• Published 26th Dec 2012
  • 3,678 Views, 300 Comments

Thweet Geniuth - JMac

Twist has won the right to compete in the most illustrious candy making competition in Equestria. But her friend Quizzical Greystone has discovered something fishy happening behind the scenes. The sequel to "Quizzical."

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Epilogue We Should Have A Long Talk

Thweet Geniuth

Epilogue - We Should Have A Long Talk

Twist’s victory spawned a raucous celebration that shook the walls of Confectionery Coliseum. The joyous party atmosphere was infectious enough to draw almost anypony into the fun.

Quiz, of course, got out of there as quickly as she could.

Quiz slipped out a side door. The party outside was even more boisterous than inside the Coliseum, but only at the front of the building where ponies could watch the Mighty Percher-Tron. Off to the side, where the view was not so good, it was quite peaceful.

Across the street a mare in a broad brimmed hat beckoned for Quiz to come over.

Merry Fairweather was sitting on the curb, next to an elderly mule in a tattered overcoat. She and the mule were passing something in a brown paper bag back and forth. When Quiz approached Merry stood and offered Quiz a hoof.

“Quizzcal Greystone, it’s nice to finally meet you face to face.”

“Miss Merry Fairweather.” Quiz tentatively took the offered hoof and shook it. “Please help me to understand something, Ma’am. Are you my arch-enemy?”

Merry laughed. “Yeah, I’m afraid so. At least I was. I hope you won’t think of me that way anymore.”

“That should not be difficult. I found it nearly impossible to imagine having an arch-enemy in the first place.”

“I can’t tell you how happy I am you beat me, Quiz. Being a failure as your enemy is the best thing that ever happened to me. Of course I should have expected it. All I had going for me was my wits and all the resources of one of the largest corporations in Equestria. You had magic on your side.”


“Or friendship. They’re the same thing, right? Fred, pass me the bottle. This is Fred, by the way. He’s my new friend.”

“Hello, Sir.”

“Pleased to meetcha,” said the mule.

“Miss Fairweather, you have been injured. You should have that seen to.”

“Yeah, I tripped. But I’ll be fine. It looks like you hurt yourself, too. Fred, hand me your handkerchief.” Merry cleaned a little dried blood from Quiz’s bangs.

“Yes, I dropped something,” said Quiz. “I will be fine.”

While they couldn’t see the Percher-Tron, they could hear it. They were running a replay of the Grand Chef’s freak out again. Merry had already lost track of how many times she’d heard it. “The Grand Chef will go in for 48 hour’s psychiatric observation, just as soon as he comes to. If they decide to let him out he goes straight to jail. If they decided not to let him out they’ll probably keep him for a long, long time. Either way, he’s ruined.” Merry took another swig from the bag and handed it back to Fred.

The clang of a frying pan rang from the Tron’s speakers. “I love that part,” laughed Merry. “Anyway, I had a word with Princess Luna. There are more than enough shares of Food Equestria available out there to take control of the company, and when the market opens tomorrow morning the Royal Treasury begins a big buy up. Even if he can weasel out of his legal problems, unlikely as that is, Blitzen Éclair is finished. But my friends will get to keep their jobs if they still want them.”

“What will happen to you?”

Merry shook her head. “Oh, I move on. I can’t stay here, not after what I’ve done. But I’ll find something. I hear Queen Chrysalis is looking for a PR hack, some pony who can spin it that the changelings aren’t evil, just misunderstood. I think that fits my skill set.”

“I suspect that would be a sad waste of talent.”

“Oh? Then forget it. I’ve already done quite enough of that.” Merry took the bag back and had a swig. “I hope when they rebuild the show Happy tries out to be the new chef.”

“Miss Happy?”

“Oh, yeah. She’s an amateur, but Happy is a real gourmet. And it’s fun to watch her galloping around a kitchen.” Merry look thoughtful for a moment. “There’s a catch phrase in there somewhere. Anyway, did you know that Happy has family in Ponyville? Very distant, but her fourth cousin sixteen times removed sends her killer cupcake recipes sometimes.”

Fred took a drink and passed Merry the bag. “You know, Fred, this is the weakest hard cider I have ever had.”

“Hard cider?” exclaimed Fred. “That cider ain’t hard. Hard cider isn’t good for you, Missy.”

“Oh. Well, in that case it’s pretty good.” Merry took a sip, then wiped off the top of the bottle, and offered it to Quiz. “Care to join me, Miss Greystone?”

“I… yes, I do believe I would like to share a drink with you, Miss Fairweather.” Quiz took a sip, and passed the bag to Fred. “That is quite good.”

“Do you have any idea what you have done, Quiz?”

