• Published 2nd Mar 2013
  • 8,417 Views, 732 Comments

Transformers: Equestria's Darkest Hour - JDPrime22

Direct sequel to Transformers: Fall of Equestria. A new war is raging on between the Autobots and Decepticons on the peaceful land of the ponies. The Legend of the Transformers will fall in Equestria's darkest hour.

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Darkest Hour


“I’m Vortex! Fly me…if you dare!”


INTEL: Vortex is the interrogator of the Combaticons. Even his fellow Decepticons are disgusted by his advanced techniques for extracting information from prisoners. Vortex takes advantage of his flight mode by surveying the battlefield and blasting any Autobots who find their way into his weapon's scope.





As I walked up the hills of snow, I finally reached a good enough viewing point so I can finally see this so-called “Crystal Empire”. With the whistling blizzard hitting my fatigue armor, I placed my hands on my hips as my optics finally located the empire.

“What is this?” I asked myself as I got a closer look. Several miles away was a giant cloud of darkness that somehow was overtaking the entire empire. I couldn’t let this happen. With that dreaded cloud covering the empire, there was no way I could find Megatron in there and have my revenge.

Luck seemed to be on my side today.

The cloud let a piercing howl into the already screaming air as it slowly dissolved into the empire itself. Nothing remained of the darkness and I could see the light the of the Crystal Empire return. I smiled broadly and shouted, “There! The empire is finally vulnerable! Megatron is definitely in there!”

I turned around where my optics caught the towering purple visor in the sheet of white snow. I yelled, “Now, my newest slave,” I faced the empire again and this time pointed a finger straight forward, “the time to attack is now!!!”

No response.

I turned back around to see that glowing purple visor glaring straight forward, its focus obviously on something. I had expected this. The use of Dark Energon on this already stupid Autobot was too much for its mental circuitry. Grimlock couldn’t even talk…just follow orders.

Releasing an impatient growl, I pointed at the empire and shouted, “Attack, Grimlock! ATTACK!”

That seemed to do the trick.

The visor moved forward. I backed away and transformed. Activating my turbo boosters, I sped off into the blizzard with my newest slave following close behind.

“Victory will soon be mine!”




Twilight’s nightmares had come true.

The blue sky ripped apart with the shield protecting the empire disintegrating. The Changelings scattered away from her friends and assisted in killing the Autobots, which was just enough time for the six of them to limp out of the shadow of the Crystal Castle.

What they saw was horrific.

A dark brown color filled the skies as the massive cloud of darkness circled the empire. The six equines watched in utter terror as the cloud drove forward and centered itself on the castle itself. Backing out from underneath the castle, Twilight and her closest friends gaped in horror as the cloud of darkness landed on top of the podium and formed a small body.

The cloud came together until all the darkness was gone and the only remnants that remained were on the castle. The ponies managed to catch Queen Chrysalis approaching the top of the podium.

“Oh no…” Twilight silently muttered.


Queen Chrysalis couldn’t stop smiling as her hoofsteps echoed across the crystal podium. Her green eyes drifted upwards to see the cloud of darkness swirl into the air, signaling his arrival. So swiftly, the cloud came down on the podium, small black crystals appearing where the cloud hit. Chrysalis watched as the cloud formed a body and head.

The horn of the shadow creature appeared, indicating it was a unicorn, also the buff features and long robe proved that it was male. The cloud disappeared and all that remained was the tall unicorn with his flowing black mane and misting purple eyes.

Chrysalis came up to his side, her eyes hard focused to see if he was truly ready.

He opened his green eyes to reveal two burning red iris. Smiling proudly, the unicorn stomped his hoof on the crystal podium while eyeing the battlefield.

The Queen of the Changelings politely coughed, catching his attention immediately. When he looked at her, Chrysalis spoke with her hoof pointed at the grounds below.

“I welcome you a triumphant return to your empire, King Sombra!”

