• Published 29th Jun 2013
  • 22,130 Views, 2,082 Comments

The Strongest There Is - Onomonopia

Banner (and Hulk) in Equestria. What else to say?

  • ...

Storm the City

Twilight's eyes opened as the sun rose over the horizon, and seeing how Celestia was still asleep, that implied that one of the ponies that had imprisoned them had raise the sun themselves. Luna was sitting beside Twilight, still watching over the night despite what today would bring for them. Luna noticed Twilight stirring and gave her a small smile, hoping to comfort her a bit.

"I'd say good morning, but that would be a lie," she said with a sigh, looking over at the others with sad eyes. "I was hoping that Nightmare Moon would have been gone for good, but it seems that my sins have come back to haunt me. I am truely sorrow Twilight, this is my fault."

"You had no idea this would happen. You can't blame yourself," Twilight said in return to comfort her, but her words felt hollow. They had heard in the night that a number of guards had tried to break them out of prison, but that they had been...dealt with. Discord had brought them food in the middle of the night, the only act of kindness that they had seen. The ponies' spirits had fallen as the night went on, figuring that 'this was it'. They had lost the Elements, lost Canterlot...lost Banner. Yet only Pinkie Pie had managed to remain strong, her only explanation being that friends never abandoned each other.

"Even if we do not make it out alive, I just wanted to thank you," Luna said with a small smile.

"For what?"

"For freeing me from my hatred and jealousy. I may not have been back long, or I may not be alive for much longer, but I enjoyed the time I spent with you." Twilight smiled at her just as the door to the dungeon opened and Nightmare Moon came in, a smile on her face.

"Rise and shine everypony, you have a big, if short, day ahead of you," she said with a sneer, waking the ponies up as she walked over to the cell door. "I also took the liberty of passing along a message that all ponies in Canterlot should come to the castle. I promised them a show, so please do try to resist a bit," she said with a chuckle as she opened the cell door and used her magic to chain the ponies up. Nightmare Moon led them all up the stairs where the other two members of her alliance were waiting. Discord looked at the ponies with a shake of his head while Chrysalis sneered at them with glee, finally getting her revenge. Nightmare Moon made the princesses march in the front, so that all of Canterlot could watch the princesses fall.

"Ready for the big 'reveal'?" Nightmare Moon asked as she threw open the main gates, using her magic to muzzle all of them as well. Despite heading towards her doom, Celestia held her head high as they stepped out into the streets. The ponies followed her example the best they could, but their fears were beginning to get to them. Fluttershy was silently crying while AJ was thinking about what her family would do without her. The ponies were eventually led to the courtyard, where hundreds of ponies had come to see what their leaders had to say. They all initially cheered when they saw the princesses, cheers that turned to screams when they saw Chrysalis, Discord and Nightmare Moon standing side by side with the princesses and the Elements in chains. Nightmare Moon walked past the chained heroes and to the front of the crowd, smiling at their terror.

"Hello, ponies," she said with a smirk, using the royal voice to project her will over the ponies. "I am here to tell you some great news. We are going to have some change in leadership for the first time in nearly a thousand years. Celestia and Luna have decided that they have grown too old to rule over the land and have decided to...retire." The crowd began to whisper and Moon could hear the fear running through their voices. She relished in their fear, letting it fuel her very soul.

"But have no fear. We are here to tell you that we will be taking the task of ruling Equestria," she said with venom, indicating herself and her cronies. "I'm sure you've all heard of them, but I will allow my colleagues to introduce themselves." Nightmare Moon backed up so Chrysalis could take the stage. She looked over the ponies, feeling their terror.

"I am Queen Chrysalis," she said with a smile, to which most ponies began to mutter to themselves in response. "Those of you who do not know who I am will be the first to die." The crowd gasped at this and the murmering got even louder. Chrysalis chuckled to herself and cleared her throat, silencing the crowd. "Sorry, I got a little ahead of myslef there. I wish to inform you that after we are done with our demonstration, that the ponies of Equestria will be entering a truce with the changelings. If you let us feed off of your love, we won't slaughter you all...for the most part." It was now Discord's turn, but instead of standing in front of all the ponies, he snapped his fingers and they suddenly were forced into seats that had appeared out of nowhere. He then floated above them and whipped out a script, looking over it as he fixed his glasses.

