• Published 24th Feb 2024
  • 2,502 Views, 924 Comments

Other Duties As Required - Hiver

It might not be rain season in Nocturnis, but when it rains, it pours.

  • ...

Chapter 40

The full moon shone into the throneroom. It was likely enough even for a daypony to see comfortably, but it's been so long since I had those eyes that I had the light crystals filling the space anyway.

I grinned, "If you say so."

Silverstreak fluffed his head feathers slightly, a grin of his own, "I do say so! Healthy competition!"

"Perhaps," I mused, "Never seen a game of ring ball before. It sounds difficult."

It also sounded very similar to that Aztec game, whatever it was called. The one where you played with your hips and bounced a ball through a high stone hoop.

"Would you like to? I would be most pleased to introduce you to it next time you visit."

I slowly nodded before I smirked a bit, showing him a bit of one fang, "Do you one better. Bring the rules and the court specifications next time you visit and we'll see what my Guard thinks about the entire thing."

If nothing else it sounded interesting and introducing new sports was usually never a bad idea. Even if it didn't take off, there's always going to be ponies that wanted to try something new.

And who knew, maybe it would stick around.

Silverstreak nodded, "I would be honored, Prince Page."

"Looking forward to it."

The door of the throneroom opened and Flower slipped inside quietly.

Silverstreak glanced back and then turned back to me, "It seems like you are going to be getting busy, your highness."

"No more than usual," I told him with a smile, "I'm sure your own King would agree with that. There's always something."

"Indeed there is," he agreed and stood up, giving me a small bow, "Such as me needing to get going before my boat leaves without me."

"Safe journeys, Ambassador. Please, bring my well wishes to your King and his family."

"I will. And please, may your nights be long and prosperous."

A slight modification of the usual griffon saying.

Once more bow and then he stood up, adjusted his feathers and left.

I liked the griffon. Of course, that was also his job, but whoever picked him to be the point of contact between our people had done a very good job. I didn't detect any falseness in him either, so either he was a good enough of a liar and actor to trick the alicorn of stories, or he was genuine.

The door closed and Flower approached, "Your majesty," she said formally, "Rain Shine seeks an audience."

I raised an eyebrow slightly at her before I nodded, "Show her in."

Flower bowed elegantly, wings spreading before she turned and trotted out, a bit more bounce in her step than usual.

She was happy.

I tried to remember if she said anything last morning about going on a date with that stallion she liked, but couldn't remember that she did. Well, if Flower was happy, then I'm happy.

She deserves to be happy.

The doors opened again and Rain Shine walked inside, flanked by Autumn Blaze.

She bowed to me as she came to a halt, Autumn Blaze copying her before she stood up again.

I nodded to them both, "Rain Shine, Autumn Blaze," I said with a smile, "How are you finding your stay in Nocturnis?"

"It has been pleasant, Prince Page," Rain Shine said with a small smile before taking a breath, "Your highness, on behalf of my people I would like to request permission to move my village to the area of Nocturnis."

I nodded, "Permission is granted, Lady Shine," I told her, "Do you have a location in mind?"

She hesitated and then shook her head, "Not specifically, but your idea of having it by the ocean sounds... nice."

"I'm sure we can find a location that will work well for you," I said and jumped off the throne, walking up to her and holding out my right hoof, "Thank you, Rain Shine."

She lifted her own hoof, touching it to mine, "...No. Thank you. Thank you and Midnight Sparkle. My people may have been lost to history."

"What remains will not be easy," I cautioned her, "In fact, it's likely going to be the hardest thing in your life. And in the life of your Kirin. There's going to be a lot of adjustments, a new place, new ponies. Both of us and you."

She took a deep breath and nodded, "I'm aware. But it is necessary. We will return to our village and start preparing to move."

I smiled at her and dropped my hoof, "Just not too quickly. Perhaps start with a hundred or so, focus on woodcutters and craftsponies. Take it from somepony that knows, it's a lot easier to move somewhere when there is shelter already there. Besides, we still need to find the exact spot and erect defenses."

"Of course, your highness," she said with an answering smile of her own, "I have a dozen Kirin in mind for the survey team already."

