• Published 14th Mar 2013
  • 15,867 Views, 2,401 Comments

My Little Titan - Tatsurou

Teen Titans/MLP crossover. Raven wakes up in Twilight's body and has to find out what happened and how to fix it. Finding answers proves difficult, despite welcome asistance.

  • ...

Nightmare Crisis

2. Nightmare Crisis

As Raven stared for a moment in shock, a pink blur slammed bodily into her and she found herself on the end of a familiar crushing embrace.

"Oh friend Raven I am so glad to see you! I was afraid I was the only one who had somehow become one of the ponies of Magical Friendship and it was most frightening to once more be all alone on a strange world, but at the same time most thrilling because of how much I have enjoyed the show and the conventions and the fandom even if I do not like the artwork of the thirty-fourth rule that the internet safe search blocks as I do not understand enough of human interaction to know why a pony is sexy, but it is so good to see you!"

Raven blinked twice. "Good to see you too, Star...but I can't breathe."

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Starfire - who apparently was Pinkie Pie - immediately released her. "I did not know I was so strong as a pony.

"Star?" Applejack suddenly said in shock, though not in a southern drawl.

Starfire blinked Pinkie Pie's eyes and gasped. "Boyfriend Robin?" She rushed forward to hug Robin... only to realize she would be hugging Applejack. "Oh. This is 'the awkward', isn't it?"

"Well at least I'm not the only guy who wound up a mare!" Rainbow Dash said laughingly. She threw her forelegs around AJ/Robin and Pinkie/Star. "Look Raven! Apple Pie and coffee!"

Raven couldn't help but chuckle. "Good to hear from you too, Cyborg."

"So how does it feel to be all flesh, tin man?" Rarity said mischeviously. "Or should I call you Stone?"

Cyborg blinked. "...Jinx?"

"Who were you expecting?" Jinx replied, tossing Rarity's head. "Did you honestly think anyone else could fake a fashionista believably?"

Spike looked up in surprise. "Well, looks like the whole team is here with a couple additions, huh Raven?"

Raven looked down at the baby dragon. She knew that voice. "Beast Boy?"

"Hey!" Cyborg shouted out. "How come he's still a guy?"

"Hush," Raven said with a glare. She then turned to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy smiled at her. "Hi Raven," she said happily, her voice sounding quite young.

Raven knew that voice. "Melvin?"

Melvin came up and hugged Raven. "It's so good to know you're here to help. Everything will be fixed soon."

Raven sat down. "Okay. Now that we all know who's who, perhaps we could figure out some answers?"

"Is it safe to talk here?" Robin asked.

Raven nodded. "I don't know who crafted them, but there's enough anti-perception spells on the library to stop anything this side of God from seeing inside here." When they all stared at her, she rolled her eyes. "I saw them when I first came in, and woke them. I've got the same command of magic as always. And my old powers, so I'm not limited to Twilight's spellbooks."

Starfire suddenly flew into the air. "It seems my abilities have been transferred as well."

Jinx glanced at one hoof, then gave it a flick. A pink arc flew through the air to impact against a black shield Raven raised. "Looks like all our powers transferred through. Wonder why?"

"Who knows?" Beast Boy said, shrugging his shoulders as he shifted first into a pony, then back to dragon, then into a monkey. He started to contort again, but snapped back to Spike's form. "Can't assume my human form..."

"My powers are based on my tech, so it looks like I'm stuck with Rainbow's arsenal." Cyborg suddenly grinned. "Not like that's much of a downgrade relative to this world!"

"Well I'm glad all of you are happy," Robin said calmly. "I just hope I can figure out how to use this rope like my hookshot soon enough to be useful."

Raven raised a hoof and everyone fell silent. "As the magical expert, I think I should have charge of this meeting. There are a few things I need to ask." As they quieted down, Raven turned to each of them. "First, I need to know how each of you were able to act as the pony you became so well. I don't need to ask for Star and Beast Boy, as I know how deep into the fandom they've gone." Beast Boy gave a cocky smile and Starfire giggled. "Robin, you managed to fool the entire Apple family into thinking you were the real Applejack. How did you manage that?"

Robin shrugged. "I watch the show sometimes with Starfire. I watched the first two episodes enough to know how to act for that part, but..." He smiled sheepishly. "I didn't pay to much attention to the rest of it."

"Too busy enjoying watching Starfire?" Raven asked, with a raised eyebrow. At Robin's nod, she turned to Cyborg. "What about you?"

