• Published 7th May 2013
  • 3,202 Views, 110 Comments

Chasing Apples, Bells and Oranges - Solarip

Rumble has spent nearly his whole young life being with his friends and family. He has nothing to complain, until a trio of fillies entered his life.

  • ...

A Friend's Trust

Chasing Apples, Bells and Oranges

By: Solarip

Chapter 2: A Friend's Trust

"So, what do you do when you're bored?" Sweetie asked, trying to make the conversation going.

Rumble stared at the sky as he thought of what he will say. The rays of the sun tinted the clouds of a yellow hue and gave the sky a subtle gradient. He noticed that the usual blue faded to a faint orange as he looked down the horizon. A few pegasi were spotted flying around doing tricks and kicking clouds. What do I do when I'm bored? What do I usually do? Oh, I know!

"Well, I usually fly around town when it isn't raining out," Rumble replied as he tapped his chin with a hoof.

"So what do you do when you're bored and when it's raining?"

They continued to walk, but in silence. Rumble went back to his train of thought. He stared at the ground as they approached Carousel Boutique. Sweetie turned to look at Rumble. He saw her at the corner of his eye, and he began to get worried. This is getting awkward fast. I have to say something. Anything! The moment he thought of one of his activities, a blush grew on his cheeks. Sweetie only stared at him in confusion. Can I even say this to her? I mean, it's really personal. What if she laughs at it? He mustered up all the courage he could get. He sighed and began to speak.

"I don't usually do this, but I draw stuff when I'm alone," Rumble said while he stared at the ground.

"No way! You draw?" She asked in excitement.

"Yeah, but not all the time," he said shyly.

"That's so cool! What do you draw?"

"Well, I sketch portraits of ponies. Other times, I draw out sceneries I've seen. I stay in my room, pull out a pencil and a piece of paper, and I just draw stuff."

"You're really awesome! Who do you draw?"

Rumble expected a response from her, but it didn't come. He turned to Sweetie, and saw her widened eyes looking at him with enthusiasm. Her smirk slowly grew to a jubilant smile. Should I trust her?

"Before I tell you, can you promise me to keep this a secret?" he asked.


"Just promise me," Rumble said with annoyance.

Knowing that she had a lot of secrets kept, Rumble grew a little relieved when he realized that Sweetie was trusted by everypony, especially her close friends. I think trusting her might be a good idea, since she's cute and all.

Wait, did I say she's cute? Never mind that.

"Okay. I promise," she said as she drew a cross on her chest and placed her hoof on her right eye. What was that about?

"Okay," he sighed and continued, "I draw our classmates."

A miniscule eternity had passed and only the clinging and clanging of their saddlebags were only heard. Sweetie was still looking at Rumble, who seemed to be blushing in embarrassment. Her smile turned to giggles, which made Rumble completely confused.

"What's so funny?"

"Is that your secret?"

"Yes. What do you think it was?"

"Well, it's that, it's really cool. I'm jealous, even. But there's no reason for that to be a secret," she explained to the red-faced Rumble.

"There is!" he yelled, and then his head hanged low.

"Then what is it?"

"I, um, don't want ponies to know that unless he's somepony special and trusted. I want to show them that I'm cool, tough, and awesome, like my big bro, but I like drawing just as much as flying. It's just, they might think that I'm an awkward colt that draws all day, and I don't want that." he explained as he looked away from Sweetie.

"That's not true. Even thou—" she was cut off. Rumble heard a thump in her direction. He turned to find out that Sweetie's head had hit a door.

"Hey! We're here!" she shouted in excitement.

