• Published 26th Dec 2012
  • 3,677 Views, 300 Comments

Thweet Geniuth - JMac

Twist has won the right to compete in the most illustrious candy making competition in Equestria. But her friend Quizzical Greystone has discovered something fishy happening behind the scenes. The sequel to "Quizzical."

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Thweet Geniuth

Chapter 7 Busted

It could have been worse.

Some of the fillies might have considered claiming they had just gone for a late night joy ride, but that possibility flew out the window as soon as the adults confiscated Dinky’s camera. They all agreed that some of the shots were beautiful, and that Dinky had a surprising sense of composition for one so young.

They also all agreed that trespassing at a Manehattan landmark called for something special.

They would deal with the girls quietly themselves. Nothing was stolen or vandalized, so contacting the law in Manehattan would just get the girls a slap on the pastern. The fillies' guardians could do that much themselves. So, it was decided to just keep their punishment “within the family.” None of the girls considered this a stroke of good luck.

Ponies tend not to believe in corporal punishment (though the fillies, who were all led home by their painfully twisted ears might have disputed this). Ponies are very firm believers in grounding, and the girls were grounded indefinitely.

The older ponies defined “indefinitely” as “until we think you’ve learned your lesson.” The fillies interpretation was “for as long as they feel like punishing us.” Either way, the girls would be on lockdown for a very long time. They could go nowhere unescorted. This wasn’t actually that much of a burden on the older ponies, as the number of places the girls could go was reduced to nearly zero. What to do with the girls besides locking them in their rooms became a problem, but this was easily solved. Cheerilee was happy to have the girls all attend summer school.

Scootaloo bragged about how the raid was all her own idea; but, despite Scootaloo’s strident protests, it was clear in everypony’s mind which filly really inspired the adventure, and who was really at fault. They thought Quiz was just too smart for her own good, and they didn’t like her giving the other fillies ideas. They did not like that at all.


“Class, I have to step out for a moment,” said Cheerilee. “Please continue working quietly, and no talking while I’m gone.”

“Psst, Quiz,” hissed Sweetie Belle, once Cheerilee was out of the room, “Quiz, are you okay?”

“Sweetie Belle, you will be punished for speaking during quiet time,” Quiz answered. “You will be doubly in trouble for speaking to me.

“Forget that, Quiz,” stated Apple Bloom. “You’re our friend, and they can’t make us cut you out.”

“Please, Quiz,” said Dinky, putting a hoof on Quiz’s shoulder. Since it was Dinky, Quiz did not flinch. “We haven’t spoken since we were caught, and we want to know how you are. How do you feel?”

“I will be fine,” said Quiz.

“That’s not an answer,” said Sweetie Belle, sharply. Sweetie Belle was certain that she could catch Quiz on the worst day of her life, and Quiz would still just say ‘I will be fine.’ “Just tell me, Quiz. Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me! How do you really feel?”

Quiz sighed. “Your elders have all concluded that I am a bad influence on you, and that it would be best if you did not associate with me. I will admit that this hurts my feelings.”

This was a startling confession for a pony as closed about her feelings as Quiz. She had to be absolutely heartbroken.

“Oh, Quiz, this is so unfair!” cried Sweetie Belle. “How can they blame you, you thought the raid was a bad idea. We had to talk you into it.”

Scootaloo would no doubt have something to add here, but she had begun snoring softly the moment Cheerilee left the room. Scootaloo still hadn’t caught up on her sleep since their all-nighter in Manehattan.

“And talk about unfair punishment,” said Dinky. “I know you’re too smart for the same assignments we get, but did Miss Cheerilee really have to make you tutor Snips and Snails?”

Quiz looked over at her two students. Their snores were drowning out Scootaloo’s. “They are not apt pupils, that is true. But I am learning to deal with them. Snails will actually remember my lessons, if I work pudding into the examples I give him. I have yet to discover the secret to reaching Snips.”

“Have you tried kicking him in the head?” suggested Apple Bloom.

“I do not believe that would work,” said Quiz. “At any rate, I do not find my punishment unfair. And I cannot blame the older ponies. If I were one of them, I do not believe I would trust the welfare of a loved one to me.”

“I hate it when you say things like that, Quiz,” said Sweetie Belle. “We’re better for having you around, not worse!”

“You’re just being silly, Quiz,” said Dinky. “There’s plenty of blame to go around, you could share some with us. You should stop thinking this is all your fault.”

“That’s true,” said the just roused Scootaloo. At least, that’s what it sounded like she said, through a huge yawn.

“They can’t separate us and they can’t make us abandon you, Quiz,” stated Apple Bloom. “That’s not going to happen. You’re our friend and we’re sticking with you.”

