• Published 2nd Mar 2013
  • 8,399 Views, 732 Comments

Transformers: Equestria's Darkest Hour - JDPrime22

Direct sequel to Transformers: Fall of Equestria. A new war is raging on between the Autobots and Decepticons on the peaceful land of the ponies. The Legend of the Transformers will fall in Equestria's darkest hour.

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Eye of the Storm


1 Day before the Rise

"So uncivilized this war has become."


INTEL: Perceptor is one of the most brilliant scientific minds on all of Cybertron. Despite his dislike of combat situations, Perceptor is an excellent sharp shooter. There's a paradox named after him, presumably one he theorized. Distant and antisocial, Perceptor speaks with a bluntness befitting a scientist.


“Princess Cadance and Shining Armor will be waiting for you in the Crystal Empire. They arrived only a few hours ago which should be more than enough time for each of you to find them, gather the shards of the Crystal Heart, and light the love inside the crystal ponies. If what you have told me is true, my pupil, than the hope and love from the ponies will repair the Crystal Heart and stop King Sombra. This is our only chance so I am depending on you and the Autobots to return there safely and succeed in your journey.”

Princess Celestia sighed as she and her younger sister had arrived to the Canterlot train station. By her side was her beloved student Twilight Sparkle, after what she told the princess of the sun, Princess Celestia knew that this was their only chance to bring peace back and stop Sombra.

Twilight had told her that thanks to Optimus Prime she now knows how to save the Crystal Empire from Sombra’s rule. The farm mare Applejack had the Crystal Heart shards in her hat to keep safe until the time was right; she stood at the entrance of the train along with the other Element Bearers.

Once Twilight, Celestia, and Luna arrived to the train, the teacher and student gave a powerful hug before Celestia broke it and said, “Be careful, Twilight. My sister and I will stay here to defend Canterlot in case we receive some unwanted visitors. Now get going. We’re all counting you.”

The little unicorn nodded and barely mumbled, “I’ll try my hardest, Princess.” Celestia could obviously sense the fear in her voice. It was going to be a very long day.

She turned around and entered the train with the rest of her closest friends. Celestia smiled and knew for a fact that when those six were together, they could overcome so many obstacles. They were strong and could not be defeated. The power of friendship they hold could truly be the answer to all of these problems.

The sun was blocked out causing both Princesses to turn around and see the leader of the Autobots. Celestia had gotten used to seeing Optimus Prime nowadays. It was like they were truly meant to stay here and reside in Equestria.

Optimus Prime looked behind him and motioned his hand forward. Behind him, several Autobots walked forward to the train and transformed into their vehicle modes. Celestia and Luna watched in awe as the Aerialbots formed their jet forms and hovered above the train. Just the complete amazement of these aliens got them every time. How their bodies could change into these other forms was incredible every time they did it.

Once the Autobots waited patiently at the end of the train tracks, their engines revving and Dinobots growling, Optimus Prime knelt down to Princess Celestia’s eye level and softly spoke. Celestia was surprised to hear him speak like this…it was as if this was the last she would ever see him again.

“Once we return to the Crystal Empire, Twilight and her friends will do what they have to do. After the Crystal Heart is revived, we will put a stop to King Sombra and then Queen Chrysalis. Until then….” He held out his black fist in front of the sun goddess, “this is goodbye.”

Celestia looked at his hand stupidly until she realized what gesture this was. She placed her tiny white hoof in Optimus’ might hand. Celestia could feel his hand tighten around her hoof only slightly as he shook her hoof goodbye.

He released his grasp and shook Princess Luna’s hoof. After that, Optimus stood back up where he heard Princess Celestia speak.

“We will see you again…will we?” Celestia asked with her voice hopeful.

Optimus didn’t know for sure. Maybe it would just be a quick mission to Northern Equestria and a simple task to take down a king. Twilight had told him that only the Crystal Heart could stop King Sombra….nothing else could.