Their walk had come to an end as they reached the entrance of the boutique. Sweetie placed a hoof on the knob, turned it, and the door swung. The living room came to view. The first that entered Rumble's mind was it was covered in violet. There were embellishments on every wall that ranged from simple framed pictures of ponies to more complex crystal figurines of famous icons. Curtains, which were used for showmanship, filled many parts of the room. There were mannequins on display; some were dressed in a custom dress of wide varieties. Most of them were neatly hung different racks. Those must be Rarity's finished work. I rarely go here because this place is too girly for me. The only times where I go here are when I run errands or when Rarity invites me for tea. Of course I would say no, but she would always force me to drink those things.

The pair went inside and dropped their bags beside the doorway. Rumble started to look around for the fashionista. Sweetie, looking happier than before, popped to his field of vision which startled the pegasus. She grabbed his hoof and walked to the sofa. Surprisingly, he was dragged with her. His entire lower half brushed across the purple carpet. Wow! She’s really strong! Well, either that or I’m losing weight. He decided not to question her strength. Who knows, she might be strong enough to send Rumble flying out the window.

“So, where are we going?” he asked as he started to flap his wings, gaining altitude. A second later, he was already off the ground, but his hoof was still with Sweetie. Not for long, Sweetie. His unexpected flight gave him the opportunity to release his hoof from her grip. Nonetheless, Sweetie didn't mind.

“Let’s just sit for a while. Walking really tires me,” she said when she made it to the violet sofa.

“Okay then,” he said, and then he gestured a hoof to the sofa. Sweetie complied and climbed up, one hoof after the other. When she had almost made it up, one of her hind legs was dangling. Rumble flew down to help her up. He held her hoof, and then with a light pull, she finally made it. When Sweetie sat on the cushions. He flew down the sofa and landed beside the unicorn. He noticed that he sat too close to Sweetie because his left wing was touching her right hoof. He moved a little to the right, but it seemed that Sweetie was unhappy.

“You alright, Sweetie?” Rumble asked.

“Yup,” she said, associated by a faint smile. This made Rumble to smile back.

“Hey, where’s your sister?” he asked while looking around to see if the alabaster mare was there.

“Rarity? Well, she’s upstairs, packing up her stuff,” Sweetie explained.

“Oh okay,” he said as he noticed that Sweetie moved closer to him. He moved away, only to find Sweetie moving along with him. She’s really weird.

The pair finally settled down. The whole living room was filled in silence. The subtle ticks of the clock were only heard during the awkward eternity. Rumble rested his head on the inside arm, while Sweetie Belle did the same on the inside back of the sofa. Okay, this is too awkward for me. C'mon Rumble, think. What does she like to talk about? Books? Jewelry? Oh wait, I know!

"So, any thoughts for a cutie mark?" Rumble asked, catching Sweetie off-guard.

"Oh! I-I, um, I don't know," she said bashfully.


"Well, I usually talk about this with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. We usually brainstorm about this, but when I'm alone, I can't think of anything but..." Sweetie's voice faded and hid her face behind her mane.


She sighed and looked at Rumble.

"When I'm all by myself, I can't think of ways to earn my cutie mark. I don't have my friends to help me earn it. This always happens, you know, when my mind's completely blank. I mean, without my two best friends, I wouldn't be the same, but that made me worried," Sweetie explained as she was on the verge of tears.

Rumble heard every word and every emotion she showed. What do I do? A filly's gonna cry in front of me and I don't know what to do! Rumble thought of anything to do or to say, but couldn't find a solution. He was panicking, looking for a way to stop her from crying. He sat up and went closer to the unicorn, her ears flopped down. He looked around to see if there was something to keep the floodgates shut. Something, anything! A round of thoughts later, he had found a solution. Okay, I think I'm going to regret this. He turned to Sweetie, and did what he had to do.

He grabbed her shoulder, and wrapped his hooves around her neck. His chin rested on her shoulder, leaning on her head. Sweetie was surprised. Luckily, she stopped crying, but she couldn't move. She was frozen from the unexpected embrace. Rumble was also blushing and frozen, as he didn't know what to do next. However, talking is the best option for him, so he thought of the right words and began to speak.

