With the right help you can escape when you are needed and otherwise ignore time while you wait for things to be right.” She offered it to him.

“What if I am needed on the outside?” He asked. “It does not seem like an idea to start the house and leave for years.” He asked.

“The doctor well help you with that part.” Celestia said. “I’m simply handing you what you will need.” She said.

“This is going to be one interesting trip it seems…” He said.

“And you expect less from The Doctor?” Celestia smiled.

“Touche.” He replied.

“It seems your ride has arrived already, so we should head back.” Celestia said gesturing outside the vault. “I can’t teleport within the vault.” She explained.

“Well it makes sense really.” He replied as they headed out of the vault, as soon as they were out the door swung shut, its fiery aura instantly returning. With a flash the two of them vanished from the corridor as it closed, the entire mechanism resetting to it’s former state.

In the gallery, as Luna had revealed it was indeed called, the lunar alicorn, the doctor, and Moonshade sat patiently. This time they were accompanied bya large elderly blond and grey feathered gryphon wearing a rather dapper black suit and cape with a red inner lining. Next to him stood a red mare with a brown mane and tail and the cutie mark of a magnifying glass showing what Moonshade could only assume was supposed to be the silhouette of an alien. Side by side, a second blue rectangular box almost identical to the doctors own stood. The only difference between the two being the paint seemed to be a lighter shade of blue. It was between these two specific groups that Celestia and Hammer Strike appeared.

Moonshade was looking at the second phone box and just blinked. “It just came out of no where.” She muttered as the two doctors seemed to only grin a little at each other upon seeing the expression on Moonshade. “How did-? You are telling me that tiny little thing is a Time Machine?”

“Time and Relative Dimension in Space, my dear.” The gryphon spoke up. “I am surprised I didn’t explain this before I arrived.” The gryphon eyed the pony Doctor appraisingly. “Then again I seem to have gotten… erratic in my old age.”

“You’re still not a ginger Doctor.” The pony who as far as Moonshade could tell was named Spyglass Smith.

“Well excuse me if we weren’t the least bit busy.” The pony Doctor snarled.

“Oh it seems I’m also rude, I don’t think I’ve been rude before.” The gryphon noted.

“Well given what just occurred, it is mostly understandable.” Hammer Strike commented aloud.

The gryphon turned appraisingly to Hammer Strike staring at him. “So I understand you are in need of a lift?” The gryphon asked. It was notable that despite the age of his body his eye’s carried a youth that the other doctors seemed to lack.

“It appears so. it seems I have work to do.” He replied

“Yeah, and I have one lost commander to find and protect from any mares that might get any ideas about him. He is already spoken for.” She could not hide the facial fall a little at the words. “If you can go and… get back to Pensword then I am going with you. No ifs ands or buts.”

“Good. Didn’t want to do much alone, but there might be a problem.” He said, muttering the last part.

“Problem?” The gryphon and the pony asked at the same time.

“We can talk more on that in private, Doctor.” He replied.

“Very well, is there anything you lot need before we go? I don’t think a return trip will be possible for some time.” The gryphon noted.

“I carried my gear with me, and thankfully-” He gave himself a quick look over. “Thankfully I didn’t… Well… Burn it and/or turn it to ash.”

Moonshade glared. “I am already wearing the gear I feel would be appropriate, I am also carrying something for Pensword when I see him again.” She she looked at the group, wondering as the full impact of what they were about to do hit her.. “We really are going into the past?” She whispered.

“Very well then we should head off at once.” The gryphon snapped his talons and the lighter box’s doors opened. “Good day, Doctor.” he nodded to the pony doctor.

“Doctor.” The pony Doctor said he squinted a bit before stomping his hoof against the floor. He seemed momentarily surprised when his Tardis’s doors opened. Quickly covering it up with a smug smile, he stode leisurely towards it, and promptly tripped over the step of the raised platform it rested on. “I meant to do that.”

“Yes of course.” The gryphon chuckled as he entered his Tardis, the others following suit.

Moonshade paused and blinked. “This… how? it, but…” She stammered in shock in the doorway as she was the last to enter what many fans would call the classic control room of the Tardis.

“I like the circles. Adds a nice look.” Hammer Strike commented.

The gryphon nodded as he worked on the control panel. “Can never have too many round things. I don’t think I shall ever get rid of them.” He said as he worked.

“No comment.” Hammer Strike said softly.

The doctor didn’t seem to hear as the familiar sound, not unlike heavy panting, was heard. “And off we go.” He said.

Moonshade looked to Hammer Strike and at the machine in the middle of the room. “Are we actually moving?” She asked and paused before standing up, walking over to Hammer Strike. “Why are you trusting him so much?”

“Because he is someone you can trust with your life, despite the odds.” Hammer replied softly.

“Well not much else to do, the old girl knows where we’re going. So, who’s hungry?” The gryphon asked.

Moonshade looked to Hammer Strike, confused at the commment. “Do all folks name things they operate?”

“You would if she could understand you back.” Hammer responded with a small smile.

“You?” She sighed and shook her head. “Why not, I mean some of the artifacts in legends are said to be sentient, why not a time machine that hides as a skinny blue box?” She replied with a laugh.

“Hmmm…” The gryphon nodded as he checked some dials. “Yes that seems right.” He noted. He flipped a switch as the sound not unlike heavy panting returned. “Well my friends, it seems I have some good news and some bad news.” He noted.

“Bad news first please.” Hammer Strike commented.

“We’re in Baltimare.” He responded. “But, we are in the right timeline.” The gryphon added.

“So we have a distance to travel then?” Hammer Strike asked.

“I’m sure I have a chariot in here somewhere if your thestral friend wouldn’t be against pulling you.” The gryphon offered.

