• Published 2nd Mar 2013
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Transformers: Equestria's Darkest Hour - JDPrime22

Direct sequel to Transformers: Fall of Equestria. A new war is raging on between the Autobots and Decepticons on the peaceful land of the ponies. The Legend of the Transformers will fall in Equestria's darkest hour.

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Second Chances


3 Days before the Rise

"I'll clear us a path...I'll clear us a BIG path!"


INTEL: Barricade is by far the best Decepticon driver there is. His speeds outmatch Autobots and Decepticons alike, along with his mouthing off. He particularly likes taunting opponents until they start chasing him, and then leading them through hazardous areas that they don't have a chance of surviving, while he will escape without a scratch. Even Megatron has taken to tolerating his rebellious streak, perhaps due to his effectiveness, but possibly also because his scolding of the other Decepticons sometimes works in Megatron's favor.


“Wow, Optimus! I had no idea you could all manage a slipstream jump in space!” Twilight smiled like a school filly as she and Optimus Prime walked down the long corridor leading to Princess Celestia’s throne room.

After the attack on Ponyville, several Lunar Guards including Princess Luna arrived in the ruins to help the wounded. But to their great surprise, what they found were the Autobots. Taking them all back to Canterlot, Luna allowed the ponies including Spike to stay in Canterlot until Ponyville would be repaired. It was morning now and the Autobots really needed to discuss with Princess Celestia. So Optimus Prime, Grimlock, Cliffjumper, Perceptor, Bumblebee, Jazz, Ironhide, and Ratchet took this time to get to Celestia’s throne room as quickly as possible. The other Autobots were taking this time to be repaired outside of the Canterlot Castle. Needless to say, Spike and the ponies followed them…it had been a very long time since they saw their old friends.

Optimus Prime looked down to see Twilight struggling to catch up but her smile never faded. He could only nod and say, “Yes, Twilight, our race is very advanced. But I’m afraid I can’t tell you anymore until we talk with Princess Celestia.”

Twilight Sparkle’s lower lip curled up as she gave her best pouting face. Optimus couldn’t help but chuckle a little before taking his optics off the equine and onto the doors ahead.

Bumblebee looked to his bottom left and noticed Fluttershy was getting uncomfortably close to him. She looked up at him with innocent eyes and smiled.

Bumblebee smiled back, causing the Pegasus to blush.

“Um…Bumblebee,” Fluttershy began, her voice quivering uncontrollably, “…I-I just wanted to say that….well…um…Ireallymissedyou!” Fluttershy managed to squeak out before blushing even harder behind her mane. Bumblebee chuckled and ruffled up the top of her head.

“I really missed you too, Fluttershy.”

Rainbow Dash wasn’t flying like she usually did, instead she was siting calmly on Grimlock’s shoulder while her giant friend made his way behind the group. It was a long time since she saw the big guy; it just felt good to be sitting so close to him. Grimlock didn’t mind. In fact, if any other pony tried to sit on his shoulder he would push them off. But Dash was different. Dash was cooler.

Pinkie Pie hopped around Jazz’s body joyfully as the Autobot chuckled to himself. Jazz still didn’t know what Pinkie meant by ‘seeing each other again in the sequel’ when he last saw her, maybe this is what she meant.

Ironhide and Applejack just walked side by side without talking to each other. That’s why they felt so connected, sure she gave him a hug back at Ponyville but they shared that unspoken bond that true friends could have.

Rarity snored loudly as Cliffjumper carried her in his arms. He had to contain his laughter as he carried the sleeping unicorn in his grasp. She wouldn’t wake up this morning considering the lack of sleep she got last night from the attack.

The baby dragon groaned once Perceptor kept rambling on and on. Ever since the attack, the massive red Autobot had asked a barrage of questions nonstop to the five Elements. They tried their best to ignore him…where Perceptor finally got the idea that they weren’t going to answer his questions. So, for some odd reason, he asked Spike most of his questions while staying in Equestria yet again.

“Perceptor, quit annoying Spike,” Ratchet told his fellow Autobot, “He obviously doesn’t want to answer any of YOUR questions.”

