• Published 22nd Apr 2013
  • 18,295 Views, 2,087 Comments

The Tale of Lord Barleycorn - Blue Cultist

The Harvest Family farm is on the brink of financial collapse. Can this 'Lord Barleycorn' really deliver on all his promises?

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37. Go find your own costume.

The Tale of Lord Barleycorn
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Chapter 37: Go find your own costume.

It had only been ten minutes since they had left the farm, but Carrot Top was already regretting her most recent decision.

She wasn’t having any trouble pulling the cart, nor was she worried about the impending horde of townsponies that was going to be gawking at her. No, the problem lay with her disguise.

The clothes Carrot Top currently wore had been stolen off a more traditional pony-shaped scarecrow less than an hour ago. These ‘borrowed’ garments consisted of baggy but manageable pair of overalls and a sweater that had been lazily patched to hold in straw. Her face was hidden under the same burlap mask that she had worn before at the school house. At Jack’s suggestion, she had made a small rip in the ‘nose’ of the sack, allowing her to breathe more easily.

The mask was as stuffy as ever, but that wasn’t the real issue.

The real discomfort lay with the method Carrot Top had used alter her coat and mane. With her family and known acquaintances from Ponyville in attendance, there was no question that her curly, orange mane and tail would render any disguise meaningless. Thus, while Jack had taken his first nap on an actual bed in weeks, she had searched the farm for a means of remedying that very problem.

Carrot Top knew well that walnuts, or rather the fleshy, acrid fruit that nurtured the nut inside could be used as a dye. In her foalhood days she and her friends had routinely stained their hooves and muzzles black many times while snacking on the autumnal delicacy, to the chagrin of their parents. She had never used the oil of the fruit to intentionally dye anything before today.

It was this that prompted an hour of discomfort as she had sat in the sun, rubbing freshly squeezed walnut oil into her mane, tail, and fetlocks. As her memory served, the oil had started out a bright, vibrant orange that quickly darkened to a deep, woody brown. Aside from the wretched stickiness that ensued as it dried; the harsh, bitter odor had been so strong she had nearly lost her breakfast. Repeated washes removed the stickiness, though the smell continued to linger.

She briefly considered perfume to mask the odor, but quickly decided against that plan. Rarity struck her as a mare who loved exotic fragrances, and Carrot Top wagered that if she came walking down the street wearing some common brand Rarity would identify it in seconds. From then on everypony would be asking why a field spirit would be wearing perfume, and more unwanted questions would follow.

With that idea sunk, Carrot Top was stuck smelling like some cheap brand of floor cleaner from Barnyard Bargains. Worst of all, the odor pooled under her mask and left her aching for a lungful of fresh air. If not for that rip in the burlap it might have been unbearable.

Even with this annoyance, Carrot Top reasoned that her part in this deception was simple compared to what Jack had to contend with. He was already standing on the cart as they approached Hollow Shades, violin freshly tuned and ready to begin a song to herald their arrival to the assembled populous, and the start of a night-long ordeal.

"Nervous?" Carrot Top asked as she glanced back at the cart.

"Immensely," Jack replied, "But stage fright’s normal before any performance. Of course, there’s normally not the threat of being turned into a frog hanging over my head."

"I told you, our heads." Carrot Top affirmed, "We’re almost to town, I should probably stop talking. … but if you’re wondering, I’m nervous too."

Jack lowered the violin as he stared down at the mare as she pulled the cart. Although Carrot Top couldn’t see it, he was smiling fondly at her.

"If that’s the case, how would you like to hear a song from my childhood that always lifted my spirits?" Jack asked, "It’s one of my favorites, although it wasn’t meant for a violin."

"Sure," Carrot Top said, "If you think it's good enough for the townsponies."

"I’m sure I could play the arpeggio scale and they’d like it." Jack muttered, half-jokingly, "But that’s hardly a challenge."

Jack’s boot tapped a now-familiar three times on the heavy boards of the cart, and from his borrowed violin sprang a soft and gentle melody. It reminded Carrot Top of something she’d heard once from ponies who attempted to recreate the romanticized ballads of ancient bards.