"Well, you know how much BB and I like to argue about things? Well, when he got into it, I watched a bit so I could argue with him about it without sounding like an idiot... Then I got hooked." Cyborg chuckeld a bit.

Raven blinked. "I see." She turned to Jinx. "And what about you?"

"Oh, I've been a fan since G1," Jinx said calmly. "Although I must admit, I like the new series much better."

Raven blinked. "I...see." She decided not to ask her about the seasons in between. She wasn't sure she wanted the answer. She turned to Melvin.

Before Raven could speak, Melvin quietly said, "You are the one who bought me my Fluttershy plushie."

Raven nodded. "Right. Now Beast Boy, how did you know so much about Spike's life? That's the important part."

Beast Boy rubbed the back of his head. "Oh, that. You see... I actually lifted that whole thing straight out of my fanfic, 'Are You My Mommy?'" Beast Boy chuckled. "When 'Twilight' didn't say anything, I thought I'd just gotten it all right."

Raven stared at Beast Boy for a time. "...right." She wasn't going to make any comments about that story. She also wasn't going to say anything about her online... interactions with the author. This wasn't the time for social awkwardness.

Jinx spoke up. "So how come you know so much Raven?" She smirked. "Obviously, it's not magical. Or did you scry when we weren't looking?"

Raven didn't bat an eyelash. "We need to get moving. We're behind schedule as far as getting to the Elements. We need to head to the Everfree Forest and get through to the Palace of the Pony Sisters."

Although Jinx smirked, everyone got the message and dropped the subject. Beast Boy looked up. "Are we really going to go through all the hurdles?"

Raven looked down. "Beast Boy, you're Spike. You're supposed to stay here."

He glowered. "No chance." He shapeshifted into a purple and green fly. "I'll just hitch a ride and stay close."

Raven rolled her eyes. "Fine. Let's get a move on. As for the hurdles... I don't suppose anyone here has any other suggestions?

"We could see if we could find Zecora and ask for directions?" Cyborg suggested. Then he blinked. "God, being in a mare is already emasculating me. I just suggested we ask for directions!" He facehoofed. Jinx chuckled.

"Perchance we could just fly over the Everfree Forest?" Starfire suggested. "It should be easy to spot the Palace from the sky."

Raven raised an eyebrow. "And you think nopony will notice six ponies - only two of which being pegasus - flying over the forest?"

Starfire blinked, then smiled. "I'm Pinkie Pie. Your arguement is invalid." When everyone just stared at her, she frowned. "Did I use that wrong?"

"Actually, you used it quite well," Robin said quietly.

"That's why we're staring," Jinx said with a smirk.

Raven sighed. "Let's think about the hurdles faced. Rockslide, fear trees, manticore, effeminate sea serpent, and a broken bridge. Does any of that sound even remotely near the limits of our abilities as a team?" When everyone shook their heads, she continued. "How many of us are already 100% familiar with our capabilities in these bodies?" Beast Boy and Cyborg raised hand and hoof respectively. "You know what that says these hurdles are to me?"

Robin grinned. "Training."

"Exactly." She sat down, waiting for Robin to give the order.

Robin looked at her. "Raven, whatever you do or don't know, this is a world of magic. As the magic expert, that makes this your mission to lead."

Raven blinked. "O...kay then." She stood up. "Titans, go."

The group slowly filed out of the library. Starfire held back to ask Raven a question. "Raven... it seems to me you were acting... very unlike yourself earlier. Are you alright?"

Raven blinked. "I was acting like Twilight," she said bluntly. Turning she headed out the door, ignoring Starfire's concerned look.

And she had been having so much fun for once. And now they would all know. How would she ever live this down?


As they reached the Everfree Forest, Raven lead them inside. They carefully followed the path, keeping their eyes and ears open. Raven kept her magic up, scanning her surroundings. The Everfree Forest had a rather high level of ambient background magic - more so then the rest of Equestria - but it didn't completely cloak her sense of Nightmare Moon's gaseous form. As they walked, though, she couldn't help but look upward into Equestria's night sky.

'So different from Earth,' she thought to herself. 'I wonder if I can see Sol from here... I wonder if it's even the same universe...'

"Wool gathering much?" Beast Boy whispered in her ear. "Not that I can blame you. Without all the pollution of Earth, the night sky is a beautiful sight."