The King smiled, his sharp teeth glistening with hunger. His anger would have to wait…not even his true powers could be unleashed at this moment of time. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t begin the infection.

“You have done so well, my Queen,” King Sombra growled causing the Changeling to smile proudly, “Shall we begin my reign over these pitiful crystal ponies?”

“Yeeeeesss…” Queen Chrysalis hissed which was a sign she was indeed ready. Taking a step back, Chrysalis watched as King Sombra let out a deafening laughter before his horn and eyes lit up a dark red. With a great shockwave, Queen Chrysalis smiled with glee as the blast sent each Autobot far away from the castle…

“Oops,” Chrysalis placed a hoof to her mouth as the Decepticons including Megatron flew back with the Autobots, “forgot about them.”


“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” Twilight and her friends screamed in unison as a powerful blast erupted from the Crystal Castle which sent the Element Bearers backwards. Rainbow Dash twisted and turned until her wings caught flight.

“I GOTCHA!” Rainbow screamed and grabbed Pinkie Pie.

Fluttershy acted quickly, her fears vanishing with her friend’s lives in danger. She swooped down and picked up Rarity right before she could hit the ground. The Pegasi were gone, thus allowing Twilight to finish it.

Sparking up her horn, Twilight focused on Applejack and herself. When she opened her eyes, she found that both her and Applejack were protected in a purple ball of energy she had created. She lowered herself and Applejack safely to the ground.

With the orb disappearing, Twilight and Applejack watched as Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash flew down towards them with the rest of their friends held in their hooves. They all landed safely on the ground as they all shared a couple of smiles.

They quickly disappeared when the something loud caught their attentions.

Spinning around in panic, the Element Bearers screamed and quickly got behind some crystal houses when the bodies of several Decepticons and Autobots were sent their way. They hit the ground with such force that their bodies looked like rag dolls as they hit the buildings, nearly shattering them.

Twilight looked up from her hiding point, her eyes focused on the street ahead of her. That’s when she saw the absolute last person she wanted to.

Megatron landed right in front them, his growls growing louder.

This didn’t remind the unicorn of the wretched Decepticon leader. He was tossed away like a piece of trash. And Twilight knew to NEVER call Megatron that, lest she wanted to be crushed. Once he stood back up, the mares scrunched closer together so they could be concealed from the Decepticon’s wrath. Megatron rubbed his head and looked forward at the Crystal Castle which was much farther away now.

They heard him speak.

“How dare you, Chrysalis?! Harming my Decepticons and I with that blast! Whose side are you on, anyway?!” Megatron screamed right towards the castle. Twilight and her friends watched Megatron point his finger at the castle, but they were surprised to see him hunch his shoulders and grip his head in pain.

Megatron fell on both knees as he roared in pain. Twilight caught a glimpse of his glowing green eyes.

“That’s odd…I thought they were red?” Twilight silently asked herself. It wasn’t long before they heard Megatron speak again, this time in grunts.

“I-I…I will…obey…C-Chrysalis! I WILL OBEY!!!” His breathing slowed down as his eyes went back to their normal color. Megatron stood back up while wobbling on his feet a little.

Twilight had no idea what had happened. Megatron said he will obey Chrysalis. Was he…working for her? Unfortunately, she never had enough time to figure it out because a tiny whimper escaped Fluttershy’s trembling form.

Rainbow Dash quickly covered Fluttershy’s snout with her hoof in hopes that Megatron didn’t hear. Everypony froze up and slowly turned their heads towards the street. There was Megatron…facing directly towards them.

They could see his red eyes as he began to approach them.

“Awwww….Twilight Sparkle…that is your name isn’t it?” Megatron asked with a sign of disgust in his voice. Nopony could move…or scream for that matter. They had seen all the terrible deeds Megatron was capable of with their past experiences with him. And to see him simply approaching them…was too much.

Once he stood over them, Megatron flashed an evil grin and said, “Thought I’d forget about you six? Did you really believe for a split second that I would forget about your world and its rich energy source?! Surely you understand, for us to destroy your world to save another…it’s only fair.”

