• Published 14th Mar 2013
  • 15,858 Views, 2,401 Comments

My Little Titan - Tatsurou

Teen Titans/MLP crossover. Raven wakes up in Twilight's body and has to find out what happened and how to fix it. Finding answers proves difficult, despite welcome asistance.

  • ...

At the Gala

17. At the Gala

Luna glanced around at her preparations for the night. "Popcorn? Check. Pretzels? Check. Drinks? Check. Game system in case of boredom?" She glanced over at where her consoles were. Celestia had gotten her several of the newest gaming stations to give her opportunity to socialize without leaving the safety of the palace, something she desperately needed as the enforced captivity while she recovered her full power was driving her batty. She'd found the various 'MMOs' to be quite engaging, especially once she'd managed to make several friends online who found her 'Olde Equesh' speech and mannerisms to be charming. "Check."

Turning, she looked towards what should be the primary source of entertainment for the evening. "Scrying spell set up by Celestia so I can pony watch?" She carefully examined the glowing circle of quicksilver floating in the air in front of her. "Check. Low magic telepathic control system?" She rested a hoof on a small plate. The plate glowed, and the quicksilver circle stretched, split, spun, and then flowed back into a single circle. She smiled. "Check. Time?" She turned to the clock on her wall, and grinned. "Time to start."

The quicksilver circle shifted, and an image appeared. It showed the approach to the castle with a coach coming up, pulled by...a manticore? She recognized Twilight and the others she knew from when she was freed of the Nightmare's influence stepping out, along with three fillies, a griffon mother with her cub, and an unknown unicorn. Based on letters she had received, she concluded the unicorn was Trixie, the griffon mother Gilda, and the three fillies were Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo respectively. Seeing Fluttershy go up to the manticore and stroke its mane explained how they got a manticore to pull their carriage. Luna idly wondered whose idea that had been, since it was certainly making an impression on the rest of the crowd.

As the spell completed, Luna could hear sound as well. Twilight looked up at the castle and spoke. "Well, we're finally here. With all we've imagined, the reality of this night is sure to make this...the best night ever!"

"Wow," Spike muttered. "Really dropping the song cues, huh?"

As Twilight glared at Spike, music started, and Fluttershy began to sing.

"At the gala, in the garden,
I'm going to see them all!
All the creatures, I'll befriend them at the gala!"

"Yeah," Spike muttered. "Good luck with that."

Ignoring Spike's mutterings, Fluttershy continued to sing.

"All the birdies and the critters
They will love me, big and small.
We'll become good friends forever,
Right here at the Gala!"

As Spike opened his mouth to comment, Twilight glowered him into submission. Luna found this far more engaging then the rest of the pony crowd with their background singing. Applejack was next to lift her voice.

"At the Gala
I will sell them
All my appletastic treats!
Hungry ponies
They will buy them
Caramel apples, apple sweets!
And I'll earn a lot of money
for the Apple fam'ly!"

Spike chuckled. "Yeah, signs point to no."

Twilight glowered at him, and her horn glowed.

He winced. "How the hay did you just give me a wedgie?"

"Creatively," she responded drily.

"But I'm not even wearing underwear!"

"As I said," she replied, causing a giggle from the three fillies.

Rarity cleared her throat, then lifted her head in song.

"At the gala, all the royals...
They will meet fair Rarity!
They will see I'm just as regal at the Gala!
I will find him, my prince charming,
and how gallant he will be!
And he will treat me like a lady
Tonight at the Gala!"

"Well," Twilight said calmly, "I suppose there's a chance Tartarus could have frozen over." When Rarity turned to glare at her, she pointed an accusing hoof at Spike. "He started it!" she said defensively, causing all three to break out in giggles.

"Ahem!" Rainbow interrupted, glaring at them. Then, as the music shifted, she raised her voice.

"Been dreaming, I've been waiting
To fly with those great ponies
The Wonderbolts, their daring tricks:
Spinnin' round and having kicks.
Perform for crowds of thousands
They'll shower us with diamonds!"

"Wouldn't that hurt?" Spike asked Sweetie Belle in an aside. She nodded in return.