"Looking forward to meeting them."

She took a breath and then looked at me, "I do have one request, Prince Page. I would like Autumn Blaze to remain here in Nocturnis. As our representative."

I glanced at the other Kirin who nodded slightly. I then smiled at Rain Shade, "Of course. Of course, I don't expect such a thing to turn out to be exclusive. I'm sure there are ponies from Nocturnis that would like to settle in your new village."

Rain Shine smiled in turn, "Just as there will be Kirin that prefers Nocturnis. And I would not blame them, it is a beautiful village."

"Thank you. We try," I said with a smile, "How soon do you plan on leaving?"

"Next train," she said and sighed, "...There is little point in delaying."

"And even less point to rush," I cautioned her, "This is a problem of generations. It will not be solved in a year."

Rain Shine nodded and then bowed slightly, "True. Good night, your highness."

"Good Night, Rain Shine."

She left, leaving Autumn Blaze behind.

I smiled at her and then looked at Flower, "If Autumn is going to stick around, we should likely find her somewhere more permanent to live in than the guest rooms."

"Of course, your majesty," Flower said with a smile before looking at Autumn, "...I'm sorry, but it may take a while. We're still building new homes, but we have more ponies than we have homes. Would it be alright to stay in the guest rooms until we find one?"

Autumn smiled a bit, "Of course. They're bigger than my old home... and more comfortable to boot," she said and then bowed to me, "Prince Page. Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet, Autumn," I said with a sigh, "What I told Rain Shine was the truth. This is where things get difficult."

"Few things worth doing are easy."

I glanced out towards Nocturnis and then turned back to her with a smile, "So very true."

Author's Note:

And that's the last part for now! Page will return in the future, but for now we'll leave him to get another village going. Luckily, he already done the paperwork for it once.

Thank you all for reading and hope you all enjoyed. If anyone is interesting, later this week I will continue another series at another site. Here is the first part of the series: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/always-be-yourself.1108434/

Comments ( 32 )

Not that much action this CHAPTER, But it set a lot of ground work, With Celestia, the Sanctuary, and Kirin


The final


And thus begins the waiting once more. Got a title for the next sequel?

Hiver #4 · May 1st · · ·

Not for this story.

Ended quicker than I anticipated but as always a wonderful story to enjoy and read through. Looking forward to the next part.

What? But basicly nothing major happend! :rainbowderp:
I planned do many more comment section shenanigans!
All my expectations! :raritydespair:
My heart is broken! :fluttershbad:
Again no chapter 69! :raritycry:
We bearly get any cuddles for the snuggle bugs! :fluttercry:
We didn't even get ... Redacted:trixieshiftleft: or EXPUNGED :trixieshiftright:

Hiver... thanks for your efforts :pinkiesad2:

I have to come up with one big last comment section story... but I have to go to work, see you in about 12 hours.

Did anyone notice how mutch happened in the comment section as community fun?

Great next story name idea!

What was the story name referenced towards?

Fine work as always
Cant wait to see the shenanigans that our fave miniature horses get up to in the next one, whenever that will be.
It was a great read and i am looking forward to more :heart:

NOOOOOOO darn you cliffhanging story enders!!!

Where are the unexpected developments?
(To be fair, Fluttershy has a child with Discord, Fern is still best doggo, Celestia got a wedding incoming, the Kirin are worse of than the Thestral, the Alicorn statue get still screwed over by Hiver and the comment section was everything and more...)

Where is the newest threat?

What will be the next big challenge?

Has Celestia a plan for the future?

Are the Changelings outside Equestria about to get a royal visit?

Could a new Changelings invasion be incoming?
Chrysalis dropped the ball, so why not?

Will Celestia dream of her foals and her herd mares fellow little Blank Pages?

Will we see things we never imagined before?

What is Canterlot up to?

What is up with the rest if the Kingdoms?

Do we see Blank Page pulling one big turn of events?

The crime of to few snuggeling towards snuggelbugly has been committed!
What can we hope to see as response?

What technology will two Twilight’s, two Spikes (Spike and Blade) and one best doggo bring?

What discovery are waiting for us?

What has the friendship of magic for us in store?