Regaining some courage, Rainbow Dash gulped and shouted, “F-fair?! You call this FAIR?!?! You’re trying to destroy our home, buster, AND you’re not even gonna give us a chance to defend ourselves?!”

Megatron answered with a mixture between a scoff and a chuckle, “You think you could defend yourselves from my wrath, not only just me, but the ENTIRE Decepticon army? And I’m not talking about the Decepticons on this planet.”

When they just stared at him in horror, he continued, “You know…I guess I have to thank you before I do anything drastic,” Their confused looks brought enjoyment to the Decepticon leader, “If it hadn’t been for you six, Discord would have never been defeated and I would have been killed. So I guess it’s your entire fault that this is happening. Since I am alive, I am able to destroy your world, and not even Discord is here to stop me.”

Pinkie Pie stepped forward, her face red hot with anger as she shouted, “Think again, buddy! Discord IS back and he’s SUPER nice! Ever since we taught him about the magic of friendship, especially Fluttershy,” She pointed her hoof towards the shivering Pegasus who curled up even smaller, “SHE reformed Discord! So you better watch your step because we could easily get Discord to fight you again!”

For a brief second, Twilight could almost see the surprise on Megatron’s face. It quickly faded and he soon exploded in laughter. Megatron let a few more chuckles escape as he gasped, “Oh what fun! Discord has fallen prey to the magic of friendship. Especially him! He now loves the one thing he swore to destroy! SO PATHETIC!!!”

When the hope of Discord helping them was gone, Pinkie Pie’s ears flattened as she scooted back with her friends. Megatron sighed happily and said, “Well…now that the fun is gone…I guess I could finish you all off and then begin with my master plan.”

Mentally whimpering, Rarity shook it off and screamed, “What did we ever do to you that could make you hate us so much?!”

The leader of the Decepticons crossed his arms and smiled broadly, “Simple. You’re living.”

“THAT DOESN’T EVEN MAKE ANY SENSE!!!” Twilight heard herself scream. Her friends turned their heads towards her, eyebrows raised in surprise. Megatron looked down at her with his frown quickly growing back. In an attempt to defend herself, Twilight explained, “I-I mean, that doesn’t make any clear sense. You hate us because we’re alive? Just because we live a different way from you Transformers makes us inferior to you?” She spoke with her voice soft and her eyes hopeful.

“Can’t you just…please…leave our planet alone…and go home?”

Megatron thought about it for a quick second with his hand rubbing his chin. He shook his head with his right arm transforming into his cannon.

“I...think not.” Megatron growled as his cannon was pointed towards the tiny ponies. He could see the fear in their eyes. Megatron had seen this countless times. Fear was always visible on Cybertron. Either when he was mutilating Autobots or simply frightening his own soldiers, fear was always present.

Megatron continued as his riot cannon charged up, “Why give up a perfectly good planet rich with energy when I’m standing on one right now? Think about it, if we suck your planet dry, we can reboot Cybertron and save my race. Your dearest friend Optimus ‘Prime’ would want you to do this…he would want you to sacrifice your home for ours. After all…he practically did the same for you ponies.”

Twilight really didn’t want Megatron’s words to be true. But in a twisted kind of way…he was right. Optimus did sacrifice Cybertron for Equestria when he had first arrived here. When he left Cybertron, he held onto the hope that there was a better tomorrow, that wherever they go would hopefully be peaceful enough for them to rebuild.

Was this paying him back?

Was giving up their planet for Optimus Prime the right thing to do since he had saved Equestria? Whatever the answer was, she just hoped it wouldn’t be true.

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie held each other tight when Megatron was mere seconds away from killing them right now. They may have battled Bruticus, they may have conquered all of Cybertron, and they may have defeated the powerful Starscream….but there was no way in Equestria they could stop the leader of the Decepticons from fulfilling his destiny.

Twilight gave up.

