• Published 29th Jun 2013
  • 22,129 Views, 2,082 Comments

The Strongest There Is - Onomonopia

Banner (and Hulk) in Equestria. What else to say?

  • ...

Minor Issues

"You killed her," Fluttershy said in cold whisper, staring murder into his eyes. "She didn't even know what she was doing and you killed her."

"Hulk smash anything that attack Hulk, even small pony," he growled back, glaring into her eyes. The normally timid pony glared back with her own fierce rage, causing the both of them to press their skulls against one another in an effort to intimidate the other. "Puny pony better leave Hulk alone. Or Hulk smash you."

"You better say you're sorry for what you did to Susie or I'LL smash you," she replied. Hulk blinked twice and looked at the pony with a dumbfounded look on his face. Then he began to laugh, a laugh so powerful that it shook the ground. Fluttershy looked at him in disbelief as he started to pound the ground, he was laughing so hard. "What's so funny?" she asked him coldly. He stopped laughing and turned back to her, the rage back in his eyes.

"Hulk find it funny that puny pony think that it can hurt Hulk," he said, slowly advancing towards her, opening and closing his fists. "Puny pony better leave...or Hulk smash pony." Fluttershy and Hulk both growled at each other, again pushing their foreheads against the other. Fluttershy was preparing to stare the rage right out of the Hulk, whereas Hulk was debating if he should throw her to the moon. Before either could move though, a pink blur got between them and pushed them apart.

"Okay you two, break it up," Pinkie said in a gruff voice, physically separating the pair.

"He still hasn't apologized," Fluttershy growled. Hulk snarled back at her while Pinkie grabbed Fluttershy by the shoulders and moved her a ways back from the Hulk. Once the two of them had been seperated, Pinkie glared into Fluttershy's eyes.

"Are you crazy?!" Pinkie asked her friend in disbelief. "Are you trying to get yourself crushed? You don't go picking a fight with a guy that can send you to the moon by stomping the ground!"

"But he killed Susie!" Fluttershy raged back.

"Uh, yeah. After Susie grew about a hundred times her normal size and tried to wipe us out," Pinkie explained. Fluttershy didn't care and tried to push past her, forcing Pinkie to tighten her grip. "Look, I know you're upset about what happened to your friend, but she wasn't the only one who was lost."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...in order to get the Hulk to save us, Banner sacrificed his control over the Hulk," Pinkie said sadly. When Fluttershy gave her a funny expression in reply, Pinkie sighed. "Banner was normally the dominant personality and the Hulk would only come out when he got angry. But he gave that up so that we'd be safe. Now the Hulk is in control and Banner is gone." Pinkie sighed in relief when she saw the rage vanish from Fluttershy's eyes, and instead they were filled with compassion.

"How do we get him out?" she asked in a worried tone.

"We can't," Pinkie said with a sad shake of her head. "If Hulk had just taken control, like how it's normally done, he would revert back to Banner whenever Hulk got tired. But since Banner gave Hulk control, only Hulk can decide when Banner can come back out."

"So what do we do?"

"We will not be doing anything," Pinkie replied with a smile. "YOU will be going back to Ponyville and continue to take care of your animal friends. I will be staying with the Hulk to make sure he doesn't get into trouble."

"But won't he hurt you?" Fluttershy asked in terror.

"Oh he'd love to," Pinkie said with an evil grin, looking back at the Hulk who was glaring at birds. "But as much as he wants to, he can't do anything about it since I'm...Pinkie." The explanation calmed Fluttershy down, so she headed home with one last glance at the Hulk. Pinkie sighed and wiped her forehead with her arm before walking over to Hulk with a smile.

"Hi there! How's my big, green friend?" she asked with a grin.

"Hulk not your friend! Hulk want no friends!" Hulk snarled in reply, standing up and walking off. Pinkie started to hop after him, humming a tune to herself. "Why pink pony no leave Hulk alone? Leave! Or Hulk smash you!"

"You already tried that," she sang in response, switching from humming to whistling, much to Hulk's annoyance. "So why don't you want any friends? Is it because you get mad at them? Or do they not like your sparkling personality?"

"All Hulk's friends try to hurt Hulk, try to make him weak," he growled, remembering everything that happened in his past as he marched on. "But Hulk was too strong for them! Hulk smashed so-called friends and tried to find a place he could be alone. But none of Hulk's friends wanted Hulk to be alone. So they returned with their gun and gods to try and smash Hulk! But Hulk is strongest! HULK SMASHED PUNY MEN AND PUNY GODS!" While all the animals in the area fled for their lives, Pinkie started to process what Hulk had told her. If he wasn't lying, the other people on his planet hunted the Hulk and constantly tried to kill him. Banner had told them that he fled from place to place to keep others safe. But what if he was also trying to protect the Hulk?

