• Published 22nd Apr 2013
  • 18,295 Views, 2,087 Comments

The Tale of Lord Barleycorn - Blue Cultist

The Harvest Family farm is on the brink of financial collapse. Can this 'Lord Barleycorn' really deliver on all his promises?

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29. As perceptive as you are talented.

The Tale of Lord Barleycorn
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Chapter 29: As perceptive as you are talented.

"So, ya think we jus' Ah dunno, walk up to him an' ask him 'bout this shindig he's plannin'?" Applejack asked as they passed the school house for the second time that day.

"It sounds like the easiest thing to do. As long as we're polite about it we should get an honest answer." Said Fluttershy, whose attention danced from the side of the road to a tree on their left, then back to the road.

Applejack watched at her friend’s attention continued to flick about the road. There was no discernable pattern to Fluttershy’s glances. One moment she would be looking at a patch of tall grass, then a few fallen leaves as the wind blew them across the road, then to something else. The only thing she seemed to be avoiding was the sky, and Applejack already knew why Fluttershy didn’t want to do that.

Finally Applejack gave up and decided to just ask the question, "Somethin' wrong Sugarcube?"

"Just thinking, when we first met Lord Barleycorn, he said he knew our names because of Everfree spirits." Fluttershy's voice lowered to a whisper, "They might be listening to us right now..."

The fact that Lord Barleycorn knew their names had been a very hard thing to rationalize away at the time. Having had time to ponder it, Applejack still had not come to any definite conclusion. It was possible he had simply known them by reputation, as Rainbow would put it; “We’re famous.” That argument, however, felt as flimsy as a blind guess, and in Applejack's experience, blind guesses nearly always came out wrong.

"Ah think it's best we don't worry too much about that. Suppose he does have spirit servants all over town, unless we say somethin' nasty or plan on catchin' him they ain't got nothing to tell him." Applejack grimaced, she'd never really believed in spirits before today and here she was sounding like Granny.

"I just don't like the idea of being watched." Fluttershy said.

"Don't think of it like that. 'Sides, how cin ya tell if they're really there or not?" Applejack of course knew of at least three ways to tell if one of the Everfree spirits was about but she didn’t want to give Fluttershy something to recoil from later on.

Fluttershy didn't look very convinced as she tried to focus on the road ahead of her, but it was like avoiding eye contact with a crowd rather than looking where she was going.

Applejack could feel her headache returning as she searched for better words to put her friend at ease. She didn't want Fluttershy to be this nervous before they even started questioning the scarecrow. Applejack's concern, however, took the back seat as she saw her friend lift her head and perk her ears forward.

"Something else wrong?" Applejack asked.

Fluttershy's ears twitched, "Listen."

Curious, Applejack turned her own ears in the same direction. At first it was a mumbling of incoherent sound, something Applejack could not recognize as anything intelligible but soon she heard order within the rising and lowering octaves. Somepony in Hollow Shades was playing music, specifically a violin.

"Didn't Lord Barleycorn have a violin?" Fluttershy asked.

Applejack thought back to their first encounter with the scarecrow, "Yeah, ah guess he did. ‘Guess this means he’s still there."

The two quickened their pace as they followed the ever-growing sound of music and it wasn’t long before the rusty water tower was looming over them and the town like a dilapidated watchtower. With every lichened building they passed the music grew in clarity, and Applejack felt the rustic tones coming from the violinist were not unlike those made by somepony she was acquainted with.

Cousin Fiddlesticks was a popular member of the Apple family, and was not only a farmer, but also a talented fiddle player who was commonly called upon to provide music for the Apple family's various gatherings when she wasn’t playing elsewhere in Equestria. Applejack had heard her play for years now, and it was difficult to not associate Fiddlestick’s amazing musical prowess with happy memories of being with the extended Apple Family. Deep down, it wouldn't have surprised Applejack to find Fiddlesticks here, supplying good cheer for these down-on-their-luck ponies.

Fiddlesticks, of course, was not what Applejack found on that small wooden stage below the water tower. The foals, and many of the adults, were seated before the stage as Lord Barleycorn danced and twirled on his two lone legs, stomping his boots in time with the beat as he played his old violin.