The greatest adventure is what lies ahead~
Today and tomorrow are yet to be said~
The chances the changes are all yours to make~
The mold of your life is in your hooves to break.~

Carrot Top began to canter with increasing confidence as she pulled the cart along the road. Jack may have claimed to possess no magic at all but there was something about his music, his singing, that made her feel at ease.

Ponies were already racing out of the shops to gawk at her and the scarecrow standing upon the cart. Others were quickly clearing the road as Carrot Top advanced, while many, many more were staring mesmerized by the singer.

The greatest adventure is there if you are bold~
Let go of the moment that life makes you hold~
To measure the meaning can make you delay~
It's time you stop thinking and wasting the day.~

A mare whose a dreamer and never takes leave~
Who thinks of a world that is make believe~
Will never know passion~
Will never know pain~
Who sits by the window~
Will one day see rain.~

Just like they they had planned, Carrot Top guided the cart toward the stage and brought it to a halt. Jack continued to play, his voice swelling in his chest as he easily stepped over the side of the comparatively short cart.

The greatest adventure is what lies ahead
Today and tomorrow are yet to be said
The chances the changes are all yours to make
The mold of your life is in your hooves to break.

With only three more strides of his long legs Lord Barleycorn climbed upon the stage, standing proudly as he finished the song, letting the gentle notes fade away before he elegantly bowed to the astonished crowd.

It was not long before many in their number regained their senses and began to applaud in earnest. The scarecrow merely tipped his hat to the ponies of Hollow Shades in a way many of the local farmers did when they passed each other on the road, but kept the violin close to his chin to suggest another song was imminent.

Once the applause had subsided, many of the locals began to congregate around the stage, murmuring with restrained excitement and curiosity. They had been expecting the arrival of the Lord of Autumn, yet to having him just roll in on a rickety old cart pulled by this strange pony was wholly unexpected.

Carrot Top tried not to look any of the ponies in the eye as she worked to unbuckle herself from the cart. This had more to do with her own fraying nerves than the reluctant and timid character she was supposed to portray. She might have been nervous before, but now she was nearly atremble with uneasiness as she felt their eyes searching her for any hint to her entirely mortal identity.

As if he sensed her fear, Lord Barleycorn loudly stamped his boot on the stage, arresting the attention of every wandering set of eyes.

"I am honored to be so warmly received." Lord Barleycorn began, lowering the violin as he spread his arms out in a welcoming manner, "I am not a farmer by any stretch of the word, but as I look out at all these happy faces, I feel as if I have somehow grown a field of smiles."

A few ponies chuckled modestly.

The scarecrow turned his head toward the reddening sun, "I have arrived early, although I cannot guarantee that I shall be so every night of the festival. Many spirits are already clamouring to my court, eager to speak to me one more time before I depart for another year." He then placed the back of his sleeve on his brow, "Oh the woes of royalty, I so much prefer to play my violin for you ponies. ‘Tis far simpler than the glare and glitter and piquancy and phantasm of the Court of Pumpkins. Noble spirits are almost as bad as the nobles of Canterlot, I hear."

Another round of laughter followed, mostly from the vicinity of the Rusty Nail.

"But no doubt you are curious about my mysterious companion?" Lord Barleycorn gestured to Carrot Top, guiding everypony’s attention toward her.

Carrot Top gulped under her mask, shakily crossing her legs and looking down at the ground.

"I would suggest you treat this one with patience and tenderness, for it took me a great deal of convincing to appear before you in any form." Lord Barleycorn said softly, "This gentle creature is not a pony, but a spirit in equine form; the same shape as the farmers that till the fields she haunts at night."

The crowd began to murmur again, many in the front row reverently crossed their legs and bowed their heads to the supposed spirit.

"Know well that field spirits like this rag pony are timid creatures, and this one especially is not used to ponies seeing her. I’ve managed to talk her into visiting, but if she feels too embarrassed she may flee back to her home in the fields and I may not be able to coax her out again. So I ask that you stay on your best behavior around her."

While Carrot Top had seen that Jack could be manufacture colorful stories seemingly out of thin air, she had not expected him to be so clever to weave folklore and stage directions so seamlessly. Nopony besides her was in on the act, and so nopony would realize he was in fact saying that if she felt somepony was getting too nosy she could just run away feigning hurt feelings.

