• Published 19th May 2024
  • 474 Views, 9 Comments

G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! Legend of the Phantosaur - ponydog127

During the Summer Solstice Festival in Maretime Bay with the dragons attending, the Mane 6 reunite with Mystery Incorporated to solve the mystery of a ghostly dinosaur, called the Phantosaur, who is haunting the town of La Serena.

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Legend of the Phantosaur/New-Age Hypnosis

Immediately after their encounter with the ghostly dinosaur, the ponies, the Mystery Inc crew and Queen Silhouette took Shaggy back to Mr. Hubley at the spa, where they laid Shaggy down in a super comfortable bed, and they took shifts watching over him throughout the night.

Misty couldn’t help but feel responsible-- she had totally discarded the fact that Scooby had saw the dinosaur earlier and didn’t take any other precautions when Scooby tried to let them know about it the first time.

Now, all they could do right now was wait for Shaggy to wake from his fear-induced mini-coma, and then try and find a way to unmask this ghostly dinosaur before the chaos it created got too out of control.


Sunny had taken the last shift by the time the sun began to rise, and everyone got up around the same time to check up and see Shaggy… only to find out that Sunny was fast asleep right next to him. “Sunny?” Hitch whispered as he shook her shoulder gently. “Sunny, wake up!”

“Huh?! What?!” Sunny muttered as she woke up and saw her friends standing nearby. “Oh… hey, guys. Sorry, I got a little tired so I decided to take a nap.”

“I guess we all needed our sleep,” Silhouette said solemnly. “I hadn’t had a peaceful night’s sleep since my colony was attacked. Thank you all for letting me stay here.”

“Hey, it’s the least we could do after you helped us save our friends last night,” Fred told the dragon queen. “Besides, you need some time to get back on your feet-- er, claws… paws? I’m not really sure what to say.”

Silhouette chuckled lightly at this, smiling faintly just before Shaggy began to turn in his sleep and mumble lightly, causing Daphne to smile. “I think he’s coming out of it!”

“I told you the aromatherapy system I set up for him would work,” Mr. Hubley said with a smile. “Here, let me try a little… juniper.”

He put a drop of juniper oil into the water next to Shaggy, but the smell of the juniper didn't seem to have any kind of effect at first. That’s when Scooby got an idea and grabbed a box of Scooby Snacks before beginning to dig through it. “Scooby!” Velma scolded with a frown. “Don’t you think of anything other than food?”

Scooby grabbed one singular snack in his mouth before dropping it in the water, and after a minute, an aroma began to fill the room, causing Silhouette to sniff the air. “Ooh… a meat-berry medley! A nice choice.”

And it appeared to work-- after the smell reached Shaggy, he woke up to find everyone staring at him. “Like… what happened?”

“I’m sorry I doubted you,” Velma apologized to Scooby, rubbing his head. “Aww… that’s okay,” Scooby accepted the apology before digging in and holding a treat out for the dragon queen. “Want one?”

Silhouette sniffed the snack with interest before taking a small bite, her eyes lighting up with interest. “Hmm… that’s actually not a bad flavor! Anyone else want to try?”

“No thanks, your highness,” Pipp said as she tried not to gag. “We’re good.”

“It’s all right, Shabby. You’re in a safe place,” Mr. Hubley reassured Shaggy before turning to the entire group. “It would seem that you have all experienced a visitation byy… the Phantosaur.”

“The Phantosaur?!” the others asked in surprise. “Okay, I’ve heard of a lot of different things before,” Hitch spoke up, “but this is a little ridiculous!”

“Hold on a second, guys,” Zipp said before getting out her FlyPad. “Mr. Hubley, maybe you could find a way to explain in a little more detail.”

This led Mr. Hubley to nod, and once getting Shaggy into a wheelchair pushed by Sunny, he led them all outside to explain the story properly.


Outside the spa was a gigantic mural with different pictures, to which Mr. Hubley explained that it told a story-- a story that our heroes would reference back to later on. “Long ago, La Serena was home to Native Americans known as the Tolkepaya,” he explained as the group sat around to listen. “According to local legend... when the Europeans first began to come into this area looking for gold and silver... they encountered the Tolkepaya Indians. The Tolkepaya were hunter-gatherers and farmers... living off the bounty of the land... and as such, were no match for the weapons of the invaders.”

“Oh, man... that sounds awful,” Zipp shook her head in sadness. “Yes, it does,” sighed Silhouette. “It honestly reminds me of... my own situation.”

