• Published 6th Feb 2013
  • 3,303 Views, 161 Comments

Don't Take My Mommy! - dragonpony111

Derpy is forced to make a very tough choice to not lose her little muffin Dinky for good.

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Chapter 5: Broken Hearts and Hooves Day

Dinky is slightly disappointed and walks out of the room. Derpy looks down again at the gifts; it gives her a heavy heart knowing these gifts might be the last memories of her precious Dinky. She sets them on her bedside table and walks to the kitchen to make Dinky her favorite breakfast, a toasted muffin with zap apple jam and chocolate milk. As usual Derpy burns the first muffin, tossing it outside while some birds fight over it. By the time Derpy finally has breakfast ready Dinky enters the kitchen sniffing the air and licking her lips. Dinky then says:

“Wow the food sure smells good mommy, I think you made my favorite muffin didn’t you?”

“I s-sure did Dinky, n-now sit down and e-eat your br-breakfast.”

“Ok mommy, it looks really yummy.”

Dinky dips the muffin in the zap apple jam and takes a big bite out of it, happily chewing as Derpy sits down with her food. Derpy wanted to make this day for Dinky the best she ever had, in case Dinky gets taken away from her, so that she would have the best memory possible of her mother. Derpy’s favorite moments in life were times like this, spent with Dinky. Derpy giggled slightly when Dinky smiled at her with chubby cheeks full of food. Too bad for Derpy this might be one of the last of Dinky’s smiles she will get to see. When Dinky finishes her muffin she then quickly chugs down the glass of chocolate milk, and tells Derpy:

“I’m all done with my breakfast mommy; can I go play until Rainbow Dash gets here?”

“Sure th-thing muffin, but o-only if you st-stay inside.”

Dinky nods in agreement and runs off to the living room to go play with her Soarin action figure. The toy itself had seen much better times; it was covered in Dinky’s bite marks from her teething days, and the paint had started to wear off after the countless hours Dinky spent playing with it. It was her only toy but it was very special to her, as Rainbow Dash eventually told Dinky how she got it and what it meant to her, and she hoped it would mean the same for Dinky, which it did. Rainbow Dash was the only other pony that Dinky loved as much as Derpy, and considered Rainbow Dash as her sister. Around twenty minutes later there is a knock at the door but Dinky is too pre occupied to notice, so Derpy answers it, and its Rainbow Dash again. She has a shameful look on her face that she is trying her best to hold back and says:

“Huh… Oh… Hi Derpy, I thought Dinky would answer the door like she always does, where is the kiddo anyways?”

“Oh sh-she’s in the living r-room playing with that ac-action figure again. Wh-What took you so l-long Rainbow?”

“Well I’m glad she is having as much fun with it as I did and uh… I… I had to bring Tank with me since Dinky will be watching him for me when I’m away.”

Hearing Rainbow Dash’s voice at the door finally gets Dinky’s attention. She drops her toy and runs up to hug Rainbow Dash while shouting:

“Hiya Dash! Happy Hearts and Hooves day! You got any special someponies?” Dinky says with a wink.

Rainbow Dash blushes a little but the awkward moment ends when Derpy interrupts and says:

“I n-need to get an early h-head start on my m-mail route, so I w-will see you p-ponies later then.”

“Bye mommy!” Dinky shouts as Derpy leaves with her mailbag while Rainbow Dash lets out a sigh of relief. Dinky attempts to go get her saddlebag but Rainbow Dash stops her saying she won’t need it today. As Dinky follows Rainbow Dash outside she sees a pet carrier and asks:

“Is that Tank Rainbow Dash? Can we let him out I want to see him?”

“Sure thing Dinky.” Rainbow Dash responds as she unlocks and opens the door.

“Hey I don’t see Tank it’s too dark in there and why isn’t he coming out?”

“Oh he is probably just shy of you Dinky; maybe you should go inside and bring him out.”

Rainbow Dash was both extremely nervous and ashamed of what she was about to do. As Dinky enters the pet carrier she says:

“Hey what gives? It’s empty in here!”

Rainbow Dash closes the door and locks it behind Dinky, who instantly gets scared and turns around while shouting:

“What’s going on Rainbow? Why did you lock me in here?”

“Calm down Dinky it’s going to be okay, you’ll understand everything soon enough.”

