• Published 25th Feb 2024
  • 204 Views, 37 Comments

Big Nate: New Life and New Fears - Big Imagination E

Big Nate and his friends ended up in Equestria after messing with Gina's machine. But once they arrive they have to stop an evil king named Sombre from taking over.

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Chapter 3: The Tour, Meeting Discord and Seeing Jenny

With Nate and the gang they all walked around Equestria to see what it has to offer. Now Nate wasn't used to girly places but he had to admit that this one was quite nice. Heck even his friends had a few likes about it and were talking with Main Six.

"So Fluttershy? Is it true that you love all sorts of animals?" Francis asked.

"Oh yes Francis. I have all kinds of animals. Big and small. I like to think of them as my friends. What about you? Do you have an animal friend?" Fluttershy answered.

"Well back home I did have a cat. And you might not wanna tell Nate but he has a phobia of cats." Francis replied.

"He's scared? Oh he shouldn't be? Cats are friendly. I don't understand why he's scared." Fluttershy said.

"Long story Fluttershy." Francis simply said.

She nodded and they continued on walking around. Then Teddy decided to try and socialize with Rainbow Dash.

"Hey Rainbow? What's your secret on being cool and awesome at lots of competitions? You are like so good at them." Teddy wondered.

"Oh that's easy Teddy. Whenever I'm in a competition I always try really hard to be the best I can be! But sometimes my ego always gets the better of me and I regret it. That's because I remember that loyalty is better than some contest. But it does feel good to win." Rainbow explained.

"Ok good to know. We like playing sports back home too. But sometimes our rival school Jefferson Middle has always ruined our chances at winning. Actually scratch that. They ALWAYS ruin our chances at winning." Teddy said.

"Sounds like they are a bunch of cheaters." Rainbow replied.

"Oh they are Rainbow. Believe me. But the worst ones are none other than Gina and Godfrey. I absolutely can't stand those two." Nate replied.

"Um who's Gina and Godfrey?" Twilight asked.

"Well Gina is my nemesis and all around kiss up. She is the star pupil of Godfrey who happens to be my social studies teacher but I call her the creature teacher cause she always acts like a vicious creature." Nate explained.

"Oh. But isn't that a little harsh Nate?" Twilight wondered.

"It's kinda true Twilight. Plus she hates everyone except Gina." Nate reasoned.

"Well this Godfrey could seriously use some friendship lessons." Twilight said.

"Good luck with that. She doesn't listen to anyone's lectures but her own." Nate replied.

Twilight didn't know Godfrey well but Nate knew her better that she is a mean person and she probably won't listen to Twilight's friendship lectures. Then Chad decided to try and get to know Applejack.

"Um Applejack? Do you only sell apple based treats here?" Chad wondered.

"You darn right Chad. My family is famous for making some of the best apple sweets around. And if you like you and your friends can try some to see what you think." Applejack answered.

"We'll definitely try some for sure. Hope it beats the food at P.S 38." Chad hoped.

"P.S 38? What's that?" Rarity asked.

"It's our middle school. But frankly it's old and run down. Plus Nate tried to make it awesome but failed and ended up in detention. A lot." Teddy explained.

"Thanks Teddy. They get the point." Nate frowned.

The girls felt a little bad for Nate but they proceeded to continue showing him and his friends around Equestria. First they all headed to Sugarcube Corner and after a few minutes they arrived at a place that was covered in sweets and looks like a gingerbread house. They went inside and saw all sorts of goodies to try. Nate couldn't stop staring at all the treats to eat. Next they all headed to Sweet Apple Acres where it was a big farm and a huge apple orchard. Lots of apple trees growing and Nate and his crew couldn't believe how much apples there were.

"Wow. That is a lot of apple trees. It's no wonder why you call it Sweet Apple Acres. I almost thought you lived in a huge apple." Chad commented.

"We may farm the apples but we don't live in a huge apple. Anyways it's just me and my sis here. Big Mac took his girlfriend on a date while Granny is taking a nap." Applejack replied.

"Oh. Well what about your mom and dad? Don't they live here and help you?" Nate asked.

Applejack lowered her head in sadness. "Not any more. They died a few years ago when i was a filly and I really miss them."

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know that you had a bad history with losing them." Nate apologized.

"It's ok. It's not your fault." Applejack assured.

"Maybe we shouldn't bring up unpleasant memories that make any of the Main Six feel bad Nate." Francis suggested.

"Noted Francis. No bad memories." Nate replied.