Raven narrowed her eyes. 'Great, and now Beast Boy's going to give commentary in my ear. Never should have let him come along.' As they approached the cliff's edge, she sensed Nightmare Moon entering the cliffside to destabalize it. She stopped. "Get ready," she whispered.

As the cliffside collapsed, Raven took a quick glance upward. She saw Cyborg and Melvin diving down to catch Jinx as she stumbled over the edge. Starfire literally bounced along the rockslide and Robin managed to hold his ground as they slid down the cliff. Raven instinctively drew in her magic to slow her slide. Once the two Pegasi had lowered Jinx to the forest floor, they came back up to lower the others one by one... although Starfire just jumped and landed without taking any damage.

Following the path inward, they arrived at the grove of fear trees. Staring at the grotesque faces, however, Raven could only sigh in dissapointment. "Not even backed by a fear spell. Is that really the best Nightmare Moon can do?" She sighed. "Sorry, Pinkie. Not worth a musical number."

"As funny as I'd like to think these are," Starfire said, "now that I really look at them, they're really just... sad."

Raven sighed. 'Reality often is,' she thought to herself. "Let's keep moving."

As they passed the grove, Raven kept her magic open, sensing for Nightmare Moon's activity... but didn't detect anything. 'What, did calling the fear trees sad break her self esteem? If it did, then that is one pathetic villain. ...then again, she isn't really a villain. She's just...' Raven paused to really think about the story of Nightmare Moon. 'Let's see... Moon Princess, gets upset that no one likes what she does for them, gets into a big fight with her sister... changes her name, turns herself black and gets banished...'

Beast Boy spoke in her ear, not realizing he was finishing her thought. "Nightmare Moon is angsty teenage Luna's emo phase."

"I really did not need to think that, Beast Boy," Raven replied under her breath.

As they reached the river, once more no obstacle presented itself. "Any chance we took a wrong turn back there?" Jinx asked aloud. "We seem to be running into a distressing lack of opposition."

"Maybe she realized we're too tough to handle and has given up!" Cyborg said happily, lazily flying while appearing to lie on his back.

"Or maybe she's decided on a more direct confrontation and is fortifying herself at the Palace of the Pony Sisters," Raven said blandly. "That would probably be a more efficient use of her magic, anyway, given the opposition we've shown." Raven blinked as she sensed Nightmare Moon's rapid departure. "Or she was hanging around us wondering why we weren't effected by the fear trees and just took my unintentional advice to heart."

"Then at least we know we're walking into a trap," Robin said calmly. "That's good to know. We can be ready for it."

Reaching the bridge, they found it was still intact, making it easy to cross. Heading in, they expected to find the Elements arranged on the pedestal, but it was empty. A swirling vortex awaited them instead. "Well, it looks like she's left us a warp zone," Cyborg said with a smirk. "First!" He instantly dove in.

Raven rolled her eyes. "Rainbow..." she growled under her breath before diving in with the others.

They appeared in the high tower of the palace, where Nightmare Moon awaited them, the stones holding the essence of the five Elements floating around her. Without warning, she released a blast of lightning at the group.

"Let's go!" Raven called, dodging to the side. Everyone dodged the lightning, and leapt to their hooves as this was followed up by a blast of wind and a barrage of darkness.

"So you think the Queen of the Night powerless, do you?" Nightmare Moon proclaimed. "You think me incapable of besting such pitiful foals? You know not the true extent of my power! I know not why the darkness holds no fear for you six, but you will face its full power and beg for mercy!"

Raven couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Is that really the best you can do?" Drawing on her power, she locked her magic against Nightmare Moon's. The forces struggled for a time, then held fast.

Nightmare Moon looked shocked. "How could a unicorn hold my power?" she demanded in shock.

Raven grinned. "I'm no ordinary unicorn." She hated to admit it, but it was mostly bluster. Force on force, she could match Nightmare Moon's magical output, but she could feel her stamina rapidly draining, while the alicorn showed no sign of weakening. "Rainbow! The stones!"

"On it!" Cyborg said, swooping fast to grab the five Elements.

"The Elements!" Nightmare Moon hissed, breaking her magical struggle with Raven. "But they will do you no good! The ones they are meant for are no more!"

Raven's eyes widened. 'What does she mean no more?' She could tell the others were also unnerved by this. She decided to play the end game... and hope she actually knew what she was doing. "I don't know what you're talking about, but I think I know a bit more about Harmony than you do."