Dinky gets really upset and tries bucking the door open a few times, but after failing she starts crying loudly and pleads with Rainbow:

“Please! Please! Please! Let me out Rainbow, I’m scared inside here, why are you doing this to me?”

Rainbow Dash is too ashamed to respond but soon the sound of the two ponies walking closer are followed by a stallion’s voice:

“Thank you for your cooperation Miss Dash, hand Dinky over to us now and our business is done here; just remember to show up at the hearing tomorrow at nine am.”

Dinky calmed down some when she recognized the voice. It was one of the stallions from FPS that had visited Derpy’s home multiple times to make sure Dinky was being taken care of. Dinky tries to maintain her balance as she feels the pet carrier being lifted up, and the most hurtful look falls on her face as she becomes eye level with Rainbow Dash. Dinky doesn’t say anything to her, and just stares at her with a look that says “Why?” As Dinky can sense she is being carried away she calls out to Rainbow Dash one last time:

“Please Rainbow let me out! I’ll be a good pony I promise!” PLEEEEEAAASSEEE!!!! RAINBOWWWW!!!!! MOMMYYYY!!!!”

Rainbow Dash can’t bear to watch anymore and takes off into the sky with a broken heart for what she had just done. Rainbow Dash only agreed to do this for the FPS to help Derpy’s chances at the hearing, as FPS had Derpy listed as a flight risk who might run off with Dinky to avoid losing her. After Rainbow Dash leaves her sight Dinky starts calling out to her mother in vain until she just resorts to quietly crying. Soon after Dinky hears the sound of a door shutting and realizes she is in a moving carriage now. She pleads with the two ponies:

“Where are you taking me? I just want to see my mommy? Let me out of here I’m so scared.”

“There there little one, everything will be alright. We are just making sure nothing happens to you until tomorrow, as you and your mom have a very important day tomorrow.”

The comforting voice had come from the other pony, a unicorn mare who also worked with the FPS. The mare then says:

“I’m letting you out now Dinky, so that you can see we are not so scary after all.”

After opening the door Dinky quickly jumps out and lands on her lap. The mare then rubs the tears from Dinky’s face and tries to hold her but Dinky refuses and yells:

“Where’s my mommy! I want my mommy now!”

“Calm down now Dinky, you will get to see her again tomorrow, and then your life will be better.”

Dinky isn’t pleased with that answer and turns away. Dinky then notices that the window on the other side of the carriage is open and makes a break for it. As Dinky jumps into the air she is stopped by the unicorn’s magic who then floats Dinky back into the pet carrier and closes the door. The mare then says:

“Oh I wish you hadn’t tried that Dinky, now you’ll have to stay in there until we get to where we need to be.”

Later that day when Derpy finally finishes delivering all of the mail she returns home to find Rainbow Dash already there waiting for her. Derpy greets Rainbow Dash and says:

“Hello there R-Rainbow Dash, wh-where’s my little muffin D-Dinky at, isn’t sc-school finished?”

Rainbow Dash lets out a heavy sigh as she knows Derpy won’t like what she is about to hear and says:

“Listen Derpy, I have some upsetting news so pay attention. The ponies at FPS thought you would try to avoid your hearing tomorrow and run off with Dinky. So after you left today they had me hand Dinky over to them just for tonight, you’ll get to see her again tomorrow.”

Derpy is completely appalled by what Rainbow had done and for the first time yells at her best friend:

“G-Get out of my h-house Rainbow! N-Now! I don’t w-want to t-talk with you r-right now!”

Rainbow Dash slowly flies out of Derpy’s house but as she turns around to apologize Derpy slams the door in her face. Rainbow Dash thought about trying to say something else but decided it would be best to just wait until tomorrow and flies home. Derpy then starts frantically searching her house calling out to Dinky, hoping that Rainbow Dash was just pulling some kind of terrible prank. The closest thing she finds is Dinky’s Soarin toy that Dinky must have accidentally left behind. She makes a mess of the house in the process and comes across the painting Ponet had made of her. Derpy stomps it to ruin while cursing him for what he has done to her. Derpy then ends her fit of anger by crying herself to sleep on the floor while tightly clutching the toy, whispering mommy loves her little muffin.

Author's Note:

Only one chapter left to go. I know this chapter may shock some of you but I promise the ending is what everyone hopes for!!!