After a few seconds of continued silence, a familiar voice rang through her head.

‘Never give up.’

Opening her eyes, Twilight Sparkle gasped when she saw the red blur tackle the great Decepticon leader. A loud crash came to as each mare opened their eyes to see their old friend.

“You will NOT hurt them!!!” Optimus yelled and punched Megatron across the face while straddling over him. Megatron roared in anger and head-butted Prime. Optimus fell back as Megatron stood back up with his cannon in tow.

The two leaders glared each other down.

The ponies watched in awe.

The dark crystals began growing around the ground.

The skies were infected with the color brown.

The end…has begun.

Charging forward, both Optimus Prime and Megatron locked hands. Pushing forward, Optimus managed to loosen Megatron’s footing. Taking advantage, Optimus punched Megatron across the face which was enough time for him to-

“Lucky shot!” Megatron screamed and fired one blast from his cannon. The purple ball hit Prime in the chest causing him to recoil. With Optimus in pain, Megatron charged forward. But Prime was ready and tripped out Megatron’s feet.

Quickly rolling and standing back up, Megatron didn’t have enough time to react when Optimus charged forward and gave him a swift kick to the abdomen.

Megatron managed to shout, “Decepticons, I require assistance!”

The six ponies brought their attention to the skies to see two flying object heading for the battle. Not only that, but three vehicles were driving right towards Prime and Megatron.

“LOOK OUT, OPTIMUS!!!” Twilight screamed.

Optimus turned his head for a quick second to see the five Combaticons transform and charge right for him.


With his defense gone, Megatron fired two shots from his riot cannon that struck Optimus in the shoulder and gut. Optimus Prime backed off while holding his abdomen in pain. The pain quickly intensified.

The ponies couldn’t bear to watch anymore. Rainbow Dash was chewing on her hooves, Fluttershy’s eyes were chock full of tears, Pinkie Pie’s mane was flattened, Rarity was shaking uncontrollably, Applejack had her hat shielding her face (the crystal shards hitting her nose), and Twilight was sitting with her mouth agape.

Optimus Prime was being beaten senseless.

Onslaught grabbed Prime by the shoulders and lifted his entire body above the ground. He brought his strength down and jammed Prime’s head into the crystal ground with a deafening thud. While standing back up, Prime got shot in the chest by Vortex’s assault rifle; he was swiftly kicked across the face by Brawl, and finally shot square in the face by Megatron’s riot cannon.

The power of the blast sent Optimus back several feet where he landed in the nearest crystal house. Each mare could hear his groans of pain as the Decepticons slowly approached his position.

Through the tears, Twilight could see Megatron walking towards Prime.

He spoke with his voice low, “Giving up your life for this world is a worthless sacrifice, Prime. You would rather die than save your own home from complete annihilation? These ponies are more important than all the Autobots back on Cybertron?!”

Falling out of the crystal house, Optimus Prime fell on his knees and tried so very hard to stand back up. Megatron glared in anger at Optimus’ defiance.

“You just don’t know when to give up do you?” Megatron asked Prime’s injured form as he approached from behind him. The Combaticons stood right behind their leader as he pulled out his deadly sword. Megatron growled, “Discord may have killed you once before, but he failed to do one thing: finish you off.”

Megatron lifted up his sword right above Prime’s back.

Optimus lifted up his head when he heard several screams.

“If giving up my life to save this world is a necessity, than I will fulfill it. But if I go down…” His right arm shrunk down and a long red blade popped out, “I’M TAKING YOU ALL WITH ME!!!!!”

Optimus’ other hand transformed into another blade. He spun around and caught Megatron’s sword right before he could bring it down on him. Using his other blade, Optimus jammed his red sword into Megatron’s abdomen which went straight through.

Megatron roared in pain as Optimus ripped his blade out and hit him in the side of the head with it. The force of the hit caused the Decepticon leader to fall back as the last Prime charged at his helpless soldiers.