What trouble will the famous and infamous purple smart create or solve next?

That and more! unless we don't

In Hivers new story!

To be announced at a later date! :yay:β™‘

Been another awesome book, I can't wait for the next!

Ah, space battles, honestly hoped to never see it again myself. Not that there is anything wrong with it or the like it’s just I remember it β€œstole” I say that more so as a joke and not in any actual hateful or mean way. away β€˜Harry Leferts’ who was the author of β€˜The wizard and the lonely princess’ however back in 2015 he sadly left the sequel to the first one incomplete never to pass it on to someone else nor can anyone really contact him on space battles about picking it up to continue writing β€˜Wizard and the Lonely Princess’. That is the only reason I remember it, cause it stole an author away from the fandom and an amazing story that was and absolute joy to read was left for the annals of the ever rotting incomplete story list that grows ever larger on this site.

Anyway enough bout that, amazing story as always and I am very hopeful for the sequel. Hopefully you also don’t get sucked away from your stories and the fandom by space battles :P Once more meant as a joke not any hate towards the authors or space battles webpage.

yep i am definitely going to restart the whole series

Oh wow, I admittedly wasn't expecting the story to end here however, I can see that it is a good place to stop for now. Thanks again for the continuing novel that is Prince Page. Reading your stories has always been joy and oftentimes a way for me to decompress at the end of the day, so all my best wishes to Hiver and anyone who helps you.

If I ever start reading on "space battles", I have your page booked marked.

And now begins the waiting game for the next book...can't wait to continue Blank Page's story, awesome work as always Hiver


Statue: :duck: Oh FINALLY! No one has visited me in wee--umm Discord? Who is that? What are yo--:twilightoops: Mfpmppffm! Mff mmfmmmppp'fmp!

Discord: :trixieshiftright: Sorry my friend but my daughter has been a little wild lately so Fluttershy ordered me to re-direct her...energy a bit.

Eris: :pinkiegasp: OH WOW! This statue is big AND spinny horny! *tail hangs off Statue's horn* I LOVE IT! :pinkiehappy:

Discord: :twilightsmile: Yep! And you can play and dress it up as much as you want.

Statue: :flutterrage: Mff'ppm pppppffmp mmm mpfmpmpppff!

Discord: :scootangel: Well you been promoted to distraction babysitter. Congrats! Eris sweetie? Do you remember the spell I showed you?

Eris: :pinkiesmile: I remember! If the Statue starts talking normally, re-apply the spell and resume the tortur---I mean fun. Time to put on the tutu dress! :pinkiecrazy:

Discord: :trollestia: Exactly! Now have fun everyone! Stay safe until the next Hiver Adventure! *disappears into the Abyss*

Statue: :raritydespair: MmpMmmMmfPmp MfpMppPffMpp!

*Sgt Murphy looks at the chapters and then at the Author's Note. With a sigh & a shake of his head*

Sgt Murphy: Well $hit!!! Page has gotten him into a bit of a tizzy caused by the soon to be influx of Kirin and that will take time. Time that the Hiver will not indulge in for this story.

For now we in the Comment Section will have to wait and go back into the Shadows till we receive our tribute of next stories of Blank Page and his Ponies & Herd.

Until then Sgt Murphy is out! :eeyup:

Once again we find ourselves with a finished story in the saga, another great entry overall.
Cant wait for the next one!

Tales From Before - The Sun Shines Down II


Do you have any idea how mortifying it is to have someone visit you in your dreams?

You can't hide, you can't really run. Your very innermost thoughts and feelings are bared for your visitor to see.

In many ways, it is far more intimate than anything short of knowing a person, mind body and soul for many years.

Celestia was becoming familiar with the feeling.

The first time Blank Page had entered her dream and made her aware of his presence, she was stunned. Shocked, almost to speechlessness. Even Luna, after she had first started to learn dream walking oh so very long ago, would leave her privacy intact.

Before she could decide if she was offended, however, she looked into Page's face.

It was the face of a friend trying to help, terrified that their help might ruin their friendship... but not caring, because not helping their friend was worse.

Well. That promptly took any angry wind out of her sails.

