• Published 2nd Apr 2024
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MLP: One as a Family: A Golden Week in Exile - SaburoDaimando

A prologue to the upcoming Operation Daisy Joy and Beyond Saga

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Finale: Brothers at Heart

Brothers at Heart

Wanda Young tumbled out of the portal before stumbling onto the ground. As she tried to get herself up, Sunset Shimmer and Abigail Albright fell from the portal and landed right on top of her, pinning the man’s cub to the ground.

“Will you both get off of me?” Wanda yelled.

“Oops, sorry,” Sunset said, embarrassed.

Sunset Shimmer and Abigail Albright picked themselves up before backing off from Wanda. As the Evevanyian Princess picked herself up and dusted herself off, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Queen Eleanor and Queen Lillian emerged from the portal before it disappeared completely.

“Wanda, what happened to you?” Princess Celestia asked.

“Now I know what it feels like to be buried under a pony pile,” Wanda said.

“Oh come on sis,” Sunset laughed. “It was an accident.”

“Sunset’s right,” Princess Luna said. “No need to worry about one little harmless incident. Besides, I bet you weigh more than Sunset.”

In an instant, Wanda Young and Sunset Shimmer glared at Princess Luna, growling loudly while Abigail Albright hissed at the moon princess. Luna backed off for a bit as her eyes shrunk down in horror.

“I’m this tempted to want to wake up back in my cell at Tartarus,” Princess Luna said.

“Oh sister,” Princess Celestia laughed. “No need for this melodrama. After all, we are late for a very important date.”

“Oh right,” Princess Luna said. “The last part of our dream trip through Evevanya: Prince Tirek.”

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna looked to the north where the moon shone down at the path in front. Standing tall in front of the entire group was an abandoned and slightly-faded castle. Though there were cracks in the foundation, it still stood as if it were occupied by numerous civilians and leaders.

“Wow,” Wanda said. “It’s almost like Castle Everfree back in Equestria.”

“But it is more than just Castle Everfree,” Queen Lillian said. “Welcome to the ruins of Midnight Castle, the origins of the Dusk tribe of Evevanya, located atop the Stardust Mountain. Its polar opposite is called Sunlight Castle, due west of Equinox City in the forest of Morning Dew.”

“But knowing you both, you’re curious to want to see this castle from the inside,” Queen Eleanor said. “Come. It’s time you got the chance to do so, and meet Prince Tirek and Prince Amadeus.”

Queen Lillian and Queen Eleanor turned towards Midnight Castle before they made their way up towards the entrance. An excited Wanda slowly began to walk towards the castle when she felt the back of a wing push her a few extra steps. She turned back and saw Princess Celestia folding her wing back.

“Mommy,” Wanda said. “I can do this.”

“I know you can,” Celestia said. “I just needed to give you the confidence to enter this place.”

Wanda giggled for a moment before she ran after Queen Eleanor and Queen Lillian. Sunset Shimmer and Abigail Albright were quick to follow Wanda from behind while Celestia and Luna turned towards each other.

“Shall we?” Luna asked.

“We shall,” Celestia responded.

With that, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna followed Wanda, Sunset and Abgail, making their way up to the entrance into Midnight Castle.

Inside the castle, it was a dark and dreary place. Barely any light could make its way into the chambers. Queen Lillian and Queen Eleanor walked through the forsaken halls of the palace with Wanda, Sunset, Abigail, Celestia and Luna following from behind.

“I thought Castle Everfree was a haunted place,” Sunset said. “This place puts that to shame.”

“Ms Lillian,” Wanda asked, catching Queen Lillian’s attention. “If this place is so great, why did you all but abandon this castle?”

“It was all about our own heritage,” Queen Lillian responded. “Though both the Dawn and the Dusk are united together in Equinox City, we can’t abandon our own past, our own origins as a race. Because of that, we have vowed to maintain both Sunlight and Midnight Castle. To remind us of our past, of where we came from.”