The group glanced at each other in sadness before Mr. Hubley continued the story. “The indians were forced to retreat... into the natural cave system below La Serena... where a Tolkepaya shaman came up with a plan to protect his people's village-- he would call forth the most powerful animal spirit of the land to fight the invaders. They say he was expecting a mountain lion, or possibly a bear. Instead, he got something much more ancient...”

“Let me guess... the Phantosaur?” Pipp raised her hoof. “Exactly,” Mr. Hubley said, moving onto the final pictures of the mural. “But the beast was too powerful to be controlled... and drove out the very people he had been summoned to protect. They say it still roams the land, thirsting for human blood.”

Shaggy yelled out in fear, twitching while Scooby and Izzy clung to each other, shivering in fright. “Anyway, that's the story. It's in this book,” Mr. Hubley said, lifting the book up for everyone else to see. “Preposterous Legends of the American Southwest. There's a chapter on the Three-Headed Sky Trout of Santa Fe in here too.”

However, Shaggy kept twitching, still terrified from the earlier experience. “Come on, Shaggy…” Zipp said, shaking him lightly. “Snap out of it!”

“Stanky, I promise you,” Mr. Hubley said gently, “ you have no reason to be afraid of this Phantosaur.”

“Really?” Shaggy asked, leading Mr. Hubley to nod. “Really. Ha. You should be much more afraid of the millions of rat snakes that live in the caves and mine tunnels.”

However, this seemed to make Shaggy twitch more in fear than ever before. “You’re making it worse, Mr. Hubley!” Daphne exclaimed with worry. “Don’t panic,” said Mr. Hubley with a smile, walking away. “I think I have just the thing that will help Snaggy.”

“Really? Oh, I’d love to hear how you’re gonna do that when the reassuring didn’t help,” Zipp rolled her eyes with a mutter. “Come on, Zipp… the least we can do is try Mr. Hubley’s idea,” Misty tried to reason. “I mean… what’s Shaggy got to lose?”

“His sanity? But… I guess if you think it’s a good idea,” Zipp sighed reluctantly, “then we at least have to try. Come on… let’s go before I change my mind and drag Shaggy out of here by force.”


Mr. Hubley led everyone back into the spa and into a large, purple-colored room, full of equipment that the ponies had never seen before-- not even in Equestria. Even so... it was still very impressive. “My friends, I give you the very newest of the new age,” Mr. Hubley said mystically. “Psycho-Luminescent Reprogramming, PLR. With this equipment, I can put anyone in a trance-like, highly suggestible state.”

“So… it’s like hypnosis?” Hitch asked with a raised eyebrow. “No, it’s more like… hypnosis,” Mr. Hubley said, struggling to come up with a comparison. “But not the boring, old-fashioned kind of hypnosis, where I swing a gold watch in front of your face. Oh, no. This is completely different.”

With that, Mr. Hubley walked back into the nearby booth to turn on the system, dimming the lights and pulling a giant chain to cause a giant, holographic golden watch to form, swinging back and forth across the room.

The ponies seemed a little mystified by this, even if it did seem a little bit like regular hypnosis, and this caused Mr. Hubley to chuckle nervously. “Huh. Well, I guess it's not completely different. Still, it's pretty cool, huh?”

“Well, I do admit… the holograms are impressive,” Zipp said, “but… do you really think that hypnotizing Shaggy to become brave is gonna solve everything? I mean… that seems a little elaborate, even for me.”

“Trust me, princess, this is completely safe,” Mr. Hubley reassured. “And Spaggy will benefit from the experience too.”

“Shaggy? Is this something you want to try?” Sunny asked their friend with a serious look. “Like, if it’ll help me stop being a total wimp all the time and stop letting the gang down,” Shaggy sighed, putting the blanket around him off to the side, “I’m willing to give it everything I’ve got.”

“Shaggy…” Zipp began to say before Pipp squealed. “This is gonna be so exciting! I’ve always wanted to see a real live hypnotherapy session!”

“Actually, Pipp, that might not be the best suggestion,” Silhouette said worriedly. “If we were to watch this, we could end up being caught in the same trance as Shaggy, and that might affect us in ways we don’t want to imagine.”

“Aww man…” Pipp sighed. “There goes my next viral vlog…”

“Okay, now that we have that settled, everyone needs to scoot,” Mr. Hubley said, urging the others out of the room. “In a few minutes, I'll have cured Snacky's acute-threat-avoidance-hypertrophy disorder once and for all.”

Zipp sighed as the door behind them closed, hoping and praying to herself that Mr. Hubley knew what he was doing in there... for all their sakes, not just Shaggy's.


