• Published 3rd May 2013
  • 3,356 Views, 66 Comments

Hollow - Demonfire463

Three undead explore into a new realm and cannot escape some of their nightmares from Lordran, but will try to protect the ponies they come to care for. They fend from chaos, demons, and some other undead to protect the friends they have made.

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Chapter 22 Ever Faithful

Chapter 22
Solaire POV

Well, I understand why he left. He has nopony else in Equestria to to be a reason for him to stay. He only had Fluttershy. I will always have Celestia, my dear sun. Agroth left because his friends were taken by the chaos. Arthur was consumed by it as well. Joshua was strong, but even he succumbed to the very chaos he tried to defeat. I stand motionless by the white light in the Everfree Forest. Agroth, what happened to you? Arthur, where have you gone? Joshua, why do you doubt? Joshua has just left for Lordran through the light. I raise my hand to the light. Perhaps I should go back too. No! Solaire, you are a loyal knight! Have faith! I unsheathe my straight sword and unstrap my shield. Discord, you had best prepare yourself. For I shall come like a storm. A storm of lightning and sunlight. And when I do, there will be no place for you to hide!

I storm out of the dark forest, weapons ready for battle. I pick up the pace, from a walk to a run, then to a full sprint. I see Discord and the ponies, save for Rainbow Dash.
"Harmony in Equestria is officially dead. Discord rules, Celestia drools."
"Oh! What now?!"
"Hear me, monster! And hear me well! You have driven the undead from this new land, save for myself. Your chaos shall not prevail, harmony will triumph. Hear my words, and remember them when the undead return. By the power of the sun and all power within me, I promise you one thing."
"And what might that be, knight?"
"You will not be victorious so long as I stand with faith against you."
"Well, I have places to be and havoc to bring about. Farewell." He slides away on the slippery roads.
"It's your fault it didn't work!" Pinkie shouts.
"Who are you talking to?" Twilight asks.
"Any of you! ALL of you! I'm outta here!" She bounces away angrily.
"Ah gotta go too. I got new, better friends waitin' fer me at the farm." Applejack says. Rarity pushes her rock away without even the courtesy of a goodbye.
"Yeah! I'm sick of you losers." Fluttershy soars away.
"Fine! Leave then! See if I care! With friends like you, who needs," Twilight Sparkle hangs her head in defeat. "...enemies." Her body turns a dark grey. A tear falls from her face and onto the ground beneath us.
"Twilight, you cannot give up. Not now. Have faith, we can defeat Discord yet." She turns to me.
"I'm going home Solaire. You should do the same."
"What? But. Just. Leave? I, I would never..." Perhaps she is right...maybe I should just go back to Lordran. My body begins to grey over as well. I stomp my foot and stand with pride. "No! I will not just leave. I refuse to let him do this." Twilight is already well away. Damn. I look down, my body isn't grey anymore. At least I have one good sign in my day so far. I look over at Twilight, Discord is speaking to her. She rises to look at him for a moment, she looks at the new Ponyville. Her head slumps back down. Discord begins to dance joyously.
"Discord! I believe we have unfinished business?"
"Solaire, you're not under my spell yet! Impressive."
"Of course not! My great faith can hold off any form of evil. And I shall remain ever faithful." I slip my straight sword back into its sheath. I prepare a large Lightning Spear in my hand with my talisman.
"Well, if the 'Elements of Harmony' couldn't defeat me, what makes you think that you-" I hurl the great bolt at him with great power. Electricity courses throughout his body visibly. Yellow sparks fly from his skin. They wear off and he brushes himself off.
"You're going to need more than that if you are to hurt me foolish knight!"
"Then with more shall I attack!" I shout. A beam of sunlight shines through the eye slits in my iron helmet. I look up to the sky. I pull the sword back out and raise my arms in praise. "Praise the Sun." I say softly. I let my arms fall back to my sides and I think of Celestia. "By the power of the sun, I shall not be defeated!"
"Isn't that adorable; well Solaire, where are the other undead? The undead that you have aided in battle countless times? Where are they when you need help?"
"I will not fall for your tricks! I wouldn't be surprised if you yourself had cast a spell on them just like you did to the ponies!" I gasp suddenly. That's it! "That's exactly what you've done is it not?" Discord begins to clap.
"Bravo, bravo! Though you are quite slow, even for a dead man. This information probably could have helped you more in the maze, shortly after its collapse, or especially just a short while ago. You could have fought me and achieved an easy victory for four undead, instead it will be a sad defeat for one." He teleports to a throne a short walk away. "Have at me then, knight!" I rush at him with a primal battle cry. I stab at him with the sword, but he easily dodges with his serpentine body. He breathes fire at me, I block with my shield. The ground beneath my feet turns to soap. Luckily, my heavy armor prevents me from slipping. I slash at him again and again, he dodges every strike. I have an idea. I stab at him, he dodges and I kick him. When he loses his balance, I slash at him. Success! He bleeds mildly from the cut across his slender body.
"Enough!" Discord shouts. A blast of force energy pushes me away. I land harshly on the dirt. He forces my weapons from my grip with his magic. "I am sick and tired of you undead interfering with my chaos! Accept it! Harmony in Equestria is gone! And peace has never existed in Lordran." I stand and look him in the eyes through my helmet.
"The Warriors of Sunlight always have hope, we can make Lordran a land of peace."
"And how do you plan to do that?"
"Through the power of the sun and the strength we have in numbers. You may be able to defeat me, but you cannot defeat the covenant." Twilight Sparkle tugs me away from Discord as magic fries the spot where I was just standing.
"Solaire, we need your help!"
"Why? What do you need?" The other five are with her as well, and their color has returned! "Oh praise the sun you all are back to normal!"
"We need your help Solaire." Discord shoots me in the back with magic.
"Gah! Alright, let's speak of it on the way then shall we?" We retreat away from Discord.

On the border of the Everfree Forest we catch our breath.
"So, what do you need?" I ask between breaths.
"We need your help navigating." Twilight says.
"Navigation? But why? You know Equestria much better than I do."
"Yes, we do." She says.
Rainbow Dash chimes in, "But none of us have ever been to Lordran before."

Author's Note:

Off to Lordran! Sorry it took so long to get this chapter up, I'm STILL working on the dang ending to this story. I'll try to finish it ASAP and get it to you guys when it's done. Enjoy this chapter for now and all that follow!