“And that is a lesson that will require a lot of your time,” Queen Eleanor said. “I will speak with Argyle Starshine on the matter when I can.”

Down through the hollowed halls of Midnight Castle, Queen Lillian made her way through while the rest of the group made their way through. Despite the depressing tone, Celestia, Luna, Sunset and Wanda were fascinated by the walls around them.

“Sunset's right,” Luna said. “This place puts Castle Everfree to shame.”

“Remind me to redecorate that place when Gold Banks is dealt with,” Princess Celestia joked.

Moments later, Queen Lillian led the group into the central chamber of the palace ruins. Wanda and Sunset looked up, and their jaws hung from their mouths

“Oh my gosh,” Wanda said. “That's….Tirek?”

In front of the group, a big red-skinned black-furred centaur slept soundly. Surrounding him was a giant cage that kept him in.

“Yes,” Queen Lillian said. “That is my son Tirek. You already know how my son became like this.”

“Was it because he unintentionally killed his father King Vorak?” Wanda asked.

“That is correct,” Queen Lillian said.

Sunset nodded her head before she said “I have got to get caught up more on recent events. A shame I wasn't there to hear the sad tale of Tirek.”

“You will learn much in this dream,” Queen Lillian said. “But not just from me.”

Queen Lillian pointed her staff to the side of Tirek's cage. Wanda, Sunset and Abigail turned to their left to see an Evevanyian boy sleeping outside next to the edge of the cage. He had shaggy black hair and wore a brown loincloth. Abigail got one good look at him and her face beamed with excitement before she ran towards the Evevanyian boy.

“Amadeus, Amadeus,” Abigail screamed, catching Wanda’s attention.

“Abby, wait,” Wanda yelled as she chased after Abigail. “Come back.”

As Abigail approached the Evevanyian boy, she reached out and tried to touch him with his paw, only for it to pass through. Abigail’s face sunk low with depression as she pulled her paw out.

“Amadeus,” Abigail said before Wanda walked up behind her.

“You know him?” Wanda asked.

Abigail turned to Wanda and nodded in agreement.

“Amadeus,” Abigail said.

“The kitty is right,” Queen Lillian said, approaching Wanda and Abigail. “That is my youngest son Amadeus Haydon Diamond, son of my current husband King Daniel Diamond. For some reason, Tirek has become attached to him like he was a true brother.”

“Almost like me and Wanda,” Sunset said as she, Celestia, Luna and Eleanor approached Wanda, Sunset, and Lillian.

“That’s correct,” Lillian said. “In fact, there is a nickname that Tirek liked to give him: Scorpan.”

“Scorpan?” Sunset responded. “Why a nickname like that?”

“From what I heard, Amadeus reminded Tirek of a small, yet deadly, arachnid called the scorpion,” Lillian said.

“Well that doesn’t make sense,” Sunset said, looking at the Evevanyian boy called Amadeus. “In fact, I would ask him why he likes that nickname.”

“And in fact, I may give you that chance,” Queen Lillian said as she approached Prince Amadeus. “After all, like Princess Luna, I possess the power to see into dreams.”

Queen Lillian pointed her staff at Prince Amadeus. A blast of magic poured from the crystal right onto his body. In an instant, a ghostly, dream-like projection of Prince Amadeus leaped from his body and landed his feet on the ground. This version of the prince opened his eyes and looked up at Queen Lillian.

“Mother, what’s going on?” Prince Amadeus asked.

“We have guests,” Queen Lillian said. “Some of whom are willing to meet you.”

But before Prince Amadenus could make a move, Abigail leaped into his arms and rubbed her head against his chest.

“Abigail,” Amadeus said. “What are you doing here? I sent you away just so you could meet Princess Wanda for me.”

“Would that be me?” Prince Amadeus looked up to see Princess Wanda Young approach him.

