• Published 25th Feb 2024
  • 204 Views, 37 Comments

Big Nate: New Life and New Fears - Big Imagination E

Big Nate and his friends ended up in Equestria after messing with Gina's machine. But once they arrive they have to stop an evil king named Sombre from taking over.

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Chapter 12: The Final Fight with King Sombra

In the castle we see Nate and the gang quietly sneaking around because they need to be quiet so they won't alert any of Sombra's guards that could be lurking around. They walked down the hallways and quietly looked in the different rooms and needless to say that each one is more creepy than the last. King Sombra was not playing around. And with Nate he too was creeped out.

"Man. This castle is creepier than the time I tried making P.S 38 haunted to skip out on a science test. But this is far over than I thought." Nate said.

"You're telling me Nate. This is far worse than anything you came with." Teddy agreed.

The group continued looking around the castle and finally they arrived at the throne room doors. Nate slowly opened them and everyone went in. When the doors closed they saw different paintings of Sombra, evil looking decorated walls, and even the crystal ball.

"So. You finally arrived. I was beginning to think that you wouldn't show up." A sinister voice said.

The group turned and saw King Sombra sitting on his throne and smirked evil at them. Then he got up and slowly walked to them.

"King Sombra. We meet once again." Nate said.

"Yes. I will certainly give you credit Nate. I didn't except you and your friends to show up here. But you proved me wrong. And I bet you came for them?" King Sombra asked.

He snapped his fingers and revealed Jenny and The Main Six in their cages.

"You let them go now Sombra! Or we'll have to mess you up really bad!" Teddy raged.

"Oh really now? You might have bested Gina and my queen Godfrey who I was gonna marry but you won't beat me." King Sombra said.

"Why don't you try and face us now shadow creep? We took out your little goons and we darn sure can defeat you right here right now!" Randy challenged.

"Yeah I'm sure." Sombra said sarcastic. "Besides your already too late. Soon I will use their magic to vanquish Celestia and Luna from existence. And then I will be the most powerful king of all!"

"That's not happening Sombra! Release the girls! Or face our wrath!!" Nate yelled.

"Oh so you wanna fight is that it? Well then..... Let's dance." King Sombra said getting in position.

He turned into a eerie shadow cloud like monster and then everyone charged into battle. And soon everyone began fighting him in the same way we saw at the beginning. Cadence and Shining Armor trying weakening him but he ended up trapping them too. And after a few minutes suddenly the entire screen froze and we see Nate coming to the readers.

"So here we are again. A team that is currently trying to stop King Sombra. Yep we had some good times but also scary ones too. Wanna know how it ends? Yeah me too." Nate said.

We unfreeze the screen and see everyone still fighting Sombra. Now he was one tough guy and no matter how hard they tried beating him he always gained the upper hand and suddenly overpowered Nate and the crew. They crashed into a wall and fell down all tired. Sombra smirked seeing the fallen heroes.

"Ha! Just as I thought. Your no hero. Your just a bunch of sixth graders who always cause lots of trouble. Face it. You never belonged here. You are better off without being awesome." Sombra snarked.

The girls worried seeing Nate and his friends on the ground all hurt. Then a spirit of Brad Gunter appeared next to Nate with a powerful message.

"Nate. Don't give up hope. Remember that those who are destined for awesomeness never keep their heads down. You gotta think big." Brad replied.

The girls lowered their heads in sadness thinking that Nate and his friends are defeated. But suddenly Nate's eyes flew open and a surge of energy flowed through him and his friends too. Then they slowly rose up and gave Sombra angry looks and got in position. Sombra was shocked.

"What?! How is this possible?!" Sombra asked.

"Easy Sombra. I may be a sixth grader who does cause some trouble but you forget that I can learn from the mistakes. And now me and my friends will take you down and save the girls!" Nate said.

"Ok. So I guess you really want to be defeated. Shall we begin round two?" Sombra replied.

So everyone charged into battle yet again and this time Nate and his friends gained the upper hand. We start off with Nate using his magic and lightning sword to shock him in pain. Then Chad and Teddy flew in circles making Sombra super dizzy and forced him to his normal form. When he recovered he tried blasting them with his dark magic...only for Chad to hit him in the head with the warhammer. Dee Dee ran and kicked him right in the nuts as he yelled in pain and then kicked him in the face. Then Randy using his imagination threw some fireballs and punched him repeatedly over and over again til he was in a bright red light which Randy was causing. After the last punch he took Sombra's head was aching and while his guard was down Spike took the advantage took trip him over and breathed fire on him. Finally Artur flew around him making a strong tornado causing him to get caught in the wind and went up. When the wind died down he fell and landed hard on his back. Groaning he picked himself up.

