• Published 6th Feb 2013
  • 3,303 Views, 161 Comments

Don't Take My Mommy! - dragonpony111

Derpy is forced to make a very tough choice to not lose her little muffin Dinky for good.

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Chapter 4: My Little Dinky: Memories Are Magic (part 2)

When they finally arrive at Derpy’s house the sun had started setting. Rainbow Dash helps Derpy out of the carriage and into her home, inside there was a pile of gifts with a card explaining they were all from Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack. Applejack had built Derpy a crib for Dinky, Rarity had made some lovely little filly dresses, Pinkie Pie had left a giant bag of freshly baked muffins, and Fluttershy left Derpy a pass for a free day at the spa. Derpy really appreciated the thoughtfulness of her friends and couldn’t wait to thank them all personally, but what she wanted the most right now was to get settled in with Dinky, who was still asleep. After opening the presents and enjoying a few of Pinkie’s muffins, Rainbow Dash gets Derpy settled into her bed. Having slept at the hospital Derpy isn’t tired so she passes the time reading this month’s issue of her favorite magazine, Muffin Monthly. At some point in time though Dinky wakes up and begins crying, Derpy cradles her in her arms and rocks Dinky back and forth, but the crying doesn’t stop. Rainbow Dash quickly enters the room and asks:

“What’s going on with Dinky?”

“I d-don’t know, she w-won’t stop cr-crying.”

“Well then maybe she needs to finally have her first meal, being born probably makes a filly hungry."

Rainbow Dash searches through the saddlebag and pulls out a bottle of filly formula; giving it to Derpy. Derpy then tilts the bottle and brings it close to Dinky’s mouth who instantly begins suckling the bottle. Dinky finishes the bottle fast enough to even impress Rainbow Dash, but then starts having hiccups. Rainbow Dash then tells Derpy:

“Now just put Dinky over your shoulder and pat her back a few times.”

Derpy does so and after a few moments Dinky lets out a little burp and her hiccups stops. Rainbow Dash then wanted to see if Dinky could crawl yet so she took her from Derpy, and then unwrapped Dinky from her blanket, placing her at the end of Derpy’s bed. Dinky looks around confused and lost for a moment before crawling back to Derpy. Dinky then raises her arms up to reach for Derpy and wanting to be picked up by her mother, with Derpy quickly doing so. Rainbow Dash then says:

“Well Derpy it seems you are all set for now, I’m going to my home to grab some things so I can spend a few nights here with you, I’ll be back shortly.”

Rainbow Dash then sets off to go home leaving Derpy alone with her Dinky. Derpy had been worried about providing for her filly, but it seemed for now all Dinky wanted was to just be with her, something Derpy wanted as well and had no problem doing. Derpy didn’t have any toys yet for Dinky to play with, so she shows Dinky pictures from the pages of Muffin Monthly. Dinky eyes light up as she sees all the photos of colorful muffins and seems to have a liking for them just like her mom. Rainbow Dash had kept her word and soon returned with a saddlebag full of items. Rainbow Dash then says:

“Hey Derpy it is probably best if we all go to sleep now, foal’s need their rest much more than we do. Let me go bring Dinky’s new crib in here so you two can sleep near each other.”

Rainbow Dash leaves and drags the crib into the room, placing it close to Derpy’s bed. Derpy hands Dinky to Rainbow Dash who wraps her back up in the blanket, and then gently sets her in the crib. Dinky doesn’t like this at all, and begins squirming and crying fiercely while kicking off the blanket. With a frightened look on her face Derpy asks Rainbow Dash:

“Wh-What’s wrong with D-Dinky now Rainbow?”

“Here Derpy let me give Dinky back to you; I think she just doesn't want to leave your side.”

“Oh th-there there my l-little Dinky, mommy is r-right here, you h-have nothing to worry ab-about.”

After being returned to Derpy’s arms Dinky settles down and Rainbow Dash ended up being right. Rainbow Dash starts feeling sleepy and says:

“Well Derpy I’m going to sleep now, we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow with Dinky, goodnight.”

Rainbow Dash leaves to go sleep on Derpy’s couch and Derpy also drifts off to sleep still cradling Dinky in her arms. The next day was a busy one for Rainbow Dash and Derpy, Dinky constantly cried any time Derpy wasn’t right there with her making it hard for Derpy to get any alone time. Derpy set Dinky down so she could go take a bubble bath and Dinky starts crying as she crawls to follow her. Dinky bumps into Rainbow Dash’s saddlebag knocking it over, and one of the things that spill out is Rainbow Dash’s Soarin action figure. Dinky is instantly taken by it and she picks it up with her mouth and begins to bite it with her gums; this stops her crying. Rainbow Dash notices that her favorite action figure given to her by her dad is getting ruined by Dinky so she tries to pry it out of her mouth, but Dinky holds on strong. Rainbow Dash waits for Dinky to get distracted by something and quickly snatches it away, which really sends Dinky into a fit. As much as it brings fond memories of the times spent with her dad as a filly, Rainbow Dash realizes that maybe it is time to pass it on, to create new memories. Rainbow Dash gives the toy back to dinky who starts contently biting it with her gums again. Rainbow Dash is glad that she at least found a way to keep Dinky relatively calm and happy while Derpy is away.

A few months later and Dinky is now able to walk some but still prefers crawling or being carried by Derpy, and especially loves going on Derpy’s mail route by riding in her mailbag. Rarity came over today and brought Sweetie Belle for a play date with Dinky. The two fillies seem to get along and play with the toys that Rarity brought. Rarity and Derpy enjoy some nice tea that Fluttershy had made them while their fillies play. Rarity tells Derpy:

“Oh Derpy your little Dinky is absolutely adorable, even cuter than Sweetie Belle, I can’t wait to have a foal of my own someday.”

“Why th-thank you Rarity, she r-really means the w-world to me.”

After an hour or so the fillies have tired themselves out and both fall asleep on the floor, huddled next to each other. Rarity then begins to leave and says:

“It was wonderful coming over Derpy, but I better get Sweetie Belle back home and in bed now, or else she gets cranky without a proper nap. Bye Derpy.”

Rarity scoops up Sweetie Belle and her toys into her saddlebag and leaves Derpy’s house. Derpy walks over to pick up Dinky who is tightly holding on to her Soarin action figure while sleeping and takes her back to her crib. When placing her in the crib Dinky wakes up for a moment to mutter her first words I love you mommy, before going back to sleep. This sends Derpy into a state of utter joy as she heard her little filly’s first words, and replies back saying:

“I l-love you too m-my little muffin, now sl-sleep tight.”

Derpy comes back to reality when she hears a timberwolf howling at the moon. Derpy wipes the tears off of the photo and places it back on her bedside table. She knows that tomorrow could be one of her last days with Dinky and wishes that it was a nightmare she could wake up from, and that Rainbow Dash wouldn’t be leaving. Derpy doesn’t want to think about it anymore so she goes to bed, hoping tomorrow might bring good news.

The next morning Derpy is woken up slightly earlier than normal by her daughter Dinky, who is bouncing up and down with joy as it is Hearts and Hooves day. Dinky says:

“Good morning mommy! Happy Hearts and Hooves day! I got you a present and made you a card, please open them now!”

Derpy looks down to see an envelope and a small box sitting on her bed and is heartbroken to see how happy Dinky is with possibly only one more day to see her. Derpy tells Dinky:

“Muffin pl-please go get ready f-for school, I’ll o-open them w-when you get h-home today.”

Author's Note:

Part 2 is now done, and there are 2 chapters left, one covering Hearts and Hooves day and one more covering the day after, where our story ends.