“I hope as much as you do, your highness,” Optimus told her while keeping his focus on the train. It made a loud hissing noise and the wheels of the train spun to life. The train took off down the tracks and away from Canterlot as the Autobots took off towards it.

“Fate rarely calls upon us on a moment of our choosing.”

Before they could respond, Optimus Prime transformed and rolled out of their sights. His blazing trail followed the rest of the Autobots as the train was no longer visible from the station. The future of Equestria was held in the hooves of six little ponies…

“I have a terrible feeling,” Luna muttered as Celestia turned her way.

“Yes, sister, what is it?” Celestia asked while moving closer to her little sister. Princess Luna shook her head and looked back to see the Autobot jets soar off into the distance. She had the feeling of doubt…and worst of all….the feeling of fear.

“The end is near.”


The choo-choo-choo of the train engine was the only thing heard on the inside of the locomotive. Everypony remained silent except for Pinkie Pie who darted from window to window in hopes of seeing all the sites they passed.

“Hi Jazz!” Pinkie Pie waved her hoof back and forth with her head nearly hitting the window. Rainbow Dash sat behind her and looked out the window to see Jazz in his vehicle form right next to them.

Rainbow smiled and said, “Pinkie Pie, Jazz can’t hear you.”

After hearing this, Pinkie puffed out her chest and pulled out a megaphone out of nowhere.

“Oh shoot! Everypony, cover yer-!” Applejack shouted.


Each mare rubbed their ears while Rarity moaned in pain; she was sitting right in front of the ecstatic pony. While Rainbow Dash tried hard to rub out the numbness in her ears, she looked out the window to see Jazz’s front lights light up and his car make two beeping noises.

Pinkie clapped her hooves together and giggled, “Hee! Hee! Hee! He said hi back!” The other mares groaned, but Fluttershy giggled too. Pinkie Pie always could make anypony feel better no matter how bad things were going to turn out.

After that, everything seemed to quiet down. While side conversations filled the train, Pinkie Pie talking with Rainbow Dash, Applejack talking/arguing with Rarity, and Fluttershy sitting quietly in her seat while looking at her hooves, this was a perfect time for Twilight Sparkle to stay with her thoughts.

The train continued to rumble down the tracks, getting closer to their destination. The Autobots were driving on the outside of the train just like last time as Twilight watched them passively. Her eyes focused on Jazz and Cliffjumper. They seemed to go faster than the other Autobots, as if they were racing each other. That’s what she has noticed about these aliens.

Even though that their world is dead, the Autobots still showed a reason to smile and joke around. Sure they did what they had to do when the Decepticons had attacked in Canterlot, but there was something about their spirit that intrigued her. Strong, brave, gutsy, all of these are what described most of the Autobots.

Twilight still didn’t understand. They only lived once and they wasted their lives fighting in possibly a hopeless war with no end. Optimus had told her about their war and how it lasted millions of years. The battle in Canterlot only lasted a day, she couldn’t even begin to imagine eons of endless conflict.

That’s when she figured it out.

The Autobots didn’t waste their lives; they lived them to what they believed in. They fought for freedom so that the future could be brighter and hope could still remain as long as they all shall live. Autobots never surrender….neither would she.

Sighing happily, Twilight smiled and took her eyes off the window, they looked back slightly to see Optimus Prime drive past most of his soldiers. Her eyes fell downwards, gazing at her purple hooves pressed against her seat. She closed her eyes, her thoughts taking over.

‘Once we get to the Crystal Empire, we find my brother and Cadence, with their help we have to fill the crystal ponies with love and hope so that the Crystal Heart could be repaired. Without the Crystal Heart, we’re powerless. Nothing else can stop Sombra. And with Chrysalis’ army growing, thanks to the Decepticons whose forms will help grow their army to be even more powerful, we’re going to need all the help we can get. Megatron is out there somewhere….plotting his master plan.’

Twilight opened her eyes to see her breathing had become heavier. Her breath could be seen as a mist in front of her face as the sky outside her window was no longer orange but white. They had arrived to Northern Equestria.