Twilight couldn’t believe her eyes, neither could her friends.

They were all witnessing a battle with unfair odds suddenly change. Optimus was unstoppable. His blades slashed and cut in such swift motions that it looked as if he was training for this moment in time. His moves were not of his own and simply instinct that took place.

Optimus dodged the missile shot at him by Onslaught and raced towards him. Ducking under his right fist, Optimus sliced off Onslaught’s hand that fell to the ground with a hard thud. Kicking out Onslaught’s legs, Optimus quickly moved forward to the rest of them.

Vortex and Brawl went for Prime at the same time. But it was already pointless. Optimus Prime reared forward and grabbed Brawl’s left leg while jamming his blade directly into his knee. Ripping his blade out and hitting Brawl across the face, Optimus dodged Vortex’s punches and kicked him in the gut. Vortex was vulnerable at last which Optimus took great advantage of. He got behind him and relentlessly punched him across the face sending the Combaticon into the nearest building.

Turning around in a swift motion, Optimus dodged the blue beam supposedly going for him. He followed the beam to where he saw Swindle with his arm forward and the beam protruding out of it. Optimus quickly got an idea. Grabbing the beam, Optimus yanked hard and activated his path blaster. Swindle was pulled forward instantly; the end of Optimus’ blaster hit his chest with a powerful bang.

With Swindle’s flaming chest hitting the ground, Blast Off charged forward and attempted to stab the Autobot leader. It was useless. Optimus put his blades away and grabbed Blast Off’s right arm before ripping it clean off with his miraculous strength.

Using the severed arm as a weapon, Optimus smacked it against Blast Off’s head causing the injured Combaticon to fall along with his severed arm.

It was over.

Optimus breathed in and out before his hearing processors caught the sound of whimpering. His optics landed on an area between two crystal buildings. There he saw the six ponies he had befriended, each with wide eyes full of tears.

And how could he blame them for crying?

They were forced to watch Optimus do what was absolutely necessary in order to defend himself. Viciously beating each of his brothers with his brute strength was obviously too much for their minds to take in.

Optimus had thought they were already use to it. They had seen so many battles unfold between the Autobots and Decepticons that he had begun to think that it had grown on them and they accepted it.

He didn’t want that to be true. If it was, then he would have truly failed them. He would have failed from protecting them from the horrors of war. But he was glad, in a weird kind of way, to see them crying over this carnage. They obviously still weren’t use to it.

Before he knew it, Optimus Prime began walking towards them.

He was instantly stopped by his back exploding.

Optimus could hear the ponies scream as he fell to his knees. Slowly looking back, Optimus groaned when Megatron approached from behind with his cannon pointed to him.

“This end here, Prime,” Megatron shouted as he moved in close enough to the Autobot, “I can’t have you spoiling my plans anymore! Fall like the rest of your Autobots!!!”

But right before his cannon could charge up…or before Optimus could even act…a new sound was heard.


It was too silent.

Far too silent.

Megatron backed away with his head looking back and forth, obviously hoping he didn’t just hear that. His face was trapped in fear…with no way of removing it.

Optimus Prime slowly stood back up. Along with Megatron, he scanned the area. The roar was all too familiar for him to decipher. It wasn’t hard to know that it was Grim-

The ground shook.

It shook again.

Twilight looked down in Fluttershy’s puddle of tears to see the water vibrating every time the ground shook. Her breathing intensified. And her eyes grew wider than expected.

All around them, the Autobots and Decepticons were finally coming to. The Element Bearers could see the entire Autobot army circle around the area where Prime had just fought moments ago. With them was the entire Decepticon army. None of them fought. None of them battled.

They just stood there…eyeing the area in fear.

An eerie and almost scary silence filled the Crystal Empire. It wasn’t long before the ponies spotted the Changelings finally arriving to the scene. The small black dots stood at the feet of the Decepticons but none of them tried to do a thing.

It was if they were all waiting…for something.

