• Published 2nd Apr 2024
  • 129 Views, 0 Comments

MLP: One as a Family: A Golden Week in Exile - SaburoDaimando

A prologue to the upcoming Operation Daisy Joy and Beyond Saga

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11: Gold Banks Intrigued

Gold Banks Intrigued

It was a stormy night in downtown Manehattan. A mare in a black cloak ran through the streets as the rain poured on her and every pony nearby. Many of the other ponies looked at the mare before stepping back in fear. But the mare ignored them and continued her trek through.

It didn’t take long for the mare to come to a stop at a nearby fancy restaurant. She reached out and opened the door before stepping inside. As she entered the establishment, she took off her wet cloak, revealing herself to be Gold Banks. Around her neck was the alicorn amulet.

“The one time I wanted to come out to eat as empress of Equestria, a stupid storm had to show up,” Gold Banks grumbled as she looked at her soggy cloak. “I swear, the whole world is out to get me.”

As Gold Banks rolled up her cloak in a giant soggy mess, a maitre d stallion approached her with a stiff upper lip, taking the cloak off of her hooves.

“Good evening, Empress Banks,” The Maitre D said. “A guest at our establishment has arranged a special booth for you tonight.”

“A special booth, eh?” Gold Banks said, amused. “If I didn’t know better, I believed that this special booth was set up by a certain alchemist.”

“Then follow me, my lady,” The Maitre D said.

“Very well,” Gold Banks laughed. “Lead on.”

With a gentle tap of his hooves, The Maitre D led Gold Banks through the interior of the dining hall, passing by the other guests who were enjoying the finest cuisines of the luxurious establishment. Once they made their way to a wide and beautiful golden staircase in the middle of the restaurant, the Maitre D led Gold Banks upstairs, while the newly crowned empress looked down at the other guests.

“Just look at those peasants,” Gold Banks chuckled. “Gorging on hor d'oeuvres without a single care in the world. Well let them eat cake, because when Princess Celestia finally goes down for good, they will truly refer to me as Empress.”

At the top of the staircase, the Maitre D led Gold Banks towards a gold-plated private booth with cashmere cushions. Sitting in the booth with their eyes on Gold Banks were Grand Philosopher and Miss Honey Twist. Once Banks was right next to her booth, thr Maitre D bowed to her.

“I will give you some time to decide on your meal tonight, Empress,” the Maitre D said. “In the meantime, two more guests will join you tonight.”

As the Maitre D walked away, Gold Banks took a seat next to Grand Philosopher with a smug look on her face.

“I should have known you would be this bold to arrange a meeting as my favorite restaurant,” Gold Banks chuckled. “You never cease to amaze me, Grand Philosopher.”

“Well, as a wise stallion once said, spare no expense,” Grand Philosopher said. “After all, you have already ousted the princesses from their position of power, and you have made Equestria your new throne of power.”

“But I refuse to sit atop their throne when my new palace where the changelings once reside is my new throne of power,” Gold Banks said. “Maybe a new city should be built around it so that ponies will continue to worship and fear me.”

“A new Canterlot?” Miss Honey Twist said.

“Oh no,” Gold Banks laughed. “Why call it Canterlot when you can come up with something original, like….Aurictropolis.”

“Aurictropolis,” Grand Philosopher said. “A fitting name for one with your stature.”

“Oh it is,” Gold Banks said. “After all, why just settle with a drab city like Canterlot when you can have a metropolis that shines like pure gold?”

Suddenly, Gold Banks heard the sound of the Maitre D clearing his throat. She turned to her left to see the head of the restaurant stand alongside Warden Steel Bolt and Officer Blue Heat.

“Ahhh, the rest of the guests,” Gold Banks said. “And just in time, too. Come. Take a seat.”

As Steel Bolt and Blue Heat sat next to Miss Honey Twist, the Maitre D pulled out five menus and placed them in front of each guest. Each of them picked up the menu and looked into it, with the exception of Gold Banks, who had her hooves on her menu with a smug look on her face, all while the Maitre D pulled out a pen and pocket notepad, ready to jolt down their orders.

“Now that everyone is present,” the Maitre D said, “I supposed you’re all ready to order your cuisine for tonight.”

“I've already made up my mind,” Gold Banks said. “I would like to have baked cauliflower with fettuccine noodles in a creamy alfrolick sauce, with a bottle of your sparkling grape juice.”

“Excellent choice,” The Maitre D said. “And for the monsieur and madame?”

“A spicy chickpea curry with a side of jasmine rice,” Grand Philosopher said. “Along with a bottle of sparkling mineral water.”

“Lentils and butternut squash in a bolognese sauce,” Miss Honey Twist said. “With a side of earl neigh tea.”