Perceptor sighed, turning back towards Ratchet and saying, “Fine, but can’t I ask just one more?”

Ratchet sighed as well, nodding once.

Perceptor took that as the best answer he could get and looked down at the baby dragon.

“I obviously know that your-err sorry, the equine species can repopulate with one another, Spike,” Perceptor looked down at the baby dragon who wore the dullest expression he had ever seen. When Perceptor didn’t talk, Spike looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah…?” Spike motioned him to continue. Mostly to just finish what he wanted to ask.

Perceptor smiled, continuing, “Yes, well, what I really want to know for sure is…well…how do ponies create foals and colts? Is there something similar to our reproduction on our planet or is it something completely different?”

Spike looked up at the Autobot, his eyebrows held high.

“You really wanna know?” Spike questioned.

Perceptor nodded, his smile quickly fading once Spike told him to move closer to him. Perceptor knelt down as Spike whispered in what he presumed to be his ear. Perceptor’s expression changed from excited…to shocked and disgusted.

He got back up to full height, his optics wide as he scratched the back of his neck. All the while Spike was trying to contain his chuckles.

“…Well then…forget I ever asked that.” Perceptor mumbled, continuing with the group forward.

At last, they had arrived. Prime pushed the doors apart and had to bend down to allow himself to enter, the other Autobots followed close behind along with Spike and the ponies.

Princess Celestia brought her tired head up from the scroll she was reading. The Solar Goddess smiled with relief when she saw some very familiar faces.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight screamed and ran forward to hug her mentor. Celestia returned the hug and nuzzled the top of her student’s head in affection. After the news she had heard of Ponyville, she was just so glad that her student was alive and well.

“Oh Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia smiled as Twilight returned nuzzling, “I was so worried about what happened to Ponyville. I was afraid that the guards would be too late.”

“It’s okay, Princess,” Twilight looked up at her mentor, “we’re fine….thanks to Optimus Prime and the Autobots. They saved Ponyville…or what remains of it that is.”

Celestia broke the embrace and looked up, her smile growing wider. “Speaking of which, I must know everything that has happened,” She lightly bowed her head to the Autobot leader, smiling gratefully.

“It is an honor to see you once more, Optimus Prime.” Celestia cooed.

Optimus shook his head, which brought mild confusion to the Princess. It was resolved once he began to speak.

“No. The honor is mine, Princess Celestia.” Optimus Prime stooped to one knee and bowed before the sun goddess. Seeing this, every other Autobot slowly got down and bowed as did their commander…even Grimlock.

After they rose, Optimus looked back trying to find the right Autobot to explain everything. His optics went over Bumblebee with Fluttershy by his side. They went over Grimlock with Rainbow Dash on his shoulder. They scanned Cliffjumper with Rarity finally waking up in his grasp. He caught Pinkie Pie popping her head up from Jazz’s back. Jazz gave her chin a tickle causing the pink mare to giggle all over the place. He kept moving when he saw Spike standing next to Ratchet and Applejack right by Ironhide’s side. It still wasn’t the Autobot he needed.

His optics finally landed on the right Autobot.

“Perceptor, I would like you to explain. How our times have gone by on Earth, how Megatron managed to steal Omega Supreme, how we escaped Earth to chase him down, and how we landed here.” Optimus ordered to his Autobot scientist.

Perceptor stepped forward and nervously coughed. He eyed the Princess and her student with intent when Celestia finally nodded.

“You may proceed.” Celestia smiled as Twilight deviously pulled out a scroll and quill. Her eyes looking at Perceptor as if hoping he would begin.

Perceptor cleared his throat.

“Shall we start from the beginning then? Very well, many mega-cycles ago, or months in your jurisdiction I presume, we had perfected in landing the Ark on the side of a very large mountain, concealing it from the rest of the world. Our next step was to find Energon…”

Suddenly, the doors busted open and all eyes were focused on the draconequus that calmly strutted into Princess Celestia’s throne room.

Discord wore a top hat with an elegant suit to go with that. With his monocle and cane, he pulled out a small parchment from his pocket and announced.