“You act as though I’m unwilling to travel by hoof.” Hammer Strike said after a pause. “Plus, I couldn’t do that to a friend.”

Moonshade blinked and growled. “You think pulling a chariot is a burden? I’ll let you know that I have been trained in royal chariot pulling duties. Decoy chariot for distraction but I was in training when you three all showed up.”

“I would rather not make you do something when we can just walk.” Hammer Strike said, his voice raising a little. “I dislike acting like this. I hate it even. But I have to follow this role. At least give me this.”

Moonshade ignored the slight chuckle from the only Pony in the room as she glared at Hammer Strike. “Very well, but doing so would mean…” She glared at the doors. “This timeline was not kind to my people… If we walk, I will have to wear your house symbol over my chest to indicate myself a hired sword for you. Even then that might not guarantee my passage through the city unharmed.”

“I don’t plan on letting that happen.” His tone darkened, his eyes squinting.

“I am afraid there isn’t much else I can do for you here, but this is an address of some ...friends I happen to have within the city.” The gryphon handed them a piece of parchment. “If you look them up they should help you.”

“In this city I take it?” Hammer Strike asked.

“Within the capital.” The gryphon said.

“Well then…” He sighed. “We better get started I guess. But I need to talk to you at some point, just you.” He said to the Doctor.

“Spyglass, could you take our friend here and find her something more time fitting in the wardrobe?” The Doctor asked.

“Of course, Doctor.” The mare looked to Moonshade. “It’s just over here.” She said heading down one of the corridors.

“Doctor, how am I supposed to set up a noble house, and expect it to work while I vanish for thirty six or more years?” Hammer asked. “Celestia said you have something for me to use to deal with that problem.”

“My friend, what can’t age? You or just your body?” The gryphon asked.

“Body, apparently I never seemed to age in the eyes of history. But I can not do that for thirty six years.” He replied.

“Have you considered a proxy? A ghoul or a golem perhaps that can take your image, without a will of it’s own you can control it quite easily.” The gryphon explained.

“A golem?” Hammer questioned. “I suppose if I am controlling it, it would pretty much be me, if it looked right.” Hammer shrugged.

“When you get to the capital, look for my friends, one of them is very skilled in these sort of matters.” The gryphon assured him. “I am afraid there is little more help I can give you.”

“Anything helps honestly.” He sighed, glancing back at the cape he was wearing before removing it.

When Moonshade and Spyglass returned, Moonshade was dressed in a far more haphazard set of armor. Different plates of onyx stone and ebony seemed to have been sewn together onto a black tunic. On each of the hastily made pauldrons a wolf tooth was embedded facing downwards and a wolf had been lightly etched on the breastplate. Her weapons seemed the same as before but hanging loosely at her side by a piece of cloth was a tomahawk. A onyx knife likewise rested on her opposite side.

“Perfect, you look like you're fresh off the hunting grounds.” The gryphon nodded. “No one will ever doubt where you come from wearing that.”

Hammer Strike made no comment, only his eye gave a little twitch at the armor.

“I feel exposed.” Moonshade muttered. “Then again I was use to wearing the armor that Milord made for me.” She paused. “So I would be not bothered looking like this? I find that a little hard to believe.”

“Thestrals are still tribal at this time.” The gryphon explained. “Their weapons and armor have been worked on from resources available and their skills are a more primal way of fighting. They are quite deadly warriors especially in the night and the only thing keeping the pegasi from being at a rivalry with them is Equestria’s negligence to look at them as equals. Whileit’s not strictlyunheard of for important personages to have a thestral bodyguard it is almost unspeakably rare. Such cases generally result in the bits being brought home to share with everyone for things they all need. You have to look the part of a tribal thestral because you either can’t afford or are wary of finer weapons and armor made by pony hooves.”

Moonshade only nodded her head and glared. “I am so glad Princess Luna reforged our armor tastes.” She chuckled lightly before lookingat Hammer Strike. “Very well. I shall wear this contraption ... for the time being.”

“Let us get going, Lunar Fang. Tthe sooner the better.” Hammer Strike said.

Moonshade had started to walk forward only to freeze at hearing Hammer Strike calling her something else. “Wha-What?”

Moonshade looked to adjust one of the pauldrons when she noticed the teeth embedded in them, they were fangs embedded over the crescent moon, these pauldrons were famous in history.

“They were Lunar Fangs pauldrons.” She looked back up again to Hammer Strike who was giving a rare smile. “What?” She asked in utter shock. “I’m….?”

“Congratulations, it only took me giving up and deciding to tell you.” Hammer replied.

Author's Note:

Author Note Scene: Well, as this is a group writing. At times over our means of communicating. We have what can only be described as planning moments. They occur at all points in the writing, what follows was a joke scene that one of us started, and decided to finish. Consider this as a bonus feature of this chapter. So thank you for reading, and enjoy a scene that frankly was a lot of fun to write.


Hammer Strike slowly approached the log that the CMC had built, all of them beaming with joy. He looked forward and found his hooves tripping over a buried branch. A moment later the entire body of the earth pony vanished.

Moonshade and Pensword raced towards the area and blinked.

“Anypony else a little nervous about this bottomless blackness?” he asked looking into the log.

“Get that log pulled up.” Moonshade yelled as she pointed with a wing at a few unicorns. “I … did they create a cave system?”

They all stared in shock as the log was lifted up and it was just a log. The ground showed snow and nothing else. The Unicorns turned the log upside down to the shock of Dinky, only a moment later Hammer Strike fell out of the log. falling into a pile.

“Oh my, Where is …?” he looked up with a flat look. “Not good.” A moment later a lot of water dumped out of the log. “I wonder how the library was doing.” he muttered before being covered by books as the water slowly froze.

Grif only paused in mid air having seen just the end of this. He placed a taloned hand to his beak. “Dinky?” he muttered.

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