• Published 29th Jun 2013
  • 22,129 Views, 2,082 Comments

The Strongest There Is - Onomonopia

Banner (and Hulk) in Equestria. What else to say?

  • ...

Fall From Space

"My name is Doctor Bruce Banner."

"I leave this recording as my final words before I go off to fight another battle. The other day, Tony Stark, a.k.a "Iron Man," informed me that an alien invasion was coming to earth and that he wanted my help in stopping it. I tried to dissuade him, reminding him about all the incidents in the past with me and the Avengers, but he was determined. He gave twenty, TWENTY, reasons why I am necessary in stopping the threat. So now I prepare myself for what will most likely be another 'shoot me into space' trap. But he is right. There is an invasion coming, and I have to help."

"If you're watching this, then either 'A,' you broke into my computer and are watching this without my permission, or 'B,' I am no longer around and this is my last recording. If it happens to be the first one, I would recommend turning this off and walking away. Because people who invade my privacy make me angry. And since you obviously know who I am, you'll also know that you wouldn't like me when I'm angry."

"However, if you are watching this for the second reason and I'm finally free of my curse, then I need to ask a favor of you--three favors, actually. The first is to tell Betty Ross that I love her. If you don't know who she is, ask Tony or Steve. They know. The second is to wipe this terminal clean of all my research and notes on the Hulk. If the Government were to get their hands on this computer, it would be the end of the world. Finally, if you run into Tony, tell him that this is his fault."

"Banner out."


Far above the Earth, in the outer atmosphere, a massive battle raged between two powerful forces. On one side was a robotic assimilation army that’s only purpose was to assimilate all other life forms into theirs. They had a fleet of hundreds of warships, each of those ships one hundred times larger than the helicarrier. The other side was the Avengers, the champions of Earth. This current team fighting the space battle for the Avengers consisted of Thor, Iron Man, Captain America (in the Javelin ship), and Hulk.

"RRRRRAAAAHHHH!!" Hulk roared into his helmet and he started tearing into the hull. The robots responded with robot spider drones that crawled out of the hole and started to swarm the Hulk. Their red eyes glowed with rage as they started to use their legs to try and slash through Hulk's skin, but all that did was anger the Hulk. Hulk roared in rage and started to swat the spiders off of his body. On one of the other ships, Thor swung the mighty Mjolnir down upon the ship, blasting the invaders into space dust. The main warship opened fire on the 'god of thunder' with its massive cannon, forcing Thor to concentrate his powers on deflecting the blasts. Thor was holding his own, but Hulk was completely outnumbered.

"Tony, Hulk needs your help!" Captain America shouted into his headset, trying to avoid being shot down while attacking the warships.

"Hold on, big guy!" Iron Man yelled into the communicator and started firing repulsor blasts down upon the spiders. As Hulk shook off the last of the spiders, he roared in rage and brought both fists down upon the hull, sending out a shockwave that split the spaceship in two. The explosion that followed tossed the Hulk straight into the mother ship. He collided into the side of it and got up, even angrier than before. He watched as more of the spiders exited the ship and started to advance towards Hulk.

"Puny metal spiders think they can hurt Hulk?" Hulk said with a growl. "HULK SMASH PUNY SPIDERS!" Hulk slammed his fist into the hull and tore out a large chunk of it. He then proceeded to smash the spiders to space dust by slamming the hull piece into the spiders repeatedly. Once they were taken care of, Hulk tossed the piece of ship through space and right into another one of the smaller warships. Hulk watched with a grin as the ship exploded into a display of fireworks.

"Hulk, one of the cannons has me locked on! Can you fix that?" America's voice crackled in Hulks communicator. Hulk looked at the hundreds of cannons and roared. He slammed into the first cannon that tried to fire and turned it back upon the others. In a barrage of laser fire, the megaship's own cannon destroyed the rest of its own arsenal.

"Not what I had in mind, but it'll do," Captain America muttered to himself. Thor and Iron Man double-teamed one of the smaller ships and soon the ship was reduced to a bunch of explosions.

"These machines are far weaker than the Kree," Thor noted, tossing Mjolnir into another ship. The mighty hammer hit the engine room, resulting in another magnificent explosion.