“Good afternoon, Celestia! News from Saddle Arabia: Discord is sexier than ever!” The spirit of chaos gloated while licking his finger and pressing it on his tail, a sizzle escaping from his mouth.

“DISCORD!!!” Optimus Prime screamed and transformed both his arms into path blasters. The Princess sat with her mouth agape as did the other mares when the small team of Autobots whipped out their guns. Grimlock growled and pulled out his massive orange blade.

The draconequus opened his eyes and his smile quickly faded. His eyes shrank to the size of bits and he quickly snapped his fingers. His suit disappeared and he wore no clothes.

After a few seconds, Discord finally realized that the weapons were pointed at him. Putting two and two together, Discord gasped and yelled, “THE AUTOBOTS ARE HERE?!?!”

Snapping his fingers again, Discord stood proudly in a cluster of armor with a giant spear and shield at his display. Putting on the golden helmet, Discord shouted while raising his spear in the air, “This is DISCORD!!!!!”

“Autobots, attack!” Optimus shouted and ran forward. The other Autobots followed orders and charged with their leader at the draconequus. Discord acted fast and charged at the towering aliens with his spear drawn forward.

Right before they could strike, a…yellow blur…flew right in front of the last Prime with her hooves extended in a defensive position.


The Autobots ran face-first into Optimus Prime’s back. Grimlock’s size pushing the entire squadron of Autobots to crumble over each other. With all the Autobots on the ground, Optimus wiped himself off and looked at Fluttershy, confusion present.

Fluttershy slowly descended to the ground where Discord was waiting. Optimus watched just as confused as the rest of his Autobots when Fluttershy pressed her hoof on Discord’s hand in a gentle and non-hurtful way.

The draconequus looked down at Fluttershy with a soft smile. Quickly snapping his fingers, Discord’s armor disappeared and he stood there defenseless. All the while the Autobots had no idea what was going on…especially Optimus.

Was Fluttershy seriously doing this?

Optimus had no idea how this was possible. The last time they saw Discord he was a rampant killing machine and now…he was soft. And….friendly? Optimus looked back and forth at both Fluttershy and Discord, trying his absolute hardest to try and figure what the scrap was going on here.

Turning around, Optimus REALLY needed to know…and now.

“Princess Celestia,” Optimus began, “what is the meaning of this?”

Clearing her throat and flying over, Celestia approached Discord with such calmness that the Autobots knew this couldn’t be happening. The little knowledge they had on Discord was that Celestia and Luna imprisoned him many years ago and that Twilight and her friends used the Elements of Harmony to stop Discord from spreading chaos throughout Equestria….twice.

Celestia trotted over to Discord with the rest of the Elements following close behind her. Discord smoked on a small pipe as Celestia explained.

“Perhaps Twilight should have told you all before you got to Canterlot,” Celestia said before sending a disapproving stare at her young pupil. The unicorn smiled sheepishly and hid behind her friends as the Princess continued, “Not so long ago, I had Twilight and her friends resurrect Discord from his stone prison so we could use his powers for good.”

Bumblebee interrupted with his assumptions rising, “No offence, your majesty, but trusting someone like Discord is about as smart as going into the Sea of Rust without any backup.” After he said that, Grimlock looked at the ground miserably while Jazz and Cliffjumper gave each other a fistbump.

Discord snorted, “Oh come on! You can obviously trust me!” He snapped his fingers and suddenly appeared behind the yellow Autobot while holding out his arms. “Trust fall?” Discord asked while smiling ear to ear.

While Celestia wanted to learn more about this ‘Sea of Rust’, she quickly had to explain as Optimus Prime began to get impatient.

“I know, Bumblebee, but I took precaution and used a magical spell to protect the Elements of Harmony incase Discord tried to hide them.” With that said, the Autobots slowly nodded their heads. Discord appeared back to where he was standing before.

Celestia continued, “Anyways, I entrusted the reforming of Discord to Fluttershy,” She pointed her hoof to the timid Pegasus who tried to shy away from the conversation, “She succeeded and actually convinced Discord that anyone, no matter how evil, needs friendship in their lives,” The Princess looked over to Discord with a slight frown present, “But we are keeping a close eye on him…just in case.”