That tiny bit of security made her feel much better about her situation.

Lord Barleycorn then raised a sleeved hand to his brow and began to scan the crowd, "Now that introductions are out of the way, are my precious Knights of Autumn present?"

Almost as soon as he spoke the name of the honored title, a curly poof of pink hair began cut through the crowd like a shark fin. It took only seconds for the party pony to somehow navigate through the crowd, effortlessly emerging before the stage where she stood at a rigid salute, somehow still looking comical despite her sudden level of seriousness.

"Pinkamina Diane Pie reporting for duty your highness!" Pinkie lowered her salute and proudly puffed out her chest.

"As you were, Ms. Pie." Lord Barleycorn said, playing along with the military-esque tone Pinkie used, "How are the provisions?"

"Sir, we’ve got all kinds of tasty treats for the ponies of Hollow Shades to enjoy, sir!" Pinkie belted out, "We also have costumes ready for anypony at Stitch n’ Time tailor shop, sir!"

"Marvelous!" Lord Barleycorn nodded, "Then please set some tables out on the boardwalk and begin setting out those scrumptious delights that you and our esteemed local chefs have prepared… for the profit of the restaurant, of course. I think everypony can afford a bit or two for a slice of pie."

Again Pinkie saluted and immediately killed the serious facade she had built up by playfully bouncing away on her hooves and humming a happy tune.

With Pinkie’s departure, Lord Barleycorn once more addressed the crowd, "With that bit of good news and the continued lowering of Celestia’s marvelous sun, it pleases me to officially announce the start of Halloween, the Festival of Spirits! I hope everypony will enjoy themselves, for the real celebration does not start until the sun goes down. This gives you all time to buy or rent a costume at our local tailor shop, relax, maybe have a pint if you’re old enough. I’ll be here the whole night, much to the chagrin of my court."

This got the crowd talking, and many of them glanced at the red disc that was hovering just over the distant treeline.

"But, for those of you are young, or young at heart," The attention of the crowd returned to the Autumnal King, "I think I have a story I could tell in the meantime, a strange story about a hobo, a ballet dancer, a bagpiper, a clown, an army major, and the strange place they find themselves..."


Twilight Sparkle shuffled on her hooves, unsure what was the appropriate action to take. She was currently standing on the boardwalk outside of Cherry Nova’s clinic with Rainbow Dash and Applejack, watching the scarecrow as he casually sat on the edge of the stage to tell his tale to a closely-huddled circle of eager listeners. The strange, silent ‘rag pony’ was sitting on the stage with Lord Barleycorn, seeming to be just as enraptured as everypony else.

"So... you two wanna go over?" Asked Rainbow.

"Ah dunno..." Applejack hesitated, "’Not sure if it’s appropriate."

Rainbow rolled her eyes, "He’s just telling a ghost story."

Twilight grimaced, "A ghost story is not what Applejack and I want, Rainbow. We… need to talk to him about what happened at the shrine. But just walking up and asking him is apparently… well..."

"That’d be real rude to jus’ walk up an’ bother him while he’s busy." Applejack quickly added, "The festival’s just startin’ and it’s gonna be hard to get a word with ‘im."

"If that’s the case then why not ask her?" Rainbow pointed out across the road.

Applejack and Twilight both looked to where Rainbow Dash was pointing. The rag pony had climbed down from the stage and had begun to slowly approach the boardwalk, taking great lengths to stay away from everypony. Many locals stared at the field spirit, but they swiftly crossed their forelegs and turned their heads when they thought the scarecrow-mare might have made eye-contact.

To Twilight the rag pony, whatever it was, looked absolutely pitiful. She had her head bowed low to the ground as she walked, and was constantly looking about with a fretful look in her eyes. The whole of the rag pony’s behavior reminded Twilight of Fluttershy at her worst.

"Where ya think she’s headed?" Applejack asked quietly.

"This is just a guess, but by the way she keeps looking over at the tables Pinkie set out, I think she wants some pie." Twilight said, "But I’m not sure just walking up and talking to her is an option either."

Rainbow began to tap her hoof on the floor, showing her frustration, "Guh, come on Twilight, AJ I can understand being all worried about upsetting the ghost-pony-thing but you?"