"The Wonderbolts will see me right here at the Gala!"

Rainbow rolled her eyes at the dragon and filly's amusement, walking over to grip Scootaloo in a quick tight hug. As the music shifted again, Pinkie Pie began to prance.

"I'm here at the Grand Gala
For it is the best party
But the one thing it was missing was a pony named Pinkie!
For I am the best at parties, all the ponies will agree..."

"Can't argue with that," Gilda commented, as the cub on her back watched with interest.

"Ponies playing, ponies dancing
With me at the Gala!"

As the music shifted again, this time becoming almost a military march, Gilda raised her head.

"At the Gala, I will cast off
the shackles of my past!
I have made a new life
With friendships sure to last!
And I'm ready now for everypony
To see the brand new me
Right here at the Gala!"

As Rainbow smiled proudly at Gilda, the griffon turned her head to absently preen her tux wearing cub who had somehow managed to get dirty already. That was little boys for you, whatever the species. As the music became a bit more vaudeville, Trixie stepped forward.

"At the Gala I shall get my start
For the dream I have had close to heart
Everypony will soon see
The Great and Powerful Me!
With lessons learned and friends sublime
The time has come for my star to shine
Right here at the Gala!"

"Well, if that doesn't fit," Spike muttered, earning a death glare from Twilight. Before she could say anything, the music shifted to an upbeat tune, and the three fillies jumped forward, singing together.

"At the Gala, oh so special
We never thought we'd be
Here at such a grand event
The best night we would see!
We'll stay up late till dawn past dark,
And maybe earn our Cutie Marks,
Right here at the Gala!"

"And even THEM?" Spike asked with a grumble.

"Spike, what's gotten into you?" Twilight demanded.

"How about the fact that with all of this, I STILL don't get my own verse?" he demanded.

She raised an eyebrow at him. "If you've got one ready, the spotlight's all yours."

"Really?" Spike bounced forward and cleared his throat as the music became more upbeat, almost as upbeat as Pinkie's segment.

"At the Gala, home at last
So much has changed in the time that's passed.
So much to do, so much to show
And so much better with friends in tow
Together we will live our dreams,
Right here at the Gala!"

As the music began to swell again, Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Not bad, Spike," she said begrudgingly. Spike gave her a playful bow. Clearing her throat, Twilight looked upward as Celestia flew over the castle.

"At the Gala,
With the Princess,
Is where I'm going to be!
We will talk all about magic
And what I've learned and seen.
It is going to be so special,
As she takes time just for me!"

As she smiled at the faces a few of the others made, Twilight led the choir into the end of the song.

"Into the Gala we must go
We're ready and we're all aglow
Into the Gala let's go in
And have the best night ever!
Into the Gala now's the time
We're ready and we look divine!"

As the song swelled, the group began the final portion.

"Into the Gala"

"Meet new friends!"

"Into the Gala"

"Sell some apples!"

"Into the Gala"

"Find my Prince!"

"Prove I'm great"

"As a Wonderbolt is!"

"Into the Gala"

"Make a start!"

"Into the Gala"

"Earn our Cutie Marks!"

"To meet"

"To sell"

"To find"

"To prove"

"To woo"

"To live"

"To wow"

"To grow"

"For fun"

"To talk"

"Into the Gala
Into the Gala
And we'll have the BEST NIGHT EVER...
At the Gala!"

Luna sat back with a smile, having listened to the entire musical number. She knew for certain, this was the group to watch tonight. As they entered and began to split up, she made her quicksilver viewer split, having one follow each of them closely. Pinkie went to schmooze with some of the Canterlot elite, being far calmer than Luna would have expected, given what she'd seen and heard of her behavior. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were almost immediately called over by Soarin' and Spitfire, who obviously remembered them from the Young Flier's Competition. Applejack wandered the party freely, while staying close to Applebloom, who started out by heading straight to the food. Sweetie Belle and Spike wandered the room, Spike pointing various things out to the only pony who didn't go her own way. Trixie found her way into a chat with several significant members of the Press, as well as several Media moguls. Gilda was rapidly surrounded by several of the younger members of the crowd who were curious about griffons, as well as several older mares who cooed over how cute her cub was. Twilight went up to Princess Celestia, and Rarity found her way to the side of Prince Blueblood.