"Let's see...ah ha, here we are. I, your name here, am here to inform you that I am taking over your home and/or species to...do I really have to read this?" he asked Nightmare Moon, who growled at him in response. "Fine, fine. I will cause the skies to go red and there is no place that you will be safe from my wrath. The only way you can escape this fate is to give in completely and utterly. There, I'm done. Now let's continue." Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes, but the message had gotten across. The ponies in the crowd couldn't even blink, each of them were too afraid of what would happen if they did. Nightmare Moon retook the stage and cleared her throat.

"And I know what some of you are thinking," she said with a gleeful smile. "That your precious Elements of Harmony have some sort of plan to beat us, that they will win. Well, everypony, that's where we get to our demonstration. You see, for one day only, you will all get to see...the death of Harmony." The crowd gasped as Nightmare Moon turned and fired a bolt of black magic into Celestia's chest, forcing her to her knees as tears started to fall. Luna's eyes ignited and she tried to get to Nightmare, but Chrysalis blasted her as well. Nightmare strutted over to Celestia, bending over and removing her muzzle.

"Well then, Princess Celestia, do you have anything you want to say to your loyal subjects before we send you off to see mom and dad?" she asked with a mocking smile. Celestia gritted her teeth from the pain in her chest while she was forced to her hooves and shoved in front of the crowd. She looked over her beloved subjects with tears in her eyes, seeing how they all looked to her, praying that she had a plan of sorts.

"To all my little ponies," she began, her voice choking up as her emotions got the better of her. Chyrsalis blasted her in the back to motivate her. "I wish to tell you before I...to remain strong and believe in the Elements. Just because they defeated us this time does not mean that evil will win! It will not-!" She cried out in pain as Nightmare shot her in the back of the knee, making her collapse to the ground. Nightmare walked over and put a hoof on Celestia's head, smiling down at her.

"Oh you have no idea how long I've waited to do this," she said with malice, her horn glowing a deep purple as she began to flood her magic through it. The Elements of Harmony strained against their chains, but none of them were able to break free. "But before you go, I want to hurt you in the way you hurt me. Look out at all your so-called loyal subjects...and watch as I bend them to my will."

"Attention ponies! Before Celestia is to die, I think that we should send her off like a ruler. Everypony, on your knees." The ponies looked around at each other, none of them sure what to do. "Oh, for the love of...I said, ON YOUR KNEES!" she screamed as lightning cracked the skies. All the ponies screamed in terror and hurriedly sank to one knee. Celestia closed her eyes as Nightmare began to gloat.

"So this is how it ends for you, eh Tia?" she said with a sneer, moving her mouth closer to Celestia's ear. "Alone with all of your subjects now under my control. How does it feel? How does it feel to be the forsaken one, to watch as they all reject you and accept what they wish. Well, do not worry. You will not need to live with that feeling for..." Nightmare Moon stopped as she realized that in the far back of the crowd, one of the ponies was not kneeling. She stood up and walked to the front of the balcony, squinting her eyes.

"You in the back! Did you not hear me? I said, on your KNEES!" Much to her and the others' surprise, the cloaked figure in the back began to move forward, the ponies in front of him parting as he did so.

"It's always the same, no matter where I go," he said in a deep voice, slowly walking up to the three new rulers. "Somepony who thinks that they're so much stronger than everypony else decides to go and declare themselves ruler. But what do you know of true power? Those who are truly powerful use their power to protect the weak, not control them. Those who use power to control are the really weak ones. They are the monsters."

"A very interesting idea, but as you can see...we are the powerful ones here," Nightmare Moon responded. "Now take off your cloak or I will crush her skull."

"I have watched from a distance as those with false power choose to oppress the weak, always afraid of getting myself involved. But I made a promise to protect these ponies...a promise that a certain pink pony would chase me to the ends of the earth if I were to break." Celestia's eyes widened just as the pony went from all fours to standing on two legs, reaching what were thought to be hooves to its hooded head and pulling the hood back to reveal the face of one very angry Dr. Banner. Nightmare Moon and the other two villains stepped back in shock as the ponies in chains began to silently celebrate.

"But I know a thing or two about power. And I sure as hell know what it's like to be a monster," he said with a growl as he got closer to the three. They couldn't do anything, they were still far too stunned to even think of a response. "But despite being a monster myself, there are still those out there who wish to oppress others, like my friends over there in those chains. And the thought of my friends being chained up just makes me...so...very-"




"...angry..!" he finished in a cold whisper. The ponies in the courtyard screamed as Banner transformed from human form to the Hulk in barely any time at all. His cloak and the clothes underneath were shredded as his massive frame burst through them. Nightmare and her allies could only watch helplessly as the Hulk looked up at them with rage glowing green in his eyes.

