• Published 25th Feb 2024
  • 204 Views, 37 Comments

Big Nate: New Life and New Fears - Big Imagination E

Big Nate and his friends ended up in Equestria after messing with Gina's machine. But once they arrive they have to stop an evil king named Sombre from taking over.

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Chapter 8: The Mission, Reunion and Kidnappings

Everyone was on the train heading for Canterlot and it was taking a while to arrive. After about an hour our heroes finally arrived in Canterlot. They got off the train and headed straight for the castle. At the gate they were greeted by the guards.

"Halt! State your business!" One guard asked.

"Princess Celestia called for us. And as for the others they are with us." Twilight answered.

"Oh. Sorry for the inconvenience. Go on in." The other guard said.

The guards let our heroes in the castle and they made their way to see the princess. Now Nate wasn't sure who this Celestia was and is a little nervous meeting royalty. The same can be said for his friends. As they were walking to the throne room they admired the colored windows telling legends. Once they arrived in the throne room they were greeted by two ailcorns. One is white and a mane of blue, green and pink. She also has a sun cutie mark. She was Princess Celestia. The other is dark blue and a mane of stars. She was Luna. They smiled seeing the gang all here.

"Twilight Sparkle. I'm glad you and your friends could make it." Celestia smiled.

"Us too princess. Celestia I like you to meet our new friends. This is Nate Wright, Teddy Ortiz, Francis Pope, Chad Applewhite, Dee Dee Holloway, Randy and Jenny." Twilight introduced.

Celestia got off her throne and walked towards Nate. He was sweating a little but tried to remain calm.

"So your Nate Wright. The person that Twilight told me about?" Celestia asked.

"Um yes your Highness. And I also heard that Brad Gunter some how gave you the message about this." Nate answered.

"Why yes I did amigo." A male voice said.

Everyone turned and saw Brad Gunter sitting in Celestia's throne and smirked at Nate.

"Nate Wright. I'm glad you made it here. And I see you made quite some friends. Pleasure to meet you ladies." Brad said politely.

"So you're Brad Gunter." Twilight realized.

"Indeed I am. And I sent the message to Celestia because they need your help Nate Wright." Brad explained.

"Well what's the problem?" Nate asked.

"A terrible danger lurks in our kingdom. King Sombra has returned."

"Uh who is King Sombra?" Teddy asked.

"Lemme explain. A thousand years ago King Sombra a unicorn whose heart is black as night took over the Crystal Empire." She said as the head of Sombra appeared. "He was ultimately overthrown, turned to shadow and banished into the ice of the Arctic North." She said as Sombra was trapped in the ice. "But not before he was able to place a curse on the empire. A curse that caused it to be banished into thin air." She finished as the map vanished.

"The Empire is filled with hope and love. And those things are reflected across Equestria." Celestia said as the crystal shined a rainbow. "But if hatred and fear take over then all lives will be lost." Celestia said as the crystal glowed evil trapping the two. Then she made it disappear.

"He has been defeated twice but somehow he's been revived and is planning on taking Equestria yet again. I called you here because you need to help us stop Sombra from taking over." Celestia finished.

"You want me and my friends stop an evil king? I mean that sounds cool and all but at the same time I'm A little scared because how are we supposed to defeat him?" Nate asked.

"That's easy Nate. I will help you and your friends train real hard to get ready for the battle. Since you were able to use your imagination to defeat the old bat Godfrey a few times I know you can do the same thing on Sombra. But I should warn you that Gina and Godfrey are working with him." Brad explained.

"WHAT?! Gina and Godfrey are here?! And they're working for King Sombra?!" Nate freaked out.

"That's crazy! How can Godfrey stoop that low?!" Francis asked.

"I know why." Randy said. "Because of me. I gave them too much power by bullying Nate and letting him take the blame. Each time they sent him to detention they keep getting more power and I regretted that every day. That's why I came to Nate to fix this. And I really don't want Godfrey locking you up again."

"So that's why you wanted to help us?" Dee Dee asked.

"Yes. And I promise after we stop Sombra I will never bully Nate again." Randy answered.

Nate smiled and fist bumped Randy saying that they will work together to save the day. Then suddenly the doors opened and Nate saw four familiar beings running towards him. His dad, sister, uncle and Artur. They all hugged him and cried a little.

