• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2013
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Wanda Young is a human girl adopted by Princess Celestia. She learns to adapt in a world full of ponies, most who embrace the magic of friendship. But as Wanda learns to live with Unicorns, Pegasi and Earth Ponies, she realizes that not all ponies are as friendly and harmonious as she realizes.

Chapters (94)
Comments ( 108 )

Good start, I'll give it a follow.

“There are many ways to create a monster, and the one the girl knows best is rather basic: you tell someone they're a monster over and over again, then wait to see how long it takes before they agree with you.” -Estee

Thanks. While Chancellor Cinch starts out as being harsh towards Wanda, her heart will start to soften as the story goes on. So she won't be this nasty witch towards Wanda 100%.

Im liking it so far. My only minor nit pick would be. Man's cub. I think it's supposed to be "man cub" At least its man cub in the jungle book.

Just a minor thing, and it is your story, so really its what ever you want it to be.

Im looking forward to more.

The Monk
“Puberty was a curse for those inflicted with it, and boundless amusement for others who survived the process.” -Scarheart

You're right on that. I checked and it does say Man Cub instead of Man's Cub.

The next arc will start tomorrow.

Another good chapter.

Keep up the great work.

"Yes, I will eat the Fear Turkey." -Illua

The moment with Baby Spike and Abigail cuddling was cute

Thanks. It was my idea to pair them more with each other.

On a side note, with the rest of the Mane Six showing up in a future part, expect to see this Spike to meet Rarity.

The reaction I was looking for. But down the line, that will look like a complement to Silver and Gold Banks.

Baby Spike is cute in this story

He's going to stick around for a long, long time.

Is Baby Spike trained or does he wear diapers?

He wears diapers.
And if you're curious, Abigail is trained.

I hope Wanda is okay or else they might suffer a mother’s wrath

Oh that Hippogriff will suffer a mother's wrath. Just not one mother.

Is there going to be a chapter for today?

Oops. Forgot all about that. Lemme take care of that.

“Little does anyone realize,” Gold Banks said to herself. “I was the one who ordered that animal’s hay fever vaccine to be tainted with a special drug. I blackmailed one of their own to do the job. And just to make sure that no one will suspect anything, this drug diluted itself should it fail, and let’s just say the physician who did the deed had an….accident.”

You're going to say that again when "Arc 15-8: Protect the Child" goes up.

“We’re here to help out, Princess.” Princess Cadance turned as Rainbow Dash flew past her and rammed her head into another incoming troop, knocking them back to the doorway. Princess Cadance turned to the back and saw Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Trixie, Fluttershy, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Golden Lace and Cozy Glow standing tall outside Wanda’s room.

I hope that the evil bank parent and Twinkle Wish either get put in prison or banished

Twinkle Wish will most likely get her comeuppance. Just not in a way you believe will happen.

“Aside from a random miracle or a catastrophe, no,” Princess Luna replied.

Believe it or not, I based that kind of part off real life events of some politicians getting away with their own crimes. One example: former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell

Comment posted by Sparkle91 deleted Apr 19th, 2022

Any plans for a Spike and Abigail side-story?

On stage, Wanda was dressed up in a long cerulean dress while he had a

Incomplete sentence?

There will. It will be called "Trials of Friendship."

“Me? A Celebrity?” Twilight said as she let out one big raspberry. “No way. Do I look like the kind of pony who would be big in Canterlot? What next? Becoming an alicorn?”

A facehoof please.

There it it is.

“Crazy would be an understatement,” Princess Cadance said. “Maybe a changeling queen would kidnap me and take my place, all while you don’t even suspect it.” Those very words were enough to give Shining Armor a good chuckle.

Again, facehoof please.


“I’m glad you’re at this fun party, Twilight,” Moondancer said. “At least Princess Celestia didn’t give you an assignment that required you to leave Canterlot.”

Facehoof part 3.


“Well if you did that,” Sunset giggled. “You’d have to send letters to our mommy on what lessons you learned today. And you’d have to do it weekly.”

Facehoof number 4!


“Oh tell me about it,” Rainbow Dash said. “I tried out this place called the Golden Arches. It’s supposed to be the biggest fast food chain in Equestria. Blandsville is more like it. The oat burgers taste like someone put sawdust in the mix, and don’t get me started with the so-called milkshakes. And what is up with the mascots of that place? A rejected circus clown? An overeager hippogriff? Whatever the heck that pink thing is? Yeah. I’ll stick with the local oat burger stands over the big, mainstream ones.”


Pinkie Pie is here!:pinkiehappy: Let's party!
Octavio Pie? Don't know Pony Life.


As Celestia and Luna walked away, Cinch looked at the three hooligans still tied up on the flagpole and thought to herself “I don’t know what’s scary: The fact that the Princesses see this as an ideal punishment, or the fact that I would have done the same thing.”

I'm dying here!:pinkiecrazy:

“If there is one thing I am truly jealous of,” Shining Armor said to himself. “It’s the fact that Princess Cadance is an alicorn, and I’m only a unicorn. Imagine if my sister became one like my sweetheart.”

Facehoof once more!

The fifth time!

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