‘Boy…time sure flies.’

The mares’ conversations stopped as the conductor opened up the doors and announced, “We’ll be at the drop off in about five miles, get ready to pile off.” He closed the doors. Twilight could hear the conductors hoofsteps become quieter until nothing could be heard.

Twilight leaned in her seat and whispered, “Psst! Applejack!” The orange mare turned her head towards Twilight, Rarity herself stopped talking with the farm pony to see what she wanted. Twilight looked around and saw that all her friends were looking at her.

She looked back to Applejack and said, “I need to see the shards.”

Applejack’s eyes widened. She nodded once and pulled off her hat, there she placed it on her seat where each pony stuck their faces in to get a closer look. Twilight counted at least twelve shards from the destroyed Crystal Heart. They were dull with absolutely no life protruding out of them.

Twilight levitated one out and analyzed it. Her lip curled up as she spoke, “I sure hope that these shards are the key to stopping Sombra.”

“And if they’re not,” Rainbow Dash said as she hovered above everypony’s heads, “I’ll just take on Sombra by myself. You guys can just cheer me on by the sidelines.” Everypony groaned except for Pinkie and Fluttershy. Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack hated it when Rainbow’s ego took the better of her.

Rainbow landed on the ground and punched at the air, her face set in determination. “Chrysalis doesn’t stand a chance against this mare!”

Nopony had a chance to argue with that.

The train shook as a violent explosion was heard from outside.

Twilight looked around frantically from where she was lying to see Rarity and Pinkie Pie tumbling all over the ground while Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy took to the only open areas they had in this tight car. Applejack quickly grabbed all the shards that had fallen out of her hat and placed them back in. When she put her hat back on, another explosion came from outside.

“What in the wide world of Equestria is going on?!” Rarity screeched as her face hit the seat with Pinkie Pie clinging to her back.

Twilight tried her best to get to her hooves. The train shook again causing her to hit the window face-first. She quickly shook away the pain and looked out the window. None of the Autobots could be seen in the deep blizzard. She knew she had to get a closer look.

“Whoa, Twilight, wait for us!” Rainbow screamed and raced after her egghead friend. Twilight had taken off towards the caboose of the train with the rest of her friends following close behind. The unicorn wouldn’t let up when another tremor rocked the train. While the rest of her friends took a while to compose themselves, she didn’t and raced towards the last door.

Pushing it open, Twilight was greeted by a large trail of snow and cold that hit her face just as the doors blew open. Her mane flew wildly in her face as Twilight squinted and looked down the long train tracks that were leaving her.

The train was going faster and the tracks were barely visible on the ground. All that was heard was the blowing of the heavy snow, the sound of the train engine, and the screeching of familiar……

“Oh no…” Twilight gasped when her eyes finally located the assailant…or should she say….assailants.

“Twilight, we’re here!” Applejack panted as she came by her friends’ side. The rest of the ponies arrived to the open door where the shivering unicorn stared straight ahead. Rarity looked over to see Twilight’s eyes nearly bugging out of her head and her body shaking uncontrollably.

Her face was held in horror as she pointed a shaky hoof in the blizzard.

“Girls…RUN!!!” Twilight screamed and took off inside the train. The confusion each mare felt was gone….when the sound of buzzing arrived to greet their twitching ears. One by one, they all turned around and gasped in terror when they saw them.

Three giant, flying, terrifying, colorful, insects…were chasing down the train.

They had very little time to observe each one. The first bug was colored dark purple with giant pinchers in its mouth. The three legs on its torso swung in the blizzard while the wings pumped up and down to allow the creature to fly forward. The second bug was terrifying. It was the same color as the first one but instead had two giant insect-like legs protruding its lower half. Four tiny arms hung in its front side where a small but scary face was placed. The last bug was by far the biggest. Two massive wings came out of its sides while a long staff was pointed out of its nose. Two massive engines were held on its back where it seemed to get its speed from.