Luna snorted to herself. "I will never understand what any mare could possibly see in that stuck up, selfish, spoiled foal," she muttered, reaching a hoof to her bowl of pretzels.

"Well, she has to give him a chance."

Luna leaped into the air with a yelp, clinging to the chandelier above as she looked around. Reaching into her mane, she pulled out a small wand. While not normally effective enough as anything more than a backup weapon for even the weakest unicorns, this particular wand had been crafted by Starswirl, and Celestia had charged it herself. It had three casts in it, and one could blast the side of the castle out if misdirected. "Who goes there?" she demanded, waving the wand around, searching for the intruder in her room.

There was a few moments of silence. "Is that any way to talk to a friend, Luna?" A shadow on the floor expanded, and Twilight stepped out of it, her dress shimmering in the soft light of the room.

Luna stared. Turning, she stared at the Twilight pictured in her viewer, standing at Celestia's side as they greeted the various ponies in line to meet them. She turned back. "How?" she demanded.

Twilight stepped forward with a smile. "The one out there is a simulacrum. Useful for situations that require an image, but not the actual pony."

Luna dropped back to the floor. "But...your song earlier..."

Twilight smiled. "Which princess did you think I was singing about?"

Luna flushed. Then she blinked. "Celestia has experimented with simulacra in the past. They are not very effective. The spell weave can only contain three responses, and a very limited guiding intelligence."

Twilight grinned. "I tweaked the spell weave a bit. I added a memory store so it can repeat anything it's heard within the past hour. Also, I gave it the capacity to fully emote and play with the tenses of the primary response list. With all three being political non-committal statements, nopony will even notice it's not me."

Luna chuckled. "What fun!" She turned back to the screens, shifting the one locked onto the copy of Twilight to the background. "Care to pony watch with me?"

Twilight smiled. "Sounds like fun." At Luna's invitation, she curled up on a stack of pillows next to the Princess.

Luna held out a bowl. "Popcorn?"

Twilight smiled. "Alright." She levitated a few kernels out and into her mouth. "So, who should we watch first?"

Luna glanced towards the viewers. "Hmm? Why is Fluttershy just sitting in the garden?"

Twilight smiled. "She wants to befriend the animals." As they watched, one of the animals approached Fluttershy slowly. She continued to sit perfectly still, letting the animal get comfortable enough to come right up to her. Only then did she turn to address it. Before long, the other animals had come up as well. "Looks like she succeeded by letting them come to her."

"Good strategy," Luna said calmly. "The animals of the menagerie are uncomfortable with strangers." Turning, she saw the screens locked on Rainbow and Gilda flow to each other to merge as another figure approached them. "Hmm, this is unusual."

Twilight, however, was staring at the figure. "I didn't know griffons got that big! He's nearly as big as Celestia!"

Luna smiled. "That's the griffon ambassador, Talos. He's nice enough, as griffons go. Asked after my health."

Twilight blinked. "Not...Talos Sirek Wardn, by any chance?"

Luna widened her eyes. "You know him?"

"If it's the same one..." Twilight examined the griffon closely. "I think that's Gilda's Yearling Master. Gave him a scar over his eye before he even got her into class."

Luna's eyes widened further. "Goodness. I wonder what he plans to do." She grinned. "Let's watch." They glued their eyes and ears to the now combined screens.

Gilda stood by the buffet table, keeping her eyes away from Talos as he approached. Talos stopped a few feet away, turning his head towards Rainbow Dash, who was there getting a drink. "You are Rainbow Dash?" he asked without warning.

"The one and only!" she replied cockily. "Heard of me, have you?"

"Indeed," he replied. "The Sonic Rainboom is rare enough to warrant attention, especially when performed by an Element Bearer. Where do you call home, anyway?"

Rainbow looked at him sharply, then smoothed her face to an impressively diplomatic non-committal expression. For some reason, that set Scootaloo to scribbling in a notebook. "I come from Ponyville," Rainbow replied calmly.

"Ah," he replied calmly. "Nice place?"