When the silence continued, Twilight and her friends almost decided to escape from their hiding spot and hopefully ask Optimus what was going on.

They never got the chance to do that.

For out from behind the buildings came none other than Starscream.

Megatron, along with his Decepticons including the Autobots, backed away as the once air commander of the Decepticons made his way forward. His optics were almost as terrifying as his crooked smile. Starscream slowly approached his once master with his hand waving back and forth.

“Oh…lord Megatron, did you miss me?"

None of the Decepticons could speak, especially the Combaticons because they were far too injured, most of them were frozen in shock and fear. They had watched Starscream die before their very optics…there was no way he could still be alive.

Megatron’s optics glowed dark red for a brief moment. It quickly faded as he gave off a soft chuckle and said, “You just don’t know when to die do you?” He crossed his arms and asked, “Tell me, Starscream, what brings you all the way to the Crystal Empire other than to fall yet again?”

Starscream gave a high pitched laughter before saying, “I don’t seek to fail, Megatron. I seek to succeed in taking my rightful place as leader of the Decepticons.”

“Have you already not figured out the FIRST TIME?!?!?!” Megatron bellowed causing the Decepticons and Autobots to shrink back. Optimus was the only one to face his anger as Megatron continued to yell at his fallen sky commander.

He pointed a finger at him as Megatron shouted, “Do you really wish to fall to me again, Starscream?! Because I WILL do it if you dare threaten me again!!!”

Starscream smiled with his glare still present.

“Did you really think I’d be stupid enough to come alone?” Starscream asked Megatron while looking at his fist. Megatron recoiled for a brief moment, obviously surprised but not too much, before he exploded in laughter.

The rest of the Decepticons joined in the laughter while the Autobots stood in silence. Megatron seized laughter and managed to say, “HAHA! You probably managed to encourage a few animals from this planet to do your bidding, haven’t you?!”

Starscream’s smile grew so much bigger.

“Oh…..not even close.”

He slowly raised his hand in the air and snapped his fingers.

Silence was all that remained. The Decepticons were about to enjoy another laugh, over the fact that Starscream was too stupid to even bring an army to fight the entire Decepticon power. But right before they could do just that….

The nearest crystal house exploded….

….and out came a rampaging dinosaur.

All heads turned towards the explosion. All expressions changed to fear in an instant as the Tyrannosaurus Rex charged forward with its mouth wide open and fire expelling out of it. The Autobots quickly dodged out of the way, the Decepticons were not so lucky.

The T-Rex stomped its feet at the ground causing the Stunticons to fly back from the shock of the foot. It quickly swiped its tail sending Ramjet, Thrust, Dirge, Barricade, and Soundwave into several buildings. The dinosaur turned its massive head forward…where it saw its target.

Roaring loudly, the T-Rex charged forward at Megatron and the Combaticons.

Megatron couldn’t believe what he saw. If Starscream was able to do this…to find this beast and actually make it listen to him…it didn’t make any sense.

Just like how Starscream managed to knock him to his back made no sense.

Megatron looked up to see a snickering Starscream above him. He didn’t have time to shoot him because the beast was coming closer.

“Combaticons,” Megatron shouted, “combine into Bruticus!”

Onslaught looked back at his master and admitted, “We can’t! We’re too injured to join together!” Onslaught didn’t have enough time to turn back around. For the T-Rex bit down on his body and shook the Combaticon leader senselessly. The beast threw Onslaught into a crystal house and finished the rest of them off with a large swipe of his tail.

Megatron laid there completely defenseless, with Starscream and his newest follower drawing nearer, he could do nothing but back away.

Starscream leaned in and snickered, “How does it feel, Megatron? To be conquered by someone lesser than you? I bet it feels awful. And it’s going to feel a lot worse,” He pointed his finger directly at Megatron and screamed, “KILL!!!!!”

Right before the beast could attack the Decepticon leader, a blue ball of energy hit it in the side of the head. Turning around, the T-Rex looked down to see Optimus Prime and his Autobots attacking it with all they had.