The Maitre D turned to both Warden Steel Bolt and Officer Blue Heat before he said “And for the duo?”

“I prefer a more simple meal,” Warden Steel Bolt said. “So a hummus and cucumber sandwich with a side of falafel, and a simple glass of water.”

“Same here,” Officer Blue Heat said.

“Very well,” The Maitre D said, jolting some notes down in his pocket notepad.

The guests gathered their menus up and placed them on the side of the table before the Maitre D took them off. He placed them to the side before turning back towards Gold Banks.

“Our top chefs will have your orders out in a jiffy,” The Maitre D said. “Enjoy your time, Empress Banks.”

As the Maitre D walked away from the table with the menus in hoof, everyone else turned back at each other, especially Gold Banks who reclined back into her seat with a satisfied look on her face.

“Normally, Maitre Ds would have the other waiters handle our order,” Warden Steel Bolt said.

“That’s true,” Gold Banks said. “But I’ve been a frequent guest at this fine establishment, and the head of the restaurant ensures that I am the top priority when it comes to orders. After all, they did refer to me as the number one guest.”

“You’re one who enjoys titles very much, Gold Banks,” Grand Philosopher said.

“Oh you know me, Grand Philosopher,” Gold Banks said. “I live to be number one over that foolish Princess Celestia, the annoying gnat Queen Chrysalis and the anciently old Coldnelius Snap.”

“That I agree with you on,” Grand Philosopher said. “Especially that of Coldnelius Snap. After all, he…”

“Can we keep the surprises for another time?” Gold Banks interrupted. “Besides, you’ve already told me about Coldnelius Snap.”

“Very well,” Grand Philosopher sighed. “I believe the next order of business happens to be Daisy Joy Tech.”

“Which is something that had me concerned,” Miss Honey Twist said. “I was told that you were going to shut down Daisy Joy Tech.”

“Shut down?” Gold Banks said with a slight chuckle. “Whatever do you mean?”

“I informed Miss Honey Twist about what you told me,” Warden Steel Bolt said. “About wanting to shutter the prized school of Equestia.”

But all Gold Banks could do was laugh out loud, much to the confusion of Miss Honey Twist, Warden Steel Bolt and Officer Blue Heat.

“I don't think this is funny at all “ Miss Honey Twist said. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn't walk out on you.”

“Because I had only told the Warden part of the message,” Gold Banks said as she reached into her coat. “It's time I revealed the whole plan.”

Gold Banks pulled a parchment scroll out from her coat and unraveled it before setting it on the table. Miss Honey Twist looked down at the parchment, revealing a map of Equestria, but with various images of Daisy Joy the Cow scattered across the landscape.

“So,” Miss Honey Twist said. “You're going to open new Daisy Joy Techs across all of Equestria.”

“Exactly,” Gold Banks said, pointing to the Daisy Joy near La Maresa. “Especially in this are that was once the Coltsom Detention Facility.”

“Our old stomping grounds,” Warden Steel Bolt laughed. “Now that's a nice choice. I can’t wait to see it up and operational.”

“But what of the original?” Miss Honey Twist asked. “What will be the fate of the very Daisy Joy Tech that I run?”

“Well that’s a good question,” Gold Banks said as she rolled up the map of Equestria. “While my operatives will start building the new Daisy Joy Tech locations in secret, the original will be the bait to lure Prince Blueblood and his Manehattan Rebellion into a false sense of security. And when we bring down Princess Celestia, we will re-open that location as a new headquarters that will oversee all of the Daisy Joy Tech locations.”

“A new headquarters, eh?” Miss Honey Twist said. “I do sound skeptical on this. But, knowing how you have Princess Celestia on the run and Princess Luna in your captivity, I’ll play your game.”

“I was hoping you would see things my way,” Gold Banks said as she placed her left hoof near her Alicorn Amulet. “In case that pathetic princess decides to show her face again, I will make sure she will regret crossing my path.”

“Which brings us to our mission,” Warden Steel Bolt said. “We have discovered the whereabouts of some of the escaped Daisy Joy Tech fugitives, including the student of Princess Celestia: Twilight Sparkle.”

“You have?” Gold Banks said, Intrigued.

Warden Steel Bolt turned towards Officer Blue Heat before nodding to his partner.

“We suspect that Twilight Sparkle and a small number of the escaped students reside in Vanhoover,” Officer Blue Heat explained. “No doubt with her own parents.”

“Which begs me the question on why you didn't haul her and her friends back here,” Gold Banks asked, slightly annoyed, all while Officer Blue Heat reached into his coat.

“I believe this is your answer,” Officer Blue Heat said as he pulled out a photograph and placed it on the table.