Together, these three bugs chased down the train with the five ponies watching in horror. Their fears grew worse when the first bug let out a horrifying screech into the freezing air. The mares had to cover their ears from the loud noise erupting from its pinchers.

Before long, the revving of an engine was heard coming straight for the caboose. And before the ponies knew it, a dark purple vehicle was heading straight for them on four wheels.

Applejack held onto her hat, her eyes never taken off the Decepticon vehicle heading straight for them. It wouldn’t be long before it reached them.

“Everypony, inside before it-!” Applejack screamed right before the vehicle transformed before their eyes and landed on the caboose. The ponies backed away in terror as they got a close up of one of the most hated Decepticons they had ever met.

“Ponies located. Commence operation: train busting motion.” Soundwave spoke in his chilling voice. He gripped his left hand on one of the bars and planted his feet on the bottom of the caboose. With his free right hand, Soundwave reached forward to grab the ponies.

The alabaster unicorn stepped forward with a look of pure hatred on her face. She would NOT let this Decepticon hurt her or her friends ever again. Their pasts with this Decepticon had almost killed them….time to return the favor.

“I WILL DESTROY YOU!!!” Rarity screamed as her horn lit up a bright blue. With a powerful blast, Rarity shot a long stream of electricity at the Decepticon Communications Officer. Soundwave reared back with his head facing upwards and his body shaking uncontrollably.

Rarity drew back with her chest panting in and out, her glare never broken. Her blue eyes were focused on the total destruction of Soundwave. Speaking of the Decepticon, Soundwave’s grip loosened and his feet fell off their hinges. He knew was going to fall off….that pony did a number on him.

But if he was going down…he would NOT fail his master.

“Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage, Laserbeak, eject!” Soundwave shouted and released his grip. Right before his body fell off; his left hand quickly pressed the button on his shoulder thus ejecting the four Mini-cons. The five mares watched as Soundwave tumbled away on the train tracks below them until his body was lost in the blizzard.

Rarity looked back, a slight grin present, where she noticed the shocked expressions she was receiving. She touched her chest and asked, “What? Even a lady can defend herself when she needs to.”

Rainbow smiled, “That was awesome.”

Applejack reared back and pushed the door open while shouting, “Everypony, inside, we have ta find Twilight and hopefully get off this train wreck!” The five of them galloped inside the warmth of the train. Once they had passed a few cars, the sound of footsteps came from above.

“What in tarna-WHOA!” Applejack yelped as she was pulled to the ground.


The four Mini-cons quickly hustled over the top of the train; Rumble led the way while Laserbeak struggled over the winds and Frenzy quickly on his tail. Ravage growled quietly as his talons stuck onto the top of the train. Rumble stopped and held up his mallet causing the three others to stop.

He leaned his head in and smiled, “I hear them right below us.”

Frenzy looked back and shouted over the winds, “Laserbeak, go do somethin’ else! Me and Rumble got this!” With a slight growl from behind, Frenzy nervously smiled and said, “My bad! Me, Rumble, and RAVAGE got this!”

Laserbeak squawked and took off towards the front of the train. With the flyer gone, Frenzy looked back at his comrade and noticed his mallets already rose above his head.

“First we crack the shell, then we crack the nuts inside!” Rumble shouted as he repeatedly hit the roof of the train. Frenzy watched as the ground broke apart and he, Ravage, and Rumble landed inside.

Their mission was clear: kill the ponies.


“What in tarna-WHOA!” Applejack yelped as she was pulled to the ground.

Turns out, she was actually dragged underneath the seat with a purple hoof covering her mouth. Applejack cringed when Twilight’s voice rang past her ear.

“Everypony, hide!”

Applejack ripped off Twilight’s hoof and shouted, “What the hay has gotten into you, gurl?” Twilight didn’t answer and jabbed her hoof into Applejack’s mouth again, silencing the mare.

Applejack watched as she leaned in and whispered, “Shhhhh….don’t move…or talk.”