"I know but… I’m utterly out of my element here." Twilight rubbed her forehead, "I’ve always thought ghosts were just make believe but now I can’t tell what’s real and what’s an old pony’s tale. As a princess I have to be diplomatic about this but there’s so many unknown factors. I have to approach this whole situation very delicately and I only get one first impression."

Rainbow dismissively shook her head, "Fine, then I’ll go talk to her."

Applejack and Twilight barely had opened their mouth to protest before Rainbow had leaped off the boardwalk and began to trot proudly over to the shrinking field spirit. Applejack sat stunned that the pegasus would have the gall to just walk over and pester the rag pony after Lord Barleycorn had said to treat her with extreme care.

Now terrified of what might come screaming out of the woods for scaring a protected guest of the King of Autumn, Applejack bolted after Rainbow… after she was already standing in the scarecrow-pony’s path.

"Hey, nice night huh?" Rainbow asked, a relaxed and friendly smile showing.

The shabbily-dressed spirit had somehow not noticed Rainbow standing in front of her and gave a frightened jump at the pegasus’s innocuous greeting. She scrambled backward several steps then began to cower on the boardwalk, her ragged belly almost scraping the ground.

"Woah, hey take it easy. I was just saying ‘hi.’" Rainbow said apologetically, "I just wanted to ask if you’d want to talk to..."

The rag pony violently shook her head as she continued to tremble like a leaf.

"Rainbow, knock it off!" Applejack fumed, now standing behind Rainbow with Twilight at her side.

Rainbow turned to look at the apple farmer, "I was just-"

Applejack narrowed her eyes, "You were spookin’ her is what ya were doin’."

"Hey I have ears, I heard what he said." Rainbow replied sharply, "I just figured she might be able to answer your question since you’re too scared to ask Barleycorn yourself."

"An’ Lord Barleycorn said ya gotta treat this here spirit gentle cause she’s… scared of us." Applejack trailed off as she looked beyond Rainbow Dash to the field spirit.

One by one the trio from Ponyville turned their attention to the equine spirit. Perhaps it was their tones, their raised voices, or just the fact that there were now three ponies staring at her but the rag pony had reacted by huddling against the storefront wall like a frightened kitten.

"Come on girls… take the hint and go away…" Carrot Top mentally grumbled. "I just want some freakin’ pie..."

"Rainbow, did you bring any money back last time you flew to Ponyville?" Twilight asked.

Rainbow blinked, "Uh yeah, I had to pay Applejack back. Why’d you ask?"

"Because you’re going to go buy an entire pie and give it to her." Twilight stated matter-of-factly.

"What why..." Rainbow looked again at the cowering thing in rags, "Oh… fine. If it’ll make her stop shaking like that."

"Seriously? Twilight you’re my new favorite princess." Carrot Top chuckled silently, watching as Rainbow went to the clinic to presumably get her money.

Twilight cleared her throat, then held out her hoof in hopes of helping the rag pony back on her hooves… then quickly put it down for fear of the gesture appearing too forceful. If the creature was afraid of a simple ‘hello’ then perhaps she should be extra cautious with her words and actions.

"We’re really sorry if we upset you," Twilight licked her lips, trying to think what princess Celestia would say, "I don’t suppose you could… pass something along to Lord Barleycorn?"

This seemed to surprise the spirit, who ceased her shivering to look Twilight in the eye and cock her burlap head to the side.

Taking this as a positive sign, Twilight decided to keep going, "Well, we’d like you to ask Lord Barelycorn if the local spirits are mad at us for what happened at the shrine… and if they are, what we can do to make it up to them. Can you relay that question for us?"

"Twilight’s buying into this? The mare who tried to figure out Pinkie Pie’s weirdness? I can’t be this good of an actor… but maybe this means she won’t be causing problems for me and Jack."

The rag pony stared silently at Twilight for several moments. The unreadable nature of her burlap face made it impossible for the Princess of Friendship to guess at what was going through the mind of the scarecrow-pony as it tilted its head one way, then the other. Finally the rag pony sat up, staring Twilight in the eye as she ceased her fearful shivering. With one fluid nod of her head, the rag pony gave Twilight her answer.

Twilight let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you very much."