Discord rolled his eyes. “Pain in the flank.”

“I heard that.” Celestia growled.

The draconequus smiled innocently as the Princess turned her gaze towards the Autobot leader. She approached him and spoke with her voice hopeful, “Hopefully…you understand, Optimus Prime?”

Optimus couldn’t believe his hearing processors.

What the Princess of Equestria just told him did not remind the great Prime of his last encounters here. He had watched from his injured position as Celestia battled Discord in the statue gardens, how he and Megatron joined together to stop Discord at Canterlot, and how Twilight and her friends used the Elements of Harmony to imprison Discord for all eternity.

And now they just let him go?

Sweet Primus…

Optimus’ thoughts were interrupted by a polite cough. He looked down from where he was staring to see Twilight and the others looking up at him hopefully. He bent down so they didn’t have to strain their necks when Twilight spoke.

“Optimus...my friends and I have forgiven Discord for all his past sins,” She gave a supporting smile before she retreated her gaze to the ground where she nervously tapped her hoof on the marble floor. Looking back up, Twilight smiled and said, “Hopefully you can do the same.”

The last of the Primes thought about this for a few seconds before he looked over to the draconequus. He smiled and walked over to the great Prime.

“Yes, Optimus Prime, I have a turned over a new leaf and will only use my powers for good,” He stopped a few feet from Prime’s face and held out his lion paw, “Can we…start over?”

Optimus blinked, thinking about the proposal.

He sighed and closed his optics. It sounded promising, but can he really trust the one creature who managed to kill him? The same creature he viciously beat with his hated brother by his side?

In the end, Prime’s kindness to forgive took over.

“Yes.” Optimus said, gently taking Discord’s hand and shaking it.



Outside of Canterlot, Queen Chrysalis’ elite guards, two Changelings known as Ripjaw and Slasher, snuck inside the capitol of Equestria. They hid behind statues and bushes to hopefully get their prize. The two of them were actually honored to perform this great mission. Usually they just whined about right by Chrysalis’ throne begging for food. But now they knew…it would soon be the ponies at THEIR hooves begging for food. They came to the side of the Canterlot Castle and nodded to each other.

“Shall we?” Ripjaw asked.


They both snuck in and luckily got to cover before the guards could see them. Slasher poked his deformed head out of their hiding space and sighed with relief when the guard had left. The sun in the sky filled the entire room with light, which was not very smart for the capture of the Element Bearers to progress.

“Look, another guard is coming. You know what to do.” The Changeling whispered to his comrade. Slasher nodded and waited behind their hiding spot until the guard came into view. Quickly leaping forward and hitting the guard across the head, the Changelings quickly dragged the unconscious guard across the marble floor and into the nearest closet.

Slasher stole his keys and smiled with delight.

“Let’s begin.” Slasher said and began to change. His legs swirled up in a green flame as his newest form took place of the guard he had knocked out. The Changeling looked at his comrade and nodded, “Get a new disguise and wait for me on the outside of the door.”

“Will do.” Ripjaw hissed and scurried off to find a disguise.

Slasher looked around and sighed happily. He made his way through Canterlot Castle while trying his best to act like a normal guard. Sure he received some weird looks from several other guards but that didn’t matter to him.

It wasn’t long before he found her.

“Yes.” Slasher hissed before puffing out his chest and saluting Princess Celestia’s student followed by the rest of her friends. They giggled at the guard and made their way to the rooms Celestia had told them they could stay at.

Putting his hoof down, the Changeling snuck around and waited until the other Elements had gotten into their rooms, his attention was only on the one called ‘Twilight Sparkle’. With her was a little baby dragon with a slight wobble to his steps. He needed to take out the dragon in order to get the main prize.

She never noticed the sneaking Changeling in disguise following her, her attention was on the newest notes she had taken from Perceptor’s story of the Autobot’s lives. It felt good knowing the Autobots were going to protect them once again from any type of Decepticon trying to harm their home. Princess Celestia had allowed the Autobots to stay in the Canterlot Gardens just like last time.