"Pretty calm and quiet," Rainbow replied. "Although some crazy things happen every Tuesday."

"Really now?" Talos asked calmly, quirking an eyebrow up. "Is it safe for the young ones?"

Rainbow shrugged. "The whole town protects everyone. Fillies and colts grow up pretty tough, that's for sure." She smirked. "We're also on several trade routes, so we encounter members of all races. Have food available for all of them, too."

"Really? How interesting." Talos picked up an hors d'oeuvre and popped it into his mouth. "Would seem too peaceful for the more adventurous. Only excitement every Tuesday?"

Rainbow smirked. "Well, for the more adventurous, we're right on the border of the Everfree."

Talos smiled. "Hmm...seems like a nice place to retire, if I were anywhere near ready to do so." Turning to go, he briefly rubbed the head of Gilda's cub, who had been pouncing at his flicking tail. "It was nice speaking to you, Miss Dash."

Luna and Twilight watched as each went their separate ways, Gilda clutching her cub and stroking his head thoughtfully. "What just happened?" Luna asked, confused.

"As an exile, Gilda is forbidden from speaking to other griffons, and they're forbidden from speaking to her." Twilight was staring in awe. "Talos spoke to Rainbow so he could circumspectly inquire about how Gilda and her cub were doing...and he wanted Gilda to know he was doing it."

"But...why would he do that?" Luna asked, confused.

Twilight narrowed her eyes. "There are a few political reasons I can think of...and a few personal ones I could think of as well. I hope it's the personal, but I'm sure politics is involved as well." Twilight frowned, obviously not liking her train of thought.

Luna decided to change the subject. "Pinkie is being much more calm than I anticipated."

Twilight smiled. "Pinkie's just full of surprises." She looked closer. "Although it looks like she's trying to talk those ponies into making things more fun."

Pinkie suddenly bounced up to the orchestra stage. "Hey Octavia! Haven't seen you in a while."

Octavia looked a bit nervous. "Pinkie Pie, what are you doing here?"

Pinkie grinned. "I'm with Twilight. Say, I've got a good 62% of the guests talked around to the idea of upping the fun quotient of this Gala. Think you can give us some tunes we can really dance to?"

Octavia glanced back and forth. "I...don't know if I should. I mean, this is a big event, and if things go wrong, my career..."

Pinkie's grin widened. "Don't worry. We'll just say it was Celestia's idea. Nopony'll say neigh to that!"

Octavia nodded. "True. ...is it her idea?"

Pinkie winked conspiratorially. "Sure. She just hasn't had it yet."

Octavia's eyes widened. "You can pull that off?" Pinkie nodded happily. Octavia smiled softly. "Well...alright. After this song." The rest of the small orchestra started to grin. "Besides," Octavia said smugly, "it'll be worth it for the look on Vinyl's face when she hears she wasn't here to see the first use of her present."

Pinkie looked excited. "Thanks, Tavi! You're wonderful!" waving, she bounced back into the throng.

"I think we should look at somepony else while we still can," Twilight commented drily.

Luna nodded. The screen locked onto Applejack came to the fore. She was surrounded by several older nobles.

"-and you know how picky foals can be about food sometimes," she was saying. "So, given that Apple Bloom's never had nothin' but home cooking, I was worried the food here might not agree with her, so I packed my saddlebags with a bunch of her favorites just in case so she wouldn't go hungry." She chuckled. "And wouldn't you know, she's piggin' out at the buffet." She grinned as the nobles snacked happily on the sweets she'd passed out. "Still, glad these haven't been going to waste."

"These are quite delicious," one of the nobles - Fancypants, if Luna remembered correctly - said as he munched on a turnover. "You should do this as a business."

"Oh, I do," Applejack replied. "I'm the primary proprietor of Sweet Apple Acres in Ponyville. Grow apples and make and sell apple treats, like these."

"Have you ever catered?" another noble asked.

"Well," Applejack replied modestly, "we were called on to provide all the food for the last Summer Sun Celebration...which turned into Princess Luna's welcome back party."