"Oh?" Nightmare Moon spat with contempt. "Enlighten me, foal. What do you know that I don't?"

"Harmony is the force that holds all of Equestria together. It brings all ponies together in peace and prosperity. Everypony has a connection to Harmony, even you, no matter how you've rejected it." Seeing Nightmare Moon's shock, Raven knew she was on the right track. "It is those who demonstrate the qualities, not for a single moment but with their entire lives, that prove worthy of the honor of bearing the Elements themselves in Equestria's defense."

Seeing the Elements glow in response to her words, Raven knew she was on the right track. She remembered the order of this well, but it was time to rework the script a bit. "Applejack," she began. "Since the loss of her parents, she has worked hard to keep Sweet Apple Acres - their legacy - alive and intact, a profitable business venture that keeps her entire family fed and housed. She's dedicated herself to taking care of her little sister Applebloom, being the mother she will never know."

'Robin,' she thought to herself. 'Since your parents death, you've been struggling, pushing yourself to be strong and brave, a hero worthy of your mentor, Batman. Never for revenge, your efforts were always towards making sure no one else would feel pain like you had. You always watch after us, your new family to the best of your abilities.'

Aloud, she continued. "This life of honor, integrity, and perseverance has earned her the right to bear the Element of... Honesty!" One of the stones flashed brightly, and moved to float over Robin/Applejack's head.

'One down, four to go,' Raven thought to herself. "Fluttershy," she continued. "Although feeling small and weak, overwhelmed by the world around her and even others of her own kind, she has dedicated herself to taking care of those smaller than her, weaker than her, or those who simply are unable to care for themselves. Such compassion has allowed her to form bonds in the most unexpected of places."

'Melvin,' Raven thought to herself, her voice warm. 'You aren't even 8 yet, but you've been thrown into a world of supers, where heroes and villains clash over the fate of the world. You're in way over your head, but you refuse to give up. You do your best to take care of Timmy and Teether, and with Bobby's help, you do an admirable job. And somehow, simply because you refused to see me badly, you found a way into a special place in my heart. You became my kid.'

"This selflessness, devotion, and compassion proves her as the Element of... Kindness." The next stone floated over Melvin/Fluttershy's head, shining brightly.

Seeing that Nightmare Moon was getting nervous now, Raven managed to supress a smirk. 'Wonder how long it will be before she thinks to off me while I'm monolouging.' "Pinkie Pie," she said aloud. "Though coming from a dark, harsh environment that crushed any trace of joy from her spirit, she discovered how truely joyful life can be. While others might have let the darkness of their pasts consume them, she chose to embrace that light and joy, and dedicates herself to sharing that joy with others to the best of her ability."

'Starfire, do I even need to think about how well this matches you?' She allowed herself a mental chuckle. 'You've often said our friendship is like the bond of sisters, only stronger. Though I might never say it aloud, I'm proud to call you both friend AND sister.' She turned her thoughts back to the situation. "This embracing of joy and the dedication to spreading it... is the true essence of the Element of Laughter!" The third stone shot into the air to spin about Pinkie/Starfire's head in a joyful dance.

'Now the tough one to fit,' Raven thought to herself. "Rarity," she said quietly. "While striking a balance between the well being of others and your own desires is a difficult thing, and one hard for everypony to manage well, it is something she has attempted to do throughout her life, with varying degrees of success. Sometimes she has strayed from the path, but each time she has found her way back and rededicated herself to it."

'Jinx,' Raven thought quietly. 'You used to be a villain... and I can hardly blame you. Your powers are to bring bad luck and cause problems for those around you. We've never spoken at length, but as an empath I can feel the weight of the pain in your past you still carry. No one could blame you for falling to the dark path... but when you saw that path's true nature, you gave up everything you had become to return to the side of good. While other Titans may still doubt you, in my eyes you have proven your redemption.'

"This dedication to others while staying true to herself is the thorny and difficult road... of Generosity." The fourth stone floated up almost sedately to rest over Jinx/Rarity's head, pulsing faintly with power.

As Nightmare Moon took several steps back, her eyes disbelieving, Raven smiled to herself. 'Last one,' she thought. "Rainbow Dash. In her early life she struggled for attention, to be the best, to be recognized. She faced heckling, scorn, and ridicule, but never gave up. While just a weathermare in Ponyville, she still chases her dreams of being a Wonderbolt. However, it doesn't matter where she is or what she's doing. If somepony needs help, she's the one they call... and she answers. Not just for friends, but strangers, and even those she dislikes if their need is great enough."