A few minutes later, the giant clock swayed behind Mr. Hubley as he began the hypnotherapy session, with Shaggy being very tense in the beginning, and very nervous. “You are feeling very light. Very light. Uh... wait. Uh, no, heavy. Very heavy. So heavy. You are very relaxed and… uh, whatever, that kind of stuff.”

But, as Mr. Hubley continued speaking, Shaggy found himself getting sleepier and sleepier, falling into the trance as expected. “Anyway, you're going to become very, very brave– Confident, fearless, heroic, powerful. Unstoppable. You'll be all this whenever you hear the keyword… ‘bad’! The same keyword will return you to normal.”

But, halfway during this part of the session, Mr. Hubley ended up getting caught in the trance as well, just as dozed off as Shaggy was. “Now, when I snap my fingers, you will awaken and remember nothing.”

As Mr. Hubley snapped his fingers, the giant clock disappeared, and both of them shook their heads and looked at each other. “What happened? I remember nothing!”

That’s when the door slightly opened, and Silhouette was first to peek her head inside. “How is it coming along, boys?”

“Fine… uh, I think,” Mr. Hubley said, trying to recall what had went on as everyone piled into the room. “Snappy should lose all sense of fear whenever he hears the keyword.”

“Like, that’s great!” Shaggy smiled. “What’s the keyword?”

“...I have no idea,” Mr. Hubley admitted, causing Zipp to smack herself in the face with her hoof. “Man, this always happens. My equipment is so powerful, I wind up reprogramming myself. Total memory erasal.”

“This may seem a little blunt,” Sunny said, “but we can’t get rid of his fears if we don’t know what his keyword is.”

“Well… true. This is bad.”

At the final word, Shaggy sat up rather boldly, but no one really noticed. “But not THAT bad,” Misty then said, snapping Shaggy out of the trance. “We’ll just have to experiment and try and find out what his keyword is.”

Scooby was first to approach his best friend with some ideas in mind. “Uh… abra-cadabra?”


“Open sesame.”


“All you can eat buffet?”

“Nope… but yes, please.”

“Actually, I could use a bit of food myself,” Silhouette admitted. “It’s been a few days since I last ate, and I’m famished!”

“Try Faith's place down on Park Street,” Mr. Hubley suggested. “She makes a darn fine vegan Yankee pot roast.”

“Then Scooby and I are gonna take the queen and split,” Shaggy smiled, “so we can refuel.”

“Hypnotherapy makes me hungry,” Scooby agreed. “Actually, I’ll go with you this time around,” Sunny volunteered. “Maybe there’ll be something to help us figure out Shaggy’s keyword out in town.”

“The rest of us are heading back to the dig to look for clues, Mr. Hubley,” said Fred before he, the girls and the rest of the ponies left the room. “All righty,” Mr. Hubley bid the group farewell. “Don’t get your scarf caught on anything.”

“It’s an ascot!”

“So, how far away is Faith’s place?” Sunny asked curiously. “About 3 miles away,” Mr. Hubley spoke. “You’re free to walk, but it may take a while.”

“Actually… I have an idea of my own,” Silhouette smiled, an idea entering her mind. “Sunny can turn into an alicorn to meet us there, but… Shaggy? Scooby? How do you two feel like having a dragon ride?”

Scooby and Shaggy blinked before turning to each other with excited smiles.

This was going to be fun.


As Shaggy and Scooby prepared to take flight on Silhouette’s back and Sunny shifted into her alicorn form, Daphne presented a possible suspect and motive to the others as they walked to the Mystery Machine. “That PLR thing is a hologram projector. Think Hubley could've projected the Phantosaur?”

“He did say he wished he could buy more land for the spa,” Fred supposed, finding the theory pretty reasonable, and this caused the ponies to nod. “What do you think, Velma?”

However, Velma was too into the picture she took of Winsor to even notice. “I think Winsor's eyes are the color of sea-foam by moonlight.”

“Okay…” Daphne sighed. “Somebody's going to be zero help tonight.”

“Go easy on her, Daph,” Fred tried to defend Velma’s case. “Yeah!” Izzy agreed. “I mean… haven’t YOU ever had a not-so-secret crush on somepony?”

“Me?! No! Why would you ask? Ha, ha. Of course not!” Daphne said quickly, walking toward the Mystery Machine at a very quick pace. “Well,” Fred spoke, “I…”

“Why is everyone walking so slow?!”

“Uh… she’s right, guys. Come on,” Zipp said as she led everyone else inside the Mystery Machine before they set off.

But… all she could think about was the fact that Shaggy could be triggered to go into brave mode at any time…

…and they didn’t know the secret keyword to control when and where he did this effect.

All she could hope was that Scooby, Sunny and Silhouette would help keep him in line if this happened.