• Published 3rd May 2013
  • 3,343 Views, 66 Comments

Hollow - Demonfire463

Three undead explore into a new realm and cannot escape some of their nightmares from Lordran, but will try to protect the ponies they come to care for. They fend from chaos, demons, and some other undead to protect the friends they have made.

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Chapter 6 The Library

Chapter 6
Arthur POV

I walk in and see many shelves full of books. It reminded me of the Duke's Archives, where I had spent much of my time reading about the crystallization of soul spells and about dark magic. I had nothing much to do after my master's death. "So" Twilight started,"can you tell me a little about yourself before I teach you some spells?"
"Of course. I come from a land of intellectuals and sorcery. I attended the Dragon School of Vinheim and was then as I am today a rather adept sorcerer. I was taught by one if the best sorcerers in all of Lordran."
"Who was that?" she asked with genuine interest.
I sighed. "Big Hat Logan."
As if she could sense my sudden sadness, she asked softly,"What happened to him?"
"He went hollow..."
"Hollow? What does that mean?"
"When you are undead, you will never leave this world for an afterlife, you can die an infinite amount of times and you will come back at the last bonfire you rested at. But eventually, you will go hollow. When an undead goes hollow, they seek out souls wherever they can."
"Once there was one sort of like you, he was wearing torn up boots and had a broken piece of metal in his hands. He looked a lot different though. He stunk up the whole town but then moved on. We were afraid of him so we hid in our houses, like we did when you came here."
"Most hollows are like that but some undead only go hollow mentally, like Logan did. He retained his human flesh and never decayed, but he didn't even know who I was." Tears began to form in my eyes but I held them back. "He had just taught me his greatest spell, I went to test it on a crystalized hollow and when I returned he had no idea that he'd ever seen me before." I turned away and sat down by the window. I felt her forehooves wrap around my side in a consoling hug. I returned the embrace. "Thank you" I managed to say.
"Hey Twi, who's this?" asked a new voice from behind us.
"Oh, hi Spike, this is my new friend Arthur, he's going to stay here for a while with us."
"Hey Arthur" the small dragon said nervously,"I'm Spike."
The dragon got over his nerves quickly.
"I am Arthur the sorcerer of Vinheim. I work with sorceries and magic."
"Hey, just like Twilight! Is she gonna teach you some new spells?"
"Indeed she is, I hope to learn that levitation spell however."
"Why that one in particular?" Twilight asked.
"Simple really, because it saved our lives hours ago, we are very grateful to you all for that as well."
"Oh, it was nothing," she said with a small blush,"you're our friends and we saw you were in trouble."
"Well, nonetheless, I thank you. It is getting quite late, perhaps we can do some magic tomorrow morning, eh?"
"Sounds great, here's a blanket and a pillow." She used magic to levitate them over to me. "Make yourself comfortable, see you tomorrow."
"Thank you, goodnight both of you"
"Goodnight" Spike said. I lay down on the floor, even though it was made of wood it was much more comfortable than the places I usually slept. I soon fell into a deep, peaceful sleep. It was the greatest feeling of peace I can remember having.