'Cyborg,' Raven thought silently as she spoke. 'You were the rising star. Academic genius. Top athlete. Your school's golden boy. But then the accident happened, and your whole life came crashing down before your eyes. Like Starfire, where others would have found despair... you found strength. Like Rainbow, you'd never turn your back on anyone.'

"This demonstrates true Loyalty, not just to her friends but to her home, her people, and her own heart!" With this statement, the last stone flew into the air to orbit Cyborg/Rainbow like an electron around a hydrogen proton.

Nightmare Moon rose to her full height. "So you understand the Elements. But without the spark to igni-"

Raven couldn't help it as she slipped fully into Twilight Sparkle's character. A band of lavender magic locked Nightmare Moon's jaw shut. "Don't interrupt," she said in her best lecture voice. As Nightmare Moon stared at the band of magic around her mouth, Raven struggled to maintain her own composure as her friends held back fits of laughter.

Raven then took a breath. "As for the spark to ignite them... the bonds of friendship. These seemingly fragile bonds can form over years, months, weeks, days... and sometimes in as little as a single moment. And these true bonds of Friendship, the ones that bind ponies together despite differences, arguements, and other hurdles... these bonds form one of the most powerful magics Equestria has ever seen."

In a flash of light, the sixth element appeared over her own head, floating down to her.

Nightmare Moon stared. "It can't be... he promised!"

'I wonder who?' Raven thought. Aloud, she stated, "He was mistaken. True friendships can not be broken, no matter what comes to pass." With that, she and the others levitated into the air.

As she felt the power of Harmony begin to work, she could feel each of the others energies flowing through her. Their emotions, flashes of their memories, their sense of self, all of this blended together to form the rainbow that was the ultimate expression of the Elements. As she thought about it, she realized that this power was also an expression of her friendship with them, and she could feel how strong it was. She could also feel Beast Boy's power within it, apparently mixed in with the Element of Magic somehow.

'... why was I so worried?' she thought suddenly. 'They know that I suppress my emotions to protect others. Here I don't have to. They know I behave the way I do because it's part of who I am. I don't have to hide part of myself from them. They accepted me as the strange goth witch. They accepted me as Trigon's daughter. ...they'll accept me as a closet pegasister.' She couldn't help but smile. 'This really was just what I needed, wasn't it? I guess I'll have to thank whoever brought us here, then. Harmony... I laughed when I first heard about it, but... I guess there's something to it after all.'

After a time, she pushed herself off the ground, reluctantly shaking off the post-divine-artifact-energies euphoria. Rising to her hooves, she glanced around.

The others were also rising to their hooves. Cyborg, on seeing the result, shot into the air. "Boo-yah!" he whooped. "Taste the rainbow, mother buckers!"

"Rainbow Dash!" Jinx snapped. When Cyborg turned her way, she continued, "Too soon."

Everyone else rose to their hooves as well. Judging from how they were standing and sharing those goofy grins, it seemed the experience of wielding the Elements was quite similar for them as it was for her... although she'd have to ask Melvin later about why it left her blushing.

She then turned and saw Princess Luna lying in the wreckage of her Nightmare armor. 'Another pony I identified with somewhat,' she thought to herself. 'She will have to deal with the stigma of the Nightmare, much as I dealt with the stigma of my father's blood. But like me, she will have friends to help her through it.' She walked up to Luna.

Luna's eyes opened. "W-who's there? W-what's going on? W-was it all just a horrible dream?"

Raven shook her head. "I'm afraid not, Luna."

Luna blinked. "H-how do you know my name?"

Raven smiled. "Because I'm your friend."

Luna stared at her. "You are?" she asked, hope and fear in her voice.

"We unleashed the full power of the Elements to destroy Nightmare Moon. If we hadn't sought to save you as well, that power would have destroyed you as well. I couldn't let that happen to a friend." Raven frowned. "I need to ask you a couple of questions before your sister arrives with the sun, though."

Luna nodded. "Alright."

"As Nightmare Moon, you mentioned that the ones the Elements were meant for were no more, and a promise someone had made. Can you remember anything about it?"

Luna shrank in on herself. "Please... please tell me that didn't really happen. Please tell me the red stallion was nothing more than a fever dream..."