Normally stamping was reserved for applause, it was strange to see it incorporated into a song like it was another instrument but Applejack couldn’t argue with the results. The energy Lord Barleycorn demonstrated with his movements highlighted the fast, happy beat of his music. He moved from one side of the stage and back and raised percussive booms out of the wooden planks as he somehow danced and stamped and played for the crowd all at once.

When Applejack glanced around at the crowd she saw Corn Crib sitting with the rest of the foals, wearing a smile that could light up a room. There was no sign of the doctor Applejack and Fluttershy had encountered before, and perhaps that was for the best. Behind the crowd, Applejack spotted two familiar faces.

Pinkie was sitting on her flank, idly munching on popcorn and was clearly enjoying the show as much as the foals. Rarity however was standing with locked knees, looking incredibly uncomfortable as she watched the scarecrow play his song. The fashionista might have been unnerved by the sight of a living garden ornament, or maybe she simply didn’t like the song; her preferences were often contrary to Applejack’s.

Taking a seat beside the road, Applejack resigned herself to wait until the song ended before she could speak to her friends and to the strange musician. Beside her, Fluttershy had begun to nod her head and tap her hoof along with the beat as she got caught up in the scarecrow's energetic music.

The foals in the front were not sitting idle for long. Applejack could hear the sound of small hooves stamping in time with Lord Barleycorn's own, and soon the adults were joining in.

Then, in mid note Lord Barleycorn froze, his stationary bow bringing the song to a dead halt. Something about the odd way he was standing on one foot, the way that rip of a smile was angled, or maybe it was the light reflecting from those hidden eyes, something about it kept the audience engaged and the fun alive. A mere two seconds of baited breath brought the crowd’s stamping to a similar dead stop, and when the silence was total Lord Barleycorn started the song again right at the very note he had left off on and soon everypony was right back to joining in with the music with a few extra laughs thrown in.

The song's energy built and built until a few higher notes and several quick stomps on the newly christened stage at last signaled the song to its conclusion. With his performance over, Lord Barleycorn took the fiddle from his chin and bowed to the cheering crowd.

While there were schools of questions swimming through Applejack's mind, she had to admit this scarecrow did put on quite a show as she applauded along with the crowd.

"I'm very pleased to see you all enjoyed this, it has been an honor to entertain such a receptive and wonderful audience." Lord Barleycorn said as he easily stepped down from the stage with his long, gangly legs. "But this is where I sadly have to leave your delightful company. I have spent all day away from my duties and I'm sorely needed elsewhere."

The foals, and perhaps one or two of the adults let out moans of disappointment. They must have been expecting more entertainment from the Autumn King.

Lord Barleycorn stooped down to pick up the violin case that was resting against the side of the stage, "Now now, as much as I love entertaining I cannot spend the entire day here among you. Autumn is short and I have only so much free time."

"But you'll come back, won't you?" One of the foals in the front half-shouted.

Lord Barleycorn turned his head in mid-stoop, looking as if the child had just punched him in the gut.

"My young friend, I'm already running late in spreading the golden splendor of Autumn around this town and I cannot continue to make delays." Lord Barleycorn said with sleeved hands on his hips, but before anypony could groan he added; "But I can promise you that I'll be back tomorrow after school has let out. I do plan on having the play written by then. I can do that while I’m with my court hearing what the various noble spirits want this Halloween."

Lord Barleycorn lifted his hand to the torn lips of his mask, then spoke as if he wanted this to keep this a secret with the crowd, "A lot of them are really boring, but don't worry we'll find a way to make them fun."

A few foals chuckled, but all of them were smiling now.

While Lord Barleycorn gently placed the old violin in its casing, the crowd had begun to disperse. Foals stood and talked to each other about what they thought tomorrow would bring, while the adults slowly began to return to whatever business they had on this slow autumn day. Still, it looked as if many adults were just as eager to mill about and chat pleasantly about familiar topics and of what they had just seen.

For Applejack, it was a chance to walk over to her friends who were still lingering at the back of this disorganized assembly. Already she could hear Rarity being... Rarity about something she’d seen in town.

"Appalling, absolutely appalling!" Rarity shouted in a restrained half-whisper to Pinkie, "The conditions that tailor worked in I could understand, but that... ech, disaster he called a dress was absolutely disgraceful!"

Applejack rolled her eyes, but at least Pinkie seemed to be taking this ridiculous scenario just as easily as she did everything else.

