• Published 14th Mar 2013
  • 15,868 Views, 2,401 Comments

My Little Titan - Tatsurou

Teen Titans/MLP crossover. Raven wakes up in Twilight's body and has to find out what happened and how to fix it. Finding answers proves difficult, despite welcome asistance.

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Return of Harmony, part 4

21. Return of Harmony, part 4

Trigon slowly rose to his feet, shaking his head to clear it of the ringing of that last blow. It had felt like the strike of an archangel. The last time he'd felt such force in a blow was when he'd been sealed within his own realm, ages ago when the boundaries were first forged and the might of Chaos was banished to the outer most edge of existence, beyond the light of Source. What had hit him?

Before he could get to his feet, however, something slammed into his chest, claws digging into his flesh as he was slammed back against the ground. An unexpected cry of pain burst from his mouth as he stared at the creature that had landed on him. He knew what it was. He recognized the aspects of the Beast, the form his daughter's green paramour took to protect her, a form that somehow could dispel the manifestation of his minions with its claws. He recognized also the might of a MaTerran dragon, creatures his MaTerran oracle, Grogar, had tried to enslave to do his master's bidding. But he recognized more than that. He recognized the jewel embedded at the beast's third eye.

As claws dug into his flesh and curled fists pounded into his body, Trigon felt the sensation of wounds that would need time to heal, a feeling he barely remembered since the days before time. For the first time in eons uncounted, Trigon faced a foe that could kill him.

Trigon caught the next two punches, using his leverage to hurl the beast off of him, sending it skidding across the plain. Trigon sprang to his feet with an eagerness that made him feel millennia younger. He knew where this power had come from, of course. He HAD planned for everything when he set this in motion. After all, one misstep in this plan and his old foe would play his trump card, and all would be lost.

His plan had been flawless. If Nightmare succeeded in plunging MaTerra into Eternal Night, the power would release Trigon into the world, and Nightmare and Grogar would hold the Chaos King back long enough for Trigon to absorb the world's magic. Without the Element Bearers, the only way Celestia could stop Nightmare would be to kill her and Luna, which would also have released the boundary, and Trigon would have been in MaTerra and draining it of its magic before Discord could strike, or Discord would have to stop Nightmare himself and Trigon would win. Even if Discord made the Elements of Harmony available again - as he had - it would merely buy time for Trigon to use the souls’ links to the bodies - and thus the Elements - to bring the barrier down while Discord's hands were tied by his own actions. Even if the Rainbow of Light were brought against him in his own realm, he had a plan in motion to make it useless. He would gain control of MaTerra, one way or another. Nothing could stop him now, not even his own death.

However, he felt something racing through him he had not expected, had not experienced since the dawn of creation. His blood boiled in his veins, filling him with strength. Lightning raced along his bones as an old energy filled him. He knew this energy. It was called fear.

The outcome of this battle was in doubt. He might well die. That fear filled him with the excitement of battle frenzy, an eagerness for the clash he had long forgotten. With an eager roar, he lunged at the beast before him, trading blow for blow as neither fighter bothered with defense. It no longer mattered who was stronger, who was faster, who was better...

All that mattered was the battle...the need.


As Twilight and the others fell towards the ground far below, black energy surrounded them, guiding them to a safe landing near their bodies. She glanced over at their saviors, themselves. "What happened? What's going on? Who are you?"

The one in her own body smiled at her. "In order...Beast Boy combined with Spike to release the full power of his shape changing abilities and Spike's dragon blood in order to release all of you and duke it out with Trigon on an even footing. We're here to rescue you. Raven, Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Jinx, Melvin, and Bobby." The last statement she pointed towards each of those present one at a time, the last to the giant teddy bear, who smiled and waved.

Fluttershy sounded like she was smiling. "I did say things would get better soon."

Starfire flipped onto her back in midair. "I thought Pinkie Pie was the one who predicted things," she said in confusion.