A third noble spoke up. "I say, I've been trying to get my son to eat a bit healthier for quite some time, but he's been rather stubborn about it. I don't suppose you might be willing to cater his next birthday? I think these just might be the ticket!"

Applejack smiled, her eyes glinting just a bit. "Well, as it so happens, I HAD been planning on adding a catering business onto the farm's other sales." She reached into her saddlebags. "And it just so happens I have a few finished price sheets, if anypony's interested. Everything you've tried here...and a few others that I guarantee are just as good if not better." Several of the nobles eagerly grabbed the passed out price sheets, looking over the prices and making pleased mutterings. "Address and all pricing info's all there."

As they watched, Twilight chuckled. "Clever AJ," she muttered to herself.

Luna glanced towards her in confusion. Turning back to the screen, she smiled. "Looks like Trixie's getting a few contract offers as well."

Suddenly, the screen focused on Rarity moved to the fore. "I have never been so insulted in my life!" she was shouting in Blueblood's face. "Seriously, I was under the impression that you were a Prince, not a pompous, spoiled brat."

"How dare you!" Blueblood snapped. "Gu-"

"Oh, shouting for the guards, are you?" Rarity asked with a toss of her head. "Really? Is that all you can do? Can't even handle a mare without the guards? Then again, with how you've been acting, I'd be surprised if you could get your shoes on the right hooves without the guards help." There was a gasp from nearby ponies. "How low the line of Platinum has fallen to come to you. I have never met a more crude, selfish, obnoxious pony in my life! You are so high on your title and bloodline that it is all you are! I truly pity the mare who is eventually dragooned into wedding you and providing an heir, as no amount of spoiling and compensation could be worth dealing with you for more than a night! I will not waste another moment of my evening in foalsitting. Good night!" With that, she tossed her drink in his face and turned to storm away, her nose in the air.

Twilight whistled. "Way to go, Rarity."

Blueblood looked like he was about to explode. Turning, he stormed from the ballroom. As he left, Rarity received quite the round of applause, which she received with quiet dignity.

One of the screens followed Blueblood as he stormed off to his room, where he began to rant and rave. "I have never been so humiliated in my life! The gall of that mare to talk at me like some spoiled brat, and to besmirch my good name and blood in front of all those ponies!" He bucked out, kicking an end table over. "That was infuriating! Humiliating! Unbearable!" His entire body suddenly shuddered. "Celestia's sweet swollen teats, that was so buckin' hot! I must have her!"

As Blueblood started to curl up with obvious intent, Twilight zapped the screen with her magic, disabling it. "Well, that's more than I ever needed to know."

Luna was staring wide eyed at where the screen had been. "Can't...unsee..."

As the music stopped, Twilight gestured to one of the other windows to distract Luna. "Looks like we're about to see what Pinkie put Octavia up to."

Octavia had set her bass aside, placing it gently into its case. Leaning over, she picked up another case and snapped it open, pulling out a violin. Placing it against her chin, she tuned it for a bit...then pulled on a knot at the side, causing a panel of pulsing speakers to pop out the other side.

"What is that?" Luna asked in shock.

Twilight groaned. "If I had to guess...a wubolin."

Octavia began to play, the instrument glowing with ingrained magical energy causing her classical music to come out remixed into a techno dance beat.

"Oh no," Luna moaned, hanging her head.

"What?" Twilight asked.

"There's a reason we've never played dance music at the Gala," Luna moaned, hiding her face.

Up at the dais, Celestia suddenly smiled. "If you'll excuse me, my little ponies, but this is my jam." Leaping into the air, she glided down to the dance floor. She then began to dance...if you could call it that. Every part of her body seemed to be going in different directions, looking not unlike a controlled seizure. Her eyes were even closed, and her tongue stuck out the side of her mouth. Everypony around her stared for a bit, before several started to consciously try and imitate her.

"Oh stars, it's going to become a trend," Luna groaned.

Twilight decided not to comment on the 'dancing'. "How come everypony's so afraid to cross Celestia, anyway? She's never seemed all that frightening to me."

Luna closed her eyes, trying not to think of the unpleasant memories. "Because noble families have long memories. They have not yet forgotten Gemareah."

Twilight blinked. "I...don't think I've come across that story."

