• Published 6th Feb 2013
  • 3,303 Views, 161 Comments

Don't Take My Mommy! - dragonpony111

Derpy is forced to make a very tough choice to not lose her little muffin Dinky for good.

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Chapter 6: Together Forever!

Derpy woke up the next day, all alone and sad. For the past few years, Derpy was used to waking up to having to take care of Dinky. It had became such an integral part in her morning routine, which made waking up in an empty house quite difficult for Derpy. As she is getting up Derpy hurts her hoof by stepping on something, and looks down to see it is Dinky’s favorite toy. This makes Derpy suddenly remember where she needed to be this morning and she looks up at the clock to see there are only ten minutes until nine. Derpy was hungry and her mane was a mess but she didn’t care. Derpy rushes off to the courthouse clumsily flying as fast as she can. Derpy crashes through the front door with only seconds to spare and shouts:

“I’m h-here! Now wh-where is my Dinky?”

The judge who was an elderly earth stallion looks up from the papers on the desk he was reading and states:
“You are Miss Hooves I assume? In important matters such as this I would assume that anypony would avoid being late, which you almost were. Now don’t worry, we have Dinky in the next room and you will get to see her soon enough.”
“N-No! I wan’t my D-Dinky now! Give h-her to me!”

“Making demands won’t speed things up here Miss Hooves. Now please calm yourself as we start the hearing on whether Dinky can remain in your custody.

The judge then flips through the papers on his desk while Derpy notices that Rainbow Dash was already here sitting at one side of the room. At this point Derpy was still mad at Rainbow Dash but really didn’t have anyone else at the moment to talk to. Derpy walks over to sit down next to her and asks:

“Why Ra-Rainbow, why wo-would you do th-this to me, why d-did you give aw-away Dinky?”

“Derpy I need for you to understand it was only to help you and Dinky. I felt terrible for what I did but I know and I hope you know too that it had to be done. The FPS had good reasoning for what they had me do as even I wasn’t sure you wouldn’t run off with Dinky.”

“B-But Rainbow, if you j-just would have t-told me I would have un-understood. As m-much as I hate be-being away from D-Dinky for even an h-hour I would do anything to k-keep…”

"That’s enough chatter now Miss Hooves and Miss Dash. Please pay attention as I go over what will be happening before we bring Dinky in. Our goal here is to ensure Dinky’s wellbeing first and foremost, and then to not split up your family if at all possible. Since your agreement is now void as Miss Dash is going off to the Wonderbolt Academy, the court needs to make sure Dinky is raised in a safe and healthy environment. First the agents from the FPS will report their findings from their visits to your home; I’ll ask you some questions Miss Hooves, and then Dinky will be brought in for questioning as well before I give my verdict.”

Derpy more or less understood what was going to happen and was comforted when Rainbow Dash had held her hoof tightly. The stallion from FPS walks up to the stand and begins speaking:

“Your honor, from our numerous visits to the residence of Derpy Hooves we have witnessed a mentally impaired Pegasus make her best efforts into raising her filly on her own with assistance from Rainbow Dash. Dinky is healthy and so far is doing well enough in school. From what we have observed the filly and her mother have a strong bond between them, but Derpy still struggles with everyday tasks such as preparing a meal or cleaning the house. In summary due to Derpy’s mental impairment FPS recommends that main custody of the filly is transferred to the state allowing for visitation rights for Miss Hooves if she cooperates, but if she becomes a problem we would strip her of those rights.”

“Thank you sir. Now Miss Hooves would you please approach the stand as I have questions for you.”

“Y-Yes your honor.”

Derpy dreaded the seemingly long walk up to the stand and looked back at Rainbow Dash who had a hopeful look on her face which brought a tiny amount of hope to Derpy as well. Derpy stumbles a bit up the steps but eventually makes it to the stand.

“Now Miss Hooves, even though I probably know the answer but as a matter of formality do you love Dinky?”

“Yes I d-do with all of my h-heart, Dinky is my pr-pride and joy.”

“A simple yes or no will do for these questions Miss Hooves. Next question, do you provide the best care to your filly to the best of your ability?”


“Thank you. Moving on, are there times you feel like caring for Dinky has become too much for you?”

“No, never!”

“My last question is are you willing to do anything to ensure your filly grows up happy and healthy?”

Derpy goes silent as every fear she has ever had about losing Dinky hits her all at once like a train wreck; eventually though she musters up the courage to say:


“I thank you for your answers Miss Hooves, you may step down now as we bring in Dinky.”

Derpy returns to sitting next to Rainbow Dash and waits anxiously to see her Dinky again, even if it might be for the last time. The two ponies from FPS disappear into the back room and quickly return with Dinky right behind them. Upon seeing each other again both Dinky and Derpy rush together and hug tightly as Dinky says:

“I’m so glad to see you again mommy! I was so scared when Rainbow let those mean ponies take me away. I thought Rainbow was our friend why would she do that?”

“There th-there my little mu-muffin, mommy is here n-now. Rainbow did i-it to help u-us, you will un-understand someday.”

“You can catch up later but for now we must continue the hearing. Hi there my name is Justice. Would you be a good little filly and come sit up here with me so I can ask you some questions? Don’t worry they won’t be hard.”

As much as they both don’t want to separate again Derpy and Dinky let go of their hug and Dinky slowly walks up to the stand, taking extra time to climb the large steps.

“Now do you mind telling me your name?”

“My name is Dinky, Dinky Hooves I’m pretty sure.”

“Nice to meet you Dinky. Now in all of Equestria which pony are you the closest with?”

“Well it’s not fair to decide between my mommy and Rainbow, but my mommy for sure! Please, Please, Don't take my mommy away from me!”

“Very well then. Does your mother take good care of you Dinky?”

“Yes she does. Every day she makes sure I eat, go to school, brush my teeth, and that I take a bath.”

“Thank you Dinky, now for my last question do you think your mother and you will be fine without Rainbow Dash around?”

“It will be sad and more boring with Rainbow gone, but I’m sure my mommy and I will get along okay.”

“Thank you Dinky, you can go sit with your mother now, we are almost done here.”

Dinky runs back down and sits closely to Derpy while Derpy strokes her mane. The judge spends a few minutes writing and shuffling through papers and eventually says:

“Does FPS maintain its recommendation on what to do here?”

“Yes we do your honor.”

“Very well then, my only problem here Miss Hooves from returning Dinky to you are these hospital records showing your status as mentally impaired.”

Rainbow Dash, Derpy, and Dinky are all thinking of what the judge will say next and Derpy begins to silently cry a few tears. Intentionally dropping the hospital records on a burning candle on his desk the Judge says:

“Oh how clumsy of me, and those were the only copies too. You’re in luck Miss Hooves, as since I have no other evidence that points to you being an unfit mother, I hereby declare that you keep primary custody of your filly Dinky.”

The judge swings his gavel to make the order official but the earth stallion from FPS speaks up:

“Objection! Your honor, that’s a massive break in policy, how can you just…”

“Silence! I remember just a few weeks ago myself approving your transfer to field agent, I can just as easily send you back to working in the hospital with all of the crying foals if you prefer?”

“No! No! That’s fine your honor, objection withdrawn.”

“The hearing is over now, you are all free to go, and the best of luck to you Derpy and Dinky.”

After congratulating Derpy Rainbow Dash leaves the courthouse with her with Dinky jumping around for joy. Derpy is overcome with happiness and relief as she steps out into the morning sunlight knowing that her nightmare is finally over.

Author's Note:

As promised it is finally here and done. If enough people want me to I will do one more story as a sequel to this one.