"I dunno, I thought it looked nice." Pinkie ignored Rarity’s sputtering as she waved to her approaching friends, "Hi girls, didja have a fun time at the Harvest farm?"

Fluttershy winced, while Applejack bit her lower lip.

Her drama already forgotten, Rarity tilted her head as she studied her friend's reactions, "Did something happen during your visit?"

After some hesitation Fluttershy was the first to respond, "Well, you could put it that way. Have you seen Rainbow or Twilight?"

"Nope, they're probably still having fun at that weather station thing but we found lots of neat stuff at their general store!" Pinkie said as she unexpectedly pulled a glass of still-fizzy soda from her mane and promptly drained it.

"Er, yes. It was... nice." Rarity shuddered, "But why would you want to speak to Twilight and Rainbow Dash?"

"We had a bit of a... fallin' out with some of mah cousins." Applejack cleared her throat, "It's best we jus' focus on the scarecrow fer now an' avoid the farm."

Rarity blinked, looking more surprised than before. It was hard for her to imagine the Apples, a family known for their inexhaustible camaraderie would ever have any sort of disagreement that could lead to a ‘falling out.’

"At least you two sound like you at least had a decent time." Fluttershy offered, eager for a topic that wasn’t about the farm she had just visited.

Rarity snorted and rolled her eyes at the question.

"Hardly. While Pinkie was having fun at the trading post I wandered here and there and discovered a tailor who actually scraped by in such a sad place. My expectations weren't high considering this village’s state, but to see him making clothes out of curtains and old bedsheets was distressing to say the least." Rarity's ears folded back as she looked ill for a moment, only to bounce back with a smile, "It took a little convincing but I managed to get him to accept a little charity. When we return to Ponyville I'll be bundling up some of my own supplies and sending them here for him to do a proper job."

Applejack felt a smile cross her face. It was just like Rarity to somehow mix drama and generosity and somehow create something truly admirable.

"Did you say that Cross Stitch was making stuff outta bed sheets?" Asked a young voice.

The four mares looked to see a small green colt staring up at them with a strange amount of excitement concerning a topic as banal as bed coverings.

"Er, yes." Rarity said, "I'm sad to say he was trying to figure out how to make a wedding dress out of three-"

The colt didn’t wait for Rarity to finish as he bounced in excitement before he quickly ran between the lingering local ponies who were watching Lord Barleycorn wipe his instrument with a soft rag from its case.

"Lord Barleycorn! I just heard that Cross Stitch has a bunch of used sheets!" The colt beamed up at the scarecrow.

"He does?" The scarecrow tipped the brim of his hat up, "Well that's wonderful news! Go tell him we'll need as many as he can donate to the celebration. We'll need them for the play and... for the surprise."

The colt tilted his head, "A surprise?"

"Yes, and I can't say anymore. You'll find out what it is tomorrow." Lord Barleycorn said as he knelt down to be closer to the colt’s eye level. "I promise you'll like it."

The colt grinned and took off, no doubt toward the tailor that Rarity had mentioned.

"What do you think he meant by ‘surprise?’" Fluttershy wondered aloud.

"You think it'll be more soda?" Pinkie asked as she tossed her empty soda glass into her mane. Nopony questioned it.

"Ah doubt it, Pinkie. But Ah ain't gonna get answers just sittin' here gawking like some fool." Applejack tipped her hat forward and began her march toward the stage.

With his back to the lingering crowd and his attention on caring for his violin, Lord Barleycorn could not see Applejack’s approach. Deciding to seize this opportunity, Applejack quickly studied the scarecrow from head to toe. She couldn’t really see anything under those oddly proportioned clothes, but what amazed her was when Lord Barleycorn set the violin in its case and raised his arms over his head in what had to be a satisfying stretch.

Applejack’s eyebrow twitched as she watched as Lord Barleycorn lowered his arms and let out a tired yawn. It was shocking how simply holding those long, sleeved arms above his head made him seem so much bigger. Despite the way everypony seemed to be comfortable with the gangly creature, Applejack was starting to feel uneasy about approaching him. To see him at a distance or standing behind the stage was one thing, but to see him looming over her was quite another.

Perhaps it was chance or maybe Lord Barleycorn had heard something, because he looked over his shoulder then chuckled quietly before he turned around. The two, small eyes that peered out of that burlap sack seemed to light up upon seeing Applejack, though she wasn't sure why.

