• Published 3rd May 2013
  • 3,356 Views, 66 Comments

Hollow - Demonfire463

Three undead explore into a new realm and cannot escape some of their nightmares from Lordran, but will try to protect the ponies they come to care for. They fend from chaos, demons, and some other undead to protect the friends they have made.

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Chapter 1 The Abyss

Chapter 1

Finally past the Darkwraiths and ghosts of New Londo, I slip the Covenant of Artorias ring on my finger and prepare to drop down into the Abyss, as my two companions did the same. I look at the other two, the sorcerer wearing Logan's Sage Robe and the Crown of Dusk, and the pyromancer wearing the Crimson Robes. For a moment, I wonder, will we kill the four corrupted kings? Or will we fall to their magic power? Little does it matter, we are undead. We cannot die. We all know strange things happen to those who fall to the Abyss or to those corrupted by it. I am the first to jump down. After what seemed like ages the others follow. We land safely and the first of the kings appears. The sorcerer quickly casts pursuers as I rush towards the king. The pyromancer casts a great fireball that flies past my head and bursts into lava all over the king's silver flesh. I stab his chest with my Zweihander as the pursuers all hit the king as well. The first king has fallen.

The second king approaches just in time to be shot with a Soul Spear from the sorcerer. I fiercely bring Zweihander down on his head, staggering him. The pyromancer quickly used a firestorm, engulfing the area surrounding the king and blinding me. The king recovered quicker than I did and slashed at the three of us, then stabs and kills the sorcerer. Damn! Without him, we may not last much longer! My Greatshield of Artorias absorbed most of the hit, I saw that the pyromancer was weak, so I took a swig from my estus flask. He hurled a fire orb at the king's skull, blinding him long enough for me to bury my sword in his corrupted heart. Two down, two to go.

The third appears and fires a brilliant magic energy at the pyromancer, bringing him horrifyingly close to death. I quickly drink my last dose of estus, healing him just enough to continue the fight. Just as I think the king is going to unleash another sorcery, the pyromancer summons a great fire tempest which devours the third king in flames and magma. The king has one last chance to kill us, and takes full advantage of the moment. He grabs the pyromancer before I could stab the king, and takes his humanity and the rest of his life force as well. "NOOOO!!!" I shout, then stab the king's chest. It was only me now.

The fourth king appears, and thoughts rage through my mind. What if I die here? What will happen? Those who died in the Abyss never returned. Have my phantom companions suffered the same fate? Where had they gone? As I think, I block the sword of the king just in time to deflect what would have been a stab through my body. I roll left to dodge his hand trying to steal my humanity, then go for a slash across his body. Yes! He's getting weaker! But before I can get another hit on him, he spins completely around, his blade out, and slices across my chest, the magic of the blade dealing heavy damage through my black knight armor. I put my flask to my mouth only to have a single drop of estus touch my lips, then he fires a single magic blast. The magic collides with my body. I am dead.

Author's Note:

MLP and its characters belong to Hasbro, Dark Souls and its characters belong to From Software. I simply watch the show/play the game. I actually have quite a few chapters finished, but I probably won't upload them unless I know people are reading and enjoying the story. Please comment on how it is so far, I'd love to get some input. Thanks!