"You know, I'm really soft when it comes to crying fillies," he said.

At least that's better than nothing.

A few seconds later, Sweetie, accepting his embrace, wrapped her forelegs around his waist. She calmed down afterwards, and started brushing her cheeks against his neck. Rumble noticed that she went back to her usual self, carefree and sweet.

"You don't have to hug me, Rumble," she said as she hugged him tighter.

"Then I'll let go off you no—"

"No don't!" she squeaked.

She's so cute when she squeaks.

"Okay then," Rumble said, "But you have to, you know, let go off me sooner or later."

"Oh, right," she said as they slowly broke free from their hug.

An awkward pause ensued, before Rumble suddenly thought of something.

"So, now you've calmed down, what were you saying a while ago?" he asked.

"Oh yeah. Well, what I was saying is that when I'm alone, I can't think of anything but—" she was cut off by an alabaster mare entering the living room.

"Hi Sweetie Belle! Welcome back!" she greeted her joyfully.

"Oh come on!" she shouted, throwing her hooves up high.

"Oh hi Rumble! What brings you here?" she asked, raising a brow at Rumble.

"Hi Rarity! Sweetie Belle invited me here. Is it okay?"

"Of course. Sweetie always talks about yo—" she was interrupted by Sweetie.

"Rumble, why don't we go to my room?" Sweetie, her face flushed in pink, suggested hastily.

"What for?"

"Well, um..." she said as she tapped her hooves together.

"I was just getting ready to leave for Trottingham," she said as she levitated her luggage behind her. "Maybe I should let you stay for the night with Sweetie Belle? I'm sure she might get lonely here when I'm gone," she said with a smirk on her face.

Sweetie and Rumble blushed in unison as they stared at each other. Is she serious?!

"I-Is it okay?" Rumble asked.

"Why of course! I can trust Rumbly-wumbly to watch over Sweetie while I'm gone. Besides, you have to cook for her, or better yet, you can teach her," she said in delight.

The thought of being alone in a house with another filly made Rumble blush even more. However, there was one thing bothering him: What will his parents have to say? He might be able to spend the night here if his mom and dad were aware of it. Maybe Rarity can do something about it.

"I'd love to, but Mom an—"

"You don't have to worry about them, darling. I'll tell them that you will be staying at Carousel Boutique for the weekend before I catch the train," she explained nonchalantly.

"Really? Thanks Rarity," he said in high spirits, then noticed something odd. "Wait, did you say 'for the weekend'?" he asked to clarify.

"Yes, for the weekend. I'll see you soon," she said in a sing-song tone as she opened the door and left the boutique.

The room fell silent for the second time. The ponies remained were Rumble and Sweetie Belle. He noticed that the alabaster filly was nowhere to be found. He looked around the living room. He checked behind the sofa, the mannequins, the curtains, everywhere, but still no Sweetie. If I were Sweetie, where would I be?

He found himself in front of a set of stairs. He looked at the top of the stairs and saw a pale rose lock of hair. That must be Sweetie's tail. He climbed up, and saw the unicorn. She turned to Rumble with a smile of bliss. I guess she heard the news, and she probably took it well.

"So, have you heard?" Rumble asked.


"Are you okay with it?"

"Absolutely," Sweetie said.

A few seconds passed, a loud grumble was heard by Rumble. At first, he thought it came from him, but it turned out it was Sweetie's stomach. She was embarrassed, so she quickly turned about-face. Rumble giggled at the sight, which made her to giggle afterwards.

"Wanna grab something to eat?" Rumble asked between giggles.


The pair, shoulder to shoulder, went down the stairs as they continued to enjoy each other's company, prepared for the night of surprises and tender moments ahead.

Author's Note:

Rarity sure likes RumBelle!
If you want to see Sweetie Belle cook, let me know. I will gladly write that for you.

Tell me what you think. Comments, Suggestions or Requests are welcome!

As always, hope you enjoyed it!