Pinkie Pie suddenly gasped. "Oh my gosh! It's the Teen Titans!" She suddenly began to sing.

"When there's trouble you know who to call...Teen Titans!
From their tower they can see it all...Teen Titans!"

"Sing later," Robin said bluntly. "Escape now."

"He's right," Jinx said. "We need to get back to the portal before it's too late-"

"WE'RE NOT LEAVING WITHOUT SPIKE!" Twilight and the others shouted simultaneously.

Applejack suddenly turned towards her body. "Wait...'he'?"

Twilight decided to ignore that for now. "We aren't leaving anypony behind!"

"Umm..." Melvin said quietly, "Spike's not a pony."

"So what? You think that makes him less important?" Rarity snapped. "After all he's done, seeing that pure, good, noble soul...I am not going anywhere without my Spikey-Wikey!"

"That's not what I meant..." Melvin whispered, whimpering a little at being yelled at. "I just meant you shouldn't have used anypony..."

Raven glared at Rarity. "Do you think this is easy for us?" She pointed up at the Beast Dragon, which was trading blows with Trigon, striking with claws, teeth, spikes, and tail blade. Blood poured from several wounds across its body. "That's the man I love up there with Spike, doing everything he can to give us time to escape! This is his plan, and..." Tears fell from her eyes. "He knew this would likely be a suicide mission for him, but still he went. And they wouldn't be able to stay fused like that if Spike didn't feel the exact same way." She shook her head, her eyes shut tight. "Do you think I want to leave him behind?"

"But..." Fluttershy began. "But...isn't there another way?"

Raven shook her head. "I don't know...but there wasn't enough time to find it. But the only thing that can hurt Trigon is the Rainbow of Light..." Her horn glowed, and in a flash of light a tiara appeared on her head as necklaces appeared around the necks of each of the others. "And all we've got with us are the Elements of Harmony. It won't be enough!"

There was silence for a time. Then Rainbow Dash spoke up. "There's also that gem in Spike - er, Beast Boy - er, Beast Spike?'s - forehead. What's that?"

"Gem?" Rarity said, looking over. "My goodness, it does shine brightly...but why is it shaped like a tooth?"

Jinx' eyes went wide. "Discord gave Spike his tooth before we left..."

Raven rounded on her. "How is that supposed to help?"

"When we used the Elements of Harmony to cleanse Nightmare Moon out of Luna, Beast Boy was pulled in as well." Jinx was grinning widely. "Because Harmony isn't complete with only six. The five qualities make friendship work, Magic brings us together...but what makes us look for friends?"

"You mean other than Celestia's orders?" Cyborg said jokingly.

Jinx smirked. "It's Hope. The belief that tomorrow will be better than yesterday. The faith that there is something out there worth living for. The Seventh Element." She pointed at the gem once more. "Because it takes seven gems - seven colors - to make a Rainbow."

"Actually, I think I kinda have eight..." Rainbow Dash said sardonically.

Twilight did her best to glower. "Rainbow Dash, if you had a head right now, I would smack it."

As most of the others gathered laughed, Raven's eyes widened. "We might just have a chance."

Robin stepped forward. "We'll be risking everything..."

Cyborg pushed ahead. "I've never left a friend behind, I'm not about to start now!"

"Right there with you!" Rainbow said eagerly, floating forward.

The Element of Loyalty began to glow as they were drawn towards each other.

Robin smirked. "I gotta say, I agree with them there."

Applejack chuckled. "You and me both, sugarcube."

The Element of Honesty pulled them together.

Jinx nodded. "Time to give it our all."

"Indeed," Rarity replied as the Element of Generosity's glow engulfed them both.

Starfire grinned. "Time for the punch line!"

Pinkie floated forward slowly. "I...I hope I make it to the big finish."

Melvin stepped forward. "Don't worry."

Fluttershy lifted Pinkie up. "We've got you."

The Elements of Kindness and Laughter poured forth their blinding light.