Gold Banks picked up the photograph with her magic and took a look at it. On the surface of the picture was Queen Chrysalis with her face turned slightly away from the camera.

“So that changeling queen has taken up residence in Vanhoover,” Gold Banks said.

“Along with the changelings, Coldnelius Snap and his Windigo’s Guild cult,” Warden Steel Bolt explained.

“Very well,” Gold Banks sighed as she gave the photo back to Officer Blue Heat. “I will send a legion of my Debt Collectors to aid your mission in Vanhoover.r. But ensure that you nab that brat Twilight Sparkle and her pathetic little friends.”

“It will be done, my empress,” Warden Steel Bolt said. “I will not fail you.”

“For your sake, I hope you don’t,” Gold Banks said.

“Speaking of the opposite, I believe that is our dinner,” Grand Philosopher said, looking behind Gold Banks.

The Maitre D walked over to the group with a waiter pushing a serving cart with five plates topped with delicious food. As the cart parked in front of the table, Officer Blue Heat smelled the food and allowed its aromas to fill his nose.

“You definitely chose a fine place, Empress Banks,” Officer Blue Heat said.

“Of course,” Gold Banks said. “I have fine tastes.”

The Maitre D clapped to the waiter, who proceeded to pick up the plate with the baked cauliflower before placing it in front of Gold Banks.

“For the empress, the baked cauliflower with fettuccine with alfrolick sauce,” the Maitre D said.

“Excellent,” Gold Banks said. “Just like the last couple of times.”

The waiter picked up two more plates before placing them in front of Grand Philosopher and Miss Honey Twist.

“For the monsieur, the spicy chickpea curry with a side of jasmine rice,” The Maitre D explained. “And for the madam, the lentils and butternut squash in a bolognese sauce.”

“I’ll have to say, I’m impressed,” Grand Philosopher said, looking down at his savory dish.

“This sure was worth coming down,” Miss Honey Twist chuckled.

The waiter picked up the last two plates before placing them down in front of Officer Blue Heat and Warden Steel Bolt.

“And finally, for the duo,” the Maitre D said, “Hummus and cucumber sandwiches with sides of falafel.”

“Now that’s what I call service,” Warden Steel Bolt said.

“I can’t wait to taste it,” Officer Blue Heat said.

As the waiter pulled out the bottles of sparkling water, along with a metal teapot, a loud crash and a scream came from downstairs, catching everyone’s attention.

“What in the world is going on?” Gold Banks asked, surprised slightly.

“One of our guests is choosing to misbehave in this fine establishment,” The Maitre D groaned. “I was afraid this would happen.”

Intrigued, Gold Banks took off her alicorn amulet and placed it right next to Grand Philosopher.

“Whatever the commotion is, I want to see if I can show that party crasher who’s boss without my prized amulet,” Gold Banks said. “So do me a favor and watch over it.”

“Very well,” Grand Philosopher said. “But it would be unwise to part with it.”

“Oh no need to worry,” Gold Banks said. “After all, this ain’t Princess Celestia.”

Gold Banks got out of her seat and walked up to the edge of the balcony. She looked down and saw a rowdy stallion tug at a waitress by her dress, all while she held onto a barstool.

“This must be the guest you’re talking about,” Gold Banks asked.

“It is,” The Maitre D said. “We tried banning him from our establishment. But he simply won’t take no for an answer. Last night, he had the gall to drive off the local police from our establishment.”

“Wait right here,” Gold Banks said with a smirk on her face. “I’ll deal with this hooligan.”

As Gold Banks made her way towards the staircase, the rest of the group sans Grand Philosopher got out of their seats and walked over to the railing next to the Maitre D. But Grand Philosopher had his eyes on the Alicorn Amulet before scooping it up

“I believe it's time to imbue the amulet with a new kind of magic,” Grand Philosopher said.

Grand Philosopher reached into his cloak and pulled out a vial of a greenish liquid. He pulled the cork off of the vial before pouring the contents onto the Alicorn Amulet. As the liquid washed over the necklace, it glowed brightly, absorbing the green gunk until there was nothing left.

“It won't be long until she tests out her new magic,” Grand Philosopher said as he hid thr empty vial in his cloak and placed the amulet back on the table. “It's bound to bring gloom to her foes.”

Downstairs, the rowdy stallion aggressively tugs at the waitress’ dress all while she clings onto a barstool and screams in horror. The other guests just watched in horror, unable to leap from their seats or reach out to help the poor soul.


“Now that's no way to treat someone like me,” the delinquent laughed. “After all, I'm the life of the party, and you're the guest of honor.”

“Hey bozo. Why not deal with a sweeter prize?” The rowdy stallion turned to his right as he lost his grip on the waitresses dress. As the waitress jumped over the bar and hid behind the counter, Gold Banks walked up to the stallion from the bottom of the stairs, much to the drunks amusement.