“I merely helped a friend.”

Merry laughed. “You are the most extraordinary pony I have even met, Quiz. And you are completely unaware of how extraordinary you are.”

Quiz had no comment.

“I would love to chat with you a while longer,” said Merry, looking across the street. “But I see a purple unicorn over there, and I think she’s looking for you.”

“Miss Twilight? Good bye, Miss Fairweather, Mr. Fred.” Quiz dashed off without waiting for a response.

When Quiz was gone Merry turned to her new companion. “Fred, tell me again about this brother-in-law of yours.”

“That worthless jerk? He cheated me, stole my company, and then poisoned my wife’s thoughts about me until she took the kids and left me!”

“Hmmmm,” mused Merry. “You know, if you had the right pony on your side, somepony ruthless, somepony willing to do anything to get things done, you could ruin him and get your life back. We should talk.”


“Miss Twilight!”

Quiz ran to Twilight, and when she reached her she leapt up and hugged her around the neck, and Twilight hugged Quiz back.

“I am so sorry!” they both said at once.

“What do you have to be sorry about?” they both asked at once.

“Me first,” insisted Twilight. “I’m sorry that I did not take the word of the most careful observer in all of Equestria. From now on, no matter what it is, even if you say you’ve seen little green ponies from outer space, I swear I will believe you. Now what are you sorry about?”

“I… am sure there must be something.”

“Never mind, Quiz.” Quiz no longer hugged her, but Twilight still held Quiz tightly by the shoulders. Twilight didn’t want to let Quiz go, and Quiz did no try to get away. “I wish I had gotten here sooner. But there was arcane interference in the ionosphere. It took me eight jumps to teleport here from Canterlot.”

“It is a shame your conference was a sham, Miss Twilight.”

“Oh, that turned out alright. When I went to the public communications office to ask about a conference they were very interested in talking to me. There’s a real conference soon, and they were still trying to recruit a keynote speaker. I think they were a little embarrassed that none of them thought of me. I get to give my speech in a couple of months! Oh, that means I only have two months to prepare!”

“Your speech is already outstanding, Miss Twilight. In two months it will be magnificent.”

“It will give me time to practice with your magic blackboard spell. I think I’ve almost worked out my contrast problems so the words are more legible.”

“If you insist, Miss Twilight.” Quiz sighed. “May I suggest that you not use a sparkly background?”

“What? No, tell me some other time. Right now I could really use a mug of hot cocoa. Want to join me?”

“Will our friends worry about where we have gotten to, Miss Twilight?”

“Actually, it was sort of Princess Luna’s idea. When I asked her where I could find you, she sent me out here. She also said, ‘I do not think I have ever known two ponies who cared so much about each other and yet misunderstood each other so badly. You should have a long talk.’”

“I seem to recall getting similar advice, Miss Twilight.”

“Okay, then. I have heard of a place near here that serves an amazing cocoa. And while we enjoy our cocoa we could have that long talk.”

“I would like that very much.”


Author's Note:

Thank you for reading.

Comments ( 79 )

1963502 "And The Winner Is..." is also the title of chapter 2 (in which a winner is announced).

I just adore Quiz. She's a great character. I hope we can read more of her adventures in the future.

Fine ending to a great story.

Hooray! Will there be more Quiz or exploration of Sweeties music magic in the future?

Ah, the perfect topping to the perfect story. Sweet to the end.

1964467 Yes, there will be more from Quiz, and yes Sweetie Belle will spell-sing (badly).

Um...that doesn't necessarily mean I'm going to try to vaporize Quiz again.

Very entertaining to the end. Looking forward to reading whatever you write next.

Hey, I did NOT give you permission to end the story! :raritydespair:
This is treason! TREASON! :flutterrage:
Also, FiMfiction update fail. :rainbowhuh:

It was a magnificent story, just like last time, but also like last time, the ending feels so very...abrupt. It almost doesn't feel like a full chapter. The scene with Twilight and Quiz in particular feels very abridged. I was looking forward to that long talk that was alluded to repeatedly in the story.

Well, they say practice makes perfect, so I guess you just are gonna have to write MANY new stories. MANY. STORIES. :ajsmug:

I couldnt find the link... So just imagine the family guy bit where peter walks out of a building and yells

"why are we not funding this!"

Great story, i will consider it a boon for mankind, and pony kind too.

If i had the timebi would geek out about it forever, but im on a bus with a smart phone, and my stop is coming up.

:twistnerd: can't wait for more quiz stories.

Fimfiction, one of the only places on the internet where "Cool Story, Bro" is a compliment. :rainbowkiss:

On an unrelated note: Moar Fred! :flutterrage:

1970837 More....Fred? You want more stories about Fred? Not, um, another character?

It was a joke about his seemingly random and short appearance.

