• Published 26th Dec 2012
  • 3,678 Views, 300 Comments

Thweet Geniuth - JMac

Twist has won the right to compete in the most illustrious candy making competition in Equestria. But her friend Quizzical Greystone has discovered something fishy happening behind the scenes. The sequel to "Quizzical."

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"And The Winner Is..."

Thweet Geniuth

Chapter 2 – “And The Winner is…”

“These are beautiful!” exclaimed Scootaloo. “They can’t possibly be Twist’s.”

The placard in front of the candies read simply, '#32, Chocolate Mints. Allergy Warning – Secret Spice Ingredients.' This bland prose seemed out of place next to the stunningly colorful sweets. The dark chocolates were covered with rainbow spirals, perfectly piped on.

“I’m telling you, Girls, these are Twist’s candies,” insisted Pinkie Pie. “I’m a pony who knows her sweets, except for nonpareils, I don’t know what’s up with them. Anyway, these chocolate mints as based on an old recipe of Bon Bon’s grandmother’s. I remember it well, Mrs. Petit Four would never ever give away what her secret spice was - I figured out that it was cardamom, but Petit Four still wouldn’t admit it, even though I was clearly right, Bon Bon herself insists that it was allspice, but that’s just crazy - now, Twist has changed things up a bit. she’s added just a drop of something hot, probably chili, to make the chocolate flavor pop, which is a very bold move that really impresses me, especially for such a young candy maker. And, might I add, it totally works. These are prize worthy candies for sure. And they are absotively, possilutely, not only merely but really most sincerely the candies we are looking for!”

Quiz levitated one of the chocolates and held it close to her face, regarding it carefully. “Piping. Piping was one of the techniques Twist said she was practicing. Also, the colors are reminiscent of Twist’s hard candies. I believe Miss Pinkie is correct.”

“Of course I am, silly,” giggled Pinkie. “I just said so.”

“They’re so pretty,” said Dinky. “It seems like a shame to eat them.”

“Oh, you’ll get over that once you take a bite,” said Apple Bloom, “Delicious!”

“Dis ith du bes ting effer!” said Scootaloo, through a mouth full, showing complete disregard for the signs posted everywhere asking ‘Please Take Only One Of Each Sample.’ After swallowing, she went on, “I don’t care who made them, these get a 10 out of 10.”

“Scootaloo is correct,” said Quiz. “We must judge the candies fairly, despite our bias in favor of Twist. We can only hope that Miss Pinkie is correct.”

“Well, fill out your voting cards and move on to the next tray of samples, Girls,” said Pinkie. “You can’t just stand here and eat the whole tray. I’ve discovered that they frown on that.”


The fillies sampled candy until they couldn’t sample candy any more. It was actually a relief when the whistle blew announcing the end of judging. It would have otherwise been difficult to quit. All of the candies were marvelous. But nothing was better than sample #32.

While the votes were being collated the crowd moved on to the Fair’s amphitheater, where the winners would be announced. The other fillies wanted to take this time to make one last pass through the booths on Arcade Alley, but Quiz wanted some quiet time to collect her thoughts and sort her observations about this day.

She found Twilight Sparkle holding seats for them near the front. Twilight, along with Bon Bon, was one of the older ponies chaperoning the girls to the Fair (Pinkie Pie was also there, but while Pinkie was capable of being a responsible adult if the need called for it, she could do that, or she could attend the Fair, she couldn’t actually do both, so she didn’t count as a chaperone). Quiz took the seat next to Twilight.

“Miss Twilight, have you enjoyed your day at the Fair?” asked Quiz.

“I have,” answered Twilight. “I thought I would catch up with you at the Natural History exhibit, but you weren’t there.”

“We did not tarry there long. While it was very nice, my friends wished to hurry on to other things,” said Quiz. She magically summoned her notebook and quill, and with a pop they were there, hovering in front of Quiz’s nose. The quill began racing across the pages. “My friends declared this a ‘Notebooks Free Day.’ I have many observations to get down.”

Twilight was barely able to suppress a laugh. If the fillies hadn’t taken it upon themselves to keep Quizzical from constantly scribbling in her notebook, Twilight would have issued a ban on notebooks herself. “Sometimes, Quiz, it is best just to enjoy the day, and not to analyze it.”

