• Published 19th May 2024
  • 471 Views, 9 Comments

G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! Legend of the Phantosaur - ponydog127

During the Summer Solstice Festival in Maretime Bay with the dragons attending, the Mane 6 reunite with Mystery Incorporated to solve the mystery of a ghostly dinosaur, called the Phantosaur, who is haunting the town of La Serena.

  • ...

Clues at the Dig/Shaggy's Biker Beatdown

“This way, guys!” Sunny led her group through the clouds on their way into the heart of La Serena. “We should be getting close to the restaurant right about now!”

Shaggy and Scooby cheered wildly upon Silhouette’s back as she soared behind Sunny, never having such a fun dragon ride until now.

In a way... they could get used to doing something like this.

Just... not on an everyday basis.

Eventually, the group descended onto the street and walked into the restaurant, finding a table and settling themselves for a few minutes before they got themselves something you eat.

Queen Silhouette had gotten a small plate of chicken while Sunny decided to start out with a light salad before moving onto something else. Shaggy and Scooby, however, took more of a... filling approach.

And by that, Shaggy and Scooby piled as much food onto their plates as they could to make a huge sandwich, and Shaggy would have taken the first bite if Faith, the owner of the restaurant, looked over and saw them. “Whoa, guys, didn't you read the sign?” she asked, gesturing to the sign nearby. “Don’t take more than you can eat.

“We read it,” Shaggy spoke. “What’s the problem?”

“Well, you can't possibly eat all…” Faith blinked in surprise to see that Shaggy and Scooby had devoured all the food on their plates in a matter of seconds. “Never mind.”

“Believe me, when you’ve known Shag and Scooby for as long as I have,” said Sunny with a light chuckle, “nothing surprises you about them anymore.”

“Speaking of which,” said Shaggy, looking at the Great Dane across from him, “you want seconds, Scoob?”

And you can probably guess what Scooby's answer to what question was. “You bet!”

With that, Shaggy and Scooby set off toward the buffet again, where Faith sighed and began to speak to herself. “So do I file for bankruptcy now or...?”

“Wait,” Silhouette stopped her from speaking, her keen dragon hearing picking up a sound. “Do you both hear that?”

The sound that the three girls were hearing were the sound of motorcycle engines revving, and a whole horde of them stopped outside before a rough-and-tumble group of riders came into the restaurant. “Give me eats!” one of them shouted, causing the three girls to look worried.

What in the world was gonna go wrong in this scenario?


Back at the dig, the others had been looking around for any clues when Pipp suddenly stopped at something that made her eyes go wide. “Uh… you guys…?” she asked, pointing to something on the ground with her booted hoof. “What does this look like to you?”

“Well, based on my animal knowledge,” Hitch inspected the markings Pipp had found, “I’d say they look like dinosaur tracks and… snake tracks? Really BIG snake tracks?”

“Could this have something to do with the snakes Mr. Hubley mentioned?” Velma wondered. “Maybe,” Daphne said in thought. “I think it's time we check out those mine tunnels.”

Pipp sighed under her breath as everyone looked toward the tunnels in question. “Great… we get to go into a dark cave infested with snakes.”

“I know you hate the thoughts of it, Pipp, but we have to try,” Misty spoke sincerely. “If we don’t, the entire dig could be in trouble!”

“All right, all right… you ponies sure know how to make your point,” Pipp muttered. “But if a snake lays eggs in my mane, you’re all sharing the cost to get them out.”


Back at the diner, Shaggy and Scooby, along with Sunny and Queen Silhouette, continued to eat while the bikers continued to be noisy and throw food at each other, causing several other customers to fearfully leave.

Sunny began to get worried about the bikers’ behavior, and turned to Faith with a frown on her face. “Those guys aren’t going to get out of control, are they?”

“Don’t worry,” Faith assured with an edge of nervousness to her voice. “I think they'll be okay as long as no one does anything to aggravate them.”

“All right…” Silhouette said as she nodded in understanding. “So… what exactly would aggravate them to a point where things would get violent?”

Shaggy took a huge bite of his sandwich, unaware that he had squirted one of the bikers with the sauces he had put on there, causing the bikers to suddenly get angry and turn to them. “Well…” Sunny gulped. “There’s that, for instance.”

The bikers began to angrily approach, and Silhouette bared her teeth and snarled, her wings unfolded. “Halt! As queen of the Sky Furies, I command you to turn around and leave my friends alone!”

“Back off, lizard breath!” one of the bikers said before getting out a chain of some sort and thrusting it at the queen, nearly hitting her a few times before she was knocked aside, causing Sunny to gasp and run to her. “Are you okay?”

“A little shaken, but otherwise, fine,” Silhouette responded. “But, I’m more worried about our friends than myself right now.”