The farm mare didn’t have enough time to answer, the ceiling of the train exploded as two beings landed inside. The other girls screamed and quickly got underneath or behind the seats, in hopes of staying hidden.

Applejack felt Twilight’s hoof cover her mouth tighter, the tension was growing as Applejack looked out from underneath the seat. There she saw four feet walk across the ground, two were blue, and two were red. Sweat dripped down her forehead as Applejack heard them speak.

“Check all around! Those ponies have to be in here!”

“No der, Rumble! Let me take point, I actually got a blaster!”

More shifting and Applejack watched as the two red legs walked in front of the blue ones. They approached her and Twilight’s hiding spot and stopped. Twilight whimpered as the feet faced their way and approached the seat they were under.

Applejack’s breathing became heavier and sweat dripped faster from her face as a long tube was about to touch their heads…spoiling their hiding spot.

“I think I got one.”

“Let me chec-WHAT THE?!?!”

“What is that?! AHHHHH!!!!!”

Twilight and Applejack stayed in silence, their eyes shut tight when the sound of gunfire came from above. Opening one eye, Applejack saw as the feet backed away and scrambled about on the floor. They finally fell backwards as four cyan hooves landed on the ground.

“Is that all you got, punks?!” A familiar voice screamed.

Applejack cringed again when Twilight’s hoof was taken out of her mouth and she screamed, “Everypony, run!” Almost instantly as she shouted that, Twilight scrambled out under the seat and ran away to the other train cars. Applejack crawled out too and took off after Twilight; behind her were Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash.

“Get them! Soundwave wants ‘em dead!” The voice from behind them shouted.

Applejack ducked when the sound of gunfire rang in her ears. She looked up to see several bullet holes in the wall right in front of her. They had to hurry.

Bucking open the door, Applejack let her friends go first so she could get a look at these two Decepticons. The first one was tinkering with something on its right arm, possibly trying to fix it or reload it. Applejack didn’t know much about guns. The second one had giant hammers for hands….Applejack remembered this one…she had met him in the Everfree Forest.

“Get outta my way, Frenzy! I’ll take ‘em down!” Rumble shouted and knocked Frenzy away with his hammer. The red Mini-con flew right and his head penetrated the window. With his legs flinging helplessly inside, Applejack saw as his hands flung helplessly outside.

Her attention was brought back to Rumble as he charged towards her. She quickly shut the door and pressed her back against it. Applejack opened her eyes to see her friends all inside the train car safe and sound; they all stood by the windows with their eyes searching in the blizzard.

Two loud bangs came from behind her, Applejack pressed against the door harder as more and more bangs came from behind it.

“Stop fightin’ it, pony! You’re only prolong…pronlg…prona….prolongin…ahh whatever you’re gonna die either way!” Rumble shouted from the other side.

Twilight jumped down from her seat and came to Applejack’s side, she quickly explained, “Applejack, back away from the door and let him in!”

Applejack frowned and shouted, “Are ya nuts?! Ah ain’t movin’ an inch from right here!” She screamed as another bang came from behind her, the jolt causing her head to hit the door with quite a lot of force.

“Trust me on this, AJ!” Twilight said as her horn lit up a deep purple. Applejack sighed and closed her eyes, this was Twilight she was talking about…she knew what to do.

She instinctively pulled away from the door as it busted open in a quick second. The blue Mini-con ran inside and looked at the tiny unicorn only a few feet from him. His smile turned to a look of despair when her horn fired a shot directly at him.

“AHHHHHHH!!!!!” Rumble screamed as the blast knocked him off the train; go straight through the roof, and into the blizzard.

Twilight smiled victoriously and blew on her steaming horn, the smoke disappearing from it. Applejack smiled gratefully and picked herself up from the ground, the snow had begun landing inside the now open train and hitting her coat.