“Really? I shall make a note of that. Oh dear… is that one of those things I should just know, rather than having to be told?”

“Yes, Quiz.”

“I have been compiling a list of such things,” said Quiz, sadly. “It is becoming quite lengthy.”

“Don’t worry about that, Quiz,” said Twilight. “You are learning, and you are growing. That is all that is expected of you.”

“Hmm,” mused Quiz, “I shall make a note of that.”

Again, Twilight found it difficult not to laugh at her young assistant. “So, did you enjoy your day, Quiz?”

“Oh, yes, very much, Miss Twilight. It has been quite extraordinary. I enjoyed very nearly everything I did today.”

“’Very nearly’…? Oh, Quiz, did the girls get you on the Tail Twister?”

“Yes, Miss Twilight,” admitted Quiz. “If we do not speak of it, that would be appreciated.”

Pinkie Pie trotted in, and plopped down on the seat next to Quiz. “Woo, I’m exhausted! But I sampled everything! That’s eight years in a row I haven’t missed a thing at the Fair. And it was all just scrumdillyiscious! All except sample #78. If you can tell anything about a chef’s personality from their work, then I’m pretty sure #78 is a complete meany pants. But other than that, this was the best contest ever!”

The amphitheater was swiftly filling, and eventually Quiz’s friends came and found their seats. They were just in time. Chef Smarty Brickoven, the master of ceremonies, took the stage and introduced Princess Luna.


Princess Luna stood on the stage, and wondered what she was doing there.

‘You need to participate more in Equestria’s public events, Luna.’ Celestia had said.

‘It will be good for our citizens to see more of you, Luna. And it will be good for you to meet more of them.’ Celestia had said.

‘It will be fun, Lulu.’ Celestia had said.

What have you gotten me into, Tia?, thought Luna.

Well, Celestia had been right about most of it. The Fair had been fun. And crowds of ponies followed her everywhere she wandered. Luna was surprised how easy it was to talk to them, and even more surprised to discover that she enjoyed chatting with her citizens. Luna wanted very badly for the ponies that she ruled to like her – it was wonderful to discover that they did.

Luna particularly enjoyed the gaming booths on Arcade Alley. She’d won a plush ursa tossing rings. She then gave the toy away to a little filly who had been watching her with wide eyed fascination, and the child’s joyous reaction had been delightful to behold. The ring toss booth attendant was moved to award Luna a second toy. The bears were doubled? Luna couldn’t contain herself, and cried, “Huzzah!” and the cry was echoed by the crowd.

Now Luna had to present the awards at the All-Equestria Candy Making Contest, and that was not so much fun.

Meeting the candy makers had been nice – Luna had made a point of speaking to each of them, though she hadn’t been able to sample all their wares, there were simply too many. Luna would be returning to Canterlot with two hampers filled with sweets (one of which she intended to hide from Celestia). The chefs were mostly very pleasant ponies, with the exception of #78, the representative from Seaddle. Luna thought he was a mean spirited, self-important, know it all, and he didn’t make very good candy. But everypony else was very pleasant.

Luna took a deep breath and began. “Fillies and gentlecolts, good evening and welcome fair-goers of Manehattan.”

There, you have your first line out of the way, thought Luna. That wasn’t so hard. Now you just have to continue to speak clearly and read from the cue cards.

Luna proceeded. “We begin with the ‘Honorable Mention.’ The award goes to Miss Toffee Sweetheart-Baker, representing Trottingham.”

The audience applauded, and the Princess offered the winner her personal congratulations as attendants brought Miss Toffee her prize ribbon.

That went well, thought Luna. Now I just have to carry on through… oh dear… TEN more prizes!


Twist, sitting to the right of the stage with the other contestants, was miserable. It had been a very long day. She hadn’t seen any of the Fair, Twist had spent the whole day stuck in the kitchens in the Culinary Center basement. Ponies at the Fair were notorious for disregarding the 'please take only one of each sample' instructions; so you had to be working constantly churning out candy or your sample tray would go empty. An empty tray meant missed votes; visitors would not rate or comment on your work, and it’s always sad when you don’t get rated or commented upon.

Then Princess Luna announced the Honorable Mention winner and Twist’s name wasn’t called. Twist’s heart sank. No pony from Ponyville had ever done better than Honorable Mention at the Manehattan Fair. Bon Bon had done it, and so had her grandmother, Mrs. Petit Four. Twist had believed she could do it as well, but she had failed.