“Here's the plan,” Shaggy then whispered to Scooby. “On the count of three, you invent a time machine. One, two…”

But before Shaggy could finish, he found himself being grabbed by the shirt and hung in the air by one of the bikers in charge, causing Sunny to wince. “And… there goes the bladder.”

Scooby moaned and put a paw to his face… how in the world could this get any worse?


Misty and Izzy led their group forward with their horns glowing brightly, just as Daphne was voicing a theory of her own as the entire group walked through the mine tunnels. “So maybe giant snakes are coming up from the cavern,” she said, “and clustering together into the shape of a dinosaur!”

“Huh?” blinked Zipp and Hitch out of confusion. “I know it sounds weird... but is it any weirder than a ghost dinosaur?” Daphne asked. “Well, I've learned more than anypony that things aren't always what they seem,” Pipp said. “Especially when I've been reading my Spooky Stables books. We'll just have to wait and see, and see if we can find any other clues.”

“I think I heard something from in there,” Velma gestured to a nearby tunnel to the left of the group. “Let's check it out.”

But as they prepared to walk into the tunnel, Winsor leapt out from the darkness, startling them. “Stop! Do not move!”

“...hi, Winsor,” Velma said with a romantic smile. “Hello, Velma,” Winsor spoke with the same sincerity, holding her hands. Misty, Izzy and Pipp cooed at this while Zipp and Hitch looked at Fred and Daphne for a moment.

Fred cleared his throat to get their attention, but it didn't work.

So he tried for a second time, but it didn't work then either.

Finally, Fred tried for a third and final time, this time being louder than the others. But instead of the reaction he was expecting, Velma tossed him some candies, still focused on Winsor as Fred sighed in frustration. “Cough drops.”

“Winsor,” Zipp spoke up afterwards, “were you going to say something?”

“Uh, yes. Uh, you have really pretty nostrils,” Winsor told Velma, causing Pipp to gag at this one romantic line. “To all of us?” Daphne raised his eyebrow. “You said, 'stop', remember? Sounded kind of important?”

This is what caused Winsor to shake his head to clear his thoughts. “What? Oh. Oh, yes, yes, yes. Sorry. Stop, don't go in there, because it's full of snakes.”

Misty shuddered at the sound of this. “I'd say that's important.”

“Yep,” Fred nodded stiffly. “It's fine in the upper levels. The, uh, snakes don't come up this high,” Winsor said, keeping his eyes on Velma, who nodded. “Snakes stay low.”

“But in the lower caverns,” Winsor continued, “it's very dangerous. So we never go down there.”

Velma nodded, still entranced with the college student in front of her. “Stay out here.”

The others (except Izzy, who stills looked at the couple in awe) looked at each other in some form of concern, just before Winsor took Velma by the hand. “Can I show you some more parts of the dig we don't go into?”

“I like your nostrils too,” Velma told Winsor just as they ran off. But before the others could follow, Daphne pointed down at the ground leading in and out of the tunnel. “They never go down there, huh?”

“Daphne’s right,” Zipp said, inspecting the footprints going in and out of the tunnel. “Most of these tracks are fresh, like... within the hour, fresh. Something definitely seems up with this... but I'm not sure what.”

“You guys coming?” Winsor called to the others, and seeing no other choice, the others followed after the lovesick couple to make sure things went smoothly between the two.


Back at the diner, Sunny and Silhouette guided the rest of the customers to safety as the bikers began to pick on Shaggy, all while Scooby hid behind a table with Faith.

Besides, everyone knew that wasn't much the others could do except try and figure out the right time to step in.

The bikers holding Shaggy seemed to tighten his grip after a moment. “Little buddy... this is gonna be bad.

Right as he finished, Shaggy's eyes swirled hypnotically, and then, his terrified expression turned into a dark frown. “This can go two ways, punk,” Shaggy stared at the biker. “One, you walk away. Two, I walk on your face.”

The biker looked at Shaggy, confused and a little taken aback. there was a haunting silence, until the bikers began to laugh. None of them were intimidated by Shaggy's threat... in fact, they found it hilarious.

Scooby covered his eyes, anticipating the worst while Sunny and Silhouette winced and cringed at the way this was going. “Your choice,” Shaggy grinned as the bikers finished laughing. In the blink of an eye, Shaggy planted his foot against the biker's gut and made a complete flip, freeing himself from the biker's strong grasp. Instinctually swung at Shaggy with a right hook. Shaggy sidestepped and held the biker's left arm against his back. two more bikers ran into the fray. "Say hi to your friends, punk."

In an instant, Shaggy sent the first biker into the second one, causing the second biker to crumple to the floor. Then, he slammed the larger biker into the third one.

Another biker swung at Shaggy with a crowbar. But, Shaggy threw the first biker into him, sending both to the ground. More bikers joined in. Shaggy got down onto his hands and knees and tripped one of them.

Meanwhile, Scooby, Faith, Sunny and Silhouette hid behind one of the toppled tables for cover, wide eyed in amazement.