“That is… quite extraordinary,” stammered Quiz, clearly touched. “I must make…” Quiz trailed off, perhaps sensing that this was not the moment for notebooks. “Thank you, all of you.”

They heard Cheerilee approaching, so Sweetie Belle spoke swiftly, “We’ll talk again tonight.”



The only activity the fillies still were allowed was helping Twist prepare for the contest. This seemed fair, as Twist hadn’t done anything wrong. The fillies had done everything possible to keep Twist out of trouble.

A mock up of the challenger’s kitchen from Confectionery Coliseum had been set up in the barn Apple Bloom used as a workshop. Tonight was Twist’s first run through.

Twilight walked Quiz out to Sweet Apple Acres. They walked in silence; Quiz unwilling to speak, and Twilight unable to think of anything to say. At the barn door their way was blocked by a furious Bon Bon.

“I’m not happy with you, Quizzical Greystone!” spat Bon Bon. “All your scary talk about plots and such has Twist terribly upset!”

“Bon Bon, please,” began Twilight, stepping between the prickly mare and her assistant, “Quiz already feels very badly …”

“Well she should! She’s scared Twist half to death with her nonsense. This is the worst of all times for that, now, when Twist needs to concentrate on the contest.” Bon Bon looked past Twilight to glare at Quiz. “You shouldn’t be here. The only reason I’m allowing you anywhere near Twist is she asked for you specifically. That doesn’t mean I like it, and it doesn’t mean I won’t change my mind and have you banned. So you best behave yourself, Quizzical!”

With that, Bon Bon turned and entered the barn. She did not hold the door for Quiz and Twilight.

“I’m sorry, Quiz,” said Twilight. “You need to think about what you’ve done, but… you shouldn’t have to… no pony needs to… there’s no point in… Oh, Quiz, that was just mean! Are you alright?”

“I will be fine,” said Quiz.

They entered the barn, and Twist spotted them immediately.

“Quiz!” cried Twist, bounding over to them. She stopped herself just short of giving her shy friend a huge hug. “Quiz, I’ve mithed you. They’re practically keeping you guyths locked up.”

“Our punishment has been strict, but I cannot call it unfair,” said Quiz. “I have missed you as well, Twist. But I know that things I have said have gotten back to you, and I regret this. I wanted very badly not to worry you with my concerns.”

“Ith it true, Quiz?” asked Twist. “Did you overhear all those things?”

“No, Twist, it isn’t true,” stated Twilight. “Quiz heard something and filled in the details in her own head. She’s let her imagination run wild. This whole controversy is just made up. You have nothing to worry about.”

Quiz and Twist exchanged a look, but they kept quiet. “Anyway, Quiz, come and thee what Apple Bloom haths thet up for me!”

They had blown up Dinky’s photos of the kitchen to life sized posters and mounted them on apple crates. It was as close to the real thing as technically possible.

Bon Bon stood in the middle of the faux kitchen and spun around, her mood improved exponentially. “This is absolutely marvelous! I can’t approve of the lengths you girls went to for this, but the result is just amazing. Mind you, none of this would be necessary if those idiots at Food Equestria had just done their jobs and sent Twist her contestant’s package.”

“And the rampths let me get around without a thtep thtool, but you won’t trip over them,” said Twist.

“Yes, that’s important, if I’m going to assist you in the kitchen,” said Bon Bon.

“Yeah, I’ve been meaning to bring that up,” said Twist. “Apple Bloom, I’m allowed two athisthanths in the contest. Bon Bon will be one. Would you pleath be the other?”

“What? Me?!” exclaimed Apple Bloom. “Ah can’t make candy.”

“Iths not that different from making zap apple jam, or brewing potions with Zecora,” said Twist. “You jutht follow the directionths and stay exthtra picky about it.”

“Oh, well, ah guess I can do that,” said Apple Bloom. “Sure, sign me up.”

“Hrmmm!” Big Macintosh pointedly cleared his throat.

“That is, if I can get permission,” said Apple Bloom. “Please, Big Brother.”

“Might as well,” said Apple Jack. “We’re lettin’ ‘em go to the contest anyway.”

After a moment Big Mac nodded and said, “Eeyup.”

“Goody!” cried Twist, clapping her hooves. “I’ll put you down ath my thecond athisthant. That iths, if I ever get the paperwork…” She trailed off, sadly.

“I had hoped I could help with that, Twist,” said Quiz. “But I could find none of the forms you need in our library. I have asked the other assistants to look, perhaps they will succeed where I have failed.”

Twist was not encouraged. If Quiz couldn’t find something in a library, it wasn’t there.