"Wow, sounds like you had terrible friends," Pinkie said. "...Hey, I know. I'll be your friend!"

"No. Hulk no want friends. Hulk want to be alone." Pinkie frowned in frustration. She didn't see the Hulk so much as a rage-filled monster, but more like a stubborn child. She ran around in front of Hulk and started to walk backwards.

"Come on, I'm a great friend!" she said convincingly. "Just ask Twilight. Wait, you don't like Twilight. Just ask Flut...right, don't like her either. Um...I'm sure there are plenty of other ponies that can tell you how great a friend I am." Hulk's very thin patience had reached its breaking point and he had had enough. He used his massive leg muscles to jump far off into the distance. He landed in an even thicker forest, a forest that felt unnatural to him, more so than Everfree. He stood up and began to walk, glad to be away from--

"Wow this place feels weird." Hulk sighed and looked behind him to find Pinkie looking around with awe. "This place feels a lot different from the Everfree I'm used to. Why do you think that is?"

"Puny pony not going to leave Hulk alone, is she?"

"Nope!" Hulk wanted to smash her, but he knew that it was pointless and that she'd just do...whatever it was that she did to survive. So he continued to walk while she yammered on about what she did in Ponyville and how many friends she had made. He was just about ready to let Banner back out so he could deal with her when he realized that she had stopped walking and talking. Her eyes were wide and she was staring at something off in the distance. Hulk lumbered over to find that she was staring at a massive cave--a cave that was as tall as one of the skyscrapers back home. How had he missed that?

"What in cave?" Hulk asked her. She immediately spun towards him and 'shushed' him.

"Be quiet," she whispered, looking at the cave with fear. "That cave might house an...Ursa Major." Hulk didn't bother asking what an Ursa Major was, he figured she'd tell him in a second. He did have a question for her though.

"Why puny pony afraid of Ursa Major and not of Hulk? Hulk stronger than Ursa Major."

"First: because there's no reason to be afraid of you," she said in a whisper. That confused Hulk. What did she mean by, 'there was no reason to be afraid' of him? "Second: no, you're not. Ursa Majors are the strongest thing in Equestria. They can destroy cities with ease." Hulk had been debating if he should go see what an Ursa Major was, but now he had to. If the pony thought it was stronger than Hulk, Hulk would have to prove her wrong. Hulk marched right past Pinkie and headed into the cave. She quietly 'yelled' at him to come back out, but he ignored her and kept walking. Going into the cave seemed to have the added bonus that Pinkie wasn't following him. That bonus was short-lived as Pinkie came racing up behind him, nervously looking around.

"We should not be in here," she said softly, scanning the cave and jumping at every noise. "If we run into an Ursa Major, we're so dead."

"Hulk not afraid of Ursa. Hulk smash it," Hulk growled, looking around for the Ursa.

"That's because you're too stupid to realize when you're outmatched," Pinkie hissed, her fear getting the better of her. Hulk snarled in reply, then came to a stop as he ran into a wall of blue. It wasn't fur, it looked more like stars and a galaxy. Hulk growled and kicked it once before Pinkie latched onto his head.

"Are you crazy? That's an Ursa Minor! You don't want to fight with it." Hulk reached up and pried her off of his face, tossing her aside. He then inhaled deeply and let loose a massive roar. Pinkie ran behind a rock as the giant wall of blue began to move, lifting a massive bear head that began to look around. Its eyes looked at Hulk and widened a bit. It rose to its full height and Hulk then realized why Pinkie was so afraid of it. It towered over him and looked like a massive bear with the galaxy drawn on it. But while the ponies may be afraid of it, Hulk knew no fear.

"Ponies say that puny bear is stronger than Hulk! Hulk smash-!" Even though Pinkie was terrified of the giant bear, she laughed out loud as the Ursa Minor began to bat Hulk back and forth between its paws. It hadn't seen him as a threat, but instead as a plaything. She was practically on the floor, she was laughing so hard as Hulk was knocked back and forth.

"Puny...bear...annoying...Hulk!" Hulk growled as he was used as a ball. He slammed his feet into the ground and brought himself to a stop. The bear smiled at him and swatted him with its right paw, sending the roaring Hulk off into the distance. The Ursa Minor sprang up and ran out of the cave after him, leaving Pinkie to guess where they were going.