“You….you’re Princess Wanda Young,” Amadeus said as Abigail turned to Wanda.

“And you’re the one named Amadeus,” Wanda said. “The one who cared for Abigail long ago.”

“It’s true,” Amadeus said as he placed Abigail down on the ground. “I sent Abigail over to Equestria because I want to stay with my half-brother: Tirek.

“But why?” Wanda asked.

Amadeus’ ghostly form turned towards Prince Tirek, who slept soundly and undisturbed.

“For some reason, my presence prevents the gloom magic from expelling from his body,” Amadeus said. “I know I’m not the son of King Vorak, but for some reason he sees me that way.”

Immediately, Sunset Shimmer walked up to Prince Amadeus and tapped him on the shoulder, catching his attention.

“Is that the reason why you stay to look after Prince Tirek?” Sunset Shimmer asked.

“Yes,” Amadeus said. “I want to see my half-brother get better after he lost his father. But…he still hasn’t gotten over taking his life. My mother, my father, and everyone we all know tried to get through to Tirek. But as long as he can’t let go of what he did, he’ll never get better.”

Sunset Shimmer looked up at the sleeping Prince Tirek. Though the alicorn filly reached out to the giant centaur, she let her hoof drop to the ground before letting out a sigh.

“If I were in his hooves, I would have felt the same way,” Sunset Shimmer said. “To take the life of one’s father, even though you cared a lot for him.”

“And that would be an understatement,” Queen Lillian said. “Tirek and Vorak connected together for many decades, and it was horrifying to see him confess to killing him. When Tirek begged me to lock him here, I was heartbroken to lose both a husband and a son to that unnecessary tragedy.”

“And it was also one of the reasons why I had Wanda taken to Equestria,” Queen Eleanor said.

As Sunset Shimmer walked away from the cage surrounding Prince Tirek, the ghostly form of Prince Amadeus walked up to him.

“Your name is Sunset Shimmer, I take it,” Amadeus asked.

“Yes,” Sunset responded.

“Thanks for looking out for Wanda,” Amadeus said. “It’s too bad I can’t meet you directly in person. But I can rest easily, knowing that she’s safe.”

“Well she’s more than safe,” Princess Celestia said, causing Amadeus to turn towards her. “She’s more than willing to take up the fight.”

“Take up the fight?” Amadeus said. “Are you sure about this? I heard about what happened in Equestria, and with this Gold Banks character.”

“We're more than ready to take her on,” Princess Celestia said. “Thanks to the Golden Magic of Light, we will be able to fight back against Gold Banks and her tyranny.”

“The Golden Magic of Light?” Amadeus was surprised to hear those words come out of Princess Celestia. He turned towards Prince Tirek with a hopeful look on his face.

“Do you suppose this Golden Magic of Light will be able to save Tirek? Amadeus asked.

“I won't be able to answer that until we truly come to Evevanya,” Princess Celestia said. “But I bet it will help heal Tirek of his broken heart, and purge this gloom magic from his body.”

Prince Amadeus turned towards Princess Luna, who had a smug look on her face.

“And what about you?” Amadeus asked. “Can you help in any way?”

“Truth be told, my physical form is trapped in Tartarus thanks to Gold Banks,” Princess Luna said. “Even so, I want to keep a close eye on her in case she figures out how to breach the Golden Land. Know thy enemy.”

“Well….that makes sense,” Amadeus said, disappointed.

As Amadeus turned away, Sunset Shimmer walked up to the Evevanyian boy and tapped him on the shoulder.

“Wanda, mother and Aunt Luna are not the only ones who can fight,” Sunset Shimmer said, flapping her wings. “Thanks to clarity from the Golden Magic of Light, and the peace I formed from the demon within, I’ve ascended into an alicorn and have become more powerful than Gold Banks could imagine. And even if it's not enough, at least I was able to fight back.”

“I hope you do,” Amadeus said. “I wish I could join you. But I have a big half-brother to look after.”