Raven paused. As much as she wanted - needed - more information, she couldn't put Luna through this. "I'm sure it was. Now stand up, please. Your sister's here, and she's missed you."

Light shone through the window as Celestia appeared and the sun rose. The others bowed and Raven came up to her as she felt Beast Boy leave her ear to head for Ponyville. "Princess Celestia," she said, managing to make her voice sound happy.

"My dear Twilight Sparkle," Celestia said, quickly moving to nuzzle her neck. "I am so sorry for sending you into this so woefully unprepared. This was my battle to fight, not yours... but it was the only chance I had to save my sister. Can you ever forgive me?"

Raven blinked, struggling to hold back tears at the deception she had to hold Celestia under. "There's nothing to forgive, Your Highness," she replied quietly. "You did what you had to do."

"But to send you out without even telling you what you needed to succeed-"

"If you'd told me about the Elements and how they worked, they wouldn't have," she interrupted. "As I said, you did only what you had to do." Raven stepped back. "And I'm not the one you should be hugging right now."

"You're right." Celestia rose to her full height. Turning to Luna... she hesitated. "Luna..."

Luna ran forward, pressing herself against Celestia's chest. "Sister, I missed you so much. I'm so sorry!"

"No Luna," Celestia said, rubbing her head against Luna. "I'm the one who is sorry. I failed you all those years ago. Can you possibly forgive me for what I did to you?"

Luna continued to nuzzle her older sister. "Tia... there's nothing to forgive."

Starfire burst into tears. "This is so beautiful!" Then she gasps. "I know what this calls for!"


Starfire throws her forelegs wide in front of Ponyville. "A party!"

Raven blinked. She could have sworn they had been in the Palace of the Pony Sisters just a moment before. "Pinkie... how did you do that?"

Star giggled. "If I knew that, I wouldn't be Pinkie Pie."

Raven couldn't help but chuckle. "Truer words have never been spoken." As she saw the party going into full swing, she approached Celestia. "Your Highness, could we speak in private? In the library, perhaps?"

Beast Boy, being close enough to hear, widened his eyes, but nodded in confirmation. Celestia nodded. "Of course, Twilight."

As they entered the library, Raven could see that the spells were still active. "Please sit, Your Highness."

Celestia sat down on a pile of cushions. "Twilight, there's no need to be so formal."

"I'm afraid there is, Your Highness." Raven braced herself. She had no idea how her next statement would be received, but she had to say it. "You see... I'm not Twilight Sparkle."

Celestia blinked. "I'm sorry, I could have sworn you just claimed you weren't... well, you."

Raven sighed. "My name is Raven. From what I've been able to learn, Nightmare Moon was approached shortly before the Summer Sun Celebration while still in the moon by the figure of a red stallion. He offered a deal: her lending him her power, he using it to eliminate the obstacles that would appear to stop her takeover. He attempted to eliminate the ponies who would use the Elements of Harmony; Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy." Raven looked up at Celestia. "I don't know how, but somehow my friends and I wound up in their bodies. I don't know if that was the red stallion's plan or if some other force intervened. I also can't tell you what happened to Twilight and the others."

Celestia was staring at her. "Twilight, if this is some kind of joke, it isn't funny-"

Raven shifted her eyes to demonic.

Celestia gasped, staggering backward. "Scath!" she gasped, afraid.

Raven sighed, returning her eyes to normal. "It seems my father is known in this world as well."

"W-what have you done with my student, child of Scath?" Celestia demanded, bracing herself. "If you have harmed her, not even your father will save you from my wrath!"

Raven sighed, putting her hoof to her forehead. "Trigon would have no interest in saving me from anything after I kicked him off the throne he'd established in my world through our blood connection and banished him back to his own dimension." Raven looked at Celestia, and saw she was both still scared and disbelieving. Raven sighed. "I can see you are tapping your magic, and you can see mine. Let this show my true intentions." With that, Raven took her biggest risk.

She lowered her mental barriers.

Celestia looked startled, but steeled herself. Raven breathed calmly as she felt Celestia probe her mind, reading her memories to discover the truth of her words. She carefully erected a shield over her knowledge of the TV show. It wouldn't do for Celestia to have foreknowledge of what would happen, especially given how much of it may or may not be accurate.

After a time, Celestia finished her probe and sat back. "It's true... my faithful student... Twilight..." Tears fell from her eyes.