Applejack looked at the wreckage and whistled, “Woo…nice shot, Twi-“

Suddenly, a large panther jumped from the past car and landed right on top of the unicorn. Twilight screamed as a large jaw with razor sharp teeth were snapping right above her head, hungry to devour flesh.

“WHAT IS THAT THING?!?!” Rainbow Dash screamed and backed away from the creature. Fluttershy’s fears were pretty high at this point, but when this creature had just attacked one of her friends and trying to eat her as she watched from where she was sitting…her fear was suddenly gone.

“Get away from Twilight!!!”

Ravage stopped trying to bite the unicorn’s head off and instead pressed his paw directly on her throat, cutting off her oxygen. While she gagged for a few seconds, Ravage slowly turned his head left where his yellow optics glared at whoever dared to yell at-

The Mini-con’s jaw opened, but not in hunger…but in fear.

Ravage pulled his metal paw off of Twilight’s throat, the unicorn gasping for breath. He really wanted to have his target slowly die a painful death, but his mission was forgotten when this pony, probably from the darkest pits of Kaon, glared at him with the most terrifying stare he had ever seen.

Fluttershy flapped her wings and hovered right above Ravage’s snout, her stare increased on the shivering Mini-con. She screamed, “I want you to GET OFF THIS TRAIN NOW!!! Or do I have to make you?”

Ravage never had a chance to respond when a pair of orange hooves bucked him in the head.

The whimpering Mini-con backed away from the hit, shaking his head to regain focus. When his optics straightened, his newest target was the orange one. Growling, Ravage crouched low, fully intending on pouncing.

The train made a loud hissing noise and slowed down too fast. Ravage lost his footing and flew out of the opening that the unicorn had made to take out his fellow Mini-con. With the panther gone, each mare fell backwards on the hard ground while the feeling of doubt still rocked their minds.

“What the buck is wrong with this conductor?!” Rainbow screamed in pain.


Laserbeak soared against the heavy winds. His wings cut through the snowy air with ease as he finally approached the front of the train. Puffs of smoke erupted from the top at a fast pace, indicating that the conductor was trying to go faster to escape the Insecticons on his trail.

Screeching loudly, Laserbeak flew downwards to where the wheels of the train were. They spun at a speed that was too much for the bird to follow; he didn’t want to think of this for long and just got down to business.

Opening his beak, Laserbeak let out a long red beam that struck the wheels of this primitive machine. He watched as the tires began to glow red hot from the intense degrees his laser had to offer. It wasn’t long before the tire melted and everything else worked just as planned.

The gears shattered, the wheels spun out of control and the train slowed down. Letting out a screech of victory, Laserbeak flew back and watched as the three familiar Insecticons finally caught up to the train.

If he could….Laserbeak would smile deviously.


Fluttershy rubbed her head in pain as she and her friends slowly got back up to their hooves. The train didn’t stop but just slowed down. Whatever had caused that…must’ve wanted the train to stop.

Looking out the window, Fluttershy’s expression fell when she didn’t see any Autobot out there. It was as if they just went up and left. Pushing this out of her mind, Fluttershy squinted and saw something right next to the train.

“Girls look, it’s an Auto-,” Fluttershy began to say until her words fell; her eyes grew wide in fear when the Decepticon symbol appeared.

Rainbow Dash backed away from the window and gulped, “That’s no Autobot.”

Squinting even more, Fluttershy shook in fear when those glowing red eyes appeared out of the whiteness of the blizzard and looked directly at her, piercing her eyes and filling her soul with treacherous feelings.

The blizzard calmed down for a bit so Fluttershy could get a full view of this Decepticon. It was that giant bug they had seen back at the caboose, the first one to be exact. Fluttershy watched in both fear and awe as the bug transformed before her very eyes, did a little roll on the snowy ground, and start running right on the side of the train.

The Decepticon looked left and smashed his shoulder against the train which caused each mare inside to fall back from the impact. Doing this caused Twilight to nearly face plant on the other side of the train. But something caught her eye…

“Oh no…” Twilight muttered in horror as the second bug came into view. It transformed as did the first one which revealed its true identity to the unicorn.