“Which brings me to this question,” Sunset said. “Why does Tirek call you Scorpan?”

“Oh that's easy,” Amadeus said. “He said he reminds me of the scorpion. I dunno what that meant, but I took it to heart and kept that nickname.”

Sunset Shimmer wad at a loss for words. She tried to speak, but nothing came out of her mouth. Frustrated, Sunset Shimmer marched up to the cell and banged her head on one of the bars.

“Why….can't….this….make….ANY….SENSE?” Sunset Shimmer yelled as she banged her head against the bar.

As Amadeus looked at Sunset with a confused look on his face, Wanda and Abigail walked up to the Evevanyian prince before Turing their attention towards Sunset.

“What's eating her?” Amadeus asked.

“You don't want to know,” Wanda joked.

But the only thing Abigail could do was giggle at the sight of Sunset Shimmer.

Later in the night, as the sun barely shined down in the land of Evevanya, Queen Lillisn emerged from ruins of Midnight Castle. Behind her walked Queen Eleanor, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Abigail Albright, Prince Amadeus “Scorpan” Diamond, Princess Wanda Young, and a dizzy Sunset Shimmer, who stumbled out of the doorway and struggled to keep herself upright.

“Note to self,” Sunset Shimmer said as she grabbed onto the doorway. “Never hit my head on anything metal again, even in the dream world.”

“Oh come on, sis,” Wanda said as she held Sunset by the hoof. “You'll recover when we wake up.”

“Easy for you to say,” Sunset responded before she lost her grip and fell to the ground.


As Wanda reached out and picked the dazed Sunset Shimmer up, Princess Celestia walked up to the duo before she placed her horn on Sunset’s head.

“Here,” Princess Celestia said as her horn glowed. “I’ll take care of this.”

With a flash of magic from Celestia’s horn, Sunset was quick to shake her head for a moment before she was able to pick herself up.

“Thanks, mother,” Sunset said. “I needed that.”

As Sunset Shimmer released her hoof from Wanda’s hand, she overheard someone in the distance calling for her name.

“Hey wait a minute,” Sunset Shimmer said. “I know that voice.”

“So do I,” Wanda said.

As Wanda and Sunset turned to the far end, they noticed Princess Cadance and Shining Armor running up to the group. Sprinting alongside the two lovebirds were Pinkie Pie, Starlight Glimmer, Misty Brightdawn, Golden Lace, Cozy Glow, Marble Pie, Limestone Pie, Maud Pie, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, and even Princess Chrysalis II. Riding atop Shining Armor’s back was Spike the Dragon.

“E….everyone?” Sunset Shimmer said as Princess Cadance’s group came to a stop. “What are you all doing here?”

“You can thank Aunt Luna for gathering us all in this spot,” Princess Cadance said. “After all, it’s not just your fight.”

But before Sunset could say anything, Pinkie Pie tackled the alicorn with a firm grip, pinning her down before cuddling her.

“Pinkie,” Sunset laughed. “Leggo.”

“Aww come on,” Pinkie Pie said. “I just came here to get us all motivated for the big one.”

As Pinkie Pie hugged Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Golden Lace and Cozy Glow approached Wanda and Amadeus while Spike jumped off Shining Armor’s back and ran up to Abigail before the two hugged each other.

“So you all got to see Evevanya and Midnight Castle?” Wanda asked.

“We sure did,” Starlight Glimmer said. “And to be honest, I really want to see this place in person.”

“Well it’s an honor to meet you all,” Prince Amadeus said. “I’m Prince Amadeus Diamond. But I prefer to be called Scorpan.”

“Let me guess,” Golden Lace said. “Is it because you’re like a scorpion?”

“Well you can say that,” Amadeus responded. “But then again, the pony called Sunset Shimmer went nuts over that.”

As Amadeus and Golden Lace laughed, Cozy Glow flew up to the Evevanyian Prince and tapped him on the nose.