"Your Highness," Raven began, "I know you won't like hearing this... but the best thing you can do for Twilight is pretend that nothing is wrong, and quietly investigate an explanation."

Celestia nodded. "I can ask Luna-"

"No!" Raven interrupted. "I let her believe those memories of the red stallion weren't real. If you tell her they were and she had a hoof in the dissappearance - and possible destruction - of the minds... and souls... of innocent ponies, your student included... She's in a delicate state right now. If you told her that, it would destroy her."

Celestia listened and nodded sadly. "You're right, Raven. I can't do that to Luna." She swallowed and steeled herself. "And what will you do in this time?"

"The only thing I can do. Live Twilight's life as close to how she would live it as I can. A scrying spell can tell the others and I all we need to know to uphold the charade so that when they return, their lives will be waiting for them. I will also do research into what happened and see if I can find any clues to it. However..." Raven glanced around. "Assuming the red stallion is seeking to continue whatever plan he's started, I'll need to work somewhere I can't be observed. The spells on this library are perfect, so you need to find an excuse to reassign Twilight here on a more or less permanent basis."

"The library?" Celestia looked up. "Oh yes, I had forgotten. This was Starswirl's Creation lab, where he went to experiment with creating new magic. Since some of the magic he worked with was dangerous, he shielded it so no one could percieve his workings from the outside, in order to keep his developments from being misused or attempted before they were complete." She smiled. "It's so hard to see, but I had forgotten how beautiful the spells were once woken." She thought for a time. "I believe I have a solution. Come with me." Celestia turned to go outside. Raven followed.

Outside, Celestia cleared her throat. "May I have your attention everypony?" Everyone turned to pay attention. "Twilight Sparkle is to take on a new mission for Equestria. She is to study the Magic of Friendship and the power of the Elements of Harmony and report to me on her findings... from her new home in Ponyville."

As the others gathered around Raven, she smiled up at Celestia. "Thank you, Princess Celestia. I won't let you down."

Celestia nodded. "I know you won't, Twilight."


It was much later that night. After the party had wound down, Raven had explained the situation to the others as well as her plan of action. It had received mixed reactions. The worst part of it was when Cyborg jokingly pointed out this meant that Beast Boy would be her roommate. She did her best not to react badly.

Having cast the scrying spell to give each of them enough knowledge of the pony's lives to pretend to be them, they all went to their homes. However, Raven was having trouble falling asleep. She kept tossing and turning.

"Raven? You okay?" It was Beast Boy, in Spike's basket. Sleeping in the same room was an awkward concept, but given species difference - and the fact that clothes were optional for ponies - made it less so.

Even so, this next conversation would probably be very awkward. She'd realized why she was having trouble sleeping. "Beast Boy... can you keep this just between us?"

"Sure." Beast Boy chuckled. "I'll even make it a Pinkie promise, if that will help."

Raven smiled, even though he probably couldn't see it. "Do you remember the chicken?"

Beast Boy blinked. "You mean the one I won for you at the carnival?"


"What about it?"

"I sleep with it."

There was silence.

"You see... my father's assaults on me weren't all about breaking my will. Sometimes, he'd try to break my mind. Remember that future Starfire saw on Blorthog that one year? When I was in an insane asylumn, convinced that my 'friends' had been nothing more than a fantasy?" When there was no response, she continued. "He tried to convince me that the people I knew, the friends I had made... were nothing but a fantasy that I'd crafted to give myself false hope. And you already know he liked to attack me in my dreams."

"... yeah. I know."

Raven closed her eyes. "Those dreams were very convincing, telling me how I didn't matter to anyone, how no one would miss me if I just dissappeared. I... learned to fight it, but that first moment waking up from one of those nightmares... it was hard. And then, at that carnival, you said you'd win me a prize, and you did." She blinked away tears she denied were there. "I acted sarcastic about it, and left it behind when we had to go help Starfire... but I went back for it. It was the first real physical proof I could give myself that I mattered to someone... that I mattered to you. ...I've slept with it ever since, so that when I wake up in the morning after one of those nightmares, I have something right there to show me it's real."

She fell silent, trying to figure out how to continue... but Beast Boy knew what she was trying to say. Lifting up the covers, he turned his back, slipping himself in between her forehooves. "Good night, Raven," he said quietly.

She smiled, blinking away tears she could admit to. "Good night, Garfield." And with that, she slept peacefully.