• Published 22nd Apr 2013
  • 18,292 Views, 2,087 Comments

The Tale of Lord Barleycorn - Blue Cultist

The Harvest Family farm is on the brink of financial collapse. Can this 'Lord Barleycorn' really deliver on all his promises?

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9. Very carefully!

The Tale of Lord Barleycorn
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Chapter 9: Very carefully!

School was over, and Corn Crib was returning home as usual. The skip that had been present this morning was no longer in her step as she headed down the road. What she and Wind Row had talked about at recess was still running through her mind.

Although she had kept quiet about Lord Barleycorn staying on their farm, Corn Crib felt some measure of guilt. Wind Row was a nice colt, and no pony believed him for what he saw.

But eggs and rope? It didn't make sense. Try as she might, she couldn't see what Lord Barleycorn would need with those things. The way Wind Row had described what he saw, it couldn't have been anything other than the Scarecrow King.

She would just have to ask him about this incident when she next saw him.

"Hello little princess."

Corn Crib dropped her lunch box and whirled around on her hooves. Standing right behind her was none other than the very scarecrow she'd been thinking about. He gave her a friendly wave with his sleeved hand, chuckling triumphantly.

"Oh, very funny." Corn Crib huffed as she glared up at the scarecrow.

"Sorry." Lord Barleycorn chuckled as he then folded his arms behind his back and rocked on his heels. "You looked so deep in thought that I probably would have scared you no matter what I did."

Corn Crib's face softened as she watched him. There was something about the animated, clownish way he stood that made Corn Crib smile. "Maybe. Did you come here to walk me home?"

"Indeed I did." He bowed slightly, "Forgive me if it looks like I'm shirking my duties, but I do enjoy your company."

"Well... I'll forgive you if you carry my lunchbox. I can't walk and talk with it in my mouth." Corn Crib pointed to the small metal box that was laying on the ground.

"But of course, milady." Lord Barleycorn bent down and scooped up the lunchbox, spinning it effortlessly in his sleeve-covered hands before stuffing it under his arm. "I hope everything went well in school today?"

"Well, sort of. A few things happened." Corn Crib bit her lip, then put on a smile as she resumed the walk toward home. "Block Head got his cutie mark yesterday and was showing it off at recess. We were all happy for him, but he's got a talent for wood working-"

"Cutie mark?" he wondered silently.

"-But the lumber mill's closed down.". Lord Barleycorn sighed, as he easily kept pace with his long legs. "Was he in good spirits?"

"Yeah, but he was a complete show off." Corn Crib rolled her eyes. "So, anything cool happen at the farm?"

Lord Barleycorn shrugged his moth-eaten shoulders. "Well, other than finding an old sugaring camp, I believe I met your mother the other day."

"You did?" Corn Crib grinned, "Did she freak out like Leadfoot did?"

"...Yeah, but I think I made a good impression." The scarecrow rubbed his burlap cheek, but he still sounded happy. "Your mom left a bowl of baked pears out by the forest this morning, for me I assumed. She's a great cook."

"The best." Corn Crib said matter-of-factly, "We had those last night. She said she found them in the woods."

"Oh she did?" Lord Barleycorn chuckled knowingly, "Your mother does seem to have a knack for finding the best things to eat in that forest."

"Usually..." Corn Crib muttered, thinking back to the cat tail and onion sandwiches they had to eat one night...

Corn Crib wasn't sure when Lord Barleycorn had begun hopping on one foot, but when she did notice it, it was amazing. Corn Crib could not comprehend how something that top heavy could move with only one leg, much less keep pace with her!

Not willing to be out-done, the corn-colored filly reared up on her back legs. Walking like this was something of a schoolhouse trick the other colts and fillies would attempt at recess. The scarecrow turned to watch her, one raised foot resting flat against the calf of his other leg.

Corn Crib wobbled on her back feet as she struggled to take her first steps. Her back heels** buckled, not designed nor used to holding the full bulk of her equine body. She had never seriously tried to walk this way before.