Moar Quiz too! And Indy! :rainbowkiss:

1991206 It wasn't meant to be subliminal, but maybe it is. You are only the second reader to mention the joke.

amazin, just finished marathon reading this and i must say i feel all fuzzy inside

Thank you for writing. Far too few stories that have the feel good qualities of this one.

This was entirely enjoyable and nothing about it was wrong in any way.... I just hated the horror movie type cliche "They won't believe you, despite telling the truth" This doesn't take away the enjoyment, I just didn't like the way that the horrible chef treated Twist. I am not that big of a fan of Twist, but I don't flat out hate her. I screamed for the eventual discovery of everyone realizing that Quiz was telling the truth. Despite this though it was really quite good.


We figure at this point "moar quiz" is implied and redundant.

Were you perhaps inspired to write this story because of the TV show "Sweet Genius"? That's cool if you were but the guy who hosts it is totally creepy...:twilightoops: foodnetworkhumor.com/wp-content/uploads//sweet-genius-2.jpg

The name is a play on Twist's lisp, and Sweet Genius is the only Food Channel show that begins and ends with a sibilant. Actually, The Grand Chef's Challenge is much more like "Challenge" than Sweet Genius. Also, The Grand Chef is nothing like Chef Ron Ben Israel. He began as a parody, but the more I wrote the less like any real person he became.

You're replying to a comment from twenty-six weeks ago just to insult my intelligence. It's quite rude.

You, like the person who had first responded to me, have managed to miss my point entirely. By the end of the first story, the fillies knew about what happened, but the adults didn't. It's been a long while since I've read either story, so I'm poorly equipped to have an argument with you right now, but if I'm remembering correctly, the following happened: at some point in this story, all of the adults suddenly seem to know that something happened, and also who all was involved and where. It's never explained how they came to know all of that. Furthermore, they don't actually seem to know what happened (how could they?), yet all of them act as though what's happened is the worst, most dangerous thing a pony can do.

My comment wasn't about my not knowing what had happened. It was about why all of the characters suddenly did. In the future, please read folks' comments a bit more closely before you shove your condescension down their throats.

This was a good sequel to your first Quizzical story. However, I don't feel you did Quiz proper justice with this one. There are quite a few grammar errors in every single chapter, and I feel as if the whole 'punish the fillies for playing with dangerous magic' thing was quite overdone.


While I understand that, one this story is very long and it would take me quite a lot of time to reread through and to put down all the errors in the comments. Two, I posted a comment about errors quite a long time ago and never got a response so it's safe to say that the author either doesn't care or doesn't come on very often.

"I hear Queen Chrysalis is looking for a PR hack, some pony who can spin it that the changelings aren’t evil, just misunderstood. I think that fits my skill set."
Pffff. Cynical much? :rainbowlaugh:

Aaand Happy has some Pie in her genes. Not surprised in the least :pinkiehappy:

"You know, if you had the right pony on your side, somepony ruthless, somepony willing to do anything to get things done, you could ruin him and get your life back."
Tsk. Not much of a step up there, Merry.

And lol @ the magic conference thing. Merry, you're a visionary!

A wonderful end to a wonderful story. Thank you for writing, and I'll probably check out the rest :twilightsmile:

And extra thanks to Georg for pointing me this way :rainbowwild:

> a Chef must bear its’ weight
No reason for that ’ behind "its".
> But theth will help
Shouldn't that be "thith" (this)?
> There’s a real conference soon
I generally don't correct spoken language, but this should technically be "there's [going to be] a real conference soon" or "there [will be] a real conference soon"
> Right now I could really use a mug of hot coco. Want to join me?
I know this is a nitpick but... there are three spaces between these sentences :twilightblush:
> Ok, then.
Either "Okay" or "OK", but not "Ok". That just isn't a word.

Well to be fair, you never told the author exactly what was wrong back then, either.
I've made it a habit of noting down all errors I encounter while I read, and posting them in the comments. So, yeah... that's done, I guess :3

Just finished these first two tales, and I'd like to say I'm loving them. I giggle, or outright laugh, at least twice a chapter. You've managed to create a fascinating character, and I still want to see more.

While the grammar (and characterization of the mane six) could use some polish, these things don't distract me from the central tale. Learning to make friends is hard, and you capture the struggle well. The best part, to me, is that I'm never entirely sure if she'd really that socially dense or if she's winding ponies up.

One last point: This story had one of the best opening lines I've ever read.

Can't wait to read book three!