"Puny ponies and ugly thing think they can hurt Hulk's friends?" he asked quietly, letting the icy rage course through him, giving him his great strength. Hulk rose up to his full height while he reared his head back and yelled loud enough for all of Equestria to hear his words. "HULK SMASH ALL WHO HURT HULK'S FRIENDS!" He then hurled himself through the balcony, shattering it into dust as the ponies began to fall. Hulk's first reaction was to try and grab those who had hurt his friends, but Discord snapped his fingers and they vanished, leaving only the others to get. Hulk grabbed them all in his massive arms as he landed at the base of the castle, quickly breaking the chains without effort.

"HULKY!" Pinkie cried out as she tackled the green giant with a massive bear hug that barely went around his neck. "I knew you would come to save us! IknewitIknewitI-"

"Thank you for coming when you did, Hulk," Celestia said with gratitude as Hulk set Pinkie down. "And if you can hear me, thank you too, Dr. Banner. I had all but given up. I was afriad that this would be remembered as the day that the Elements of Harmony fell."

"Hulk help Hulk's friends," he said with a green smile as he looked down at Pinkie, who beamed up at him with tears streaming down her face. Neither one of them noticed that the crack on Pinkie's Element had begun to glow and vanished in a burst of light. "Ponies help Hulk, even when Hulk no want help. So Hulk help ponies when they need Hulk's help."

"And the heavens know that we need your help," Twilight said with a frown, using her magic to bring up images of each of their foes. "Chrysalis is the Queen of the Changelings and has the ability to turn into anything, taking on the shape's strengths and weaknesses. Plus, her changelings can turn into her, so you never know if you're fighting the real one."

"Hulk smash bug lady," Hulk said as he cracked his knuckles.

"And this is Discord, the God of Chaos," Twilight said with a frown. "He's completely unpredictable and you can never guess what he's thinking...if he's even thinking at all. He can manipulate space and time, meaning he can do whatever he wants...maybe the most dangerous threat out there."

"Hulk smash god before. Ugly Discord lose like puny Loki," Hulk said with a grin.

"Um, right. The last one is-"

"Me," Luna said in a whisper. "It is my fault that Nightmare Moon exists in the first place. While it should not have happened, she has returned, and her powers are far beyond what they used to be. Her magic far surpasses mine and Celestia's combined. And now she has your blood running through her veins, making her-"

"Don't say it," Hulk growled, cutting her off. "No one stronger than Hulk."

"So here's the plan I thought of," Twilight continued. "Each of us will tackle them one at a time. With Hulk on our side, there's no way we can-"

"Ponies not be fighting. Only Hulk will fight. Ponies need to get other ponies to safe place," Hulk said.

"Are you crazy?! There's no way that you can...can..." Twilight's words died off as she looked above the Hulk. Hulk turned to see what looked like a sea of black bugs flying around the sky, with Chrysalis standing in the center of them. Hulk didn't even begin to try and count all of them, he simply knew that there were a lot. And all of them could hurt his friends.

"Come now, you foals. Are you ready to face the might of Chrysalis?" she asked them with her toothy smile while she stood on top of one of the turrets. Hulk turned towards the ponies and pointed to where all the others were panicking.

"Ponies go. Hulk stay and fight," Hulk told them. They wanted to argue, but it was Pinkie who stepped up for the Hulk.

"Come on everypony, let's get these ponies out of here," she told them with a smile. "We would only get in Hulk's way." The ponies weren't sure, but Pinkie ran past them and started yelling out to the ponies where they could go. The rest of the Elements all looked back at Hulk before running to help her, Luna being the only one to stop and stand beside him.

"Thank you Hulk, for showing me that not all monsters are bad."

Hulk scoffed at what she said and looked at her with a grin. "Hulk not monster and Hulk not hero. Hulk is who Hulk chooses to be." Luna blinked twice in surprise before a smile crossed her face.

"I'm just glad that today Hulk chose to keep us safe," she said before running off to join the others. Hulk turned and looked up at the swarm of changelings that were circling him in the sky. He sneered at them and planted his feet into the ground, glaring up at them.

"Puny bugs think they can fight Hulk? HULK SMASH ALL BUGS!" he roared as he jumped fist-first towards the swarm that came descending upon him. And as the dark creatures surrounded the Hulk, all of the ponies knew he was still fighting, for they could still hear his roar.