“Well, what do we have here?” the so-called party animal said with a smug grin on his face. “The legendary Gold Banks, slayer of alicorn princess.”

“I’m not here for your shallow praise, you simple-minded fool,” Gold Banks said. “I’m here for you.”

“Oh is that the case?” The rowdy stallion said.

Without breaking a sweat, the rowdy stallion grabbed Gold Banks by the wrists, picked her up and pinned her to a nearby column next to the bar. Despite the smug look on his face, Gold Banks’ smile never left her face.

“You sure live up to your so-called title,” Gold Banks said. “ But that's not enough to impress me.”

“Is that a fact?” the rowdy stallion said. “Well there are many better ways to impress you.”

“I can only think of one,” Gold Banks responded.

“Yeah?” The delinquent said. “What would that be?”

“THIS!” Gold Banks yelled.

With a swing of her right leg, Gold Banks kicked the rowdy stallion right in the crotch area. The delinquent groaned in pain as he lost his grip on Gold Banks’ wrists before collapsing on the floor. As the stubborn fool held his crotch and grunted in pain, Gold Banks got back on her four hooves as the waitress looked down from the counter.

“And that's how you deal with stallions who need to know their place,” Gold Banks said.

“Oh my,” the waitress said. “I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you, Empress Banks.”

“Don’t mention it,” Gold Banks said. “Besides, I only did this just for a challenge. But enough talk. I have a little unfinished business with this creep.”

As the stallion looked up at Gold Banks while groaning loudly, Gold Banks looked down at him with the most devilish grin on her face.

“I think it’s time you took a trip,” Gold Banks said with a devilish grin.

Moments later, the back door of the restaurant opened widely as Gold Banks held the rowdy stallion in the air with her magic. She threw the fool forward until he crashed head first into a dumpster, with his lower torso and legs sticking out, struggling to break free from the mess. Gold Banks just looked at the miserable fool trying to kick his legs in the air before laughing out loud.

“That’s one way to take out the trash,” Gold Banks chuckled before she closed the back entrance to the restaurant.

Back inside, Gold Banks made her way up the staircase and back onto the second floor of the restaurant. The Maitre D stood there, relieved as the aristocrat made her way down before pulling out a checkbook and opened it. She pulled a pen from the checkbook before writing on the surface. Afterwards, she pulled the check out from the book before handing the piece of paper to the Maitre D.

“Consider this a little extra for allowing me to dispose of that creep,” Gold Banks said as the Maitre D looked at the check.

“I’ll keep that in mind, Empress,” The Maitre D said with a smirk on his face.

As Gold Banks approached her table, everyone else stood there with their eyes focused on the aristocrat-turned-empress. Gold Banks took her seat and stared at everyone.

“What are you all looking at?” Gold Banks said, her smile still bare.

Immediately, Warden Steel Bolt and Officer Blue Heat clapped their hooves together.

“That was a nice performance, Lady Banks,” Warden Steel Bolt said.

“Yeah,” Officer Blue Heat agreed. “You pulled that off without the power of the alicorn amulet.”

“Oh please,” Gold Banks said. “How about we focus less on my status as empress and more on the food on our table.”

“Well the empress has a point there,” Grand Philosopher said before placing his hoof on the Alicorn Amulet. ”But that being said, I think you better put your necklace on. You do want the world to know who’s in charge.”

“I almost forgot,” Gold Banks laughed. “Thanks.”

Gold Banks lifted the Alicorn Amulet from the table before placing it around her neck once more while everyone else began to eat their food. Officer Blue Heat took a bite of his sandwich and chewed for a moment before swallowing while Miss Honey Twist tried out her lentils and butternut squash.

“Now this is delicious,” Officer Blue Heat said. “Remind me to come here, often.”

“It’s on the pricey side,” Warden Steel Bolt said. “But I’ll consider it.”

“This food is delicious,” Miss Honey Twist said after swallowing the food in her mouth.

“It’s why we often come here,” Grand Philosopher said.

Gold Banks dug her fork into her cauliflower before she placed the vegetable in her mouth and pulled the fork out. She chewed for a moment before swallowing.

“Honestly, this is why I keep coming here,” Gold Banks chuckled. “They never fail to get my food just right.”

To Be Continued in…

The Missing Trident

Author's Note:

Now, two things.

1) Some parts of this scene were inspired by a scene cut from the Lost World because it portrayed the villains in a more sympathetic light(Especially Roland Tembo, who came to the defense of a bar maid being harassed by a patron.

2) There was gonna be more in this part. But because I liked the idea in my head, that will be in tomorrow's release. Stay tuned.