This is great stuff. I especially love Luna throughout this whole sequence, but man, everypony (except Lightning "Lightning" Lightning) is pretty awesome. :heart: :twistnerd:

… why is there no Luna smiley? :facehoof:

Let me say it was a great read.
That long chat wrapping it up nicely.
Character development, story, and pacing was spot on.
Grammar only had a few bumps left.
It's a 5/5 production.
PP-SPA loves it.

No what are you sorry about?


OK, Twilight, that was a decent enough apology, assuming that promise was genuine.

I look forward to a future story where Quiz has to warn Twilight about little green ponies from outer space.

“What? No, tell me some other time. Right now I could really use a mug of hot coco. Want to join me?”

“Ok, then. I have heard of a place near here that serves an amazing coco. And while we enjoy our coco we could have that long talk.”

"cocoa" has an 'a' at the end.

3775008 I counter with Coco Moo :trollestia:

("Cocoa" is the plant/substance. "Coco" is often used to refer to "chocolate milk")

What a twitht!:twistnerd:

3923602 I think you'll find you are passed the worst, and things trend upward for our heroes from here. I understand your outrage at how Quiz and company were treated through the middle chapters (you aren't the only reader who felt that) and won't write a length defense here. I can assure you of this - you are getting to the good part.

3923712 If you don't want me to give you the feels then you might not want to try Adventures In Cake Sitting after you finish here.

Ray is a ponyfied real person, Rachael is the daughter of a friend who found out I like ponies (I have one on my tip mug at my restaurant) and left me one as a tip.

As you have no doubt noticed by now, I tend to write very negative reviews. Even when the story is, structurally, perfect, I will latch on to something the characters have done that I dislike, so as to complain about it.
I can't think of anything to criticise, here.
Well, that's a lie - I can always think of things to criticise. But I can't justify actually doing so here, as they are all entirely subjective criticisms, and as such, not actually failings on your part.
I'll admit, what happened to Merry spoiled my schadenfreude high just a little bit, and we never actually did get to see the rest of the guardians _beg for the forgiveness they are unwor-_
We never got to see them apologise, which I may have been looking forward to a bit too much.
But again, that's not really something I can _fault_ you for.
So well done.

3923942 Thank you. I understand the the due apologies occurring outside the story may be unsatisfying, but I felt I'd come to the end of the story and so I stopped writing. Whether I did an at all adequate job of Quiz loosing the good will of her friend's guardians (very open to debate, I'll grant) I know I can never get away with that happening again. In future stories Rarity and Apple Jack are among Quiz's biggest supporters.

Again, thanks for reading.

I really should have commented on the first story in the Quizzverse, but I'll go ahead and do so here.

You have come up with an absolutely amazing OC in Quizzical Greystone, and I look forward to reading about thew rest of her adventures with her and her friends! :twilightsmile:

Thank you for writing.

 “Hmmmm,” mused Merry.  “You know, if you had the right pony on your side, somepony ruthless, somepony willing to do anything to get things done, you could ruin him and get your life back.  We should talk.”

and so Exuestria gains the first member of it's own Leverage team. (I apologise if you don't get the reference)

4166420 Not get the referrence? Please! The Leverage writers used to work in references to Dr. Who (Nate had false passports for Sylvester McCoy and Tom Baker) - those writers got me.

For more Merry here.

4166531 Wow, that makes you the first person to have any idea what I'm talking about when I bring up the show.

I have not laughed that hard (or squeed in delight that much) in a LONG time. I very much enjoyed the first Quiz story, but this one was AMAZING! It is easily one of my favorite pony stories ever!

I want to say that out of 1100 readers, its a crime that only 160 bothered to vote. This deserves so much more recognition.

4921951 It's not a vote, it's whether or not it is good enough for a like, bad enough for a dislike, or somewhere in the middle. You're right though, this needs more recognition.

Another amazing story... Time reading this was well spent.
Have five twists, a fav and a follow

This was a magnificent story, a tale of friendship overcoming adversity to rival the show. Had me tearing up in joy and laughing out loud in equal measure. Wish I could fav it more than once.

“Do your parents and guardians know how you behave?!” shouted Princess Luna. “Because We shall be telling on you! We are telling!”


One of the best lines I ever saw in a story.

I'm happy I read this, and I really do enjoy your writing. Also, Quiz and the CMC getting into trouble. :rainbowlaugh:

5368457 I was going to say "Not while they're still fillies!" but then I realized I did mention tentacles, and if you have the wrong mindset you might see that as just as bad!

Having faith in someone is not just believing that they will get something done, is also about believing in them even when what they say may seem a little crazy.

If you have faith in them, then you know that they would never make something important up.

On to the next one!
Its something about the cakes I think...

5428830 Um... if that's a deal breaker for you then you might want to skip ahead to chapter 12.

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