"How the hay do you walk like this!?" Corn Crib cried out as she took her third step, desperate to balance herself. The filly waved her front legs about trying to regain balance..

"Very carefully!" The scarecrow laughed, now hopping backwards to watch the filly's attempts.

Corn Crib huffed; Barleycorn's laughter only spurring her on. If he could move on one foot, then by Celestia she could walk on two! Corn Crib wobbled on her back hooves, watching the scarecrow hop in place, waiting just a few steps ahead of her.

After her fifth step Corn Crib had started to get some insight on how to balance herself. With this new confidence, the filly decided she needed to pick up the speed. Her exuberance only resulted in more instability, and she began snaking across the dirt road. Her hooves slipped in the softer dirt at the road's edge, and Corn Crib teetered on her one earth born leg. She cried out for help, and saw Lord Barleycorn putting his leg down and rushing to catch her, but gravity proved faster than him.

The ground came flying closer, and the filly threw out her foreleg to catch herself. As big as the ground was, Corn Crib's aim wasn't good enough. Only the tip of her hoof touched the ground before her her knee bent and took the full brunt of her landing. The pain that rocketed up Corn Crib's leg caused her to cry out in pain.

The next thing Corn Crib knew, the scarecrow was kneeling by her side with a look of concern clear in his eyes behind the burlap sack. Shifting her body, Corn Crib pushed herself back onto her hooves and instantly yelped in pain, then flopped back on her side.

The scarecrow pulled his sleeves up to reveal those furless hands. Corn Crib's lunchbox lay abandoned in the dirt behind Lord Barleycorn as he leaned in closer.

"Where does it hurt?" Lord Barleycorn spoke calmly, his previously gregarious tone, now steady and controlled.

Corn Crib grit her teeth, and gave her offending leg a twitch. Her young face scrunched up as she whimpered. "My knee..."

Those stubby claws ran over her foreleg with surprising grace. Each one gently feeling the long bones of her leg, starting with the top of her thigh and working down.

"I don't feel anything broken yet." The scarecrow stated as he gently cupped the youngest Harvest's hoof and softly bent it back and forth. "Everything feels okay in your ankle?"

"Yeah, I think its all in my kne-" Corn Crib hissed as she moved the joint in question. A bit of red was starting to show from under her yellow coat.

"Well, you can bend it, that's good." Lord Barleycorn said as he bent her fur back with those opposable thumbs of his. "Stupid fur... can't see anything!"

Corn Crib winced as she watched her hay-scented friend bring his face closer to her knee. She could see those eyes squint as he tried to part her fur which only made the pain worse.

"A light abrasion, hardly a death sentence." Lord Barleycorn thought as he pulled away, patting the filly on the shoulder, "It's just a cut, a scraped knee at best."

Memories of her father's injury sprang to mind. Sure she hadn't fallen into the tool shed, but her dad got cut in a similar place. The sight of his shaved knee and the bunched up skin, all sewn together with surgical thread made Corn Crib cringe everytime she saw it.

Corn Crib gulped. "W-will I need stitches?"

Lord Barleycorn shook his head. "No, I think once this bleeds out, it'll just scab over."

Corn Crib looked at her knee, then to the tall two-legged scarecrow. "You sure?"

"Positive." Lord Barleycorn pulled down the rip of his mask to show the smile he was wearing. "Just take it easy for a day or two, keep it clean, and you'll be right as rain."

Corn Crib loked down at her knee, then carefully rose to her hooves. Her knee felt terrible, but she could walk on it with only a little hobbling.

"I have to say, you surprise me." Lord Barleycorn picked up the filly's lunchbox. "Most kids your age cry a little bit when they scrape their knee."

"I'm not a little foal, it doesn't hurt that much!" Corn Crib protested through clenched teeth.

"I take back what I said. You're the toughest young lady I've ever seen." Lord Barleycorn mentioned, stooping down. "So tough in fact that you shouldn't walk home. What's an honored princess without her royal carriage?"

Corn Crib stopped, lifting her knee to take the weight off it. "Well, we don't have a cart..."

