• Member Since 12th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Tuesday


Wandering Around


Shortly before the outbreak of the Great Wars humanity arrived on Equus. The world had suddenly become home to four human nations. Three had fled from an apocalypse of their own making while the last came from a war torn wasteland. One of these nations, the United States, would go on to change Equus forever.

A fic based on Hearts of Iron 4's Equestria At War mod. The Escalation 84 submod (which adds the USA, USSR, and Euro Council ) has been added. The NCR Expedition has been turned on. And numerous nations are set to either go fascist or communist. Should be fun times...

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 58 )

Interesting, but I should point out that the entire cabinet is never in D.C. at once to prevent there not being a Presidential successor. So in the case of a successful first strike there would be someone to take over leading the country.

There was plenty of people still left in the Presidential Line of Succession. The Junta just didn't care. All the Junta cared about was winning the war. In their minds the US could ill afford a change in leadership while World War Three was going on but in truth they simply didn't want to give up power.

kill the commie b******ds

i like where this is going


So glad those videos didn't autoplay, I was wearing headphones 8/

10727476 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXSzRRMfxhk
also for the British people

ps the beginning sounds like an earthquake might go deaf if you are using headphones

Americas here to rid you of your commies just ring the toll-free number

May I ask where I can find the NCR mod for EAW on Steam? I've looked for it under "ncr equestria at war," "ncr expedition," and simular stuff, but I can't find it in the Steam workshop for HOI4.

That's because its already included in the Base EAW. It was from an April Fool's Update which was a collaboration between multiple mod developers.. EAW added the NCR to the custom options. In Old World Blues there was an option to allow Equestria to invade the NCR and for the Kaiser from Kaiserreich to replace Caesar. Kaiserreich... got nothing (as far as I know).

If you want to play as the NCR go to the custom options and turn them on.

The last time someone decided to bomb American ships at anchor...well we all know what happened to japan at the end of ww2

Glad you did. I was scared this one wasn't good enough.

I wonder what equstria is going to do now

The NCR Expedition

I didn't know this was a Fallout: Equestria story.

It's an Equestria At War (which is a mod for Hearts of Iron 4) story. The mod has a built in option which allows for the NCR to exist on Equestria's southern coast through a portal leading to the Fallout mod. It's from an April Fool's Day update which has a sister in the Old World Blues mod which takes place in the Fallout world. It has the NCR invaded by the Equestrians after their airship fleet gets transported into the middle of Shady Sands.

There's a submod for Equestria at War which adds three more human nations fleeing from a nuclear ravaged Earth. So basically this story is based on a mod within a mod.


so.....double think was the stallion behind the curtain berry or "big sister" also being like the others was only a puppet maybe just maybe the americans saved her

its obvious Starlight Glimmer is 'Big Sister' who instead of killing herself take another cowardly option, erasing her memories. Becoming a new pony essentially

It's not Starlight. Starlight is the one in charge of the Equestrian Communist Party and is petitioning the crown to recognize Stalliongrad as an independent nation. She has also been collaborating with the KGB to get Stalliongrad to accept some Soviet-style Harmonic Reforms through her numerous contacts in the Communist country.

I'll touch upon Big Sister a little bit more in the next chapter since a section of it is about her backstory.

The junta being arrested for treason is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard.

How so?

They completely ignored the line of succession, executed those that threatened their power, put America under indefinite martial law, and just about everyone blames them for World War 3 getting as bad as it did.

Out of curiosity why?
War was no longer supported by the people, and the nation gained no benefit from it. In addition by refusing to make peace to better help the people of their nation still living in squalor, the junta kept a military dictatorship that abused both soldiers and civilians.
By all rights they violated their oaths to the constitution, president, and people in that order.
Finally the invasion of peaceful neighbors, is generally seen as a d*** move in history.

Well the US still had all its aircraft carriers and entire Atlantic fleet after Pearl Harbor. Not to mention the enormous industrial complex.
Here they only have what they can make

The survival and defense of the nation matters more than temporary violation’s of the constitution and oaths.
In the event of global thermonuclear war and it’s aftermath civilian control of the military or nation is utterly retarded as politicians have no military experience 99% of the time and would be more constrained by morals.
What the public thinks of war is irrelevant, further more peace is a not easily achieved after nuclear war if all sides are still in fighting shape, the Soviets would not except peace if they believed they could still win neither would the euro’s. IRL in the 50’s/60’s/70’s/80’s if nuclear war broke out it would not have ended until either the US or Soviets surrendered. And peaceful neighbors mean nothing when your enemy could invade them to use as a staging ground and obtain their resources , better to invade them first and prevent such a scenario and use the resources for your self. The junta would not abuse their soldiers as that is what keeps them in power (any thing saying that is just bad writing) and executing those who threaten the junta and disobey martial law is a good thing less rebels and political dissidents to deal with after victory and the restoration of democracy.

Now back to work. Sunset needed a new name. She was leaning toward Metropolis. Despite being a reference to a human comic book it was a quite fitting name. They were currently sending a majority of the humans rescued in the Earth expeditions there. The city was poised to become a major population center again. Besides, calling it Metropolis will certainly annoy the people that keep wanting a city to be called Gotham. She doesn’t care how many people & ponies they get for their petition. She is not naming a city Gotham!


Hopefully you continue writing and expanding this story Wanderer because this was a pleasant read!

Yes, bombing the US Navy at port is surely a good idea. It’s not like we all know how Pearl Harbor went or anything.

mah boi, please continue this story, its SO GOOD

It was obviously a human song and sounded quite lovely. She returned to her book reading while the music played in the background. When the song ended there was static for a few seconds until the radio went back to playing the Canterlot Orchestra like nothing even happened. What a rather strange event but honestly such a thing was becoming quite common these days.

Human music...? i like it :trollestia:

Communism wins always.

Man, I'm glad this fic is being continued

I don’t want to set the world on fire~

Certified N.C.R moment

(Glad you are back dude)

less goooo Modern Warfare time!

glad to see bishop here.


daybreaker comes back to life

As someone who's been playing a lot of the submod this fic is based on, I'm very grateful for it!

As an aside, I hope that the characters from World in Conflict make an appearance here, as they did in the submod.

Glad to see another chapter!

Its a real shame europe turned fascist hope they will get their revolution to become democratie again

hmm im surprised a human isnt dating a human yet.......or griffion.......or any creature else im not judging

Wait until a French diplomat meets a certain Nova Griffonian politician with a rather… ‘eclectic’… taste in lovers.

Glad to see another chapter! Keep them coming!

I kind of hope Berry Swirl does tell Eric that she was Big Sister and I hope he forgives her because she was being brain washed.

Will you going to continue this?

Yes. I'm working on other things right now. The next chapter of Alicorn King, stories on other sites, and whether I'll continue being on Fanfiction.net. The next chapter of Alicorn King will come out before this one's though.

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