"Oh friend Nate! I'm so glad you're okay! I was worried sick about you!" Artur smiled.

"Artur? Ellen? Dad? Uncle Ted? What are you all doing here?" Nate asked.

"We came here looking for you Nate. We were worried when you haven't returned home. But now that we found you we are so relieved that your not hurt." Martin answered.

"Yeah and......" Artur said.

But suddenly his eyes gazed upon Twilight. And his heart began pounding. He went to her and she suddenly felt her heart pounding too. But that love fest was cut short when the doors busted open and they gasped seeing the large shadow above them started taking the form of a familiar dark unicorn's head that had a red curved sharp horn and a pair of glowing red eyes. It then placed two other beings down and took a human pony form. King Sombra smirked and laughed evil.

"Well well well. If it isn't Nate Wright. We finally meet face to face." King Sombra said.

"And I'm guessing you're King Sombra. And Gina? Godfrey? I should have known you two were up to no good and are working with him." Nate growled.

"Oh believe it Nate. Cause now we're gonna take Equestria and make you go through another year of middle school. Under Godfrey's close supervision." Gina said.

"That's right Nate. And since I became a half dragon and half pony I guess you can say that I am the creature teacher now. I hope your ready. Cause we'll make sure that you'll never see your precious awesomeness do it's magic on this place again." Godfrey growled.

"Easy Godfrey. Save that energy for when we really get ready to fight them. But for now..." King Sombra replied.

Using his staff he zapped the Main Six and Jenny and levatated them and conjured a huge cage made of dark energy and threw them all in. Nate and his friends gasped seeing that.

"No!! What are you doing to them?!" Nate yelled.

"Let them go you monster!!" Randy agreed.

"I don't think so. Since Randy wanted to turn his back on me this is the price he pays. Now if you want to see them again you better be ready to fight me at my castle! And if not.....well then all of Equestria is doomed and I will be the new king." Sombra said.

He laughed evily and turned into shadow and flew out of the castle with Gina and Godfrey following behind and slammed the doors shut. Nate and his friends were all in shock. Sombra kidnapped all the Main Six and Jenny.

"Oh this is seriously bad guys! Sombra kidnapped the Main Six and Jenny!! What are we gonna to do?! We can't fight Sombra!" Nate freaked.

"He's too powerful! And with Gina and Godfrey by his side has only added to his power!" Francis added.

"Whoa whoa. Relax amigos. It's gonna be ok. I won't let you guys go unprepared. I will train you real hard and get you in shape so you can stop King Sombra and his cronies. And I will also give you a little upgrade that will prove useful later on. Are you ready?" Brad asked.

Nate and his friends looked at each other and got determined looks on their faces meaning that they will do whatever it takes to save them.

"Yes we are. Brad let's begin training and take the fight to Sombra." Nate said and the others agreed.

"Wait." Artur said as everyone turned to him. "If your going to deal with Sombra. Lemme in on it too."

"Artur. Are you sure? He's dangerous." Nate asked.

"It's what you would do right? That was actually a lesson you taught me. Of how to defend myself. Plus I found that purple ailcorn really cute. So yeah I wanna help too." Artur answered.

Nate was shocked after hearing that. Then Spike came to him as well.

"So do i. Rarity is my dream girl and Twilight is my friend. So please Nate. Let us help you." Spike added.

Nate took some time to process everything they said. On one hand he and his group are enough but at the same time he would defeat King Sombra a lot quicker if he had some extra help. So ultimately he came up with his answer.

"Ok. Artur, Spike. You can help us. So let's begin training with Brad Gunter and stop Sombra." Nate answered.

Then Artur and Spike hugged Nate and he returned it to the both of them. After a few minutes they separated and faced Brad Gunter once more.

"Well done Nate. Letting more warriors in the group and building your army. Now follow me as we now can begin training and get you prepared to fight the king of shadows." Brad said.

He pushed Luna's throne to the side and opened up a secret door that headed in. Then all the other members followed him through the secret pathway and after Artur was the last one in he closed it and all we see his dad wishing Nate good luck out there.

"Good luck son. Be safe out there." Martin said.

And so Nate and his friends will all band together to be the fearless warriors to save the Main Six and Jenny from Sombra's evil clutches. Can they do it? Let's hope they do.

Author's Note:

Get ready for some Nate. You'll need all that to defeat King Sombra. And everyone else will do they're best as well.