The spirit turned her head toward Applejack, who responded by averting her gaze and respectfully crossed her legs.

"Princess, please tell me you aren’t buying this cheap costume." Came the now familiar rumble of Dr. Nova’s voice.

The good doctor was approaching from across the street, though considering he had been gone all morning it didn’t seem possible to Twilight that he had come from the clinic. A peek at his coat pocket, and the obvious flask that weighed down the thick fabric gave Twilight a clue as to where he had been or at the very least what he had been doing.

"Doctor, please," Twilight began, hoping to defuse any hostility before it started, "Let’s… observe some civility toward your town’s ‘guest.’"

The stallion merely flared his nostrils, not stopping until he stood glowering down at the shorter pony in rags. The spirit’s tail drooped as it began to step backward, its timidity returning in full force.

"I can be civil, princess." Cherry said as he carefully began to examine the rag pony’s tattered clothes, "But I refuse to be gullible. I can’t see how you or anypony would play dumb and claim this mare is some sort of ghost. From the smell of her, she’s probably a walnut farmer."

Carrot Top winced under her mask, "Horse apples! What do I do, what do I do?"

"Doc, knock it off, you’re makin’ her nervous." Applejack spoke up, "She ain’t doin’ nothin’."

The doctor’s frown deepened, "You’re both as hopeless as the rest of this town. Maybe if I pull off that mask you’d see she’s just a pony in a costume."

The mouth-like rip on the rag pony’s burlap mask stretched awkwardly as her jaw dropped.

The doctor raised his hoof and began to reach for the rag pony’s mask, but before he could take more than a single step Applejack had put herself between them.

"Doc, as long as Ah’m here, ya ain’t gonna pester her." Applejack ended her clear warning by tipping her hat forward.

Cherry Nova answered Applejack’s warning with a incredulous smile, the kind normally reserved for humoring a foal who claimed he could outdo Celestia in magic, "Come on, aren’t you even remotely curious what’s under that mask?"

Applejack’s nostrils flared, and she didn’t budge from her spot on the boardwalk, "Ah ain’t, not if’n it means Ah gotta make her upset. If she wants ta wear that mask, then she cin wear it. It’s Halloween after all."

A white form move behind the doctor and caught Applejack’s attention. Her mind, already aligned toward the topic of supernatural, thought for a brief moment it was some new apparition. Her eyes, however were inevitably drawn to the sky-blue wings tucked along the sides of the white equine form. If the wings weren’t a big enough clue, the rainbow mane instantly told Applejack who exactly was under that china-white costume.

Another second passed, and Applejack began to recognize the outfit that Rainbow Dash was wearing was similar to what the Wonderbolts wore, but the colors were all wrong. Instead of the azure blue and yellow lightning bolts, this one was white with red streaks of jagged lightning, set prominently around the chest and sides. Considering Rainbow’s well-known obsession with the Wonderbolts, the very idea of Rainbow wearing any other sort of flight suit was reason enough for Applejack to raise an eyebrow.

Rainbow did not seem to be wholly ignorant of the hostility between her friends and the doctor, as evident in the way she coldly glanced at him as she walked past him. She only smiled when Cherry Nova was totally out of her view and standing beside the beleaguered rag pony. Nestled safely between her wings was a freshly baked pumpkin pie.

"Hey, sorry about earlier," Rainbow said quietly to the cowering spirit, "’Hope this makes up for it."

Rainbow effortlessly manipulated the pie with her wings, sliding it down onto the boardwalk with enough flair to suggest she had done something like this many times before. Enticed by the scent of pumpkin, cinnamon, and nutmeg, the field spirit crept forward until her nose was over it. Rainbow could hear her take several loud sniffs before the rag pony seemed to completely forget her fears. The spirit sat up, her green eyes drifting from the pie to Rainbow, looking confused for a reason that Rainbow didn’t understand.

The field spirit, who had been utterly silent since arriving, gave a quick whistle that sounded like a single note from a song bird. Rainbow scratched her head, unsure of what it meant until the spirit timidly held out its brown forehoof.

Rainbow smirked, then reached out to gently bump the rag pony’s hoof, keeping in mind to not make the gesture seem too forceful.