“By the way, I got a good look at your big half-brother,” Cozy Glow said. “And I think he looks like a swell guy.”

“That’s a lot to say about Tirek,” Amadeus said. “But I only wish he could finally be free of his prison once more. It’s really sad that he’s producing all that gloom thanks to the death of his father King Vorak.”

“Imagine if I was in his horseshoes,” Princess Chrysalis II said, shrugging almost instantly. “If my mother died, that would not be the end of it.”

“I don’t recall anyone in Equestria producing that kind of magic,” Misty said. “I know my brother was depressed when our father Alphabittle died, but it never resulted in going that far.”

“That’s because Evevanyian magic is far more powerful than Equestrian magic,” Queen Lillian said. “In the right hands, it can nourish and heal. In the wrong hands, it can become a horrible weapon.”

“I hope we don’t have to encounter anything like that,” Misty said. “If something like that were to happen, I don’t know what to do.”

As the other fillies spoke with Queen Lillian, Prince Amadeus noticed Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk from behind the group. He walked alongside the main group and approached the Dazzling sisters.

“Something up with you three?” Prince Amadeus asked.

“Well, it’s just that we’re not involved in our fight against Gold Banks,” Adagio Dazzle said. “We’re not going to La Maresa, Vanhoover or Manehattan.”

“I know how that feels,” Amadeus said. “As much as I want to pitch in, I don’t want to abandon my half-brother Tirek. After all, if I left, he could unleash a torrent of gloom magic upon all of Evevanya.”

“Though that does bring up one question,” Sonata Dusk said. “How exactly did your people hold back Tirek’s gloom magic before he met you?”

“It was my mother,” Prince Amadeus said, directing his gaze at Queen Lillian. “Prior to taking up that responsibility, my mother often went up to meet with my half-brother in hopes of keeping his magic at bay. After Tirek and I formed a bond together, I took over for our mother so that she could focus on her duties as ruler of Evevanya.”

“You have a great half-bother and a great mother,” Aria Blaze said. “Truth be told, we never knew who our mother or father was.”

“Yeah,” Sonata Dusk said. “We never even knew our lives prior to the orphanage in Canterlot. We really wish we could meet our parents.”

“Maybe you might when this is over,” Amadeus responded.

As Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk continued to talk with Prince Amadeus, Pinkie Pie released her grip from Sunset Shimmer before she made her way back to her three sisters Marble, Limestone and Maud.

“So,” Pinkie Pie said. “Are you three ready to go see our brother again?”

“Ready?” Limestone said. “Are you kidding me? I’m eager to see him again after a long time.”

“Even despite what he used to be, Octavio is family,” Maud Pie said. “And family sticks together to the very end.”

Marble said nothing, but nodded in agreement.

“Well I hope we get to see Octavio again,” Pinkie Pie said before she grabbed her sisters and hugged them together. “Then we can really have a family reunion.”

As the four Pie sisters hugged each other, Sunset Shimmer got up on her four hooves and watched from afar, all while Wanda, Abigail and Spike walked up to her and stood next to each other.

“Wanda,” Sunset said. “Are you afraid of when we have to make our final stand?”

“I am,” Wanda said. “But better that than to hold up in the Golden Land.”

“That, I agree on,” Sunset nodded.

But as everyone talked with each other, Princess Celestia stomped her hoof on the ground, catching their attention.

“I know you’re all eager to play in this dream once more,” Princess Celestia said. “But the sun is about to rise soon, and we must be ready.”

“Awww,” Amadeus said, disappointed. “It’s too bad you all have to return to Equestria.”

“I know, my son,” Queen Lillian said. “But we’ll do what we can to gather enough troops to aid them. And while I know Tirek will be lonely, I was wondering if you would join us in this final fight?”

Those words made Prince Amadeus excited. He turned towards Queen Lillian and said “I will.”

With that, Prince Amadeus leaped into his mothers arms and hugged her.

