• Published 7th May 2013
  • 3,202 Views, 110 Comments

Chasing Apples, Bells and Oranges - Solarip

Rumble has spent nearly his whole young life being with his friends and family. He has nothing to complain, until a trio of fillies entered his life.

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Chasing Apples, Bells and Oranges

By: Solarip

Chapter 9: Jealousy

"Come on, Rumble! We've gotta do this sooner or later."

The room was brightly lit by the late afternoon rays of the sun. The breeze entered through an open window and blew across the foals inside. Bunches of dark grey hair swayed along with the wind as he was pinned down by an orange filly. Apple Bloom sat beside her, a clueless look on her face.

"But, why now? I-Is it too early for that?" he stuttered, unsure if he was ready for what Scootaloo will do to him. He attempted to release himself from her, but her incredibly strong grip proved impossible.

"Maybe, but I can't stand it any longer. You definitely need it!" Scootaloo exclaimed, her voice echoing throughout the room.

"She's right, Rumble. But I can't do that. I don't even know how," Apple Bloom said with confidence.

"That's why I have to do it," Scootaloo said.

"W-Why can't I-I just do this by myself?" he asked nervously.

"You don't know how to do it right. Just let me show you," she replied.

Rumble had his head pressed to the ground as Scootaloo had her hooves on his back. She reached a hoof and held one of his wings. The soft touch of a powerful filly gave a tingle on his back. Rumble stiffened his body as he was mused by the new sensation. He stopped his thoughts and his words were completely lost in his mind. When she noticed the sudden reaction, she grinned and began to stroke his left wing softly. He felt another wave of tingling pleasure, and as she continued to brush her hoof against it, more and more were felt by the pinned pegasus.

"W-What are you d-doing?" he asked. He struggled to say anything else, as he was too busy with what she was doing with his wings.

"Honestly, I don't know. Are you okay?" she asked, confused with Rumble's sudden reactions.

What is this? Is this some sort of special massage for pegasi? How does she know this anyway?

"Does it hurt?" she asked shyly. Does it hurt? Hay, it feels amazing!

"Nope," he replied as his wings twitched from the light touch of her gentle hooves.

"Should I stop?"

Please don't.

"I-It's okay if you don't," he said. He turned to Scootaloo and smiled. Just the sight of his jubilant face caused her cheeks to heat up intensely. The same went for Apple Bloom, for she was staring at him the whole time, ignoring everything else around her. She placed a hoof on her chest and another on the floor. Soon after, she moved closer to the entranced Rumble. As she brushed herself on the floor inch by inch, the crimson on her cheeks intensified. Her movements were slow and silent, but she started to sweat.

Apple Bloom rested her head on the floor so that her muzzle would lightly touch Rumble's. Her hooves were just beside her cheeks which she was trying to hide. Her tail swished side to side and her ears twitched occasionally. She stared at him with widened eyes, as if she was trying to examine a small creature. Rumble did the same, but he was mesmerized at the sight.

"Hi," Apple Bloom whispered.

Instead of a response, he blushed madly at her adorableness. He tried to keep a straight face and hide his blush. However, two insanely cute fillies made it impossible. He tried to look away to other things, like desks and curtains, but the radiance from her shy smile and the pair of large brilliant amaranth eyes staring right at him made it seem like a harsh task. Her red bow swayed lightly from the breeze. Her mane did the same, and she didn't mind.

Soon enough, weird feelings started to creep in. The butterflies in his stomach started to flutter. His mind raced, and so did his heartbeat. He felt his heart slowly melting away from her charm, yet he refused to look away. The warmth that he felt as he stared deeply into her eyes grew.

Minutes had passed. Rumble completely ignored Scootaloo, who gave up playing with his wings. Instead, she lied down beside him, opposite Apple Bloom, who had her face flushed in crimson. Rumble leaned even closer, enough to feel the heat from her face. Not once did she pull her head back, nor push him away. She completely understood what he was doing, and she figured that she would do her part as well. She closed her eyes tightly and pursed her lips together. Rumble saw her gestures. There are times when she's incredibly adorable. This is one of them. Well, it looks like she's ready for a kiss. Should I? I haven't kissed a filly in the lips before. Should Apple Bloom be the first? I mean, I like her, but not only her.

Maybe a small one won't hurt.