Lord Barleycorn chuckled and knelt down on one knee. "No, but I'm the next best thing."

Corn Crib quickly shook her head. "I don't think so."

"Oh, come on. You can't tell me you didn't have fun last time I carried you." Lord Barleycorn rolled his shoulder, prepping himself for her answer.

The filly looked at the ground, then out at the corn fields that stretched out to the road to the forest. "Okay. "

On Lord Barleycorn's directions, Corn Crib held the handle to her school lunch box while he carefully cradled her to his chest. The filly could feel his arms tense as he lifted her with relative ease. The corn rows began to pass them by as the scarecrow began to walk, quickly settling into humming a happy tune.


Lord Barleycorn tilted his head to the side. "I'm sorry?"

Corn Crib waggled the lunch box in her mouth.

"Oh, one sec." Lord Barleycorn shifted her in his arms, being extremely mindful of her leg. His hand came up near Corn Crib's mouth, and gladly accepted the lunch box. "Okay, what was that?"

Corn Crib laid her head in the crook of the scarecrow's shoulder. "I just wanted to say thanks."

"You don't have to thank me." Lord Barleycorn simply stated, "I couldn't leave you laying on the side of the road."

"I know you wouldn't." Corn Crib closed her eyes, feeling comfortable despite her aching leg.

"And besides, you shouldn't be thanking me." Lord Barleycorn said, sounding almost sardonic. "I did provoke you into our little competition."

"Don't be sorry. We were both acting a little foalish." Corn Crib smiled, "Although... if you really wanted to make up for it, you could let me see your face."

"And remove a mystery from your childhood?" Lord Barleycorn gasped, feigning shock. "Eventually, but remember Corn Crib, anticipation is itself a source of pleasure."

"Anticipation?" Corn Crib tilted her head, "Is that like, patience?"

The scarecrow nodded.

"Ugh, then count me out." Corn Crib snorted, her request clearly denied.

Lord Barleycorn laughed, then released a happy sigh, "To be young again. Ms. Harvest, might I inquire about the lands of Equestria? Time has slipped away from me, and I'm curious to know what might have changed."

"Sure, why not?" Corn Crib shrugged, "But, I get to ask a question or two."

"Of course you can!" Lord Barleycorn chortled, "First, who might rule Equestria in this day and age?"

Corn Crib grinned, this was too easy. "Princess Celestia and her sister, Princess Luna. I got to see them both when I went with my cousin, Cheerywood, and saw the Hearth's Warming Eve pageant in Canterlot!"

Lord Barleycorn shook his head in confusion. "What's Hearth's Warming Eve?"

An incredulous snort erupted from Corn Crib. "You don't know what Hearth's Warming Eve is?"

"I haven't a clue." Lord Barleycorn stated.

"It's a day when you get presents from friends and family, and you spend the day by the fire telling stories and singing songs. Then you get to go out and make snow ponies and sled... it's a lot of fun!" Corn Crib began to smile as she finished, clearly trying to sell the scarecrow on the idea. "You should totally stick around so we could celebrate it together!"

"So... it's like christmas." he thought.

"I wish I could, but that's in winter. I can't stay past the first snowfall." The scarecrow said, "I need to head onward once I've fulfilled my promise. It's always autumn somewhere in the world, and I am tethered to it."

Corn Crib lowered her head. She would have insisted on walking on alone, but she knew how well that would turn out. Instead, she laid her head against Lord Barleycorn's chest again.

They walked in silence together for a few minutes, the rhythm of Lord Barleycorn's boots on the road, and the gentle rock of his arms was making her just a little drowsy. A heavy sigh rolled up from the scarecrow suddenly, startling Corn Crib at how stressed it sounded.

"Is something wrong?" Corn Crib asked timidly.

Lord Barleycorn looked down at the foal in his arms, coming to a stop in the road. "Hm. Oh, no. I'm just thinking."

"About what?" Corn Crib blinked.

Lord Barleycorn shook his head. "Nothing important."