When Twilight and Spike finally arrived to their room, they shut the door as the Changeling pressed his ear against it.

He heard them speak. “So Twilight, you excited about all of this, because at Ponyville you seemed pretty scared?”

“Oh its fine, Spike, the Autobots are back just like we knew one day they would return!”

“But…I thought they could never come back so….that Equestria could stay peaceful or whatever.”

“Oh Spike, they didn’t really have a choice. They were forced to come back here to catch Megatron. Speaking of which, we REALLY need to watch out for him!”

“Yeah…no kiddin’….”


“So…did you miss Optimus?”

“…Spike….they came to our world with having no idea on how to survive. We helped them and they helped us by protecting us from the Decepticons. Discord came back and Optimus STILL defeated him after coming back from the dead. They said they would never return and left our world. And you know what, Spike….yeah….I missed him.”

Slasher hissed quietly, “Ugh, I’ve had it with this.” He backed away and planted three heavy knocks on the door. He was greeted by that small purple dragon.

“Yeah?” The dragon asked.

The Changeling smiled and cleared his throat, he really needed to act like a normal guard, and thanks to his very high voice it would make it very hard to believe. So in order for this to work, he made his voice deeper to conceal himself.

“May I come in?” The Changeling in disguise asked. The dragon nodded and let the guard through. When he walked inside he noticed the purple unicorn was sitting on the bed reading the little parchment of paper. Her eyes wondered until they fell on the guard in her temporary room.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” the unicorn apologized and jumped off the bed, “Can I help you?”

Slasher tried his hardest to hold back a snickering smile as he said, “The Princess had told me that something was wrong in your….humble abode.”

Twilight looked around and asked, “What’s wrong with it? I don’t see anything.”

The Changeling pointed towards the bathroom and said, “It’s in there. Take a look for yourself.”

The unicorn thought about it for a second before her curiosity took the best of her. She trotted inside the bathroom and looked around for a brief moment. The Changeling had to act fast if he was to succeed and please his Queen. He looked over to the baby dragon and tapped his shoulder.

“Look! There’s a bit on the ground!” The guard pointed down.

“No way!” Spike yelled with his head bent down.

Suddenly, the Changeling smacked the dragon across the head so hard that he collapsed in less than a second. Slasher dragged the unconscious body of the baby dragon and stuffed him under the bed so Twilight wouldn’t know.

“One down…” The Changeling muttered before that familiar voice came from behind.

“Ummm…where’s Spike?” Twilight asked as she walked out of the bathroom. The guard backed away from the bed and stared at Twilight, his eyes hungry and his smile growing. Twilight took a step back as the guard took a step forward. “What are you doing?”

“I’ve waited a long time for this.” The guard growled as he approached the now shivering unicorn.

“What do you m-mean?” Twilight asked with her eyes wide and her body shivering as the guard didn’t stop moving closer and closer to her. It wasn’t long before her rump hit the side of the wall stopping her from moving away anymore.

The Changeling was mere inches away from her face as Twilight’s breathing began to increase. He spoke in a high whisper, “Calm down…this will only take a second.”

As quick as he finished that sentence, Slasher whipped out his hoof and stuffed a piece of cloth right in Twilight’s snout. Twilight’s eyes bugged out of her head as she screamed words such as ‘no’ and ‘stop’. But due to the chloroform on the cloth, Twilight’s breathing slowed down and her eyelids fell.

The guard put away the cloth and watched as the violet unicorn fell on the ground….completely knocked out. The Changeling chuckled to himself and prepared to lift the unconscious body, until he heard the door open.

Slasher spun around and quickly tried to hide Twilight’s body, but to his great relief, it was just his comrade…without a disguise.

“Do you have her?” Ripjaw asked while scanning the room.

Slasher smiled and backed away to show him his prize. They both giggled to themselves before the exposed one spoke out.

“You got the keys? Because the other doors are locked.”

“I got ’em.” The Changeling said whipping out the keys to each room of the Element Bearers. He turned his head towards the unicorn and smiled, “One down….five to go.”


“Optimus! OPTIMUS!!!”