With that, he leaned forward for the last time as he closed his eyes. Finally, their lips met. Rumble reveled in the softness of her lips, which made him blush once again. It's strangely soft for a farm filly like her. Suddenly, his wings quickly unfurled, which rubbed against Scootaloo's cheek. She flinched, but remained still as her eyelids started to drop once more. On the other hand, they remained still before Apple Bloom started to press her lips against his. The wetness of her lips made Rumble blush even redder. He quickly opened his eyes as he felt her hoof on his chest, although her eyes were still shut tight. She's so warm.

A small eternity had passed. Nopony didn't move. They didn't want to, for they have their own special moments. Unfortunately, they had to. Rumble was first to move, breaking away from the kiss. Apple Bloom leaned forward. She didn't want to let go. Not just yet. She opened her eyes, and frowned when she had realized that it was over. She smiled afterwards when she saw the warm smile in front of her. Rumble blushed as she stared at him. He looked away and rubbed the nape of his neck.

"So, um, h-how was it?" he stuttered.

Apple Bloom smiled and wrapped a hoof around his neck, pulling him closer to her. She rested her chin on his shoulder and said, "It was amazing."

"Oh w-was it th-then," a voice said, filled with sadness.

The three foals were surprised. They lifted their heads and saw a white figure in front of the door. The moment he saw her, his heart sank to the depths of the abyss. Sweetie Belle stood, trembling with tears flowing down her cheeks. Her mane was messy, just like her big sister in times of stress. Her saddlebags, packed with things, were hanging on her back. Her ears hung low as her lips shivered.

Oh no.

"R-Rumble... How could you..." Sweetie muttered softly.

He continued to stare at her. Apple Bloom released him and Scootaloo moved a little further from him. The three were nervous as Sweetie continued to stared at them. The longer she did, the more nervous they become. I must say something.

"W-Wait, this isn't what it looks like—"

"Oh sure. I'm sure it doesn't look like you three were cuddling on the floor," she said sarcastically. Those words pierced through his chest.

"We weren't," Apple Bloom and Scootaloo said in unison.

"Then what?!" she shouted at them.

She's definitely mad. I've never seen her like this, not even to her friends. Is she... jealous?

All of them stood still as silence filled the room, save for the occasional sniffs of the unicorn filly. As each second passes, the ticking of the clock seemed to get louder. The air felt heavier than before. Rumble started to sweat bullets. He was so nervous and guilty that he couldn't even dare to stare at her.

"I-I'm sorry..." Rumble said.

The moment she heard this, her head hung low and her mane became a curtain to her melancholic face. He turned to look at her, and his heart sank even lower than the trenches of the ocean. He couldn't move. He didn't dare to.

What have I done?

Seconds later, she turned and walked away slowly. The clopping of her hooves echoed across the room until she was outside. What was left inside was deafening silence and a sunken heart. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo wouldn't even dare to go after her. They knew their best friend and fellow Crusader, and they know she just needed time alone. But Rumble didn't want to leave her alone. He wanted to run after her just to tell how sorry he was. He would cheer her up if he can.

If only he can do just those, then she might understand. Sadly, Rumble was frozen from the emotions battling in his head. He sat still as he blankly stared at the doorway where Sweetie Belle was. Soon enough, Apple Bloom laid a hoof on his back. His ear perked in response, then he felt her hoof brushing across his coat. He turned his head to face her. Even though the dead air weighed his heart down, her heart-warming smile lifted his own. Rumble smiled back.

How come she can still have that smile of hers even at terrible times like this?

"C'mon Rumble, cheer up." She looked through a window, and she saw the dark grey clouds covering the blue sky above. As she did, the room went dim and the wind turned cold.

"Maybe it's best if ya'll come to my house before it rains."

Apple Bloom reached another hoof towards him and placed it on his chest. "I hope you like apple pie."

He shifted his eyes to Scootaloo, who also had a smile on her face. He would like to come along and have a taste of apple pie, but something inside him said not to. He was thinking of going back to Carousel Boutique and talk to her.

"I think I'll pass. I have something to settle. Thanks anyway," he said as he got up on four hooves and walked outside.

"Okay then. Bye Rumble," Apple Bloom said.

"See you later," Scootaloo followed.

With that, he walked out of the clubhouse and into the apple orchard, hoping that he would get home without getting wet.

Here I come, Sweetie Belle.