Corn Crib frowned and pressed her good hoof against his chest. "Come on, friends don't keep secrets."

"Well... I'm just not sure what to do when your cousin arrives tomorrow." Lord Barleycorn muttered, "Do you know anything about her?"

Corn Crib shook her head, "I've never met her, and Leadfoot said he only met her once as a little colt."

"Well, when she comes, try and spend time with her." Lord Barleycorn said, "I know she's probably a nice pony, but I need to know if she's trustworthy."

"Sure." Corn Crib looked up the road. It wouldn't be too long before they'd be home. "Hey, can you tell me what you wanted with rope and eggs?"

The scarecrow looked down to her, and Corn Crib could almost swear she saw those eyes get wider. "Where did you hear this from?"

"Wind Row, a colt from my school." Corn Crib fidgeted in Lord Barleycorn's arms, but her eyes remained locked on his face. "He said he saw you running away with a basket of eggs and some rope."

Corn Crib was jostled as Lord Barleycorn's shoulders slumped. The scarecrow leaned his head back. There was a hissing intake of air as Lord Barleycorn brought his head back up to face the little pony.

"Little princess," He said quietly, "I assure you, I will return everything that can be returned. I took the eggs because I was hungry, and they will last me a while. The rope I needed to set a few traps."

Corn Crib raised an eyebrow, looking a little worried. "Traps?"

"They're nothing gruesome." Lord Barleycorn stated firmly. "But I need to make coming to your farm an unpleasant experience for the rabbits."

"So, you only did that to get rid of the rabbits?" Lord Barleycorn nodded his head. "And you promise you'll give the rope back when you're done?"

"I promise." Lord Barleycorn said.

Corn Crib narrowed her eyes. "And you'll apologize for taking the eggs?"

"The problem with cute kids is that when they realize they're cute, they use it against you." Another sigh came up from the scarecrow's lungs. "I promise."

"Good." Corn Crib smiled, "And you keep your promises."

"Always." Lord Barleycorn leaned his head closer. "And thanks for forgiving a fool."

"I haven't forgiven you yet." Corn Crib giggled, "But it's a start."

The scarecrow lifted his chin and let out a thoughtful 'hmm.' "Maybe I can start by sharing a song with you?"

Corn Crib grinned."A song? Is it a magical autumn song?"

"No, but it's one that's been stuck in my mind the past few days." Lord Barleycorn said, "In fact, I used to sing it for kids back when I... well, lets say I always loved making children feel better."

The scarecrow cleared his throat, hummed out the proper key and began to sing.

Whatever happened to the funky race?
A generation lost in pace
Wasn't life supposed to be more than this?
In this kiss I'll change your bore for my bliss

But let go of my hand and it will slip on the sand
If you don't give me the chance
to break down the walls of attitude
I ask nothing of you
not even your gratitude

And if you think I'm corny
then it will not make me sorry
It's your right to laugh at me
and in turn that's my oppurtunity
to feel brave

Because ridicule is no shame
Oh, it's just a way to eclipse hate
It's just a way to put my back straight
Oh, it's just a way to remain sane

Every morning I would see her getting off the bus
The picture never drops, it's like a multicoloured snapshot
stuck in my brain
It kept me sane for a couple of years
as it drenched my fears
of becoming like the others
who become unhappy mothers
and fathers of unhappy kids
and why is that?

'Cos they've forgotten how to play
Oh, maybe they're afraid to feel ashamed
to seem strange, to seem insane
to gain weight, to seem gay
I tell you this

That it takes a fool to remain sane
Oh, it takes a fool to remain sane
Oh, it takes a fool to remain sane
Oh, in this world all covered up in shame
(Oh, take it to the stage)

So, take it to the stage in a multicoloured jacket
Take it jackpot, crackpot, strutting like a peacock
Nailvarnish Arkansas, shimmy-shammy featherboah
Crackpot, haircut, dye your hair in glowing red and blue

Do, do, do what you wanna do
Don't think twice, do what you have to do
Do, do, do, do, let your heart decide
what you have to do
That's all there is to find

'Cos it takes a fool to remain sane
Oh, it takes a fool to remain sane
Oh, in this world all covered up in shame
Oh, it takes a fool to remain sane
Oh, it takes a fool to remain sane
Oh, it takes a fool to remain sane
Oh, in this world all covered up in shame

Oh, it takes a fool
It takes a fool to remain sane...