Only now sensing how quiet the streets had become, Applejack looked out across the street to find a dozen or so ponies watching her, Twilight, Cherry Nova, Rainbow, and the rag pony. It seemed she wasn’t the only one who was nervous about the doctor harassing the innocent spirit. Even Pinkie was staring from the table just up the street.

The rag spirit, who had seemed uneasy under even the slightest scrutiny didn’t seem bothered by the vast amount of attention she was receiving. This was due to her own focus being on the pie that she was carefully eating through her mask.

"I think you’re forgiven." Twilight chuckled.

Rainbow smiled, "Good, I didn’t want everypony in town thinking I’m some sort of hooligan."

While Applejack might have contended that Rainbow’s reputation as a prankster in Ponyville may indeed qualify Rainbow as a ‘hooligan,’ there was nothing to gain by being antagonistic.

The onlookers who had been concerned about Dash’s earlier treatment of the field spirit seemed to be taking note of her love of pie. If Applejack had to guess, the rag pony was going to be getting her fill of sweets tonight.

"Young lady, where did you get that flight suit?" Cherry said, his voice now having the temperature of ice.

Applejack turned, looking past Twilight to the doctor. While previously he had just been dismissive and rude, now there was a cold rage welling up behind his eyes. Cherry stomped across the boardwalk, his wings spread wide in an intimidating display... which was undercut by an entire fourth of his left wing which hung like a limp, wet rag.

Rainbow backed up several steps, confused by the doctor’s sudden outburst but she soon stood her ground, and unfurled her own wings.

"I bought it at the junk shop, what about it?" Rainbow answered, not liking the doctor’s tone.

The doctor narrowed his eyes, "Take that off, now."

"Finders keepers old man." Rainbow replied, daring to stick her tongue out at him for a moment, "Go find your own costume."

Cherry looked like he was about to explode, his eye twitched and his right forehoof began to dig into the boardwalk. "C-cos..."

"Yeah, costume. I mean, it’s not like this old thing should mean anything to you," Rainbow said slyly, "You’re just a simple, small town doctor, ain’tcha?"

Twilight sat dumbfounded by what they were witnessing. Since their arrival Dr. Nova had been ill-mannered and sullen, but never had he seeming openly menacing. For Twilight especially it seemed unimaginable that a stallion sworn to the healing arts would so recklessly pursue a confrontation over something as meaningless as a Nightmare Night costume. She was equally confused as to why Rainbow was egging the doctor on.

Applejack glanced to the rag pony, concerned that she might be frightened off by this conflict. However the scarecrow pony was happily cantering toward the stage with the pie tin in her mouth. The fact that she was so completely ignorant of the hostility made Applejack feel a little relief despite the situation.

Cherry had his teeth clenched so tight Applejack thought they might crack, "You’re going to take it off, and give it to me."

"Oh yeah? Why should I?" Rainbow said, without an ounce of fear, "Does it belong to you?"

The doctor blinked, seeming to realize something that Applejack couldn’t quite grasp. He trembled with rage, but when he opened his mouth he hesitated. His wings drooped slightly, before unfurling again as if he found his response… only to hesitate and finally turn to storm back toward the clinic, wings pulled tightly to his sides. He pushed a confused stallion out of the way before slamming the clinic’s door behind him.

Despite her seeming victory over the doctor’s outright villainous behavior, Applejack saw… sadness on her friend’s face? No, it was disappointment.

"Sugar cube, what was all that about?" Applejack asked.

Rainbow’s attention remained on the clinic door, "You ever heard the saying; ‘Don’t meet your heroes?’"

Applejack nodded, though she couldn’t see how that axiom was relevant.

"Well, I just found out I met mine." Rainbow gave a disheartened sigh, then added bitterly, "’And he’s an angry old drunk."

To be continued…

Author's Note:

Song: Greatest Adventure from Rankin Bass's version of The Hobbit. Slightly modified of course.
the story Lord Barleycorn tells is 'Five Characters in Search of an Exit' from the Twilight Zone.

I considered several other Twilight Zone episodes to reference there, but chose one that's a little less known. That, and I thought The Monsters are Due on Maple Street spoke well of no one.

All corrections/criticisms are welcome.

Credit to Almighty Commenter and dartagnan401.

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