“I’ll do this for my half-brother and my new friends,” Prince Amadeus said. “I promise.”

“Very good,” Queen Lillian said. “Let’s see if your training in the wild has paid off.”

As Prince Amadeus let go of his mother, Shining Armor approached the young prince.

“It’s too bad we can’t stay,” Shining Armor said. “We finally got to meet and it happened to be a short-lived experience.”

“Maybe when we see each other in the waking world, it will be far longer than this,” Prince Amadeus said.

“Oh it will,” Shining Armor said before he rubbed Prince Amadeus on the forehead. “Tell Tirek that he has some new friends waiting for him.”

“I will,” Prince Amadeus responded.

As the fillies gathered together, Spike led Abigail to the group, holding her hand. The kitty waved good-bye to Amadeus, who waved back while a tear fell from his eye.

“Good-bye, Abigail,” Prince Amadeus said. “I hope we see each other again.”

As Spike and Abigail finally stood by the group, Abigail lowered her paw towards the ground as a tear fell from her eye.

“That…friend?” Spike asked.

“Yes,” Abigail cried.

Spike held Abigail closely as the kitty cried into his chest. The baby dragon’s eyes became watery, pouring down his cheek and onto the ground. Wanda looked down at the duo with a smile on her face.

“Don’t you both worry,” Wanda said. “We’ll be back.”

“Wanda is right,” Princess Cadance said. “In fact, I can’t wait to explore Evevanya once Gold Banks is dealt with.”

Soon, the younglings turned their attention towards Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Queen Eleanor. Prince Amadeus and Queen Lillian waved back to the rest of the group as the sun began to shine down in the land of Evevanya.

“It’s too bad I can’t join you at this moment,” Princess Luna said. “I’m going to miss you for quite a while.”

“You hang in there,” Princess Celestia said. “We’ll find a way to free you from your prison in Tartarus.”

Princess Luna nodded towards her sister before a flash of light enveloped the vicinity, covering Wanda, Sunset, Starlight, Cozy Glow, Golden Lace, Pinkie PIe, Misty Brightdawn, Abigail Albright, Spike the Dragon, Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, Queen Eleanor, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, Maud Pie, Marble Pie, Limestone Pie, Queen Lillian and Prince Amadeus, until there was nothing left.

It was a bright and beautiful morning in the Golden Land. The sun shone down within the bedroom of Princess Celestia, where the alicorn princess slept with Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Abigail Albright and Wanda Young. But Wanda’s eyes began to open up as she got up and looked outside of the window. She landed her feet on the ground, stretched for a moment and shook her head. Wanda looked down at her amulet before holding it close to her heart

“Gold Banks,” Wanda said. “I’m afraid of what I’m going to go through. But I will fight to save our kingdom, and truly make it to Evevanya. That…I promise you.”

End of Prologue

Coming Soon: Operation Daisy Joy and Beyond

Arc 01: Return to La Maresa

Begin the Operation Has

Author's Note:

And with that, the Prologue to Operation Daisy Joy and Beyond is complete.

As you can tell, we get an introduction to two future characters. The first one being a familiar face: Tirek. Unlike his G1 and G4 counterparts, Tirek is portrayed in a far more heroic and sympathetic fashion, and I intend to continue to take him down that path. The other is Prince Amadeus, who will be this universe's version of Scorpan.

And looking back at the parts of this prologue, it seems people enjoyed the Sad Tale of Tirek. So I will do what I can to wrap up Operation Daisy Joy and get to the Beyond part ASAP. I want to see how Tirek's story, along with Prince Amadeus, King Samuel and King Daniel, play out.

BTW. What did you think of just doing shorter stories as opposed to a boatload of stories? Should this be the new thing after Operation Daisy Joy and Beyond? Reply in the comments and I may consider it.

Anyway, that is it for the prologue. Stay tuned this summer for "Operation Daisy Joy and Beyond."

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