She finally decided to look around. This was a dream she'd had many times over the years. It always left her feeling... like she was barely even going through the motions, Ike the ennui of her too-long years was starting to catch up to her.

Page was right to call it a bad dream.

Now that she could see it with clear eyes, the symbolism was obvious. Nobody could reach her. Nopony could truly touch her, heart or mind... because by the time they could come close, they had withered to dust.

She recognized many of the faces in the crowd. There, that was General Dour Hooves, a stallion almost as good at war as she. Over there was Chancellor Hayfield, the pony single-hoofedly responsible for formalizing education across the nation, letting a Ponyville farmer compete for a Manehatten job and not have their learning be the slightest hurdle.

Just out of reach, so close it hurt, was Blackmane. She had begun the long, long, long road to unification for this Pegasus. He looked at her like he always had, those quiet eyes full of so much promise.

Then he was gone.

Celestia blinked.


Page had been so apologetic. It was almost... cute. He... cared. He cared about Celestia. Not about her office, not her power, not her ability to give him whatever favor he was wanting, or wanting to appease her because of her legacy, or wanting to wait on her, hoof and feather.

Blank Page wanted his friend to be happy, and was afraid he had offended her trying to do so.
Celestia was far too aware of herself to not notice the chink that formed in her armor.


Page was angry. At her. At Luna, too. But very much at her, and for very good reason. Tirek. At the time, Scorpan's advice had seemed the right decision; imprison Tirek, and with time he might soften his heart and be willing to see as his brother had that Harmony was better.

That advice seemed like ash now. Tirek was free, and he was going to destroy everything she had spent millennia building.

Celestia looked out the window. This train was the culmination of a century of effort from the best engineers she had ever seen. Visionary ponies, that asked "how can we make it possible to move enough grain and goods before they spoil, without fielding an army to transport them?" They had worked tirelessly, digging through ancient tales and looking at the miraculous efforts of inventors in their labs, and collaborated across decades and through an unbroken chain of knowledge, advice, and help that she could offer and connect them to, and built the first steam-powered locomotive.

All of that would be gone. When Tirek was done, the nation would be shattered, whatever vestiges of magic left insufficient to keep up with the vast maintenance needed to keep Equestria connected.

A soft knocking and softer call of "Princess?" came at the door.

Time to face the one who's disappointed look she was most afraid of.

Huh. When did that happen?


​Tirek held Page in his grasp. Blood flowed from his clearly broken leg. His face was contorted in agony.

Celestia could feel Luna's despair. It flowed like bitter tears unshed. It tasted of lonely days chasing lonely nights. She knew it too well.. as she was feeling it too.

"...We'll tell you." Celestia said quietly and Luna looked at her in surprise, "Put him down. I'll tell you what you want to know."



Celestia looked at the curled up form of Blank Page. The Throne Room was lightly steaming from the immense release of Magic.

He seemed unhurt. His broken bones were mended, the scrapes and filth of the fight healed and cleansed.

The wings on his back large and well formed, with hale feathers full of health.

Celestia met her sister's wide eyes.


Her control had almost cracked tonight. It had been... centuries, at least, since the last time she'd nearly ignited from anger.

Huh. It had been a griffon responsible for that event as well. Though she would admit, the then ambassador of King Sergetal presenting her with the forehoof of her ambassador to the griffons was rather a lot more of a provocation than this.. Razorwing striking Page.

That war had not been a pleasant one. They never were, but wars fought for vengeance always left her feeling bitter.

Maybe that's what was making her so angry. The memory of what unchecked arrogance could bring, the suffering that hundreds of haughty, ambitious fools like this griffon in front of her had wrought.

After ensuring the idiot would go back to being the griffon's problem, she left. Faux pas or no, Celestia didn't feel like talking with other ponies tonight.

​And then Page hunted her down. A nice, shining bruise on his face or not, he still cared about her.

​He told her that if she was stressed enough to be melting her jewelry, then she needed a vacation.

​Hundreds, thousands of advisors and would-be rivals across three thousand years had tried to make her step down from her responsibilities for a brief moment. Some had been honest and sincere, most had not.