"I'm not surprised," Luna said calmly. "Neither Celestia nor I like remembering that time. It...happened early in our reign. We had been far north, dealing with a great threat to the kingdom. The threat took 100 years to deal with, and the nobles were left in charge whilst we were gone."

"You're talking about the disappearance of the Crystal Kingdom, aren't you?" Twilight said suddenly.

Luna raised an eyebrow. "Indeed. Those events aren't well known. Given the nature of some of what we dealt with, much was deliberately purged from the history books. Where did you learn of it?"

Twilight smiled. "Found a history book in the Ponyville library. Seemed to have been penned by Starswirl himself."

Luna rolled her eyes. "Of course," she muttered.

Twilight tilted her head. "He didn't mention Gemareah, thought. What was it?"

Luna shuddered. "Our original capital. However...while we were gone, a group within the nobles gained power and control of the capital city, and attempted to spread their influence to the country. They called themselves the True Libertains, and believed that they should be free to indulge themselves...however they wished." Luna shuddered. "By the time we had returned, they had complete control of the city, and used the fillies and colts of the population as little more than playthings. I...searched through the dreams of the populace, but...only the young were not bound by the corruption." She covered her eyes, holding back the tears.

Twilight scrunched her eyes shut tight, breathing deeply in and out. Her eyelids and eyebrows briefly quivered independently of each other, as though there were a second set of eyes there. Finally, she opened her eyes. "What did Celestia do?"

Luna shuddered. "I have never seen Celestia like that before or since. Her white coat turned a reddish gold, and her mane and tail turned to crimson fire. Her eyes...they were like sunspots, and her Royal Mark had turned from a gentle sun to a glaring solar eye. She teleported all the ponies under breeding age within the city to our palace, and everypony else in the palace into the city proper. That was the only warning the ponies received before...she opened the sky." Luna gagged a bit as memory returned full force. "She created two blazing walls of solar fire, one at the outskirts of the city and one directly surrounding the Palace. The two walls incinerated anything they touched, and the wall before the palace slowly dug a deep scar into the earth surrounding it. Then...the wall at the edge of the city began a slow march inward. The ponies within were trapped between two marching walls of death, unable to escape. Celestia...she watched impassively as the ponies begged and pleaded for mercy, to be spared...and as they screamed their last as the walls met, incinerating them.

"She then created a brand new set of nobles - save Blueblood's line, which was not part of the group - and dictated into the law that that was the fate of anyone under her gaze who brought such harm to a foal on her lands." Luna shuddered. "It took two weeks before she returned to her normal self, and she dedicated the next ten years to trying to help the victims of the True Libertains recover from their ordeal."

Twilight frowned. "She was too easy on them," she growled.

Luna stared at her in shock. "Twilight?"

Twilight closed her eyes. "Sorry," she muttered. "Some things I take personal."

Luna started to ask something, but they were distracted by a shout from one of the screens.


"Wait, what?" they both said together, spinning to look.

There on the largest screen, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were swinging from the chandelier in the center of the ballroom. The chandelier began to creak...and the three fillies jumped clear just before it came crashing to the floor.

As everyone stared, Celestia leaned down to the three fillies and whispered, "Run."

Twilight stood up. "Well, that's my cue, I'm afraid." She stepped back into the shadow. "See you later, Luna."

Luna smiled as Twilight left. She saw that the others were leaving to, and sighed, letting the mystic viewer shut down. It was time to see who was online. She turned her console on and logged in.

--MoonBeam is online--

Luna smiled, then checked to see who on her friend's list was on.

--BeholderTwins is online--

--IamtheLast is online--

Smiling widely, she logged into that chat room.

IATL: -and I can't believe I let you talk me into this. I seriously don't see the point of these games.

BT: Aww, come on! You know it'll be fun. Besides, all things considered, you owe me some coddling, you said so yourself.

IATL: Can't I just bake you some muffins?

BT: Doctor, did you forget you can't cook?

MB: You two are the cutest couple.

IATL: Oh, hello Moonbeam!

BT: Moonbeam! You're on! :glomp:

Luna grinned. She loved talking to these two, whoever they were.