"Or any other alien race we've had to battle so far. Jarvis, how many ships left?" Tony asked his A.I.

"Only the megaship, sir. But that one seems to have a case of gamma trouble."

Just as Jarvis had said, Hulk was tearing the ship apart piece by piece. This didn't sit too well with the invaders, so they sent out their secret weapon: Gyro, a special robot that could mimic any living beings in both strength and form. The robot left one of the air locks and landed on the ship, eyeing the Hulk. It downloaded his strength and power levels and began to change. Its torso and arms expanded, while its legs took on a more sleek muscle approach. It kept its head the same, with the robot lizard face with red eyes and a wicked jaw. It roared and rushed the Hulk. The Hulk saw the incoming foe and roared as well, charging straight at it. The two collided on the ship's damaged hull and the real fight began.

Gyro punched Hulk in the gut, almost doubling over the green giant. Hulk responded with a vicious backhand to the robot's lizard face, smacking it across the hull. Hulk went for a double arm smash, only to have his legs swept out from under him and he slammed through the deck. The robot jumped into the new hole in the hull and the two continued their fight inside.

"Puny robot thinks it stronger than Hulk? HULK IS STRONGEST THERE IS!" Hulk roared, catching the robot on his shoulder and driving it through the interior wall. Hulk continued to charge, smashing through wall after wall, until Gyro drove both feet into the deck and tossed Hulk over its head. Other robots ran for their artificial lives when the two behemoths collided in the recharging station. Gyro ripped a charging cable out of the wall and drove it into Hulk's face. Hulk roared in rage and grabbed the robot's arm and started to beat him repeatedly against the floor. Hulk then created a new hole in the ceiling with Gyro and tossed him back onto the hull.

"IMPOSSIBLE, SUBJECT'S POWER SURPASSING RECORDED LIMITS," Gyro analyzed as Hulk jumped out onto the hull. The two titans collided again while the rest of the Avengers watched.

"That robot doesn't stand a chance," Tony said with a smile. He was content with watching until Jarvis gave him a heads up.

"Sir, the megaship is going for a hyperspace jump. It seems that they are trying to retreat."

"What, but Hulk's still on there. Hulk listen, you've got to get off that ship now!" Tony yelled at Hulk through the communicators

"Puny robot attack Hulk. Hulk smash robot!" was Hulk's reply. Tony swore and engaged his boosters, heading for the mega ship. He was too late, as the ship engaged the hyperspace jump and promptly vanished in a blinding light. When the light died down, the Avengers looked at the spot where it had vanished.

"Hulk won't be happy about this," Tony groaned.


Contrary to what many experts on Earth said, Hyperspace is actually a beautiful place. While inside of it, one can see thousands of stars flying by, a tapestry of colors and galaxies flashing by, ready-made for an incredible 'photo op.' Yes, it would’ve been glorious for Hulk to see if he weren't so busy smashing a robot into scrap.

Hulk continued to pound away on the robot, which was doing its best to avoid destruction. Gyro went for a low blow and staggered the Hulk, which Gyro then followed up with a pressure point shot to the neck. His robot eyes widened when Hulk shrugged off the pressure point attack and turned to face the robot, rage gleaming in his eyes.

"Robot think it can hurt Hulk? HULK TEAR YOU OPEN LIKE A TIN CAN!" Gyro tried to avoid Hulk's grip, but quickly found himself trapped in a massive bear hug. Gyro repeatedly head-butted the Hulk to try and loosen his grip, but it was to no avail. So in one last desperation move, Gyro activated his thrusters, knocking the both of them off the ship and into the hyperspace field, destination unknown.


Nights in Equestria were some of the more spectacular things a pony could witness. The multitude of stars twinkle like hundreds of fairies in the sky, teasing all that saw them to come and play. The hues of the sky itself were the perfect mix of black and blue, creating a masterpiece of coloring. And then the moon herself gave light to the land, casting a pale light to help those lost in the dark to see. Yes, this masterpiece of Princess Luna's was a sight to behold. If a pony was lucky, they might be able to see a rare meteor flying across the sky. Tonight was one of those nights. A certain purple unicorn was up late reading about ten books. She happened to look out the window and her eyes widened in shock to find a giant green meteor heading for the forest. Her curiosity got the better of her and she headed out the door, into the night.