The said Insecticon didn’t run as did his partner, instead he literally hopped on the snowy ground while keeping up with the train. His hands flew forward and clawed at the slick ground while its feet pushed him further and further up.

Twilight watched as the red visor of the Insecticon turned towards her. Even through the glassy window, Twilight heard him speak.

“They’re trapped inside here, Sharpshot! Shot! Shot!”

All heads faced the other side as Sharpshot replied, “Yeah, I got it!”

Another tremor spread through the train as Sharpshot repeatedly rammed his shoulder against the outer shell. Ponies were flying back and forth while Rarity clung unto her seat and screamed.

“Where are the Autobots when you absolutely need them?!?!”

Another sound was heard; all heads faced the right side of the train to see the entire wall being ripped off. What they saw froze each pony in place. The dark red visor and glowing Decepticon symbol on the Insecticon’s features glowed in the brightness of the blizzard outside.

Sharpshot glared inside and screeched, “There you are!”

His hand was brought forward as the rest of his body held onto the side of the train. He reached inside and grabbed the nearest pony. Clutching her in his hand, Sharpshot slowly pulled her out.

“Pinkie Pie!!!” The mares inside screamed and grabbed her hooves.

Pinkie looked back to see the Insecticon growing impatient and suddenly rearing back with all his strength. The pink pony screamed helplessly as she pulled out from the warmth of the train to the freezing coolness of the outside. Her mane flew wildly as she looked up with fear-filled eyes at the Decepticon holding her life in his hand.

Sharpshot smiled deviously.


But he didn’t do anything. Sharpshot screamed in pain as his shoulder exploded and his grip loosened on the pony. Pinkie Pie fell from the Insecticon’s hand and screamed as she was about to hit the ground.

But instead of meeting the cold snow, she met the cold metal.

Pinkie Pie held onto her savior and opened her eyes to be met with a familiar red symbol. Following the symbol was a familiar voice coming from the inside the metal.

“I gotcha, Pinkie Pie!”

The pastel earth pony smiled.

“Thanks, Silverbolt!!!”


Grappling himself a higher advantage, Jazz ran forward on the top of the train with his hands trying their hardest to block out the snow in his visor. The sounds of screaming came which alerted the Autobot.

Whipping out his scatter blaster, Jazz ran forward and looked off from the side of the train to see the Insecticon Sharpshot clinging to the side. His hand reached inside of the train where he pulled out a screaming pink pony.

“Die!” Sharpshot screeched.

“Pinkie Pie!” Jazz shouted over the winds, no one possibly heard him. Without thinking, he aimed and fired one shot at the Insecticon leader. He got a perfect hit on Sharpshot’s shoulder causing the insect to scream and release his grip on the pony.

“NOOOOO!!!” Jazz wailed in fear as Pinkie fell to the endless snow covered plains. But just as quickly as she fell, a jet zoomed right past Jazz and scooped up the terrified pony right before she hit the ground. Jazz sighed with relief, “Oh thank Primus!”

His safe moment was interrupted by a hard punch to the back of the head. Jazz landed chest first on the ceiling of the train, he looked up to see the fat bug sailing past him and coming back for another dive-bomb.

“If it’s a fight you want, it’s a fight you’re gonna get.” Jazz smiled as he stood back and glared at the bug going straight for him.


Jazz aimed quickly and shot several blasts from his shotgun that hit Hardshell’s wings perfectly. They crumbled up and disintegrated causing the bug to fall…straight for-

“Son of a-!” Jazz grunted as the fat bug landed on him square in the chest. The Autobot and Insecticon tumbled on top of the train for a few moments before Jazz gripped the nearest handle and Hardshell fell off and into the snow.

Jazz stood back up and leaned his head forward, hopefully trying to locate Hardshell. He didn’t have to look hard when the giant bug scurried at incredible speeds right past him on the other side of the train. Jazz quickly sprinted forward in hopes of not losing Hardshell’s trail.