"Ow. Ok now you done it!!" Sombra growled.

"Guess what King Sombra? Were not leaving Equestria. YOU are! Guys? Time to shine a light on things!!" Nate said.

So with everyone using their imaginations they all created a special device that is powered by solar energy and aimed at Sombra. When he recovered he only met his fate when Randy pressed the button and a beam of pure light blasted straight in his heart and he groaned in serious pain. Then suddenly cracks began forming in him and when he saw them he yelled in pain and exploded! That also caused all the dark energy to the castle disappear and the cages exploded too freeing everyone. They ran to the gang and hugged them.

"You did it! Thank you for saving us!" Fluttershy said.

"We had too Fluttershy. Besides you were too cute to be kept prisoner in here." Francis smiled.

Fluttershy cried happy tears and to everyone's surprise she kissed him! Normally Nate would been disgusted by that sort of thing. But considering he did noticed some love intentions going on he accepted that. Soon the girls took each hand from one of Nate's friends and kissed them. Nate was happy that they had their lovers and then he saw Jenny coming towards him.

"Nate. You saved me. I didn't know that you had it in you." Jenny said.

"Well considering that you were in danger I knew it was the only way to save you. Plus I wanted to say that so sorry for stalking you back at P.S 38. So now that you're free I suppose you want to hang with Artur. And I will respect your decision." Nate replied.

"Actually Nate. You did save me from Sombra. And the fact I see Artur hanging out with Twilight." Jenny said pointing at Artur who is hugging and kissing Twilight. "So you know what? You finally did the one thing you couldn't do back at P.S 38: win my heart. Well you finally did Nate Wright."

"Really? So are you saying....." Nate asked.

"Yes. I'm now your girlfriend after so many years of trying. Now come here." Jenny said opening her arms.

Nate cried happy tears and hugged Jenny. She did the same thing in return and when they looked in each other's eyes they both shared their first kiss.

Back at Canterlot in the castle Celestia and Luna were so glad to hear that King Sombra is no more and that the darkness as vanished for good. They also smiled seeing his dad and uncle actually dating the Royal Sisters now. Wanna know why? Because while Nate and his friends were on the adventure they took the time to bond with them.

"Well done Nate Wright. I knew that you and your team needed to work up some courage, nothing more. I saw the signs of King Sombra's return, and I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat him, but you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart. We thank you Nate and your friends for saving the girls." Celestia smiled.

"You're welcome Celestia. So now that Sombra's gone what should we do now?" Nate asked.

"Well don't get ahead of yourself Nate. Even though you stopped me and Gina you are still a degenerate! So it's straight back to detention for you!" Godfrey replied.

"No. In fact after what Nate and his friends did I decided to let them stay in Equestria and have them as the guests of honor for the Grand Galloping Gala tonight. As for you Godfrey you and Gina caused nothing but trouble since you came here. So guards! Take them away to Tartarus!" Celestia ordered.

The guards obeyed and placed them in handcuffs.

"Wait a minute! I was only joking! Can't we talk about this?" Godfrey asked.

"No. NOW OFF WITH YOU IDIOTS!!" Luna said with the Royal Canterlot voice.

The two freaked a little and the guards took them as Godfrey lowered her head in defeat and Gina was cried as she was kicking and screaming trying to break free but no prevail. She then hanged on the door so they wouldn't take her to jail. But the guards released her grip and closed the gates.

"She might wanna get a few anger management lessons in." Nate smirked.

"Your telling me. That brat really needs some controlling. And you know what? We actually make a good team." Randy agreed.

"Yes we do Randy. Now let's celebrate at this Grand Galloping Gala!" Nate replied.

"Now that is a great idea Nate! It's been a while since we been to any dances! So let's go to the Gala! And we have dates!" Teddy said all giddy.

The gang all agreed and they went to the girls to discuss the plans for the Gala. And since Nate and his friends are the guests of honor it only makes sense that they will attend the occasion.

Author's Note:

One chapter left! And congratulations Nate! You and your friends defeated King Sombra! Now go enjoy the Gala!