"Miss Applejack, welcome back." The scarecrow tipped his hat in greetings, "I'm surprised you're back so soon, but I’m happy to see you once again. I trust you had a wonderful visit with your kin?"

"Actually..." Applejack winced, "Things didn't go great."

The scarecrow tilted his head to the side, "Let me guess, Summer?"

Applejack blinked, "Good guess. You know about ‘im?"

"Only by reputation," Lord Barleycorn reached behind him and closed the clasps on his violin case, "I had hoped he would have been in good humor when you arrived, but we cannot get everything we hope for, I’m afraid. I’m sorry your visit was not what you had hoped it would be."

Applejack shook her head, "Nah, there was nothin’ you could’ve done. Dun worry ‘bout it. ‘Sides, ya looked pretty busy with the foals."

"Yes, I don’t think they would have let me leave without a story and a song." The scarecrow lifted his gaze from Applejack, "But I am happy to see more of your friends are here. Hello again Ms. Fluttershy."

A glance over Applejack’s shoulder revealed Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie had followed her to the stage and were now standing just several steps behind her.

"Er, hello..." Fluttershy said slowly, she was still not quite sure how to properly address a talking scarecrow.

"And these must be your friends..." Lord Barleycorn tapped his chin as his eyes danced between the mares standing before him, "White coat, purple mane and Pink... everything. You must be Ms. Rarity and Ms. Pinkie Pie, yes?"

Pinkie gasped, "Oh my goodness how did you know our names! Are you psychic? What am I thinking right now?"

Lord Barleycorn chuckled warmly, "It's nothing like that. Let's just say your merry band has become quite famous, even among the Everfree's spirits and my own Court of Pumpkins. I heard how you bested Nightmare Moon. Very impressive."

"Note to self, thank Carrot Top for the heads up about these mares." Jack thought.

"Famous you say?" Rarity mused, "... and what do these, er, 'apparitions' say about me?"

"Only that your generosity is rivaled only by your refined tastes, milady." The scarecrow said with a flourish of his sleeved hand.

Rarity raised her hoof and played with the the curl of her mane, "Is that so? Well I do hope they're all as well mannered and eloquent as you present yourself, and might I add that you play wonderfully."

Lord Barleycorn placed his sleeved hand over his chest gave a short bow, "You flatter me, but there's no need to ingratiate yourself to me. I may be the King of all Autumn but I try to maintain an approachable attitude."

"A King?" When Rarity saw the scarecrow nod she quickly lowered her head in respect, "If you hadn't told me I would not have guessed, your majesty. I hope I have not insulted you by approaching you so casually."

The scarecrow shook his head, "There's no need to worry, I prefer to dress in a more humble fashion. I used to have a regal crown of autumn leaves and robes of reds, browns, and oranges. It looked nice, but it was difficult to dance in, and it made me look unapproachable at parties."

An excited grin formed on Pinkie's face, "You like parties?"

"Who doesn't? But look who I'm talking to, Ponyville's premiere pink party-planning pony." The scarecrow winked to Pinkie, "I would love to share stories with you on the topic, I might be as old as the seasons themselves but I’m never too old to learn a new trick. You probably heard around town about a special party I’m trying to throw for everypony here in Hollow Shades."

Pinkie's head tilted, but her smile only seemed to glow brighter, "Uh-huh! What kind of party do forest spirits throw?"

Applejack blinked, since when did Pinkie believe in forest spirits? She did grow up on a farm, but Applejack knew little about the Pies outside of a vague hint that she and Pinkie might share a distant relative. Did the Pinkie’s folks believed in the old stories like Granny Smith did?

"All kinds my dear, but this isn't a simple birthday party I'm planning. This is a Halloween party, an invitation for the Everfree spirits to dance invisible among the townsponies and anypony else who happen to be brave enough for a little fun."

Seeing an opportunity to re-enter the conversation, Applejack cleared her throat, "So um... suppose we were interested in lendin' a helpin' hoof or two, what would ya need fer this Hallow-sumthin' party?"

The scarecrow let out a tired sigh, "I'm humbled you'd take time from your visit, but I couldn't impose. You must have business back home in Ponyville with the approaching harvest festival."

Applejack looked at the stage, then at the scarecrow, "Yeah, but supposin' Ah didn't have to be back right away..."