The entire forest came alive as the entire continent shook. The resulting explosion created a massive mile wide crater in the center of the forest, scaring away all the wildlife in the area. And if they weren't scared away by the meteor's impact, they were definitely gone when the two creatures inside the crater continued their match.

"GGGRRRRAAAAAAHHHHH!" Hulk roared, tossing his robot adversary through any trees left standing. Gyro rose back to his feet and was instantly knocked back down by a giant log. Hulk went for another swing, but Gyro let fire a blast of energy from his mouth that disintegrated the log. Hulk tossed away the burnt stump and slammed a green fist into the robot's stomach, knocking it through the forest. The damaged robot struggled back to its feet, only to be stomped back down by an angry, big green giant. Hulk pinned the robot down with his foot and began to press down, crushing the robot under his foot. Sparks began to fly from the robot's joints and his chest as the body began to compress.

"ERROR, ERROR. LIFEFORM IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THIS POWERFUL. ALL SENSORS INDICATE POWER SHOULD BE IDENTICAL TO MINE," Gyro analyzed as the Hulk applied more and more pressure. Hulk gave him a green smile in response.

"Stupid tin can. You don't know anything about Hulk. The angrier Hulk get," Hulk began, lifting his foot. "THE STRONGER HULK GET!" he roared, slamming his foot upon the robot one last time. The impact crushed the robot into oblivion and created another massive crater into the ground.

"GGGGGGRRRRAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" Hulk roared into the sky, shaking the very ground with his roar. "WHO STRONGER THAN HULK? NO ONE! HULK IS STRONGEST THERE IS!!!!" Hulk then let his arms fall to his side as the rage rush wore off.

"Hulk...tired," Hulk yawned before trudging into the forest. Hulk was too tired to take in the scenery that surrounded him, not noticing that the plant life was different than the plants on Earth, or that the moon was much closer to the planet than it should have been. While Hulk was alone in the forest, there was always a voice that bothered him wherever he went.

'Well that was a nice waste of time. Where did you wind up this time?' Hulk snarled and turned around to find a small human with light brown hair giving him a questioning look. Hulk knew him well, as he was the one person he hated above any other.

"Banner," Hulk growled, walking up to his other. Banner looked up at Hulk, who was a good four feet taller than him, and stared into the giant's eyes.

'We're no longer on Earth, Hulk. Even you should've realized that.'

"Shut up," Hulk growled, trying to grab Banner. Banner vanished and rematerialized behind Hulk.

'We've been over this Hulk. I'm in your subconscious right now, you can't hurt me.' Hulk turned around and continued walking, with Banner following right behind him.

"Why puny Banner follow Hulk? Leave Hulk alone." Banner let out a sigh and rolled his eyes.

'We've also been over this as well Hulk. I can't leave you alone. God knows how many times I’ve tried, but we're simply stuck together, even if neither of us like it.' Hulk yawned again and slowly began to shrink, getting smaller and less green. Hulk finally leaned against a tree and closed his eyes, completing his transformation back into Bruce Banner. Banner looked around slowly, wondering what sort of new world this was in which he had ended up. He looked down and realized that once again, his pants had been the only article of clothing to survive the transformation. He was too tired to care at the moment, so he closed his eyes and began to dream.

When Banner dreamed, he dreamed of home--his friends and the love of his life, Betty. This time, he was on a beach in a folding chair. He looked to his left and found the love of his life next to him. He smiled at her and raised his hand to touch her, but found that his hand was now massive and green. He looked up and saw that the beautiful day had turned into a thunderstorm. He looked back at Betty to find her lying dead and bloodied on the ground. He roared in rage and ran to the water’s edge and looked down to find that he was the Hulk. He screamed into the sky, venting his own rage.


Banner woke up, but didn't open his eyes. He was surprised that he had a dream like that; those kinds of nightmares had stopped a long time ago. What happened next surprised him even more. He felt something poke his foot. Odd, most wild animals could smell the gamma on him and usually left him alone. He opened his eyes and found a very interesting sight in front of him.

A purple horse was poking his foot.