Ignoring Starscream’s orders, the beast reared down and breathed a large torrent of purple flames at the Autobots and their leader. After a few seconds of waiting, Starscream turned back around and saw his slave doing nothing he requested.

Well…in a way he was following orders.

The dinosaur bit and swiped at the Autobots while the only thing they could do was shoot at it which didn’t cause a lot of damage. Growling furiously, Starscream turned back around and prepared to finish off Megatron by himself.

Instead he met the end of Soundwave’s Techvolt.

“AHHHHHH!!!!” Starscream wailed in pain as the electricity of the weapon hit his very spark. After he fell backwards, Starscream looked up to see Thundercracker and Skywarp help up their injured master with Soundwave.

“NO! STOP!!!” Starscream shouted. But it was already too late. Thundercracker carried Megatron away into the air while Skywarp did the same with Soundwave. Starscream could easily chase them down and have his revenge…but first…he needed to make sure his slave was safe.

Turning back around, Starscream charged forward with a battle cry and charge rifle in tow as he attacked the Autobots trying to harm his newest follower.

She couldn’t believe it.

Rainbow Dash couldn’t believe what she saw.

While the rest of her friends watched in awe as the battle between Starscream and his slave and the Autobots took place, she just sat there…with a face filled with no emotion whatsoever. Her eyes were blank, her expression was gone, and her wings were low to the ground.

What she just witnessed coming out from behind that house…just redefined the laws of life.

‘Grimlock?’ Rainbow Dash mentally whispered to herself.

It was indeed Grimlock attacking the Autobots, but he was different. All the glowing red lights on his body were gone and only purple lights remained. Whenever he breathed fire it would be purple not orange. His eyes no longer glowed as red as the fires he contained in his mouth, they glowed a dark purple.

But worst of all….worst of all….Rainbow Dash saw the Decepticon symbol on his head.

Her shock was gone and only anger resided.



Thundercracker slowed his descend as Megatron fell from his grasp, probably because Megatron didn’t like to be carried. When Megatron wiped himself off, he looked behind him and noticed that Soundwave was with him. Both Thundercracker and Skywarp watched inventively as Megatron stepped on the edge of the largest hill.

Growling, Megatron stood at the top of the tallest grassy hill in the Crystal Empire. From where he was, Megatron could see the entire Crystal Empire before him, so glorious it was. He soon realized that after Starscream’s attempt to overthrow him yet again, he must act now…

Their defenses were broken. Chrysalis and her Changelings had already begun attacking the empire for he saw them from where he was standing. Equestria was weakened…

“Soundwave,” Megatron ordered as the Communications Officer approached from behind, Megatron looked at him and growled, “No more waiting. No more time must be wasted. It is time for the world to know of our presence!”

The Decepticon leader put his arms behind his back, his optics locked on the soon to be battle ground of Equestria’s darkest hour. After a few more seconds, Megatron spoke.

“Contact Shockwave. Send the assault.”

Soundwave bowed. “As you command, lord Megatron.” He transformed into his boom-box mode as Thundercracker and Skywarp watched in awe. Soundwave made several beeps and blips before he came to life and his boom-box was sending airwaves into the heavens.

Megatron closed and opened his optics one final time.

“Decepticons…rise up and conquer.”




“Decepticons…the time has come…approximately one year ago today, Megatron, our leader has ordered our armies be prepared to send a full-scale assault on the pitiful planet known as Equestria. Today is the day…we rise up and take what is ours. No more hiding. No more mercy. It is time for the galaxy to know of us, the Decepticons, the most powerful alien race. Rise, my Decepticons, rise up and take what is ours. We will unite. We will stand together. And all shall fall before us!!!”

The undying Decepticon army piled into the starships, the hopes they held would save their lives and their home world of Cybertron. This was the day that would change their legend. This was to be the battle to end all battles.

This was the rise of the Decepticons.