“Oh no you don’t!” Jazz yelled before leaping off the train and firing his grappling hook at the Insecticon. The blue stream connected to Hardshell’s back, slowing down the insect. Jazz held on to his grappling hook for dear life as his feet hit the slippery snow.

He was sliding on it.

Jazz smiled and looked forward to see his grappling hook holding onto Hardshell’s back while he skidded right behind him. He laughed and skidded side to side.

“WOOOO HOOOO!!!! This is TOO much fun!!!!!” Jazz yelled triumphantly and did a backflip in mid-air before landing back on the slippery snow. He realized the fun would have to wait. Activating his scatter blaster, Jazz fired several shots at the Insecticon. Hardshell screeched in pain.

Hardshell moved side to side in hopes of shaking off the Autobot on his trail, but it was useless. Jazz kept firing his shotgun as much as he wanted at the helpless insect. Hardshell couldn’t keep up anymore and his little legs gave out under the snowy grounds.

Jazz released his grappling hook and jumped right over the Insecticon as it crashed in the snow. Quickly spinning around, Jazz fired one shot and grappled over to the top of the train yet again.

“One down…” Jazz told himself and turned his gaze towards the Insecticon leader, “two to go.”


“Pinkie Pie!!!” Rainbow screamed before her eyes began to water up. Rarity wailed into Applejack’s hooves and cried.

“She was so young!!!!” Rarity cried with her eyes drenched in tears.

Twilight felt her eyes burning despite the freezing temperatures entering the hole in the train. Her friend Pinkie Pie…was dead. After all those adventures they had together…all those laughs they held dear….were all for not.

Joining the rest of her friends, Twilight Sparkle shared a group hug while crying her eyes out over the loss of their dearest friend.

“STILL HERE!!!!!!!”

Everypony looked up with teary eyes where the gazes met the open wall of the train. There they saw an Autobot jet zoom downwards to get closer to the train. On top of the jet was none other than Pinkie Pie waving with her free hoof.

“She’s alive!” Applejack smiled while Rarity screamed in delight. Their fears were gone. Pinkie Pie was alive.

Their fears came back as soon as that dreaded red visor came into view.

Sharpshot glared hatefully at the five remaining ponies inside the wrecked train. Ignoring the blistering pain in his shoulder, Sharpshot pointed a long-barreled gun directly at them while shouting, “Not enough time! I’ll kill you all with one shot!”

“Everypony, duck!” Twilight screamed right before Sharpshot fired one shot from his Orbital Pistol at the group of ponies. They all ducked just in time for the blast to go straight through the other side of the train.

Kickback turned his head right for a quick second.


The bullet went right through the train, missing the ponies, and hitting Kickback right in the head. The Insecticon lost his footing and tumbled against the snow with body parts flinging everywhere.

“Scrap! Missed again!” Sharpshot screamed before pointing his weapon downwards at the shivering equines. But right before he could fire, a glowing blue stream hit him in the side of the head. Sharpshot suddenly felt himself being yanked free from his grip and brought to the top of the train.

Each mare lifted up their heads to the ceiling when a familiar voice came from above.

“You’re comin’ with me!”

Several sounds of gunfire and punching metal against metal came quickly. The ponies cringed when they heard the sounds of whimpering from the Insecticon.

“OW!!! Stop it!”

“I don’t think so!”

More fighting. Twilight couldn’t help but smile when Sharpshot cried out in pain.

“I give up! I give up! AHHHH!!!”

A loud crash followed with the screams of a certain bug. Everypony sat in silence, their bodies shivering and their eyes as wide as they can be. Twilight was the first to stand up as she slowly trotted over to the large opening on the side of the train. She stuck her head out and sighed with relief.

“We made it.” Twilight smiled as the light of the Crystal Empire reflected off her beautiful violet eyes. The snow was clearing as the train finally came to a screeching stop.

‘We’re so close…but…why do I feel so far away?’