Optimus Prime awoke from his rest in the Canterlot Gardens and transformed. When his head popped out, he looked down to notice it was Spike who had awakened him. His breathing was radical and his eyes were filled with fear. Judging from the time of day, it was about sunset which gave a nice orange glow all around.

But Optimus didn’t feel like this was a nice welcome by Spike. He clenched his fist and asked, “Yes, Spike, what is it?!”

Spike managed to stammer out, “T-Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy! They’re all gone! This guard came into our room and….well…I don’t really remember…but my head hurts. Anyways, when I woke up, Twilight was gone and Canterlot’s been put in danger!”

Optimus’ optics only grew wider when Spike said, “Princess Celestia wanted to talk to you! She said it was REALLY important!”

Standing back to full height, Optimus looked around until he found them.

“Cliffjumper, Jazz, front and center!”


Princess Celestia’s heartbeat could be felt in her throat. Her fear only grew by the second as the sun continued to set. She didn’t want it to….and she could stop it, but that would be selfish of her. To ruin the natural movement of the sun while six ponies were missing.

But these were the ELEMENT BEARERS! The six equines that could control the Elements of Harmony. Without them, there was nopony who could use them to save Equestria in its most dire time of need.

Not only that but….her student was missing.

The only foal she ever cared for and taught….was gone…captured by Changelings and taken to the Badlands. Before she could let a tear fall from her eye, the door behind her.

Celestia took her eyes off the sunset and onto the Autobot leader and Spike entering the room. Spike had to run to keep up with Optimus’ fast paces. It wasn’t long before Optimus Prime stood by Celestia’s side and watched the sunset with her; Spike joined them and sat on the ground while breathing heavily.

Optimus turned his head towards the Princess and asked, “Spike told me what happened. But I truly must ask who took them and where.”

The Princess of the sun looked up at the Autobot leader and sighed, “Changelings. The Changelings snuck into Canterlot in mid-day and took my student...and her friends.”

“Who are these ‘Changelings’?” Optimus asked as he moved closer to the Princess.

Princess Celestia held back a choking sob and explained, “The Changelings are a group of insect-like creatures who reside in the Badlands. They…they have been growing in numbers and only recently tried to take over Canterlot with an attack led by their leader: Queen Chrysalis. It failed and they were all sent to the Badlands thanks to Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. But if they have captured my student and her friends….then….then….then they truly are planning something big,” Celestia suddenly levitated a small note she had received from her guards and read it out loud.

“My guards gave me this note; they said it was from the Changelings after they captured Pinkie Pie. Here is what it says…” Celestia cleared her throat and began.

“If you ever want to see your precious Element Bearers ever again, then come and get them. We will be waiting for you in the Badlands. Bring your strongest warriors if you must….you will still never defeat us now. The ponies are in the heart of the Changeling Hives…come and get them.”

Celestia sighed with defeat and placed the note on the ground. Her eyes quickly burned as she felt tears slipping from them. Optimus caught this and bent down; he placed his mighty hand on her head and gently stroked her flowing mane.

Celestia wiped her nose and managed to say, “T-They took my student, Optimus Prime. She means so much to me and…I can’t even bear to imagine what they’re going to do to her and her friends,” She frowned and continued, “I asked if Discord could go to the Badlands and save them but he said and I quote, ‘Maybe next weekend when I’m totally not busy.’ And he told me this while sunbathing in the Canterlot Gardens. It’s useless with that draconequus.”

Optimus heard more sniffling and turned his head to see Spike with his head in his arms and his body curled into a ball. His crying had been getting louder with each second going by. Optimus anger quickly rose, and anger held for these 'Changelings'…but he was taught how to control it.

“You do not need to worry about a thing, your highness,” Optimus said and stood back up, “Jazz and Cliffjumper are searching for them now….and when they find them…Grimlock and his team will recover them. They will succeed, I give you my word.”

They three of them stood in silence and simply stared at the sunset. The stars began to grow brighter in the sky and the moon became visible. The last bit of sunlight faded behind the mountains and only darkness covered Canterlot.

"You have my full trust, Optimus Prime."

Author's Note:

Sorry if this chapter felt a bit rushed.