Applejack's words were met with silence as Lord Barleycorn tilted his head to the side, in a way that reminded her of Twilight's pet owl. She shifted on her hooves as she waited for Lord Barleycorn to speak, and tried not to look at those small, blue eyes that peered out from the mask. What did bring her attention back to the scarecrow was the unexpected snicker that quickly blossomed into full-fledged laughter that forced Lord Barleycorn to place a hand on the stage for balance.

Applejack bent her ears back, not particularly caring for the odd looks she was getting from the half-dozen-or-so ponies who were still loitering in the street. Applejack’s friends merely seemed confused at his reaction.

"Did Ah say somethin' funny?" Applejack said as she gave an annoyed snort.

"No," Lord Barleycorn wiped his eye with his sleeve, once again in control of himself, "I was just laughing because you're curious. You're welcome."

Applejack blinked, "Huh?"

"You're curious about me and my party, aren't you?" Lord Barleycorn asked.

Applejack was so off-balance she merely blurted out, "Uh-huh..."

"Well, you don't have to beat around the bush. This isn't some secret I'm keeping from the town or from everyone." Lord Barleycorn leaned back against the stage, "Everypony here is just as eager as you are, but a lot of them won't just come out and ask me. It's funny when you think about it."

Applejack's head was starting to hurt again. Did he really have to talk in circles?

"I think I understand as well." Rarity chuckled, an amused smile on her lips, "Although, what did you mean when you said 'you’re welcome?'"

"Because curiosity is the spice of life, confusion too. A little of either is enough to make a gray and boring day stand out in your memory. Even if you're annoyed at the time, you'll look back and have a story to tell your friends." Lord Barleycorn chuckled, "Just think of how you'll have to tell your family back in Ponyville about how you met the King of Autumn, or a crazy scarecrow, whichever sounds like it would make a better story."

Applejack rolled her eyes, "Considering what me and the girls have gone through it’s pretty safe to assume Granny’d believe all this. Worse, she’d probably try an’ run all the way out here just to hear new stories. "

Lord Barleycorn glanced up to the sun and tapped the stage with his sleeved hand, "But that’s quite enough rhetoric, speak plainly Miss Applejack. What is really on your mind?"

Applejack’s reply was as sharp and as quick as a bee sting, "You're doing this ‘cause of a promise ya made, aren’tcha?"

At that, the scarecrow paused and seemed to take time to consider his words before he spoke again, "Hm… yes and no. I'm surprised you heard about my little pledge, but to tell the truth it’s much more complicated than that."

Applejack again raised an eyebrow, "Oh yeah?"

"Oh yes, I admit that when I made my promise to make one little filly smile it seemed like such a simple task. However, the more I dug into the source of her troubles I realized there would be no absolution from my vow unless I gave this entire town new life." The scarecrow’s shoulders slumped, "It’s either do this or see the face of an innocent, little filly darkened by hopelessness and despair. Can’t have that, could we?"

Pinkie vehemently shook her head, "That’s not going to happen, if all these ponies are counting on this party then that makes this the most important party ever!”

Pinkie then miraculously pulled a notepad and pencil from her mane and flipped it open before giving the scarecrow a dead serious look. “Do you forest spirits like cake or pie better?”

The look in the scarecrow's eyes was one Applejack had seen both on her friends and many other ponies who had the misfortune to be on the receiving end of a Pinkie Pie’s over-the-top ‘serious’ side.

Carrot Top did say it’s best to just roll with whatever the pink one says.., ” Thought Jack.

"Well, you can't go wrong with a good pumpkin pie. Although if you can make a good pecan pie I certainly wouldn't complain..." Lord Barleycorn reached beneath his hat and rubbed his burlap scalp, "Although, refreshments and goodies are something I've overlooked concerning the festival. It's hard enough just getting the play together, even with the foals helping where they can."

"Come now, putting on a play isn't too difficult." Rarity said, "I recall having plenty of fun helping to put on several school plays when I was a filly. You already have the stage built, that’s the hard part."

"Oh the stage is the least of my worries. There’s still rehearsals, auditions, props, costumes... I've still got to write the script." Lord Barleycorn gave a weary sigh, "And it all has to be done in less than two days. If I can get the play written tonight I can get one good day of rehearsal tomorrow, and hopefully I can scrounge up some decent costumes for the foals and whomever I can get to play the other two roles."