Twilight glanced towards Raven, chuckling a bit. "I feel like we should be chanting something. Silly, isn't it?"

Raven smiled. "Azarath..."

Twilight's eyes went wide. Somehow she knew what to say. "...Metrion..."

"ZINTHOS!" they cried together as the Element of Magic engulfed them both.

Six streams of colored light shot through the air towards the battle.


Trigon smirked as the thrill of battle gave him more energy than he had in eons. Even armed with the last Element, the one that could be wielded alone, Spike had been too weakened by his time of torment and Beast Boy lacked the strength to support them both. They were beginning to waver and falter. Trigon delivered a strong right cross to their combined chin, smirking. "Victory will taste all the sweeter thanks to the struggle you've given me. I thank you. As a reward, let me grant you a quick death!" Gathering a sphere of magic fire, he hurled it at his foe.

As it burned against the creature, two voices screamed in agony...only to be cut off as six streams of light dispersed the fireball, slamming into the creature's forehead. A blazing golden light pushed Trigon back. When the light cleared, a new foe stood before him.

The Beast Dragon was now garbed in glittering golden armor that cascaded across its entire body, and renewed energy seemed to fill it as rainbow colored magic danced from spike to spike on its armored form. At its forehead, seven gems now glowed, six in a circle surrounding the seventh. The creature roared with renewed energy.

Trigon grinned. "So, this is the last defense of a mighty world. Come, show me the power of Harmonia!" He lunged forward.

The battle was as even as before. While the golden armor gave strong defense against Trigon's attacks, none within the fused creature had fully recovered from the ordeals that led to this point. Trigon grinned. He knew it was only a matter of time before he gained victory, and then he could turn this power back on the world it came from, preventing Discord from collapsing the portal and bringing destruction. Victory was assured!

With a strong kick, he sent his foe sliding back across the ground and gathered his energy. "You have fought well...but you will now lose. The Rainbow of Darkness was never at full power within MaTerra...but here, I don't need a bag to unleash its full might!" Thrusting his hands forward, he unleashed his ultimate destructive spell...the Rainbow of Darkness.

The Beast Dragon crossed its arms, the wave of power pushing it back. Cracks began to show along the golden armor...but then the entire thing glowed with a rainbow of colors. The rainbow light focused into the dragon's mouth...and the Rainbow of Light was unleashed, pushing the Rainbow of Darkness backwards.

Trigon smirked. "Is that really the best you can do?" He thrust more of his magic into the spell, and the point of clash halted. Then, ever so slowly, it began to move back towards his foes. "The Darkness will swallow the Light! It is inevitable!"

The beast dragon snarled, cupping its claws to the side even as it kept up the Rainbow of Light from its mouth. New Rainbow Energy began gathering between its hands.

"What?" Trigon asked, startled. "Two?"

Smirking, the Beast Dragon thrust both claws forward...and a second Rainbow of Light erupted from within, twirling around the first, pushing the Rainbow of Darkness back rapidly.

Trigon grinned as his magic began to scatter out of his grip. While not his preferred path, he could still claim victory. A non-harmful spell slipped in through one of the cracks in the armor, unnoticed. He might not claim MaTerra himself, but there was more than one way his daughter could be a demon portal.

The Rainbows of Light drove him back against the wall of his domain, slowly tearing his body apart. "You think you have won?" he shouted. "You think my death will save you? Without my life force to maintain it, my dimension will collapse before you can escape, and it will only be a matter of time before I escape the afterlife, beyond even Death's power! No matter what happens, you lose...and I win! Enjoy your passing victory while it lasts!" His maniacal laughter trailed away as his form dissolved in the light, utterly destroyed.

The entire dimension began to shake, rapidly collapsing. Turning, the Beast Dragon attempted to make its way towards the portal, but all energy left it. It was drained completely, the golden armor falling off in chunks. Then, just as the dimension was about to close in on them completely, they vanished in a flash of white light.