"And you're certain that he threatened to crush you?" Twilight asked Diamond Tiara, who had come to her after her encounter with the Hulk. She nodded with tears in her eyes, smiling to her friends once Twilight looked away. "Alright, I'll talk to him and see what I can do." She sighed as the four foals walked off, missing Banner more and more. While the Hulk might have helped them when Susie went rampant, without something to fight he seemed to take out his aggression on others. She walked back over to her friends, who had been listening as well.

"Alright girls, we need to find the Hulk and talk to him," she told them.

"Are ya sure this is a good idea?" Applejack asked. "Ah mean, he doesn't seem like the kind of pony that likes to talk."

"Not to mention that he is an utter brute," Rarity said with a sigh.

"And he has a habit of smashing anything that looks at him funny," Rainbow Dash added.

"I know all that, but we need to at least get him to stay outside the town," Twilight said. "He's far too dangerous to keep inside Ponyville. He could take down a building if he swings his arm the wrong way. So we need to--"

"TWILIGHT!" All of the ponies screamed as Pinkie came screeching to a halt in front of them. "We have trouble. Big, BIG trouble!"

"Pinkie, calm down. What kind of trouble?" Twilight asked.

"It's Hulk. He kinda-"


Pinkie was cut off mid-sentence as Hulk came crashing to the ground. The impact made a massive crater in the center of town and the force of impact was so great that he bounced out of the crater and rolled a few times. He quickly got up, however, and glared off towards Everfree. The ponies were just about to ask what was going on when the ground began to shake. They all looked over to the forest as the Ursa Minor came bursting through the trees, looking around for Hulk. Hulk roared and lept into the air, slamming his fist into the side of the bear. His power sent the bear tumbling into the town, knocking over multiple buildings in the process. The Ursa got up with a whine and looked around, not noticing that Hulk had lept into the air over him and was coming down with both fists extended. He landed fist first into the bear's back and drove it into the ground. While he continued to pound on it, the ponies looked on in disbelief.

"Is Hulk fighting an Ursa Minor?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Is Hulk punching out an Ursa Minor?" Rarity asked with her jaw dropped.

"Was this what you tried to warn us about?" Twilight asked Pinkie, who could only nod dumbly in response. The Ursa Minor rolled over and swatted Hulk with its paw, sending him sailing through multiple buildings, coming to a stop right in front of the ponies. He looked up at Pinkie with a smirk.

"Puny pony said that bear was stronger than Hulk! Hulk will smash bear!" he yelled as he jumped back to his feet and charged back towards the bear. It had just gotten back to its feet when Hulk tackled it in the side, bringing them both down. He rolled it over and jumped onto its chest, throwing lefts and rights into its sternum. It tried to swat him off, but this time he blocked its paw and grabbed hold of its wrist, snapping it with a twist. The Ursa cried out in pain and rolled the Hulk off. Hulk landed with a smile as the bear limped back, realizing that Hulk was not a plaything.

"Puny bear thought it was stronger than Hulk," Hulk said with a smile, advancing towards the injured bear while cracking his knuckles. "HULK SHOW BEAR WHO THE STRONGEST IS!" Hulk launched himself into the air and came crashing onto its back with a massive elbow drop. The impact knocked the bear to the ground while Hulk landed beside it. Hulk then grabbed its hind leg and began to swing it, all of his muscles straining as he built up more and more speed. He then let go and watched as the bear flew across town and landed outside of Ponyville, whimpering to itself in pain. Hulk lept across town and landed next to the Ursa, preparing to finish it.

"Wait a minute!" came the urgent shout. Hulk growled and turned towards the five ponies that ran over to him. "Hulk, I know you like to fight, but you can't hurt it!" Twilight yelled at him.

"Why? Puny bear picked fight with Hulk! Hulk smash puny bear," he growled. He turned to go back to fighting the Ursa when the ground began to shake again.

"Oh no," Twilight whispered. All of the ponies and Hulk looked towards the forest as an Ursa that dwarfed the Ursa Minor emerged from the forest. It was at least four times bigger than the Ursa Minor and infinitely angrier. It looked down on the Hulk and its injured child with rage filling its eyes. Twilight and the others each looked to Hulk with fear.

"What?" he asked.

"You've done something that no sane pony would do," Pinkie said in terror. "You made the mom angry."