"An' suppose ya don't get all that done in time?" Applejack asked.

The scarecrow's answer was firm and immediate, "Then the show will go on, without costumes or props if need be. I promised the foals a play and a fun time and that's what I intend to deliver, even if all I can offer is pears to snack on and have to perform the whole play myself. Disappointing children is out of the question. A promise is a promise."

Pinkie gave a firm nod of her head.

Applejack opened her mouth, then closed it as she processed what she had just heard. Unlike before, there was no roundabout talk, no disarming questions, instead it was plain and simple.

Here was a creature trying to help out somepony, simply because he wanted to help. Did it really matter if he was a pony or not? Sure, Summer had been a complete mule about treating Applejack the way he did, but he was only part of this. There was Leadfoot, Harvest Moon, and Corn Crib that needed help, and of course this whole town.

Sure, the way Lord Barleycorn spoke was confusing, but that was no crime. If it was then Pinkie would be the greatest criminal Equestria had ever known.

Applejack looked to the stage, one she had seen him building with his own two... sleeves. Since she had first seen him he had been entertaining foals, telling them stories, sure the pumpkin lanterns were strange but he was clearly doing this to entertain them. That much hard work would have been commendable and worthy of Applejack's respect, but something was telling her there was more to this story. Ponies could be generous, but this was a bit much.

"Ah know the foals'll prolly love whatever ya put on fer'em, but ain't this here play gonna get in the way of helpin' the folks 'round here?" Applejack asked.

"On the contrary the play is my plan, or rather the crux of it." Lord Barleycorn leaned forward, and beckoned Applejack and her friends to come closer, which they did.

Lord Barleycorn continued, "I've spent enough time among these ponies to know what ails this bough-sheltered village, and it involves their neglected lumber mill. Due to shady business practices by ponies who have never set foot in Hollow Shades, the mill was closed and many were left without any means of employment. Nopony here owns it, so I intend on raising money to either buy it back, or to have a new mill constructed."

Applejack nodded to let the scarecrow know she was following along with him, "And when the mill is running again Hollow Shades can get back on its hooves."

"As perceptive as you are talented." Lord Barleycorn chuckled before giving Applejack a congratulatory clap of his sleeved hands.

Applejack smiled, if only for a second, "Although, y'say yer a king, right? Ain'tcha got some sorta, Ah dunno, riches an' stuff?"

Rarity flinched at her friend's poor manners, king or not it was extremely improper to talk about money like that.

"That's quite alright, really." Lord Barleycorn lifted his head to the sky, his hand held across his chin in a introspective gesture... and to keep his rip of a mouth from falling open any further. "You know what the tragedy is? I know many a legend and tale about hoarded gold and gems that sparkle like new-fallen snow, but I have no wealth as you would call it. I have no need of it, my treasure is fun, my labor is Autumn, and both are for everypony to enjoy."

Lord Barleycorn reached for his violin case and tucked it under his arm, "I really hate to cut this short, but I must be off. I’ve had a long day and I can’t linger here any longer. My workload is backed up as it is. If I can’t be off then I won’t have enough time to finish anything."

"Now hold on there," Applejack held up an objecting foreleg, "Y’sure there ain’t somethin’ we could be doin’? Y’said yer real stretched for time an’ all."

Lord Barleycorn again leaned back against the stage, letting out a contemplative ‘hmm’ as he looked up at one of the clouds, "Reel her in Jack, reel her in…"

"Well, there is one major issue I haven't the resources to circumvent." Lord Barleycorn grumbled as he tapped on the stage with his sleeved knuckles, "That issue would be advertising. My servants can't do any more tasks for this town without delaying my sister's arrival, and the Winter Queen is surly enough as it is."

"Winter Queen? What’s she look like? If you’re a walking scarecrow is she a snow pony?" Pinkie asked.

"I wouldn’t say that too loud. Sister dearest thinks a bit too high of herself, it’s why she took the title ‘queen’ and not ‘princess.’" Lord Barleycorn then added, "Maybe that’s why Celestia’s been so well-disposed through the years. I do miss our friendly chats."

"He knows Princess Celestia? How?" Applejack shook her head, it was probably best not to ask. "So, you want us to get word around here that there’s gonna be a play?"