Most of the older ponies left, with Bon Bon and Big Mac remaining to watch over the girls. Twist spent the next 10 minutes running about the mock up; juggling pots and pans over imaginary burners. In the end, she declared. “Well, it ithn’t much bigger than our kitchen. There’ths a counter in the middle that I’m going to keep bumping into, and the pantry is to the right not the left, that’ths going to get me all turned around. But I can get uthed to thith.”

“Good, because you have to practice here,” said Bon Bon. “You are not going to remodel our kitchen.”

Twist began to suggest ways the kitchen could be modified, all of which Bon Bon was against. Sweetie Belle took advantage of this to whisper, “We need to talk. I think we need a distraction.”

“Okay,” said Scootaloo, immediately thinking of the Crusader’s standard distraction method, “What would you like to get into a fight over?”

“You guys are hopeless,” said Dinky. “A fight won’t work and it’ll get us in more trouble.”

“Oh, yeah?” hissed Scootaloo. “So what’s your clever plan?”

Dinky sighed, “I’ll do this for you, but remember, I’ll only be naughty for a good cause.” She had skinned her knee earlier that day, and Dinky carefully peeled the bandage off. Then she ‘stumbled’ into one of the crates with a great crash.

“Owwww!” wailed Dinky, holding her leg.

Bon Bon and Big Mac immediately ran to Dinky’s side. “Honey, you have to be more careful,” said Bon Bon.

“It hurts, it really really hurts!” Dinky was actually crying.

“Let’s get you up to the house,” said Big Mac. He gently lifted Dinky onto his back. “Don’t cry. We’ll have you fixed up in no time.”

He and Bon Bon left, fussing over Dinky, and suddenly the fillies were alone.

“That girl is quickly becoming our secret weapon,” said Apple Bloom, quite in awe of Dinky. “Where does she get that, anyway?”

“Apparently, a friend of her Mom’s is very glib,” said Sweetie Belle.

“Quickly, everypony,” said Quiz. She summoned her magic black board and began writing. “These are the bullet points of our enemies plan. These areas are where we must protect Twist, and where we should fight back.”

“Then it’ths true, Quiz?” asked Twist. “You didn’t jutht make all thith up?”

“Sadly, it is true, Twist,” said Quiz. “I had hoped to keep this from you. But know this, we will do everything in our power to defend you.”

Apple Bloom peered at the magic blackboard. “Point one is ‘Make Twist Appear Unprepared.’ It seems like we’ve made a good start on that.”

“What we need is the missing contestant’s documents,” said Quiz. “I shall continue to work on that.”

“Point two is ‘Make Twist Appear Alone and Friendless.’ How are they going to do that?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“I wish I knew,” said Quiz.

“Maybe they are going to derail the train to Manehattan!” gasped Scootaloo.

“I believe their methods are not so drastic,” said Quiz. “Twist, as you are the only one of us not grounded, this is up to you. You must canvass your friends and get them to promise to attend the contest.”

“Thsure,” said Twist. “I’ll do that tomorrow.”

“Point three is ‘Make Twist Look Ridiculous On Camera.’” continued Quiz. “ Sweetie Belle, this should be your assignment. I believe you should coach Twist on her stage presence.”

“Me? Do you really think I can do that?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“Sweetie Belle, you have made progress with me,” said Quiz. “Twist should be comparatively easy.”

The adults returned with a smiling Dinky. Her ‘owie’ was cleaned and freshly bandaged, and she had been given an apple fritter to cheer her up. This ended the fillies' planning session.

They continued to run practice drills in the mock up until it was time to go home. Twist thought she could get around the kitchen with her eyes closed.


The next day was gloomy, so the tall mare in the overcoat and the broad brimmed hat did not stand out. Somepony really should have noticed her sunglasses, however.

No pony noticed the strange mare following Twist. No pony notice the mare making notes every time Twist stopped to speak to a pony. And no pony noticed the strange mare listening outside the school.

The fillies were chatting over lunch. It was the only time Cheerilee would let them speak freely among themselves. “Now, the first part of the contest Twist gets to make what she wants, and for the last part Twist has to build a sugar show piece. What was part two, again?” asked Scootaloo.

“Part two is the secret ingredient,” answered Sweetie Belle. “That should be no trouble. Flavors do what Twist wants them to do. Twist never met a flavor she couldn’t bend to her will.”

“There was one,” Scootaloo pointed out.

“Oh, don’t worry,” said Sweetie Belle. “The secret ingredient is always something weird or exotic. Vanilla is just too ordinary.”

“I hope you’re right. Vanilla is Twist’s secret weakness.”

“Vanilla,” muttered the strange mare. And she made a note.