Twist sat and applauded politely as each prize was announced, hardly listening. She just wanted it to all be over so she could be with her friends.


The only ponies who hadn’t welcomed Princess Luna at the Fair were on the production staff for the contest. They were formally polite, but they could not be said to be welcoming. And it wasn’t even personal. It seemed that somepony behind the scenes really didn’t want Luna there, and this was making life miserable for everypony.

Luna could overhear them speaking behind her back (they all grossly underestimated her senses, really a silly mistake when dealing with one of the royal alicorns of Equestria). The term 'upstaging' was used frequently. Somepony had quipped, 'She’s stole his thunder,' and apparently this was very amusing. Luna did not get the joke.

Now, they wish me to do what now? thought Luna, peering at the cue cards, which had become quite cryptic. She called to the audience, “And now, fillies and gentlecolts, where does lightning strike?”

Luna stopped herself just before reading the next bit aloud, which was a stage direction, 'Wait for audience response.'

Luna did not know what was going on, but the audience did. Everypony in the house roared, “Anywhere it wants to!"

Ah, that would be the audience response, thought Luna. She went on, “When does lightning strike?"

Again the audience roared back at her, “When you least expect it!”

Oh, I know what this is, thought Luna. It is called 'call and respond.' It is part of 'showmanship.' They might have explained that to me. Fine. I must 'bring it home' now. “And what happens when lightning strikes?”

“You are thunder struck!” roared the crowd.

And I assume that is the thunder I’m supposed to have stolen, thought Luna. I still do not think that’s very funny.

“Fillies and gentlecolts, here to present the grand prizes, put your hooves together for Grand Chef Blitzen ‘Lightning’ Éclair!”

And the crowd went wild.

He was a burly, bright red pegasus, with golden blond mane and tail. His chef’s coat was perfectly pressed and stunningly white, and his hat was impossibly tall. His cutie mark was a crossed whisk and spatula, each with lightning bolts for handles. The Grand Chef strode to center stage with great purpose. He had the aura of a pony who owned the entire amphitheater.

As far as the crowd was concerned, the Grand Chef did.

The crowd chanted, “Lightning, Lightning, Lightning…!”

Luna gracefully retired to the back of the stage, surrendering the microphone and the spot light to the Grand Chef.

Grand Chef Éclair took the mike and signaled for the crowd to quiet down (but not very forcefully, he was happy to let them carry one a while longer). Eventually, he had enough of the crowd’s adoration, and he spoke. “Thank you, thank you all.” Everypony quieted down to listen.
“As you know, tonight we crown to this year’s most accomplished candy maker, from among all the finest candy makers in all Equestria,” said Grand Chef Éclair. “That is not the same as being greatest candy maker in all Equestria ever. That would be me.”

The crowd laughed. Princess Luna did not. She didn’t find the Grand Chef’s bragging amusing.

“Most years I would be here to present two prizes; the Fair Favorite and the Grand Champion. But tonight these prizes go to the same pony, and the voting is nearly unanimous. They are the choice of all of the judges, and 85% of the popular vote. Representing Ponyville, our winner is Twist!”


Moonrise Ray was having the best day ever. First, she got to meet Princess Luna, who was her favorite princess. The Princess even gave her a toy ursa, which Ray would cherish forever. Now, the candy competition had been won by Twist. She was an earth pony filly just like Ray, only a little bit older. It inspired Ray, it made her feel as if any pony could do anything.

“Mom?” asked Ray. “Could you buy me a book on candy making?”


It took forever for it to register with Twist that her name had been called. Even then Twist couldn’t move, it was only with the encouragement of the contestants sitting near her that Twist was able to come forward to receive her prize.

She had won it all? She had won it all!!

But when Twist reached center stage Grand Chef Éclair seemed to be ignoring her. The Grand Chef looked forward, and was puzzled to not be seeing anypony. Then he looked down, and found Twist.

“Er… excuse me young filly, is Twist… your mother?” he asked.

“No, Grand Chef,” answered Twist. “It’th me. I’m Twist.”

“I see,” said Grand Chef Éclair. “Excuse me a moment.”

And he stalked off the stage, leaving the puzzled Twist standing awkwardly alone at center stage.