The scarecrow looked straight at Applejack, "What? No no, everypony here in town knows about it. What I need is ponies from out of town. ponies who can come and spend a few bits while they enjoy themselves. Without their patronage this whole plan is naught but sound and fury, signifying nothing."

Applejack winced, that seemed like a rather large hole in his plan. How had he been planning to accomplish his goals before she had asked?

"Well that shouldn't be too much trouble. I have some experience with advertising." Rarity said as she gave her mane a dramatic flick, "Just leave this matter with us, a play can’t go forward without a script."

"Very true!" Lord Barleycorn nodded, then tipped his hat to the four mares, "Then with that matter settled I bid you ladies good day, and I’ll see you tomorrow."

Applejack wasn’t sure if she was supposed to tip her hat back or say a proper goodbye as she watched Lord Barleycorn cross the street on those two, long legs. From the way he seemed to like to talk, Applejack had expected Lord Barleycorn to turn and speak some long-winded last words but instead he simply walked to the nearby corn field without a word.

"And now I gotta stand out in the middle of the corn until no one’s looking, sneak out to the woods, double back through another corn field, and somehow sneak back to the barn." Jack resisted the urge to let out a tired sigh and held his chin up. "All of this just to give a convincing performance..."

Everypony, not just Applejack and her friends now watched as Lord Barleycorn pushed his way into the dry cornstalks with one gentle motion of his sleeve. The ears of corn rattled in their drying husks as the scarecrow slipped between the stalks, then seemed to disappear as the sound of his passing was masked by a timely gust of wind.

The townsfolk whispered solemnly to one another, having watched the Lord of Autumn’s departure with awe and amazement. The foals merely excitedly chatted about what would come tomorrow, and several of them were already starting to bicker about who would be in the play and who wouldn’t be.

"He seemed nice for a whatever he is..." Pinkie flashed a trademark smile at her friends, "What did you girls think?"

"I’m not sure, I mean, he seemed very nice but I don’t know what he was." Fluttershy looked back to the corn, then to the stage as she pondered what she had seen, "I’ve never seen a scarecrow shaped like that and there was something wearing it, but I can’t say for sure what’s under that mask."

Fluttershy mentally added, "I don’t want to say hornless, malnourished minotaur, he might be listening… and he did seem awfully thin in the barrel."

"I found him perfectly genteel, but I think I would have preferred if he dressed in that regal manner he mentioned, oh well." Rarity clucked her tongue before she changed topics, "I think we have something to talk to Rainbow and Twilight about this, once they’re done at that… weather shack."

Fluttershy blinked, "Do you have an idea how to get lots of ponies here? I don’t think even Pinkie could get the word out as quickly as he needs."

Pinkie drew in the dirt with her hoof, and by the looks of it she was doing some complex math that somehow equalled out to… cupcakes. "Well, it’d be a stretch but can be done. The postage is what would really hurt your wallet."

Rarity showed her friends a playful smile, "Oh I wasn’t thinking of mailing a lot of invitations, but yes, a letter was something I had in mind."

"You just want to send one letter?" Fluttershy gave Rarity a confused look.

"Yes, well, you’d be surprised what one letter can do, if it ends up in the correct hooves." Rarity said, suddenly filled with confidence, "I have another idea, but that’ll have to wait until we can get Twilight and Rainbow Dash."

Pinkie let out an excited squeal as she began to scribble down things in her notepad, "We’re gonna make this the best party this town’s ever seen; we’ve got so much to do! You think we could maybe get him to come to Ponyville sometime and play music at some of my parties? You think Tablecloth's would let me bake a pie or should I go back to Ponyville to do that?"

"Um..." Pinkie Pie’s mini-rant came to a screeching halt as she suddenly pointed over to Applejack, who was still staring at the corn, "You think she’ll be okay?"

Rarity loudly cleared her throat hoping to catch her distracted friend’s attention. "Applejack? Did you catch all of that?"

"Y-yeah… let’s go git Twilight and Rainbow..." Applejack tore her eyes away the corn and gladly took the lead back into town. "The way that feller just vanished like that… No, he ain’t no spook. Ain’t no way."

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Proofreaders: Courage Fire, dartagnan401, snoodude, Jack Kellar, and Solid Punch. Seriously, this chapter wouldn’t be up this soon without these guys helping me. =3

The link is Roundtable Rival by Lindsey Stirling

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