Shockwave stood proudly after his announcement made earlier. He watched from his tall podium as the massive Decepticon army he had spent several hundred mega-cycles preparing and building made their way into the Decepticon starships. Along with the starships, several hundred dropships already took the skies, filled with Decepticon soldiers.

After several hours of waiting, a soldier approached Shockwave from behind and knelt at his feet.

“Lord Shockwave, sir, your ship is ready, sir.” The soldier lifted up his head to see Shockwave’s glowing purple eye meet his face. He hated it when Shockwave looked at him. It was so creepy.

Shockwave nodded and said, “Excellent.” Together, both Shockwave and his soldier made their way off the podium and towards his escape ship.


“Energon levels full. Space Bridge coordinates locked on. Beginning countdown.” Shockwave muttered as he pressed several buttons on his blaster. Not only was it a devastating weapon, but it was also very helpful in keeping track of his objectives.

One final push.

Shockwave gripped his steering wheel and turned his head left. There he saw from passed his window the Space Bridge itself as it spun to life and fired the beam directly into space.



Ultra Magnus and his team watched from the highest skyscraper they could find as the Space Bridge became active. Their fears along with their excitement grew as it fired the beam into space. The final plan must be done…there was no hope for them left on Cybertron.

And maybe….just maybe…they could find peace on this other world.

“Everybody, grab on!!!” Blurr quickly yelled and fired his grappling hook over to the nearest dropship sailing past them. Hot Rod, Kup, Arcee, and Magnus held each other tight as Blurr was holstered forward towards the dropship. Springer chose to fly there in his jet form.

Once they were latched on, Kup used his laser to create an entrance on the outside of the dropship. Pushing it open, the small team of six Autobots raced inside the small ship with guns blazing.

“What the-BEHIND US!!!” A Decepticon soldier screamed right before he got shot in the face.

The Decepticons were mutilated in mere seconds as Magnus and Kup jumped forward to the driver’s seats. Once there, Ultra Magnus shot the head off the driver with his photon burst rifle. Kup quickly grabbed onto the steering wheel and held the dropship steady as it followed the rest of the Decepticon ships.

“We’re good, Magnus,” Kup grunted, “those ‘Cons don’t even know we’re here.”

Ultra Magnus nodded while keeping his focus on the skies ahead of him. Before long, they found themselves in deep space with several hundred Decepticon ships soaring right by their side.

“Wherever we go…Cybertron will be with us…always.”


There they flew.

At least fifty starships filled with hundreds of thousands of Decepticon soldiers and devastating war machines capable of leveling the entire planet soared into the vast vacuum of space. Shockwave’s ship led the way as the space portal ahead grew completely unstable.

The last bits of Energon on all of Cybertron were used on this expedition. They would not return without sucking the target planet dry.

Behind Shockwave was several hundred dropships and Decepticon jets, the entire Decepticon army was sent into space…thus abandoning Cybertron. With the hope the Decepticons held for saving their home, the Decepticon armada entered the black hole until none were left in deep space.

Cybertron was a lone planet…forever lost without any hope of life.


A new portal opened.

The Decepticon armada escaped the vortex and reawakened itself to this new planet, rich with energy. The starships sailed above the planet’s atmosphere as the dropships lowered themselves into the planet itself. But strangest of all….the portal did not close.

The starships opened up and several thousand Decepticon Leapers and Heavy Soldiers piled out, acting like meteorites as they fell into the planet itself.

The end of days had begun.

Author's Note:

I guess I covered a lot in this chapter. King Sombra's rise to power, Starscream's return, Grimlock's enslavement, and the invasion of the planet of the ponies. This entire armada of Decepticon brutality will not be focused on just the Crystal Empire. To invade and colonize a planet of its resources, one must eradicate the indigenous life forms and destroy the major locations. Cities, capitols even, will fall in mere hours.

The Decepticons will not hold anything back. This fight is for the survival of their race....as well the equines.

The Darkest Hour has arrived...