None had succeeded... until Blank Page asked her, eyes full of concern, to take care of her own health, before she shouldered the burdens of the whole world.

Celestia couldn't stop herself from starting to fall for him.

It took every ounce of willpower she had, every scrape of iron control won over countless trials and endless heartbreak, to not ask him to come with her. Because she was afraid he would.

Blank Page was just like that.


There will probably be a part III. Depending on how well I'm able to write and organize it, it might have to wait until the next time we visit the Prince and his nightly struggles with being thrust into responsibilities he never wanted, but had too much compassion to refuse.

Celestia in these stories is complicated. She's like a very fine wine that's been moved across three continents over the course of decades, jostled in summer suns, kept just above freezing in winter chills, and ultimately came through it all with such a complex bouquet that unpacking all of her story is the work of scholars better than I.

Above it all, though, is the fact that Celestia is old. She has seen just about everything. She has done just about everything. She lives in a world and in a state that prevents ennui, but not one that prevents her from unintentionally building up emotional walls best measured in kilometers.

It's telling that even with Page's Easy Mode Harem Protag energy, it took Luna about a year to fall head over heels with him, and Celestia something close to ten. TBF, one of the other defining features of this Celestia is her guilt. Which Page also helps her immensely with, but that will probably wait for Part III or IV ^_^

Links are all to Spacebattles. Sorry, was enough effort to hunt them all down as it was.

SB is a site worth visiting. They started as a conversational forum, and thus back-and-forths are easier than they are in these comments, but they've built up such a fanfic following in recent years that they're rolling out tools nearly as good as here to keep track of stories.

All of these omake of mine were posted to SB first, but Hiver asked me if I'd be willing to include them here too, because he knew you'd all get a kick out of them. I'm glad to see he was right ^_^

Huh. I was not expecting it to end just yet. Was kind of expecting/hoping for a follow up with Tree Sap.

What? It's over already? NOOOO!!! There wasn't even an Equestria-shattering kaboom! And here I was, getting ready to post a meme to celebrate The Big 4-0. :fluttercry: Like Black--Soul, I was truly hoping for some hot Chapter 69 action.

Well, if Flower was happy, then I'm happy. She deserves to be happy.

That was dangerously close to a pop culture reference.

She hesitated and then shook her head, "Not specifically, but your idea of having it by the ocean sounds... nice."

By the ocean? I thought it was gonna be by the river. The long-ass river between Nocturnis and the ocean.
:flutterrage:You'll have plenty of time to build a village down by the river... when you're living in a village down by the river!!!
:moustache:I thought it was a van down by the river.
:flutterrage:Shut up, Wesley!

I glanced at the other Kirin who nodded slightly. I then smiled at Rain Shade, "Of course. Of course, I don't expect such a thing to turn out to be exclusive..."

Who the heck is "Rain Shade"? :derpytongue2:

I didn't even get to use this sweet meme that I made. I'll just leave it here. (It doesn't have the standard meme font, but I like it.)


So mutch expectations, also ignoring the glorious comment section,bearly anything happens and Chrysalis got basicly stonewalling for two stories :facehoof:

I just reread the chapter, and as a hard-core Trekker, I'm ashamed that I didn't notice this:

"I will. And please, may your nights be long and prosperous."


Plus, it's almost May the fourth.
Let's hope the next sequel has more action and snugglebugs. β™‘
And maybe a hippogriff or two.

See you all next time.
Perhaps Chrysalis finally get her promise fullfilled multible stories ago given...

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I've been a fan of your stuff since I first read New Beginnings.

Love the world you have crafted.

Keep it up Hiver!

Hopefully in the future we get babies from our batty alicorn.

I have reached thr end and I am happy and sad now.
Loved it! Thank you for giving us another glimpse into your world with blank page and company! Can't wait for the saga to continue!

.... on a side note, when did blank page get shot?

Found it in the Eclipse story, around chapter 37ish. And yeah I agree with RD there.

Makes me wonder if we get in 2-3 stories with a stabilised Nocturnis some offspring, otherwise a dream Minecraft preperation montage might help before the actual pregnancy.

Love the series, thank you! :twilightsmile:

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