As the song wore on, Corn Crib found herself singing along with the chorus,and bobbing her head along with Lord Barleycorn's footwork. He had spun her several times,and walked backwards. In a way he'd danced with her in his arms, and the more she smiled the louder and clearer he seemed to sing.

The farm house was in Corn Crib's view as the song ended. Corn Crib couldn't remember the last time the walk home had taken so little time, and Corn Crib found herself wishing the distance to the schoolhouse was greater.

The scarecrow's arms tightened just a little, and their rigidness called the filly to take stock of her surroundings. What had spooked her friend was Corn Crib's mother standing there at the road with her hoof in the mailbox.

Harvest Moon's eyes widened with surprise, but a smile soon accompanied it. She winked to them both and brought her hoof to her muzzle in the universal gesture of 'I won't tell.'

Lord Barleycorn's grip softened as he approached the older pony, and set the filly down in front of her mother.

"She scraped her knee on the road, so I thought I'd carry her home." Lord Barleycorn said plainly, tipping his straw hat to Harvest Moon.

"Very gracious of you, milord." Harvest Moon bowed, "Can I get you anything for your troubles?"

"A blanket would be lovely, if you have one to spare." The scarecrow said with a shiver, "Winter approaches, and the nights become inhospitable for me. Just set it in the barn, I'll get it later."

Harvest Moon nodded, "I'll do that right now, and thank you again."

Lord Barleycorn bowed to the two mares, then backed away into the corn rows without another word.

Harvest Moon looked down at her daughter, positively giddy with pride. "Corn Crib, let's get you inside and clean that knee up. Then you can tell me what happened."

Corn Crib grinned as she hobbled along in front of her mother. She half-wished Lord Barleycorn had gone the extra mile of taking her inside the house. "Okay, I'll even tell you this neat little song we sang together!"


===Sweet Apple Acres, the next morning===

The sun rose as it always did over Sweet Apple Acres. Already Applejack was getting out to the west orchard to start the next round of apple bucking. Big Mac and Applebloom were busy with the other fields. This was only the start of the apple picking season, so the work was light compared to what was to come in just a few short weeks.

A rabbit darted in front of Applejack, springing off between the trees.

"Consarn it..." Applejack muttered. "Just when Ah thought Ah'd chased those little varmints off mah farm they come back!"

Applejack chased after the rabbit, able to keep pace with it but catching up to it seemed impossible. Another rabbit suddenly crossed the first bunny's path.

Applejack paused, startled that there was another rabbit. "Another one?"

Yet another rabbit darted into view, and another. Only now as she scanned the orchard did the Element of Honesty see the dozens of rabbits hopping this way and that, feasting on any apples that had fallen prematurely.

Applejack was horrified at the sight, only to remember she had been lured away from the tubs of apples she had been filling.

Making all due haste, Applejack rushed back only to find the rabbits in the tubs. The long-eared pests were there, each one with mouths full of the ripened fruit Applejack and her kin were so known for producing.

All the farm mare had to do was approach to scare the rabbits away, but most of the apples were now ruined. As much as Applejack wanted to just turn the whole tub over, she held her anger back. The rabbits would just have more to eat.

"Ah gotta get Fluttershy over here, pronto!" Applejack said, hurrying to get her cart back to the barn and save the few good apples remaining. "Where the heck did all these rabbits come from!?"


To be continued...

Author's Note:

Next time we have the flower trio plus Golden Harvest show up. =3

Proofread by Sigurd Sak Night. Thanks again! =3

Song is It Takes A Fool To Remain Sane by The Ark, great song to chase the blues away. =3

** back heels does not imply she has feet, but rather allude to horse anatomy.

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