"Sounds like you brought some new friends here!"

Everyone looked over to see a strange creature that looked like a haphazard conglomeration of animal body parts that had been hastily stitched together floating in the air, regarding them with an amused smirk. "So, when were you going to tell me about your newest guest, dear Fluttershy?" the creature asked.

"Um what the heck are you? Why do you look like Frankenstein with animal parts stitched together?" Nate asked.

"Oh forgive my manners! We haven't met. I'm Discord the mischievous spirit chaos and disharmony. Before Celestia and I
Luna stood up to me back in the day, i ruled Equestria in an eternal state of unrest and unhappiness. Luna and Celestia saw how miserable life was for Earth ponies, Pegasi, and unicorns alike, so after discovering the Elements of Harmony, they combined their powers and rose up against me, turning me to stone. But that's all in the past now and I turned a new leaf." The creature explained.

"So he was evil back then?" Dee Dee asked.

"I WAS back then. But then sweet little Fluttershy here helped me out and now I'm A reformed chaos spirit." Discord corrected.

"Oh. Well I hope your keeping your word. Cause I'm not sure that a chaos spirit can actually turn a new leaf." Francis replied.

"Silly Francis. Of course you can trust me." Discord smiled.

"Wait. How do you know his name?" Teddy said surprised.

"I know many things. Your Teddy Ortiz, Nate Wright, Francis Pope, Chad Applewhite and Dee Dee Holloway." Discord answered.

"Guys. Discord may be a little silly at times but he means well." Fluttershy assured.

The gang was a little unsure but decided to roll with it. Then they continued exploring Equestria. They finished the tour and ended up back in Ponyville. Then something caught Nate's eye. He saw a purple unicorn with blonde hair and tail and started to think if he's seen this before.

"Wait. There's something familiar about that hair. I just can't seem to remember what." Nate said.

Then to his surprise the unicorn turned around and revealed Jenny's face. Then Nate's heart started to pound a little and was so shocked seeing her here. The group saw Nate's reaction and they smirked knowing that he is starting to feel love. Then Spike went to him.

"Nate. Who is that?" Spike asked.

"Well remember when I told you about Jenny? That's her." Nate answered.

"Ohh. So that's Jenny you mentioned." Spike realized.

"Well since she's new here why don't we give her a proper Ponyville welcome?" Pinkie suggested.

The gang agreed and went over to her. Jenny saw the group and was shocked a little seeing Nate. But for some reason he wasn't being a stalker anymore.

"Nate? Is that you?" Jenny asked.

"Yes. I know it's a bit different but yes it's me." Nate answered.

"Well why are you like a unicorn? And why am I a unicorn?" Jenny wondered.

"Jenny. This is a different world. And we all taken different forms to blend in. Besides I think that's a good look for you. I like it." Nate commented.

"Oh well thank you. Um is there any way to get home?" Jenny asked.

"Im afraid not Jenny. Once we entered the portal there was no turning back. Besides our new friends the Main Six are showing us around their hometown." Teddy answered.

"Oh. Well since there's no way home. I suppose I'll need to get used to being a unicorn. And Nate? I really hope you aren't planning any funny business." Jenny hoped.

"I promise I'm not Jenny. That was the old me at P.S 38. I'm trying to start fresh here and maybe we can try being friends?" Nate asked.

Jenny knew Nate had a huge crush on her. And even though he was annoying she was wondering if he really was telling the truth about starting fresh. So she sighed and shook his hand.

"Ok. We can be friends Nate. But don't lemme me catch you doing anything that can embarrass me. Got it?" Jenny asked.

"I swear. No embarrassing things in front of you. But I was wondering how were gonna get used to this bodies?" Nate wondered.

"Yeah. How will we get used to being unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies?" Teddy asked.

Rainbow flew over, "No problem Teddy. Just stick with Rainbow Dash, and you'll be flying all over."

"Or at least off the ground." Fluttershy put in.

"And since Nate, Jenny and Francis are unicorns, Rarity and I will help them." Twilight said, as she and Rarity stood by the three.

"That leaves ya with me, sugarcube." Applejack said, while putting a hoof around Dee Dee.

"Well come on everypony, we got work to do." Twilight declared.

"Yeah!" they cheered.

So everyone split up and they began training the gang on how to get used to their Equestrian forms.

Author's Note:

Time for Nate and his friends to learn the skills of being a pony! But before that Nate's old enemies are coming and evil is lurking.