Shaggy backed up, letting two bikers collide with each other. He then noticed another biker behind him wielding a bicycle chain. The biker whipped the chain, but Shaggy avoided it by rolling over a table, and the bicycle chain wrapped itself the biker's feet, completely immobilizing him.


While this is all happening, another biker was heading toward the diner, unaware of what was going on.


Scooby, Faith, Sunny and the dragon queen watched as one biker was sent flying across the diner and another one pulled out a pocket knife. Seeing this, Shaggy shielded himself with one of the tables and violently tilted it down, causing the other side to deck the biker in the chin. His spiked helmet punctured a ceiling fan blade and all he could do was swing about, unintentionally striking his comrades with his dangling feet.

Another biker swung at Shaggy with a bat. This time, Shaggy tripped him, sending him flying into a shelf that had a trophy on it, and the trophy began to teeter. Faith noticed and gasp before she carefully made her way over to it to keep it from falling, while Shaggy was taking down the rest of the biker gang. “What are you doing?!” Silhouette whispered. “Trying to get yourself killed?!”

“I can't risk that trophy breaking,” the waitress answered. Shaggy threw one of the bikers through a wooden lattice panel, getting stuck in a barrel. But judt before Faith could reach the trophy, a biker grabbed it and charged at Shaggy. Shaggy grabbed a food tray and slammed into the biker, knocking the wind out of him.

Shaggy quickly grabbed the trophy and struck another biker with it before he wordlessly handed it over to the waitress, whilst putting another biker in a headlock. The waitress graciously took it, then quickly backed away as another biker charged at Shaggy, which he quickly disposed of while Faith ducked back to cover behind the table as the fight continued.

The biker stuck in the barrel came back to his senses and tried pulling himself out. However, three food cans rolled off a shelf and struck him in the head, knocking him out. One biker was sent flying into the barrel fixture on the building, popping the cork out while another biker was thrown at and crashed into the row of motorcycles, which toppled over like dominoes as the mysterious biker arrived at the diner.


Scooby, Faith, and the ponies surveyed the carnage of the diner and all the downed bikers. “Is your lacrosse trophy all right, ma'am?“ Shaggy asked politely. “Yeah. Yeah, it's good,” Faith then replied with a nod. “Then my work here... is done,” Shaggy said coolly, looking at the downed bikers. “Shaggy, that was incredible!” Sunny said ecstatically. “I didn't know you could even do that! I mean, seriously-- how did you do that?!”

“Oh, that was nothing. Besides, those dudes were the ones who started it,” Shaggy smoothly replied.

But no one was expecting what would come next-- not by a long shot.

As the group began to come out of hiding, a tall figure appeared in the doorway, revealing himself to be the mysterious biker from earlier. “Man,” said the biker disappointedly, “you stop for an ice cream and you miss all the fun.”

Sunny and Silhouette gasped, gesturing Scooby and Faith back into the wall as a tall, muscular African American man approached Shaggy, a mixture of disbelief and irritation on his face. “You just beat up my whole gang?”

“Nope,” Shaggy answered calmly before smirking. “Seems like I missed one.”

“I like you, stranger,” the man smiled. “How about you and me settle this with a friendly little motorcycle race? Tonight at midnight. We'll start at Dead Man's Peak… race down Dead Man's Trail… come around Dead Man's Curve… and end in the parking lot on Dead Man's Avenue. Uh, ahem… unless you're scared.”

“Shaggy, I’m telling you, this is a bad idea!” Silhouette whispered in panic. “Those trails are very dangerous, even I’ve never hiked them!”

“Listen to her, Shaggy! She knows what she's talking about!” Sunny spoke quietly. “Please be scared,” Scooby begged his best friend. “Please be scared!”

But, Shaggy only smirked at the stranger. “I’ll see YOU at midnight.”

Silhouette, Sunny and Scooby each let out a whimper or a groan, but as the stranger turned to walk away, Shaggy spoke up again. “Oh, I might have to borrow a bike.”

The stranger looked at him in surprise. “You ain’t got a ride?”

“I've never been on a motorcycle in my entire life.”

The stranger merely chuckled at this with a small smirk. “Man, you are one crazy beatnik. I promise I won't kill you too bad.”

But, as the stranger said this and walked away, Shaggy snapped out of his trance, completely aware of what he just said, but had no idea HOW or WHY he said it. “Who? What? Aah! Dead Man's Peak! Dead Man's Trail! Dead Man's Curve!”

“...hold on,” Sunny stopped him. “Did he say Dead Man’s Avenue?”

“Yeah, it sort of merges with the curve,” Faith answered casually, but this only made Shaggy fall onto his knees, wondering only one thing. “WHAT HAVE I DONE?!!!!”

And honestly? Sunny wished she knew the answer herself.

Author's Note:

A huge shout out to Indywriter Productions for their help with this scene!